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It refers to the field of management which involves planning, and controlling the efforts of a group

of individuals toward achieving a common goal with maximum dispatch and minimum use of

administrative resources.

A. Administation

B. Personnel Management

C. Organization

D. Police Organization

▪ Organization-a group of persons working together for a common goal or objectives a form of human
association for the attainment of a goal or objective.

▪Police Organization- a group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in
the achievement of goals and objectives.

▪ Administration- an organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans
and internal operating efficiency.

▪Police Administration- the process involved in ensuring strict compliance, proper obedience of laws and
related statutes focuses on the policing process.

2. The national headquarters of the PNP is located in Quezon City. It was named after the 1st Filipino

Chief of the Philippine Constabulary.

A. Antonio Torres
B. Cesar Nazareno

C. Rafael Crame

D. Lamberto Javalera

PDG Cesar Nazareno- the first chief of the Philippine National Police

▪ Col Antonio Torres- the first Filipino chief of police of the Manila Police Department in 1935

▪ Col Lamberto Javalera- the first chief of police of the Manila Police Department after the

Philippine Independence from the United States of America in 1946

3. Eugene Sakuragi joined the PNP in 1996. She was 29 years old then. What year can Eugene retire

if he wants to avail the mandatory retirement?

A. 2017

C. 2032

B. 2031

D. 2023

▪ Compulsory – upon reaching the age FIFTY-SIX (56), the age of retirement

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