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Answer key

Mechanical Engineering Measurement (MEM)

Course title: Course Code:22443

3 Hours / 70 Marks
1. Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.
2. Answer each next main Question on a new page.
3. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
5. Assume suitable data, if necessary.
6. Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic Communication
devices are not permissible in Examination Hall.
7. Preferably write the answers in sequential order.

1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) Enlist different types of high pressure gauges.

Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge. Diaphragm Pressure Gauge. Capsule Pressure Gauge.
Absolute Pressure Gauge. Differential Pressure Gauge. Bellows Pressure Gauge.
Manometer Pressure Gauge.Piezometer Pressure Gauge.

b) State working principle of RVDT.

This is called as Rotary Variable Differential Transformer (RVDT) and is used for measurement of
angular displacement. Iron core is having angular motion and is having windings. Two secondary
and one primary winding is used in RVDT. Input supply is given to primary winding and output is
taken across secondary winding. Output is the difference of voltage across two secondary windings.
This output depends on the movement of central iron cores angular displacement

c) List the different applications of potentiometer.

1. In the electronic circuit, the potentiometer serves as a voltage divider.

2. The potentiometer is employed in radio and television (TV) receivers to control
volume, tone, and linearity.
3. Potentiometers are found in medical equipment.

d) State the law of intermediate metal.


“The introduction of a third metal into the thermocouple circuit will have no effect on the
EMF generated, as long as the junctions of the third metal with the thermocouple metals
are at the same temperature.”
e) State the material used for tube and float of rotameter.

Material for tube: Borosilicate Glass, polycarbonate plastic, metallic tube of aluminum,brass
Material for float: Gun metal, Stainless steel

f) List the different types of speed measuring devices.

Speedometer , Odometer, Tachometer, Accelerometer

g) Define Gauge factor and state its formula.

Gauge Factor: It is a ratio of change in resistance to the stain

h) List different types of errors in measurement system

i) Draw diagram of capacitive type transducer

j) Differentiate between accuracy and precision.

k) Draw diagram of Liquid-in-glass thermometer.

l) Define measurement.

m) Define Speed of Response, Fidelity, Dynamic error and overshoot.

Speed of Response is defined as the rapidity with which an instrument or measurement system
responds to changes in measured quantity. Response Time is the time required by instrument
or system to settle to its final steady position after the application of the input.

Fidelity: It is defined as the degree to which a measuring instrument is capable of faithfully

reproducing the changes in input, without any dynamic error

The dynamic error is the difference between the true value of the quantity changing with time
and the value indicated by the instrument if no static error is assumed.

The overshoot is the maximum amount by which the response overshoots the steady-state value
and is thus the amplitude of the first peak. The overshoot is often written as a percentage of the
steady-state value

n) Draw diagram of strain gauge load cell

o) Explain resolution in terms of potentiometer.

Resolution. The resolution of a potentiometer is the the smallest possible change in

resistance ratio. Wirewound resistors often have a lower resolution because the wire
turns introduce discrete steps in resistance.

a. Classify Tachometers. /Enlist types of speed measuring devices.

Speedometer , Odometer, Tachometer, Accelerometer

b. List the different applications of “Load Cell’’

i) Scale
Ex. Weighbridge
ii) Force gauges:
Ex. Torque gauge
iii) Measuring instruments:

Ex.: Laboratory balance, Industrial scale, Platform scale, Universal testing machine

c. Enlist the selection criteria for flow meter.

The media being measured is one of the most important considerations when choosing a
flow meter. Conductivity, temperature, pressure, and viscosity can affect certain types of
flow meters. How clean or dirty the water is may also impact the type and style of meter.

d. State the functions of Accelerometer.

Accelerometers can be used to measure vibration on cars, machines, buildings, process control
systems and safety installations.

e. Name the materials used for orifice plate.

It is usually made of stainless steel. Other materials like nickel and Monel are used for a good
corrosive resistant property.

f. Define term “relative humidity.

Relative humidity (RH) is a measure of how much water vapor is in a water-air mixture
compared to the maximum amount possible. RH is a ratio of the humidity ratio of a particular
water-air mixture compared to the saturation humidity ratio at a given temperature (dry-bulb).

g. State the applications of Ultrasonic flow meter.

A typical application for an Ultrasonic Flow Meter is measuring flow of liquid in full pipes, also
measurement of liquids such as water, wastewater, acids and solvents, chemicals and
hydrocarbons and oils, also to monitor and control heating, ventilation and air conditioning

h. Classify the strain measurement methods.

A wide variety of techniques exists for measuring strain in the tensile test; namely the strain
gauge, extensometer, stress and strain determined by machine crosshead motion, Geometric
Moire technique, optical strain measurement techniques

i. Draw labelled diagram of Rota meter.

j. Name any two contact and Non-contact transducers.

k. State the law of intermediate temperature.

If a simple thermocouple circuit develops an emf e1, when its junctions are at temperature T1 and
T2, en emf e2 when its junctions are at temperature T2 and T3, it will develop an emf e1 + e2 when
its junctions are at temperature T1 and T3.
l. Classify dynamometers.
The following types of transmission dynamometers are important from the subject point of view :
1. Epicyclic-train dynamometer, 2. Belt transmission dynamometer, and 3. Torsion dynamometer.

m. Define Raynold’s Number and state its formula.

Reynolds number is defined by the ratio of inertial forces to that of viscous forces.

n. List different types of vibration measuring instruments.

o. State advantages of Stroboscope.

Energy saving. Low maintenance Exhaustion Time Better for the operator Clean and
Smart Details Best for High-Speed Applications Eliminate Material Glare

p. Enlist types of Flow measuring instruments.

q. Define Natural Frequency.
It is the rate at which an oscillatory system tends to oscillate in the absence of disturbance

Q2 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a. Explain term-1)Fidelity 2)Overshoot 3)Threshold 4) Range

b. Explain Pirani gauge with neat sketch. And state its advantages.

✓ Consists of platinum filament wire enclosed in a chamber connected to unknown
pressure source.
✓ Filament forms an arm of Wheatstone-bridge.
✓ Compensating resistance is placed in opposite arm.
Pirani gauge operates on 3 modes:
(i) Constant current,
(ii) Constant resistance and
(iii) Constant voltage.
✓ Due to constant current, filament gets heated . ✓ At low pressure , thermal conductivity gets
✓ Temperature variation lead to resistance variation of filament and unbalances the Wbridge.
✓ Change in resistance of wire filament gives value of unknown pressure.
✓ Simple in design & easy in use .
✓ More accurate than thermocouple gauges.
✓ Remote reading is possible.
✓ Range is between 10-5 mm to 1 mm of Hg
✓ Quick and Continuous response to pressure changes

c. Describe the working principle of RTD. Explain with neat sketch./ Describe the
working principle of Platinum resistance thermometer. Explain with neat sketch

d. Explain law of intermediate temperature & metal.

Law of intermediate temperature

If a simple thermocouple circuit develops an emf e1, when its junctions are at temperature T1 and
T2, en emf e2 when its junctions are at temperature T2 and T3, it will develop an emf e1 + e2 when
its junctions are at temperature T1 and T3.

Law of intermediate metal :

The introduction of a third metal into the thermocouple circuit will have no effect on the EMF
generated, as long as the junctions of the third metal with the
thermocouple metals
are at the same temperature.
e. Describe Creep curve for force transducer with neat sketch and state its

A force measurement system will take some time to adjust fully to a change in forced applied,
and creep of a force transducer Is usually defined as the change of output with time following a
step In ref se In force from one value to another. Most manufacturers specify the creep as the
maximum change of output over a specified time after increasing the force from zero to the
rated force. Figure follows an example of a creep curve where the transducer exhibits a change
in output from F1 to F2 over a period of time from t 1 to t2 after a step change between 0 and t 1• In
figure:; this might be, say, 0.03% of rated output over 30 minutes. Creep recovery is the change
of output following a step decrease in the force applied to the force transducer, usually from the
rated force to zero. For both creep and creep recovery, the results will depend on how long the
force applied has been at zero or the rated value respectively before the change of force Is
made. The frequency response of a force transducer is affected by the nature of the mechanical
structure, both within the transducer and of its mounting. A force transducer on a rigid
foundation will have a natural frequency of oscillation and large dynamic errors occur when the
frequency of the vibration approaches the natural frequency of oscillations of the system.
The effect of temperature changes is felt on both the zero and rated output pf the force
easurement system. The temperature coefficient of the output at zero force and the temperature
coefficient of the sensitivity are measures of this effect for a given system. A force
measurement system may need to be kept at constant temperature, or set-up well in advance, to
settle in to the ambient conditions if high accuracy measurements are required. In some cases
the temperature gradients within the measurement installation create a problem even when the
average temperature is stable. Other influence quantities such as humidity, pressure, electrical
power changes or radio- frequency Interference may have analogous effects to those
of temperature and may be considered In a similar manner. Any difference between the
indicated value of force and the true value is known as an error of measurement (although note
that strictly a 'true' value can never be perfectly known or indeed defined and the concept of
uncertainty takes this into account). Such errors are usually expressed as either a percentage of
the force applied at that particular point on the characteristic or as a percentage of the maximum
force - see the difference between '% reading' and '% full scale reading.. The rated capacity is
the maximum force that a force transducer is designed to measure.

f. Compare Infra-red sensor and frequency modulation transmitter.

g. Compare Optical and radiation pyrometer.

h. Explain with meat sketch Eddy current dynamometer.

✓ When the dynamometer is under operation, the rotor turns and it causes a constant change in
the flux density at all parts of the stator. –
✓ Consequently eddy currents are induced in the stator which oppose the rotation of rotor.
✓ The movement of resistance is measured by the brake arm and so the torque and shaft can be
✓ Mechanical power supplied to the dynamometer shaft is convertedinto heat which is then
carried by air circulation induced by the rotor tooth acting as blower vanes and partly by water
circulation throughcooling channels formed in the stator

i. Explain working of “Dall Tube Flow Meter” and State its applications.
It is another restriction type primary element for flow measurement. It is a shortened/modified form
of a Venturi meter. The differential pressure of Dall tube is midway of-the orifice and venturi tube.
It consists of two sections, with relativity large cone angle. The short straight inlet followed by an
abrupt decrease in diameter. A narrow annular slit separates the short inlet and divergent outlet. The
throat is formed by a circumstantial slit located between the inlet and outlet cones. The higher
pressure is measured at circular slit area, and lower pressure is-measured at upstream. Typically a
lithium coating is provided to avoid corrosion of the device by the fluids. The differential pressure
produced by Dall tube is much higher, nearly doubled to that of Venturi meter having the same
upstream and throat diameters with the same net head loss. ,It. causes a very low-pressure loss
compared to other differential pressure flow elements. Up to '95% Differential pressure can be
i) Applicable to where a significant pressure drop is not tolerated.

For example : Gas transmission pipeline , Flow measurement in circular tube

Q.3 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

a. Explain Generalized Measurement system with block diagram.

b. Classify different types of errors in measurement system andexplain any one.

Errors may originate in a variety of ways and the following sources need examination:
1. Instrument errors
2. Environmental errors
3. Translation and signal transmission errors
4. Observation errors
5. Operational errors
6. System interaction errors
1. Instrument error:
There are many factors in the design and construction of instruments that limit the
accuracy attainable. Instruments and standards posses inherent inaccuracies and certain
additional inaccuracies develop with use and time.
a. Improper selection and poor maintenance of instrument.
b. Loss of motion due to necessary clearance in gear teeth and bearing.
c. Excessive friction at the mating parts etc.
2. Environmental Error:
The instrument location and the environment errors are introduced by using an
instrument in conditions different for which it has been designed, assembled and
calibrated. The different conditions of use may be Temp., Pressure, humidity and altitude
Following are the methods are used to reduce the environmental errors:
1. Use the instrument under the condition for which it was originally assembled and calibrated.
2. Measure the deviation of local condition and apply suitable correction to the instrument.
3. Make the complete new calibration under the local condition

c. Differentiate between Active and Passive Transducers.

d. Explain Strain Gauge Dynamometer with neat sketch.

e. Explain construction and working of LVDTwith neat stetch.
f. Explain the terms: “ Drift” And “Sensitivity”.
g. Explain Infra-Red Sensor with neat sketch.

h. Explain Radiation Pyrometer with neat sketch.

i. Explain Optical Pyrometer with neat sketch.

Construction of Optical Pyrometer

The construction of the optical pyrometer is quite simple. The pyrometer is cylindrical inside which
the lens is placed on one end and the eyepiece on the other end. The lamp is kept between the
eyepiece and the lens. The filter is placed in front of the eyepiece. The filter helps in getting the
monochromatic light. The lamp has the filament which is connected to the battery, ammeter and the
Working of Optical Pyrometer
The optical pyrometer is shown in the figure below. It consists the lens which focuses the radiated

energy from the heated object and targets it on the electric filament lamp. The intensity of the

filament depends on the current passes through it. Hence the adjustable current is passed through the


j. Differentiate: (i) Range and Span (ii) Repeatability and Reproducibility

k. Explain construction and working of RVDT with neat sketch.
4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a. Explain the construction and working of Pressure Thermometer.
b. Describe working principle of Linear Potential meter with neatsketch.

c. Explain haw sound is measured by carbon-microphone.

d. Explain haw sound is measured by Electro dynamic microphone.

e. Explain the procedure of “Strain Measurement” of cantilever beam / Explain

Strain measurement using strain gauge.

f. Describe working principle of C- type Bourdon tube Pressure gauge and list materials used

in it.

It essentially consisted of a C-molded hollow

tube, whose one endpoint is fixed and connected to the pressure tapping, whereas the other end is
left free, as displayed in the figure. The cross-sectional part of the tube is elliptical. At the point
when pressure is applied, the elliptical tube (or Bourdon tube) attempts to obtain a circular cross-
segment. Thus, stress is created and the tube tries to straighten up. Subsequently, the free end of
the tube moves in an upward direction, depending upon the magnitude of the pressure.
The applied pressure is in a proportional relation with the displacement of the free-closed end of
the tube. A deflecting and indicating mechanism is connected to the free end that rotates the
pointer and indicates the pressure reading. The materials utilised are usually Phosphor Bronze,
Brass and Beryllium Copper. For a two-inch overall diameter of the C-tube, the useful travel of
the free end is approximately ⅛ inch. However the C-type tubes are the most commonly used
ones, different shapes of tubes, for example, helical, bent or spiral tubes are additionally being

g. Explain with neat sketch photo electric pressure transducer. State its advantages.
It consist of port for input pressure ,Pressure sensing member like diaphragm ,light source ,a small
window, a photo tube with output circuit. The function of pressure sensing element is to control the
aperture of small window. The amount of output is entirely depends upon the amount of incident
light falling on phototube. When the pressure to be measured is applied through port to the pressure
sensing member, it changes the position of window. As the light source and phototube are separated
by a window it changes the amount of light falling on phototube, causing change in the current. This
change in current is approximately linear with displacement of window i.e applied pressure. The
current in phototube is amplified by a suitable output circuit. A meter connected across output
terminal can directly calibrate in terms of pressure measurement. An A.C Modulated light
or stable source of light can be used for incident light
1. It can measure both static & dynamic pressure.
2. It is highly efficient
3. Easy portability
4. Compact size.

5.Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a. State the working principle of piezo-electric transducer and its applications.

b. Draw the constructional details of hair hygrometer? State its application.
c. State the application of orifice meter, Venturi tube and Pitot tube.

application of orifice meter refineries, water treatment plants, natural gas processing plants,

petrochemical plants, and oil filtration plants.

application of venturi it is used for applications in which there is a high solids content or

high pressure recovery is desirable.

Pitot tubes are used in anemometers to calculate airspeed in wind tunnels and aircraft in

flight. They also measure the flow of liquids.

d. Describe construction and working of Coriolis Flow meter with neat sketch. State its


The operation principle of a coriolis flow meter is

basic but very effective. A coriolis flow meter contains a tube which is energized by a fixed
vibration. When a fluid (gas or liquid) passes through this tube the mass flow momentum will cause a
change in the tube vibration, the tube will twist resulting in a phase shift. This phase shift can be
measured and a linear output derived proportional to flow
1) It can direct take measurement of mass flow with high accuracy.
2) It has wide range of measurable fluids, including high viscosity fluids, liquid –
solid two phase fluids.
3) The change in fluid viscosity has no significant effect on the measured value.
4) Bidirectional flow measurement.
1) In chemical process where fluids can be corrosive.
2) It is used where the physical properties of the fluid are not well know

e. Draw and explain the constructional details of Sling Psychrometer. State its

applications. And explain how psychometric chart is used to measure air properties.

f. State the necessity of contactless electrical tachometer. And explain with neat sketch

Photo electric tachometer.

The Contactless Digital Tachometer circuit can be used to calculate speed of rotating wheels,

discs and motor shafts.

6.Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
a. Explain FFT analyzer with block diagram with its applications.

Advantages of FFT Analyzer:-

1) It is measure all frequency components at the same time.
2) The magnitude is a real quantity and represents the total signal amplitude in each
frequency bin, independent of phase.


b. Describe the working principle of ‘Slipping clutch tachometer’ with neat diagram.

c. Describe the construction and working of Ultrasonic Flow meter with neat sketch.

Explain Transit time of ultrasonic flow meter in details.

d. Explain the working and applications of bonded strain gauge.
e. Explain with neat sketch working principle of Stroboscope. State its advantages

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