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New Business Submission Checklist for Life Insurance Proposal/Family Takaful Application

Product name: SunLink Istismar Plus Proposal/Application reference no.

Important note :
This checklist is required for each new proposal/application submitted to Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad ("SLMA")/Sun Life
Malaysia Takaful Berhad ("SLMT") within the standard of TAT of submission.

Below checklist provides you with details of the compulsory documents for submission with proposal/application form.
Please ( √ ) where applicable

1) Duly completed proposal/application form

2) Duly completed customer fact find form (CFF) and confirmation of advice
3) Duly completed self-certification U.S. FATCA & OECD CRS form (if applicable)
4) Proof of payment - Copy of bank-in slip for initial premium/contribution (applicable to payment method of cash & direct debit only).
Ensure payment is banked-in to Sun Life Malaysia 4030 Service Account (CLAB Account) [for conventional products only] OR
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful 4030 Service Account (CATB Account) [for takaful products only]
5) Application of Direct Debit Service and MyClear Direct Debit Authorisation Form for recurring payment method
6) Sales illustration (SI)/product illustration (PI) - For investment-linked product, SI/PI is required to be signed by the
proposer/applicant & authorised representative.
7) Product disclosure sheet (PDS), service guide (SG) [MUST be given to the client]. For investment-linked and Universal Life
products, fund fact sheet (FFS) copy (embedded in calculator) MUST be given to the client as well.
8) Photocopy of life to be assured's/person to be covered's & proposer's/applicant's NRIC/birth certificate/passport [original sighted]

9) Photocopy of life to be assured's/person to be covered's & proposer's/applicant's permanent resident card (for Malaysia PR)
[original sighted]
10) For client age 60 years old and above and/or have limited apprehension and/or understanding of the disclosure document(s) in
English or Bahasa Malaysia, Additional Customer Questionnaires is required.
11) For foreigner proposer/applicant:
i) Malaysia residential address
ii) Photocopy of all pages of passport and entry permit (each page counter-signed in Malaysia)
iii) Foreigner questionnaire
iv) Employment pass, marriage certificate, dependent pass or approved document for “Malaysia My Second Home
Programme” (whichever is applicable)
12) New Business Submission Checklist for Life Insurance Proposal/Family Takaful Application
13) Others (please specify):

Declaration by Authorised Representative

I hereby declare and confirm that:

1) to the best of my knowledge, I have explained the product details to the client BEFORE he/she signed the proposal/application form, and
that he/she fully understands and has made an independent decision to enrol for the insurance/takaful plan.
2) all information contained in the proposal/application form is the only information given to me by the client, and I have not withheld any other
information which might influence the acceptance of this proposal/application by SLMA/SLMT.
3) I have given a service guide (SG) copy to client and explained the product disclosure sheet (PDS), fund fact sheet (FFS) (if applicable)
and/or customer fact find form (CFF) emphasising on the product features, coverage and benefits, premium/contribution amount,
exclusions, fees and charges and client financial need analysis.
4) I have given and explained the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM)'s Guide to Investment-linked Policy Owners on Insurance
Coverage/Malaysian Takaful Association (MTA)'s Guide to Investment-linked Takaful Participants on Takaful Coverage. [for investment-
linked product only]
5) I have explained that the projected benefits shown in the sales illustration (SI)/product illustration (PI) are for illustration purposes and are not
guaranteed. The assumptions used to illustrate a range of returns on SLMA/SLMT investment-linked fund(s) are hypothetical and actual
returns may be higher or lower than these assumptions. I have not misrepresented otherwise to the client.
6) the original copy of the documents obtained above have been sighted and the duly completed documents will be submitted to SLMA/SLMT
for processing of proposal/application.

Name of
authorised :
representative Contact no. : (Off) (HP)

Staff ID no. : Branch stamp : Date:

Branch name :

Underwritten/Managed by:
Signature :
Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad
[Registration No.: 199001005930 (197499-U)] ("SLMA")
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
[Registration No.: 200501012215 (689263-M)] ("SLMT")

Version 9.0/2023

Our Bank offers Sun Life Malaysia’s life insurance / family Takaful products through our branches. If you intend to
Our Bank offers Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad ("SLMA")/Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad ("SLMT") life insurance / family Takaful
purchase / participate in a life insurance / family Takaful product marketed by our Bank Representative / Financial
products through our branches. If you intend to purchase / participate in a life insurance / family Takaful product marketed by our Bank
Representative / Financial Executive, you can enjoy these value-added services.

What services can you expect from our Bank Representative / Financial Executive?


Assist you in choosing the right plan Explain product features

Go through with you the Customer Fact Find Form to Explain the product features, benefits payable,
understand your financial needs, financial goals and risk exclusions, premiums / contributions and charges.
Provide Product Disclosure Sheet (PDS) to assist you in
Recommend the suitable plan(s) after assessing your needs. making informed decision and to facilitate product


Assist you with completing the application Explain the product information stated in the Product
Disclosure Sheet (PDS)
Explain the importance of answering the questions in the
proposal / application form fully and accurately. Go through the PDS information with you to ensure that
this is the right plan that you have purchased /
Explain the importance of making a nomination and / or hibah participated.
to ensure benefits payable are received by your nominees or
beneficiaries in the event of death. Your policy / contract documents will be delivered to you
(via post or electronically) within 7 working days from the
Submit your application for underwriting after you have signed
policy / contract issuance date.
the proposal / application form.


Continuous policy / contract servicing Assist you in making a claim

Assist in submitting your service requests to Sun Life Guide you through the standard procedures on how to file a
Malaysia, e.g. policy / contract modification, change of claim. which are also available on Sun Life Malaysia's website
address and frequency of premium / contribution payment. at

SunAccess Client Portal

Please visit Sun Life Malaysia’s client portal at for online access to
your policy / contract information.

If you are not satisfied with the services of the Bank Representative / Financial Executive or require additional support, you may contact us
at +603 6204 7788 or Sun Life Malaysia’s Client Careline at 1300-88-5055.

Underwritten / Managed by:


Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad

200401032872 [Registration No.: 199001005930 (197499-U)] ("SLMA")
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
[Registration No.: 200501012215 (689263-M)] ("SLMT")
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70


Name of takaful operator : Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Product name : SunLink Istismar Plus - This is a takaful product
Type of contract : Regular Contribution Investment-linked Takaful
Person covered : KAMARIAH BINTI SUBIR Gender : Female Smoker : No
Occupation : Class 1 Age last birthday : 25
Contract holder : KAMARIAH BINTI SUBIR Gender : Female Smoker : No
Occupation : Class 1 Age last birthday : 25
Payment frequency : Annually Currency : Malaysian Ringgit (RM)

Contract Contribution Sum covered Regular Single

Your plan term term /benefit Contribution Contribution
(years) (years) (RM) (RM) (RM)
SunLink Istismar Plus* 45 45 198,000 3,600.00 0.00
Scheduled top-up contribution - 45 - 600.00 -
Unit deducting riders (UDR):
Takaful Multiple Pay Critical Illness Benefit Rider 45 - 60,000 - -
Takaful Person Covered Waiver of Contribution Benefit Rider** 45 - 4,200 p.a. - -
Takaful Waqf and Accidental Death Benefit Rider - - - -
- Takaful Waqf Benefit 45 - 10,000 - -
- Takaful Accidental Death Benefit 40 - 198,000 - -
- Takaful Accidental Death in Public Conveyance Benefit 40 - 396,000 - -
- One-off Cash Allowance Benefit^ 45 - 10,000 - -
Contribution (exclusive of service tax) 4,200.00 0.00
Service tax, if any (8%) 0.00 0.00
Total contribution (inclusive of service tax) 4,200.00 0.00
* The contract will be automatically extended to age 99 upon reaching the end of contract term, which may require additional contributions.
** If there is a claim on the waiver of contribution benefit rider(s), the future contributions will be waived until the end date of the basic plan (i.e. up to age
99 of the person covered upon the extension of takaful coverage).
^ This benefit will accelerate from the basic sum covered for the death benefit.

Ratio of fund(s) chosen:

Fund(s) invested Percentage

Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund 100%


RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 1 of 10

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
• This illustration is available in English and Bahasa Malaysia version.
• You should read this illustration together with the fund fact sheet(s) of the investment fund(s) which you have chosen. The fund fact sheet
contains all the important information that you will need to know regarding the investment fund(s).
• Since only between 60% and 95% of the annual takaful contribution is allocated to purchase units for the first 10 years, while 95% of top-up is used
to purchase units, you can maximise your investment value by minimising your takaful contribution and maximising your top-up
• Minimum annual contribution required : RM2,400.00 annually
• Minimum scheduled top-up contribution allowed : RM600.00 annually (in multiple of RM120)
• Minimum single top-up contribution allowed : RM500.00 (in multiple of RM10)
• Your investment-linked contract will lapse/terminate if there is not enough units in your fund to pay the fees. Your accumulated units may not be
enough over the years, as your value of investment account may be depleted, due to any one or a combination of the following:
• High tabarru' if you participate in many riders, and especially if the tabarru' are increasing over time as you get older;
• Tabarru', for either basic or rider coverages, being revised upward;
• High sum covered selected with associated higher tabarru';
• Poor investment returns - leading to lower than anticipated value of investment account;
• Contribution break - i.e. if you stop paying contributions for a long period of time, the tabarru' and monthly fees may deplete the value of your
investment account; and/or
• Partial withdrawals - the reduced value of investment account may not be sufficient to cover future fees.
• Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad ("we, us, our") believes that it is important that you fully appreciate all the benefits under your contract, and that
you also understand how the tabarru' for takaful protection, distribution, administration, investment and other costs affect these benefits.
• You should satisfy yourself that the plan serves your needs and that you can afford the contribution. If you need clarification, please contact us or our
authorised representative at CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad ("CIMB Islamic Bank").
• Participating in a regular contribution takaful contract is a long-term commitment. It is not advisable to hold this contract for a short period of time in
view of the high initial costs.
• Please bear in mind that inflation will increase your cost of living in the future. Therefore, the purchasing power of the projected values shown in the
illustration table may be less in the future than it is today.

* You should ask our authorised representatives at CIMB Islamic Bank to explain to you about the tabarru' and its effect on your future takaful

RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 2 of 10

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70

READ Is investment-linked contract right for you? Are you aware of the costs, benefits and risks?

Name of takaful operator : Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad

Product name : SunLink Istismar Plus - This is a takaful product
Type of contract : Regular Contribution Investment-linked Takaful
Person covered : KAMARIAH BINTI SUBIR Gender : Female Smoker : No
Occupation : Class 1 Age last birthday : 25
Contract holder : KAMARIAH BINTI SUBIR Gender : Female Smoker : No
Occupation : Class 1 Age last birthday : 25

Do you know that… Have you been advised of… Have you been told…

It is flexible but you bear the investment risk? How your contributions will be used?
It is a takaful product that is tied to the performance of the Contribution paid (a)
investment fund(s) which you selected.
Contribution allocated
into Unit Fund (b)
• Flexibility to vary your contribution amount or coverage if your Unallocated Used to purchase
financial needs change. contribution units in the
investment fund(s)
• Choice of funds dependings on the level of risk you are
comfortable with. The coverage you
To pay will receive:
• Takaful Deduct fees
Risks operator's and charges:
own Basic sum
expenses Tabarru' (c) covered (e)
• You bear the investment risk entirely including poor returns. and protection
• To pay for your
• If your fund performs poorly or your takaful operator increases • Commission takaful cover booster (f)
(h) • Minimum
your fees - amount
◦ You may lose your takaful cover; or received on
Other charges (d) death/TPD
◦ Your value of investment account may be adversely affected. • Monthly fee
• You may need to increase your contributions or reduce the level of
takaful protection to avoid losing your takaful cover.
External fund Note: Upon death,
management fee the total of sum
(i) covered and value
of investment
Other products that could better meet your needs? account is
• Family takaful products: Investment management is decided by
What you may receive
the takaful operator on behalf of the participants. The benefits and
coverage period are similar to investment-linked contract.
Non-guaranteed account value (j)
• Amount received on surrender/ death/ maturity
• Surplus sharing (if any)

Fees and charges taken out of your investment fund(s) which reduce the
amount available for investment:
• Partial withdrawal fee

RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 3 of 10

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
Table: SunLink Istismar Plus (For illustration purposes only. This may not be the benefits that you will receive.)
• The contribution amounts are expected to be sufficient for your unit fund/cash values to support your takaful coverage for the full contract term based
on the expected fund growth rate for the funds that you've chosen. However, over time, your unit fund/cash values may be higher or lower than
expected due to various factors, including volatility in investment returns. You will receive annual statements to update you on the latest position of
your unit fund/cash values.
• For illustration purpose, we have chosen two examples of investment returns, i.e. 2% (Scenario X) and 5% (Scenario Y), to show you possible
charges, unit fund/cash values and benefits. For actual past investment returns of the unit fund, please refer to the Fund Fact Sheet.
If your actual unit fund/cash values becomes lower than expected, you will be notified via your annual statement that your contract is no longer
sustainable, and you will be advised on actions you may take to ensure continued coverage for the full takaful contract term, such as increasing your
contribution or reducing your takaful cover.

You should only participate the riders you need as the

The amount you need cost of the riders will be borne by you. Riders are
to pay. optional.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) = (e) + (f) (h)
End of Contri- Allocated Other Basic sum Protection Total sum Commission3
1 contribution 2 covered booster covered
contract butions Unit- fees
year / Age paid Basic plan deducting
rider (s)
RM % RM %
1 / 26 4,200 2,730 65.00 214 323 60 198,000 0 198,000 923 21.96
2 / 27 4,200 2,730 65.00 214 337 60 198,000 0 198,000 563 13.39
3 / 28 4,200 2,730 65.00 214 348 60 198,000 0 198,000 563 13.39
4 / 29 4,200 3,450 82.14 214 356 60 198,000 0 198,000 203 4.82
5 / 30 4,200 3,450 82.14 214 363 60 198,000 0 198,000 203 4.82
6 / 31 4,200 3,450 82.14 224 374 60 198,000 9,900 207,900 203 4.82
7 / 32 4,200 3,990 95.00 224 387 60 198,000 9,900 207,900 203 4.82
8 / 33 4,200 3,990 95.00 224 407 60 198,000 9,900 207,900 203 4.82
9 / 34 4,200 3,990 95.00 224 435 60 198,000 9,900 207,900 203 4.82
10 / 35 4,200 3,990 95.00 224 467 60 198,000 9,900 207,900 203 4.82
15 / 40 4,200 4,170 99.29 289 685 60 198,000 19,800 217,800 23 0.54
20 / 45 4,200 4,170 99.29 463 1,045 60 198,000 29,700 227,700 23 0.54
30 / 55 4,200 4,170 99.29 1,146 1,427 60 198,000 39,600 237,600 23 0.54
40 / 65 4,200 4,170 99.29 3,068 2,654 60 198,000 39,600 237,600 23 0.54
45 / 70 4,200 4,170 99.29 4,906 3,975 60 198,000 39,600 237,600 23 0.54
Total 4,253 2.25

RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 4 of 10

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
Table: SunLink Istismar Plus (For illustration purposes only. This may not be the benefits that you will receive.)

At maturity or upon early cancellation, you may receive this amount (amount is
not guaranteed).

End of contract (i) (j) (k)
year / Age External fund management fee Account value Death benefit4
Scenario X Scenario Y Scenario X Scenario Y Scenario X Scenario Y
1 / 26 42 43 2,135 2,200 200,135 200,200
2 / 27 80 82 4,258 4,448 202,258 202,448
3 / 28 117 122 6,371 6,747 204,371 204,747
4 / 29 166 175 9,198 9,842 207,198 207,842
5 / 30 216 230 12,020 13,015 210,020 211,015
6 / 31 265 287 14,823 16,256 222,723 224,156
7 / 32 323 354 18,155 20,128 226,055 228,028
8 / 33 382 422 21,469 24,088 229,369 231,988
9 / 34 440 493 24,758 28,130 232,658 236,030
10 / 35 497 564 28,017 32,251 235,917 240,151
15 / 40 787 956 44,437 54,770 262,237 272,570
20 / 45 1,043 1,369 58,788 78,340 286,488 306,040
30 / 55 1,411 2,220 79,334 127,039 316,934 364,639
40 / 65 1,464 2,985 80,894 169,759 318,494 407,359
45 / 70 1,203 3,142 64,513 177,372 302,113 414,972

Where the non-guaranteed account value becomes zero/negative, it means that your unit fund is no longer able to pay for takaful cover and the
contract shall lapse. The contribution and commission will cease.
1 The contribution illustrated is exclusive of service tax and single top-up contribution.

2 The illustrated tabarru’ and other fees are not guaranteed and may be varied from time to time by giving you at least 90 days' written notice

prior to contract anniversary to takaful participants, for example, charges for medical riders may increase due to rising medical costs.
3 Amount received by CIMB Islamic Bank for the participation of this contract and services that CIMB Islamic Bank will provide to you for the

duration of your contract. Please refer to the service guide for further details.
4 The death benefit payable is the total of sum covered (basic sum covered plus protection booster) and the value of the investment account.
The account value and death benefit are for illustration purposes only and are NOT GUARANTEED. The ultimate benefits to the contract holder will be
based on the performance of the underlying funds and may be higher or lower than illustrated, and may be lower than the total contributions paid.
Please note that the annual tabarru' would be higher than the allocated contribution per annum when the person covered reaches age 61.
The contract is expected to be sustainable throughout the contract term.

RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 5 of 10

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
Table: Rider(s) - Optional

(1) A rider can provide additional protection or enhance existing benefits payable under your basic contract.
(2) Riders are in the form of unit-deducting, where the cost of the rider has been incorporated into the contributions for your basic contract. The rider is
therefore funded by deducting charges from your unit fund.

Contribution Coverage period

Rider(s) Type Sum covered
paid (years)

Takaful Accidental Death Benefit Rider Unit deducting rider Not applicable - -
Takaful Hospitalisation and Surgical Plus Benefit Rider
Unit deducting rider Not applicable - -
(Zero Deductible)
Takaful Multiple Pay Critical Illness Benefit Rider Unit deducting rider Not applicable 60,000 45
Takaful Weekly Disability Income Benefit Rider Unit deducting rider Not applicable - -
Takaful Person Covered Waiver of Contribution Benefit Rider Unit deducting rider Not applicable 4,200 p.a. 45
Takaful Contract Holder Waiver of Contribution Benefit Rider Unit deducting rider Not applicable - -
Takaful Waqf and Accidental Death Benefit Rider Unit deducting rider Not applicable - -
- Takaful Waqf Benefit - - 10,000 45
- Takaful Accidental Death Benefit - - 198,000 40
- Takaful Accidental Death in Public Conveyance Benefit - - 396,000 40
- One-off Cash Allowance Benefit - - 10,000 45

Tabarru' for riders


End of Takaful Takaful Multiple Takaful Weekly Takaful Person Takaful Contract
Takaful Accidental Takaful Waqf and
contract Hospitalisation Pay Critical Disability Covered Waiver Holder Waiver of
Death Benefit Accidental Death
year / Age and Surgical Plus Illness Benefit Income of Contribution Contribution
Rider Benefit Rider
Benefit Rider Rider Benefit Rider Benefit Rider Benefit Rider

1 / 26 0 0 67 0 88 0 168
2 / 27 0 0 72 0 96 0 168
3 / 28 0 0 76 0 103 0 168
4 / 29 0 0 79 0 109 0 168
5 / 30 0 0 81 0 114 0 168
6 / 31 0 0 85 0 120 0 168
7 / 32 0 0 90 0 128 0 168
8 / 33 0 0 100 0 139 0 168
9 / 34 0 0 113 0 153 0 168
10 / 35 0 0 129 0 170 0 168
15 / 40 0 0 221 0 294 0 170
20 / 45 0 0 378 0 491 0 177
30 / 55 0 0 613 0 612 0 202
40 / 65 0 0 1,227 0 1,152 0 276
45 / 70 0 0 2,081 0 1,701 0 192

• The above illustration is intended to show the tabarru' that will be charged for different riders you attached in the basic plan. The illustration includes a
schedule that shows how your tabarru' increase over time.
• The tabarru' shown above are purely for illustration purpose only. The actual fees may be higher subject to the risk rating by our underwriter. Tabarru' for
rider(s) are inclusive of the unit deducting rider's fees on tabarru' (i.e. 20% of the rider's tabarru', except for Takaful Hospitalisation and Surgical Plus
Benefit Rider, which is 35% of the rider's tabarru'). Tabarru' and unit deducting rider's fees on tabarru' are not guaranteed and may be revised from time to
time by giving 90 days' notice to the contract holder.
• You are reminded that the tabarru' will affect the value of the investment account accumulated in your contract.

RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 6 of 10

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
Description of summary illustration:
• The summary illustration above is intended to show the movements of possible cash flows for the investment and the impact of fees and charges on
account values based on illustration above.
• The projected investment returns used above are for illustrative purposes and not meant to show possible returns of your chosen investment fund(s). They are
NOT GUARANTEED and not based on past performance.
• The actual returns of the fund will fluctuate (i.e. rise and fall) each year based on the performance of the assets the fund invests in.
• The actual returns may even be lower than the projected rates or negative.
• All figures presented are in Malaysian Ringgit (RM).
• The information set out below explains the individual terms in the summary illustration table.

Contributions paid
• This is the amount that you (the contract holder) will pay for the basic takaful coverage, unit deducting riders (if any) and scheduled top-up contribution (if any) of
this contract per annum and it will be subject to service tax, where applicable. Take note that not all of the amount paid will be invested into the investment fund(s)
you selected.
Allocated contribution
• This is the amount that will be used to purchase units in the investment fund(s) which you selected. Please refer to the contribution allocation and commission table
for the illustration of contribution allocation.

• The illustrated tabarru' and other fees are based on current levels. Tabarru' for rider(s) are inclusive of the unit deducting rider's fees on tabarru' (i.e. 20% of the
rider's tabarru', except for Takaful Hospitalisation and Surgical Plus Benefit Rider, which is 35% of the rider's tabarru'). These are not guaranteed and may be
revised from time to time by giving you at least 90 days' written notice prior to the contract anniversary.
• Tabarru' are deducted monthly from the value of your units to pay for your takaful coverage. The tabarru' for takaful coverage varies by attained age, gender,
occupation, medical rating and smoking status. The tabarru' will generally increase as you grow older.

Other fees
• Only monthly fee is illustrated. RM5.00 monthly fee will be deducted from the investment account for the maintenance of your investment account.
• Other fees, which are not illustrated and may applicable for additional services including:
• Partial withdrawal fee : RM50.00 per withdrawal.
• These fees are not guaranteed and we may revise it by giving you at least 90 days' written notice prior to the contract anniversary, of any such variation.
• Our share of surplus in participants' tabarru' fund (i.e. 50% of distributable surplus, determined annually) is not illustrated in this illustration.

Basic sum covered

• This is the minimum amount to be received upon death of the person covered or when the person covered becomes totally and permanently disabled.
• The total sum covered payable (i.e. basic sum covered plus protection booster) for the person covered below the age of 4 years old (age last birthday) is subject to
juvenile lien.
• Upon claim payment for total and permanent disability (TPD) of the person covered, the basic sum covered for death will be reduced proportionately and the
contract will continue to be in force until the death of the person covered or termination due to any reason, whichever is earlier.
• The TPD benefit will expire on the contract monthly anniversary after the person covered's 70th birthday and the maximum aggregate amount payable on TPD
benefit under this contract and all other individual and group contracts/certificates shall not exceed RM8,000,000 per person.
• You should be aware on the exclusions applicable for the death/TPD benefit. The major exclusions are available in the product disclosure sheet and the full list of
exclusions is available in the contract documents.

Protection booster
• The sum covered for death/TPD benefit will be increased at 5% of the basic sum covered upon the completion of every 5 contract years, for up to 20% of the basic
sum covered.

RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 7 of 10

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
• Cost directly attributable to the distribution channel for the marketing of this contract, i.e. commission to CIMB Islamic Bank. This cost is paid from the wakalah fee
that are imposed on your contract for services that CIMB Islamic Bank will provide to you for the duration of your contract. Please refer to the contribution allocation
and commission table for the commission illustration.

Contribution allocation and commission table

Wakalah fee
Actual allocated contribution Total commission paid
(portion of contribution to be utilised
(portion of contribution to be utilised borne by contract holder
for payment of commission and
to purchase units of investment) (part of wakalah fee)
other expenses)
Contract contributions Proportion of
Proportion of total Proportion of total
year paid contributions deducted for
contributions paid Total contributions paid Total
(RM) commission
actual actual Total actual amount
Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled
Takaful amount Takaful amount Takaful (RM)
top-up top-up top-up
contribution (RM) contribution (RM) contribution
contribution contribution contribution
(%) (%) (%)
(%) (%) (%)
1 4,200 60.00 95.00 2,730 40.00 5.00 1,470 25.00 3.75 923
2 4,200 60.00 95.00 2,730 40.00 5.00 1,470 15.00 3.75 563
3 4,200 60.00 95.00 2,730 40.00 5.00 1,470 15.00 3.75 563
4 4,200 80.00 95.00 3,450 20.00 5.00 750 5.00 3.75 203
5 4,200 80.00 95.00 3,450 20.00 5.00 750 5.00 3.75 203
6 4,200 80.00 95.00 3,450 20.00 5.00 750 5.00 3.75 203
7 4,200 95.00 95.00 3,990 5.00 5.00 210 5.00 3.75 203
8 4,200 95.00 95.00 3,990 5.00 5.00 210 5.00 3.75 203
9 4,200 95.00 95.00 3,990 5.00 5.00 210 5.00 3.75 203
10 4,200 95.00 95.00 3,990 5.00 5.00 210 5.00 3.75 203
Thereafter 4,200 100.00 95.00 4,170 0.00 5.00 30 0.00 3.75 23

Single top-up Actual allocated contribution Wakalah fee Commission paid borne by
Contract contribution (portion of contribution to be utilised (portion of contribution to be utilised for payment of contract holder
year paid to purchase units of investment) commission and other expenses) (part of wakalah fee)
(RM) (%) (RM) (%) (RM) (%) (RM)
1 0 95.00 0 5.00 0 3.75 0

• The wakalah fee is an upfront fee charged on the contribution paid and is used to meet our expenses and commissions payable to CIMB Islamic Bank.
• The commissions for this plan are borne by the contract holder and paid from your takaful contribution to CIMB Islamic Bank, provided that CIMB Islamic Bank
meets the qualifying criteria set by us.

External fund management fee

• This refers to the annual external fund management fee (% of investment fund) deducted to cover the cost of managing the investment fund.
• The annual external fund management fee is as follow:
Fund name Annual external fund management fee
1. Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Equity Fund Up to 1.50%*
2. Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Bond Fund Up to 1.00%*
3. Sun Life Malaysia AIIMAN Select Income Fund Up to 1.20%*
4. Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Asia Pacific Equity Fund Up to 1.80%*
5. Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund Up to 1.75%*
6. Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Global Balanced Fund Up to 1.80%*
7. Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Global Sustainable Fund Up to 1.60%*
*We do not impose any fund management fee on the funds. The fund management fee is applied on the target fund by the external fund manager. Please refer to
the Fund Fact Sheet of the respective funds for details.
• The external fund management fee is not guaranteed and we may revise it by giving you at least 90 days' written notice.

RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 8 of 10

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
Account value
• This is the projected value of units at any particular point in time that you may receive if you surrender the contract and is net of tax and all applicable fees.
• The illustrated account value does not include your share of surplus in the participants' tabarru' fund (i.e. 50% of distributable surplus, determined annually).
• If the contract is terminated early, you may get less than the amount of contributions paid.

Death benefit
• This is the amount that will be payable on the death of the person covered. It is equivalent to the basic sum covered plus protection booster, plus the value of the
investment account (if any), less any indebtedness.

Extension of takaful coverage

• Upon expiration of the contract, the takaful coverage will be automatically extended up to age 99 of the person covered, which may require additional contributions.
No underwriting is required for this extension of takaful coverage and final benefit* will be payable at the contract expiry at age 99 of the person covered. You have
the option to discontinue the extension of the takaful coverage and receive the value of the investment account as at the valuation date immediately following the
surrender date, and the contract will be terminated.

* Refers to total sum covered plus the value of the investment account as at the valuation date immediately following the contract expiry at age 99 of the person

Upon the extension of basic takaful coverage, the rider(s) extended coverage period is as follows:
Rider(s) Extended coverage period
Takaful Multiple Pay Critical Illness Benefit Rider Up to the person covered's age 85
Takaful Person Covered Waiver of Contribution Benefit Rider Up to the person covered's age 99
Takaful Waqf and Accidental Death Benefit Rider Up to the person covered's age 99

The total contribution that you have to pay and the contract terms may vary depending on the takaful risk classification based on our underwriting requirements:
Estimated contributions required for scenarios below:
Coverage up to age 70 With extension up to age 99 Coverage up to age 99
(Contribution payable from age 25 to age (Contribution payable from age 71 to (Contribution payable from age 25 to
70) age 99) age 99)
Takaful contribution RM3,600.00 annually RM3,600.00 annually RM3,600.00 annually
Scheduled top-up contribution RM600.00 annually RM600.00 annually RM600.00 annually
Single top-up contribution RM0.00 - -
Service tax, if any RM0.00 annually + RM0.00 RM0.00 annually RM0.00 annually
Estimated total contribution
RM4,200.00 annually + RM0.00 RM4,200.00 annually RM4,200.00 annually
(inclusive of service tax)
The estimated contribution recommended are non-guaranteed and may increase in the future depending on the performance of the investment linked funds,
tabarru', fees and charges. You can refer to the updated estimated contributions that is conducted annually and stated in the annual statement.

We will notify you on the additional contributions at least 90 days prior to your contract expiry date. The acceptance of the extension and additional contributions
are strictly on voluntary basis, and you have the option to discontinue the extension of takaful coverage by surrendering your contract at anytime.

RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 9 of 10

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70

Name of takaful operator : Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad

Product name : SunLink Istismar Plus - This is a takaful product
Type of contract : Regular Contribution Investment-linked Takaful
Person covered : KAMARIAH BINTI SUBIR Gender : Female Smoker : No
Occupation : Class 1 Age last birthday : 25
Contract holder : KAMARIAH BINTI SUBIR Gender : Female Smoker : No
Occupation : Class 1 Age last birthday : 25
Payment frequency : Annually Currency : Malaysian Ringgit (RM)

Contract Contribution Sum covered Regular Single

Your plan term term /benefit Contribution Contribution
(years) (years) (RM) (RM) (RM)
SunLink Istismar Plus* 45 45 198,000 3,600.00 0.00
Scheduled top-up contribution - 45 - 600.00 -
Unit deducting riders (UDR):
Takaful Multiple Pay Critical Illness Benefit Rider 45 - 60,000 - -
Takaful Person Covered Waiver of Contribution Benefit Rider** 45 - 4,200 p.a. - -
Takaful Waqf and Accidental Death Benefit Rider - - - - -
- Takaful Waqf Benefit 45 - 10,000 - -
- Takaful Accidental Death Benefit 40 - 198,000 - -
- Takaful Accidental Death in Public Conveyance Benefit 40 - 396,000 - -
- One-off Cash Allowance Benefit^ 45 - 10,000 - -
Contribution (exclusive of service tax) 4,200.00 0.00
Service tax, if any (8%) 0.00 0.00
Total contribution (inclusive of service tax) 4,200.00 0.00
* The contract will be automatically extended to age 99 upon reaching the end of contract term, which may require additional contributions.
** If there is a claim on the waiver of contribution benefit rider(s), the future contributions will be waived until the end date of the basic plan (i.e. up to age 99 of the
person covered upon the extension of takaful coverage).
^ This benefit will accelerate from the basic sum covered for the death benefit.

Ratio of fund(s) chosen:

Fund(s) invested Percentage
Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund 100%
I hereby acknowledge that your authorised representative at CIMB Islamic Bank has satisfactory explained to me:

a) this illustration, pointing out the disclosure of commission and fees for this plan including the guaranteed, non-guaranteed benefits and allocation rates; and
b) the product disclosure sheet(s), containing key information of this investment-linked takaful plan.

I understand this is an illustration and not a contract, which will be subjected to underwriting requirement, and that the complete terms and conditions are contained in
the contract documents.

Signature of contract holder Signature of authorised representative

Date : 14 May 2024 Date : 14 May 2024
NRIC no. : Bank : CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad
Staff ID :
Contact no. :

RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 10 of 10

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
Prepared for: KAMARIAH BINTI SUBIR 14/05/2024
(Read this product disclosure sheet before you decide to take up SunLink Istismar Plus Plan. Be sure to also read the general terms and

1. What is this product about?

This is a regular contribution surplus sharing investment-linked takaful plan that offers a combination of takaful protection and the investment until the
person covered's age of 70. It provides a lump sum takaful benefit in the event of death or total and permanent disability (TPD) of the person covered.

Upon expiration of the contract, the takaful coverage will be automatically extended up to age 99 of the person covered, which may require additional
contributions. No underwriting is required for this extension of takaful coverage and final benefit* will be payable at the contract expiry at age 99 of the
person covered. You have the option to discontinue the extension of the takaful coverage and receive the value of the investment account as at the
valuation date immediately following the surrender date, and the contract will be terminated.

The value of the investment-linked takaful plan depends on the price of the underlying units, which in turn depends on the performance of your
chosen fund(s).
* Refers to the total sum covered plus the value of the investment account as at the valuation date immediately following the contract expiry at age 99
of the person covered.

2. What are the applicable Shariah concepts ?

• Between participants of the takaful fund for mutual financial assistance under tabarru' (voluntary contribution) principle.
• Between the takaful operator ("Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad") and participants in managing the takaful funds under wakalah (appointment of
agent/representative) principle.

3. What are the covers/benefits provided?

This plan covers:
• Basic plan
Death The sum of the benefit payable as follows:
(1) the total sum covered as per the schedule below immediately following the date of death; and
(2) the value of the investment account as at the valuation date immediately following the date of death, less any
TPD The total sum covered as per the schedule below is payable immediately following the date of TPD, less any
Total sum covered for death or TPD benefit
The total sum covered (basic sum covered plus protection booster) for death/TPD as illustrated below:
Protection booster (PB)
Basic sum covered Total sum covered
Contract year % of basic sum PB amount
(RM) (RM)
covered (RM)
1-5 198,000 0% 0 198,000
6 - 10 198,000 5% 9,900 207,900
11 - 15 198,000 10% 19,800 217,800
16 - 20 198,000 15% 29,700 227,700
21 and onwards 198,000 20% 39,600 237,600
The protection booster for death or TPD benefit will increase at 5% of the basic sum covered upon the completion of
every 5 contract years, for up to 20% of the basic sum covered.

Product Disclosure Sheet - RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 1 of 5
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
• Optional unit deducting riders (UDR):
• Takaful Multiple Pay Critical Illness Benefit Rider Provides additional coverage on 36 critical illness which the person covered entitle
to make up to 4 claims and we pay up to 4 times the rider's sum covered.
• Takaful Person Covered Waiver of Contribution Benefit All future annual contribution of RM4,200 payable until the end date of the basic
Rider plan (up to age 99 of the person covered upon the extension of takaful coverage)
shall be waived upon TPD or diagnosis of any one of the covered 36 critical illness
• Takaful Waqf and Accidental Death Benefit Rider of the person
Provides covered. amount of waqf benefit as waqf payout to a waqf body on
an additional
behalf of the person covered upon the death of the person covered. It also
provides additional coverage based on the basic sum covered upon accidental
death of the person covered and double indemnity for accidental death of the
person covered that occurs in the public conveyance. In addition, a one-off cash
allowance benefit (advancement of death benefit for the basic plan) will be payable
upon the death of the person covered.

Upon the extension of basic takaful coverage, the rider(s) extended coverage period is as follows:
Rider(s) Extended coverage period
Takaful Multiple Pay Critical Illness Benefit Rider Up to the person covered's age 85
Takaful Person Covered Waiver of Contribution Benefit Rider Up to the person covered's age 99
Takaful Waqf and Accidental Death Benefit Rider Up to the person covered's age 99

Funds chosen:
• Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Equity Fund : 0%
• Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Bond Fund : 0%
• Sun Life Malaysia AIIMAN Select Income Fund : 0%
• Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Asia Pacific Equity Fund : 0%
• Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund : 100%
• Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Global Balanced Fund : 0%
• Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Global Sustainable Fund : 0%
Reminder: Please read the marketing literature for product benefits including the appendices of this product disclosure sheet for further details on
rider benefits and the fund fact sheet for further details on the objectives of the respective investment-linked funds. It is important to select a plan or a
combination of funds that suits your financial goals and risk profile.
4. How much contribution do I have to pay?
The total contribution that you have to pay and the contract terms may vary depending on the takaful risk classification based on our underwriting

Estimated contributions required for scenarios below:

Coverage up to age 70 With extension up to age 99 Coverage up to age 99
(Contribution payable from age 25 to age (Contribution payable from age 71 (Contribution payable from age 25
70) to age 99) to age 99)
Takaful contribution RM3,600.00 annually RM3,600.00 annually RM3,600.00 annually
Scheduled top-up contribution RM600.00 annually RM600.00 annually RM600.00 annually
Single top-up contribution RM0.00 - -
Service tax, if any RM0.00 annually + RM0.00 RM0.00 annually RM0.00 annually
Estimated total contribution
RM4,200.00 annually + RM0.00 RM4,200.00 annually RM4,200.00 annually
(inclusive of service tax)
The estimated contribution recommended are non-guaranteed and may increase in the future depending on the performance of the investment linked
funds, tabarru', fees and charges. You can refer to the updated estimated contributions that is conducted annually and stated in the annual statement.

We will notify you on the additional contributions at least 90 days prior to your contract expiry date. The acceptance of the extension and additional
contributions are strictly on voluntary basis, and you have the option to discontinue the extension of takaful coverage by surrendering your contract at
We allocate a portion of the contribution to purchase units in the investment-linked fund that you have chosen. Any wakalah fee will be used to pay
commissions to CIMB Islamic Bank and our expenses. You are advised to refer to the allocation rates given in the benefit illustration.

Product Disclosure Sheet - RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 2 of 5
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
5. What are the fees and charges that I have to pay?
The tabarru' and monthly fee are deducted monthly from the value of the investment account. The tabarru' will generally increase as you grow older.
Details of tabarru' and other fees for the investment-linked takaful plan are given in the benefit illustration. The contribution paid is subject to service
tax, where applicable.

6. What are some of the key terms and conditions that I should be aware of?
• Importance of disclosure - You have the duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to us. If it is proven there is suppression
of material fact and that it was fraudulently made or omitted, only the remedies in Schedule 9 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 will apply.
You must disclose all material facts such as medical condition and state the age or date of birth correctly.
• Free look period - You may cancel your investment-linked takaful contract by returning the contract within 15 days from the date of delivery of the
contract. We will refund you the sum of the wakalah fees, the value of the investment account as at the valuation date immediately following the
date the notice is received by us and any tabarru' and monthly fee that have been deducted, less any expenses incurred by us for any medical
underwriting required.
• Grace period - You are given a grace period of 30 days from the contribution due date of each subsequent contribution. If you do not pay the
contribution within 30 days of the grace period, there will be possibility that at any time, the value of the investment account might be insufficient to
support the basic contract and the rider(s) attached (if any).
• Contribution break - If value of investment account is sufficient, you can take a break from contribution payments. In the event the contributions
for this contract are not paid, the tabarru' and other contract fees will be deducted through cancellation of units from the investment account and
this will reduce the value of the investment account. You have to ensure that the value of the investment account is enough to pay for the fees in
order to enjoy uninterrupted takaful coverage.
• Account value - It is the value of the investment account of your investment-linked takaful contract which depends on the performance of the
investment-linked funds selected. The higher the level of takaful coverage selected, the more units will be absorbed to pay for the tabarru' and the
fewer units will remain to accumulate account values under your contract.
• Lapse of contract - The contract shall lapse when the value of the investment account becomes insufficient to cover the tabarru' and monthly fee.
• Limitation on TPD benefit - TPD benefit will expire on the contract monthly anniversary immediately following the person covered's 70th birthday
and the maximum aggregate amount payable on TPD benefit under this contract and all other individual and group contracts/certificates shall not
exceed RM8,000,000 per person.
• Juvenile lien - In the event of death or TPD before the person covered's 4th birthday, the total sum covered, i.e. the basic sum covered (BSC) plus
the protection booster (PB) for death benefit or TPD benefit payable will be reduced by juvenile lien as shown in the table below:
Age last birthday on Juvenile lien Total sum covered (BSC plus PB) payable
date of event (% BSC plus PB reduction) (RM)
Less than 1 80% 39,600.00
1 60% 79,200.00
2 40% 118,800.00
3 20% 158,400.00
4 and above 0% 198,000.00
• Tax - All taxes, including but not limited to any goods and services tax, and/or other forms of sales or consumption tax, whether currently in force or
implemented after the date of the contract will be charged in accordance with the applicable legislation at the prevailing rate. Where necessary, we
will amend the terms of the contract to take into account any such tax.
• Pre-existing condition - Means any injury, illness, condition or symptom that existed during the 12 months prior to the contract commencement
date or last reinstatement date, whichever is later, for which:
i. treatment, medication, advice or diagnosis has been sought or received;
ii. an ordinary and prudent person with such injury, illness, condition or symptom would have sought advice or treatment in connection with his/her
health; or
iii. you and/or the person covered knew existed, whether or not treatment, medication, advice or diagnosis was sought or received.
• Nomination - You may nominate a nominee and ensure that your nominee is aware of the takaful plan that you have participated.
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the contract documents for the full list of terms and conditions under this plan.

Product Disclosure Sheet - RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 3 of 5
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
7. What are the major exclusions under this plan?
a) Exclusions on death benefit
No death benefit shall be payable if the death of the person covered is due to:
• Pre-existing condition within 12 months from the contract commencement date or last reinstatement date, whichever is later; or
• Suicide (while sane or insane) within 12 months from the contract commencement date or last reinstatement date, whichever is later.
In this case, the contract will be terminated and only the value of the investment accounts as at the valuation date immediately following the date of
death, will be payable.

b) Exclusions on TPD benefit

No TPD benefit shall be payable if the TPD of the person covered results from the following:
• Pre-existing condition within the first 12 months of the contract commencement date or last reinstatement date, whichever is later;
• War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), strike, riot, civil war, rebellion,
revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power;
• Being under the influence of drugs, any narcotics or due to intoxication by liquor and/or illicit substance;
• Self-inflicted injuries or suicide, while sane or insane;
• Criminal act, involvement in a breach of law (unless as an innocent party) or membership of an illegal organisation;
• Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS-related complications, or infection of person covered by the Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV);
• Active duty in any navy, army, air force, military, fire service, civil defense, police or law enforcement organisation;
• Participation in any hazardous sport or pastime or activities, including but not limited to aerial activities, bungee jumping, rock climbing or
mountaineering, underwater activities, or racing of any type other than on foot; or
• Entering, operating or servicing, ascending or descending from or with any aerial device or conveyance except while the person covered is in an
aircraft operated by a commercial passenger airline on a regular schedule passenger trip over its established passenger route.

Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the contract documents for further information on exclusions.

8. Can I cancel my coverage?

Participating in a regular contribution investment-linked takaful plan is a long-term financial commitment. It is not advisable to hold the contract for a
short period of time in view of the high initial costs. If you find the fund that you have chosen is no longer appropriate, you have the flexibility to switch
fund. There is no fund switching fees applicable. You may cancel the takaful coverage at any time by giving a written notice to us. The investment
account value that we will pay to you upon surrender of the contract may be less than the contribution paid and you and your family will no longer
benefit from this plan.

9. What do I need to do if there are changes to my contact details?

It is important that you inform us of any change in your contact details to ensure that all future correspondences reach you in a timely manner.

Product Disclosure Sheet - RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 4 of 5
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Ref: A70
10. Where can I get further information?
Should you require additional information about investment-linked takaful, please refer to the insuranceinfo booklet on ‘Investment-Linked Takaful’,
available at Sun Life Malaysia or you can obtain a copy from CIMB Islamic Bank or CIMB Bank branches. For further information on claims
procedures, please refer to the Sun Life Malaysia's website at

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at:

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)
Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Alternatively, you may call the Client Careline at 1300-88-5055,
lodge an online enquiry via,
email to us directly at,
or fax to us at (603) 2698 7035.
Distributor and Address:
CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad 200401032872
CIMB Bank Berhad 197201001799
17th Floor Menara CIMB,
No 1 Jalan Stesen Sentral 2,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50470 Kuala Lumpur.

11. Other similar types of plan available.

Please ask your authorised representative at the bank for other similar types of plan available.


The information provided in this product disclosure sheet is valid as at 14/05/2024. This plan is managed by Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
<Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)>, a takaful operator regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia and registered under the Islamic
Financial Services Act 2013.

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM). As a member of PIDM, some of the benefits
covered under the takaful contracts/certificates offered by Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad are protected against loss of part or all of the
takaful benefits by PIDM, in the unlikely event of a takaful operator member failure. For further details of the protection limits and the scope of
the coverage, please visit the PIDM website ( or call the PIDM toll free line at 1-800-88-1266.

Product Disclosure Sheet - RVD - SunLink Istismar Plus (Version 2.5) Page 5 of 5
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Prepared for: KAMARIAH BINTI SUBIR 14/05/2024

(Read this product disclosure sheet before you decide to take up Takaful Multiple Pay Critical Illness Benefit Rider. Be sure to also read
the general terms and conditions.)

1. What is this product about?

This is a unit deducting rider that provides additional takaful coverage on critical illnesses which allows the person covered to make as many
as 4 claims and we will pay up to 4 times of sum covered of this rider with each claim from different grouping of critical illnesses except for
Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease and Cancer. This rider also covers for 2 occurrences of Cancer
provided that the maximum payable limit has not been reached.

2. What are the covers/benefits provided?

Rider's sum covered amount : RM 60,000.00
In the event the person covered is diagnosed with any of the critical illnesses listed below, 100% of the rider's sum covered will be payable
except for Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease with each claim form different grouping of critical illnesses.

Person covered are entitled up to 4 claims and we will pay up to 4 times of the rider's sum covered. Up to 2 Cancer claims will be payable
provided the maximum limit has not been reached.

The grouping of critical illnesses:

Group 1
• Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary • Major Organ Transplant (Kidney)
Artery Disease* • Medullary Cystic Disease
• Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery • Serious Coronary Artery Disease
• Kidney Failure • Stroke
• Heart Attack • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Severe Kidney
Group 2
• Heart Valve Surgery • Cardiomyopathy
• Major Organ Transplant (Heart) • Surgery to Aorta

Group 3
• Benign Brain Tumor • Deafness - Permanent and Irreversible
• Blindness - Permanent and Irreversible • Loss of Speech
• Brain Surgery • Third Degree Burns
• Coma • Major Head Trauma

Group 4
• End-Stage Lung Disease • Major Organ Transplant (Liver/Lung/Pancreas)
• End-Stage Liver Failure • Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
• Fulminant Viral Hepatitis

Group 5
• Alzheimer’s Disease/Severe Dementia • Multiple Sclerosis
• Bacterial Meningitis • Muscular Dystrophy
• Encephalitis • Paralysis of Limbs
• Loss of Independent Existence • Parkinson’s Disease
• Motor Neuron Disease

Group 6
• Cancer • HIV Infection due to Blood Transfusion
• Chronic Aplastic Anemia • Bone Marrow Transplant
* For Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease, benefits payable is limited up to 10% of rider's sum covered
and subject to a maximum of RM25,000.
Please refer to the contract documents for complete list of definitions.
The duration of cover is 45 years.

Product Disclosure Sheet - Takaful Multiple Pay Critical Illness Benefit Rider (Version 2.5) Page 1 of 3
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

3. How much contribution do I have to pay?

No explicit contributions are payable for this rider as this is a unit deducting rider. The tabarru' that will be charged may vary depending on our
underwriting requirement. The tabarru' is not guaranteed and will be deducted from the value of investment account.
4. What are the fees and charges that I have to pay?
The tabarru' are deducted monthly from the value of investment account. Tabarru' are inclusive of the unit deducting rider's fee on tabarru'.
The tabarru' will generally increase as you grow older. Details of tabarru' for this rider are provided in the benefit illustration.
5. What are some of the key terms and conditions that I should be aware of?
• Importance of disclosure - You have the duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to us. If it is proven there is
suppression of material fact and that it was fraudulently made or omitted, only the remedies in Schedule 9 of the Islamic Financial
Services Act 2013 will apply. You must disclose all material facts such as medical condition and state the age or date of birth correctly.
• Waiting period - The eligibility for benefits under the rider will only start 30 days after the contract commencement date or reinstatement
date, whichever is later, except critical illness conditions due to accidental injuries. For specified illnesses, the waiting period of 60 days
shall apply. Each claim shall be made after 1 year waiting period with the exception for Cancer claim which shall be subject to 5 years
waiting period between the diagnosis of the 2nd Cancer and the 1st Cancer diagnosed.
• Specified illnesses include:
i. Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease;
ii. Cancer;
iii. Coronary heart disease requiring surgery;
iv. Heart Attack; and
v. Serious Coronary Artery Disease
• Survival period - Survival period of 30 days from date of diagnosis of critical illness or the survival period of 30 days from the date of
surgery for which person covered had actually undergone the surgical/medical procedure, i.e. Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments
for Coronary Artery Disease, Brain Surgery, coronary heart disease requiring surgery, Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplant and Surgery
to Aorta.
• Pre-existing condition - Means any injury, illness, condition or symptom that existed prior to the contract commencement date or last
reinstatement date, whichever is later, for which:
i. treatment, medication, advice or diagnosis has been sought or received;
ii. an ordinary and prudent person with such injury, illness, condition or symptom would have sought advice or treatment in connection
with his/her health; or
iii. you and/or the person covered knew existed, whether or not treatment, medication, advice or diagnosis was sought or received.
• Juvenile lien - In the event of the person covered diagnosed with critical illness before his/her 4th birthday, the rider's sum covered
payable will be reduced by juvenile lien as shown in the table below:
Juvenile lien - Amount of rider's sum covered payable
Age last birthday on date of event
rider's sum covered reduction (RM)
Less than 1 80% 12,000.00
1 60% 24,000.00
2 40% 36,000.00
3 20% 48,000.00
4 and above 0% 60,000.00
• Limitation on critical illness benefit - The maximum aggregate amount payable on critical illness benefit under this contract and all
other individual and group contracts/certificates issued by us is limited to RM1,500,000.
• Tax - All taxes, including but not limited to any goods and services tax, and/or other forms of sales or consumption tax, whether currently
in force or implemented after the date of the contract will be charged in accordance with the applicable legislation at the prevailing rate.
Where necessary, we will amend the terms of the contract to take into account any such tax.
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the contract documents for the full list of terms and conditions under this rider.
6. What are the major exclusions under this rider?
No benefit shall be payable if critical illness of the person covered is caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any one of the following
• Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome (AIDS); • Misuse of alcohol or drugs;
• Congenital conditions; • Dies within the survival period;
• Pre-existing condition; • Self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane;
• War, biological/chemical warfare, terrorism;
• Critical illness within waiting period except for critical illness conditions due to accidental injuries; or
• Participating in any avocation/activities such as racing of any kind, aerial sports, scuba diving, professional sports.
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the contract documents for further information on exclusions.

Product Disclosure Sheet - Takaful Multiple Pay Critical Illness Benefit Rider (Version 2.5) Page 2 of 3
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

7. Can I cancel my coverage?

You may cancel your coverage under this rider at any time by giving a written notice to us. No reinstatement of rider is allowed when the rider
is cancelled.

8. What do I need to do if there are changes to my contact details?

It is important that you inform us of any change in your contact details to ensure that all future correspondences reach you in a timely manner.

9. Where can I get further information?

Should you require additional information about medical and health takaful, please refer to the insuranceinfo booklet on ‘Medical and Health
Takaful’, available at Sun Life Malaysia or you can obtain a copy from CIMB Islamic Bank or CIMB Bank branches. For further information on
claims procedures, please refer to the Sun Life Malaysia's website at

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at:

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)
Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur

Alternatively, you may call the Client Careline at 1300-88-5055,

lodge an online enquiry via,
email to us directly at,
or fax to us at (603) 2698 7035.

Distributor and Address:

CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad 200401032872
CIMB Bank Berhad 197201001799
17th Floor Menara CIMB,
No 1 Jalan Stesen Sentral 2,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50470 Kuala Lumpur.

10. Other similar types of plan available.

Please ask your authorised representative at the bank for other similar types of plan available.


The information provided in this product disclosure sheet is valid as at 14/05/2024. This plan is managed by Sun Life Malaysia Takaful
Berhad <Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)>, a takaful operator regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia and registered under
the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013.

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM). As a member of PIDM, some of the
benefits covered under the takaful contracts/certificates offered by Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad are protected against loss of part
or all of the takaful benefits by PIDM, in the unlikely event of a takaful operator member failure. For further details of the protection limits
and the scope of the coverage, please visit the PIDM website ( or call the PIDM toll free line at 1-800-88-1266.

Product Disclosure Sheet - Takaful Multiple Pay Critical Illness Benefit Rider (Version 2.5) Page 3 of 3
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Prepared for: KAMARIAH BINTI SUBIR 14/05/2024


(Read this product disclosure sheet before you decide to take up Takaful Person Covered Waiver of Contribution Benefit Rider. Be sure
to also read the general terms and conditions.)

1. What is this product about?

This is a unit deducting takaful rider that shall waive all future annual contribution of RM4,200 until the end date of basic plan (up to age 99
of the person covered upon the extension of takaful coverage) upon the person covered suffers for total and permanent disability (TPD) or
diagnosed with any one of the covered 36 critical illnesses.

2. What are the covers/benefits provided?

This rider covers:
TPD and Critical illnesses (person : To waive all future annual contribution of RM4,200 payable from next contribution due date
covered) immediately after the date of event if the person covered suffers TPD or diagnosed with any
one of the covered 36 critical illnesses listed below.
• Alzheimer’s Disease/Severe Dementia • Loss of Independent Existence
• Bacterial Meningitis • Loss of Speech
• Benign Brain Tumor • Third Degree Burns
• Blindness - Permanent and Irreversible • Major Head Trauma
• Brain Surgery • Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplant
• Cancer • Medullary Cystic Disease
• Chronic Aplastic Anemia • Motor Neuron Disease
• Coma • Multiple Sclerosis
• Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery • Muscular Dystrophy
• Deafness - Permanent and Irreversible • Serious Coronary Artery Disease
• Encephalitis • Paralysis of Limbs
• Kidney Failure • Parkinson’s Disease
• End-Stage Liver Failure • Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
• End-Stage Lung Disease • Cardiomyopathy
• Fulminant Viral Hepatitis • Stroke
• Heart Attack • Surgery to Aorta
• Heart Valve Surgery • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Severe Kidney
• HIV Infection due to Blood Transfusion Complications
• Terminal Illness
Please refer to the contract documents for complete list of definitions.
The duration of cover is 45 years.
Note: The contributions waived under this rider do not guarantee that the investment account will be sufficient to cover future fees. You may
need to pay additional contributions to maintain the contract.

3. How much contribution do I have to pay?

No explicit contributions are payable for this rider as this is a unit deducting rider. The tabarru' that will be charged may vary depending on
our underwriting requirement. The tabarru' is not guaranteed and will be deducted from the value of investment account.

4. What are the fees and charges that I have to pay?

The tabarru' are deducted monthly from the value of investment account. Tabarru' are inclusive of the unit deducting rider's fee on tabarru'.
The tabarru' will generally increase as you grow older. Details of tabarru' for this rider are provided in the benefit illustration.

5. What are some of the key terms and conditions that I should be aware of?
• Importance of disclosure - You have the duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to us. If it is proven there is
suppression of material fact and that it was fraudulently made or omitted, only the remedies in Schedule 9 of the Islamic Financial
Services Act 2013 will apply. You must disclose all material facts such as medical condition and state the age or date of birth correctly.

• Waiting period - The eligibility for benefits under this rider will only start 30 days after the contract commencement date or
reinstatement date, whichever is later, except for critical illness conditions due to accidental injuries. For specified illnesses, the waiting
period of 60 days shall apply.

Product Disclosure Sheet - Takaful Person Covered Waiver of Contribution Benefit Rider (Version 2.5) Page 1 of 3
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

• Specified illnesses include:

i. Cancer;
ii. Coronary heart disease requiring surgery;
iii. Heart Attack; and
iv. Serious Coronary Artery Disease.
• Limitation on TPD benefit - This benefit will expire on the contract monthly anniversary after person covered's 70th birthday or rider's
benefit end date, whichever is earlier.
• Pre-existing condition - Means any injury, illness, condition or symptom that existed prior to the contract commencement date or last
reinstatement date, whichever is later, for which:
i. treatment, medication, advice or diagnosis has been sought or received;
ii. an ordinary and prudent person with such injury, illness, condition or symptom would have sought advice or treatment in connection
with his/her health; or
iii. you and/or the person covered knew existed, whether or not treatment, medication, advice or diagnosis was sought or received.
• Tax - All taxes, including but not limited to any goods and services tax, and/or other forms of sales or consumption tax, whether currently
in force or implemented after the date of the contract will be charged in accordance with the applicable legislation at the prevailing rate.
Where necessary, we will amend the terms of the contract to take into account any such tax.

Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the contract documents for the full list of terms and conditions under this rider.

6. What are the major exclusions under this rider?

a) Exclusions on TPD benefit
No future contribution shall be waived if the TPD of the person covered is due to:
• Pre-existing condition;
• Active duty in navy, army, air force, fire service and police;
• Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome (AIDS);
• Air travel other than commercial flights;
• Breach of law;
• Misuse of alcohol or drugs;
• Any attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury (while sane or insane);
• Strike, riot, civil commotion; or
• Participation in any hazardous sport or pastime or activities.

b) Exclusions on critical illness benefit

No future contribution shall be waived if the person covered is diagnosed with any covered critical illness that is caused directly or
indirectly, by any one of the following occurrences:
• Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome (AIDS);
• Congenital conditions;
• Critical illness within waiting period except for critical illness conditions due to accidental injuries;
• Misuse of alcohol or drugs;
• Participating in any avocation/activities such as racing of any kind, aerial sports, scuba diving, professional sports;
• Pre-existing condition;
• Self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane; or
• War, biological/chemical warfare, terrorism.

Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the contract documents for further information on exclusions.

7. Can I cancel my coverage?

You may cancel your coverage under this rider at any time by giving a written notice to us. No reinstatement of rider is allowed when the rider
is cancelled.

8. What do I need to do if there are changes to my contact details?

It is important that you inform us of any change in your contact details to ensure that all future correspondences reach you in a timely

Product Disclosure Sheet - Takaful Person Covered Waiver of Contribution Benefit Rider (Version 2.5) Page 2 of 3
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

9. Where can I get further information?

Should you require additional information about medical and health takaful, please refer to the insuranceinfo booklet on ‘Medical and Health
Takaful’, available at Sun Life Malaysia or you can obtain a copy from CIMB Islamic Bank or CIMB Bank branches. For further information on
claims procedures, please refer to the Sun Life Malaysia's website at

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at:

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)
Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur

Alternatively, you may call the Client Careline at 1300-88-5055,

lodge an online enquiry via,
email to us directly at,
or fax to us at (603) 2698 7035.

Distributor and Address:

CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad 200401032872
CIMB Bank Berhad 197201001799
17th Floor Menara CIMB,
No 1 Jalan Stesen Sentral 2,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50470 Kuala Lumpur.

10. Other similar types of plan available.

Please ask your authorised representative at the bank for other similar types of plan available.


The information provided in this product disclosure sheet is valid as at 14/05/2024. This plan is managed by Sun Life Malaysia Takaful
Berhad <Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)>, a takaful operator regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia and registered under
the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013.

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM). As a member of PIDM, some of the
benefits covered under the takaful contracts/certificates offered by Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad are protected against loss of part
or all of the takaful benefits by PIDM, in the unlikely event of a takaful operator member failure. For further details of the protection
limits and the scope of the coverage, please visit the PIDM website ( or call the PIDM toll free line at 1-800-88-

Product Disclosure Sheet - Takaful Person Covered Waiver of Contribution Benefit Rider (Version 2.5) Page 3 of 3
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Prepared for: KAMARIAH BINTI SUBIR 14/05/2024

(Read this product disclosure sheet before you decide to take up Takaful Waqf and Accidental Death Benefit Rider. Be sure to also read
the general terms and conditions.)

1. What is this product about?

This is a unit deducting takaful rider that provides an additional amount of waqf benefit which will be payable to Yayasan Waqaf Malaysia
(YWM), Perbadanan Wakaf Selangor (PWS) or other waqf body that may be appointed in future as waqf payout on behalf of the person
covered upon the death of the person covered.
Upon the accidental death of the person covered, 100% of the rider sum covered for accidental death benefit will be payable in one lump
sum. If the accidental death of the person covered occurs in the public conveyance, additional 100% of the rider sum covered for accidental
death benefit will be payable. Both benefits are payable on top of the basic plan for the death benefit.
In addition, a one-off cash allowance benefit will be payable upon the death of the person covered and this benefit will accelerate from the
rider sum covered for the death benefit.

2. What are the covers/benefits provided?

This rider covers:
• Waqf benefit : RM 10,000.00*
• Accidental death** : RM 198,000.00
• Accidental death** on public conveyance : RM 396,000.00
• One-off cash allowance : RM 10,000.00***

The duration of cover is 45 years.

* This benefit amount is subject to maximum of RM19,800.
** Accidental death coverage will expire at the contract anniversary following the person covered’s attainment of age 65. The rider will be
terminated upon the claim payout for accidental death benefit or accidental death on public conveyance benefit.
*** This benefit amount is subject to maximum of RM10,000.

3. How much contribution do I have to pay?

No explicit contributions are payable for this rider as this is a unit deducting rider. The tabarru' that will be charged may vary depending on
our underwriting requirement. The tabarru' is not guaranteed and will be deducted from the value of investment account.

4. What are the fees and charges that I have to pay?

The tabarru' are deducted monthly from the value of investment account. Tabarru' are inclusive of the unit deducting rider's fee on tabarru'.
The tabarru' will generally increase as you grow older. Details of tabarru' for this rider are provided in the benefit illustration.

5. What are some of the key terms and conditions that I should be aware of?
• Importance of disclosure - You have the duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to us. If it is proven there is
suppression of material fact and that it was fraudulently made or omitted, only the remedies in Schedule 9 of the Islamic Financial
Services Act 2013 will apply. You must disclose all material facts such as medical condition and state the age or date of birth correctly.
• Limitation on accidental death benefit - Accidental death benefit will cease on the contract anniversary immediately following the
person covered's 65th birthday. The maximum aggregate amount payable on accidental death benefit under this contract and all other
individual and group contracts/certificates by us is limited to RM1,000,000. The maximum aggregate amount payable on accidental death
benefit that occurs in public conveyance and accidental death benefit under this contract and all other individual and group
contracts/certificates by us is limited to RM2,000,000.
• Pre-existing condition - Means any injury, illness, condition or symptom that existed during the 12 months prior to the contract
commencement date or last reinstatement date, whichever is later, for which:
i. treatment, medication, advice or diagnosis has been sought or received;
ii. an ordinary and prudent person with such injury, illness, condition or symptom would have sought advice or treatment in connection
with his/her health; or
iii. you and/or the person covered knew existed, whether or not treatment, medication, advice or diagnosis was sought or received.
• Tax - All taxes, including but not limited to any goods and services tax, and/or other forms of sales or consumption tax, whether currently
in force or implemented after the date of the contract will be charged in accordance with the applicable legislation at the prevailing rate.
Where necessary, we will amend the terms of the contract to take into account any such tax.

Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the contract documents for the full list of terms and conditions under this rider.

Product Disclosure Sheet - Takaful Waqf and Accidental Death Benefit Rider (Version 2.5) Page 1 of 3
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

6. What are the major exclusions under this rider?

a) Exclusion on death benefit
No death benefit shall be payable if the death of the person covered is due to:
• pre-existing condition within 12 months from the contract commencement date or last reinstatement date, whichever is later; or
• suicide (while sane or insane) within 12 months from the contract commencement date or last reinstatement date, whichever is later.

b) Exclusions on accidental death benefit

No benefit shall be payable if accidental death of the person covered is caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any one of the
following occurrences:
• Air travel other than commercial flights;
• Any attempted suicide or self injury (while sane or insane);
• Criminal act;
• Hazardous sports;
• Misuse of drugs or alcohol;
• Pregnancy or childbirth;
• Pre-existing physical or mental defect; or
• Strike, riot, civil commotion.

Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the contract documents for further information on exclusions.

7. Can I cancel my coverage?

You may cancel your coverage under this rider at any time by giving a written notice to us. No reinstatement of rider is allowed when the
rider is cancelled.

8. What do I need to do if there are changes to my contact details?

It is important that you inform us of any change in your contact details to ensure that all future correspondences reach you in a timely
manner. It is also important that you inform us of any change in your life profile including your occupation and personal pursuits which would
affect the risk profile.

9. Where can I get further information?

Should you require additional information about medical and health takaful, please refer to the insuranceinfo booklet on ‘Medical and Health
Takaful’, available at Sun Life Malaysia or you can obtain a copy from CIMB Islamic Bank or CIMB Bank branches. For further information on
claims procedures, please refer to the Sun Life Malaysia's website at

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at:

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)
Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur

Alternatively, you may call the Client Careline at 1300-88-5055,

lodge an online enquiry via,
email to us directly at,
or fax to us at (603) 2698 7035.

Distributor and Address:

CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad 200401032872
CIMB Bank Berhad 197201001799
17th Floor Menara CIMB,
No 1 Jalan Stesen Sentral 2,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50470 Kuala Lumpur.

Product Disclosure Sheet - Takaful Waqf and Accidental Death Benefit Rider (Version 2.5) Page 2 of 3
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

10. Other similar types of plan available.

Please ask your authorised representative at the bank for other similar types of plan available.


The information provided in this product disclosure sheet is valid as at 14/05/2024. This plan is managed by Sun Life Malaysia Takaful
Berhad <Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)>, a takaful operator regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia and registered under
the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013.

Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM). As a member of PIDM, some of the
benefits covered under the takaful contracts/certificates offered by Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad are protected against loss of part
or all of the takaful benefits by PIDM, in the unlikely event of a takaful operator member failure. For further details of the protection
limits and the scope of the coverage, please visit the PIDM website ( or call the PIDM toll free line at 1-800-88-

Product Disclosure Sheet - Takaful Waqf and Accidental Death Benefit Rider (Version 2.5) Page 3 of 3
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055


1. Before participating in any medical and health takaful (MHT) product, you are advised to seek explanation on the following from us or our
authorised representative:
• Basic and salient features of MHT in general; and
• Basic and salient features of a particular MHT product that you intend to participate in.

2. The objective of this exercise is to ensure that you understand the basic and important features of a MHT product so that you are able to
make an informed decision before participating in the product.

3. You should ensure that important information regarding the rider is disclosed to you and that you understood the information disclosed.
Where there is ambiguity, you should seek an explanation from us or our authorised representative.

4. Prior to making a decision to participate in any MHT rider, you must satisfy yourself that the rider best meets your takaful needs and


This checklist serves to guide you to seek explanation on the essential features of a MHT rider so that you are able to make an informed decision
before participating in the contract. When in doubt or where there is ambiguity, you are advised to seek further clarification/information from us or
our authorised representative.

1. The booklet "Medical and Health Takaful" issued by Bank Negara Malaysia on the basics of MHT.

2. The contract documents for details of the important features of the riders participated in.

3. Avenues where details of the important features of the rider are also available (i.e. product disclosure sheet).

4. Benefits payable under the rider.

5. Significant medical or technical exclusions or restrictions applicable.

6. Limits of benefits (e.g. % of costs covered by the rider, co-payment, ceiling to total claim costs and deductible amounts).

7. Pre-existing conditions, specified illnesses and qualifying period and the relevant periods applicable.

8. Tabarru' amount payable and the payable term.

9. Nature and extent of our right to review and revise the tabarru', and the notice to be given by us in the event of any revision.

10. For yearly renewable rider, whether rider renewal is guaranteed.

11. Possible conditions that would lead to the following scenarios on rider renewals:
• A rider is renewed with a level tabarru';
• A rider is renewed with an increased tabarru'; or
• A rider is not renewed.

12. Likely implications of switching plan from one takaful operator to another or transferring from one type of MHT plan to another.

13. A free-look period of 15 days given to you to review the suitability of the contract. If the contract is returned to us during this period, we will
refund the sum of the wakalah fees, the value of the investment account as at the next valuation date; and any tabarru' and fee that have
been deducted, less any expenses incurred by us for any medical underwriting required.

14. Our right to repudiate liability in the event that you failed to disclose relevant information that would affect our decision to accept or reject the
risk, and on the tabarru' and terms to be applied to you.
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055


Name of fund Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund
Features of fund
Investment objective This fund feeds into abrdn Islamic World Equity Fund ("target fund") with the objective to achieve capital
appreciation in the long-term through investments in Shariah-compliant equities and equity-related

Investment strategy and The target fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing in an international portfolio of Shariah-
approach compliant equities and Shariah-compliant equity-related securities of companies with good growth
potential. The countries that the target fund will invest in will include, but are not limited to Canada,
United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland,
Japan, Australia, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Brazil and Mexico.

The target fund will invest 90%-100% of its Net Asset Value (NAV) in Shariah-compliant equities and
Shariah-compliant equity-related securities. The remainder of the NAV of the target fund not invested in
Shariah-compliant equities and Shariah-compliant equity-related securities will be invested in Islamic
liquid asset and/or held in cash.
abrdn and the External Investment Manager aims to identify Shariah-compliant companies which offer
good growth prospects. Shariah-compliant equities selection will be based on a bottom-up approach
focused primarily on selecting high quality companies trading at attractive valuations relative to their
peers using rigorous business analysis and detailed security valuation analysis.

abrdn and the External Investment Manager will select a Shariah-compliant portfolio based on
fundamental valuation techniques from different sectors which are expected to offer good long-term
growth potential through its own first-hand research conducted by Aberdeen’s team of investment
professionals located in Bangkok, Hong Kong, London, Kuala Lumpur, Philadelphia, São Paulo,
Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo. These teams are responsible for company visits and production of written
visit notes for all companies visited. abrdn and the External Investment Manager never invest in a
company before these teams have met with the company’s management at least once. abrdn and the
External Investment Manager will draw on the research of companies from these teams globally in
constructing a Shariah-compliant global equity portfolio. abrdn and the External Investment Manager will
generally look out for Shariah-compliant companies with:

(a) strong cash flow (companies which generate enough cash to fund its operations);
(b) strong balance sheet (companies which have cash on their books to enable them to weather
challenges in the business and which adopts sensible capital management structure);
(c) good corporate governance principles (companies with independent board of directors, companies
that protect minority shareholders’ rights and companies which have management team with good
track record in growing the business); and
(d) a sound business model (companies which conduct businesses which are easily understood).

The target fund will stay invested in Shariah-compliant equities at all times, as abrdn and the External
Investment Manager’s bottom-up investment philosophy will be focused on stock selection. The trading
frequency will be a reflection of the market opportunities presented, particularly in times of higher market
volatility. Hence, while abrdn and the External Investment Manager adopt an active strategy, abrdn and
the External Investment Manager do not use any frequent trading strategy to achieve the target fund’s
objective. Instead, abrdn and the External Investment Manager will select Shariah-compliant equities with
good long-term prospects, strong balance sheets, steady cash flows and sound corporate governance
practices. abrdn and the External Investment Manager will select a fundamentally strong and diversified
portfolio of stocks with the aim of capital appreciation over the long-term.

Fund Fact Sheet - Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund Page 1 of 5
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Any income distribution from the target fund will be automatically reinvested back into the target fund.
The total number of units will not change as a result of the reinvestment.

Note: External Investment Manager refers to Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited. abrdn has delegated
the fund management function of the target fund to Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited. Aberdeen Asset
Managers Limited’s duties include, amongst others, managing the target fund’s investments in
accordance with the objective, investment strategy and policy, permitted investments and investment
restrictions and limits of the target fund. Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited is an entity within the abrdn

Asset allocation The asset allocation of the target fund is as follows:

• Shariah-compliant equities and Shariah-compliant equity-related securities: Minimum of 90%,
maximum 100% of Net Asset Value (NAV); and
• Islamic liquid assets and/or cash: Minimum 0%, maximum 10% of NAV.
Performance benchmark MSCI ACWI Islamic (Shariah) Index
Fund manager abrdn Islamic Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as Aberdeen Standard Islamic Investments
(Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.) ["abrdn"]
Fund launch date 13 February 2015
Fees and charges
Fund management fee Sun Life Malaysia does not impose any fund management fee on Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity
Other fees - external fund Up to 1.75% per annum fund management fee is applied on the target fund's NAV by abrdn, accrued on
management fee a daily basis.
Taxation 8% of the annual investment income.
Fund performance
Notice: Past performance of the fund is not an indication of its future performance, which may differ. The fund performance is not
Table below shows the historical actual annual investment returns of the target fund versus its benchmark:
Actual performance:
Performance based on NAVs: Benchmark:
Year Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity
abrdn Islamic World Equity Fund MSCI ACWI Islamic (Shariah) Index
2022 -20.3% -23.9% -7.8%
2021 22.9% 25.1% 23.3%
2020 14.0% 16.6% 9.8%
2019 22.1% 23.8% 21.9%
2018 -9.4% -10.6% -7.8%
2017 6.7% 7.4% 10.3%
2016 8.6% 9.5% 13.3%
2015 -1.1%* 6.1% 16.6%
2014 N/A 8.3% 9.7%
2013 N/A 17.3% 20.7%
* Performance between 13 February 2015 - 31 December 2015
Source : abrdn Islamic Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (
Updated : as at 30 April 2023
This is strictly the performance of the investment-linked fund and not the returns earned on the actual contributions paid of the
investment-linked plan.
X at EOY
Basis of calculation of past performance = − 1 × 100%
X at BOY
X = NAV for Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund or its benchmark
EOY = Ending of year
BOY = Beginning of year

Fund Fact Sheet - Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund Page 2 of 5
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

All investment carries some form of risks. The potential key risks include but are not limited to the following:
External investment manager risk The fund management function of the target fund is delegated to Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited
(“AAML”). AAML (“External Investment Manager”) is an entity within the abrdn Group. Although the
External Investment Manager is an entity within the abrdn Group and it will have regular meetings with
abrdn to deliberate on the investment themes and portfolio decisions, there is still the risk that the
External Investment Manager may not adhere to the investment mandate of the target fund due to an
oversight. In the event of an oversight by the External Investment Manager, the NAV of the target fund
will be adversely affected and the investment of the unit holders may be jeopardised through the loss of
their capital invested in the target fund.

Market risk Market risk refers to potential losses that may arise from changes in the market prices of the Shariah-
compliant equities that the target fund invests in. Prices of the Shariah-compliant equities will fluctuate in
response to various factors, for example, events or news that relates to the Shariah-compliant equities as
well as general market or economic conditions. In mitigating this risk, abrdn will invest in various sectors,
thus the collapse of any particular sector would not have a major adverse impact on the value of the
target fund.

Stock specific risk Any drop in the price of a particular Shariah-compliant stock held by the target fund may affect the unit
price of the target fund adversely. This risk can be mitigated by investing in a wide range of Shariah-
compliant equities in different sectors, thus spreading the element of risk.

Concentration risk This risk refers to the risk that the target fund invests a substantial portion of its assets in a particular
sector or geographical area which may cause the target fund to be more susceptible to adverse
economic events affecting that particular industry or region. This risk is mitigated through the
diversification process that abrdn will employ in the management of the target fund whereby the target
fund will hold a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equities across various sectors and countries.

Shariah-compliant warrants risk The price, performance and liquidity of Shariah-compliant warrants are typically linked to the underlying
Shariah-compliant equities and therefore subject to those risks. However, the price, performance and
liquidity of such Shariah-compliant warrants will generally fluctuate more than the underlying Shariah-
compliant equities because of the greater volatility of the warrants market. The erosion of value of the
Shariah-compliant warrants may accelerate as the Shariah-compliant warrants approach its expiry date
and the potential gains from a favourable price movement of the underlying Shariah-compliant equities
may be offset by time decay.

Reclassification of Shariah status This risk refers to the risk that the currently held Shariah-compliant equities in the target fund may be
risk reclassified as Shariah non-compliant in the periodic review of the equities by the Shariah Advisory
Council of the Securities Commission Malaysia (SACSC), the Shariah Adviser or the Shariah Boards of
the relevant Islamic indices. If this occurs, abrdn and the External Investment Manager will take the
necessary steps to dispose of such equities. There may be opportunity loss to the target fund due to the
target fund not being allowed to retain the excess capital gains derived from the disposal of the Shariah
non-compliant equities. abrdn and the External Investment Manager will be required to dispose of these
equities immediately if the market price is above the investment cost. Should the market price be below
the investment cost, abrdn and the External Investment Manager may choose to hold on to these
holdings until the market price meets the investment cost. Nevertheless, should abrdn and the External
Investment Manager decide to dispose of these equities below the investment cost, the target fund will
be faced with the risk of realising its losses, thus negatively impacting the NAV of the target fund.

Fund Fact Sheet - Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund Page 3 of 5
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Currency risk As the investments of the target fund may be denominated in currencies other than the base currency,
any fluctuation in the exchange rate between the base currency and the currencies in which the
investments are denominated may have an impact on the value of these investments. Investors should
be aware that if the currencies in which the investments are denominated depreciate against the base
currency, this will have an adverse effect on the NAV of the target fund in the base currency and vice
versa. Investors should note that any gains or losses arising from the fluctuation in the exchange rate
may further increase or decrease the returns of the investment.

Emerging and developing market In emerging and developing markets, the legal, judicial and regulatory infrastructure is still developing
risk and there are much legal uncertainties both for the local market participants and their overseas
counterparts. As the emerging and developing markets carry significant risks, investors should therefore
ensure that, before investing in the target fund, they understand the relevant risks and are satisfied that
an investment in the target fund is suitable.
Taxation Investors should note in particular that the proceeds from the sale of Shariah-compliant securities in
some markets or the receipt of any dividends or other income by the target fund may be or may become
subject to tax, levies, duties or other fees or charges imposed by the authorities in that market, including
taxation levied by withholding at the source. Tax law and practices in certain countries into which the
target fund invests or may invest in the future (in particular, emerging and developing markets) is not
clearly established. It is possible that the current interpretation of the law or understanding of practice
might change, or that the law might be changed with retrospective effect. It is also possible that the
target fund could become subject to additional taxation in such countries that is not anticipated either at
the date of this prospectus or when investments are made, valued or disposed of.

Execution and counterparty risk In some markets there may be no secure method of delivery against payment which would avoid
exposure to counterparty risk. It may be necessary to make payment on a purchase or delivery on a sale
before receipt of the Shariah-compliant securities or, as the case may be, sale proceeds.
Other information
Target market Suitable for investors who:
• have a long-term investment horizon;
• target capital appreciation; and
• are willing to take higher risk for potential higher gains.
Pricing basis Forward pricing, which means units are created and cancelled at the next valuation day upon the receipt
of contribution and claims.

To recoup the cost of acquiring and disposing of assets, a dilution or transaction cost adjustment may be
made to the NAV to recover any amount which the fund had already paid or reasonably expects to pay
for the creation or cancellation of units.

Pricing frequency Daily on Sun Life Malaysia business day.

Exceptional circumstances Sun Life Malaysia may suspend the unit pricing and defer the payment of benefits, other than death and
total and permanent disability benefits, subscription or redemption of units, switching of funds, under this
contract for a reasonable period in exceptional circumstances, such as and including intervening events
resulting in temporary closure of any stock exchange.

Fund Fact Sheet - Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund Page 4 of 5
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad
Registration Number: 200501012215 (689263-M)

Level 11, 338 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (603) 2612 3600
Client Careline: 1300-88-5055

Shariah-compliant matters
Rules on divestment of Shariah (a) Wrong investment
non-compliant securities
This refers to Shariah non-compliant investment made by abrdn and the External Investment
Manager, if applicable. The said investment will be disposed of or withdrawn with immediate effect.
In the event of the investment resulted in gain (through capital gain and/or dividend), the gain is to be
channelled to Baitulmal or any other charitable bodies as advised by the Shariah Adviser. If the
disposal of the investment resulted in losses to the target fund, the losses are to be borne by abrdn.

(b) Reclassification of Shariah Status of the target funds' investment

Investment in Malaysia
These refer to securities which were earlier classified as Shariah-compliant but due to certain factors
such as changes in the companies’ business operations and financial positions, are
subsequently reclassified as Shariah non-compliant. In this regard, if on the date an updated list of
Shariah-compliant securities takes effect, the respective market price of Shariah non-compliant
securities exceeds or is equal to the investment cost, the target fund that holds such securities must
dispose them of. Any dividends received up to the date of the announcement and capital gains
arising from the disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities on the date of the announcement can
be kept by the target fund. However, any dividends received and excess capital gain from the
disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities after the date of the announcement should be
channelled to Baitulmal and/or charitable bodies as advised by the Shariah Adviser.

On the other hand, the target fund is allowed to hold their investment in the Shariah non-compliant
securities if the market price of the said securities is below the investment cost. It is also
permissible for the target fund to keep the dividends received during the holding period until such
time when the total amount of dividends received and the market value of the Shariah non-compliant
securities held equal the investment cost. At this stage, the target fund is advised to dispose of their

Investment in Foreign Markets

If a security is reclassified as Shariah non-compliant by the Shariah board of the MSCI Islamic Index,
as per the Shariah Adviser’s advice, the said security shall be disposed of soonest practical,
once the total amount of dividends received and the market value held equal the investment
costs. Any dividend received and capital gains arising from the disposal of the Shariah non-
compliant security made at the time of the announcement or review can be kept by the target fund.
However, any dividend received and excess capital gains derived from the disposal after the
announcement day or review at a market price that is higher than the closing price on the
announcement day or review is to be channelled to Baitulmal or any charitable bodies as
advised by the Shariah Adviser.

This fund fact sheet is prepared by the fund manager for informational purposes only. This document shall under no circumstances be
construed as an offer to sell nor shall it be taken as a form of professional advice of any manner. The performance of the fund is not
guaranteed and the value of investment and their derived income may increase or decrease. Past performance is not a guide to future or likely
performance. Before investing into the fund, you should consider whether the fund meets your investment objective and risk appetite. Although
the information in this document was compiled with due care and from reliable sources, Sun Life Malaysia does not guarantee its accuracy,
completeness, correctness or timeliness for any particular purpose. Sun Life Malaysia reserves the right to change any information without
giving any notice.

Fund Fact Sheet - Sun Life Malaysia Islamic World Equity Fund Page 5 of 5

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