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Digital Technology and Social Change


Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Understand the role of digital technology in shaping social
dynamics, communication, and interaction patterns, and recognize
its influence on various aspects of society.
2. Articulate basic, but fundamental definitions of complex issues and
dynamics that humans encounter every day, such as technology,
social progress, development, and digitalization
3. Critically examine how digital technology intersects with social
challenges, such as privacy concerns, misinformation, cyberbullying,
and digital divide, and propose strategies to address these issues.
Before the 0 and 1’s
The "before" and "after" the digital age refer to two distinct eras in human
history: the time before the widespread adoption of digital technology and
the period after the advent and proliferation of digital technology. Before:
• Communication was primarily through face-to-face interactions, letters,
telegrams, and landline telephones.
• Information was primarily obtained from printed materials, newspapers,
books, and encyclopedias.
• People relied on newspapers, radio, and television for news and
entertainment for media consumption.
• Entertainment included traditional games, theaters, and physical media
like vinyl records and VHS tapes.
• Work involved manual processes, typewriters, and physical paperwork.
• Education relied on textbooks, chalkboards, and classroom lectures.
• Business transactions were conducted in person or through physical
Digital Technologies – What are They for?
The Role of Digital Technology
The role of digital technology on various aspects of society:
• Global Connectivity and Communication
• Social Media and Online Communities
• Information Access and Knowledge Sharing
• Online Activism and Advocacy
• E-Governance and Citizen Engagement
• Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
• Online Education and Remote Learning
• Social Influence and Digital Advertising
• Digital Divide and Inclusion
• Virtual Communication and Remote Work
• Data Privacy and Cybersecurity
• Online News and Media Consumption
Digital Technology in Education
Technology has significantly impacted education, transforming the way students learn and
teachers teach. Here are some examples of technology used in education:
• Learning Management Systems (LMS)
• Online Learning Platforms
• Digital Whiteboards and Interactive Displays
• E-books and Digital Textbooks
• Educational Apps
• Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
• Video Conferencing
• Online Assessment and Grading Tools
• Gamification
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education
• Online Simulations and Virtual Labs
Digital Technology in Entertainment/Recreation
Digital technology has had a profound impact on the entertainment and
recreation industry, enhancing the way people consume content, engage in
leisure activities, and interact with entertainment experiences. Here are
some examples of digital technology in entertainment and recreation:
• Streaming Services
• Online Gaming
• Digital Music Platforms
• Podcasts and Audiobooks
• Digital Comics and E-books
• Social Media Entertainment
• Live Streaming and Webcasts
• Digital Art and Creativity Tools
Digital Technology in Travel and Tourism
Digital technology has revolutionized the travel and tourism industry,
enhancing the overall travel experience, making it more convenient,
personalized, and accessible. Here are some examples of digital
technology in travel and tourism.
• Online Travel Booking Platforms
• Mobile Travel Apps
• Travel Review Websites
• Virtual Tours and 360-Degree Videos
• Augmented Reality (AR) Navigation
• Language Translation Apps
• Digital Maps and GPS Navigation
• Mobile Payment Solutions
• Digital Ticketing and Boarding Passes
• AI-Powered Travel Assistance
• Online Visa and Passport Services
• Digital Destination Marketing
Digital Technology in Engineering
Digital technology has had a profound impact on the field of engineering, revolutionizing
various aspects of the engineering process and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of
engineering projects. Here are some examples of digital technology in engineering:
• Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
• Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)
• Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
• Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
• Building Information Modeling (BIM)
• Digital Twin Technology
• Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)
• Internet of Things (IoT) in Engineering
• Robotics and Automation
• Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
• Energy Simulation and Optimization
• Project Management Software
• Remote Sensing and Surveying Technology
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Engineering
• Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Engineering
Threats in the Digital Age
Digital technology intersects with several social
challenges, and addressing these issues
requires a multifaceted approach that involves
individuals, communities, governments, and
technology companies. Here are some
examples of threats in the digital age:
• Privacy Concerns
• Misinformation
• Cyberbullying
• Digital Divide
• Digital Addiction
How to Harness Digital Technology
1. Digital Literacy Education
2. Data Privacy and Security Measures
3. Combatting Misinformation and Fake News
4. Internet Access for All
5. Responsible Use of Social Media
6. Online Safety and Cybersecurity Education
7. Ethical Use of AI and Automation
8. Regulating Emerging Technologies
9. Digital Inclusion and Accessibility
10. Environmental Sustainability in Technology
11. Balancing Work-Life Integration
12. Encourage Green Technology
Society can fully capitalize on the potential of digital
technology to drive positive change, innovation, and
progress. Responsible and mindful use of digital
technology can lead to a more inclusive, informed,
and connected world, where technology truly serves
as a force for societal benefit and well-being. As
individuals and communities, we have the power to
shape the digital age into a force that enriches lives,
empowers individuals, and uplifts society.
Class Activity
1. Instruct students to brainstorm a list of social causes or issues they
are passionate about. These could include environmental
conservation, gender equality, mental health awareness, poverty
alleviation, education access, etc.
2. Ask students to research digital campaigns or initiatives that have
been successful in promoting social change. They can look for
examples on social media, crowdfunding platforms, advocacy
websites, etc.
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