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If you are looking for a

system that uses the Genesys rules to correct
the flaws and bumps of Shadowrun,
look no further!

By that I mean look no further HERE, because that is NOT what this conversion is. At all.

This is a mechanical conversion, not a ‘correction’, of a lot of the SR5 and earlier ideas. This is a brute
force clunky conversion of a clunky as hell system.
So things are going to be broken, in amazing and spectacular ways.
So if a weapon or piece of equipment appears priced wrong, like wildy cheaper, that’s from the source
material. I made no changes to the vast majority of costs, even ones that seem to make little sense,
because that’s not what I was trying to do. So, a lot of things are going to be broken if you look at it
hard, and likely contradictory.
In that way it’s almost exactly like Shadowrun. :)

It is more lethal than vanilla Genesys, although characters start more powerful as well.

Magic is not genesis magic, it uses force and drain and is clunky, deadly af and messy. SO MESSY
Alchemical Preparations are more? usable than the SR system. Low bar. LOW bar.
Adepts are.. messy and just the hell with them. Just kidding all the base Adept powers are there.
Spells are multitudes. So many. So many untested. Good luck adventurer. Cheese up that exploit!
Cyberware uses the SR Essence costs with a few shifted due to compressing the spread of ratings into
smaller groups.
Weapons. So many weapons.
Every piece of equipment in the current SR5 core book as well as all the f*********ing vehicles from it,
and Rigger 5. And the drones. DRONES EVERWHERE. And the modification lists for both. Mostly
Again, good luck.
Decking is pretty much still decking, only a little cleaner? Again. LOW bar. Looow.
Unfortunately Technomancers are non-existent as of right now as never used ‘em, but hopefully will get
to them. At some point. Maybe 2043.
This was more teeth-grindy hell-fun than a girl should have, somehow? Woot.

If this helps you see all the ways you DON’T want to convert a system then, I am glad to have helped.
If you like something, steal it.


If all someone gets out of this are a couple new ideas, then yay.
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Chapter 1 Character Creation

What do they think about where they are from? How old are they?
What is their family, siblings? What do they think about the world?
What is their social standing. Why did they become a Shadowrunner?

Human (Homo sapiens sapiens) is the metatype that has been around the longest (well, with one
possible exception). You know them, you love them, and if you’re reading this there’s a high probability
that you are one. They are balanced in abilities and often slightly more skilled than other metatypes.


2 2 2 2 2 2

• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 100
• Well Read: The character starts with two non-career skills at rank 1. These cannot be increased over
2 at character creation.

(Homo sapiens nobilis) are taller than humans, thinner, and have pointed ears. They have an extremely
annoying knack for being more nimble than humans, and they generally are better looking to boot. They
also have very long lifespans, and continue to look young into their forties and fifties. They have
occasionally been known to lord those facts over humans, or anyone who comes within hearing range.
While most elves emerged at the Awakening along with the other metatypes, there are rumors that a
few elves were hiding somewhere during the magical ebb of the Fifth World, and they are far older than
any creature has a right to be.


1 2 2 2 2 3

• Starting Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn

• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 100
• What do your elf eyes see? Start with 1 free rank in Vigilance; this cannot exceed 2 in char creation.
• Low Light Vision: Elves may ignore up to S S imposed from darkness.
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(Homo sapiens pumilionis), as you may guess, are shorter and stockier than humans. They tend to be
quite strong and very resilient, able to recover from damage ranging from knocks to the head to doses
of hemlock. Or knocks to the head with a club wrapped in hemlock leaves. Dwarfs are hard workers and
tend to be highly valued by a corporation, which means they are more deeply integrated into human
society than the other metatypes. They still face discrimination due to their size, and they often have to
take steps to make a world built for humans suitable for them.


3 2 2 2 2 1

• Starting Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 90
• Iron constitution: Gain 1 free rank in Resilience; this cannot exceed 2 in char creation.
• Thermal Vision: Dwarves may ignore up to S S imposed from darkness or fog when the
surroundings or target have a discernable heat.

(Homo sapiens robustus) look like the creatures that have been dying by the score in fantasy movies and
trideos for almost one hundred fifty years. With protruding brows, prominent tusks, and a large stature,
orks have trouble avoiding the stereotype of being unthinkingly violent brutes. It doesn’t help that there
are more than a few orks who are happy to live up to that stereotype rather than fight it. The end result
is a certain underlying tension between orks and humans, which leads to both groups often preferring to
live in separate communities. Elves and orks, on the other hand, often prefer to live in entirely separate
countries. Despite the stereotypes, orks can be found in all walks of life, from dark alleys to corporate
boardrooms. They have a shorter lifespan than humans, which often leads to them having a certain
desperation to pack as much living into their years as they can.


3 2 2 2 2 1

• Starting Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Starting Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 100
• Keep it in the family: Orcs start with a free value 5 Contact who is also an Orc or Troll.
• Low Light Vision: Orcs may ignore up to S S imposed from darkness.
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(Homo sapiens ingentis) make orks look like a human on the street. Orks might be, on average, less than
a quarter-meter taller than humans; trolls, by contrast, are more than a half-meter taller than orks. Orks
might look like a monstrous version of humanity; trolls, on the other hand, look like vaguely human
versions of the creature from your most recent nightmare. With thick, curled horns on their heads
(some trolls prefer to have them cut, while others polish them with pride), spiky protrusions of calcium
on their joints, and individual muscles that are larger than a full-grown pig, trolls give the immediate
impression that they are built for destruction. Most of them are able to live up to that image. Not all
trolls, though, are about absorbing and inflicting damage. They have tried to find their way into different
roles, but their large size combines with cultural stereotypes to make it hard for them to fit in. Orks tend
to be the most accepting of trolls, and the two metatypes often inhabit the same neighborhoods.
Typically these are not the most resource-rich neighborhoods in any given sprawl.


3 1 2 2 2 2

• Starting Wound Threshold: 14 + Brawn

• Starting Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 80
• Strong like Bull: Encumbrance is 8 +Brawn. Brawling / Melee attacks do +2 Damage.
• Natural Armor: Trolls start with a Melee defense of S.
• JUST BIG. Trolls add +1 Concealment to any item they carry.
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When magic returned to the world, many Talismonger
people became awakened to it. These awakened The Talismonger, or Artificer, imbues item
are known by many names, Magicians, Sorcerers, and creates alchemical preparations that are
Wizards, Wage mages, Street Mages, and other temporary but powerful. Talismongers also have
less charitable titles. Mages are able to bend the the ability to create powerful magical foci that
magic of the world to their needs and have can grant incredible magical boosts to awakened
become highly sought after commodities for any or mundane users. They are scroungers and
organization of substantial size. crafters, working with magical reagents and relics.
Mage career skills: Assensing, Athletics, Cool, Talismonger career skills: Assensing, Cool,
Discipline, Perception, Resilience, Sorcery, and Enchanting, Mechanic, Perception, Resilience,
Vigilance. Survival, and Streetwise. Before spending
Before spending experience during character experience during character creation, a
creation, a Mage may choose four of their career Talismonger may choose four of their career skills
skills and gains 1 rank in them. and gains 1 rank in them.
• Awakenened: Gain Magic at 1 for free. • Awakenened: Gain Magic at 1 for free.

Adept Decker
Adepts have become attuned to the magic in Deckers are ghosts in the machine that is the
their own physical form, allowing access to Matrix, the near omnipresent virtual world that
impossible abilities and physical feats. Adepts gain rests atop and beyond the physically visible one.
powers and special skills making them incredibly Everything communicates through the matrix,
formidable shadowrunners. from vehicles, to banks, security systems, and
Adept skills: Assensing, Athletics, governments, and all of that is the decker’s
Coordination, Discipline, (Chose one: Brawling, playground. Before spending XP during character
Melee, Light Ranged), Perception, Resilience, and creation, a Decker may choose four of their career
Vigilance. Before spending experience during skills and gains 1 rank in them.
character creation, an Adept may choose four of Decker Career skills: Computer, Cool, Light
their career skills and gains 1 rank in them. Ranged, Mechanic, Negotiation, Perception,
• Awakenened: Gain Magic at 1 for free. Skullduggery and Vigilience.
• Cybercombat: Deckers may purchase the
Conjurer Computer skill up to rank 3 at character
Conjurers speak with and control the whirling creation.
powers of the spirit forms to assist and protect • Gear: Deckers start at Resources level 2.
them. While more strenuous than simple
spellcasting, the spirits various powers and
abilities make them powerful allies. That is IF they
agree to perform a conjurer’s task.
Conjurer career skills: Assensing, Cool,
Discipline, Leadership, Perception, Resilience,
Survival, and Summoning. Before spending
experience during character creation, a Conjurer
may choose four of their career skills and gains 1
rank in them.
• Awakenened: Gain Magic at 1 for free.
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Rigger Face
Riggers can interface directly with vehicles, The shadows are a dangerous place for
drones, and equipment that have rigger systems anyone who doesn’t know when to speak up,
and once jumped in, they can make a vehicle when to shut up, and when to square up. A Face is
dance like a puppet. Some riggers invest their a near requirement for most operations. Knowing
whole focus into a singular vehicle, wearing it like who is worth knowing, and how to talk to them is
a second skin while others command small fleets critical when dealing with dragons. Which you
of crawling, flying, and hovering drones. Before should never do. Ever. Before spending XP during
spending XP during character creation, a Rigger character creation, a Face may choose four of
may choose four of their career skills and gains 1 their career skills and gains 1 rank in them.
rank in them. Face career skills: Charm, Cool, Deception,
Rigger career skills: Computer, Driving, Etiquette, Leadership, Streetwise, Light Ranged,
Gunnery, Piloting, Mechanics, Perception, and Negotiation.
Navigation, and Vigilance. • Smooth Talker: Faces may purchase one of
• Born Driver: Riggers may purchase either the the following skills up to 3 at character
Driving OR Piloting skill up to rank 3 at creation; Charm, Deception, Negotiation, or
character creation. Charm.
• Gear: Riggers start at Resources level 2. • Know a Guy: Face characters start with twice
the contact points as normal.
Street Samurai
Meat and machine blur in Street Samurai. Mercenary
Cybernetic and bioware upgrades turn these While Street Samurai are deadly, the
soldiers, bodyguards, and enforcers into fearsome Mercenary is the consummate solider. Experts in
warriors whose bodies hum with amped up reflex nearly all weapons and tactics, mercenaries work
boosters or conceal deadly razorsharp spurs. well in teams and bring a wide array of skills and
Before spending XP during character creation, a abilities to the team. Before spending XP during
Street Samurai may choose four of their career character creation, a Mercenary may choose four
skills and gains 1 rank in them. of their career skills and gains 1 rank in them.
Street Samurai career skills: Coercion, Mercenary career skills: Athletics, Discipline,
Discipline, Heavy Ranged, Light Ranged, Melee, Gunnery, Leadership, Light Ranged, Heavy
Streetwise, Stealth, and Vigilance. Ranged, Vigilance, and Perception.
• Adaptable: Street Samurai may purchase • Officer Training: Mercenaries may purchase
either Light Ranged or Melee up to rank 3 at any single weapon skill up to 3 at character
character creation. creation.
• Cyberware: Street Samurai start at Resources • Guns, lots of guns: Mercenary characters
level 2. start with 50,000¥ of weapons, leftover nuyen
is lost after character creation.
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Street Doc
Healing and help is in short supply in the
sprawl and when someone is looking for some
illicit ‘ware or needing more than a few bullet
holes patched up, the Street Doc is the only show
in town. Often working simultaneously as doctor,
nurse, pharmacist, and chemist a street doc is a
valuable person to know. Before spending XP
during character creation, a Street Doc may
choose four of their career skills and gains 1 rank
in them.
Street Doc career skills: Athletics, Cool,
Medicine, Melee, Negotiation, Perception,
Streetwise, and Vigilance.
• Med school: Street Docs may purchase
Medicine up to rank 3 at character creation.
• Owe you my life: Once per session a street
Doc can negate a single critical hit if they
reach the injured being within one turn / 10
seconds of it happening.

While thief is a more common name, the
modern breaking and entering professional has to
be an electronics and surveillance expert as well
as a thief and may sometimes move up to
kidnapping so have some respect. While others
may use the same techniques, an operative can
come and go like a ghost. Before spending XP
during character creation, an Operative may
choose four of their career skills and gains 1 rank
in them.
Operative career skills: Athletics, Computers,
Coordination, Mechanics, Perception,
Skullduggery, Streetwise, and Vigilance.
• The life: Operatives may purchase the
Skullduggery skill up to rank 3 at character
• Gear: The Operative starts with 50,000¥ of
Optics, Audio, Sensors, Countermeasures, or
Breaking and Entering gear, leftover nuyen is
lost after character creation.
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OPTIONAL: [Former Obligations for Edge of the Empire]

These tables were originally lists of Obligation when Running the Edge was based on Edge of the
Empire but I’m including them here if characters of GM’s want a quick list of possible in game reasons
their characters have all the magical training, money, or chrome they have as well as what those might
require still.

Magical Background, training, or history.

Magic Order An established college or order, Secret Society Trained by a secret order with
respectable and known. They have rules and goals and drives that the characters still serves, or
regulations and most certainly would not approve refuses at their peril. The society likely has a
of illegal use of their taught magic. Also Student research library and a secret handshake, just be
Debt of a more paranormal manner. Expect to aware of the dues process and first born info.
spend downtime studying or researching the Expect to spend downtime advancing the
histories of the Order or punishing the unfaithful. nebulous needs of the society, kidnapping, rituals,
finding first borns etc.
Pact A pact with a spirit or power that requires
goods or sacrifices. While it may not be all bad, be
sure to ask it if it means YOUR blood or can it be Cult A dangerous or scattered organization that
anyone’s? Expect to spend downtime looking for has nefarious or strange goals. Power flows
rare reagents to gift or strange arrangements to through the secretive lore of the cult. It is
be made. powerful and slightly greasy in the astral and
maybe seems focused on the south pacific for
Mentor A mentor who is self-taught or just some reason. Expect to spend downtime
driven. Obsession with gathering info, power, or practicing ancient rites and rituals and recruiting
lore. All that drive has left little room in a life that or avoiding the cults creepy stalkers and finding
isn’t about magic. Maybe the new friends who dead birds nailed to your door.
steal things will be interested in your theories.
Expect to spend downtime researching or Pet A paranormal entity or creature is training
acquiring new items or lore for Mentor, or the mage or shaman for their own goals. The
advancing their goals. power and resources at your disposal are
amazing. All you have to do is hold that book on
Wage Mage Corp trained and paid. Maybe a your nose for a little longer, that’s it... wait for it.
former worker, but the powers that be still have a Good! Expect to spend downtime doing whatever
hold on you. Performing any magic using the your patron desires, rolling over, maybe playing
astral signatures of your corp training requires dead very convincingly.
Form: HP1>7SkD. In triplicate. Expect to spend
downtime working for a company man solving his Possessed It was a pretty ring. An item, place,
research problems. Much like Running, only crap or spirit has bound themselves to the mage in
pay. return for power. The visions aren’t terribly
distracting but the lost time is. Why do you
always wake up with the taste of copper in your
mouth? Expect to spend downtime trying to
research or discover what the device or item is, or
working for those who can.
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Cybernetic implantation, acquisition, or debt.

Military It’s lowest bidder but rugged. Athlete Urban brawl, Combat Bike, and
Chummer got chromed for a flag. Maybe they Shaeena’s Chrome Walkdown are all popular and
mustered out fair, but unlikely as armies tend to well produced trids where people of all walks of
want their gear back. Expect calls from military life end up with excessive and stylish cyberware,
types requiring your time. until they are discarded and disposed of for the
next season. Expect calls from teammates looking
Corporate Nicer ‘ware than national outfits for help, or work behind the scenes at games.
but a lot more paperwork and long term contracts
with hidden back doors if a loyal corp chrome gets Accident of birth or freeway:
antsy. Expect to get calls from the company A birth defect with a charitable medical plan or
needing small things handled, free. deceleration trauma with a good Docwagon
contract can lead to some shiny new body parts
Experimentation Ware was and the possible debts that come along with
protoype or just a new configuration, often tested them. Expect contracts for small minor work from
on prisoners or wageslaves a little behind on their corps or doc wagon to cover parts.
efficiency/indentured ratios. Likely still tracked by
the corp or maybe has some bugs. Expect to
spend downtime getting things tuned or
preventative maintenance.

Criminal Organization Criminals

need chrome too, and the foot soldiers of the
various triads, maffya, seoulpa rings, and such
often sport chrome in relation to their rank in
their organization. Becoming a made man is a lot
more literal in the underworld these days. Expect
to be involved in minor crimes or for muscle.

Police The chrome badge is a rarity but

definitely growing as the various law enforcement
organizations both local and corp realize the most
dangerous criminals are already on the edge.
Expect calls for assistance when the sprawl gets

Streetdoc Most high end cyberware is

installed in clean sterile corp labs or pristine
facilities, but the person who just buys their own
through some manner ends up getting it under J.J.
Wong’s Noodle Shop on 19th and Wabash. Expect
occasional work protecting goods, or protecting
the doc, or maybe just dealing with infection rates
and staph.
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Resources, old money, new money, blood money.

Celebrity “Hey aren’t you” happens a fair Theft It was the score of a century. Or at
amount. Once a performer or celebrity de jour, least the year maybe. Nuyen fell like rain and
you or your patron had a fair amount of for a while, everything was coming up
disposable nuyen that they disposed of in some Chummer. Now investigators are sniffing
interesting, and possibly less than legal around and that ex-partner is questioning
methods. everyone’s dividing skills. Expect to spend your
Expect to spend downtime dealing with old downtime avoiding old partners, or specific
fans, or defending your patron from them. investigators, performing other criminal jobs
that aren’t exactly shadowrunning but close.
Family Your family provided a large sum of
money, possibly over time in expectation of you Portfolio Sell high, buy low. Stocks, or what
doing something productive with it, and while passes from them these days are what paid for
Shadowrunning can be productive it probably everything you have. These are not the elite
isn’t what Mom had in mind. Expect to spend stable stocks, and one bad day for the
downtime working for your family or possibly Suborbital bank and it could be Soy Noodles
keeping them from killing each other. ahoy. Your broker owns you, and they could sell
low if needed. Expect to spend downtime
Loan Shark You got knees, you got credit! managing numbers or doing small tasks for your
The money was a loan to get you on your feet, broker, who may or may not be legit.
or maybe to BUY some feet or that first
cyberdeck. Doesn’t matter, now payments are Artist It was beautiful, amazing, POWERFUL.
coming due and a troll named Generous is at A piece of art, written work, film, or such
the door. Expect to spend downtime working catapulted you or your patron into the rarified
for the loan shark, or avoiding them. atmosphere of art patronage and piles of nuyen
but already the rustling of “what have they
Corporation Local wage-slave makes it done lately?’ is beginning. Expect to spend your
big, manages to squirrel away vast sums. Likely downtime producing art, or working to make
in a method either illegal or at least vaguely sure the artist is undisturbed and or supplied
unethical. As long as the right managers and with the current drug, music, or whatever they
mouth-breathers got their share, everything call muse this week.
was smooth. The company loves someone who
makes them money, as long as they keep doing

Business It’s rough working a Stuffershack,

even harder to break into the Seattle Bar scene
but either you, or your closet friend who loaned
you the nuyen managed it. Despite local gang
issues, employee deaths, and corp interference
the business is surviving, barely. Expect to
spend your downtime working for a business,
managing your own, or helping the owner as
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1.4 INVEST EXPERIENCE Magic Attribute

POINTS All paracritters, spirits, and awakened people
Beginning characters can spend starting XP on have a Magic attribute. It represents a connection
skills, attributes, or talents as well as two other to the astral energies of the 6th world and allows
systems, Magic and Resources. Finally, there is them to control and manipulate magic and spirits.
also a short list of other magical things that may Unless a career has the Awakened tag, the
be also purchased with starting XP. Magic attribute cannot be increased or
Any character may purchase Resources while purchased. Magic is rated from 1 to 5 like all
only awakened characters may purchase Magic. attributes and is primarily used as a measure of
While these costs may seem potent, they the magic energies that a being can channel
*somewhat? maybe?* faithfully mimic the safely. It also determines the number of starting
original Shadowrun priority system’s goal of spells or adept power points for characters.
granting power through cybernetics, equipment, When casting spells or summoning spirits
or magic at a heavy cost of skills or attribute xp. with a force equal to or lower their Magic
A starting mage, street sam, decker, or rigger attribute, the backlash is only Strain, if casting a
are likely to be *very* XP thin, but covered in spell or summoning at a Force higher than the
magic and toys. users Magic, the backlash is Wounds.
Magic, and Resources are only purchasable Starting Spells are for those with either the
at Character creation. Sorcery or Enchanting Skill. A Sorcery Spell and an
Enchanting Spell of the same name are
considered the same spells for the purposes of
Resources (Base 5000¥) casting them. Individual Spells can be purchased
All characters start with 5000¥ for free, but
at any time for 5 XP each.
Cybernetics, Vehicles, and Matrix gear is Magic can be increased with the Dedication
incredibly expensive. Characters who wish to be talent like any other attribute.
Street Samurai, Deckers, or Riggers all start with
boosted resources but can invest more in Starting Adept Power
Resources to make their lives livable. Magic XP Spells Points
All starting resource money is lost after 1 -- 3 4
purchasing gear and lifestyle. Cash on hand is 2 30 xp 5 6
determined by Lifestyle. See 1.8 Lifestyle. 3 50 xp 7 10
4 70 xp 9 14
Resources XP Starting ¥ 5 80 xp 11 16
Cost *Magic 1 grants the Astral Viewing Talent free.
Free 0 5,000¥
1 20 xp 15,000¥
2 30 xp 50,000¥ A note on Magic rating:
3 50 xp 150,000¥ The average MAGIC attribute is similar to
4 70 xp 275,000¥ others, in that 2 and 3 is considered average to
5 80 xp 450,000¥ good, 4 is outstanding and 5 is incredibly skilled.
While a Magic 5 is possible [but EXPENSIVE]
A note on Essence and Cyberware: to start with, it should not be considered
People with cyberware or spiritual damage have a required.
harder time controlling magic. Due to this a The Magic attribute is not the basis for ANY
characters Magic attribute can never exceed their skill, and will not used to create a dice pool. It is a
current Essence, which is a measure of bodily measure of the power level safely usable and how
coherence. drain will affect an awakened character.
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Running the Edge has two types of skills, not needed. I am, however, including a suggested
standard genesys Skills and Knowledges. list of Concentration at the end of this document
Note: Shadowrun’s concentration Skill system if your group wishes to include them.
was considered but we eventually decided they’re

SKILL ATTRIBUTE Bold = New skills or Info.

Non-Bold = babbling, gaming quotes, & refs. Just like gaming.
Assensing* Intellect Reading Astral Auras and detecting astral energies in an area.
Athletics Brawn Running, Jumping, climbing in trees, putting on..
Brawling Brawn Punch, Kick, Punch. KO.
Charm Presence Hey beautiful, won’t you let me in the high security center?
Coercion Willpower You gonna skin that smokewagon or just stand there and bleed?
Computers Intellect Used in all interactions with the Matrix or electronics.
Cool Presence Well the negotiations have broken down into a firefight, again.
Coordination Agility I DO PARKOUR!
Deception Cunning I also do Parkour, just got a bad ankle right now.
Discipline Willpower Stay calm, stay cool, get crap done.
Driving Agility Go Speed Racer! Oh!
Enchanting* Cunning Creating Alchemical preparations, disenchanting, or making Foci.
Gunnery Agility Anything with that many barrels has got to be expensive.
Leadership Presence Instructing your team to lead their targets, and stay cool.
Mechanics Intellect Yeah I can fix it, but it’ll cost you the decker.
Medicine Intellect Too much of your insides are on your outsides, stop it.
Melee Brawn Blades, clubs, sticks, ripped off arms. Everything’s a weapon
Navigation Intellect I take 7th, don't I? Don't take 7th! Great we missed it!
Negotiation Presence How about 300 nuyen PLUS the Street Sam calms the hell down.
Perception Cunning We aint found shit!
Piloting Agility Permission to buzz the tower.
Ranged-Heavy Agility Voila, the ZF-1. It's light; handle's adjustable for easy carrying; good
for righties and lefties; breaks down into 4 parts; undetectable by
X-ray; ideal for quick discreet interventions.
Ranged-Light Agility I never said I couldn’t use a pistol, I said I had no use for them.
Resilience Brawn Well no, I didn’t know it was bleach, or I wouldn’t have drank it!
Skullduggery Cunning AKA-Security, covers modern & old fashioned theft and intrusion.
Sorcery* Intellect Casting spells and conducting rituals.
Stealth Agility The shadows seemed to dim, just for him.
Streetwise Cunning Word on the street’s you got unlicensed pokemon, like, peruvian?
Summoning* Presence Calling up Spirits from the metaplanes to assist and work for you.
Survival Cunning I’m Bear Grylls, guess what I’m going to drink next.
Vigilance Willpower Not a creature was stirring — except for the four assholes coming
in the rear in standard two-by-two cover formation.
*All these are new skills related to Magic and are detailed in the Magic section.
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Other XP Purchases available at character creation.

Awakened characters can also start with some previously acquired or bonded magical items or
spirits. The xp costs are the only expenditure. The nuyen costs of the foci is not paid by the character. A
summoner may also start with Spirits bonded to them, however keep in mind that binding spirits is
*always* considered a distasteful thing to the spirits and is painful to them. Additional spells are just
that, Sorcerers may start with spells beyond the those listed in their Magic attribute table. Adepts may
not increase their starting points however.
Bound Spirits 1xp per Service, Max services and Spirit Requires Summoning Skill.
Force = characters Magic attribute. Bound spirits cannot exceed Presence.
Starting Spells 5 XP per additional spell None.
Bound Foci Variable (Bonding costs in Magic Max Force of Foci is equal to the
Section) character’s Magic.
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“It not what you know, but who you know.” Contacts have four main ways they help
Which can be expanded into “It’s not who you runners: Legwork, Networking, Fencing gear, and
know, but who gives a damn about you”. Favors.
With most shadowrunners living a careful off-
the-grid illegal lifestyle, people willing to help for Legwork: This is the primary function of most
a few nuyen, [or a lot of nuyen] are essential for contacts in a Shadowrun game. Typically, legwork
business and survival. Starting characters gain means discovering or following up on clues, and
Contact points equal to their Presence x5. XP contacts provide one of the best ways to do this.
cannot be used to purchase contacts. The GM determines the difficulty of the Contact’s
Contacts are defined by two attributes; check based on the information rarity or how fast
Connection; their level of influence, and Loyalty; it’s needed. A single Q mean the contact knows
how much they like working with you. These two what the runner needs but wants a payment, QQ
attributes are purchased with Contact pts at a 1 could mean they give the info up freely or quickly.
to 1 rate with the following caveats: Advantages could lower the cost the contact asks,
• No single contact may have more than 5 and threats might mean the contact is pissed off
points spent on it. or cuts off the runner for a while.
• No starting contact can have a starting Networking: Sometimes runners have to talk to
Connection or Loyalty rating above 4. someone they just don’t know. Perhaps they’re
These two attributes generate a dice pool like trying to convince a megacorp to stop hunting
a normal skill / attribute set and have other them, or they need help from a gang leader to
effects as shown on their tables below. deal with another gang. If the characters don’t
know, or can’t approach, the right people, they’re
For example: Keybottle has 3 Presence so gains going to have to go to their contacts and ask them
15 Contact points and decides to know a fence to be their go-betweens. The difficulty of the
contact named Bit-Buy. Keybottle purchases check would take all these factors into account.
Connections 4 and Loyalty 1 spending the max of Fencing Gear: If the runner isn’t willing to try and
5 points on the contact. find a buyer for all those ‘lightly used’ Ares
Lightfire pistols they ‘found’, a contact is an easy,
Bitbuy is well known throughout the west- if less rewarding method. A contact can fence
coast [Connection 4] but Keybottle is just nuyen to anything related to their job or background, and
the fence [Loyalty 1]. will offer a flat rate of the items value based on
their loyalty. See the Fencing rating on the Loyalty
These two numbers generate a dice pool like table.
a normal skill / attribute set. So a 4 / 1 contact Favors: This covers just about anything else that a
rolls gddd for any checks to assist the runner. contact can do for a character, from patching up a
This leaves Keybottle 10 Contact pts left. shot-up vehicle to patching up a shot-up
5 buys a Buddy who’s a 1/4 Weapons shadowrunner, and almost everything in
collector Keybottle can ask about firearms. between. Any kind of direct aid rendered by a
5 buys a 3/2 decently-connected Fixer who contact usually counts as a favor.
knows Keybottle as a regular.
While Contacts should be considered specific
types, like Fixer, Assassin, Doctor, Data-Merchant
and such, a character may attempt to use their
contacts in any way they are able to explain. GM’s
are also able to add setback and boost.
P a g e | 15

CONTACT CONNECTION Rating: Determines the level of gear, power, or information a contact has
access to. Generally the contact can access their Connection x2 in rarity easily, higher take longer.
Rating Description
1 Has one or two friends with some Knowledge skills, or some minor social influence.
2 Knows several people in a neighborhood; a borough mayor or a gang leader.
3 Known and connected across his state; a city/sprawl mayor or governor, notable fixer, or a
mid-level executive in a medium-sized corporation.
4 Well-connected across a multi-state region; an executive in a state government or a national
5 Well-connected worldwide, significant social influence; senior executive in a small national
government or AA megacorp.
6* Global power-player with extensive social influence; holds key a executive position in a major
national government or AAA megacorporation.

CONTACT LOYALTY Rating: Familiarity and history with the contact.

The Fence percentage is how much of the base value the contact will pay for stolen or ‘found’ gear no
questions asked. Some contacts may only fence gear they are familiar with.
Rating Fence Description
1 5% Just Biz. The relationship is purely mercenary, based on economics. The people may
not even like each other, and they won’t offer any sort of preferential treatment.
2 10% Regular. The relationship is still all business, but the parties treat each other with a
modicum of mutual respect.
3 15% Acquaintance. The people in the relationship are friendly, but calling them actual
friends might be stretching it. The contact is willing to be inconvenienced in small
ways for the character but won’t take a fall for him.
4 20% Buddy. There’s actual friendship here, or at least solid mutual respect. The contact
will go out of his way for the character if needed.
5 25% Got Your Back. The parties know and trust each other, and have for some time. The
contact will back the character even in risky situations.
6* 30% Friend for Life. The contact and character are ride or die for each other.

*Connection and loyalty ratings, like attributes, can reach 6 through advancement. See the downtime
section on increasing contact ratings.
P a g e | 16


The four Genesys derived attributes of As this was originally a conversion of the
Wound Threshold, Strain Threshold, Defense, Edge of the Empire rules most of the motivations
and Soak are unchanged and based on Species, were going to be treated as Obligation. Having
Archtype, and equipment. received the Genesys rules I prefer the new
This conversion adds two new derived system. This currently uses the Desires, Fears,
attributes, Magic and Essence. while Essence is a Strengths, and Flaws from the standard Genesys
measure of bodily coherence although only those rules.
with Cybernetics will find it terribly relevant.
Magic Attribute APPEARANCE, and LIFESTYLE.
The Magic attribute is only found in people or
creatures that are awakened. It’s a measure of Gear: Starting cash is based on Resources
how much magical energy a character can [Section 1.4] All leftover cash is lost after gear
channel safely. Every supernatural critter or spirit purchase.
has a magic rating which is the primary way of Personality: By this point the character
measuring their power or threat. This attribute is should have a somewhat developed personality
unused for the great majority of the populace. involving a few core values. Likely an orphan,
Healing Difficulty. Anything with a Magic angsty Tir noble, overly fond of black jackets,
attribute needs special equipment, drugs, and misuses slang a lot etc.
care. This imposes S to all mundane healing Appearance: What do they look like? Shiny
checks made on Awakened creatures. and chrome?
Lifestyle: This is a measure of a character’s
Essence monthly household, food, and living expenses.
Essence is a measure of bodily coherence. All Using lifestyle removes the need to track
character start with 6 Essence. every nuyen for mundane things such as the SOY-
Cyberware or Bioware have Essence costs BATTY Noodles the decker loves, or the constant
that reduce Essence in small or large chunks. It laundromat visits of the street sam [Seltzer water
may also be lowered by attacks from essence and lemon for blood, or wear red… dumbass].
draining critters, or failing artificing. Lifestyle also determines the starting nuyen
Magic Reduction: For every full point or the character happens to have on hand at the
partial point of essence loss, an awakened start of the game. While this can be odd, such as
character reduces their Magic attribute by 1. the Street Samurai with quarter million nuyen ¥ in
Whether it’s a loss of .2 Essence or 1 Essence, the military grade cyberware living in a cardboard
characters Magic attribute (if they have one) is box, the goal of a Shadowrunner is to not remain
reduced by 1. This loss can still be replaced with in that box. Unless they’re a Rat Shaman, then the
purchased increases of the Magic attribute box is considered super luxurious, although not as
through the Initiation Talent. good as a county fair.
Healing Difficulty: Every 2 points or partial Monthly Cost is simply the monthly rates to
points of essence loss inflicts a +S die to any maintain the lifestyle.
Healing checks, Magical or Mundane. So an One Time Cost abstracts the Lifestyle costs to
essence loss of .1 or more = +S, while an essence a low low one-time installment of XP and nuyen ¥.
loss of 2.1 or more is = +S S , and 4.1+ = +S S S. Once purchased this way a Lifestyle remains
Note that some doctors specifically trained in unless a change is made by the GM and Player.
cybernetics may negate some or all of these The one-time cost could also be purchased later
setback dice. in the game with accumulated money and xp if
the GM allows it.
P a g e | 17

Starting Monthly One time

LIFESTYLE ¥ Cost Cost Notes
Street 1d6 x20 Free! Free Alleys, sewers, dilapidated buildings. No bathing,
security, or food available. Homeless.
Squatter 2d6 x40 500¥ 5 xp + Squatting in a rundown building or coffin hotel,
3,000¥ flop house, no security and bad food.
Low 3d6 x60 2,000¥ 10 xp + Rundown apartment, irregular power and water,
12,000¥ cheap food, bad neighborhood.
Middle 4d6 x100 5,000¥ 15 xp + Nice house/condo, decent security and power.
30,000¥ Average to good food. Wageslaves.
High 5d6 x500 10,000¥ 20 xp + Roomy house/condo, good food, secure,
60,000¥ housekeeping. Mid Managers, Mob bosses.
Luxury 6d6 x1k 100,000¥ 25 xp + Best tech, food, security, and services. Elite clubs
600,000¥ and memberships. Yakuza boss, or CEOs

1.9 OPTIONAL: Backgrounds

Backgrounds are based on the life Example A Character with 2 Intellect, 2
experiences a character prior to becoming a Cunning, and 2 Presence starts with (2+2+2) x 5
Shadowrunner. = 30 xp to buy Knowledges. Enough for one
Starting characters gain Background XP Rank 3 Background, two Rank 2 Backgrounds, or
equal to [INTELLECT+CUNNING+PRESENCE] x5 six Rank 1’s and so on.
and are purchased at Career Skill costs. These Starting XP can be used to purchase
bonus XP may only be spent on Backgrounds. additional Background ranks if the GM allows
Backgrounds can be purchased at any rank this.
for starting characters.

Arcana Intellect Theories of Magic, Conjuring, Occult, Alchemy, Metaplanes.
Education Intellect Subjects like Chemistry, History, Linguistics, biology, etc.
Professional Intellect, The knowledge of working in occupations such as Programming,
Cunning, Architecture, Business, Engineering, Military, Police, security etc.
Criminal Cunning Criminal Info on things like the Shadownet, Gangs, Corporations,
Yakuza, Triads, Drugs, Locations, Etc.
[Languages] Intellect Per additional Language.

OPTIONAL: If you don’t wish to use the Backgrounds, the entire list above could be considered a single
Knowledge Skill with various focuses purchased with normal XP or ignored entirely.
P a g e | 18

Arcane (Intellect) Underworld [Cunning]
Mages, Occult practitioners, Wage-Mages, Criminals, gang members, deckers, Mr
Hobbyists, and academics researchers are some Johnsons, fixers, or practically any
that may have this background. It relates to the Shadowrunner whose been working for more
study, theory, and research of all things related than a month could have this Background. It
to the Awakened world and Magic. It covers covers the history and relations of various illegal
ancient occult practices, Paracritter hunting groups and their structure. This background is
information, common trends in Magic and its knowledge about the ways in which criminal
practitioners, as well as knowledge of the activities are accomplished but is not a
metaplanes and astral space. replacement for Streetwise, which can find
more specific info. For example: The
Education (Intellect) Underworld background would be helpful in
Students, college professors, grad students, knowing what territory a Triad gang is
corp education officers and the like may have controlling, and who they are, but Streetwise
this. This broad skill to covers general would be needed to find a specific gang
educational systems in the shadowrun world. It member or arrange a meet. Underworld grants
includes knowledge of standard academic nouns, Streetwise is a verb.
subjects such as chemistry, history, biology,
engineering and such. The knowledge can be as Language / Linguist [Intellect]
comprehensive or as limited as possible Any speaking more than one language could
depending on the skill ranks purchased. have this background. This can be purchased
Example of Rank1 would be high school multiple times for various different languages.
education, up to Rank 5 with multiple PHD level Such as Elven-Rank 2, French-Rank 1, etc.
degrees. Trying to communicate in non-native language
is an Easy [F] [Language] check.
Professional [Intellect, Cunning, or
Presence] What you manage to get across:
Any career field from a Lawyer to a Soy-Slinger s Me need food. Stop Fire! Where
in a diner could have the Profession Reading Matrix Building?
background. All jobs have their protocols. It can ss Me want cheese sandwich. Put out
cover legitimate info, such as production times, fire! Where is Library plus Matrix?
techniques, and trade jargon, as well as shady sss Fluency: I’d like a grilled cheese.
info like a profession’s loopholes, weaknesses, Extinguish that blaze! Where’s the
or exploited protocols. A character who is a law closest library with Matrix access.
school drop-out could use Profession to find
legal ways out of a situation, while a former Linguist: The Background may also cover a
diner chef might know the delivery and dining character’s exposure to many languages. This
habits of local corporate caterers. might know difficulty of the communication check is raised
the weakest point in a shift chajk. to a Hard [fff] Linguist check but can be
attempted with any language the character and
GM decided they could reasonably have come
in contact with.
P a g e | 19


There are four new standard skills Antenna Booster [Matrix Scan]
introduced for the Shadowrun conversion. Also Tier: 1
several more knowledges skills if using the Activation: Passive
optional Background Knowledges for Ranked: Yes
characters. [See Section 1.9 Background A tech with this talent knows how to upgrade
Knowledges] their deck/rcc’s antenna into a powerful but
The conversion introduces four new unstable scanner. This grant’s +A equal ranks in
standard skills, all related to the Magic of the Antenna Booster to the Matrix Scan action.
6th world; Assensing, Sorcery, Summoning, and hh gained during the Matrix Scan Action
Enchanting. negates this talents effect until an hour can be
spent resetting it.
Assensing (Intellect)
Astral Viewing
Assensing is a magic user’s ability discern
Tier: 1
information from astral auras. Only characters
Activation: Incidental
capable of Astral Viewing may take this skill.
Ranked: No
This may be used on Metahumans, Spirits, Foci,
This Talent requires the character to have a
Wards. See the Assenssing table in Chapter 7.
Magic rating. Astral viewing allows a person to
switch their vision to see into the Astral plane.
Enchanting (Cunning) This can reveal astral creatures, Mana barrier
Enchanting is used to create and empower spells, and allows the use of the Assensing skill.
alchemical preparations and various magical
Foci. Enchanting allows character to drain magic Astral Projection
from captured enchanted items and create their Tier: 1
own. It is detailed in the magic section. Activation: Incidental
Ranked: No
Sorcery (Intellect) This Talent requires the character to have a
Sorcery is the act of casting spells. This skill Magic rating. Magic practitioners with this skill
covers any check made to create or inflict a are able to separate their essence and self from
spell. Knowledge of specific spells or arcane their corporeal form and travel in the Astral
works are covered by Arcana. This skill covers plane.
the action of forming and casting magic.
Optional Concentrations if used: Combat Spells, Bureaucratic invisibility
Tier: 2
Summoning [Presence] Activation: Action
Summoning is used for calling up, conversing, Ranked: No
and commanding the powerful spirits of the Sometimes you just have to look like you belong
metaplanes. The skill is combined with the force someplace you don’t. A character with this
of the summoned creature to determine how talent may spend a Story Point to be seen as
powerful the being is, as well as how obedient someone who is authorized to be within any
and helpful it could be. The details of Spirit area for the duration of an encounter.
summoning are found in Magic chapter. Obviously incorrect clothing, uniforms,
equipment, violence, or out of character actions
can negate this effect. This cannot be used
within the Matrix versus Hunter IC.
P a g e | 20

But this one is mine.. Dog Brain

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Incidental Activation: Passive
Ranked: Ranked Ranked: No.
You have a unique named weapon you’ve A Drone rigger can sometimes form a strong, or
bonded with. You may use an Incidental to talk weird, bond with a specific Drone. This grants a
to or encourage the weapon and then spend single Silhouette 1 or less Drone a +1 to its Pilot
strain up to your ranks in this talent. This attribute and gives it 3 personality quirks, such
upgrades a single check made with the weapon as loyal, curious, depressed, or such. Two of the
a number of times equal to the strain spent. If quirks are decided by the player, and one by the
it’s lost, another of the same make / model can Gm. If the drone is destroyed the Rigger can
become bonded after a week of tinkering. form another bond with one of their drones
after a week of tinkering.
Tier: 1 Efficient Code
Activation: Out of Turn Incidental Tier: 4
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
This Talent requires a Magic attribute. When Ranked: No
anything within Short Range is targeted by a This talent allows a character to select a single
spell, the character may perform a Counterspell Matrix Action and reduce it from an Action to a
incidental to suffer a number of Strain to Maneuver. This can be purchased more than
upgrade the opponent’s Spellcasting check by once for multiple Matrix actions.
that number, the number of strain cannot
exceed ranks in Counterspell. Entreat Spirit
Tier: 1
Digging up Dirt Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive Using the old languages and proper etiquette
Ranked: Yes favorably disposes the Spirit toward the caster.
This character is good at prying info out of This grants +A equal to ranks in Entreat Spirit to
people, Matrix files, or crime scenes. Each rank any check performed by a Spirit in the
in Digging up Dirt grants the character +A to any fulfillment of its services for the summoner.
Legwork Streetwise, Computer, or Charm skill
checks. Grounded
Dispel Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Activation: Out of Turn Incidental Ranked: No
Ranked: No When determining if a magic based check
Dispel can be used as an Out of Turn Incidental generates Strain or Wounds, the casters Magic
but must be used before the effects of a spell attribute is considered to be 1 higher than it is.
are applied. Spend 2 strain and make Sorcery This does not affect actual drain inflicted.
check versus the spells force to be dispelled. A
single Q will negate the spells effects in the case
of a sustained spell, or dispel it before any
effects are applied if Instant.
P a g e | 21

How about that local Sportball? Patched Up

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Incidental Activation: Action
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
With this talent you are able to distract or This allows a character to take the Patched-Up
command another person’s attention so Action to a Medicine check versus a person or
effectively they become far less observant of critter’s Critical Hit severity. If successful, the
their surroundings. While you’re talking with critical hit’s effects can be ignored for the
the opponent, they upgrade the difficulty of any duration of the encounter, but will return as
check a number of times equal to your ranks in soon as the situation calms and the adrenaline
this talent. This only works in non-combat or and drugs wear off. This does not work on
non-high stress social encounters. maimed, blinded, or Limb loss criticals.

Initiate Parazoologist
Tier: 5 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
This talent requires a Magic rating. You Some people have a way with animals, some
have attained a level of magical attunement people have a way with the glowing lava
called Initiation that involves a ritual as ornate droolin’ wolves in the alley on 6th street. People
as a massive gathering or solitary as a with this talent will not be attacked by non-
meditative retreat. It takes roughly 1 week & trained Paracritters unless they provoke them.
2000¥ of gear or magical materials. At the end This does not apply to their allies. Bug spirits,
of the preparations you gain: Toxic Spirits, and corrupted beasts ignore this
• Access to the MetaPlanes, affect.
• 1 Metamagic ability
Guardian Spirit / Totem Tier: 2
Tier: 3 Activation: Maneuver
Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No A character with the cybernetic Hand Razors or
The character has a spirit guardian that they are Spurs, can use this Maneuver to make a Melee
aligned with or call to for advice or to complain Check versus an unaware target that is almost
at. The spirits take many forms and impart unnoticeable. The target must be within arm’s
different abilities. See the Mentor spirit section reach and not alerted to danger. This attack
in Chapter 6 Magic. All spirits grants an ability power is lessened by the stealthy maneuver but
that can be used by spending 2 strain, and then can be lethally precise. The maneuver lowers
a special ability based on whether you are an the Cyber-weapon’s Critical by -2, but does not
adept or magician. Non-magic character may add the character’s Brawn to the weapons
purchase this but only gain the ability to inflicted damage.
activate the 2 strain ability.
P a g e | 22

Scrounger Spirit Favor [Type]

Tier: 1 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
You remove -S equal to your ranks in A specific Spirit type grants a number of extra
Scrounger from checks made when finding or services equal to the Ranks in Spirit Favor when
scavenging items. These checks could include that spirit type is successfully summoned. If a
Survival, Perception, or other checks, depending spirit is bound the effects of this Talent is
on circumstances and the GM's discretion. Such negated until appeasement is made. This may
skill checks take half their normal time (this be purchased for each spirit type but ranks only
does not decrease with multiple ranks of are cumulative for each specific spirit type.
There are many like it,
Six Demon Bag Tier: 1
Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Activation: Action Ranked: No
Ranked: No You may ignore -S s when using a specific type
This talent requires Enchanting skill ranks. Take of weapon due to training, or familiarity.
the Six Demon Bag action to apply 1 Reagent, To clarify, each weapon “type” is a category
such as a powder or trinkets, to an item. The used in the equipment list: Bladed, Clubs,
reagent is consumed by this. This grants an item Thrown, Tazers, Holdouts, Light Pistols, Heavy
one of the following temporary effects; +1 Pistols, Machine Pistols, SMGs, Assault Rifles,
weapon damage, -1 Critical activation, add +s Shotguns, Sport Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Projectile
to an Armor's ranged or melee defense, or [Bows], Machine Guns, Assault Cannons,
lower an item's encumbrance by 2 [Min 1]. You Grenade Launchers, Missile Systems, and Laser
take 1 strain at the beginning of each turn to Weapons. Categories such as Other or
maintain this power. Miscellaneous cannot be chosen.

Spell Channel [Type] Uncanny Valley

Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Spell Channel adds a maximum of +1 Soak Ranked: Yes
versus the drain from one class of spells; Some low Essence people can project a subtle
Combat, Manipulation, Health, Illusion, or but disconcerting wrongness about themselves
Divination. This can be purchased for each class. on a near subconscious level. A character with 3
or more points worth of Cyberware / Bioware
Spirit Channel [Type] may grant nearby allies +A to Coercion equal to
Tier: 1 ranks in Uncanny Valley.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Slippery Code
Spirit Affinity adds a maximum of +1 Soak Tier: 2
versus the drain when summoning a specific Activation: Incidental
type of Spirit, such as Man, Beast, Elemental Ranked: No
[Type], etc. This can be purchased for various A decker has fewer greater fears than Black IC
spirit types. and Dumpshock. This talent represents the
decker’s skill and programming that allows
them to spend a Story point to avoid a link-
locked effect once per encounter.
P a g e | 23

We go way back.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
The character picks one of their current
contacts, and may increase that contacts
Loyalty rating by their ranks in We go way back.
The ranks in We go way back are specific to
each individual Contact and do not apply to any
P a g e | 24


The Threshold type of skill or attribute check How far a runner can leap is usually handled
is used where a single check may reveal or defeat with a rough estimation and involves an Athletics
various levels of difficulty without checking check against an assigned difficulty.
against each specific difficulty. Simple jump distances are into and out of
s‘s gained with a Threshold check are engaged range for example
compared to all ratings, or attributes in an area to For those using hard numbers:
determine what is affected. Threshold checks may Standing jump = Brawn in meters.
also create a difficulty equal to s gained, for use Running jump = Brawn + Agility in meters.
against opponent checks.

Threshold Examples:
A bit controversial at our table, we decided
Searching for Concealed weapons: is a threshold
Average [ff] Perception check that reveals any that everything just stacks and be done with it. It
felt like it made little difference in the long run,
hidden weapons whose concealment is equal to
HOWEVER, if using more standard stacking rules
less than the s gained.
from Genesys see below, and hopefully will make
it simpler to keep track of.
Using the Matrix Scan: to find nearby Icon’s, a
character makes a threshold Average (ff)
Boost A and Setback S are used prolifically
Computer check that displays every Icon whose
through the standard Genesys system. An
rating is equal to or less than the Q gained.
important note is how these dice stack or don’t.
This conversion specifies base dice and
Casting the spell Detect Enemies: is a threshold
modifier dice, with the difference being the
spellcasting check, affecting anyone in range with
presence of a +/-.
a Willpower attribute equal to or less than s‘s
S and A are base dice.
gained revealed to the caster.
-/+S and +/-A modify base dice.
Using Suppression: (New combat Action) sets the
difficulty of a Discipline check equal to the s • Base dice don’t stack with base dice.
gained with the Suppression Action. • Modifier dice don’t stack with modifier dice.
• Only the highest modifier dice affect the
highest base dice.
Multiple Successes gained over time. Base Dice are dice often set by equipment,
Some Actions are [Cumulative]. This indicates while modifier dice can come from actions,
that successes gained add up. In Matrix actions talents, or environmental effects.
the successes are permanent until the affect Qualities that grant or remove Boost and
device is rebooted or the decker reboots. Failures Setback dice with a +/- rating are treated as
on later checks cannot erase earlier successes modifier dice. Such as Accurate +1 is considered
although a Despair result can do so as per the a +A.
spending Threat and Defeat table.
S from Armor, [+S cover] = S S
S from Armor, [+S cover +S S dark] = S S S
[+A Accurate +1, +A A from Aiming] = A A
P a g e | 25


STRAIN DAMAGE Fencing gear is a two-step process.
A Device that reaches 0 System Strain is unusable 1. Find a Buyer
until repaired. Repairing System Strain is done This is a time-consuming process that takes
with a Computer or Mechanics check with an extended Hard (fff) Streetwise check. Each
difficulty based on severity similar to healing. check takes as long as the item’s normal delivery
System Strain Diff Time Base Cost time or twice as long if it’s restricted.
Under Half [F] 1 hr 5% If you get hhh or d on a Streetwise test to
Over half [ff] 4 hrs 25% find a buyer, then your attempts have attracted
unwanted attention from the authorities (or other
0 System Strain [fff] 8 Hrs 75%
Cyberdecks and Rigger Command Consoles have
hardened systems and can take far more System
2. Negotiate or refuse the deal.
Strain damage and abuse than an average
Once you have a buyer, you need to negotiate
consumer electronic, however brick one
for the final price. This is an opposed Negotiation
completely and the repair cost can be staggering.
check. The final price the buyer offers is 25% of
the item’s listed price, plus 10% percent for s, or
minus 10% forf.
If you get hhh or d when you’re haggling
in the Opposed Negotiation test, then you’ve
managed to insult or otherwise piss off the buyer,
and the deal might be off—or worse.
Once you have a price, you can sell or take
your item and start the entire process over again.

Contacts: Quick but cheap.

You can always go to a contact such as a fixer
or relevant specialist to fence a hot item for you.
They will happily take your item and offer you 5%
percent of the item’s value per Loyaty level. You
might be able to get more selling it yourself, but
your contact will take it off your hands, no
questions asked.
P a g e | 26

What’s the Yakuza enforcer’s daily activities? Legwork Entry Example:
Is the Decker you’re following a member of any [From Fasa’s Bottled Demon -1990]
social clubs? How often is that BTL-junky junior
VP getting his sim-chips? What’s the schedule of Lone Star Captain Grissim
that good food truck? Grissim is in many ways the archetypical iron-
Legwork is an essential part of any jawed Lone Star trooper, and he knows it. He is,
Shadowrun. A good Shadowrunner will try and dig however, one of the most straight-shooting cops
up info on anything and everything surrounding a on the beat. Sure he has a temper and a long
run, from the person who hired them to the memory, but he’s not stupid.
locations involved. Dead Shadowrunners He wants Bloodwing from his days with Lone
generally didn’t. Star-LA when a rash of political killings in that
A GM should prepare a rough Legwork list for town were attributed to the elven Hitman. As the
each NPC, location, event, or item that are head of that investigation, Grissim was unable to
relevant to the run. These are used to move the pin anything on Bloodwing, which is how he got
plot forward and introduce setting and risks. transferred to Seattle.
Legwork could be roleplayed individually, and
in some cases, it may be important to do so, often Legwork: Average [FF] Difficulty
the background info gathering on a run is easier Contacts (Law Enforcement / Street) +a
to handle as a simplified Contact or Skill check. A Charm –s
rule of thumb is a Legwork check takes roughly 4 Matrix: -
hours. Streetwise: +a
There are four ways to conduct Legwork;
using Contacts or three skills, depending on the Old Iron Jaw
type of info a runner is looking for. Success Results
Each Legwork entry may state which types of 0 No results
Legwork are best used, or to be avoided. s “Grissim? Gawd, the guy’s after your
ass and you’re asking me about him?
Contacts – The most used and often most Why not just give him a call? I’m sure
powerful Legwork is done through a runner’s the lone star desk sergeant will put ya
contacts, each contact should have a general type through. With the company you keep
as per the Contacts section, with appropriate it’s no wonder he’s after you.
Contacts obviously better to speak to that others.
Looking for an exotic ballistic profile form a body, ss “That guys one tough trooper, I’ll tell ya.
asking the Weapon Fixer is probably going to be But there’s one thing I’ll give him. He’s
more helpful than the Arcane scholar. as clean as they come. If he gives his
Skill Checks word, you can count on it.”
Streetwise – The runner hits the streets,
talking up locals, fixers, low level criminals and sss “Grissim? Chummer, Grissim don’t want
rumor-mongers. Good for illicit info. you. He wants Bloodwing, and like it or
Computer – It’s said that everything there is not you’re connected to that damned
to know can be found on the matrix, good and Elf. The only way you’re going to get
bad. Good for official data and info. Grissim off your back is to give him
Charm – Corporate offices, government Bloodwing.”
agents, and bored homemakers all know
something. Good for legal and social info.
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The New and the Old. 3.2 AUTOFIRE +2 Difficulty
Most of the combat rules from the Genesys Using the Autofire quality inflicts a base +2
book remain unchanged. All I note here are the Difficulty, not +1 as the Genesys rules. This also
alterations made to them to try and better applies to fighting with two weapons. While this is
capture the flavor of Shadowrun. It is conceived a steep increase, gas-vent systems or shockpad
as slightly more lethal than the default Genesys equipment as well as Bipods and the like reduce
rules. There are five main tweaks to combat: this back to the typical difficulty of +1. Autofire
Range, Autofire, Suppression, Vehicle damage, may also make weapons run out of ammo faster
and Ammo/Reloading systems. depending on which style of Ammo / Reloading
Beyond these changes there are various system your group decides on. See Ammo and
clarifications to concealing weapons and more. Reloading below.


The narrative system avoids any connection Suppression is used to deny an area or keep
between real world measurements and ranges or an enemy’s head down. To use this action, make
vehicle movement. In the interest of players or a ranged attack with an Autofire weapon at a
gm’s who find some hard numbers or an target point within range.
occasional solid baseline to be helpful, this If successful every action within Engaged
Optional conversion uses the following range range of the target point gains +S equal to the
category assumptions. s’s that lasts until the beginning of the
Narrative Ranged Optional characters next turn.
Range Attack Hard Numbers Using Autofire in this way does not increase
Band Difficulty the skill check difficulty.
Engaged F* [By wep type] 0 - 3 meters
Short F -10 meters Moving through a Suppressed area:
Ff Anyone in or attempting to enter a
Medium -50 meters
Suppressed area on their turn must use an
Long - 100 meters
Incidental to make a Discipline check versus the
Extreme - 500 meters
ss gained on the Suppression check.
Distant* Fffff - 1000 meters
Cover and armor can help so any cover and
Primarily Matrix, Astral, and Divination use ranged Defense S are converted to A for this
Local** Na - 100 km Discipline check.
Territory Na - 1,000 km If successful they may act as normal.
Continent Na - 10,000 km If the Discipline check is failed the enemy
Global Na - 10,001 km+ refuses to enter the area, or if within the
Suppression, may take no actions other than to
*Distant is a range that is found in the weapons fall prone or duck behind any cover within
section for some sniper rifles and other specialty engaged range.
gear. While the difficulty is steep, aiming, If Discipline check generates hh the person
preparation, and magnification equipment can catches a stray round, inflicting Base weapon
make such distant shots far more possible for damage. A d inflicts a critical hit.
skilled users. The suppression Action may cause a weapon
to run out of ammo extremely quickly, depending
on the Ammo tracking system used.
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Suppression Example 3.5 AMMO and RELOADING

Typhoon the Street Samurai is currently facing This provides some options for differing levels
a single guard taking cover behind a desk which is of ammunition importance. Every weapon’s
in front of the only exit out of the computer vault ammo capacity is listed with an [a] or [m],
she and Keybottle are in, and now she hears more indicating it is reloaded using an Action [a], or a
bootsteps coming! Hoping to buy the decker a bit Maneuver [m]. When you reload depends on
more times she braces and unloads her SMG into which, if any, of the three systems you prefer.
the desk in front of a doorway, trying to Suppress
the area. FAST CINEMATIC AMMO – Genesys Standard
Typhoon makes an Easy [f] Ranged Light hhh forces a reload or jam. Limited Ammo
attack against the doorway at Short range at gets quality is tracked. The Suppression action empties
ss. This suppresses everything within engaged any weapon with Ammo 40 or less.
range of the doorway.
The guard behind the desk acts next. MEDIUM? AMMO – This Conversion standard
He uses an Incidental to make an Discipline Ammo capacity determines how many h can
check versus the ss gained, equaling ff. He force a reload.
also converts the desk’s Cover s to a a as the Its effectively the opposite of a Critical rating.
deck soaks up some of the bullets streaming at Ammo Example Threats Reload
him. He fails and just hunkers down behind the 5-20* Pistols hh
desk frozen, unwilling to stick his head out. 21-60 SMG hhh
Next a minion group of 4 guards attempts to 61-120 Belt Fed hhhh
brave the stream of bullets chewing up the 121+ HMG hhhhh
doorway to enter the room. To move through the **Autofire - -h
Suppressed area they must make the same ff **Suppression - -hh.
Discipline check using an Incidental. *Most weapons with under 5 Ammo have the
The Minion group rolls and fails badly, with Limited Ammo quality.
hhh. Not only do they slide to a stop without **If reduced to zero threats for a reload a
going through the doorway, hh is spent to have weapon is automatically empty after the attack.
one catche a stray bullet before backing out of
the gunfire, inflicting the SMG’s base damage, SLOW - Every rounds sacred, every rounds great.
dropping one of the lightly armored security All ammo is counted: 1 shot = 1 bullet.
goons. At the beginning of Typhoons next action, Autofire attacks equal 3 bullets fired plus 3 per
however, her Ingram clicks loudly empty. activated Autofire. This spends a lot less ammo in
the long run and assumes almost every round
3.4 VEHICLE DAMAGE fired is specific to a target in a fire fight. This is
The conversion of damage from character still a rough estimation, as weapons have all sorts
scale to vehicle scale is a 5 to 1 rate, not a 10 to 1. of cyclic rates and so on. YMMV.
This is after a lot of discussion and back and forth The Supression Action requires a minimum of
on the SWRPG forums, and just looking at the way 30 rounds, and empties any weapon with an
the system stacked up. The Breach quality has ammo capacity of less than 50.
been altered accordingly, and beyond the ratio If you like scratch paper and math, this is for
change there isn’t too much difference. This does you, you insane bastard.
mean vehicles can be damaged easier with small
arms but that was the intended effect.
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Hiding a vast collection of weapons on or about This Healing and Death section was borrowed
your body is a time-honored pastime for verbatim [with permission] from QuietusEmissary
shadowrunners of all types. on the Genesys subreddit because it fits the tone
Every weapon has a default concealment of this conversion and I didn’t have to write it, so
rating equal to 4 minus the weapon’s there.
Encumbrance. So an Encumbrance 3 weapon has
a Concealment rating of 1. Death from Wounds:
Trying to spot concealed weapons on a A character dies if their current wounds
person is a threshold Average [FF] Perception exceed double their wound threshold. For
check. example, if a character with a wound total of 15
Every weapon with a concealment rating has a total of 31 or more wounds at any time, that
equal to or less than the s gained is found. This character dies. This is in addition to any Critical
way a single check can be made against one Injuries or other effects that can cause character
person and reveals varying levels of concealed death per the Genesys rules.
Dying State:
For example: An encumbrance 4 rifle has a When a character’s total wounds exceed their
Concealment Rating 0 [4-4] so can’t be concealed wound threshold and the character becomes
without additional work while an encumbrance 1 incapacitated, the character also starts dying,
light pistol has a Concealment of 3 [4-1] so would suffering 1 additional wound at the end of each
require 3 s on the Perception check to discover. round (this is not damage and ignores soak).
Magnetic Anomaly Detectors, or a MAD-
scanner, upgrades Perception checks once when Stabilizing
scanning for hidden weapons or equipment. Certain effects can stabilize a dying character,
canceling the dying state and causing them to no
longer suffer 1 wound per turn. Some effects that
can stabilize a dying character are as follows:
• If a dying character recovers any wounds,
they immediately stabilize.
• A dying character can attempt a Resilience
check once at the end of each round (before
suffering a wound due to dying), with a
difficulty equal to the difficulty of their most
severe Critical Injury (wound penalties apply).
If successful, they immediately stabilize.
• Another character can attempt a Medicine
check as an action, with a difficulty equal to
the difficulty of the dying character’s most
severe Critical Injury. If successful, the dying
character immediately stabilizes.
If a stabilized character whose wounds
exceed their wound threshold suffers any more
wounds, they begin dying again.
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Amplify [Skill] [Passive] Spells or weapons with the frozen tag can
Mostly found in Magic Foci, items with this inflicts wound through frostbite, shivering, and
deep numbing cold. The biggest danger however
quality amplifies the skill or attribute check it is
is to worn armor. When activated a target is
associated with. Each Rating of Amplify adds 1 Frozen for turns equal to the qualities rating.
boost die per even numbered rank, and removes Targets suffer 1 point of strain per round and
1 setback per odd. Most foci have additional any attacks against a Frozen target that inflict
effects based on their Force and type. damage also apply one level of damage to any
Amplification Rating worn armor and reduces the armor’s soak by 1
1 n –S permanently from fractures and shattered straps,
2 –S the armor can be repaired but it’s best to let it go.
3 –S S
The cold protection armor mod negates the
4 –S S
armor damage and Soak reduction. The target still
+A a
suffers strain per round.
5 +A a –S S s

Nondetection [Passive]
Breach [Passive] This quality upgrades the difficulty of any
Weapons with the Breach quality ignore 1 Perception checks using MAD scanners, or other
point of vehicle armor per point of Breach, sensors, to detect hidden weapons or items.
meaning they also ignore 5 points of Soak per
point of Breach. This is different from the Genesys Conceal [Passive]
standard of 10 to 1 and is reflected in Breach Sawing off barrels, shorting stocks, reducing
ratings and vehicle stats. form factor are ways to increases an item or
weapons Concealment by this qualities rating.
Flash [Active] The base difficulty to detect a weapon or item
Items with this quality inflicts S s against with a Perception check is 4 minus the items
visual based skill checks due to intense flashing encumbrance.
lights for a number of rounds equal to rating.
Flash Compensation halves the effect to S. Ruthenium [Passive]
Ruthenium fabric shifts light through itself to
Flechette [Passive] create a heat shimmer effect rendering those
Flechette ammunition is clusters of tiny darts wearing clothes made of it a pseudo-invisibility.
or projectile that spread when fired. Due to their Each rating of Ruthenium applies a +a to Stealth
poor penetration power Armor Soak is doubled checks.
versus this ammo type. Most shotguns are
equipped with a variable choke that can alter the Silent [Passive]
damage and spread of Flechettes. Changing the Some weapons are silent by virtue of their
Spread is a Maneuver, or an Incidental if the design, others by their function. This is relegated
weapon is Smartlinked. to weapons like slingshots, thrown weapons,
Flechette Damage Crit Rng Notes dartguns or the like that have little noise involved
Choke in their operation.
Narrow +2 3 Med Armor Soak x2
The difficulty to hear a silent weapon being
Medium +1 3 Short Armor Soak x2
Wide -2 4 Short Armor Soak x2 used is Average [ff] Perception at Engaged
Blast 7 range, and increased by +1 Diff per range farther
or +1 due from barriers like closed doors, or
muffling objects like heavy blankets / pillows.
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Suppressed [Passive]
Equipping a suppressor on a weapon vastly
decreases its sound and muzzle flash but does not
render them silent. To hear a firearm with a
suppressor is an Easy [f] Perception check at
Short Range. The difficulty increases by +1 for
every range band past Short, or +1 due from
barriers like closed doors, or muffling objects like
heavy blankets / pillows.
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The Matrix is information and power. It’s used jacked directly into your prefrontal cortex. In VR a
every day to watch the news, pay bills, or talk to user can feel and manipulate matrix icons as if
friends and loved ones. It monitors people’s they were solid real world objects. The ease and
money, handles city utilities, and manages the speed of the DNI control has made VR the default
traffic on and above the streets. Billions of people for Deckers or others who work with the Matrix
use it constantly, from the hungry family in professionally.
Redmond to the CEO in Neo-Tokyo and everyone Standard VR, the safe kind a rich child may
in between. It is the Matrix, the digital world grows up playing in, or a worker uses day to day is
within a world made of fiber-optic cables, cellular called by the slang term ‘cold sim”. This is the
networks, and more data and computing power typical neural interface with significant limiters
than has ever existed in the history of the planet. and safety protocols to avoid inflicting damage to
Some shadowrunners use the Matrix as a tool the users grey matter.
and a weapon. They glide through it, bending it to “Hot Sim” is an illegal type of VR access,
their will, making it dance and spin to the tune accomplished through illegal after-market
they call. Such a runner is called a decker, named upgrades to VR devices. This removes the limiters
for their tool of the trade, the cyberdeck. on a device so that experiences in the matrix are
Cyberdecks are highly restricted powerful brighter, more vivid, more sensual or powerful. It
interface machines built for “development, pumps a higher resolution stream of data straight
programming, and security testing” according to into the users brain which gives them an edge
the corporations who fund them. However over those in cold sim. Without the limiters, a
cyberdecks find their way into the grey and black user is able to move and react faster although the
markets all over the world and into the hands of danger of operating a DNI hot sim’d deck or
deckers who push them to their limits. The matrix commlink is if anything bad comes down the pipe,
is everywhere, and a good decker who can access it can slam into your favorite grey matter causing
and control the power and information that flows nausea, headaches, microstrokes, or death. It is
through cyberspace is often a requirement on a not for the unskilled or foolish.
shadowrun. Another type of “hot sim” use is through
specialized experience chips known as Better-
How the matrix is experienced. than-Life or BTL’s. These highly illegal cyber-drugs
Everyone experiences the Matrix in either offer powerful hypersensate and often perverse
Augmented Reality [AR] or Virtual Reality [VR]. experiences which are potently addictive and
In AR you ‘see’ the matrix with your own commonly lethal.
eyes, projected into your vision on cybereyes, a
screen, goggles, trideo, or some other display. The grids
You interact with the Matrix through special The Matrix is a series of connected virtual
gloves or devices that let you manipulate icons as environments known as Grids. A grid is like a
if you were able to touch them. It is safe, and territory or region. Contrasting to the world wide
common. Matrix of the past, the new Corporate Court
VR on the other hand is a direct feed of approved Matrix is divided up into smaller
computer signals into your brain creating a sections known as Grids. There are three types of
sensory experience. This is done through a direct grids. Public, Local, and Global.
neural interface [DNI] like a Datajack, or through
worn gear like an electrode [‘Trode] rig. The The Public Grid is a virtual overlay of the
Matrix isn’t watched on a screen and manipulated entire planet and appears as a roughly 1 to 1
using AR gloves, it is a consensual hallucination overlay of the world, decorated with virtual
P a g e | 33

buildings and landmarks which are often Hosts. If Hosts

your local Soy-kabob place is on the public grid, it In the simplest terms, Hosts are buildings or
often will appear near the physical location of the gathering points where people meet and work in
actual establishment. This is not a hard and fast the Matrix. Hosts can be virtual entertainment
rule but it allows a loose organization that is less venues, shopping centers, company offices, police
jarring to the common user. The imagery is often precincts, colleges, elementary schools, vast
shoddy or missing in areas rarely visited as it is gamelands, clubs, or anywhere people gather or
funded through various governments and interact on the grids. Hosts are often linked to a
corporations and provided free of charge as a specific grid and so the user must connect to
placating supportive system for those who may them from the same. Some Hosts, like large public
be unable to afford better. Public grids inflict S S venues, or social media Hosts, have multi-grid
on all computer checks due to spotty connections. access. A host can overlay a real world location in
Local Grids are subscription Regional Grids, layout, such as the famed club Dante’s Inferno
aligned by County, City, Metroplex, etc. These are which appears the same online and off allowing
often also roughly analogous to the locations real patrons to interact with each other from all over
world layout although they are more elaborately the world as if they were all in the building. The
sculpted than the public grid and are often majority of Hosts however exist completely within
themed such as the well-known Seattle Emerald the matrix. Some do not apply any of the usual
City grid where the sky is always a deep shade of physical laws or designs of the real world.
emerald green and many public constructions or Hosts are visible from anywhere within a grid
system have a crystalline green theme. Regional they are on. Their size is based on status, money,
or Local grids are only accessible to those within and location. Bigger corporate or influential Hosts
their real world local geographic locations as per appear high in the skies over a grid. They appear
the corporate courts Matrix protocols as enforced is vast buildings, floating clouds, or geometric
by cellular transmitter boundaries. collections of connected shapes.
Global Grids are run by the Big Ten AAA Entering a Host requires permission. Many
Corporations and have no real world analog as far public Hosts give out access codes freely, with
as landscape, location or layout. Each of the big only your SiN, travel and purchase history,
ten’s Grids are exquisitely sculpted based on the address, social media links, security type, and
corporation desired image, such as Horizon’s corporate status required to gain entry. Free.
infinite California beaches or EVO’s massive Other Hosts, such as secure corporate
dodecahedron of varying lands and races. There locations, private Hosts, or security companies do
are also several Global grids maintained by not grant permission to anyone unauthorized,
national governments such as the UCAS, the Tir, and hacking those is a Deckers daily work.
and the NAN. Hosts also act as the hub of many real world
location’s security systems. A small Host of a
Matrix Landscapes compound may link itself to every device within
The Public Grid appears to be much like a that compound rendering the Devices invisible to
simpler rendering of the real world with glowing anyone not inside the Host. This also extends the
lines of data flashing and streaming through the Host’s rating to those devices, possibly making
skies and illuminating the neon streets below. The them more difficulty to hack. This is a double
landscapes of the grids are filled with glowing edged sword however, as gaining direct access to
sculpted representations of buildings and a device linked to the Host would allow easier
locations that run from mundane to completely access inside the Hosts protections.
fantastic. Filling the grids, whether Public, local, or Due to Hosts having privileged network
Global, are two things, Hosts and Icons. access by the Corporate Court, they are accessible
from anywhere within the grid that they are
connected to without noise or distortion. While
P a g e | 34

meeting a friend 200 miles away on the public walked around the corner, those Icons are not
grid would be a static prone mess due to repeater displayed, and would require a bit of work to find.
towers, meeting them in the Mitsuhama V12- Another common reason an Icon would be
Gamelands will always be a smooth experience as invisible is when the Icon’s device is concealed
Hosts have no actual real world location, even if within a network. When a device is linked to a
they represent one, such as the restaurant above. central hub, like a personal Commlink, or a Banks
Host, those device’s Icons are concealed within
Icons the network. This happens in Hosts and in
The Matrix is connected to almost everything personal networks, known as PANs.
and anything that connects to or accesses the
grids has an Icon to represent it. Icons are stylized Pans
but are legally required to obey certain Most people carry a dozen or more devices
appearance rules, so that a person has a decent on them that have Icons, like their clothes,
chance of knowing what they are looking at. Icons glasses, credstick, or Commlink. Instead of these
of physical devices are locked to within Engaged Icons all crowded about a person, they are often
Range of the device they represent. They appear all networked with their Persona device, usually a
as a stylized company brand or trademark for the commlink, acting as the central hub of all their
device and carry a small Universal Icon Type Matrix connected gear. This collection of devices
descriptor, such as the 4 wheel square used for all is called a Personal Access Network, or [PAN]. It
vehicles. So a Mitsubishi Runabout Icon would allows a Commlink’s protection to shield all the
appear as the Mitsubishi company logo with the simpler devices linked to it as well as conceal
sleek Runabout arrow and the four small wheels those device’s icons within the PAN so that the
of its UIT. Hacking the UIT with an illegal Wrapper only one visible would be the commlink itself. A
program so that perhaps a firearm appears as a PAN does not have to hide all the icons protected
personal fitness wristband may fools the casual by it, this is optional as many users may wish to
observer in the Matrix but it is unlikely to hold up flaunt or display a particular device icon as a
long. status symbol. PANs are technically just an Icon
for a device housing other device icons similar to
Icon Visibility and the [Displayed] Condition a folder with other files within it.
Icons are everywhere, they float over store
entrances, near people clothes advertising the
location they were bought at, or hovering over a
car displaying its make and model. There are
Icons for everything from vehicles, ticket stubs,
weapons, store receipts, food containers, toys,
shipping boxes, clothing, street-signs, drones,
door locks, sports equipment, and of course,
personal commlinks and computer systems. There
are trillions of Icons floating about and shifting
through the grids.
Corporate court protocols set every Icon
within medium range [100m] and line of sight of a
user to [Displayed]. This means, obviously
enough, that you can see them in AR or VR. Likely
dozens or more are visible at any time in that
range. If an Icons device is out of range or not in
line of sight, say a camera in an underground
garage, or the purse on a shopper who just
P a g e | 35

Icon Types Intrusion Countermeasures

Icons can be roughly categorized as four These programs are a hackers worst
types; Device, Persona, File, or Intrusion nightmare. They are semi-autonomous security
Countermeasures [IC]. avatars that exist only within Hosts and are not
Device Icons linked to any specific device. IC can be anything
These Icons represent a single piece of real from annoying to fatal depending on the type
world equipment or the central device acting as a encountered. They are generated and controlled
hub of networked devices in a PAN. Some Icons by the Host itself for protection against illegal
cannot be concealed in this way legally, such as access attempts. Worst still they are unending,
Weapons or restricted equipment. vaporize one with your trusty Data-spike and
File Icons another will soon appear to replace it. Most IC
File Icons can represent anything from a appears as a theme avatar within the host, such
collection of photos to a top secret research as Killer IC appearing as a Samurai in a Renraku
project. They are collection of data stored on a controlled Host, or a Patrol IC looking like a
device or within a Host’s cloud. Their appearance Military Police officer in a UCAS controlled host.
is based on who created or Hosts them. Files may They can appear as anything but are always
contain encryption or deadly Databombs left for identifiable as IC.
the careless hacker.
A persona is a person’s avatar when
interacting on the Matrix. The Avatar/Icon is
linked to a personal communication device, such
their commlink, cyberdeck, or Rigger command
console. A Persona Icon is effectively the same as
the used device icon, only it carries the user’s
avatar appearance and public profile linked to
their SiN [System Identification Number].
The device licensed to the Persona is
often the hub of the users PAN as well. Many
companies offer ‘clothing’ or ‘worn item’ icons for
carried devices so that a Persona can appear to be
‘wearing’ any Icons they wish to be visible if
within a PAN.
A persona can appear as whatever the users
desires and can afford. Common mass market
Personas are all highly modifiable, although high
end custom sculpts are easily identified. There is
no limit to a Persona’s appearance beyond being
between 1 to 2.5m high, max of 1m wide, and
roughly humanoid. Public decency restrictions
apply on the grids, although many Hosts allow far
more permissive appearances within their
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The difficulty of Computer checks on the Matrix is almost always the rating of the device or host
that is targeted unless the action says otherwise. A person may substitute their own Computer skill
Ranks for the Device rating of anything they own, to represent their own tinkering and buffing their
personal security. Even the shoddiest commlink will be more difficult to hack if the user is highly skilled.
This requires at least 4 hours of uninterrupted time with a device to represent turning off known
security loopholes and fine tuning.
Every device has a System Strain threshold, from vehicles to personal Commlinks. Unless stated
otherwise this threshold is equal to twice a device’s rating. A device has a Soak equal to its rating as

Target Difficulty System Strain Soak

Device Rating Rating x2 Rating
Cyberdeck Rating Per Cyberdeck Rating
Host Rating - -
IC Host Rating Host Rating Host Rating

Firewalls are the built in or installed security service on a device or system. These setback dice are
ignored if a Direct Connection to the device is made.

Noise is signal loss caused by environmental effects such as distance involved, powerful Storms, or
heavy Matrix traffic areas. This is due to the Matrix being almost entirely trafficked via regional cellular
systems, so distance to a device matters. This does not apply to Hosts, as per the Corporate Courts
design. The cellular compartmentalization is a large part of the Corporates Courts security design.

Firewalls Base Interference Modifier

Average Consumer electronics None Downtown, Sprawl, Massive Event +S
A / Corps / Expensive Consumer S Faraday Cage No Signal
AA Corp / High Security / Law SS Jamming (per Rating) +S
AAA Corp /Black-site / Ultramax SSS Metal Walls / Dirt per meter +S
Rural or Abandoned areas +S
Distance Modifier Satellite uplink [Negates Distance] +S
1 to 10km (Locale) +S Storms, Heavy Snow +S
Water per 10 cm +S
10 to 100km (Regional) +S
100 to 1000km (Territory) +S Running Silent Modifier
Per +10000km (Global) +S User’s Device is Running Silent +S S

The maximum setback dice S possible are 5 S. Each setback S beyond that upgrades the difficulty once.
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Hot Sim sensory trips with no Safeties
AUGMENTED & VIRTUAL REALITY These programmed ‘chip-trips’ can make you feel
There are two levels of Matrix operation, like a god, live out a sim-stars life, or other more
Augmented Reality [AR] and Virtual Reality [VR]. carnal and cruel desires. All BTL’s are encoded in
AR is a purely visual and audio display of the super high granularity mind blowing data feeds.
matrix manipulated with eye tracking, voice They burn through neurons and are incredibly
commands and special AR gloves granting some addictive.
tactile and haptic responses. It is safe and cheap. Using a BTL chip requires a Hard [fff] Resilience
VR is a direct neural interface [DNI] into the check. If failed your strain threshold is lowered by
sensory centers of your favorite grey matter. 1. To recover the strain threshold requires a week
Sights, sounds, temperatures, tastes, it’s all of not using the chip. BTL’s require a Datajack and
experienced like you’re in whatever virtual an unsupportive social system.
environment you perceive. It’s far more powerful
and faster than AR and comes in two levels, the DUMPSHOCK
legal “Cold-Sim” and illegal dangerous “hot-sim” Abrupt disconnect from full sensory VR
VR - Cold Sim feeds all the amazing sensory The shock of jacking out from full sensory VR
data of the matrix into your mind but throttles and cutting the neural feed to your brain causes
the vast sensory input to a safe level. Even with violent backlash called Dumpshock.
these safeties, there are dangers. Any Think of your brain as using a matrix device as
Biofeedback inflicted while in Cold Sim is Strain its ‘car’ driving down the cyber-highway.
damage, however Cold Sim grants these abilities: AR mode is cruising, looking at the pretty
• +ss to Matrix initiative rolls. lights, barely moving. Bicycles pass you yelling.
• +1 free Maneuver per turn. Max 2 as usual. VR is a rocket fueled supercar screaming over
• 2 strain to convert a Matrix Action to a neon superhighways at 300kph.
Maneuver. In Cold-Sim VR you at least have your seat
VR – Hot Sim feeds the same amazing sensory belt on. Good for you. In Hot-sim VR you aren’t
data into your mind but does away with the wearing your seatbelt AND you’re holding down
safety systems and buffers. Everything is more the nitrous button and standing up in the sunroof.
real than reality and sharp. Deckers and When you jack out, your brain just opens the
professional hackers live on this ragged chrome car door and steps out. Obviously leaving the car
edge even if it kills them, and it can. Any before using the Switch Mode Maneuver to drop
Biofeedback inflicted while in Hot Sim is Wound down to AR is Very Bad™ causing a possibly fatal
damage form micro strokes, and hemorrhaging, case of neural roadrash called Dumpshock.
however Hot Sim grants these powerful abilities: Dumpshock inflicts Disorient 3 and 10 Strain if
• +sss to Matrix initiative rolls. in Cold-sim VR, or 10 Wounds if in Hot-sim VR.
• +1 free Maneuver per turn. Max 2 as usual. This is soaked by Device Rating + Willpower.
• May convert a Matrix Action to a Maneuver If you’re dumped due to cyberdeck or device
free once per turn. destruction / bricking, soak is only Willpower.
Your car blew up, you’re gonna have a bad time.
A direct connection to a device is most often
accomplished by plugging a data cable physically
into it. The direct connection allows the hacker to
ignore all Firewall ratings of the device, as well as
the protection and firewalls of it’s Host or PAN.
P a g e | 38


LINK-LOCKED [Condition] Unable to Hide, must use Evade Action.
Cannot switch from VR to AR. Icon or Persona is Displayed and unable to use
When Link-Locked you cannot use the Switch the Hide action. All systems alerted to your
Interface Mode, Enter/Exit Host, or Reboot presence. Switching to Running Silent has no
maneuvers. You can still Jack Out although jacking effect if already Targeted. The Evade action must
out from any mode other than AR causes be used to remove Targeted.
dumpshock. Any persona can be link locked.

OWNER [Condition]
Hard Coded control of purchased devices.
A device’s recognized owner may use the
Control Device action to Reboot or Format their
device at any time. The owner tag may be
removed with substantial work. See Page 16.


+1 to Device Rating vs Matrix Perception
An Icon Running Silent adds +1 to its device
rating versus Matrix Perception.
This inflicts +S S to all device actions due to
the power devoted to remaining stealthy.

DISPLAYED [Condition]
Actions may target Icon, reveals basic Info.
Every wirelessly active device in Medium
Range and line of sight automatically has its Icon
Displayed. Displayed icons appear to float within
3m of the device they represent and reveals its
device Type, Make/Model, Network, and Grid, but
not the owner.
For Example:
A Displayed Commlink Icon reveals the following:
Device Type: [Commlink]
Model: [TranSys Avalon]
Network Type: [PAN]
Grid: [Emerald City: Seattle Local]
If a wirelessly active device’s icon is not
automatically displayed (such as being out of
range, blocked by terrain, concealed within a PAN
or Host, or running silent) a Matrix Perception
action must be taken to display it.
P a g e | 39

[OWNER] Tags and how to remove them. product code. Then some minor electronics work
When a device that can connect to the Matrix and the device is cleaned and can be granted a
is legally purchased [or illegally purchased with a new owner.
“valid’ fake SiN] the person buying it gains the An interesting, and intentional, feature of this
[Owner] tag for that device, whether it’s a car, a system is that the SiNless unwashed masses will
watch, smartgoggles, commlink, etc. find there are a vast collection of goods they
The Owner tag is a three part encryption. The simply have no way of purchasing. Without a valid
first part is supplied by the seller or company that SiN most larger consumer electronics, vehicles,
is supplying the device to you. The second part is and weapon are not available. Most consumable
linked to a buyer’s SiN, so that only they have or low end products do not have an Owner tag set
Owner authorization. The third and final part is on purchase. Both because they are disposable
when those two portions of the owner key are and because while the SiNless are obviously not
uploaded to the Grid Overwatch Division’s Matrix ‘responsible’ enough to own the great majority of
authorizations protocols. Unless all three parts Matrix equipment, they are a huge purchasing
are present, the Owner tag is not applied. block and no corporation is going to give up any
A device’s owner can, at any time, activate nuyen and control of a population group.
the Reboot or Format function of their property.
These are identical to the Actions found
within the Control Device Matrix Action.
If Rebooted, anyone physically able to access
the device can just turn it back on. Easy.
When Formated a device is bricked until
repaired. This is obviously easier if stealing a
formatted commlink than a Mitsubishi Nightsky
However, for the owner to use these
functions, they must know the device has been
stolen, and be able to contact the device. A good
hacker can keep a device from reporting its theft
with the Spoof or Control Device actions, but
remember that Overwatch Score keeps climbing
while doing this.
Most thieves who want to keep what they
steal have a tech head with a Faraday Cage
nearby. Once within that cage the device can’t
receive any reboot shutdown signals and can be
worked on at their leisure.
To remove or reset the Owner tag to either
Factory blank, or apply a new SiN to it, is a Hard
[fff] Computer check that takes 4 hours and
requires cumulative successes equal to the
device’s rating. If this generates hh the device
reports its location and theft. However if within a
Faraday cage this is obviously impossible.
The majority of this work is accessing the
various manufacturers’ databases [that are
helpfully found on the Shadownet] to find a new
P a g e | 40

4.4 DEVICE RATINGS EXAMPLE PANS, Hosts, and Concealed Icons.

GENERAL DEVICE RATINGS Most important devices are protected or
Rating Device concealed within either a personal network [PAN]
1 General appliances, public terminals or within a larger Host. They are not automatically
2 Consumer products, basic cyberware, displayed within medium range and while they
vehicles, drones, weapons, home security can be found with a Matrix Perception action,
3 Security vehicles, alphaware, elite corporate working through the PAN or Host adds a level of
security, elite weapons. difficulty that few hackers want to deal with.
4 High-end devices, betaware, military vehicles, For Example: You’re staking out a gang hideout,
and mil-spec security and you can see a security camera mounted to
5+ Deltaware, Black credsticks, Billion-nuyen the hangout. It’s in medium range and you have
experimental devices, spacecraft line of sight, obviously. What it takes to mess with
it depends on how its set up. See below.
PAN RATINGS. The camera is Rating 2, with +S Firewall.
Rating PAN
1 Bargain bin Commlink, Cobbled together Camera alone, no PAN or Host.
Network, A toaster. Not networked to anything, just reporting to the
2 Standard Commlink owner’s commlink. Its icon is displayed
3 Good Commlink, Cyberdeck automatically in medium range with line of sight
4 Secure Commlink, High End Cyberdeck Police on it. It uses its own rating and firewall.
Blue-Shield PAN. Matrix Actions Difficulty = [ff] +S
5+ Razoredge Cyberdeck, Elite Corporate /
Military PAN’s. C&C Military PAN. Camera networked to PAN
The camera is in a PAN on a gangmember’s
Rating Host Commlink [along a pistol and nightvision goggles].
1 CIVILIAN Pirate archives, public education, While the camera is obviously there, its Icon isn’t
Low lifestyle, Police response times 30 min. as it’s concealed in the Commlink’s PAN.
2 A / Social Programs Social media, small A Matrix Perception action is needed to find the
colleges/univ, local police, policlubs. camera’s Icon and give it the Displayed condition.
Suburbs, Middle Lifestyle, Lone Star /GOD Once displayed you can use Matrix Actions on it
HTR response time 15 min but it gains protection from the Commlink.
3 AA / Gov/Law Matrix games, AA corp hosts, The Commlink is Rating 3, with +S Firewall
large universities, mid-level gov. Matrix Actions use the Commlink Rating 3/+S
Upscale Home, Small Business, High lifestyle, Matrix Actions Difficulty = [fff] +S
Knight Errant / GOD HTR response time 10
min Make a Direct Connection to the Camera.
4 AAA Affluent groups, regional corporate You decide to climb up and plug your data-cable
hosts, major government, secure sites into the camera directly. Now the PAN is
Estate or Mansion, Criminal Group, Luxury, ignored, and all firewalls are ignored.
Private security response / GOD HTR time <5 Matrix Actions Difficulty = [ff]
min BONUS: If the Camera is on that gangmember’s
5 AAA ELITE Megacorporate headquarters, PAN, you can now attempt Matrix Actions on ANY
military command, clandestine head office.
device in the PAN without dealing with the
Warlord, AAA CEOs home, Dragon’s property.
Commlink’s rating OR Firewall. So hacking that
On-site Security / GOD Response time <2 min
rating 2 pistol is also just [ff]. Looks like those
guns and googles are about to crash.
P a g e | 41


Matrix maneuvers are all considered legal, Matrix Action Types
and can be used on any system connect to the All actions performed on the Matrix can be
matrix as long as the device has the capacity to do divided between Legal, and Illegal. Illegal actions
so. Attempting to switch modes on a device generate an Overwatch Score and risk the wrath
without VR capability is just not going to work, of the Grid Overwatch Division.
but you keep on trying. Legal Actions
These matrix actions create no Overwatch score
ENTER/EXIT HOST and are often performed by day to day Matrix
With permission you may enter any host on users. Even if used inside a restricted area, these
the same Grid. generate no overwatch.
Illegal Actions
GRANT ACCESS These dangerous Matrix actions come in two
You may voluntarily grant an Icon access to types, legal, unsubtle brute force Attack, and
your files or Host. This is used by many legal subtle but risky Hack of the fly Sleaze.
systems to allow access to public hosts.
GRID HOP Attack actions are unsubtle hard hitting
Switch from one authorized grid to another. techniques that hope to succeed through brute
force. If successful a system knows it’s under
LOAD PROGRAM attack, but not by who. The advantage to Attack
This readies a program on your cyberdeck. actions are that if the action missed it alerts no
one. The risk is that a failed Attack action bounces
OWNER REBOOT / FORMAT bad code and disruption back at the hacker who
When a matrix accessible device is purchased failed to land their attack, which inflicts System
legally, the owner’s SiN is linked to it allowing an Strain damage to their gear. This system strain is
owner to use the Control Device action to Reboot Soaked with Device rating + willpower.
or Format their device at any time as long as they Attack Actions
are able to communicate with it. This does not Success: Resolve action + system on Alert.
allow them to regain control of a hacked device, Fail:Un-cancelled for h= 2 System Strain.
only shut it down, or rendered it inoperable. Overwatch: Increase OS by check difficulty.
Removing the Owner tag from a device is
discussed below. SLEAZE ACTIONS [Hack on the Fly] Sleaze
actions are stealth and silence. A successful Sleaze
JACK IN / OUT action alerts no one, with the hacker fading like a
Connecting or Disconnecting from the Matrix ghost. The punishment for failing a Sleaze action,
takes this Maneuver. Jacking in can be done however, is steep. The system they attempted to
anywhere with a signal or cable port. ghost through is suddenly both alerted to illegal
To safely Jack out, you must be in AR or the activity AND instantly applies the Targeted
abruptness of snapping out of full sensory VR will condition to the hacker, putting them dead in the
cause Dumpshock. crosshairs of security spiders, deadly IC, or both.
Sleaze Actions
SWITCH AR / VR MODE Success: Resolve Action, no alert.
This switches between AR (Augmented Fail: Gain Targeted condition!
Reality) to VR (Virtual Reality) in cold-sim or hot- Overwatch: Increase OS by check difficulty
P a g e | 42


CHECK OVERWATCH Average [FF] Computer. CRACK ENCRYPTION [Rating] Computer
s reveals user’s current Overwatch score. A s [cumulative] equal to the Protection rating are
failed check does not apply Targeted. required to unlock a file to Edit or access it.

EVADE [Rating] Computer Check DATASPIKE [Rating] Computer

s removes the Targeted condition. Inflicts System Strain damage equal to Cyberdeck
Rating +s A DataSpike can also target a specific
DATABOMB Average [FF] Computer program on an opponent’s deck and crash it with
If setting: s becomes Bomb’s Rating. a single s. The program is unusable until reboot.
If defusing: s [Cumulative] equal to Bomb rating DataSpike damage is soaked with Device rating.
hh on a failed defuse attempt detonates bomb.
Bombs inflict rating x2 in unsoakable system
strain, and can erase a file, if desired. A Passcode ATTACK or SLEAZE ACTION
can be set to bypass the bomb. CONTROL DEVICE [Rating] Computer
This allows remote control of a device. The level
GRID-HOP Average [FF] Computer of control depends on [cumulative] successes. The
Access any grid you do not have authorization for. successes are not spent. Actions performed with
Note: Failure does not inflict Targeted condition. Control Device suffer +1 diff.
s Incidental (Turn off, mute speakers)
HIDE [Rating] Computer Check ss: Maneuvers (Eject clip, swivel camera)
This action removes the Displayed condition. This sss: Actions (Fire a weapon, drive vehicle)
is not possible if you are Targeted. See Evade. Special Control Device Actions
sss: REBOOT The device shuts down and
SNOOP [Rating] restarts after time set by the hacker, to a
Computer Check minimum of 10 sec. Anyone may manually reboot
s intercepts matrix traffic to and from the Icon. it sooner if able to physically access the device.
You can view the data live, or save it for later sss: FORMAT The device’s firmware is
playback. Overwatch accumulates as normal. corrupted, and on next reboot, its electronic
functions are dead. A Hard (fff) Computer [10
TRACE ICON [Rating] Computer Check min] repairs it. Non-electronics work (a manual
ss[Cumulative] reveals the real world physical door opens, a gun with trigger can fire, etc).
location of an Icon’s device. This doesn’t work on sss: JUMP IN A user in VR with a Control Rig
Hosts as they have no physical location. may jump into an unoccupied rigger-adapted
device. Once Jumped in the device no longer
SCAN AREA Average [FF] Computer applies the +1 Diff to Actions taken with it.
Using your device antenna, you can attempt to sss: SPOOF This allows you to send
display any Icons within medium range with a commands from the controlled device as if you
threshold computer check. This displays every were the owner. Commands received from this
Icon whose rating is equal to or less than s device are obeyed by external systems as normal.
gained. Scan Area ignores line of sight The receiving device(s) are not remotely
restrictions, although icons in Pans /Hosts still use controlled. This can access Owner only actions.
the networks rating.
Running Silent adds +1 to Icon rating vs this and
devices running the Wrapper cyberprogram will
appear as their fake identity unless their rating is
exceeded by the Scan check.
P a g e | 43


EDIT FILE Average [FF] Computer The vast billions of icons on the Matrix are
You may edit, create, destroy, copy, or protect a not going to be displayed to a user when they sign
file. Each s alters one detail. This is roughly a on, either because they are beyond medium
short paragraph of text, a single detail of an range, out of the line of sight, concealed by a
image, or few seconds of video or audio. If Editing network, or running silent. If a you want to use a
is constant (such as doctoring a recording Video Matrix action on an Icon, first you have to find it
feed) this Action must be used each round. so it’s Displayed in your view.
Every device within medium range of your
INFO SEARCH [Special] Computer cyberdeck, commlink, or RCC, has its Icon
Finding public and not-so-public information automatically Displayed unless the device/icon is:
about people, places, and things on the Matrix. • Concealed within a Host or PAN
Information Type Diff /Time • Out of Medium Range
Offline or Archive Info - • Out of Line of Sight
Public names, addresses F 5 Minutes • Running Silent
Finding an icon is Computer check. The
Niche, or not publicized ff 30 Mins
difficulty of the check starts at Formidable
Hidden or Erased Fff 12 Hrs
(FFFFF) BUT is reduced by -1 Difficulty for each
Intricate or Specialized +S
type info that you already know about the Icon
Obscure or on other grid +s s such as type, grid, etc.
Difficulty and Info already known.
INSPECT ICON Average [FF] Computer - F Type: [Cybernetics, file, weapon, sensor,
Any Displayed icon reveals its device’s type, drone, commlink, vehicle, Etc]
model, network, and grid. Using this action to dig -F Grid: The specific Local, Global, or Public Grid.
a bit can reveal much more. -F Model: TranSys Avalon, Ares Predator V, Ford
Each s reveals one the following, chosen by you:
• Cyberprograms: Any loaded on the device.
-F Network: The specific PAN, or Host its on.
• File changes: All edits made within 6 months.
-f Owner: SiN or full legal name of owner.
• File Actions: All actions used within 6 months.
• File Security: Type and Rating of Encryption s finds and displays the icon. You can share
and/or Databombs if present. this info with anyone accessing the matrix.
• Owner: A device owner’s name or company.
• Network Devices: Lists type and model of all
devices networked to the Icon’s device.
P a g e | 44

4.7 GRID OVERWATCH Convergence

At 40 Overwatch Score the actions of the
DIVISION & OVERWATCH character trigger automated systems hardcoded
SCORE into the Matrix itself. Basically GOD is coming and
Any illegal [Attack or Sleaze] Action she is pissed. This is called Convergence. Three
performed on the Matrix sends out tiny ripples of things happen simultaneously, and they’re all
error codes and asynchronous signals that bad.
eventually attract the lethal attention of the Grid • 1st You’re hit by 10 System Strain damage,
Overwatch Division. The slow accumulation of soaked by your Device Rating.
info and error messages is displayed as the • 2nd Your Persona device is rebooted,
character’s Overwatch Score [OS]. When this erasing any accumulated sand dumping
score reaches 40 very very bad things happen. you from the Matrix. This will inflict
The score is the same across all grids, each grid Dumpshock as well if you were in VR.
has their own Demi-GODs but they tend to play • 3rd Your real world location is reported to
nice together so grid hopping isn’t likely to help the owner of the grid you were using and
when you’ve brought to much heat down on local or GOD security forces. The mach 2
yourself. NEO-NET Avenging Angel is not a drone
you ever want to meet.
Accumulating Overwatch.
Anytime an illegal action check is made, the Host Convergence
difficulty of the check is added to the OS. Convergence works differently in hosts. If the
For example an average (FF) Crack Encryption decker reaches 40 OS while in a host, the GOD
[Attack] check would add +2 to the decker’s OS. informs the Host who instantly inflicts the
The OS increases with each check, may gain Targeted condition on the Persona. If the persona
additional OS from threats h gained during illegal flees out of the Host to a grid, the full weight of
actions. Overwatch also increases by +1D10 per the above regular convergence comes down like a
10 minutes. A reboot resets a characters OS to 0. hammer. Jacking out from within the host is
The GM tracks OS secretly. The Check Overwatch highly recommended.
Action (or the Baby Monitor CyberProgram) can
keep a character up to date on how hot their trail
is getting. If you aren’t paying attention, or just
have a bad run, Convergence happens.
P a g e | 45


a Recover 1 Strain (may be purchased more than once per roll)
Notice a single important point in the ongoing conflict, such as the physical
location of a hidden device.
Discover PayData worth (1d100¥).
aa or Perform an immediate free Matrix Maneuver (Cannot exceed 2 per turn limit)
t Add A to any allied characters next check, including the active character.
Add S to the targeted character or Host’s next check.
Discover Paydata worth (1d10 x 50¥).
aaa or Inflict bonus +2 System Strain with damaging attack.
t Discover Paydata worth (1d10 x 100¥)
Upgrade difficulty of targeted Icon, character, or Host’s next check.
t Upgrade allied character’s next check, including that of the active character.
Permanently delete one Cyberprogram from an opponent’s device.
tt Discover incriminating files or juicy paydata worth (1D10 x 500¥)
Display every Icon, Running Silent or not, within Medium range.


h Active Character suffers 1 strain. This can be selected multiple times.
Overwatch score increases by 1. This can be selected once per roll.
d or An opponent performs an immediate free Matrix Maneuver.
hh Patrol IC (if present) makes a Matrix Perception check.
Add A to the targeted character’s next check.
The active character or an allied character suffers S on their next action.
d or If not Displayed, the active characters Icon becomes Displayed.
hhh The active characters Firewall (if any) is lowered by 1 until reboot.
A single program (randomly selected) is unloaded. May be reloaded as an action.
d Remove a [Cumulative] Success from an on-going Matrix Action
One random program crashes. Must be repurchased.
Upgrade the difficulty of an allied character’s next check, may include the active
Add +3 to Overwatch Score.
P a g e | 46

COUNTERMEASURES [Ice] Strong IC [Skill = Upgrade Host Rating twice]
SPARKY Attacks a Displayed target, inflicts
All the good data, dirt, and devices are
Host Rating x2 +s System Strain and
concealed within Hosts. The deadliest security
programs are as well, known as Intrusion Biofeedback.
Countermeasures, or ‘Ice’. IC only exists within
BLASTER Attacks a Displayed target, inflicts
Hosts and is defined by the power of its Host.
Host Rating x2 +s System Strain and
Only one instance of each named IC can be
Biofeedback. Spend 1 s to Link-Lock the Target.
present in a host at once. If IC is destroyed the Host
can relaunch another copy after one turn. IC has a
BLOODHOUND Attacks a Displayed target, s
Soak value and System Strain equal to the Host’s
applies Targeted. If intruder is already Targeted,
ss performs Trace Icon.
All IC checks use a pool equal to the Host’s
rating, upgraded by IC’s strength with a difficulty
of the target’s device rating. PATROL Scans roughly every [6–Host Rating]
turns for intruders, s sets target to Displayed,
and alerts Host, and all IC.
Average IC [Skill = Upgrade Host Rating once]
ACID Attacks a Displayed target. Reduces
CATAPULT Attacks a Displayed target, s reduces
target device’s rating 1 per s. If rating is 0, s
target rating by 1 and inflicts Biofeedback equal
inflicts 1 non-soakable system strain. A Reboot
to Host Rating +s. A reboot resets the rating.
resets the rating.

CRASH Attacks a Displayed target. s crashes

Deady IC [Skill = Upgrade Host Rating twice]
BLACK Attacks a Displayed target, inflicts
1 Cyberprogram until device rebooted.
Host Rating x2 +s system strain and Biofeedback
and Link-Locks the target.
HUNTER Attacks a Displayed target. s applies
the Targeted condition.
For example: STUFFER SHACK Host Rating 2.
JAMMER Attacks a Displayed target. s reduces
The neighborhood Stuffer Shack Host appears
damage dealt by target by 1 for one turn.
as an impossibly clean and cheerful version of the
run down and grease stained convenience store.
KILLER Attacks a Displayed target, inflicts
Icons and dancing advertisements are
Host Rating x2 +s system strain.
everywhere. There are three Intrusion
Countermeasure programs:
SCRAMBLE Attacks a Displayed target, sss
[Cumulative] it reboots target device causing • Patrol IC [a floating Titan-Gulp Cup]
dumpshock if in VR. • Catapult IC [a Chef behind the rolling Soyquitos]
• Killer IC [a stoic security guard].
SHOCKER Attacks a Displayed target, s all
target maneuver cost 2 Strain for 1 turn. Base Check is Host Rating 2 = dd
Killer IC upgrades the base once = dg
TAR BOMB Attacks a Displayed target. s Link- Patrol IC upgrades the base twice = gg.
locks a target. Catapult IC upgrades the base twice = gg.

All IC has Soak-2 & 2 system strain.

Easy to kill but they’ll just keep coming.
P a g e | 47


Rating Firewall Str Devices in PAN Programs Rarity Price
Radio Shack PCD-500 1 - 4 3 1 2 21k¥

Erika MCD-1 1 S 5 3 1 3r 49.5k¥

Microdeck Summit 1 - 6 6 2 3r 58k¥

Little Hornet 2 - 6 6 3 5r 90k¥

Microtrónica Azteca 200 2 - 8 6 2 5r 110k¥

Hermes Chariot 2 S 10 6 3 5r 123k¥

Microtrónica Azteca 300 3 - 11 9 3 6r 200k¥

Novatech Navigator 3 - 12 9 3 6r 206k¥

Renraku Tsurugi 3 - 14 9 3 7r 214k¥

Xiao MGP-1 3 S 12 9 4 9r 302k¥

Shiawase Cyber-4 3 S 14 9 4 9r 331k¥

Sony CIY-720 4 S 16 9 4 8r 345k¥

Shiawase Cyber-5 4 SS 18 12 5 8r 549k¥

Fairlight Excalibur 5 SS 20 15 6 10r 823k¥

Fairlight Paladin 5 SSS 22 15 6 10r 1m¥

Specialty Cyberdecks Sys Max #
Rating Firewall Str Devices in PAN Programs Rarity Price
MCT Trainee 1 - 4 3 1 3r 12k¥
Built in: BiofeedBack Filter
Cantor-Kurosawa Analyst 2 - 4 6 1 5r 84k¥
Hi-def Trideo Camera, Editing System
Aztechnology Emissary 2 S 10 6 1 6r 168k¥
+1 Soak vs DataSpike Attacks
Yak Killer 2 - 12 6 2 9r 194k¥

Ring of Light Special 3 S 10 9 3 7r 242k¥

Ares Echo Unlimited 4 SS 16 12 3 10r 396k¥

Non-Standard Form Factor - - - - +1 +20%

Weapon Form Factor - - - - +3r +50%

Cyberdeck Modules Rare Price Every Cyberdeck has (1) Module Slot.
Installation is a Maneuver
Burn Module 3r 1,500¥ +5 Sys Strain. When used up, is trashed.
Induction Receiver 7r 1,200¥ Deck can make direct connection via touch.
Multidimensional 6r 1,400¥ +1 Rapid Reaction for Matrix Purposes
Overwatch mask 7f 4,200¥ Requires hh for +1 OS once per turn.
Program Carrier 2 900¥ Adds 1 Cyber Program, hardwired into module.
Self-Destruct 7r 200¥ Deck becomes a VERY VERY expensive
Fragmentation Grenade.
Vectored Signal Filter 3 800¥ Noise Reduction (- S )
P a g e | 48

Legal Programs Rarity Cost Commlinks, Cyberdecks or * = Useable on RCC.

3 80¥
Search Agent +A to the Info Search action.
Edit Agent +A to the Edit File action.
Signal Scrubber* Reduce Noise by - S
Virtual Machine* Net +1 Program Slots. -1 Soak.

Cyberdeck Rarity Cost Cyberdecks only unless * = Useable on RCC.

Illegal Programs 6r 250¥
Biofeedback Inflicts Biofeedback. Coldsim-Strain, Hotsim-Wounds.
Hammer +2 Damage for Data Spike
Lockdown Link-Locks a target if damaged.
Tantrum Attacks inflict Disorient 3 instead of System Strain damage.
Feedback Filter* +2 Soak (Biofeedback only)
Hardening* +2 Soak (System Strain Damage only)
Static* +1 Firewall.
Sneak +S versus Trace Icon.
Swerve* +S versus Control Device.
Remote +A to Control Device Action.
Decryption +A to Crack Encryption Action.
Demolitions +A to Set / Defuse Databomb Actions.
Stealth +A to Hide Action.
Track +A to Trace Icon Action.
Baby Monitor Displays current Overwatch Score
Detonator Databomb activates after X number of times file accessed
Evaluator Displays discovered Paydata value with Inspect File action
Exploit -S to Attack and/or Sleaze actions.
Fork Perform matrix Action on 2 targets. +2 Difficulty.
Hitchhiker Brings friends up to rating of device into Matrix.
Orbital Nuke COST- 2,000¥ Rarity - 8r
Edit File can permanently erase files. This is an Attack action.
Wrapper* Can disguise Icons in PAN. +1 Rating vs Matrix Perception to detect.
Only one instance of a Cyberprogram may be run at a time.
P a g e | 49

Riggers are people that want more than just Control Rigs grant the following effects while
to drive a vehicle, they want to be the vehicle, Jumped in and using Vehicle Actions.
feel the rain slick asphalt beneath squealing wide- Control Rig Rating 1
grip tires and the sharp stinging impact of bullets • +s to initiative rolls when jumped in.
across the rear bumper. Well, maybe not so much • +1 free Maneuver per turn. Max 2 as usual.
the bullets part. Riggers are couriers, racers, thrill Control Rig Rating 2
seekers, smugglers, and machine operators who • +ss to initiative rolls when jumped in.
have invested in a device called a Control Rig that • +1 free Maneuver per turn. Max 2 as usual.
allows them to ‘become’ the heart of a machine, • 2 strain to convert a Matrix Action to a
performing maneuvers and driving to the edge of Maneuver.
a vehicle’s limits and beyond. The control rig’s Control Rig Rating 3
translation modules can allow a rigger to link up • +sss to initiative rolls when jumped in.
or “jump into” a machine that has a rigger • +1 free Maneuver per turn. Max 2 as usual.
interface. The sensory translators can turn tire • May convert a Matrix Action to a Maneuver
pressure and road slip into the feel of asphalt free once per turn.
under foot, the howling rpm’s of the gearbox into
the pounding pulse of a riggers heart as they stare
into the night through UV and IR sensors like eyes
Making the Jump
Jumping in is an Action in AR, or an Incidental
mounted across the grill. While some riggers
in VR, or using a direct connection to the
focus on jumping in and operating singular large
machine, such as a Universal Data Cable.
vehicles, other riggers focus more on drones,
If directly connected to a Rigger Command
small semi-autonomous robotic devices that fly,
Console [RCC], a rigger can jump between any
swim, and drive. Drone riggers can jump into a
drone linked to it with an Incidental.
hundred tiny flying eyes, or crawl through the
Jumping in a vehicle, drone, or articulated six-
walls and alleyways as a stainless steel rat.
axis arc welder requires 3 things;
Rigger have a special set of rules when they’re
1. A control rig.
“jumped in” to a vehicle or drone. This makes
2. A machine with a Rigger interface.
them more powerful, but also exposes them to
3. [Owner or Control Device]
more risks. Here’s the skinny on all of the fun
a. The Rigger is the [Owner] of the Machine
you’ll have as a rigger in the Sixth World.
b. The Control Device matrix action is used
A control rig is an expensive and invasive
Physical Damage
series of sensory translation modules installed
When a machine a rigger is jumped into
throughout the riggers body. It uses the motor
suffers Hull damage, feedback inflicts half that
cortex, sections of the cerebrum, brain stem, and
damage [rounded down] as either Strain [Cold-
sensorium, with a few superconducting tendrils in
Sim] or Wounds [Hot-sim] soaked with Willpower.
the pre-frontal and frontal cortices. The Control
Rig has a built-in sim module, so you can use it for
DNI with other devices. It also comes with a Jumped In, Icons, and the Matrix
universal data connector [UDC] and about a When a Rigger is jumped into a machine, that
meter of retractable cable. machine’s Icon can be Concealed in the Riggers
The processing and neural response systems PAN they wish. Otherwise the Icon stay separate
of various Control Rigs define just how precisely a like anyone operating a vehicle.
Rigger can make a machine dance. If a Rigger is directly connected to a machine
via universal data cable, the machine will suffer
P a g e | 50

any system strain targeting the rigger, not the Cyberprograms on an RCC
riggers Persona device or PAN. Most cyberprograms can only run on a
Note: While not a concern for riggers often cyberdeck but a handful of important programs
(or at all) Black IC is the exception in that it can be run on an RCC. The drawback is these
applies damage to both the device AND the programs take up an RCC’s scare Autosoft slots.
character at the same time so, try to avoid that.
Cyberprograms usable on an RCC
Signal Scrub Reduce Noise by - S
Jumping out
When jacking out of a device, the Switch Virtual Machine +1 net Autosofts. -1 Soak
Mode maneuver should be used to drop to AR Feedback Filter +2 Soak vs Biofeedback
before disconnecting. If a rigger jumps out of a Hardening +2 Soak vs System Strain
device before dropping to AR, or if the device is Static +1 Firewall
destroyed, the rigger suffers dumpshock soaked Swerve +S vs Control Device.
by Device Rating + Willpower. If the device was Wrapper +1 Rating vs Matrix
destroyed, it’s soaked only by Willpower. Perception to reveal true
Icon type.
Group Command & Jumping around.
CONSOLES The RCC manages several connections at
Rigger command consoles [RCC] help organize
once, allowing a Rigger to command one, all, or
the legion of drones some riggers love. About the
some connected drones with the same Incidental.
size of a small briefcase, it can be used as a
This multi-connection also allows the rigger jump
commlink and act as the Rigger’s PAN, but RCCs
from one networked drone to another as an
are specifically built to support a PAN full of
Incidental. Commands issued from an RCC are
Drones, so include some extra features.
acted on during a drone’s initiative, not the
All RCC’s have a rating which acts as the
device’s soak as normal, as well as Firewalls
granting defensive S, improving a protected
drone’s chances against matrix attack.
The Itsy Bitsy Spider…
Any facility may have dozens, or possibly
For example: Hacking a Pilot-Rating 2 MCT
hundreds, of devices that can be controlled or
Rotodrone is an Average [Ff] Computer check.
manipulated by a rigger or decker.
If linked to a Proteus Poseidon RCC [Rating 3,
This is the world of a special kind of rigger,
Firewall 1] it’s a Hard (FFF) Computer check + S
the security spider. A spider’s RCC is networked to
a building’s host which directly connects it to all
Noise Reduction devices within the Host, including drones, doors,
If directly connected to a device, such as using and the coffee maker on the 3rd floor.
a data cable, noise is zero. Normal matrix Noise Since the Security Spider’s RCC is inside the
modifiers apply. High-end RCC’s may have signal host, it doesn’t matter if they are on the far side
scrubbers that negate some noise S. of the world, the physical distance to all Hosts is
considered zero. A spider rigger suffers no noise
Autosofts through this Host connection.
Autosofts are drone skill programs. An RCC The spider-rigger is often teamed up with a
can run a number of autosofts equal to its rating. spider-decker to help against hacking intrusions
Every Drone in the RCC’s PAN can use the skill at on the security system. The spider-security guard
the same time if it applies. is also there, but they’re just a regular guard with
eight legs from SURGE effects.
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5.3 CONTROLS & OVERRIDES A Pilot rating acts as the drones only attribute
Vehicles, drones, and devices can receive while autosofts provide the skill ratings. Together
commands from contradictory sources, such as an they form the drone’s dice pool when operating
extracted CEO desperately clawing at their car’s independently.
manual controls as a rigger who has jumped in A drones Pilot Rating is also used as the
into the vehicle is driving away with them. device’s rating versus any matrix actions used
Vehicles and other devices (like doors, trid- against it.
sets, and so on) can be controlled in four ways.
These control types, from highest priority to Autosofts
lowest, are rigger, remote, manual, and autopilot. Autosofts are programs that grant Drones skill
Rigger control is the result of a rigger being ranks. They are usually installed on an RCC so they
jumped into the device. If the owner is able, they can be shared and used simultaneously through
may be able to reboot or format the machine all the drones linked to the RCC.
while the rigger is in it through the [owner] tag, Some autosofts are specific to a drone type or
but have few other options. weapon carried. Some drones may have their
Remote control can be stablished with the own onboard autosofts. Also if a drone is running
matrix action Control Device. any of its own autosofts, it cannot benefit from
Manual control requires actual physical the same program on the RCC.
controls, like a steering wheel, throttle, buttons, Most autosofts grant skills ranks that are used
an AR display, or anything else a person can like any other skills check.
manipulate to control the device. Autosofts Notes
Autopilot requires that the device have a Perception Skill
pilot rating, which most vehicles and drones do. Computer Skill
Machines receiving multiple contradicting Stealth Skill
commands on the same control levels fail to Knowledge: [Type] Skill
perform any of them and instead send an error Language Alternate Language
message back to the users attempting to issue the Mechanic Skill
commands. Charm[Performance] Skill
Remember that a rigger is almost always the Professional [Type] Skill
[owner] of all drones connected to their RCC. Pilot [Model] Skill per Model type
Drive [Model] Skill per Model type
5.4 DRONES Weapon [Type] Skill per model type
Drone is a catch all term for a vast spread of
machines intended to be used remotely by riggers Drone Combat
or run autonomously with their onboard pilot Drones fight like characters, using their Pilot
programs. attribute and Skills. They have Soak and System
Strain based on their model, as well as hardpoints
Dog Brains and Pilot Programs for equipment.
Drones don’t *actually* use canine brains no When jumped into a drone, a rigger may use
matter what the trideo program La55ie the their own skills with the drone’s sensors, speed,
Wonder Drone has hinted at. A drone’s Pilot and weapons. Remember half of all damage
program isn’t so much a program as a type of inflicted [round down] on a machine while
firmware that measures the drone’s flexibility and jumped in transfers to the rigger, and is then
intelligence. The term “dog brain” is used in soaked by willpower.
reference to the fact that most drones, if left to Drones use their Pilot attribute alone for tests
their own logic, are not to terribly bright but they may have to make that they do not have
enthusiastic. autosofts for.
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[Or, taping a monoblade to a
Drones are specialized machines designed
with compact and optimized construction to serve
a specific purpose. Due to this most drones have
an extremely limited amount of aftermarket
modifications possible. Alternately some drones
like the ubiquitous MCT Seven series are mass
produced expressly for the purpose of flexibility.
Ever drone model has a Hardpoint [HP]
attribute representing how much equipment can
be installed on it. Most smaller drones have 0 HP
as they cannot be effectively modified due to size
and fragility.
Drone equipment is purpose built modular
systems designed to be installed on drones. This
uses up HP’s and is easily assembled with an
Average [ff] Mechanics check and 1 hour per HP
of the equipment.
Some riggers and techs like to make more
substantial changes to a drone, and modify its
core attributes. This can increase it speed, add
armor panels, high efficiency vtol fans for
handling, or even upgrade the drones dog brain
Pilot itself. Drone Modifications require a Hard
[fff] Mechanics check and 4 hours per HP used.
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Driver / Pilot Only: Yes Driver / Pilot Only: Rigger Only
Speed: Any Speed: Any
Increase or decrease speed by 1 to a minimum of This action is an attempt to mitigate system
0 and a maximum of the vehicles top speed. strain or the ongoing effects of critical hits. To
recover System Strain or ignore the effects of an
DRIVE / FLY ongoing critical hit, a jumped in rigger makes a
Driver / Pilot Only: Yes Willpower check versus the difficulty below. Each
Speed: Any s= 1 System Strain recovered
This maneuver reflects simply maintaining course Current System Strain
or moving along a road at its current speed. Under Half [F]
Over half [ff]
EVASIVE MANEUVERS 0 System Strain [fff]
Driver / Pilot Only: Yes Ignore Critical Hit Effect [Critical Severity]
Speed: 2+ The rigger must have been jumped in when
Evasive Maneuvers attempt to avoid incoming fire the critical was inflicted to try and lessen its
or a collision. This maneuver upgrades all attacks effect. Critical Hit still add +10 to future critical hit
made against AND from the vehicle until the end rolls, until repaired.
of the driver’s next turn. Ground vehicles larger
than Sil 2, and aircraft over Sil 3 are typically too GAIN THE ADVANTAGE
sluggish to perform this maneuver even at speed Driver / Pilot Only: Yes
2+. Speed: Any
This Action reflects the driver’s maneuvering
LINE IT UP and jockeying for position. It allows a driver to
Driver / Pilot Only: Yes gain the upper hand on a single opponent so they
Speed: ANY are in position for a better attack on their next
This maneuver reflects an operator's ability to Action.
shut out distractions to try and destroyed on To gain the advantage an opposed Piloting or
opponent. Unfortunately, the concentration Driving check is made, with the difference in
needed for this makes an easier target as well. speed upgrading or downgrading the difficulty. If
Until the end of the driver’s next turn, the opposing vehicle is faster, upgrade the
upgrade all combat checks from the vehicle once, difficulty for every point faster, if the opposing
but also upgraded any combat checks made to vehicle is slower, downgrade the difficulty by one
attack the vehicle or drone. per point of speed slower.
This maneuver is restricted to Silhouette 4 or With a successful use of the Gain the
smaller vessels. Advantage action the driver may ignore the
effects of the enemy’s Evasive maneuvers and
FLOOR IT their own until the beginning of their next turn.
Driver / Pilot Only: Yes Once the advantage is gained it is hard to
Speed: ANY shake. An opponent my attempt to cancel out the
This maneuver throws the throttles open advantage by using the Gain the Advantage
recklessly bringing the vehicle to its top speed. Action but suffers a +1 Difficulty to the roll. If
The stress of this inflicts 1 system strain for every successful the Advantage is erased but not
point of speed added. transferred to the defending driver.
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RAMMING Ramming Critical Hits are determined by

Driver / Pilot Only: Yes comparing the vehicle’s Silhouettes. It is
Speed: Any important to note that while a ramming vehicle
Ramming an opponent is a very effective way can inflict a critical on the target, it may instead
of smashing up both your target and yourself. The suffer a critical.
size and speed of the vehicles affect the difficulty
and damage of ramming. Equal Silhouettes
• aaa inflicts a critical on the opponent.
Ramming is an opposed Driving check, modified • hhh suffers a critical to your vehicle.
by both vehicle’s speeds:
• Upgrade the faster vehicles Driving check by Unequal Silhouettes
the Speed difference. • A Larger Vehicle automatically inflicts a critical
AND against a smaller one.
• Downgrade the slower vehicles Driving check • Your Smaller vehicle inflicts a crit aaaa.
by the speed difference. • Your larger vehicle suffers a crit hhhh
This magnifies the speed difference’s effect.
Vicious Quality All critical hits from ramming have
A single s indicates the vehicles have hit each a vicious quality equal to the damage applied to
other. the opposite vehicle.
This makes ramming very deadly!
Ramming Damage is vehicle scale. Double the
vehicle’s silhouette plus its armor and the impact Passenger Damage
speed. [Silhouette x2] + Armor + Impact speed. Passengers in rammed/ramming vehicle
Ramming damage is generated separately for suffer character scale damage equal to the
each vehicle but applied simultaneously. vehicles received damage. It is either strain, or, if
The attacker has the advantage of each extra the vehicle suffered a critical, Wounds. It is
s gained reduces the damage they suffer by 1. soaked as normal and can be lowered by safety
features and the like.
Impact Speed If the vehicle reached 0 Hull from damage,
Impact Speed is relative and depends on how the passengers also suffers a Critical Hit, with the
two the car crossed movers meet. same vicious quality as above.
Impact speed in a:
• Swerving, parallel or sideswipe is likely 1. If a vehicle or drone’s Silhouette is less than 1
• T-bone is equal to the striking vehicle’s speed. ramming damage is Speed + Armor doubled, in
• Head-on adds both speeds together. Ouch! character scale.
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Driver / Pilot Only: No Driver / Pilot Only: No
Speed: Any Speed: Any
Just because you’re not driving don’t Attacks using vehicle weapons are resolved
mean you can’t help. Passengers may take the similarly to standard combat attacks with range
following actions. These actions are often possible setting the Difficulty. All Vehicle scale weapons
only on larger vehicles (Silhouette 3+) but are not listed are intended to engage Silhouette 2 targets
strictly limited to those. (unless otherwise noted).
Navigate: The passenger or crew scans the area If attacking smaller Silhouettes, the
ahead with the focus on finding a clear route difficulty is increased by 1 per difference. If
through rough terrain (or just reminding the attacking targets larger than Silhouette 2, the
driver when the exit is coming up). A successful difficulty is reduced by 1 for every level of
Hard (FfF) Perception or Average (FF) silhouette above 2 to a minimum of 1.
Navigation check, removes one S due to terrain
or environment. VEHICLE BRAWLING / TRICK
Copilot: Copilots or co-drivers on big transport Driver / Pilot Only: Yes
vehicles cover auxiliary systems and equipment to Speed: >1
help the driver. With an Average (FF) Driving / This unorthodox Action is used when a driver
Piloting check the primary driver’s next Driving or or rigger wants to strike an opponent with a
Piloting check difficulty is downgraded once. portion of their vehicle such as with a door, or a
motorcycles tire or sweep a drone into them at
ECM/ACM: Electronic countermeasures and
low speed in such a sway as to minimize damage
Anti-Countermeasures are generally only found
to their vehicle or drone. Not quite a ram, it is still
on military and security vehicles. Jamming signals,
spoofing incoming missiles, or such are performed
Effectively, this is Driving/Piloting brawling.
with Computer checks as per the specific
This is an opposed Driving check if both are on or
equipment info.
in vehicles, or a Driving check opposed by
Manual Repairs: On larger vehicles a Mechanic Coordination to hit a pedestrian. A success inflicts
can attempt to make repairs while on the move.
the vehicles Silhouette (+additional Success) times
Some Silhouette 4 or larger craft can be repaired
3 in character scale damage to target who soaks
on the move with the appropriate Mechanics
as normal. For vehicles like drones with
silhouettes of 0 (or smaller) the base damage is 4
Fire Control: Military and corporate vehicles may plus successes.
have dedicated or available positions for
command and control or it could just be a
chummer hanging out a window yellin’ “IT’S OVER
THERE SHOOT IT!” A Hard (fff)Leadership or
Discipline check grants the next attack from the
vehicle a +A die. Each additional Q Q grants +A
to another person aboard the vehicle attacking
the same round.
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5.8 Ramming Buildings and shack destroying it and automatically inflicting a

critical hit due to the car having a larger
Driving up walls. silhouette. The critical has a Vicious rating equal
This is used mostly in the event a character to the inflicted damage, but the Vicious 6 crit
wants to drive into a wall (it happens) or up the doesn’t matter because the shack is vaporized.
side of a commercial building with Gecko Grips to Marv’s Jackrabbit has no armor and takes 5
skitter around on ceilings (this should not be damage (x2 Hut’s Silhouette of 1 + Speed 2 and
attempted with a motorcycle and acoustic ceiling Armor 1) but he spends the extra ss from the
despite all trideo claims to the contrary). driving check to reduce the damage from 5 to 3,
just tearing off both front fenders and rolling on.
Structure SIL Armor Hull Later, Mad Marv crams a rating 5 Passenger
Dilapidated Shack: 1 1 2 Protection System[PPS] to his Jackrabbit, and
Mobile Home: 2 2 4 renames it ‘Deathproof’.
Brick Home 3 3 8 Much MUCH later, after burning through his
Modern large bldg 4 5 10 entire collection of demolition derby BTL chips,
Reinforced Bldg: 5 6 12 Marv decides to drive his battered Jackrabbit into
an armored bank to test the new Rating:5 PPS.
Sil[houette] is an approximate toughness of a “Highest rating available” the salesman said.
buildings structure, not overall size. Marv aims for the side of the San Junipero
Armor is vehicle scale and used if someone wants Bank at the Jackrabbit’s top speed of 2, say
to shoot through the building. around 110mph, and gets sss again.
Hull is a suggestion as to how much Vehicle scale Marv once again inflicts 4 points of vehicle
damage it would take to create a 1m radius hole scale damage. The Bank’s armor easily ignores it.
in the structure. The Bank returns the favor spectacularly. 2 x
the Bank’s SIL of 5, +impact speed 2 and 6 armor
Gecko Grips Vehicle Mod = 18 points of vehicle scale damage! Which Mad
A drone or vehicle with Gecko Grips can only cling Marv lowers to 16 with the extra ss.
to a building or structure with a Silhouette greater The bank inflicts an automatic critical against
than itself. No vehicle over silhouette 2 may equip the jackrabbit due to the size difference and the
Gecko grips. If the exterior or surface to be Jackrabbits’ Hull Threshold, was only 8, so after
‘gripped’ is prone to delaminating or just plain suffering 16 points of hull damage the car
falling off, the Gecko Grips will be far less implodes, adding another critical hit for 0 hull.
effective. The Critical from the bank has a Vicious rating
equal to the inflicted damage so … Vicious 16?!
A couple overkill building ramming examples It looks nothing like a car anymore.
Mad Marv is out of the hospital and decides Mad Marv’s spiffy Rating 5 passenger
to plow his Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit through a protection system reduces his damage to “only”
SiNless person’s homemade hut [Sil:1 / Hull 2] at 11 wounds. He could survive that! BUT.
100mph. So Speed 2, the compacts top Speed. Since the Jackrabbit reached 0 hull (and then
This is the Ramming action and the Driving some) Marv suffers a critical with Vicious quality
check is Easy (F), as buildings don’t dodge. Mad equal to the damage the car received also, so…
Marv gets sss on the check. Only one s is Vicious +16 (Off the chart!!!) instantly turning
needed to plow into the shack. Marv into soft-serve jackass as the poor car
Marv smacks into the ramshackle building like becomes two dimensional.
a rocket as SINless folks scatter. He inflicts 6 Which is what happens when you t-bone the
vehicle damage (x2 Car’s Silhouette of 2 added to reinforced side of a corporate bank in a compact
impact Speed 2 and 0 Armor) on the dilapidated car at flat-out 110mph.
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OPTIONAL: A NOTE ON SPEEDS Aircraft [a] speed is 400kph per point of

This section attempts to detail out Speed Speed, so a Speed 2 Aircraft is cruising between
with measurements for those folks who like to 400 and 800kph. In structured time this equals
have some hard numbers to guesstimate with. 1 kilometer (1000m) per point of speed per
This is at odds with the solely narrative round and is only presented here for sake of
form of Genesys vehicle speeds but, I started reference as well. In this way any Aircraft
working on it and this happened. Also, I like Speed of 4+ is considered supersonic and is
having at least a ballpark figure of how fast zipping along at over 4 klicks per turn. SUPER-
things go even if I immediately ignore it. NYOOM!
There are five classes of Speed. Character
[c], Watercraft [w], Ground [g], Rotorcraft [r], This is an approximation for use when a
and Aircraft [a]. narrative or specific action calls for some idea of
a vehicles speed but should be taken with a
Hard Per turn grain of salt the size of the ACHE. If not needing
Numbers [10sec] or desiring this, the rough Edge of the Empire
Speed Type Pt of Speed x Speed pt x narrative sections work just fine.
Agility x 5m
Character [c] NA / 7* kph (per Mnvr) IGNORE ME!
Watercraft [w]
If using narrative speeds only, and needing to
Ground [g] 100 kph 250m
compare say, ground to rotorcraft, just double
Rotorcraft [r] 200 kph 500m the Rotorcraft speeds, or Rotor to aircraft you
Aircraft [a] 400 kph 1km would double the aircraft. This can break some
adjustments for combat but it moves things
Character [c] speed is what people and along faster should you need it.
most animals use, as well as several drones. In So a Speed 1 Aircraft is equal to a speed 2
structured time this is equal to Speed x5 meters Rotorcraft, a speed 4 ground vehicle, or a speed
per maneuver. A character with Agility 2 has a 8 watercraft. [That’s not a boat, that’s a
speed of 10m per Maneuver. This breaks down 250mph aircraft that likes swimming.]
to about 7.2kph or 4 mph which is quick but Character movement is irrelevant here
close enough to most human quick walk/jog. unless your Street Samurai or Mage thinks they
Watercraft [w] is used for boats, some can outsprint that 400kph / 250mph aircraft
aquatic drones, and other slower moving (which with magic is probably possible,
vehicles. This equals 0kph per point of speed, or somehow).
125m per point of speed a turn.
Ground [g] is roughly 100kph per point of
speed, or *roughly 250m per structured turn.
So a Sportbike at Speed 3 could be up 750 *Roughly in this case means yes, I know
meters away in a single round. NYOOM! 100kph is actually 278m per 10 second round
Rotorcraft [r] is used with helicopters and not 250m but I likes me some easy round
some vtol systems, and again, with some numbers and that 30 meter difference is
drones in that speed class. Rotorcraft speed is unlikely to really matter, but if it do matter to
equal to 200kph per point of speed, or 500m you, then you do you and do that math up.
per point of speed per turn. That means even
the ‘slowest’ speed 1 helicopter like a Northup
Wasp is going to ruin your day at 200kph /
P a g e | 58

Spellcasting in this conversion uses a mongrel Drain
variant of the Shadowrun concept of Force and 4. Resist Drain.
Drain. In this system a spellcaster has a choice in Drain is the physical and mental toll that
deciding how powerful and risky casting every powering magic inflicts on a person. When an
spell may be. I don’t find it too cumbersome or awakened channels magic to cast a spell, call a
slow, but I wrote it so.. here’s hoping? spirit, or create an item, that power burns
through them and can exhaust, or kill them.
6.1 SORCERY If the force used in a check was greater than
Force and Drain the character’s Magic attribute, you increase the
[aka aneurisms for fun and profit} drain by the amount above your magic AND it is
Sorcery is how most magicians are pictured, inflicted as wounds, if the force was safely equal
wiggling their fingers and unleashing a powerful to or below the character’s magic attribute, it is
roar of fire and while that is fun, there is far more strain damage. This is why, unless you have a
to magic than that. towering 5 Magic attribute, flinging spells at max
power and summoning super-spirits will cook
your brain.
For spellcasting, drain is specific to each spell
1. Pick spell and Force [1 to 5].
used, with a drain listed as the force used plus a
2. Assemble Dice pool from Force/Skill
number. Such as [F]orce+1, F+2, etc.
3. Roll spellcasting check and apply effects
When attempting to summon Spirits, drain is
simply x2 the force of the spirit without any other
Force as an attribute. additions. Simple but gets damn hard quick.
Force is a selected level of power from 1 to 5, Once the check has been made, the drain can
that replaces a character’s attribute to create dice also be adjusted down by -1 per a or unused s.
pools for active spellcasting, enchanting, and It can also, unfortunately, increase by+1 per h.
summoning. f’s have no effect on drain thankfully, failing
It represents the amount of power an what was being attempting is bad enough.
awakened character decides to pour into a Once determined and adjusted, drain is
magical effect, or the strength of a spirit they are soaked by attribute. Sorcery = Intellect,
calling. It’s decided on before the skill check, and Enchanting = Cunning, Summoning = Presence
creates the dice pool by *replacing* the caster’s IMPORTANT: Drain can never be soaked to 0,
related attribute for the skill check. The skill ranks however, a drain of 1 wound, that is reduced or
always remains unchanged. soaked further, becomes 1 strain. Any magical
Example: A spellcaster with an Intellect of 2, check that has a drain will always inflict a
and Sorcery 3, rolls d gg on a standard check. minimum drain of 1 strain.
Using this system, the caster selects the Force
attribute for casting, but their skill remains set. CHOSEN FORCE IS: DRAIN
Force 1 /Sorcery 3, rolling ddg Equal or Less than Strain Damage.
Force 3 /Sorcery 3, rolling ggg Magic attribute
Force 5 / Sorcery 3, rolling ddggg Over Magic +1 Per point over Magic
So why not cast everything at 5 and annihilate atttribute Wound Damage
your enemies? Because it has a good chance of
wiping you out too. There is a cost to this kind of
power, called Drain.
P a g e | 59

1. Pick spell and Force [1 to 5].
2. Assemble Dice pool from Force/Skill If Azure was panicked or facing a much more
3. Roll spellcasting check and apply effects deadly foe [and had friends to carry him
4. Resist Drain. afterward], he might decide to unload a Force 5
Fire Strike, which combined with his Sorcery of 2,
For Example: Azure the street mage has would create a dice pool of dddgg!
Magic 3 That spell is dangerous for both Azure and his
Intellect 2 target. Since the force is above his Magic 3
Sorcery 2 attribute, the drain will be wounds.
He wants to cast a Fire Strike at a Lone Star Force 5 + Spell drain +2 = 7.
officer. Force is 2 points over his magic = +2
Power Bolt’s drain is F+3. Total Drain is 9.
Azure decides to cast the spell at force 3, so If he doesn’t a lot of a or use extra s he
the drain will be inflicted as strain damage. Force could practically kill himself.
3 and Sorcery 2 make a dice pool of dgg. He would soak it with his Intellect of 2 for a
Rolling this, Azure gets a s and an aa. The total of 7 wounds! He is probably near dead.
spell strikes the officer and its effect are resolved.
Azure uses the aa decides to skip activating the However, what-ever he pointed that Force 5
spell’s Burn quality and use the advantage to Fire-Strike spell takes a minimum of 16 damage
reduce drain. and likely be DED. So it’s a dangerous last resort
A Fire Strike spell’s drain is F+3, so Force +3. type of deal.
He cast the spell at force 3, so 3+6 = 6 drain.
The aa lower this to 4 drain. Also casting dddgg versus FF is likely to
He soaks the 4 drain with his Intellect of 2, generate a lot more a and s lessening the
reducing it to 2 strain. dangerous drain or potently increasing the
Azure targets the officer and unleashes a damage to the target.
stream of flame inflicting the spell’s base damage
of [Force x3] +s. Also, Azure should know better than to so
The Burn quality wasn’t activated but the greatly exceed his capabilities. However it was
powerful damage incinerates the officer, inflicting sure pretty to watch.
10 damage.
P a g e | 60

6.2 THE SPELLBOOK Critical Hits

This document contains five types of All damaging Spells have a Critical activation of
Spells available to anyone with a Magic attribute aaa.
of one or more, and the Sorcery or Enchanting
skill. Drain:
This is written as F+1 or F+3, meaning the drain
Spell Descriptions that’s resisted after casting is equal to Force +1 or
Layout of spells are mostly uniform with the Force +3.
differences noted in each section, the various If a spells Force is above the Magic attribute of
descriptors for the spells are: the caster the drain has an additional +1 per point
above and is inflicted as wounds. Otherwise Drain
Diff: is strain damage. Drain can be reduced with extra
The Difficulty of the spellcasting roll or the s or a and then soaked by the skills attribute.
Attribute of the opponent being targeted or the
object resistance of the target item. Many spells Type:
are threshold spells, so the results are based on Spells are either Mana or Physical. Mana spells
the number of s gained. are solely astral energies, and have little to no
effect on non-living targets. Physical spells create
Duration: real world physical disruptions such as fire that
There are three main durations listed, can affect nearby objects.
instantaneous, sustained, and permanent.
Instantaneous spells apply effects and are Damage:
done. For spells able to cause damage this is often a
Sustained spells require concentration. Each number based on Force and number of s
sustained spell adds +S to all skill checks. If the
caster takes wound damage a Discipline check Spell Qualities:
versus the force of the sustained spell is needed Spells may have qualities similar to weapons.
to not disrupt it. The +S are applied to that check. Every quality requires aa to activate unless
otherwise specified. Qualities with the tag [Auto],
Many Health spells require being sustained a
always activate without the need for aa.
number of turns equal to their force to apply their
Drain purchase: Any spell quality may be
automatically activated by adding +1 Drain to the
Permanent spells create a lasting change that
spell before casting. When you absolutely need a
remains without magical support.
spell to have Blast activated it can be ensured to
happen, for a bit of effort.
The range at which the spell can be used. The
Special Spell Quality
majority of spells use Line of Sight. This means
Touch [Auto]
that anyone seen through unaltered or processed
This quality can only activate if the caster is in
visual light can be targeted. Magicians with
contact with the target. If activated it reduces the
scopes are scary. However, for many spells
drain by -1. indicates a spell may be cast through
standard combat range difficulties apply. So while
touch. If the spells range is listed as Touch this has
you can see that slob of a VP on his balcony at
no effect.
800m, you may have a problem setting him on
P a g e | 61


Combat spells are what most chummers think Diff: Resistance Duration: Instant
of when someone says Sorcery. They can wreck Range: LoS Drain: F+1
vehicles, incinerate targets, freeze crowds, and Type: Physical Damage: [Vehicle] =s.
the like. Destroy Vehicle targets a type of vehicle or type
Every combat spell, aside from Shattershield, such as aircraft, watercraft, or groundcraft, or size
has a Range of LoS, or Line of Sight. If the mage of drone, Micro, mini, etc. It only inflicts damge
can see the target without electronic equal to the s gained but this is in vehicle scale
enhancement they can cast at them. This means a damage. Each selected type is a different version
pair of glass optic binoculars allow a mage to of this spell.
reach out and touch someone but a camera feed Qualities: Touch[Auto], Vicious [Force+2]
or image enhancement scope cannot. Cybereyes,
while electronic, have been paid for with the DISRUPT
user's essence and allow casting through them. Diff: Foci Force Duration: Instant
Just remember the steep effects of Cyberware / Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Essence loss on magic. Combat spells come in two Type: Mana Damage: Force x2 +s.
types, Direct, and Indirect. This spell disrupts an active magical Foci by
dealing temporary damage to its astral form. If
the focus takes damage equal to twice its Force, it
DIRECT COMBAT SPELLS is disrupted and becomes inactive. The Focus
These combat spells manifest on top of, or
“heals” the damage at the beginning of the
within the target’s, space. It is not blocked by
owners next turn, but remains deactivated until
intervening material unless the mage cannot
reactivated by with a Maneuver by its bonded
establish line of sight. A mirror could be used to
owner. Astrally projecting magicians whose foci
see a target, while a video camera’s feed could
become disrupted cannot reactivate them until
not. They are most deadly due to critical effects.
they return to their physical body.
NOTE: Direct combat spells have lower damage
potential but they Cannot be soaked, making
them deadly and relying on powerful critical hits.
Diff: Brawn Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+5
Diff: Resistance Duration: Instant
Type: Physical Damage: Force +s.
Range: LoS Drain: F+2
This spell creates a ring of flame that bursts
Type: Physical Damage: Force +s.
outward from the caster to strike all targets in
Different object types require separate spells such
engaged range. If sustained it creates a burst
as Door, Furniture, Gun, etc. This spell cannot be
centered on the caster each turn.
used against vehicles.
This spell requires 2 Strain to sustain per turn.
Qualities: Blast, Sunder[Auto], Touch
Qualities: Burn[Auto], Blast [auto]
Diff: Willpower Duration: Instant
Diff: Brawn Duration: Instant
Range: LoS Drain: F+3
Range: LoS Drain: F+4
Type: Mana Damage: Force +s.
Type: Physical Damage: F +s Stun Damage.
Destroy [Free Spirit] works against a specific free
The spell catastrophically reduces the air
spirit but no other spirits.
temperature around the target and joints become
Qualities: Vicious [Force+2]
stiff and skin raw.
Qualities: Frozen 1[Auto], Disorient 3
P a g e | 62


Diff: Willpower Duration: Instant Diff: Force Duration: Instant
Range: LoS Drain: F+5 Range: Touch Drain: F+1
Type: Physical Damage: Force +s. Type: Mana Damage: Force +s.
Insecticide targets a specific type of insect spirit. Shattershield is designed to splinter manna
Each type such as Ant, roach, wasp etc. is its own barriers. The caster must touch the mana barrier’s
spell. physical component or astral form.
Qualities: Vicious [Force +2] Qualities:-

Diff: Brawn Duration: Instant Diff: Willpower Duration:
Range: LoS Drain: F+1 Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Physical Damage: Force +s. Type: Mana Damage: F +s Stun Damage.
Spell only works on Awakened targets by This spell channels magical energy directly into
releasing their inner mana violently. Non- target, causing Stun damage. Stun is sometimes
awakened are unharmed. referred to as a “sleep” spells because it may
Qualities: Vicious [Force] render targets unconscious.
Qualities: Blast, Touch [auto], Stagger 1
Diff: Willpower Duration: Instant
Range: LoS Drain: F+3
Type: Mana Damage: Force +s
Disrupts a living targets aura and life force.
Qualities: Blast, Touch[Auto]

ONE LESS [MetaHuman Type]

Diff: Willpower Duration: Instant
Range: LoS Drain: F+1
Type: Mana Damage: Force +s.
This is a specialized Mana Shred spell that only
targets a particular species or metatype. It has no
effect on other species. It’s often named for the
species it targets, One Less Naga, Slay Ork,
Slaughter Dwarfs, Irritate Trolls and so on.
Qualities: Blast, Touch, Vicious [Force+2]

Diff: Brawn Duration: Instant
Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Physical Damage: Force +s.
This spells channels destructive magical power
directly into the target causing physical
damage, cooking them from the inside, like
magically microwaving a hot dog.
Qualities: Blast, Touch [auto], Vicious [Force]
P a g e | 63


Indirect spells are fired from the caster like a NAPALM
weapon, the difficulty is based on Range, they Diff: Range Duration: Instant
travel from the caster to the target and can be Range: LoS Drain: F+3
affected by intervening walls, cover, and such. Type: Physical Damage: Force x3 +s
They are then soaked with Brawn + Armor as Combines the heat and burning damage of the
normal. element of fire and the kinetic impact of water.
Since it often appears to flow over targets, it has
CLOUT become known as Firewater, or Napalm.
Diff: Range Duration: Instant Qualities: Blast, Burn 2[Auto], Knockdown
Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Physical Damage: Force x3 +s SUNBEAM
This spell creates a powerful kinetic force that Diff: Range Duration: Instant
slams into targets, and may knock them down. Range: LoS Drain: F+3
Qualities: Blast, Knockdown, Touch [auto], Type: Physical Damage: Force x3 +s.
Concussive [Force] Creates a powerful beam of directed sunlight.
Against targets Allergic to Sunlight, it does double
CORRODE [Object] damage, and Half to those who aren’t. The light is
Diff: Range Duration: Instant very bright and can inflict setback from glare if
Range: LoS Drain: F+3 activated.
Type: Physical Damage: Special. Qualities: Flash 3
Automatically Corrodes specific objects (such as
Corrode Wall, Corrode Electronics, or Corrode
Armor etc.) without harming anything else. Each
sinflicts one level of damage to specified type of
objects or removes a point of armor.
Qualities: Touch [auto], Blast

[Element] STRIKE
Diff: Range Duration: Instant
Range: LoS Drain: F+3
Type: Physical Damage: Force x3 +s.
This spell fires an Elemental stream that inflicts
damage and elemental effects. If Blast is
purchased for +1 Drain before casting, the spell
can create a grenade-like ball of elemental energy
that launches from the magician like a solid
projectile and can bounce and roll before
detonating. It may be detonated with an
Incidental action or automatically explodes at the
start of the Magicians next turn (Maximum time
delay 10 seconds). If Blast is activated with W W
from the casting check, the spell detonates at the
targeted point as normal. Each type of element is
its own spell and learned separately (Lightning
Strike, Fire Strike, Acid Strike, etc).
Qualities: Blast, Elemental
P a g e | 64

The [Elemental] tag can be applied to spells,
environments, or weapons but is most often
connected with the Combat Spell: [Element]
Strike. Each element has effects that are applied if
the Elemental quality is activated. Many of the
elements have one additional quality linked to
them however these are automatically included in
the effect of triggering the Elemental tag and do
not require additional a to activate.
The element’s potency is based on the Force
of the Spell that created it or the Magic attribute
of the Paracritter that caused it. Both of these
numbers vary from 1 to 5+.

When triggered this element creates powerful
Acid with a rating equal to the spells Force x2, or
a critters Magic x2. The acid lasts for one turn.
(See Genesys pg 111 Table 1.6-8).

Liquids freeze, lubricants gum up, and armor
grows brittle. It could also make floors or
walkways treacherous calling for Coordination
checks if the GM allows. This applies Frozen
[Force / Magic]

When activated this quality applies Stun with a
rating equal to [Force / Magic]
A t on the attack action can cause targeted
devices suffer a Format as per the Control Device

This elemental quality applies Burn [Force /

Water carries an impressive amount of mass and
stunning impact and applies Concussive [Force /
P a g e | 65

Toxic Element Types POLLUTION

Pollution and Radiation are elements This element is corrosive fluids and toxic
considered forbidden by almost every respectable chemicals from the worst landfill imaginable. Any
[and some less than respectable] magical order. target struck with this must make a Resilience
While the pollution element is forbidden and check versus the spell’s Force every turn as a
illegal, radiation elemental use is a capital crime Maneuver. Failure means they suffer potent
in every corporate, governmental, or tribal anaphylactic shock, gaining +S S to all actions,
jurisdiction and punished with summary and taking 1 wound per round until either the
execution. From a safe distance. Resilience check is made or rounds equal to the
Those using these deadly elements risk Toxic spell’s force have passed when the effect wears
Corruption, a creeping madness that consumes a off. This can also be healed with a Medkit and an
spellcaster, granting them increasing power Easy [f] Medicine check. If there is no Medkit
before outright devouring them. available, it is a Hard [fff] Medicine check.
A d on the Resilience check applies the
Toxic Corruption: When making a magic skill Bleeding Out critical effect! So act fast The Heal,
check with the [Pollution], [Radiation], or Toxic Detox, or Antidote spells also heal this.
spirit type, a d will inflict Toxic Corruption. Each
Toxic level applies various effects. RADIATION
Spells using this element ignore Armor soak,
• Strain Threshold is lowered by toxic Level although a Radiation Shielding rating acts as
• Toxic level is added to Magic attribute* +soak versus this. If the attack deals damage and
• Gain +S per Toxic level to all social checks. the Radiation quality is activated, the target
• Level 4 [Pollution] Critter Power: Anaphylaxis. suffers A radiation attack that deals a critical hit
• Level 4 [Radiation] Critter Power: Energy Aura. inflicts +1 Level of Radiation Poisoning per
• Level 6 Is devoured by madness and the activation of the Radiation quality.
element. If a PC, the character becomes an NPC Radiation Poisoning
Radiation poisoning requires an Easy [f]
The Social +S applies even with other Medicine check modified by +1 Difficulty per level
corrupted. There are no friends here. of Radiation Poisoning.
*Only for checks involving Toxic spirits, or the This requires a week of medical care within a
Pollution and Radiation elemental types. well-equipped hospital to cure. A less than stellar
Lvl Notice Appearance location, say the street Doc above the Lo-Fi House
1 Ffff Slightly pale, tired looking, of Bass near Bryant street, could apply between
smelly +S S and +S S S to the check. If a d occurs on
2 Fff Appears sick, yellowed nails, the Medicine check, the effect is permanent.
Greasy skin, rashes. Bad B.O. Each Level reduces a characters Strain
3 ff Small sores, hair patchy, loose threshold by 1. Every 2 levels reduce Brawn and
skin, discolored eyes, stinks. Agility attributes by 1. When Brawn or Agility
4 f No hair, skin sloughing off, vile reach 0 the character is dead.
smell, eats garbage, feverish,
being chased by Capt. Planet.
5 Obvious Oozing green sludge,
shimmering glow, nauseating
is currently trying to kill you by
blasting Pollution or Radiation.
P a g e | 66

DETECTION SPELLS Detection spell example:

All detection spells are either Active or Azure is a street mage and wants to use Mind
Passive. Probe to scan a corporate worker to see if they
Active Spells are cast on a subject or item to have seen the group’s target at work lately.
reveal information about them. The spell is He needs the info fairly bad and so casts the
resisted by Willpower for living things, Force for spell at Force 3. The spell’s high base drain of +4,
spells or lodges, or Object Resistance based on an means drain will be 7 Strain before soak.
inanimate target’s composition. Azure has an Intellect of 3 to soak with and is
Passive spells are simply on or off. The hoping for a lot of a or extra successes s to
difficulty is Average (FF) Sorcery. offset the drain.
He pics an elven wage-slave standing outside
the building on a smoke break, and subtly moves
Detection spells can impart information from
up to around the corner from the target (the
vague to specific depending on the S gained on
spell’s range is Short). Azure make his Sorcery
the spell casting check. This info can be gained on
check versus the Elf’s Willpower of 2, and gets
anything that the spell can affect. If a target is the
ss successes and a single a advantage.
willing subject of a Detection spell, the difficulty is
Azure now resists drain. The single a lowers
Average (FF) or Willpower whichever is lower.
the drain from 7 to 6, which he then Soaks with
his Intellect of 3, taking 3 Strain and starting to
Success Results Azure grins, however, as the ss are all he
s Common info: Major details needs to scan the worker’s mind for the past 72
only, no minor details. hours and finds an image of the groups target
Ex: Detect (Life): A dwarf, a talking with a few other people. Now they start
troll, and an ork are walking planning the extraction .
into a bar nearby.
ss Specific info: Major and
minor details, with some
minor details obscured or
Ex: Detect (Life): The three
above are armed, with their
weapons out. The troll leads.
sss Detailed info: Individual
pertinent information.
Ex: Detect (Life): The troll is
your contact, Moira; you
don’t believe you’ve met the
other two.
P a g e | 67


Diff: Average(ff) Duration: Sustained
ANALYZE DEVICE Range: Short Drain: F+5
Diff: Resistance Duration: Sustained s = Allows one-way Communication to ALL
Range: Medium Drain: F+1 beings in range with Willpower equal or less than
This spell discerns the use and purpose of a s gained.
single device. s allows the caster to understand Qualities: Long Range
how the device is used and +s’s adds +a to any
check using the analyzed device use while CATALOG
sustained. Diff: Average (ff) Duration: Sustained
Range: Short-10m Drain: F+1
ANALYZE MAGIC Every inanimate item in Short range with a
Diff: Force Duration: Sustained Resistance lower than s’s is mentally cataloged
Range: Medium Drain: F+1 and counted ah ah ahhh.
This spell attempts to bring the astral
energies in a spell, on a person, or in a location COMBAT SENSE
into clearer focus. Assensing checks made while Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained
sustaining this spell add the s’s gained to Range: Touch Drain: F+4
Assensing. Each s gained can be spent to purchase:
+s to Initiative checks
Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained +S Melee defense.
Range: Medium Drain: F+1 Multiple s may be spent on one boost if desired.
s = Understand any statement a single target
makes as true or false to the best of the target’s DETECT LIVING (Type)
knowledge. Diff: Average (ff) Duration: Sustained
Range: Short Drain: F+2
ASTRAL WINDOW This spell can be used three different ways, to
Diff: Special Duration: Sustained broadly find all living creatures in an area, find a
Range: Touch Drain: F+1 specific species, or to find someone already met
This spell either grants a target Astral Perception and known. Every creature of the type scanned
while sustained. Average (FF) assuming a willing for with a Willpower equal to or less than the s
target, otherwise Willpower OR allow sight gained are detected.
through a Mana barrier. Difficulty [Barrier Force] Detect [Life]: All living creatures [not spirits]
Detect [Species]: Orc, Elves, Dragons etc.
BORROW SENSE Detect [Individual]: Known or met individual.
Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained Qualities: Long Range
Range: Touch Drain: F+0
Sentient/Animal: s = Experience one sense from DETECT OBJECT
subject’s view. If more than one Subject, user may Diff: Resistance Duration: Sustained
switch subjects as Incidental. Each a adds Range: Medium Drain: F+2
another Subject. Range is LoS after casting. s = Detects the presence of one type of object,
such as firearms, commlinks, credsticks,
explosives, vehicles, etc, within range.
Qualities: Long Range
P a g e | 68


Diff: Average (ff) Duration Sustained Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained
Range: Short Drain: F+2 Range: Short Drain: F+4
Detects sentient creatures with current or This spell probes subject’s mind for information
obligatory hostile intent toward the subject with and images. The detail level depends on the
willpower is equal to or less than the s gained. successes. The caster can re-roll the spell’s dice
Qualities: Long Range pool each turn it is sustained to learn more, this
does not inflict drain.
DIAGNOSE s = Surface thoughts only.
Diff: Wound Level Duration: Instant ss = 0-72 hours of memories and anything
Range: Touch Drain: F+1 consciously known.
s grants +a to any Medicine checks on the sss = Subconscious, hidden info, fears etc.
subject as well as info on health, ailments and the hh on the spellcasting roll indicates the target is
like. Difficulty is the Healing Wound level or aware of the scan, but not the location of the
Critical Wound severity and suffers the same low magician.
Essence medicine modifiers.
DRAGON ASTRAL SIGNATURE Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained
Diff: Average (ff) Duration: Sustained Range: Engaged Drain: F+4
Range: Short Drain: F+8 s= Detects the subjects surface thoughts about a
This allow the use of Assensing to scan the local specific person, place, event, or thing.
astral to detect traces of Dragon energy or magic. Qualities: Long Range
The drain is ridiculous but, dragons be dragons.
MINDLINK Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained
Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained Range: Short Drain: F+0
Range: Medium Drain: F+3 Each s = quality of spoken or written translation.
s allows the caster and one voluntary target to s= Simple concepts and ideas.
communicate telepathically, emotionally, and ss = Standard non-professional subjects.
send mental images while in range. sss = Complex or nuanced ideas.
aa allows adding one additional person whose
Willpower is Equal or less than the original target.
P a g e | 69


These spells enhance or grant the caster new Diff: Average(FF) Duration: Sustained
senses or allow them to perceive location or Range: Touch Drain: F+3
object normally beyond their sight. Each s = +A to Light ranged, Heavy Ranged or
Gunnery skills or reduces S per s to those skills.
Diff: Average(FF) Duration: Sustained HAWKEYE
Range: Medium Drain: F+1 Diff: Average(FF) Duration: Sustained
s = Caster may use one paranormal sense, (Low Range: Touch Drain: F+3
Light, Thermal, enhanced smell, etc), at a chosen Each s = +A to Perception checks.
point within range. Additional s = a to
Perception. NIGHT VISION
Difficulty: Average(FF) Duration: Sustained
Diff: Average(FF) Duration: Sustained s = Grants Night Vison per cybernetic implant.
Range: Medium Drain: F+1
s = Subject may project their Assessening ability RECORDED ROOM
within the Astral at a set point within range, and Difficulty: Average(FF) Duration: Sustained
can be moved as an incidental. Additional s = +a Range: Medium Drain: F+4
to Assensing. s = The spell creates a still-frame 3D image
(equal to engaged range) of a chosen spot within
ASTRAL MESSAGE range. Obscured items, such as concealed within
Diff: Average(FF) Duration: Instant a box or desk drawer are not revealed.
Range: Astral Drain: F+1
s = Send up to a 100 word message to a target in SECRET HANDSHAKE
the Astral. Target must be known, or you must Diff: Average(FF) Duration: Sustained
have a physical link / object of theirs. Message Range: Medium Drain: F+0
will remain for 24 hours per s or until received. s= Detects others sustaining Secret Handshake.


Diff: Average(FF) Duration: Sustained Diff: Average(FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: Medium Drain: F+1 Range: Medium Drain: F+3
s = Able to hear sounds as located at a set point Grants user an innate 3D awareness of the
within range. Point may be moved as an physical surroundings within range in terms of
incidental. Additional s = +a to Perception. landscape, geography, and architecture granting
+A equal to s for Coordination, Driving, piloting,
CLAIRVOYANCE or navigation checks.
Diff: Average(FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: Medium Drain: F+1
s = Able to perceive as if located at a set point
within range. Point may be moved as an
incidental. Additional s = + a to Perception.
P a g e | 70


Health spells heal injury, cure diseases (or Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
inflict them), detoxify poisons or drugs, and Range: Touch Drain: F+1
modify attributes. No techniques currently known s instantly awakens target. If target was out due
can erase strain or cure psychological conditions. to 0 Strain, they remain awake only while the
All health spells require touch, “laying on of spell is sustained. Additional strain causes
hands” is traditional in magical healing lore the unconsciousness.
world over.
Sustained Time: All Health spells must be CONVERT BLOOD TO ICHOR
sustained for turns equal to Force to activate. Diff: Brawn Duration: Sustained
Additional s’s or a’s reduce time required by 1 Range: Touch Drain: F+4
turn to a minimum of 1 turn. The victim’s blood turns into sludge inflicting Stun
Touch and sustained Medical spells do not [non-soakable] equal to force, and staggering the
require the caster to be touching the target for target while sustained.
the entire sustain time. Only the round in which Qualities: Negative[auto], Stun[Auto], Stagger
the spell is cast. [Auto]
Essence: Low essence characters are more
difficult to affect with Helpful healing spells with CRANK
quality. +S is added for every 2 points [or partial Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
2 points] of the characters Essence spent. Range: Touch Drain: F+1
Negative: This indicates the spell is more Each s removes the need for 2 hours of sleep. If
effectively against those with low essence, used to counteract more than 16 hours of sleep in
harming what little bodily coherence they have, a week it could be addicting.
granting +A to the spell roll per 2 points [or
partial amount] essence spent. CURE DISEASE
Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
ALLEVIATE SYMPTOMS Range: Touch Drain: F+0
Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Permanent Spend s to downgrade difficulty of any check to
Range: Touch Drain: F-2 resist disease. It doesn’t heal it instantly, but
Each s removes one S inflicted by a single boost the bodies chance of doing so.
Qualities: Essence [auto]
Addiction, Allergen, or Nausea. Effect only lasts
while the spell is sustained.
Qualities: Essence[auto]
Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
Range: Touch Drain: F+0
Each s upgrades the target’s Resilience check to
Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
resist ongoing radiation damage. It does not
Range: Touch Drain: F+1
repair any existing radiation damage; that
Spell temporarily grants Ambidexterity quality
requires a Heal spell.
lowering the cost to activate a secondary weapon
in a two-handed attack by a.
DECREASE [Attribute]
Qualities: Essence[auto]
Diff: Target Attribute Duration: Sustained
Range: Touch Drain: F+2
Spend s for + S on affected Attribute checks.
Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
Spend ss to reduce Attribute by 1.
Range: Touch Drain: F+1
Qualities: Negative [Auto]
Spend s to downgrade difficulty of resisting
ongoing effects inflicted from toxins or drugs.
P a g e | 71


Diff: Agility Duration: Sustained Diff: Wound Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch Drain: F+0 Range: Touch Drain: F+0
The second Maneuver a turn costs 4 strain Difficulty is same a Medicine Check. The spell
instead of 2. heals Force +s’s of Wounds, or removes a
Qualities: Negative [Auto] Critical Hit.
Qualities: Essence [Auto]
Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained HEALTHY GLOW
Range: Touch Drain: F+0 Diff: Brawn Duration: Permanent
The spells target suffers from disorientation and Range: Touch Drain: F+2
nausea and becomes extremely thirsty. This spell improves the appearance of the subject
Qualities: Negative [Auto], Disorient [sustained] by improving their circulation, brightening their
appearance and improving their general health.
DETOX This is permanent. Each s also grants+ A to the
Diff: Toxin Rating Duration: Sustained targets Presence skills any and Medicine checks
Range: Touch Drain: F-2 performed on them for 24 hours.
Removes the side effects of a Drug or Toxin. It Qualities: Essence [auto]
does not heal damage caused.
ENABLER Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
Diff: Brawn Duration: Sustained Range: Touch Drain: F+0
Range: Touch Drain: F+1 Alleviates the effects of dehydration while
Spend s to upgrade difficulty of resisting toxins sustained. Each s alleviates a day of water loss.
or drugs. Effects return when spell is dropped.
Qualities: Negative [Auto] Qualities: Essence [auto]


Diff: Brawn Duration: Sustained Diff: [Attribute] Duration: Sustained
Range: Touch Drain: F+1 Range: Touch Drain: F+1
Each s allows the target to ignore the effects of Spend s to grant + a on affected Attribute/Skill
1 skipped meal. If used for 9 meals in a row checks. Spend ss to increase the targeted
(roughly three days) the target must make a Attribute by 1.
Daunting (FFFF) Resilience check or suffer -1 Qualities: Essence [auto]
Brawn a day until eating 3 full meals. At 0 Brawn
the target dies. INCREASE REFLEXES
Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
GHOULISH STRENGTH Range: Touch Drain: F+0
Diff: Brawn Duration: Sustained User gains a Free Maneuver that may not exceed
Range: Touch Drain: F+0 the 2 per turn limit.
Spend s to grant + a on affected Attribute/Skill Qualities: Essence [auto]
checks. Spend ss to increase the targeted
Attribute by 1. Only works on Ghouls or HMHVV
Qualities: Essence[Auto]
P a g e | 72


Diff: Brawn Duration: Permanent Diff: Critical Severity Duration: Sustained
Range: Touch Drain: F+1 Range: Touch Drain: F+1
s inflicts a disease (Rating = Force) on target. Difficulty is equal to Critical Hit rating. This allows
Target makes a (Force) Resilience test or the target to ignore the effects of a single ongoing
immediately suffer disease effects. A new critical hit while the spell is sustained.
Resilience check is made each turn, reducing the Qualities: Essence [auto]
disease rating per s until removed.
Example Diseases: ROT
Rating 1: Influenza: Stun Dam, Disorient Diff: Brawn +2 Duration: Sustained
Rating 2: Botulism: Malaise, Nausea, Paralysis Range: Touch Drain: F+4
Rating 3: HSV-5: Agony, Malaise, Stun Dam. This terrifying spell kills flesh in a localized area of
Rating 4: VITAS-3: Malaise, Nausea, Stun Dam. the target’s body. It is difficulty to pull off, no pun
Qualities: Negative [auto] intended. Eww.
s: Target suffers the Crippled Critical hit.
NAUSEATE ss: Target Suffers the Maimed Critical hit.
Diff: Brawl Duration: Permanent The damage from this spell requires treatment at
Range: Touch Drain: F+2 a medical facility to deal with the dead tissue. The
Each s causes 1 round of the Staggered Heal spell cannot repair damage caused by this
condition from vomiting and dizziness. spell.
Qualities: Negative [auto] Qualities: Negative [Auto]


Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
Range: Touch Drain: F-1 Range: Touch Drain: F+2
This spell oxygenates the targets blood, sustaining Increases the speed of any HMHVV-infected being
them without breathing while the spell is when cast. The spell grants one free Maneuver
sustained. per turn that may exceed the 2 Maneuver limit.
Qualities: Essence [auto] The extra maneuver may only be used for
Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
Range: Touch Drain: F+0
This maintains a safe body temperature for metas
equal to the spells Force. All targets must be
within medium range when cast, but may move
beyond this while sustained. No effect on Cold
Qualities: Essence [Auto]

Diff: Ave (ff) Duration: Sustained
Range: Touch Drain: F+0
This spell grants +A A to resist poisons, drugs
and toxins while Sustained.
Qualities: Essence [Auto]
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No matter how realistic, illusions cannot Realistic, Single Sense [Pain].
directly cause physical harm. They can cause Diff: Average (Ff) Duration: Sustained
distractions, loss of balance or orientation, and Range: LoS Drain: F+0
even symptoms like nausea or pain. All such Type: Mana
effects vanish as soon as the magician drops the This inflicts +S per s, as the target is wracked
illusion. Illusions could walk you into traffic but with agony.
they cannot directly cause damage. Qualities: Blast
Threshold and Belief [Force vs Attribute]
Every target in an area with the Threshold ASTRAL MASK
attribute equal to or less than the spell’s Force is Realistic, Single-Sense [Astral Perception].
affected if successfully cast. Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+1
Mana Illusions: Force Versus Willpower Type: Mana
Mana-based Illusion spells affect the mind This spell creates astral illusions. It changes any
and are ineffective against technological viewing already existing astral aura or signature into an
systems like cameras. Some mana illusions affect illusory one. Anyone using Assensing,
the target’s senses directly; others affect the Psychometry, Sensing, or the Astral Window spell
senses of anyone perceiving the subject of the is affected by this. An Assensing test versus the
spell (though you’re never affected by your own Spell force is required to see through the illusion.
illusion spell). Though mana-based illusions can Qualities: Blast
be created on the astral plane, their magical auras
give them away as illusions to anyone who makes BORROW VEHICLE SIGNATURE
a successful Assensing Test unless using the Astral Realistic, Multi-Sense [All].
Mask spell. Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: Special Drain: F+5
Physical Illusions Force versus Intellect Type: Physical
Force versus Resistance s: Switches the electronic signal unique to one
Physical illusion spells create actual images or vehicle (or a drone) of roughly the same size with
alter physical properties, such as light or sound. another vehicle. One vehicle must be touched
Physical illusions can be used on both living and while the other only needs to be within LoS.
technological systems and have a threshold of Should one of the vehicles be destroyed, the
either Intellect for living beings, or Object effects of this spell are automatically canceled.
Resistance for technology.
Realistic, Multi-Sense [All].
Diff: Average (Ff) Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Mana
The target believes they are covered in crawling
bugs. Downgrades all skills once, and lose 1
maneuver per s each turn from squirming.
Qualities: Blast
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Realistic, Single-Sense [Sight] Realistic, Multi-Sense [All].
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+2 or F+4 Range: LoS Drain: F+1
Type: Mana or Physical Type: Mana
Transforms blends the subject’s body into s transmits a selected dream to sleeping target.
background. Each s downgrades Perception Dreams cannot cause actual ideological changes.
checks made to see the user. sss the dream may be able to sooth night
horrors or inflict them rendering any sleep
CHAFF ineffective.
Realistic, Multi-Sense [All]
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained ENTERTAINMENT
Range: LoS Drain: F+2 Obvious, Multi-Sense [All].
Type: Physical Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Chaos variant that only affects devices / sensors. Range: LoS Drain: F+1 or F+2
s inflicts +s s to all actions due to static and Type: Mana or Physical
system noise. Extra s adds +S These area spells create obvious, but
Qualities: Blast entertaining, illusions. s’s measure how detailed,
interesting, and captivating the audience finds the
CHAOS illusion.
Realistic, Multi-Sense [All].
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained EUPHORIA
Range: LoS Drain: F+2 or F+3 Realistic, Multi-Sense [Joy]
Type: Mana Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
s inflicts +S S to all actions. Mana: Odd sounds, Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Mana
strange motion just out of sight and vertigo.
Upgrade all difficulties equal to s. Powerful
Physical: rattling, flashing lights, and rumbling.
Euphoria gives the target(s) a high comparable to
Each extra s adds +S
empathogenic drugs or sexual climax.
Qualities: Blast Qualities: Blast


Realistic, Multi-Sense [All]. Realistic, Multi-Sense [All].
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+3 Range: LoS Drain: F+1
Type: Physical Type: Mana
s creates an illusory image of the target that Each s upgrades the difficulty of any check made
mirrors the targets actions perfectly. The caster to resist coercion, fear, or moral checks while
may use an Incidental Action to move the image under the spells effect due to a rising feelings of
within Short range to avoid clipping or such. imminent danger, fear, and panic.
Qualities: Blast
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Realistic, Single-Sense [Touch]. Realistic, Single Sense
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained Diff: Average (Ff) Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+1 Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Mana Type: Physical
Each s inflicts +S to actions involving touching s: Removes a single sense from the target(s).
or using metal objects within Short range of the Targets are considered Blind, Deaf etc.
spell’s target point. The illusion feels as though Qualities: Blast
any metal a target is in contact with (weapons,
armor, implants, piercings, etc.) is burning them. SILENCE
Qualities: Blast [auto] Realistic, Multi-Sense [Audio].
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
INVISIBILITY Range: LoS Drain: F+2 or F+3
Realistic, Single-Sense [Sight] Type: Mana or Physical
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained Each s upgrades the Difficulty to Perception
Range: LoS Drain: F+2 or F+4 checks made to hear the user. Each s also
Type: Mana / Physical counts as +1 Rating of Sound Dampening.
s conceals the target’s form. A Perception Qualities: Blast
[Force+1] check is now required to see the target
using visual senses (low-light, thermographic, and STEALTH
other senses that rely on the visual spectrum). Realistic, Multi-Sense [All]
The hidden target’s auras are still visible to astral Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
perception. Mana affects living creatures, and Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Physical affects living and mechanical vision. Type: Physical Qualities:
Each s adds s to Perception checks versus
MASK Stealth by shrouding the user’s appearance and
Realistic, Multi-Sense [All]. sounds.
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: Touch Drain: F+2 / F+3 STENCH
Type: Mana / Physical Realistic, Single-Sense [Scent].
The subject assumes a different physical Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
appearance (of roughly the same size and shape) Range: Los Drain: F+2 / F+3
chosen by the magician. This spell can alter the Type: Mana / Physical
subject’s voice, scent, and other physical s creates an illusion of a sickening, gut-
characteristics. Each s upgrades the difficulty of wrenching stench. Holding breath has no effect.
the Perception check to discover the disguise. Each s downgrades the target’s Brawn checks.
Qualities: Blast
Realistic, Multi-Sense [All].
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: Medium Drain: F+3 / F+4
Type: Mana / Physical
These area spells create convincing illusions of
any object, creature the magician has seen
before. The spell’s Force is the Difficulty for any
checks to detect the illusion.
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Realistic, Multi-Sense [All].
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: Self Drain: F+1
Type: Mana
Only works on those with HMHVV, each s adds
+s to Perception checks versus Stealth by
shrouding the user’s appearance and sounds.

Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: Touch Drain: F+1
Type: Physical Qualities:
Realistic, Multi-Sense [All]
The touched vehicle assumes a different physical
appearance (of roughly the same size and shape)
chosen by the magician. This spell can alter the
vehicles sound, smell, and other physical
characteristics as well. Each s upgrades the
difficulty of the Perception check to discover the
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Manipulation spells control, animate, or Diff: Willpower Duration: Permanent
transform matter and energy. There are four Range: LoS Drain: F+5
types. Type: Mental
This alters a single memory of the target,
Damaging including the addition or subtraction of a
Manipulation spells that can inflict damage memory. The s scored by the caster determines
have a base damage of Force -1 unless otherwise the quality and the complexity of an implanted
noted. This damage is soaked normally. memory.
Every [Force] months, or anytime the character is
Mental presented with evidence the memory is false, or
A Mental control spell can be sustained a has been removed, the subject may attempt a
maximum number of rounds equal to its Force. Hard (FFF) Willpower Test. Each s reduces the
An affected target may take an Action on spell’s effect. When the total reaches 0, the spell
their turn to make (Force) Willpower check; every no longer has any effect. The original memories
s the target gets reduces the caster’s sustained are restored, and the false ones revealed.
time by 1 turn.
The one being controlled can take this action ALTER TEMPERATURE
even if they wouldn’t get an action because of the Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
spell. The spell ends when the sustained duration Range: LoS Drain: F+1
reaches its end, or is reduced to zero. Type: Environmental
Alter Temperature changes the ambient
A victim of mental manipulation spell may temperature within Short range of the target
notice the magical effect with a Perception check point, either up or down by 10 degrees centigrade
versus the casters skill. Some of the less subtle (roughly 18 degrees Fahrenheit) for every s.
mental spells (Control Actions) are pretty obvious, Keeping in mind that appropriate clothing will
but more subtle spells (like Control Thoughts) can mitigate some effects.
be pretty insidious.

Environmental: These spells don’t really have

a target, and they don’t really affect targets
directly. They just affect an area.

Physical: These spells affect physical forms

and are usually defended against with a living
target’s Brawn or an inanimate objects

Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F-2
Type: Physical
This spell allows the subject to breathe while
buried or while underwater. The subject can
breathe normally for thirty minutes per s. The
duration is halved if the subject is buried in wet
sand or mud.
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Diff: Resistance Duration: Sustained Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+3 / *F+5 Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Physical Type: Mental
This spell causes a single inanimate object to This spell creates Armor for the astral plane. Each
move. s must equal or exceed the target’s s provides +1 Armor against astral combat
Object Resistance; larger items have their attacks. It only works in astral space.
resistance increased by 1 for every 200 kg they
weigh. BARRIER [Mana / Physical / Elemental]
The object moves according to its structure (balls Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
can roll, rugs may crawl, humanoid statues can Range: LoS Drain: F+2
walk, and so on). The spell imparts a limited Type: Physical
flexibility, allowing solid objects such as statues to This reates a barrier with an Armor rating is equal
shamble a bit as if they had joints. to s scored. of the chosen type that
Controlling the object is an Incidental; objects can encompasses everything within engaged range. If
also be ordered to maintain their movement using hard numbers, this has a length and height
while you direct your attention elsewhere. of Force x2 in meters or a dome with a max radius
You only have rough control over the object’s of Force in meters from the target point.
movement and can’t manipulate individual parts The wall is gas permeable. It is translucent but
or components. cloudy similar to Fog (S S) to see through.
The maximum movement rate for objects is
(Force) meters per turn, subject to Gm’s Mana barriers are made of magical power. When
discretion. If the object is held by someone else, cast in the Astral they are opaque to Perception.
you need to win an Opposed Test using Force When cast on the physical plane they are hazy on
against the holder’s Brawn to break the object the Astral and invisible on the Physical.
free. If it’s fastened or attached, upgrade the They do not restrict living beings or physical
difficulty 1 to 3 times, depending on how it is objects, but impedes spirits, foci, dual beings, and
secured. spells on the plane in which you cast it (Physical
*Mass Animate affects a number of items equal or Astral). The barrier can be brought down by
to Force x 2 within Short Range for Drain of F+5 magical attacks but will regenerate each turn if
sustained. If cast on the astral plane, it also
ARMOR impedes astral forms.
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained Physical Barrier creates a physical wall. It does
Range: LoS Drain: F+2 not impede spellcasting outside of Indirect spells.
Type: Physical The barrier can be brought down by physical
This spell creates a glowing field of magical attacks but will regenerate each turn if sustained.
energy around the subject that protects against If the barrier is reduced to 0 it collapses and the
Physical Damage. Each s equals +1 Armor soak. spell ends.
It is not cumulative with other armor. It has no Elemental Barrier is made of a specific Element.
mass or weight. Anything contacting the contact wall suffers
elemental damage. Note that some elemental
walls (fire, smoke, etc.) are not solid
And will not block attacks, though they may inflict
Visibility modifiers. Solid walls (earth, ice, etc.)
have an Armor rating equal to s+1.
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BIND CLEAN [Elemental]

Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Permanent
Range: LoS Drain: F+2 Range: LoS Drain: F+1
Type: Mana or Physical Type: Environmental
This spell binds a target with invisible bands of s cleans impurities from a particular element.
magical energy to impede movement. The radius cleared is equal to the spells Force
Each s reduces the target’s Agility Attribute by 1, x10m. Each element requires a different spell
if reduced to 0 it is bound and unable to move his (Clean Air, Clean Water, etc.). s equal to the
limbs. While bound the target suffers S S to any contamination rating are needed to clean toxins
escape check, however they may crawl or hop or pollutants. Air could clean a space of toxic
slowly (roughly 5m a round). fumes, or Clean Water could purify a drinking
Bound targets may still defend against attacks, supply. The caster’s hits determine how
however all attacks against them gain +A A. thoroughly the element is cleaned; slightly muddy
Breaking a Physical Bind is a (Force+1) Brawn water would require only 1 s to clean, while
Breaking a Mana Bind is a (Force+1) Presence contaminated runoff water could require three Sto
make it drinkable.
Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained COMPEL TRUTH
Range: LoS Drain: F+0 Diff: Willpower Duration: Special
Type: Mental Range: LoS Drain: F+3
s calms a non-sapient creature or creatures Type: Mental
(normal or paranormal), making it non-aggressive s forces the target to speak only the truth as
while the spell is sustained. Affected animals still they believe it to be. The subject may choose not
defend themselves if attacked. to speak or withhold information but cannot
Qualities: Blast directly lie. Some jurisdictions consider the use of
this spell by law enforcement authorities to be a
violation of a suspect’s right against self-
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained incrimination. Others have been known to use
this spell (among others) to get to the truth in
Range: LoS Drain: F+1
legal cases. The spell lasts for a number of
Type: Physical
minutes equal to the spells Force.
Catfall to slows a target’s fall to help them land
safely without suffering falling damage. Each s
reduces distance fallen by 10 Meters. If the target
Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained
falls farther than the negated distance, they take
Range: LoS Drain: F+3
damage as if they had only fallen the non-
Type: Mental
cancelled amount.
s You control the physical actions of your target
like a puppeteer pulling strings. The victim’s
consciousness is unaffected, but you control the
victim’s body and may use your own skills when
forcing the target to act. It takes an Action to
make the target perform any action.
ss Control affects any living targets within
short range of the target point whose Willpower
is equal to or lower than the primary targets.
Victims may be manipulated individually (with
separate Incidentals) or issued the same
command as a group (with a single Incidental).
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Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+1 Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Mental Type: Mental Qualities:
This spell works on non-sapient animals (both This spell makes it harder for a subject to detect
normal and paranormal). s seizes control of the the inconsistencies in any story told to them. For
animals’ minds and actions. The caster may issue every s upgrades the difficulty of any checks for
verbal commands as an Incidental. The command the target to resist Negotiation, Charm, Coercion,
will be obeyed to the best of the Animals ability or Deception.
and reasoning. Affected animals still defend
themselves if attacked. CRITTER FORM [Animal]
Qualities: Blast Diff: Brawn Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+0
CONTROL EMOTIONS Type: Physical Qualities:
Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained This spell transforms a voluntary subject into a
Range: LoS Drain: F+3 specific non-paranormal [critter]. Each type (rat,
Type: Mental dog, cat, songbird etc.) requires its own spell. The
s Instills a strong emotion of the caster’s choice transformed subject retains metahuman
into the target, such as love, hate, rage or despair. consciousness. The caster may increase Brawn or
The subject feels the emotion wholeheartedly, Agility by +1 per s. (Max +2)
and it affects their physical performance in a The spell does not transform clothing and
manner consistent with the emotion, conducting equipment. Magicians in critter form can cast
actions opposed to the emotion inflict +S S. For spells but cannot perform tasks requiring speech.
example; subjects feeling rage engaging in The subject may not turn into a swarm. Critter
combat suffer no penalties, whereas if the subject form only allows the subject to change into a
were attempting negotiations the negative specific non-paranormal animal. Each critter form
modifier would apply. is a different spell (Dog Form, Shark Form,
ss: affects all subjects within Short Range of Mongoose form, Honey badger form, and so on).
the primary target with the same emotion.
[Elemental] AURA
CONTROL THOUGHTS Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Diff: Willpower Duration: Sustained Range: Touch Drain: F+5
Range: LoS Drain: F+3 Type: Physical
Type: Mental s creates a rippling elemental aura around a
This spell seizes control of the target’s mind, willing target, granting +1 Brawl damage per s
directing everything the target thinks. and adding the Elemental quality to their attacks.
s The magician mentally gives commands with An attack on the Aura user that generates hh
an Action, and the target is compelled to obey as can be used to activate the Elemental quality
if it were his own idea. against the attacker.
ss Affects any living targets within short range Qualities: Elemental
of the target point. Victims may be manipulated
individually (with separate Actions) or issued the
same command as a group (with a single Action)
P a g e | 81

[Elemental] WALL FASHION

Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained Diff: Resistance Duration: Permanent
Range: LoS Drain: F+6 Range: Touch Drain: F+2
Type: Physical Type: Physical Qualities:
This spell creates a specific Elemental wall with a This spell instantly tailors desired clothing within
height and length up to the spell’s Force x2 in Engaged range, transforming garments into any
meters. Alternatively, the caster may craft a dome fashion the caster wishes. The spell can’t change
with a radius equal to Force in meters. Solid walls protective value, weight, or coverage, only cut,
(earth, ice, etc.) have an Armor rating equal to s. color, pattern, and fit.
Anyone attempting to move through the wall s Adjustments to the fit of the clothing can be
suffers the appropriate elemental damage, non- made, but nothing drastic (for example, pants are
solid walls do not block attacks, though they may still pants). Color can change slightly (e.g. blue to
inflict visibility modifiers. green or purple, but not red). Minor adjustments
Qualities: Elemental such as mending bullet holes can also be
DEFLECTION ss: Full spectrum of color changes. Simple
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained geometric patterns and designs can be added, but
Range: LoS Drain: F+3 not letters or logos. Adding or removing pockets
Type: Physical Qualities: or changing pants to a skirt can be done. Repairs
This spell grants protection to a willing target. and cleaning are possible.
Every s grants the target +S Defense. The effects sss: Able to mimic a uniform, provided
of this spell are subtle enough to be discounted as enough material is available. Patterns and designs
a missed shot or poor aim (at least at first). on clothing can be as intricate as the magician
desires. Color changes can help mimic missing
accessories such as buttons, labels, badges,
ribbons, however a Perception check of (2) Short
Range-10m, or (1) Engaged-3m will detect the
‘painted on’ badges etc.

Diff: Resistance Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch Drain: F+4
Type: Physical
Fix allows the spellcaster to repair damage to
non-living materials, including drones and
Each s repairs Hull Damage or strain equal to
Force +s. Fix can repair any item or part with a
weight equal to the Force x 2 kgs.
This spell can only repair broken items when all
the pieces are present. The weight limit applies to
the damaged part, not necessarily the entire
vehicle. For example, if you have a busted wheel,
you would count that weight not the weight of
the entire vehicle. An object may only be affected
by Fix once within a lunar month. Because magic.
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Diff: Range Duration: Instant Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Permanent
Range: LoS Drain: F+2 Range: LoS Drain: F+4
Type: Physical Type: Environmental
This spell hurls a single object of no more than s creates a sheet of ice covering everything
(Force) kilograms at a designated target. The within Short Range (10M radius) of the spell’s
difficulty is based on the range the item is flung target point. Requires a Coordination / Driving
to, or the range it started at which is higher. skill check Difficulty to cross is equal to the spell’s
Use your Spellcasting Test in place of a normal Force.
Ranged Combat Test for the purposes of the item
hitting the target. The flung items does damage IGNITE
equal to Force x 2 +s / Crit 4. Diff: Brawn/Resistance Duration: Permanent
Range: LoS Drain: F+3
GECKO CRAWL Type: Physical
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained The Ignite spell causes the target to catch fire
Range: Touch Drain: F+1 after a number of turns of being sustained equal
Type: Physical to the force. Once the spell becomes permanent.
Gecko Crawl allows a willing subject to move Once the target ignites, it burns normally until it is
along vertical or overhead surfaces. If using hard consumed or extinguished. If successful, the spell
numbers the movement rate is equal to Force x2 wraps a living target in heat and flames,
in meters per round. eventually setting them on fire when made
Although the subject has amazing climbing permanent. The target then takes fire damage as
abilities for the duration of the spell, they are still normal.
affected by gravity and will fall if his hands or feet Qualities: Burn 3
are physically separated from the surface. The
gamemaster may elect to require Athletics Tests INFLUENCE
in order for the subject to climb especially slick Diff: Willpower Duration: Permanent
surfaces. Range: LoS Drain: F+3
Type: Mental Qualities:
GLUE s implants a single powerful post-hypnotic
Diff: Resistance Duration: Permanent command in the victims mind. For example; you
Range: LoS Strain: F+3 might have your target think that FizzyFluid is the
Type: Physical best drink on the market, or that he should let
Glue bonds a target to any one surface to which it you past a locked door. The target carries out this
is currently in contact. The target must be suggestion as if it were his idea.
touching the surface at the time of the If confronted with the wrongness of the
spellcasting. s creates a Mystical bond between suggestion (like how FizzyFluid hated by them),
the two objects. Additional s’s may be used to the subject may make a (Force) Discipline check
Glue other object within Short Range to shake off the effect. Suggestions fade naturally
Pulling the two surfaces apart requires a after a number of minutes equal to Force.
(Force+1) Brawn check.
P a g e | 83

Diff: Range Duration: Sustained Diff: Resistance Duration: Permanent
Range: LoS Drain: F+3 Range: LoS Drain: F+3
Type: Environmental Type: Physical
This spell jams all signals within Short Range of its Lock telekinetically holds a door (or portal, hatch,
Target Point. Each s equals +S of Noise. The closure, or similar blockage) closed with a BRAWN
spellcaster’s equipment is not immune to the equal to the spell’s Force. Opening the portal
spell. requires an opposed Brawn test.

Diff: Brawn Duration: Permanent LOOKING GLASS
Range: LoS Drain: F+1 Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Type: Mental Range: LoS Drain: F+1
s causes inebriation. Toxin screens or filter Type: Environmental
increase the difficulty. The spell changes the properties of a material to
Each s inflicts +S which represents the target’s allow light to pass through it. The spell creates
drunken state. Antidote and Detox can negate the transparency in a radius equal to the Spells Force
effects of this spell. in meters. An object affected by the Looking
Glass spell allows Line of Sight to objects or
LEVITATE persons on the other side. You cannot cast an
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained Indirect spell through the transparent material.
Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Physical MAGIC FINGERS
Levitate allows you to telekinetically lift a person Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
or object and move it around. Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Each s equals 200 kgs of levitated mass. The Type: Physical
subject of the spell can be moved anywhere in Magic Fingers creates two psychokinetic invisible
your line of sight at a movement rate of spell’s hands that can hold or manipulate items with
Force x2 meters per round. Brawn and Agility equal to s’s gained on casting.
*If you’re trying to levitate an item held by a living You can use skills remotely with Magic Fingers,
being, or levitate an unwilling living being, the although those requiring precise control, such as
Difficulty is equal to their Brawn. You can use this lockpicking, suffer +S s. Any action are
spell to levitate yourself, up up and away. Watch performed as if they were your hands, so they
out for helicopters. must remain within arm’s length of each other.

Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Permanent
Range: LoS Drain: F+0 Range: Touch Drain: F+1
Type: Physical Type: Physical
s creates a mobile point of light, illuminating a Makeover mystically alters willing target’s
5m radius around it. The spell cannot be used to cosmetics, hair color and style, mani-pedi’s etc.
blind a target. Each s removes 1 S from These changes are magical in nature and do not
darkness visibility modifiers. The Light can be depend upon the caster’s knowledge of grooming
moved up to 10m with an Incidental action. or fashion. The effects of the makeover are as
permanent as those made physically in a beauty
salon. Each s scored by the caster measures the
degree of style and skill in the makeover.
P a g e | 84


Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Permanent Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+3 Range: LoS Drain: F+7 / F+5
Type: Mana Type: Mana
Mana Static increases the Astral background The barrier inflicts Wounds equal to its Force x 2
count within Short Range-10m of the target point. against anyone impacting it. Otherwise, Offensive
Each s equal +1 Background rating. Once Mana Barrier functions the same as Barrier
permanent, the background count recedes at a (Mana).
rate of 1 point an hour. Mana Static affects Mana: This is an amped-up version of the Mana
everyone including the caster. Barrier spell that “zaps” any spirits, dual beings,
or astral forms that come into contact with it.
MIST BugZapper Drain F+5: The Barrier only affects
Diff: Range Duration: Instant Insect Spirits. Adds the Quality: Staggered 1 effect
Range: LoS Drain: F+1 to any Insect Spirits damaged by the wall.
Type: Physical
Mist creates a thick fog that blankets everything PETRIFY
within Short Range of the target point. The mist is Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
difficult to see through. Each s imposes +S to Range: LoS Drain: F+2
visibility due to dense Mists. The vision modifier Type: Physical
generally is reduced by 1 S per round, although it This spell transforms living tissue into calcium
may be slower in cool, damp areas or faster in carbonate, or effectively, stone. s must exceed
hot, dry areas. the targets Brawn to be affected. The subject is
not conscious while under the spell’s effect, and
NAPALM WALL any damage suffered by the stone-like subject
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained translates normally to the appropriate Condition
Range: LoS Drain: F+4 Monitor. While in this form, the subject has
Type: Physical Armor Rating equal to their Brawn. Non-living
This spell is a variant of [Element] Wall spell, material is not affected by the spell, including
creating a rippling wall of burning water with a clothing, cyberware, and carried gear.
height and length up to the spell’s Force x2 in
meters. Alternatively, the caster may craft a dome POLTERGEIST
with a radius equal to Force in meters. The wall Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
causes both fire and water damage. The spell Range: LoS Drain: F+2
causes physical damage, with the subject’s armor Type: Physical
providing protection as normal and any fire- Poltergeist picks up all small objects (max 1kg)
resistant modifications helping. within Short Range of the target point and whirls
them around randomly. This is equivalent to Fog
NUTRITION (+S S) for visibility.
Diff: Willpower Duration: Permanent The spell inflicts Force x2 of Strain damage
Range: Touch Drain: F+1 (soaked as normal) to anyone in the area each
Type: Physical round, whacking them with flying debris.
The Nutrition spell provides a target with Poltergeist may do more damage in cluttered
nourishment, allowing them to live off pure mana environments or inflict Physical damage if the
for (Force +s) x 12 hours. The spell prevents debris is sufficiently dangerous (broken glass and
starvation and dehydration, but it does not satisfy nails, for example). If there is no debris lying
feelings of hunger or thirst. around, this spell doesn’t do much more than
make a spooky noise.
P a g e | 85


Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Instant Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: Touch Drain: F+1 Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Physical Type: Physical
Preserve keeps inert organic matter from drying This spell creates a glowing aura about the target
out, decaying, or putrefying. It can be used on that reduces the effects of radiation.
such mundane things as food and drink, but it is s: The spell provides Radiation Shielding equal to
most often used by forensic spellcasters to the spells Force.
protect cadavers from decay before autopsy, or to Qualities: Blast
preserve small organic samples (hair, skin) taken
from a crime scene for use as a material link. Each REINFORCE
s doubles the amount of time the material stays Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
fresh and preserved. Range: LoS Drain: F+3
Type: Physical
PROTECT VEHICLE Reinforce allows the spellcaster to increase the
Diff: Resistance Duration: Sustained structural integrity of a non-worn object that fits
Range: Touch Drain: F+3 with a 3m radius. Each s scored by the caster
Type: Physical increases both the Armor and Silhouette rating by
Protect Vehicle casts a protective barrier over a 1 as long as the spell is sustained.
targeted vehicle. Each s scored increases the
vehicle’s Resistance threshold by 1. The caster SHADOW
may also use their Counterspell on the vehicle or Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
anyone in it with +A. Range: LoS Drain: F+0
Type: Physical
PULSE s creates a mobile globe of darkness,
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Instant enshrouding a 3m radius. Each s inflicts +S
Range: LoS Drain: F+5 darkness visibility modifiers. Max 3 s. The globe
Type: Environmental can be moved 10m with an Incidental.
This spell sends out a highly charged burst of EM
energy that plays havoc with electrical systems
within Short Range of the target point.
Any electronic device with an Object Resistance
Rating equal to or less than the spells Force is
affected and takes un-soaked System Strain
damage equal to Force +s
While modern (2050+) devices are primarily
optical, they almost all contain electronic
components. This spell erases standard RFID tags
and harms non-optical /non-hardened electronic
systems. Affected systems may suffer data loss,
power outages, or burn out entirely.
Pulse also disrupts wireless signals and also can
affect some archaic devices and power systems.
All such devices within the spell’s range, no
matter who owns them, are affected.
P a g e | 86

Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Physical
Shapechange transforms a voluntary subject into
a normal (non-paranormal) critter, though the
subject retains metahuman consciousness. The
subject can only assume the form of a critter
whose base silhouette is within 1 of their own; as
small as a large dog (Silhouette 0) or as large as a
moose (Silhouette 2). The caster may increase
Brawn or Agility by 1 per s. This spell does not
transform clothing and equipment. Magicians in
critter form can still cast spells but cannot
perform tasks requiring speech. The subject may
not turn into a swarm.


Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained
SHAPE [Material] Range: LoS Drain: F+3
Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Sustained Type: Physical
Range: LoS Drain: F+0 This spell can increase or decrease the noise
Type: Physical affecting by a single device. The spellcaster is not
This spell moves and shapes a specified inorganic immune to this effect. Each s adds or removes S
element or material (air, earth, water, fire, mud, from the Noise rating the affected Device (min 0).
lava, plasteel, concrete, tar, etc.). Unusual changes in noise may attract undue
The material can be moved and reshaped with an attention. The casting of the spell adds its Force
Incidental action in any way the caster desires. to the devices Overwatch Score at the instant it is
The area of effect is everything within engaged cast and then again every 20 min.
range of the target point.
Loose material can be moved and re-shaped SLOW VEHICLE
easily, but material that is connected or Diff: Resistance Duration: Sustained
reinforced (such as walls or other material part of Range: LoS Drain: F+8
a structure) must be broken apart first. The Type: Physical
material takes 1 turn per Armor rating to be Slow Vehicle is a dangerous spell with a massive
destroyed. drain, usually used as a last resort when an enemy
This spell allows the caster to rapidly dig holes, is getting away and there isn’t any way to stop
redirect streams, fill balloons, create a path them. The caster diverts kinetic energy from the
through a fire, construct a barricade, or create a vehicle causing a decrease in relative speed. The
doorway where one didn’t exist before. vehicle’s speed is reduced by s gained on the
Elements or materials reshaped by the caster check. This causes a good deal of extra Drain, but
remain frozen in that form when the spell ends. can be quite effective in slowing a target down
If that form cannot be supported by the material, during a chase. This may force the driver to make
it will collapse into rubble. The material/element a Driving check versus spell Force to stay on the
can also be spread out, extinguished, or road.
P a g e | 87

Diff: Average (FF) Duration: Instant
Range: LoS Drain: F+1
Type: Physical
Each s upgrades the Difficulty of any skill tests
made to use biomaterial for forensics or material
link purposes. This spell kills all bacteria and
destroys organic material such as skin flakes, stray
hairs, and spilled blood. Material affected by this
spell cannot be used as a material link for rituals.
Because the spell does not affect biomaterial
attached to a living being, it does not kill the
various helpful and harmful microorganisms living
inside a creature. Shadowrunners often employ
this spell to eliminate incriminating trace
evidence, especially if blood has been spilled. The
area sterilized is a sphere with a radius equal to
the spells Force in meters.

Diff: Willpower Duration: Permanent
Range: LoS Drain: F+2
Type: Mental Qualities:
The caster must touch a voluntary or unconscious
subject. The spell puts the subject in a form of
suspended animation. The subject’s bodily
processes are slowed significantly, allowing them
to survive with little nourishment or respiration,
this also delays poison, disease, or Toxin checks.
Each s equals 8 hours of near stasis as well
upgrading any check to detect life versus sensors.
The spell can be recast on a target while under
the effect of the current Suspended Animation
although effects do not stack. This spell does not
keep a subject unconscious, and if the character
wakes up and resists against the effects of the
spell, their metabolism returns to normal and the
spell breaks. The target reads as dead to rating 3
or less scanners and medic systems.
P a g e | 88


• Combat: Fights for you for a single combat. If
Summoning more than a minute passes without active
Summoning a spirit is an Action. You can only
attacks the combat is over for the spirit.
summon one spirit of your tradition at a time, and
• Power Use: Spirit uses one of its powers.
it only stays until it’s done with all of the services
• Physical task: Spirit materializes to perform a
it owes you or when the sun rises or sets
task, this is generally something it is able to do
(whichever comes first). Here’s how to summon a
in under an hour per Force.
• Remote Service: Any service beyond Extreme
Range. Once complete it leaves regardless of
STEP 1: Choose Spirit Type and Force
services remaining.
Choose force and a type of spirit available to your
tradition. The force can be up to twice your Magic
Any Standard service
Optional Powers: Spirits have one optional power
Aid Enchantment: The Spirit Amplifies
for every point of Force above 2. These optional
Enchantment checks as per a Power Focus.
powers must be decided on at the time of
Aid Sorcery: The spirit Amplifies Sorcery checks as
per a Power Focus.
Spell Binding: Sustains spell for days equal to
STEP 2: Attempt Summoning
force. Spirit force reduced by 1 a day till
Make a Summoning check versus the spirit’s
dissipated. This is considered painful and abusive
Force. If you succeed, the spirit arrives within
by spirits.
engaged range in astral space, owing you one
Spell Sustaining: Can maintain a spell for Spirit
service per s gained. The nature of the services
Force in rounds per service.
the spirit can provide depends on the spirit’s type,
force, and powers.
Binding is used to compel long-term services from
STEP 3: Resist Drain
a spirit that you’ve already summoned.
Whether you successfully summoned a spirit or
This takes a number of hours equal to the spirit’s
not, you must resist drain equal to the spirits
Force and requires (Force x 50) drams of reagents.
chosen force x2. This is soaked with Presence.
The difficulty is Summoning vs (Spirit Force+1)
If the spirit’s force is greater than your Magic
Summoning. Drain is equal to Force x2.
rating, the drain is Wounds; otherwise it’s Strain.
s = Services as normal, however the Spirit does
not vanish at sunrise or sunset.
A Spirit:
The Spirit may be called as Incidental Action.
• must materialize to affect the Physical
Commanding a Spirit is a Maneuver. You may only
world. When materialized it is Dual
bind a number of Spirits equal to your Presence.
Natured. All Spirits can materialize.
• is obviously a spirit (glows, floats, etc)
• is not affected by gravity
To banish another Magician’s spirit is a
• reduced to 0 wounds is disrupted and
Summoning versus (Spirit Force). Drain is equal to
returns to its home plane. Spirit Force x2. Each s removes one Service, at 0
• can telepathically speak to its Summoner the Spirit is banished.
at any range. Only speech.
• may move within a radius of Extreme
Range. Anything beyond this counts as
remote service.
P a g e | 89

ALL SPIRITS: Have Astral Form, Materialization, Sapience, and Search as basic powers unless noted.
Stats: Each spirit should have a total of (-5) Powers count as 1


Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F-3 F+1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F F x2 0 1
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Light Ranged, Perception
POWERS: Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Engulf, Movement.
FORCE 3+: [Air] Strike (Spell), Guard, Noxious Breath, Psychokenisis
TALENTS: *****
SPECIAL: Movement is 30m.


Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F+1 F-2 F-1 F-2 F-1 F-1 F-1 F+4(2) Fx2 0 0
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Light Ranged, Perception
POWERS: Binding, Guard, Movement. Armor 2
FORCE 3+: Concealment, Confusion, Engulf, [Earth] Strike (Spell)
TALENTS: *****
SPECIAL: Movement is 30m.


Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F+1 F F-2 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F Fx2 0 0
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Perception, Perception
POWERS: Animal Control, Enhanced Senses, Fear, Movement.
FORCE 3+: Concealment, Guard, Natural Weapon(F+2 Dam/Crit 2), Venom,


Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F-1 F+1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F F-1 Fx2 0 0
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Perception, Perception
POWERS: Accident, [Fire] Strike, [Fire] Aura, Engulf
FORCE 3+: Fear, Guard, Noxious Breath, Confusion
SPECIAL: Movement is 15m.


Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F-1 F-1 F F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F Fx2 0 0
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Perception, Perception
POWERS: Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Enhanced Senses, Influence,
FORCE 3+: Fear, (One spell Known by Summoner), Movement, Psychokinesis.
P a g e | 90


Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F-1 F F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F Fx2 0 0
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Perception
POWERS: Concealment, Confusion, Engulf, Movement
FORCE 3+: Accident, [Water] Strike, [Water] Aura, Guard, Weather Control
SPECIAL: Movement in water is 20m

NOXIOUS SPIRITS (Toxic Spirits of Air) (Rival)

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F-3 F+1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F F x2 0 1
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Light Ranged, Perception
POWERS: Accident, Concealment, Confusion, Engulf, Movement
FORCE 3+: Fear, Guard, Noxious Breath, Psychokinesis, Weather Control
SPECIAL: Movement in water is 20m

ABOMINATION SPIRITS (Toxic Spirits of Beast) (Rival)

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F+1 F F-2 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 Fx2 0 0
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Perception, Light Ranged
POWERS: Animal Control (Toxic Critter), Enhanced Senses, Mutagen, Movement, Natural
Weapon( Brawling F+2 Dam/Crit 2),.
FORCE 3+: Concealment, Corrosive Spit, Mimicry, Venom,

BARREN SPIRITS (Toxic Spirits of Earth) (Rival)

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F+1 F-2 F-1 F-2 F-1 F-1 F-1 F+4(2) Fx2 0 0
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Light Ranged, Perception
POWERS: Binding, Elemental Attack [Pollution], Movement. Armor 2
FORCE 3+: Concealment, Confusion, Fear
TALENTS: *****

NUCLEAR SPIRIT (Toxic Spirit of Fire) (Rival)

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F-1 F+1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F F-1 Fx2 0 0
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Perception, Perception
POWERS: Elemental Attack (Radiation), Energy Aura (Radiation), Engulf (Fire)
FORCE 3+: Confusion, Fear, Guard,
SPECIAL: Movement is 15m.
P a g e | 91

PLAGUE SPIRIT (Toxic Spirit of Man) (Rival)

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F-1 F-1 F F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F Fx2 0 0
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Perception, Perception
POWERS: Accident, Desire Reflection, Fear, Mutagen, Enhanced Senses, Pestilence
FORCE 3+: Concealment, (One spell Known by Summoner), Movement, Psychokinesis.

SLUDGE (Toxic Spirits of Water) (Rival)

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Presence Willpower Magic Soak WT M R
F-1 F F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F Fx2 0 0
SKILLS (F): Assensing, Brawling, Light ranged, Perception
POWERS: Binding, Elemental Attack [Pollution], Engulf [Water], Movement, Mutagen
FORCE 3+: Accident, Concealment, Fear, Guard
SPECIAL: Movement in water is 20m
P a g e | 92


Any Awakened character can connect with a Advantages:
mentor spirit by taking the Mentor Spirit Talent. • 2 Strain +A to next Deception check.
Gamemasters may also choose to award mentor • Magician: +A to Illusion spells, preparations,
spirits in the course of role playing. and rituals
• Adept: +1 Rank of Missile Parry
Bear Disadvantages: You are a gossip trying to stir up
Advantages: trouble, especially between friends, and cannot
• 2 Strain: Grants Soak +1 for 1 turn. keep damaging secrets to yourself. Anytime you
• Magician: +A for Health spells, preparations, encounter a public situation deemed too quiet or
and health spell rituals. stable, make an Average (FF) Willpower check.
• Adept: 1 free level of Rapid Healing Failure means that you are compelled to stir the
Disadvantages: If in combat or if someone under pot in any way you desire, be it attacking, telling
your care suffers a critical hit / injury, make a lies, or throwing a drink on someone nearby.
(Critical level) Willpower check. If failed you go
berserk. When berserk, the character will go after Disease
their attacker(s) without regard for their own Advantages:
safety. You may spend an incidental at the start of • 2 Strain +A to Resilience for next turn.
your turn to re-attempt the Willpower check. If no • Magician: +A for summoning or binding
targets remain the fury fades. plague spirits (toxic spirits of man).
• Adept: +1 Rank of Kinesics
Berserker Disadvantages: Followers of Disease must make
Advantages: an Average (FF) Willpower to not flee or seek
• 2 Strain +A to Coercion for next turn. cover whenever in a combat situation, unless they
• Magician: +A for Indirect Combat spells, outnumber their opponents. If their side is
preparations, and rituals reduced so that they no longer outnumber their
• Adept: Pain Resistance Rank +1. opponents, they must make a test to avoid
Disadvantages: Whenever someone strongly fleeing.
disagrees with you, you must pass an Average
(FF) Willpower check to keep from striking out Dog
against the offender. If the test fails, the attack Advantages:
can be in any form you choose (fist, spell, etc.), • Strain +A to Survival (Tracking) for next turn.
but it must have the intent to cause damage. • Magician: +A to Detection spells,
preparations, and rituals
Cat • Adept: 1 Free Improved Sense [Scent]
Advantages: Disadvantages: You can never leave someone
• 2 Strain +A to Coordination for next turn. behind, betray your comrades, or let another
• Magician: +A to Illusion spells, preparations, sacrifice themselves in your place without making
and illusion spell rituals an Average (FF) Willpower check.
• Adept: +1 rank of Light Body
Disadvantages: Unless you succeed in an Average
(FF) Willpower check at the start of combat, you
cannot make an attack that incapacitates your
target. If you take any Physical damage, this ends.
P a g e | 93

Doom Great Mother

Advantages: Advantages:
• 2 Strain +A to Combat skill for next turn. • 2 Strain +A to Medicine for next turn
• Magician: +A for Combat spells, preparations, • Magician: +A to Health spells, preparations,
and rituals. and rituals.
• Adept: +1 rank of Adrenaline Boost • Adept: +1 free rank of Rapid Healing
Disadvantages: Followers of Doom must succeed Disadvantages: Followers of the Great Mother
in an Average (FF) Willpower check to avoid a are lovers and healers, not fighters. As a result,
fight once it has begun, or to not enact a plan to they suffer a +S dice pool for any combat-related
do violence. If they fail, they must engage in actions (using a combat skill, or casting a spell
combat until all opponents are defeated or flee. from the Combat category).

Dragonslayer Mountain
Advantages: Advantages:
• Strain +A to Social skill for 1 turn. • 2 Strain +A to Survival for next turn
• Magician: +A for combat spells, preparations, • Magician: +1 Rank to/of Counterspell Talent.
and rituals • Adept: +1 Rank to/of Pain Resistance.
• Adept: +1 free rank of Enhanced [Skill] Disadvantages: You must make an Average (FF)
Accuracy Willpower check to abandon a planned course of
Disadvantages: If you break a promise, whether action in favor of a new one. If you fail, you must
by choice or by accident, you suffer +S to all endeavor to continue with your original plan,
actions until you make good on your promise. even if it means going on alone. Similarly, you
must succeed in Average (FF) Willpower check to
Eagle proceed in anything without a plan.
• 2 Strain +A to Perception for 1 turn. Mutation
• Magician: +A for summoning Air Spirits. Advantages:
• Adept: +1 Rank in Enhanced [Melee] Accuracy • 2 Strain +A to Athletics, Coordination, or
Disadvantages: Pollutant elemental attacks add Brawl for next turn.
+2 damage, +S to all Resilience checks versus • Magician:+A for Health spells, preparations,
pollutants. and rituals.
• Adept: +1 Rank to/of Boost Brawn or Boost
Disadvantages: If a follower of Mutation finds
themselves inferior to an opponent, they suffer a
• 2 Strain +A to Mechanic or Enchantment
–S penalty on all actions until they defeat their
checks for the next turn.
rival in that area, or overcome or compensate for
• Magician: +A for Manipulation spells,
the weakness in another way (such as acquiring a
preparations, and rituals
new power, spell, or augmentation).
• Adept: +1 Rank of Amplify [Mechanics]
Disadvantages: When someone sincerely asks you
for help, you can’t refuse without succeeding in
an Average (FF) Willpower check.
P a g e | 94

Oracle Rat
Advantages: Advantages:
• 2 Strain +A to Assensing for next turn • 2 Strain +A to Stealth for next turn.
• Magician: +A to Detection spells, • Magician: +A to Perception when harvesting
preparations, and rituals reagents, and may use any tradition reagents.
• Adept: +1 Rank to/of Amplify [Perception] • Adept: +1 Rank to/of Amplify [Stealth}
Disadvantages: When confronted by a Disadvantages: A Rat magician must make an
particularly haunting question, you must take an Average (FF) Willpower check to not
Average (FF) Cunning check. Failure means you immediately flee or seek cover in a combat
must spend 4 hours to make another Average (F) situation. If there is nowhere to flee, they are
Cunning check researching the answer. Success forced to fight.
doesn’t mean necessarily mean you found the
answer, but it at least silences the question in Raven
your mind for the time being. Ona failure you Advantages:
continue researching for another 4 hours and may • 2 Strain +A to Charm for next turn.
check again. • Magician: +A for Manipulation spells,
preparations, and rituals
Peacemaker • Adept: +1 rank to/of Voice Control
Advantages: Disadvantages: You must make an Average (FF)
• 2 Strain +A to Negotiation for next turn. Willpower to avoid exploiting someone else’s
• Magician: +A to Detection spells, misfortune to your own advantage or to pull a
preparations, and rituals clever trick or prank even if it’s to the
• Adept: +1 rank to/of Amplification disadvantage of your friends.
Disadvantages: At the beginning of combat, make Sea
an Average (FF) Willpower check, failure means Advantages:
you are unable to take actions that cause physical • 2 Strain +A to Athletics [Swimming] for the
damage for the duration of combat. If you or a next turn.
member of your team suffered damage in the • Magician: +A for summoning Spirits of Water
previous Combat Turn you may make the check • Adept: +1 rank Amplify [Athletics]
again. Disadvantages: You must make an Average (FF)
Willpower to give away something you own or be
Pollution charitable in some way.
• 2 Strain +A to stealth for next turn. Seducer
• Magician: +A to summon or bind toxic spirits Advantages:
of air, earth, or water (choose one). • 2 Strain +A to Charm for next turn.
• Adept: +1 Rank to/of Pain Resistance. • Magician: +A to Illusion spells, preparations,
Disadvantages: If in an area cleaner than their
and rituals
normal habitation, they must make an Average
• Adept: +1 rank to/of Kinesics
(FF) Willpower check every day. If they fail, they
Disadvantages: You must succeed in an Average
must spend at least eight hours that day actively (FF) Willpower check to avoid pursuing a vice or
despoiling the land, regardless of any other plans
indulgence (drugs, BTLs, sex, and so on) when it is
they had for that time.
made available.
P a g e | 95

Shark Wise Warrior

Advantages: Advantages:
• 2 Strain +A to Brawl for next turn. • 2 Strain +A to Leadership for next turn.
• Magician: +A for Combat spells, • Magician: +A for Combat spells, preparation,
preparations, and rituals and rituals
• Adept: +1 rank to/of Killing Hands • Adept: +1 Rank to/of Amplify [combat skill].
Disadvantages: Taking wound damage in combat Disadvantages: If you act dishonorably or without
forces a character to make a (Critical Severity) courtesy, whether by choice or by accident, you
Willpower check of go berserk. Non-critical suffer +S to all actions until you atone for your
wounds have a difficulty of 1. When berserk, they behavior.
go after their attacker(s) without regard for their
own safety. They may repeat the check at the Wolf
beginning of their turn as an Incidental. If they run Advantages:
out of targets before the times up, they keep • 2 Strain +A to Survival[Tracking] for next turn.
attacking the bodies.
• Magician: +A to Combat spells, preparations,
and rituals
Snake • Adept: +1 rank to/of Boost Agility.
Advantages: Disadvantages: You must succeed in an Average
• 2 Strain +A to Arcana for next turn. (FF) Willpower check to retreat from a fight.
• Magician: +A for Detection spells,
preparations, and rituals
• Adept: +1 Rank to/of Kinesics
Disadvantages: You must succeed an Average
(FF) Willpower check to avoid pursuing secrets or
knowledge that few people know about when you
receive hints of its existence.

• 2 Strain +A to Coercion for next turn.
• Magician: +A to summon spirits of Air
• Adept: +1 rank to/of Killing Hands
Disadvantages: A Thunderbird magician must
succeed in an Average (FF) Willpower check to
avoid responding to an insult in kind.
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6.6 REAGENTS Finding Reagents

Mana flows through the world and collects on Awakened with the Sorcery, Enchanting, or
objects like sediment on a seabed. Like the Summoning skills can attempt to scrounge for
magical world itself, the mana in these objects their own reagents. They must be in a location
waxes and wanes. If such objects are found and appropriate to their tradition and spend 8 hours
harvested at the right time by a skilled person, searching then make a Hard [fff] Perception
they become reagents. Reagents are sensitive to check. This generates 1 Reagent per s.
pollution and emotion, just like the astral plane, If performed as a Downtime activity for a
which makes the challenging task of harvesting week the check generates s x5 Reagents.
reagents even more difficult in many areas. To
gather reagents in the wild takes roughly 8 hours Various uses for Reagents.
The power of a set of reagents is measured in • Spending reagents equal to the Force of the
drams of orichalcum, the purest reagent known, effect adds one +A or removes one +S.
iridescent orange chunks of metal that are perfect • Spending Reagents equal to a spells Force
mana conduits. A reagent worth 1 dram of lowers its drain by 2.
orichalcum tends to be less than the weight of a
pistol bullet. ENCHANTING
• ARTIFICING: Reagents are spent making foci.
Naturally occurring reagents vary by tradition. The amount varies by type and power of Foci.
• Hermetic magicians prefer minerals, pure
elements, old trinkets, and virgin ores. CONJURING
• Shamans favor parts of plants and animals, • BINDING: This requires reagents equal to the
naturally polished rocks, and small, intricately Spirits Force x 25.
crafted handmade items.
• A Rastafarian might be able to find magic in a SORCERY
coin from a street musician’s instrument case. • RITUALS: As part of the offering step, you can
spend reagents to reduce drain.
Reagents are surprisingly common, but not all • TEMPORARY LODGE: You can create a
reagents can be used by every tradition. Reagents temporary magical lodge by spending reagents
from one tradition only work at half strength for equal to 2x force of the lodge. The lodge takes
other traditions. When you spend a reagent, the one hour per point of force to create and
mana it stores dissipates. thereafter lasts until sunrise or sunset,
whichever comes first.
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6.7 ENCHANTING 5. Resist Drain and record preparation.

Enchanter’s have two ways they use magic, Drain is the usual Force + Spell, plus trigger cost,
Alchemy, and Artificing. Alchemy is relatively soaked by Cunning.
easy, safe, and helpful. Artificing is difficulty, As always if the force exceeds the Enchanter’s
dangerous, and powerful. Magic, the drain is Wounds.
Finally, record the spell’s dice pool, using Force:
Attribute + Enchanting: Skill.
Alchemy [aka spell grenades] Example: Force 3 / Enchanting 2 = d g g
Alchemy locks a spell into stasis on a small
trinket until activated or it decays. This allows
Maintenance strain.
Enchanters to avoid drain during tense moments,
For each preparation the Enchanter has made
although holding spells in stasis is tiring.
but not activated, they reduce their Strain
Summary: Pick spell & force, stick it to a thing,
threshold by -1 due to temporarily investing a bit
make skill check, take drain now, cast spell later.
of themselves when making preparations.
An Enchanter can dismiss any number of
Making alchemical preparations in 5 easy steps.
preparations as an Incidental no matter where
1. Choose a Spell and its Force
they are, and increasing their strain threshold
2. Choose a lynchpin.
This can be any object small enough to fit in
the palm of the Enchanter’s hand.
Preparations last for 3 x the enchanter’s
Magic attribute in hours. After that time the
3. Choose the trigger or triggers
lynchpin is broken and the spell lost.
Contact: Any living being not the creator
becomes the spell’s target if they touch the
Using a preparation
lynchpin. Bouncing it off a target counts.
To use a preparation, the creator rolls its dice
Command (Incidental): +1 Drain A word or
pool [Force/Enchanters skill] against the spell’s
gesture activates the spell and the creator
difficulty exactly as if being cast by a Sorcerer. If
chooses the spell’s target when activated.
the spell is sustained, it lasts for 1 minute per
The lynchpin must be on the physical plane
force (or becomes permanent).
and within the creator’s line of sight.
There is no drain, as it was already soaked.
*Command triggers are the only triggers
The target(s) must be on the physical plane.
Health spells man have.
and the check uses the Spending a/h and s/f
Timed: +2 Drain. A gesture or word starts a
in Sorcery tables.
countdown that’s decided on when triggered,
from 1 second up to the alchemy’s expiration.
Targets and Spell type:
Touch: Touch spells affect the target it is in
4. Craft the preparation.
contact with when activated. If more than
Make an Average [ff] Enchanting check to seal
one target is touching the preparation when
the spell. This takes 5 minutes of carving or
triggered, the target is chosen by the creator
painting symbols, hieroglyphs, or such on the
(if a Command trigger is used) or at random.
lynchpin. This check uses the Spending advantage
Line of Sight: The target is chosen by the creator
and threat Enchanting table.
if using a command trigger, otherwise the
A single s locks the preparation.
spell attempts to affect the nearest viable
A failure wastes 5 minutes and still inflicts drain.
target within line of sight.
On a d the spell detonates but may still be
Blast [Area of Effect]: The preparation is the
anchored to the lynchpin if successful.
center of the area of effect. Boom.
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Example of creating a Preparation. Example of using a Preparation.

Daedalus, a troll enchanter with a Magic of 3 Daedalus crouches in the back of the cramped
and Enchanting Skill of 2, is making an alchemical van once again wishing the crew could afford
preparation of the Vehicle Mask spell to ensure something with more headroom. Troll headroom.
her team gets by a checkpoint in their beat-up The van slows, reaching the last turn before
GMC Bulldog van. the target facility. StimTinda, the crews almost
incomprehensible aussie-import rigger, glances
1. Choose a Spell and its Force back and babbles “Aurah Daedalouso, dreemup
Daedalus selects Vehicle Mask at force 3. aht spook sprayup.”
A higher force would increase the spell’s No one really knew where StimTinda or her
effectiveness and how long it’s sustained but she accent actually came from, but Daedalus could
doesn’t want to start a run already injured. always follow her somehow. Clearing her throat,
the troll warns. “This is going to be loud.”
2. Choose Lynchpin. The Vehicle Mask spell requires Touch so
She chooses an old stylus to enchant. It can sit Daedalus taps the engraved stylus to the van’s
in her uniform pocket and doesn’t stand out. side, takes a deep breath, and roars
“SPEEDBUGGY!” scaring the decker senseless.
3. Choose what trigger[s] will set it off.
She picks the Command trigger, adding +1 drain Daedalus’ player rolls the preparation’s
and makes the command “Speed Buggy”. dgg against Vehicle Mask’s Average [ff]
difficulty, gaining ss and hh.
4. Craft the preparation. The beat-up van’s appearance wavers and
Daedalus uses a small drill to engrave a winding flows. The ss upgrades the difficulty of any
pattern of celtic knots and runes on the stylus for Perception checks twice when anyone attempts
five minutes while muttering arcane invocations. to discern the fact that the team’s battered GMC
She then makes an Average [ff] Enchanting Bulldog is not, in fact, a sleek Saeder-Krupp Rhino
check and gets ss,and hh. Yay, ugh. security vehicle. The spell will be sustained for 3
s seals the preparation. minutes.
The extra s reduces the Drain by -1. The player decided that the hh inflicts a +S
Looking at the Spending Advantage/Threat on the next allied character’s check, likely the
Enchanting table, Daedalus’ player decides that teams face when he is chatting to the guards, due
the hh means the command word must be to a subtle ripple in the interior disguise,
screamed to work. distracting him.
Daedalus sighs, noticing the command word
rune is kinda sloppy, she’ll have to bellow it,
• A Lightning Bolt spell with a Command
5. Resist Drain trigger and a wooden cylinder lynchpin
Vehicle Mask’s drain is F+1. Force 3 +1, and +1 carved with Athabaskan artwork.
for the Command Trigger = 5 Drain. The extra s • An 8-ball marked with a timed trigger and
lowers this to 4. Daedalus soaks 4 drain with her spontaneous combustion rune (Fireball
Cunning of 3 resulting in just 1 Strain that she can Spell) written in silver marker.
wash away with a good shower in an hour or so. • A Death Touch spell with a touch trigger
The spell’s dice pool is Force 3 / Enchanting 2 so bound to a credstick, acid-etched with a
rolls dgg when triggered. haiku in kanji. It is left in some barrens, just
Since it is a Sustained spell, it will sustain itself waiting for someone to pick it up.
for 1 minute per force, totaling 3 minutes.
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Artificing 3. Spend Reagents.

Artificing is the incredibly dangerous art of Attempting to craft a foci, uses up reagents
creating magical foci. A focus is powerful, equal to its force x20.
reusable, and intimately tied to its bonded owner.
A focus is a permanent and complex 4. Craft the Focus.
enchantment built up slowly from an arcane This takes days equal to the formula’s Force.
formula and finished with invested effort and This time is used to gather mana and work it into
time. All foci follow the same creation process. the material permanently. The process is
To craft a Foci the character must work within sporadic, so activities that can be handled without
a magic lodge of their tradition that has a force leaving the Magic Lodge are possible. At the end
rating equal to or higher than the formula’s force of this time the crafting check is made.
The final check’s difficulty is based on object The Enchanting check is a normal enchanting
resistance, so a wooden staff focus is far more skill check, using the characters Cunning. The
likely to be created than a Monowhip focus. All difficulty is based on either the telesma’s Object
drain from crafting a focus is Wounds. Ouch. Resistance, and then upgraded a number of times
equal to the desired Focus force.
1. Acquire the Foci Formula. OBJECT RESISTANCE
Focus formulae are too complex to memorize Difficulty Rating / Object Type
and must be bought from a Talismonger or F 1 Natural: Trees, soil, clean water,
designed. Focus formulas specify Type, Force,
hand-carved wood, metal cold-
Form and Tradition. The formula’s Force cannot
worked by hand.
exceed the artificer’s Magic rating.
F f 2 Manufactured Low-Tech /
Designing a focus formula (or translating one)
Materials : Brick, leather, simple
is an Enchanting check vs the formula’s force.
alloys, simple plastics
Cumulative successes equal to the foci’s force are
F f f 3 Manufactured Hi-Tech /
needed. Each check take one day of study.
Materials: Adv plastics, complex
alloys, electronics, sensors
2. Obtain or make the Telesma.
F f f f 4 Highly Processed Objects:
The physical object used for a Focus is called a
Computers, complex toxic wastes,
telesma and can be any inanimate object up to
drones, vehicles
silhouette 2.
Warning! dd Means the magic spins out of
A ‘guideline’ is a Force 1 telesma should take
control and rips away 1 Essence from the
2 days and 2000¥ to create or acquire, with both
Enchanter, lowering their Magic attribute as well.
the cost and time doubled per additional force
Artificing is not for the weak or untrained.
level. [So a Force 5 = 32 days / 32,000¥]
It can be as simple as buying a blade from a
shop, or as difficult as finding the bones of a
Resist Drain and Spend Bonding Xp.
California condor. The more unprocessed or
Drain is determined by the Focus type, as
natural the telesma is, the easier a telesma is to
listed in the Focus Types. Weapon Focis drain is
enchant; see object resistance table.
force x 3. All artificing drain are Wounds[!] soaked
If the enchanter crafts the telesma, such as
by Cunning.
forging a knife or building[?] a car, each success
If still conscious/alive after resisting drain, the
on the mechanics check grants +A (Max 3) to the
person to whom the foci will be bond to must be
Focus crafting roll.
present at the end and spend an amount of XP
equal to 5 x force to make it permanent.
If the enchanter is incapacitated, skip the XP
expenditure and start over (after healing).
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Example of creating a focus. 4. Craft the Focus.

[aka creating the Squirrelbane axe] Daedalus carries the axe to her magical lodge
Daedalus is tired of listening to the street in an old farmhouse outside the city and gets to
samurai, Typhoon, complaining about not being work. She makes sure to tell the teams medic to
able to cut up various magical critters the team show up in three days when she is finished,
has encountered. After discussing it, Daedalus because it will hurt. Typhoon also has to be there
agrees to make Typhoon a weapon focus if the at the end to have the axe bound to her.
street samurai pays for it. Typhoon throws money She works through the next three days,
at Daedalus and says ‘Make it a freakin’ big axe!” chanting and anointing the axe between sessions
Daedalus’ enchantment has increased to 3, of playing miracle shooter on her commlink and
but this will still be very difficult. following the latest happenings in the Orc
1. Acquire the Foci Formula At the end of the three days of work,
Daedalus decides the weapon focus will be Daedalus braces herself and works through the
Force 3, a powerful focus but unlikely to hurt her final stage, feeling the raw power tearing through
to badly while making it. her from the spaces between worlds.
She decides to create the formula herself, The enchantment check’s difficulty is the
making the Type: Weapon, Force: 3, Form: “Big axe’s Object resistance of [FF] upgraded by the
Freakin’ Axe”, and aligned with her Celtic force of 3, making the final difficulty Fhh.
Tradition. Daedalus rolls her Cunning 3 / Enchanting 3
To design the formula, Daedalus makes an with a +A [from her crafting the axe].
Enchanting check against a difficulty equal to the She gets s and aa and a d!
force of 3, and needs 3 cumulative s’s to The s anchors the power into the axe,
complete it. Each check takes a day, but she creating a Force 3 Weapon Focus [Big axe].
knocks it out in just two days, despite constant The aa are used to lower the drain by -2.
interruptions of Typhoon offering tips on how to The d could lower the Axe’s Force, but the
make the axe ‘more awesome’. GM decides the haunted effect is more fun,
stating that the Axe will attract and irritate fey or
2. Obtain or make the Telesma. woodland critters.
Daedalus enjoys blacksmithing, and has been
wanting to make a new weapon for some time, so 5. Resist Drain and Spend Xp.
she makes the telesma, or Axe, herself. Now the painful part, the drain is equal to the
The time and materials for a Force 3 foci is Weapon foci’s force x3 [9] and reduced by -2 for
suggested at 8 days, and 8,000¥. Typhoon covers the aa to Drain of 7. Daedalus soaks this with
the cash that buys magically clean leather, her Cunning of 3 and takes 4 wounds. She sweats
engaving tools, the metal rod stock, and some through the ragged pain but handles it.
special wood to burn in the forge occasionally Typhoon is present through the final portion
while working. of the powerful ritual and feels the axe binding to
The GM decides making a “big freakin’ axe” is the her as spends 15xp [force x3] to permanently
a Hard [FFF] Mechanical check. Daedalus toils bind the axe to her.
away and gets only s, but this still makes the axe When all is said and done, Typhoon cheers,
and grants a +A to the final check. grabs the magically potent axe and runs out to
swing it around in the old farms front yard, where
3. Spend Reagents. she is suddenly, inexplicably, attacked by a mob
Daedalus burns through 60 reagents [Force of squirrels with glowing eyes.
x20] during the during the next 3 days while
attempting to enchant the axe.
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Magical staffs, enchanted rings, woven bits of Drain: F x 2
wire and feathers, or a tattoo painted across an Qi foci grant new powers to Adepts or boost
adept’s arm, can all be various types of magical already owned powers. A qi focus can be a worn
Foci. These enchanted fetishes [not that kind of object, tattoos, ritual scarring, piercings, or
fetish sheesh] can assist in creating alchemy, similar. Each Qi focus contains a single adept
grant an adept new powers, or be a traditional power at a set level an adept can use. If the adept
enchanted sword. already has the power within the focus, the foci
Many focus types have the Amplify quality, as adds its ranks to the adept’s [if it’s a power with
well as another effect, or grant specific abilities. ranks, that is; otherwise there’s no benefit].
The drain listed is only used if creating a Focus
with Artificing. Force May contain 1 Adept Power up to:
1 1 Power Points
ENCHANTING FOCI 2 2 Power Points
Drain: F x 2 3 4 Power Points.
This focus has the Amplify [Enchantment] 4 8 Power Points.
quality with a rating to it’s force. It amplifies all 5 15 Power Points.
skill checks using Enchantment/Cunning such as Examples: An Improved Ability [Melee] Rank 1
creating Alchemical Preparations. It does not [2 Power Points] is a Force 2 focus.
affect Force/Enchantment rolls. An Improved Reflexes-Rank 1 [5 Power points] is
Artificing Drain F x2 Force 4.


Drain: F x 2 Drain: F x 2
Metamagic foci increase the effect of the There are four type of spell foci. Aside from
powerful Initiate’s Metamagic abilities. The Focus the Counterspell Foci, which can be used on any
adds its Force to the initiate level for using a form of magic, the other three spell foci can affect
specific metamagic. The users must have the one type of Spell only; Combat, Detection,
metamagic to use this. Illusion, Healing, or Manipulation.
Centering: Add force to Initiate Level. Counterspelling Foci: This grants the
Flexible signature: Add force to Initiate Level. Counterspell Talent with ranks equal to its Force.
Masking: Adds Force to initiate level for opposed If the user already has the Talent, the foci adds its
Masking rolls only, does not increase max number ranks to the user’s. This is the only Spell Foci that
of masked Foci. may affect any type of spell.
Spellshaping: Adds its Force to initiate level. Ritual Spellcasting (Spell Type): Amplifies Ritual
Tests (whether you’re the leader or a participant).
POWER FOCI Drain: F x 3 If the ritual isn’t a spell ritual, this focus can be
Power foci are potent talismans that amplify used but cannot assist if the spell type is wrong.
Sorcery, Enchanting, and Summoning checks, Spellcasting (Spell Type): Amplifies Enchanting or
including those with the Force attribute. This Sorcery checks where the Force, Cunning, or
much sought-after focus also adds its force to a Intellect attributes are used.
bound users effective Magic attribute for Drain Sustaining (Spell Type): This Foci sustains spells
purposes. Power foci can take any form, but for for you. The spell cannot have a Force greater
some reason, rings and amulets are quite popular. than the focus. If a spell sustained by a focus is
disrupted, it ends, but the focus is still active
(bound to its owner). A sustaining focus can’t be
used to sustain a spell ritual.
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Drain: F x 2
Summoning (Spirit Type) This focus amplifies
summoning attempts of the specified spirit type.
Banishing (Spirit Type): This focus amplifies
banishing attempts vs the specified spirit type.
Binding (Spirit Type): This focus amplifies binding
checks against the specified Spirit type.

Drain: F x 3
A weapon focus is always, unsurprisingly, a
melee weapon. It adds magical power to any
melee attacks made with it, amplifying the Melee
skill and adding its force to the weapons base
damage. A magic sword in the hands of a street
samurai is nothing to laugh at if in range.
A weapon focus is effective against astral
forms and can be taken along while astrally
projecting. The damage of the weapon in astral
combat is the same as it is in the physical world,
except that the user can decide between Strain or
Wound damage.
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6.9 THE ASTRAL WORLD summoned spirits. When attempting to read Foci
While the physical world is the world you the target is the Foci’s force.
interact with all the time, there is another world, The floating afterimage of a spell lasts a
invisible and unnoticed but indirectly influenced number of hours equal to its force. A magician
by the people wandering the material plane. This can lower this by 1 hours for every maneuver they
world is called the astral plane. It is an spend ‘erasing and smearing’ their astral
emotionally charged photonegative of the signature. It can be reduced to 0 this way.
physical world where only living things and things
infused with mana are real and physical objects ASSENSING TABLE
are mere intangible shadows. MetaHumans / Spirits: Difficulty Average [FF].
Foci: Difficulty = [Force]
AURAS AND ASTRAL FORMS Background Count may add S or raise Diff.
What can be seen of living things is their Aura, s The general state of the subject’s health
a shimmering glow that surrounds them. All living
(healthy, injured, ill, etc.).
things have an aura but few living creatures are
The subject’s general emotional state or
active on the Astral plane. Non-living things do
impression (happy, sad, angry, etc.).
not have aura’s and appear as shadowy grey
Determine if the subject is Awakened.
shapes that are vaguely recognizable.
Presence & location of cyberware.
Anything active on the Astral plane has a
Class magical subject (fire elemental,
tangible astral form, that’s brighter, or more ‘real’
combat spell, power focus, curse ritual).
like; Spirits, Foci, or Dual-natured beings.
You recognize previously seen auras,
regardless of physical disguises or
The ability to seethe astral plane is called alterations.
Astral Perception. It doesn’t use your physical
ss Presence & location of alpha cyberware.
eyeballs, rather it uses a ‘third eye of the mind’ or
whatever your magical tradition wishes to call it. Whether the subject’s Essence & Magic
With astral perception you can see spirits, auras, are higher, lower, or equal to your own.
and foci as they swirl through the astral. Whether the target’s Force is higher,
Whenever that ‘third eye’ is viewing the astral lower, or equal to your Magic.
plane, anything on the astral can see you to you A general diagnosis for any maladies
to. This makes anyone using astral perception (diseases or toxins) the subject suffers.
Dual Natured. This means you exist on both the Any astral signatures on the subject.
physical and astral plane and may be affected by
things on either. This makes it difficult to see the s The presence and location of bioware
physical plane so imposes +S S to any mundane implants and betaware cyber implants.
check being performed on the physical plane. The exact Essence, Magic, and Force of
Astral Signature the subject.
Creating a spell or enchanting an item is like The general cause of an astral signature
handwriting, while everyone uses the same (combat spell, alchemical combat spell,
letters within a language, some are tight and air spirit, etc).
clean, and others are barely legible. These
patterns and styles of magical use can be studied ss The presence and location of deltaware
by a magician to try and figure out who cast a implants, gene treatments, and
spell, or enchanted an object. nanotech.
Reading this ‘astral signature’ is an Average An accurate diagnosis of any disease or
[ff] Assensing check versus Metahumans or toxins which afflict the subject.
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ASTRAL PROJECTION maneuver is spent to ‘run’ they can reach Distant

Instead of merely opening your inner eye to a range, or about 1 km.
view of the astral plane, you can shift your Astral Projection is tiring, and you may only
consciousness out of your meat body and move do it for a number of hours equal to your magic
freely about the astral plane. You form in the attribute x2. If not back to your body by that
astral is a mental projection of your inner self point, you die. Period. Hoping back into your body
along with physical characteristics based on your stops the clock, but you must remain in for the
mental attributes. same amount your were out before you may
The auras visible on living creatures does Astrally project again.
not grant a target for spells, so casting a Power
Bolt at a person’s aura might make them itch, but MANIFESTING [Action]
that’s about it. Spells cast in the astral can only If you wanna haunt your friends or scare the
affect things in the astral [or partially so if Dual hell out of someone, a magician can astrally
Natured] same as spells cast in the Physical plane project to their location and Manifest. This means
only affect the physical. If it wasn’t obvious you you appear as a semi-transparent form in the
are considered to be using astral perception the physical world and may speak, see, and hear
entire time, unless you have your hands over your others there. Manifesting is tiring though and you
‘inner sight’ and are just running around wildly may only maintain it for minutes equal to your
blind. For some reason. magic attribute. Unlike the Spirit or Critter power
There is no speed limit in the astral, and the ‘Materialization’ you cannot physically interact
physical objects of the world are immaterial and with anything on the physical plane, no matter
hazy. This allows an astrally projecting magician how hard you concentrate on flicking a coin or
to float through walls, doors, and whisk by making chains rattle.
minions [unless they are dual natured]. Travelling
along the ground is not required either, flight is ASTRAL DETECTION
often easier, and less cluttered. [Aka, did someone just float through
Hard ceiling is 80 kilometers up where the me?]
astral form of the planet, the gaiasphere, fades When an astral form passes through a being’s
and beyond that is only death or madness. The aura, that being may make a Hard [fff]
planets gaiasphere is used by a lot of secure Perception test. Awakened people or critter
facilities as a barrier, building important research receive +A to this roll.
areas underground, as the astral form of the If successful they feel slightly breathless, and
planet blocks ghosting through it. feel a chill or tingling sensation from the passing
By thinking of a location, the magician can form. Security personnel can often recognize this
blink to anywhere within Territorial range. This is feeling for what it means.
roughly anything within 1,000km. Travelling to
anything in Continental range [10,000km] takes
ten minutes on the outside, and anything at
Global range [10,000km+] takes several hours.
Travelling this way reduces everything to a blur.
Astral Barriers can block your travel, although
they luckily do not cause damage when slapping
into one at full speed.
When looking for something, a magician
travels at a much lower rate. They can cover
anything up to Long range with a Maneuver. This
speed is considered walking, if a second
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If using Astral Perception, you are considered There are two way of bypassing a mana
Dual Natured, and so use all the normal physical barrier. You can attempt to break through it
attributes and skills you may have. violently, or pass through it subtly.
While Astrally projecting, your ‘body’ is based Breaking through a mana barrier is
on your mental power. simple, if difficult. You attack it, either with mana
Willpower = Brawn spells or your hands if projecting currently dual
Cunning = Agility natured. The Barrier has a Soak and Wound
Astral Comat is always at engaged range as Threshold equal to it’s Force. However, Mana
there are no Astral Ranged attack outside of Barriers instantly heal to full strength at the end
spells. Astral combat is always at engaged range of a turn. The creator instantly knows the barrier
and a brawl. Base damage is Willpower similar to has been attacked.
a fist fight in meat space. Subtly sneaking through a barrier is also
Note: Weapon Foci can [and should] be used difficult, but quieter. This is an Easy [f] Presence
when Astrally slapping each other around. check but requires s equal to the Barrier force to
Bringing a knife to a ghost fight is a big help. bypass. You can bring one person, foci, spirit, or
sustained spell through per extra s.
You can track magical things [spirits, spells,
foci, and Magical lodges] via the astral link they
have with whoever is responsible for them. Spirits
lead to their summoners, spells to their casters,
foci to their enchanters, and lodges to any of the
magicians who activated it.
Finding and following an astral Link is a Hard
[fff] Assensing check with the following
+s for each hour since the link was active.
+S per point of mana barrier force between
the seeker and the target.
+s if tracking an unbound spirit.

Mana barriers are any form of magical wall that
can impede magic and block astral forms. Mana
barriers are Dual natured, so affect both planes
equally. These barriers work as a solid barrier
versus spells, manifesting entities, spirits and
active foci.
A mana barrier upgrades the difficulty of any
check made to affect a target on the other side of
it a number of times equal to it’s force.
Adept powers and always on Critter powers are
unaffected by mana barriers. Ranged or
projecting supernatural powers may be affect as
the GM decides.
P a g e | 106


Initiation is a type of promotion and This metamagic allows an Initiate to disguise
advancement among a magic order or disciplines their astral signature, forge another magician’s
path. It’s not solely about increasing the magical signature they’ve assensed, or reduce the amount
power but gaining a wider view of the astral world of time their signature lasts.
and the metaplanes beyond it. A character who When another mage attempts to assense a
purchases the Initiation Talent gains the ability to faked signature, it requires additional s‘s equal
perceive the metaplanes, distant dimensions of to the forger’s Initiate Level to discern the truth.
reality it is thought the spirits hail from. This can also be used to reduce the longevity
With the greater perspective on magic and its of any astral signatures left behind by the Initiate
workings, an initiate also gains new powerful ranks in hours. This can lower the time to 0
abilities called Metamagics that grant new leaving no signature at all. The metamagic can
abilities, based on the number of ranks a only do one of these at a time.
character has in the Initiate Talent.
ADEPT CENTERING This allows an Initiate to change the
This allows an adept to downgrade the appearance of their aura (and astral form) to
difficulty of a Brawn or Agility skill a number of making it look mundane, or make their Magic
times equal to their Initiate Ranks. This requires Rating look higher or lower by up to their Initiate
an Incidental spent performing some mundane grade.
action at the same time as the check. This When another mage attempts to assense a
Incidental is used to focus, such as chanting, Masked signature, it requires additional s equal
singing, or shouting. It can be just about anything to the forger’s Initiate Level to discern the truth.
as long as it’s not subtle. This can even make an aura look like a different
type (like a spirit or a focus). This metamagic can
CENTERING also mask the auras of a number of bonded Foci
This metamagic allows an Initiate to take a equal to their Initiate level.
centering incidental to add their ranks in the
Initiate talent to their soak versus drain from any POWER POINTS
Sorcery, Conjuring, or Enchanting check. The This metamagic simply grants 1 Adept Power
incidental any activity appropriate to their point and may be selected more than once.
magical tradition such as chanting in Latin, playing
an instrument, dancing, making arcane gestures, QUICKENING
or screaming the names of ancient gods. It can be A Sorcerer or Enchanter can manipulate a
just about anything as long as it isn’t subtle. If single spell into a type of loop, so that it sustains
prevented from performing the centering itself instead of relying on the caster to do so. The
technique, it cannot be used. spell must be able to be sustained to be
quickened. To do this the spellcaster must cast
FIXATION the spell within their magical lodge. Once
An Enchanter with this Metamagic can greatly quickened it becomes permanent, although can
increase the duration of their alchemical be dispelled as normal. There can be only One
preparations. When crafting an alchemical spell chosen each time this metamagic is selected.
preparation, the Enchanter may extend its shelf Decapitation is not needed to active this.
life to days equal to their Magic attribute. They
can extend a number of preparations equal to
their ranks in Initiate.
P a g e | 107


A caster with this metamagic can reshape The character may ignore the strain cost for
their area effect spells slightly. The caste may Counterspell up to their ranks in the Initiate
create two Silhouette 1 “bubbles” (1m radius) talent. If the character does not have the
within the area of a spell per rank in the Initiate Counterspell talent, they gain it at Rank 1.
talent, that remains unaffected by the spell. If +S
s added to the spellcasting check, they can
increase the Blast quality from Engaged range to
Short range as well.
P a g e | 108

6.9.1 ADEPT POWERS Enhanced [skill] Accuracy

Adrenaline Boost Cost: 2
Cost: 1 Activation: Passive
Activation: Oot Incidental Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes[Max 3] A weapon in your hands becomes an extension of
By using an Out of Turn Incidental, an adept may your body. When the power is purchased, choose
spend strain to add a number of s to their one of the following skills, melee, light ranged, or
Initiative equal to the strain spent, this strain heavy ranged. Any weapon used with the skill
cannot exceed their ranks in Adrenaline Boost. gains the quality Accurate +1. This power can be
purchased multiple times for different skills.
Boost Brawn
Cost: 2 Amplify [Skill]
Activation: Incidental Cost: 1
Ranked: Yes [Max 3] Activation: Passive
The adept may spend strain and upgrade a single Ranked: Yes [Max 3]
Brawn skill or Attribute check a number of times This power grants the Amplify quality ranks equal
equal to the strain spent. The strain spent cannot to ranks in this power to a single Skill. You need to
exceed ranks in this power. know the skill in order to buy this power for it.
Versions include:
Boost Agility Danger sense – Improved Perception
Cost: 2 Heightened Awareness – Improved Vigilance
Activation: Incidental Natural Immunity – Improved Resilience
Ranked: Yes [Max 3]
The adept may spend strain and upgrade a single Improved Brawn
Agility skill or Attribute check a number of times Cost: 5
equal to the strain spent. The strain spent cannot Activation: Passive
exceed ranks in this power. Ranked: No
This adds +1 to Brawn. Brawn may not exceed 6
Combat Sense after being increased.
Cost: 4
Activation: Passive Improved Agility
Ranked: No Cost: 8
Combat Sense provides an instinctive sense of any Activation: Passive
potential threats nearby. This grants the adept +S Ranked: No
Melee and +S Ranged defense. This adds +1 to Agility Attribute. Agility may not
exceed 6 after being increased.
Critical Strike
Cost: 4
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
This power applies to either Brawling or Melee,
and is chosen at purchase. The selected skills adds
+2 damage and gains a Critical of 3. The power
can be selected once for melee and once for
Brawling. If used the Critical replaces any melee
weapon’s lesser critical rating.
P a g e | 109

Improved Reflexes Improved Sense

Cost: 5 / 8 / 12 Cost: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
This power increases the speed at which an adept This power grants adepts sensory improvements
can react, just like wired reflexes. This increase not normally possessed by their metatype. These
cannot be combined with other technological or sensory improvements may include low-light or
magical increases to Initiative. thermographic vision, high or low frequency
Improved Reflexes 1: hearing, and so on.
• +s to Initiative, Any sense enhancement provided by cyberware
• +1 Free Maneuver. (Max 2 Maneuvers per turn) or bioware can be provided by this power, unless
that enhancement gives you bonus dice to
Improved Reflexes 2: Perception checks.
• +ss to Initiative In addition to the sensory enhancements listed
• +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2 Maneuvers per turn) for cyberware and bioware, other improvements
• 2 Strain converts 1 Action to a Maneuver that can be selected include:
(Max 2 Actions per turn)
Improved Reflexes 3: Direction Sense: Add +A to Navigational checks.
• +sss to Initiative In addition, with an Average (FF) Perception
• +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2 Maneuvers per turn) Test, you can identify the compass direction
• May convert 1 Action into a Maneuver free per you’re facing and if you’re above or below sea
turn (Max 2 Actions). level.

Improved Tactile: The adept’s fingers are

sensitive to imperfections on the surface of an
object, allowing you to notice something as subtle
the indentation of writing on a piece of paper
(even paper on a pad beneath the sheet that was
actually written on). Add +A to Perception checks
involving touch.

Perfect Pitch: The adept can recognize a musical

tone either from hearing it or even feeling the
vibration frequency. This doesn’t mean that
they’re a good singer, just that they recognize
when someone’s off key.

Human Scale: With an Average (FF) Perception

check, the adept can figure out the weight of an
object down to the gram if they are able to lift or
carry the object. Can be useful for carnival barkers
and arcano-archaeologists trying to figure out
how much sand they need to equal the weight of
a golden statue they’re trying to snatch off a
P a g e | 110

Killing Hands Missile Parry

Cost: 2 Cost: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Out of turn Incidental
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes [Max 3]
An adept with this power can inflict lethal damage This power, add +S Ranged defense equal to
with brawling attacks. They may choose whether ranks versus slow-moving projectiles such as
to cause Stun or Wound damage. Killing Hands arrows, thrown knives, grenades, or shuriken.
may be combined with other adept powers that If an attack on the adept fails and generates hh,
increase unarmed damage. they pluck the missile out of the air. An adept
Killing Hands attacks are magical, so they can need to have at least one empty hand to use
bypass a creature’s magical defenses against Missile Party.
attack, such as the Immunity to Normal Weapons
power, and may be used by adepts with Astral Mystic Armor
Perception during astral combat. Cost: 4
Activation: Passive
Kinesics Ranked: Yes [Max 2]
Cost: 2 This power grants +1 Armor Soak that protects
Activation: Passive against damage in physical or astral combat. The
Ranked: Yes [Max 3] Maximum rank in the power is 2.
Kinesics grants an adept heighted control over
their body’s nonverbal and subconscious Pain Resistance
communication and social cues, even in stressful Cost: 2
social situations. This includes facial expressions, Activation: Passive
body movements, eye movements, fluctuations in Ranked: Yes [Max 3]
heart rate and blood pressure, and even control Adepts have supreme control over their body and
over sweat glands, making it difficult to gauge may ignore the ongoing effects of a critical hit
your emotional state and truthfulness. with a Severity equal to or less than their ranks of
Add +S per Rank versus other’s attempts to read Pain Resistance. The critical is still inflicted and
your emotions in social situations, or with adds +10 to subsequent critical rolls. Crippled,
Perception. Maimed, or Blinded still render the limb or vision
system unusable.
Light Body
Cost: 2 Rapid Healing
Activation: Passive Cost: 2
Ranked: Yes [Max 3] Activation: Passive
Light Body is used to make incredible jumps over Ranked: Yes [Max 3]
long distances. When jumping an adept upgrades The adept recovers from damage more quickly,
their Athletics check a number of times equal to magically healing quicker over periods of time.
their ranks in this skill. The adept heals 1 Wound per night +1 per rank of
If using hard numbers, multiply the adepts Brawn Rapid Healing.
by their ranks in this to determine additional jump
P a g e | 111

Spell Resistance Wall Running

Cost: 2 Cost: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Incidental
Ranked: Yes [Max 3] Ranked: No
Adpets are grounded and focused making them Shifting the magical energies in their body to
harder to affect with spellcasting. Add +S per create force, an adept can run up sheer walls or
rank versus any spells, spell rituals, alchemical other vertical surfaces for a limited distance.
preparations, or Innate Spell critter powers Make an Average (FF) Athletics check. Each s
attempting to target the user. Area effect spells equals roughly one story of upward vertical
are not affected by this. This does not interfere moment. If you wanting to run along a vertical
with spells the adept chooses not to resist. surface instead of up it, the check will cover
roughly twice the usual distance. At the end of
Traceless Walk your movement, the adept falls off the wall if
Cost: 3 unsupported.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
The adept can move over any semi-solid
surfaces—even snow, sand, or thin paper—
without leaving visible traces and making no noise
through contact with the floor (though movement
may still cause other sounds). Any hearing-based
Perception checks to detect the adept have their
difficulty upgraded twice. They don’t trip ground-
vibration or pressure sensors.
This doesn’t allow walking across liquid surfaces
but you can walk across deep snow without
sinking. While they can be tracked by non-visual
cues such as scent, even those checks are more
difficult and have +S S applied to them.

Voice Control
Cost: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes [Max 3]
With focus and subtle muscular control, the adept
can change their voice’s pitch, modulation and
tone at will, as well as increase its volume. An
adept can mask their voice and imitate sounds
within the normal range of metahuman
vocalization (no infrasound or ultrasound) and
mimic the voices of others.
If using this trick to fool a person or a voice
recognition system, make an Opposed check
using your Charm or Deception against the voice
recognition system’s Rating, or against the
Perception of the target, adding +A per rank of
the power.
Blades Dam Crit Range Enc HP Price Rarity Specials
Ares‘One’ Monosword +3 3 Engaged 2 0 900¥ 6 Pierce 1, Defensive +1, Vicious +1
Combat Axe +3 2 Engaged 3 2 4,000¥ 6r Sunder, Vicious +3
Combat Knife +1 3 Engaged 1 0 300¥ 1
CougarFine Longblade +2 3 Engaged 2 0 600¥ 6 Vicious +1
CougarFine Shortblade +1 3 Engaged 1 0 350¥ 5 Vicious +1
Forearm Snap Blades +1 3 Engaged 1 0 200¥ 5r Vicious +2, Sunder
Highland F Claymore +4 4 Engaged 3 0 4,500¥ 8 Vicious 4+, Prepare +1,
Horizon Flynn Rapier +2 3 Engaged 2 0 500¥ 7 Defensive +1, Accurate +1
Katana +3 2 Engaged 3 1 1000¥ 6r Defensive +1, Vicious +2
Common Knife +1 4 Engaged 1 0 10¥ 1
Pole Arm +3 4 Engaged 3 2 1000¥ 5r Cumbersome 2, Vicious +2,
Survival Knife +1 3 Engaged 1 0 100¥ 1 Survival Gear +A to Survival Skill
Sword +3 3 Engaged 3 2 500¥ 5r Defensive +1, Vicious +1
Victorinox MemKnife +1 3 Engaged 1 0 1,250¥ 9 Conceal +2,
Victorinox MemSword +2 4 Engaged 2 0 1,500¥ 9 Conceal +2, Defensive +1, Vicious+1

Clubs Dam Crit Range Enc HP Price Rarity Qualities:

Club +2 4 Engaged 2 1 30¥ 3 Disorient 3
Extendable Baton +2 3 Engaged 2 0 100¥ 4 Disorient 3
Sap +1 2 Engaged 1 0 30¥ 2 Stun, Concussive 1
Staff +2 3 Engaged 3 2 100¥ 3 Defensive +2, Linked 1
Stun baton +2 3 Engaged 1 0 750¥ 5r Stun, Disorient 2
Telescoping Staff +2 3 Engaged 3 2 350¥ 4 Defensive +2, Linked 1
N-A Maul Stun Staff +2 3 Engaged 2 0 1,000¥ 6 Defensive +1, Linked 1, Stun
Knucks +1 5 Engaged 0 0 100¥ 2r Disorient 1

Other Melee Dam Crit Range Enc HP Price Rarity Specials

Monofilament Whip 10 2 Engaged 1 0 10,000¥ 8r Vicious +5, Unwieldy 3, Breach 1
Shock Gloves +3 4 Engaged 0 0 550¥ 5r Stun Damage, Ammo 10
Garrote +2 2 Engaged 0 0 50¥ 2 Req. Called Shot +S S, Brn OR Agl
check vs (Dam) to escape. Cannot
be soaked.
Monofilament +5 1 Engaged 0 0 2,000¥ 10 Req. Called Shot +S S, Vicious 5,
Garrote Agility check vs (Dam) to escape,
Cannot be Soaked
Bullwhip +1 5 Engaged 1 0 100¥ 5 Inaccurate +1, Ensnare.
Ash Arms Chainsaw 7 2 Engaged 3 0 2,000¥ 5 Inaccurate +1, Cumbersome 3,
Ash Arms MonoSaw 11 2 Engaged 3 0 7,500¥ 7 Inaccurate +1, Cumbersome 2,
UrbanTribe +2 3 Engaged 2 1 200¥ 4


Name Hp Rare Price Notes:
Balanced Hilt 2 5 800¥ Accurate +1
Monofilament Mod. 1 9 3,500¥ Vicious +1
Thrown Dam Crit Range Enc HP Price Rarity Specials
Boomerang +1 4 Med 1 0 50¥ 4 On Miss: Easy Agility to catch
Harpoon/Javelin +2 2 Med 2 0 125¥ 5 Cumbersome 2, Pierce 1,
Net - 4 Short 3 0 350¥ 5 Ensnare
Shuriken/Knife +1 4 Short - 0 25¥ 4 -
UrbanTribe +2 3 Short 2 1 200¥ 4 -
Tomahawk [Thrown]

Tazers Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials

Cavalier Safeguard 5 4 Short 1 1 6m 275¥ 2 Stun Damage, Ammo 6,
Defiance EX Shocker 8 5 Short 1 1 4m 250¥ 1 Stun Damage, Ammo 4,
Prepare 1
Tiffani-Defiance Prot. 6 4 Short 1 1 3m 300¥ 2 Stun Damage, Ammo 6
Yamaha Pulser 6 4 Short 1 1 4m 180¥ 2 Stun Damage, Ammo 4

Projectile Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials

Pistol Crossbow 3 4 Med 2 2 1m 300¥ 5 Prepare 1, Silent

Holdouts Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo/ Price Rare Specials
Colt new Model Rev. 5 4 Short 1 0 5a 180¥ 2 Conceal
Fichetti Tiffani Needler 8 3 Short 1 0 4m 1000¥ 5r Flechette
F-T Self Defender 2075 4 4 Short 1 0 4m 350¥ 4 Conceal +1
Streetline Special 5 4 Short 1 0 6m 120¥ 4r Conceal +1
Walther Palm Pistol 6 4 Short 1 0 2a 180¥ 4r Ammo 2, Linked 1

Light Pistols Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials
Ares Light Fire 75 5 3 Med 1 1 16 m 1250¥ 5r Suppressed, Smartlink
Ares Light Fire 70 5 3 Med 1 1 16 m 200¥ 3
Berretta 201T 5 3 Med 1 1 21 m 210¥ 7r Autofire
Colt Agent Special 7 3 Med 1 1 8m 250¥ 4
Colt America L36 6 3 Med 1 1 11 m 320¥ 4
Fichetti Executive Act. 6 3 Med 1 1 18 m 300¥ 7r Autofire
Fichetti Security 600 6 3 Med 1 1 30 m 350¥ 5 Laser Sight, Folding
Nitama Sporter 5 3 Med 1 1 18 m 300¥ 7 Laser Sight
Shiawase Puzzler 5 3 Med 1 0 12 m 900¥ 8R Hard (fff) Perception
to recognize as weapon
Taurus Omni-6 5/6* 3 Med 1 1 6a 300¥ 4 Laser Sight, Prepare 1

Laser Weps Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Qualities
Ares Redline 5/4/3 2 Long* 2 1 10 m 7,500 9r Accurate 2, Breach 1,
-1 Dam Range past short,
Smoke = +2 Soak.
Heavy Pistols Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials
Ares Predator III 6 3 Med 2 2 15 m 600¥ 5 Smartlink,
Ares Predator V 7 3 Med 2 3 15 m 725¥ 5 Smartlink,
Ares Viper Slivergun 8* 4 Short 2 1 30 m 380¥ 6r Suppressed, Autofire,
Browning Ultra Power 7 3 Med 2 2 10 m 640¥ 4
Cavalier Deputy 6 3 Med 2 2 7a 225¥ 3
Colt Future Frontier 7 3 Med 2 2 7a 500¥ 5 Prepare 1
Colt Gov. 2066 6 3 Med 2 2 14 m 425¥ 3
Onotari Arms Violator 6 3 Med 2 1 10 m 550¥ 6r Smartlink, Safetarget,
PSK-3 Collapsible 7 3 Med 2 1 10 m 1050¥ 8r Conceal +1,
Rem. Roomsweeper 6 3 Med 2 2 8a 250¥ 6r
Ruger Super Warhawk 8 2 Med 2 1 6a 400¥ 4 Pierce 1, Prepare 1
Savalette Guardian 7 3 Med 2 1 12 m 870¥ 6r Autofire

Machine Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials

Ares Crusader II 6 3 Med 2 2 40 m 830¥ 8r Autofire
Cavalier Evanator 5 3 Med 2 2 20 m 775¥ 6r Autofire, Laser Sight, Stock,
Ceska Black Skorpion 5 3 Med 2 2 35 m 270¥ 6r Autofire, (Inaccurate +1
without Stock)
Fichetti Military 100 5 3 Med 2 2 20 m 850¥ 7r Autofire
Onotari Arm Equalizer 6 3 Med 2 2 12 m 750¥ 6r Autofire, Laser Sight, Stock
PPSK-4 Collapsible MP 5 3 Med 2 0 30 m 2800¥ 8r Autofire, Laser Sight,
Conceal +1
Remington 6 3 Med 2 1 15 m 700¥ 7r Autofire, Suppressed,
Steyr TMP 6 3 Med 1 2 30 m 350¥ 7r Autofire, Inaccurate, Laser
Ultimax 70 5 3 Med 1 2 15 m 800¥ 5r Autofire, Laser Sight,

Misc Light Rng Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials
Blowgun 1 4 Short 1 0 1a 15¥ 4 Prepare 1,
Bolas +2/G 4 Short 1 0 - 75¥ 5 Prepare 1, Called Shot +S
S to Ensnare.
FN-AAL Gryojet Pistol 9 3 Med 2 2 10 m 2,000¥ 8r If Underwater +2 Damage.
Giantslayer Slingshot 1 4 Med 1 0 1 50¥ 1 Silent, Prepare 1
Knockoff Gun Cane 8 3 Med 2 0 1 150¥ 5 Cane destroyed after use.
Hard (fff) Perception to
detect as weapon
Monofilament Bolas +2/G 3 Short 1 0 - 4,000¥ 9r As Bolo + each escape
attempt Inflicts 6 Wounds
which cannot be soaked.
Parashield Dart Pistol Drug 5 Med 1 2 600¥ 4 Silent, Ammo 5
Shooting Bracer 6 4 Med 2 0 1a 1,250¥ 7 Conceal, Nondetection,
Inaccurate +1
Trafalgar Gun Cane 6 3 Med 2 0 1a 750¥ 7 Hard (fff) Perception to
detect as weapon.
SMG’s Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials
Ares Executioner 6 3 Med 3 3 30 m 1000¥ 9 Autofire, Suppressed,
Stock, Briefcase
Ares Sigma 3 7 3 Short 3 3 50 m 1000¥ 6 Autofire, Smartlink, Stock
Cavalier Arms Gladius 6 3 Med 3 3 32 m 400¥ 5 Autofire, LaserSight, Stock
Colt Cobra TZ-120 6 3 Med 3 3 32 m 660¥ 5r Autofire, Lasersight, Stock
FN P93 Praetor 7 3 Long 3 3 50 m 900¥ 8r Autofire, Flashlight,
Accurate +1
HK-227 6 3 Long 3 3 28 m 730¥ 6r Smartlink, Autofire,
HK Urban Combat 7 3 Med 3 0 36 m 2,300¥ 10 Smartlink, Suppressed,
Ingram Smartgun-X 7 3 Med 3 2 32 m 800¥ 5r Smartlink, Autofire,
Krime Spree 6 3 Short 3 3 30 m 425¥ 5r Autofire
SCK Model 100 7 3 Long 3 3 30 m 875¥ 5r Autofire
Uzi IV 6 3 Med 3 2 24 m 450¥ 4r Autofire

Assault Rifles Dam Crit Rng Enc Hp Ammo Price Rare Specials

AK-97 9 3 Long 4 4 38 m 950¥ 4r Autofire, Pierce 1, +a to

AK-98 9 3 Long 4 4 38 m 1250¥ 6 Autofire, Pierce 1
--- Grenade Launcher 6a
Ares Alpha 10 3 Long 4 3 42 m 2650¥ 8r Autofire, Pierce 1,
---- Grenade Launcher - 3 Long - - 6m - - -
Ares HVAR 7 3 Long 4 3 50 m 2400¥ - Autofire, Smartlink
Colt M23 8 3 Long 4 4 40 c 550¥ 4r Autofire
FN HAR 9 3 Long 4 4 35 m 1500¥ 7r Autofire, Pierce 1, Laser
XM30 (Assault) 8 3 Long 4 3 30 m 4500¥ 9 Autofire, Smartlink, Scope
XM30 (Carbine) 8 3 Long 3 3 30 m 4500¥ 9 Autofire, Smartlink, Scope
XM30 (Sniper) 9 3 Extre 4 3 10 m 4500¥ 9 Autofire, Smartlink, Scope
XM30 (LMG) 8 3 Long 4 3 10 0a 4500¥ 9 Autofire, Smartlink, Scope
XM30 (Shotgun) 9 3 Med 4 3 10 m 4500¥ 9 Smartlink
XM30 (Grenade L.) - 4 Long 4 3 6m 4500¥ 9 -
Nissan Optimum II 8 3 Long 4 4 30 m 2300¥ 7 Autofire, Pierce 1
- Shotgun - - Short - - 5a - - -
Krupp Kriegfaust 8 3 Long 5 3 25 m 1300¥ 7 Autofire, Rugged, Scope
SBd-44 9 3 Med 4 3 32 m 500¥ 4 Autofire, Inaccurate +1,
Shiawase Monsoon 9 3 Long 4 3 20x6 m 1900¥ 7 Autofire, Smartlink, Rugged
Ultx Rainforest 12 3 Long 3 3 18 m 2800¥ 5 Scope, Stock
Yamaha Raiden 10 3 Long 4 4 60 m 2600¥ 9r Autofire, Pierce 1,
Shotguns Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials
Auto-Assault 16 12 3 Med 4 4 10/32m 1,800¥ 9r Autofire
Cavalier Falchion 10 3 Med 4 3 8a 1,200¥ 7 Prepare 1, Smartlink
Defiance T250 9 3 Med 4 4 5a 450¥ 4 -
Enfield AS-7 12 3 Med 4 3 10/24 1,100¥ 8r Autofire, Laser Sight
Franchi SPAS-24 11 3 Med 4 3 10 m 1,050¥ 8 Autofire, Flashlight
Krime Boss 12 3 Med 4 4 15 m 600¥ 8 Cmbr 2, Inaccurate +1
Mossbrg AM-CMDT 11 3 Long 4 3 10 m 1,400¥ 8 Smartlink
PJSS Model 55 10 3 Med 3 1 2m 1000¥ 7 Linked 1, Ammo 2
Remington 990 10 3 Med 4 4 8m 1950¥ 5 -
Shiawase Arms Rain 9 3 Med 3 3 5m 450¥ 4 -
Winchester 201 10 3 Med 4 0 2a 1,300¥ 6 Ammo 2
Winchester 2054 10 3 Med 4 3 7a 900¥ 5 Laser Sight
Winchester 2066 10 3 Med 4 2 5a 1,000¥ 4 Prepare 1
Stats above are for Solid Shot. If using Flechette a shotgun Spread can be set to Narrow, Med, or Wide.
Changing the Spread is a Maneuver, or an Incidental if Smartlinked.
Flechette Narrow +2 3 Med Target Armor Soak x2
Flechette Medium +1 3 Short Target Armor Soak x2
Flechette Wide -2 4 Short Target Armor Soak x2, Blast 7

Sport Rifles Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials
M1 Garand 11 3 Long 4 2 8a 1,110¥ 3 Pierce 1
Marlin 3041 BL 9 4 Long 4 2 6a 1,100¥ 5 Pierce 1
Marlin 3468 SS 12 3 Long 4 2 4a 1,000¥ 5 Pierce 1, Prepare 1
Marlin X71 11 3 Long 4 2 5a 1,500¥ 5 Pierce 1, Prepare 1, (Cold
Insulation) Scope
Marlin 79S 5 4 Med 3 1 10 m 300¥ 3 -
Springfield 2003 11 3 Extrm 4 2 5a 3,600¥ 4 Pierce 1, Prepare 1
Springfield 1855 Repo 9 5 Med 4 0 1a 850¥ 4 Inaccurate +1
Springfield M1A 11 3 Long 4 2 20 m 1,700¥ 5 Pierce 1, Scope, Vision
Enhance 1
Winchester 2024 11 3 Long 4 2 7a 1,800¥ 4 Pierce 1, Scope, Prepare 1
Winchester 2067 7 3 Long 4 2 15 a 650¥ 4 Pierce 1

Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials

Sniper Rifles
Ares Desert Strike 12 3 Dstn 4 3 14 m 17,500¥ 7 Scope, Pierce 2
Barret Model 122 13 3 Distn 4 3 14 m 38,500¥ 10 Breach 2, Bipod, Smartgun,
CA Crockett EBR 11 3 Extrm 4 3 20 m 10,300¥ 8 Scope, Pierce 2
Onotari JP-K50 11 3 Extrm 4 4 25 m 12,500¥ 9 Pierce 2
Pioneer 60 9 3 Long 4 4 5a 500¥ 2 Pierce 1
Ranger Arms SM-5 13 2 Dstn 4 2 15 m 28,000¥ 9r Suppressed, Scope, Pierce
Remington 950 11 3 Extrm 4 2 5a 2100¥ 4 Scope, Pierce 1, Prepare 1
Ruger 100 10 3 Extrm 4 3 8a 1300¥ 4 Scope, Pierce 2
SVD 9 3 Extrm 4 4 10 m 800¥ 5 Laser Sight
Terracotta Arms AM47 15 3 Extrm 4 3 18 m 35,000¥ 9 Bipod, Commlink-3, Scope,
Smartlink, Breach 1
Misc Hvy Rng Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials
Ares Screech Sonic R 6 3 Med 3 0 10 m 8000¥ 9r Concussive 3, Blast 5,
stun Audio Damper = +2 Soak
Ares S-III Super Squirt chem 5 Med 3 3 20 m 950¥ 6 Chemical, Silent
Fichetti Pain Inducer - 4 Med 3 3 10/hr 5000¥ 8r Hard(ffff) Willpower or
Staggered (May only flee)
Harpoon Gun 8 3 Short 4 0 1/ a 200¥ 5 Suppressed, Prepare 1
Net Gun Net 4 Short 4 0 4a 750¥ 7 By Net Type. Max Sil: 0-1
Net Gun XL Net 4 Short 4 0 4a 1000¥ 7 By Net Type: Max Sil: 2
-Net - - - - - - 350¥ 5 Ensnare 3
-ShockNet 7 - - - - - +250¥ 7 As net, Stun Damage
Parashield Dart Rifle Drug 5 Long 3 2 1200¥ 6 Suppressed, Scope,
Ammo 6
Shark-XS Harpoon Gun 8 2 Short 4 1 5a 800¥ 6 Suppressed, Pierce 2,
Prepare 1

Laser Weps Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Qualities
Ares Lancer MP 6/5/4/3 2* Ext* 3 1 5m 16,000¥ 10r Accurate +2, Breach 2,
Laser -1 Dam per Range past
short, Smoke conceal= +x

Projectile Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials

Bow - 5 Long 3 1 1m Brn 4 Cumbersome 3,
x100¥ Knockdown
Heavy Crossbow 8 4 Long 3 2 4m 300¥ 2 Pierce 1, Ammo 4,
Prepare 1
Light Crossbow 5 4 Med 3 2 4m 300¥ 2 Pierce 1, Ammo 4,
Prepare 1
Med Crossbow 6 4 Long 3 2 4m 500¥ 2 Pierce 1, Ammo 4,
Prepare 1
Machine guns Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rar Specials
GE Vindicator 8 3 Long 6 3 200 a 6,000¥ 10r +A to Autofire, Cmbr 3,
Smartgun, Prepare 1
Ingram Valiant 8 3 Extrm 5 2 50 m 5,800¥ 8r Autofire, Pierce 1, Cmbr 2,
100 a Laser Sight
Krime Wave 9 3 Extrm 5 3 50 m 2,000¥ 8 Autofire, Pierce 1, Bipod,
100 a Cmbr 4
FN MAG-5 MMG 10 3 Long 5 2 50 m 8,500¥ 10r Autofire, Cmbr 4, Pierce 3,
100 a Laser Sight, Tripod
RPK HMG 11 2 Extrm 7 2 50 m 16,300¥ 9 Autofire, Breach 1, Cmbr 6,
100 a Tripod
RuhrmetallSF20 HMG 11 2 Extrm 6 4 50 m 19,600¥ 9 Autofire, Breach 1, Laser
100 a Sight, Cmbr 5

Stone-Ares M202 9 3 Extrm 6 4 50 m 7,000¥ 8 Autofire, Pierce 1

100 a
Ultimax MMG 9 3 Extrm 5 3 50 m 7,600¥ 9 Autofire, Pierce 2, Laser
100 a sight, Tripod
SA Nemesis 8 3 Extrm 5 3 50 m 6,500¥ 9 Autofire, Pierce 1,
100 a SafeTarget, Smartgun
Ultimax HMG-2 10 2 Extrm 6 3 50 m 16,000¥ 9 Autofire, Inaccurate 1,
100 a Pierce 1, Cmbr 3, Tripod

Assault Cannons Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials
Ares Thunderstruck 14 2 Extrm 4 2 10m+E 26,000¥ 10r Cmbr 3, Vicious 3, Breach
/a 2, Smartlink
Ares Vigorous AC 15 3 Long 5 4 12 m 24,500¥ 9r Cmbr 3, Vicious 3, Breach
1, Smartlink
Krime Bomb 15 2 Extrm 5 4 4a 23,000¥ 10r Laser sight Cmbr 4 Breach 1
Krime Cannon 14 3 Long 5 4 6a 21,000¥ 10r Cmbr 4, Vicious 5
Orge Hammer SWS AC 15 2 Extrm 5 3 6m 32,000¥ 10r Cmbr 5, Vicious 3, Breach
1, Commlink-4, Scope
Panther XXL 16 2 Extrm 5 4 15 m 43,000¥ 10r Cmbr 3, Breach 1, Prepare
1, Smartlink

Grenade Launcher Dam Crit Range Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials
Ares Antioch-2 Gren 4 Long 4 2 8a 3200¥ 7r Smartlink, Prepare 1
ArmTech MGL-12 Gren 3 Long 4 2 12 m 5000¥ 7r -

Missile Sys. Dam Crit Range Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials
Aztechnology Striker Missile 4 Extrm 3 0 1a 1200¥ 6r Disposable
Mitsubishi Yakusoku Missile 3 Extrm 5 0 4a 14,000¥ 10 Smartlink
Onotari Arm Ballista Missile 3 Dstn 4 0 4a 7,500¥ 10 Smartlink
Onotari Interceptor Missile 4 Extrm 5 0 2a 14,000¥ 9r Cmbr 2, Prepare 1,

Laser Weps Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Qualities
Ares Archon Heavy 9 2* Short 5 2 Ext 35,000¥ 10r Accurate +2, Breach 4,
Laser * -1 Dam/+1 Crit past short rng

Flamethrower Dam Crit Range Enc HP Ammo Price Rare Specials

Shiawase Blazer 9 2 Short 3 0 4a 2,200¥ 4 Burn, Blast 7, Autofire
Shiawase Incinerator 11 2 Short 4 2 6a 10,000¥ 8 Burn, Blast 9, Autofire
Name Hp Rare Price Notes:
Add-Folding Stock 2 4 30¥ +1 Range Band, Autofire diff reduced by -1 [Min +1]
Cut Down Barrel - - - Range -1, Dam -1, Conceal +1
Enviro-Seal 1 2 1500¥ vs 1 Enviro:(Water/Heat/Cold)
Flashlight (Visible/IR 1 1 30¥ - S S due to Darkness, Med Rng
Gas-Vent System 1 3 400¥ Autofire difficulty is reduced +1
Gecko-Grip - 5 100¥ +A A to resist Disarming
Guncam 1 5 350¥ Record high quality media
Gyro-Mount 2 6 1,400¥ -2 Cumbersome, Autofire diff reduced by -1 [Min +1]
Image Link Scope 1 2 300¥ Requires Aim Maneuver.
As Telescopic Scope + Vision Enhancement: Cap 1 or Eyeware: Cap 3
Laser Sight 1 1 125¥ Grants Accuracy +1
Periscope 2 3 70¥ May shoot around Corner at Diff +1
Reflex Trigger 1 4 300¥ Add +A and +h to first attack
Safe Sys 1 6 350¥ Non-owner suffers 4 Stun Damage (3 Charges)
Safe Sys (Explosive) 2 8 400¥ Non-owner suffers explosion. BOOM. 8 Dam (No soak)
Safe Sys (Immobilizer) 1 5 100¥ Hard(fff) Mechanic to repair. Unusable until repaired.
Safe Sys (Destruct) 1 5 200¥ Destroys Internals. Ruined
SafeSys (Basic) 1 4 600¥ Will not fire for non-User
SafeTarget System 1 6 750¥ RFID / Visual Safety system, includes 10 ID Friend or Foe [IFF] Profiles
Safety Override 1 6r 250¥ +A, T = 2 Strain. [Only applies to first attack in an encounter]
Shock Pads - 2 50¥ Requires a stock, Autofire diff reduced by -1 [Min +1]
Smart Firing Platform 2 8r 2,500¥ Light or Heavy Ranged skill 2, Immobile Drone
Smartgun (External) 1 4r 200¥ Connects to Smartlink
Smartgun (Internal) 2 W+2 W x 2¥ Connects to SmartLink
Superior / Elite build - 8 W x 3¥ +W
Suppressor 1 7r 500¥ Perception Check to hear shot. Difficulty (Range band- 1) Engaged
=Auto, Short= 1 diff, Medium = 2 diff, etc
Telescopic Sight 1 3 100¥ Requires Aim Maneuver. Reduce Ranges between Distant and Long by


Name Hp Rare Price Notes:
Airburst Link 1 6 600¥ - S S Cover to Hvy Ranged Skill
Bayonet 2 4 50¥ +2 Melee Damage / Crit 3
Bipod 2 2 200¥ Accurate +1, -2 Cumbersome, Autofire diff reduced by -1 [Min +1]
Cut Down Barrel - - - Range -1, Dam -1, grants Conceal +1
Foregrip 1 3 100¥ -1 Diff when Engaged
Slide Mount 1 4 500¥ Allows changing out attachments as a Action.
Tracker - 4 150¥ Stealth / Security RFID tag Rate:2
Tripod 2 2 500¥ Accurate +2, -6 Cumbersome, Autofire diff reduced by -1 [Min +1]
Under Flamethrower 3 6r 2,400¥ Dam 9, Crit 2, Short Range, Burn, Blast 7, Autofire, Ammo 10
Under Grappling 3 6r 600¥ Prepare 1, Med Range, 6 Stun Damage vs creatures.
Under 3 7r 3,500¥ As Grenade Launcher.
Grenade Launcher
Underbarrel Shotgun 3 As Defiance T250
Under Bola Launcher 3 6r 350¥ Fire Bolas (Medium Range)
Underbarrel 3 7r W+500¥ As Chainsaw +A to Coercion.
Weapon Commlink 1 Comm E+250¥ Install Commlink on Weapon.
Name Rare Price Notes:
Concealable Holster 2 350¥ A specialized holster built to accommodate a specific weapon linked to it. The
weapon and holster are coated in Ruthenium and MAD defeating materials.
Conceal +1, Nondetection to the weapon and Holster.
Concealed 4 250¥ The weapon and holster are both coated in Ruthenium.
Quickdraw Holster +Quickdraw, Conceal +1, Nondetection to the weapon and Holster

Peak Discharge 8 400¥ Counts as 10 Rounds for Energy Weapons.

Battery May recharge 1 Unit per 30 minutes.

Power Clip 9 900¥ Counts as 20 Rounds for Energy Weapons.

May recharge 1 Unit per 30 minutes.
Peak Discharge 10 2,500¥ Counts as 30 Rounds for Energy Weapons.
Battery May recharge 1 Unit per 30 minutes.

Satchel Backpack 5 750¥ This equipment requires a Smartgun/Smartlink system.

The STS is a safety override of a weapon’s firing mechanism to limit friendly
fire. It comes with 10 RFID tags, and can store of up to 10 visual profiles as
friendly targets. Additional RFID’s are available for 10¥ each.
The ‘safe zone’ around a friendly target that locks out the weapon varies by
range to compensate for bullet travel time. If used on an energy weapon it
considers everything short range. This negates the effects of Suppression for
the person with the IFF tag only.
50cm at Short range
1m at Medium Range
2m at Long Range
The STS is unable to read RFID/Visual targets beyond Long range reliability
Peak Discharge 4 2,000¥ The Smartlink grants Accuracy +1 to Smartgun equipped weapons.
Battery • A Smartlink may be Implanted into a biological eye, also granting -S to
ranged skill checks, this costs 0.2 Essence
• A smartlink can be installed in a Cybereye, also granting -S to ranged skill
checks, this uses up 1 Capacity in the eye.
• A Smartlink can also be installed in a worn sensor, such as goggles, taking
up 3 sensor capacity.

Smartlinks may connect to a Smartgun through:

• The user’s PAN via wireless.
• *Universal Data Connection cable to a datajack or worn sensor.
• *Induction pads implanted in the user’s hands. (0.1 Essence).

*The UDC and Induction pads are not wirelessly active and cannot be hacked.
Power Backpack 6 250¥ Does your gun need its own software complete with an artificial personality
to provide information in a chattier fashion instead of just providing numbers,
crosshairs, and other similar data? Depends on how you function. If meta-to-
meta interaction is how you prefer to get your information, you might want a
weapon personality, which provides a metahuman-like interface so you can
chat away. The guttural Neil the Ork Barbarian with its “scalped ‘em” grunt to
tell you when you got a hit is especially popular.
SafeTarget System 4 5¥ Adds 1 reload to a weapon. Each clip is specific to each weapon.
Smartlink 2 25¥ Lowers a weapon’s reload from an Action to a Maneuver, or from Maneuver
to Incidental.
Light Ranged Skill
Grenades Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Price Rare Specials
Flash-Bang 9 5 Med .5 0 100¥ 5 Concussive 1, Stun Damage,
Flash-Pak - Short .5 0 125¥ 4 Disorient 3,
Fragmentation 12 4 Med .5 0 100¥ 7r x2 Armor Soak, Blast 8
High Explosive 10 4 Med .5 0 100¥ 7r Blast 8
Gas Gas* 3 Med .5 0 40¥ 2 Blast, *Chemical
Smoke Smoke - Med .5 0 40¥ 5 Creates Darkness S S
Thermal Smoke Smoke - Med .5 0 60¥ 5 Creates Darkness S S vs Thermals

Arrowheads Dam Crit Price Rare Specials

Arrow- - +4 2¥ 1 Pierce 2, Ammo 1
Injection Arrow - Drug 20¥ 4 Pierce 2, Ammo 1
Barbed head +1 - +10¥ 5 Removal Requires a Hard (fff) Medicine or inflicts 2 Wound
Bolt - - - - -
Explosive Head +2 -1 +15¥ 7
Hammerhead +2 +1 5¥ 5 Stun Damage
Injection Bolt/Arrow - - 20¥ 3 Deliver 1 Dose
Incendiary Head - -1 100¥ 8 Burn 4, Pierce 4
Screamer Head -3 +2 5¥ 2 Signal sounds.
Stick-n-Shock 5 - 80¥ 5 5 Stun Damage
Static Shaft +3 - 80¥ 5 Stun 4

AMMO (10 Each) Dam Crit Rare Price Specials

APDS - - 8 120¥ Grant +1 to Pierce rating.
Assault Cannon - - 8 400¥ -
Capsule -4 5 2 5¥ Delivers chemical dose. Paintballs.
Explosive Rounds - -1 7 80¥ hhh = 1 Level of Damage to Weapon
EX-Explosive Rounds +1 -1 7 120¥ hhh = 1 Level of Damage to Weapon
Flare -1 +2 5 20¥ Explodes 50m. Burn 1. Negate Darkness to Long rng for 3 turns.
Flechette +2 - 5 65¥ x2 Armor Soak
Frangible -1 +1 2 10¥ +2 Armor Soak
Gel Stun +2 2 25¥ Knockdown, Stun Damage, hh = Wound Damage
Hollowpoint +1 - 4 70¥ x2 Armor Soak
Injection Darts - - 4 75¥ Deliver 1 Dose
Regular Ammo - - 1 20¥ -
Stick-n-Shock 5 - 5 80¥ Stun 3
Taser Dart - - 2 50¥
Tracer rounds - - 6 60¥ +A to Autofire,
Tracker -1 - 6 150¥ Embeds RFID tag into target.
AV Rounds -4 - 9 175¥ Breach 1, h= 1 Level of weapon damage.
Gryojet -3 - 9 160¥ Pierce 3
Gauss - - 9 400¥
Fuel Canister - - 9 40¥ Flamethrower fuel.

Missiles Dam Crit Rng Enc HP Price Rare Specials

Light Anti-Vehicle 8*v 2 - 2 1 2800¥ 9r Breach 3, Ammo 1. *Vehicle Scale
Hvy Anti-Vehicle 15*v 2 - 2 1 10k¥ 9r Breach 5, Ammo 1. *Vehicle Scale
Fragmentation 14 3 - 2 1 2000¥ 9r Blast 12, Flechette,
High explosive 6*v 2 - 2 1 3100¥ 9r Blast 3*, Breach 1
EXPLOSIVES Radius Dam Crit HP Cost Enc Rrt Notes (Limited Ammo 1)
Breach Charge - 10 - 0 1500¥ 6 7 Breach 2
Foam (100g) 1m 8 4 0 4500¥ 2 8 10 Use Spray Applicator.
Plastic .5 kg Engaged-3m 2*v 4 0 500¥ 1 5 Concussive 3 (Short Range)
Plastic 1 kg Enaged-3m 6*v 3 0 1000¥ 1 5 Concussive 3 (Short Range)
Plastic 2kg Short-10m 8*v 2 0 2000¥ 2 5 Concussive 3 (Medium Range)
Plastic 4kg Short-10m 10*v 1 0 4000¥ 4 5 Concussive 3 (Medium Range)
*Vehicle Scale.

Explosives are placed with an Easy (f) Education: Demolitions check.

QQ: Double the prepared explosive damage (But not radius] due to properly placed / tamped. This only works once per
Each doubling of the base 500g charge amount adds +10 damage (+2 Vehicle Scale).
The Concussive quality reaches one range category beyond the blast radius.
Each second doubling increases the Blast radius by one, to a maxim of Long – 100m at 32kg!!! of plastic explosive, which is
just excessive. Sometimes.
Concussion falls off by a square of the distance so I am comfy with these numbers but again feel free to ignore. 
These are based *very* roughly off current c4, which is already not the pinnacle of kaboomite, so if a more 2077 flavor is
desired, just increase the categories one, ie 1 kg = 2 vehicle damage etc.
There are always more rare or dangerous explosives. Like an Azidoazide Azide grenade. (No. Just… no.)
Armante’ Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Armante’ Suit / Dress 1 - - 1 7 2.5k¥ +a Social
Mortimer of London Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
‘77 Berwick Suit / 1 - - 1 6 2.6k¥ Concealment 1, +a Social
‘ 62 Crimson Sky / 1 - - 1 6 2.4k¥ Concealment 1, -S Social
’76 Summit Suit/Dress 1 - - 1 6 2.5k¥ Concealment 1, +a Social
Ulysses / Greatcoat 1 S - 2 6 3k¥ Concealment 2, +a Social
Vashon Island ‘75 Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Ace of Cups 1 - - 2 5 1.6k¥ High Collar floor Length coat, -S Social
Ace of Swords 1 - - 2 5 1.3k¥ WWII Japanese, +Scabbard
Ace of Wands 1 - - 2 5 1.2k¥ New Age Mage, Conceal +1, +1 Encumbrance
Ace of Coins 1 - - 2 4 2.1k¥ +a Social
Ace of Spades 1 - - 1 5 1k¥ Holster
Ace of Clubs 1 - - 1 5 1k¥ Holster
Ace of Hearts 1 - - 1 5 1k¥ Holster
Ace of Diamonds 1 - - 1 5 1k¥ Conceal +1
Vashon Steampunk Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Steampunk Suit/Dress 1 - - 3 6 2.3k¥
Synergist Business 1 - - 1 7 1.5k¥ Concealed Holster
Synergist Longcoat 1 S - 1 7 2.3k¥ Holster
Sleeping Tiger 2 S S 2 8 13.5k Holster, Ruthenium +3
Executive Suite Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Executive Suite 2 - S 1 8 2k¥ -S Social
Heritage Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Heritage Suit / Dress -/1/2 - S 1 9 4-6- +a Social
Nightshade / Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Nightshade 1 - - 0 7 8.5k¥ Illuminated, -S Social
Second Skin Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Second Skin - - S 0 9 12k¥ Ruthenium +3
Ares Victory Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Globetrotter Jacket 1* - - 2 7 1.3¥ Cold / Heat Protection, Holster
GT Vest 1 - - 2 6 900¥ Cold / Heat Protection,
GT Clothing 1 - - 2 5 600¥ Cold / Heat Protection, +1 Encm
Wild Hunt 1* - S 2 8 3k¥ Cold / Heat Protection,,
Holster, +1 Encm
Industrious 1 - - 1 6 1.1k¥ - S Social, +2 Encm
Big Game Hunter 2 - S 3 8 5k¥ Cold / Heat Protection,,
Holster, +2 Encm, +A Survival
Rapid Transit 1 - - 1 6 1.1k¥ - S Social, +1 Encm
FORMFIT Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Form Fitted Body 1 - - 1 7 1,300¥ Hard [fff] Perception to spot Armor.
MIL-SPEC Battle Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Light 3 S S 4 9 15,000¥ Holster, +3 Encm, +A Coercion,
Med 3 S S 4 10 20,000¥ Holster, +3 Encm, +A Coercion,
Heavy 4 S S 5 10 25,000¥ Holster, +3 Encm, +A Coercion,
Helmet - - - 2 7 10,000¥ -3 from Concussive or Disorient condition
Security Armor Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Light 3 - S 3 8 8,000¥ Holster, +2 Encm, - S to Coercion
Med 3 - s 3 9 14,000¥ Holster, +2 Encm, - S to Coercion
Heavy 4 - s 4 10 20,000¥ Holster, +2 Encm, - S to Coercion
Helmet - - - 1 7 5,000¥ -2 to Concussive or Disorient condition
Bike Racing Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
MCT-SupercrossX5 1 - - 2 6 500¥
Motorcross Helmet - - - 1 6 200¥ -1 from Disorient condition
Bunker Gear Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Bunker Gear - - S 1 6 3,000¥ Fire Resistant +4 Soak vs Fire, +S to Athletics
Fire Helmet - - - 1 6 750¥ Atmosphere System (2hrs), -1 from Disorient
Law Enforc Gear Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Riot Armor 2 S s 2 7 5,000¥ -S Coercion
Riot Helmet - - S 1 6 1,000¥
Swat Armor 3 - - 4 10 8,000¥ +3 Encm, -S Coercion, +A Social (Public)
Swat Helmet - - - 2 7 1,500¥ -1 to Concussive or Disorient condition, Flash
Securetech PPP Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Arms Kits - - S 0 6 250¥ 2 Maneuver to don, +S Social
Legs Kit - - S 0 6 300¥ 2 Maneuver to don, +S Social
Vitals Kits - - S 0 6 350¥ 4 Maneuver to don, +S Social
Body Armor Bag 1 - - 0 6 750¥
Archaic Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Chainmail 1 - S 0 7 900¥ Cumbersome 3, +S Social (Public),
+A Social (Gangs)
Padded leather 1 - S 0 6 600¥ +S Social (Public), +A Social (Gangs)

MISC ARMOR Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:

Ares flash-shield - +S +S 1 8 4,000¥ Flash 1, (10 Charges)
Murder Armor 2 - - 1 8 5,000¥ Biomonitor, Holster, Gorepak
Forearm guards - - S 1 6 300¥ -
Ballistic Mask - S - 2 6 150¥ -
Armor Type Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Ares Armored Coldsuit 1 - - 1 5 1,00¥ Cold Protection, Flash Comp,
+A A to Survival (Cold), Cumbersome 3,
Ares Armored 1 - S 1 5 1,500¥ Cold & Heat Prot. , +S Social
Ares Artic Forces Suit 3 S - 4 9 11,000¥ GasMask, +2 Encm, Cold Protection,
Flash Comp 2, +a a Stealth (vs Thermal)
+a Athletics (Climbing) +A A to Survival (Cold)
Ares Polar Sneaksuit - - - 1 9 10,000¥ Cold Protection, Flash Comp, Ruthenium +2,
Coldsuit - - - 1 4 800¥ Cold Protection, Flash Comp,
+A A to Survival (Cold)
Desert Suit - - - 0 6 1,000¥ +A A to Survival (Heat)
Ghillie Suit - - - 1 6 600¥ + S S S vs Perception to Spot / Stealth.
Polar Survival Suit - - S 1 6 2,000¥ Cold Protection, Flash Comp,
+a a Stealth (Thermal) +a Athletics
(Climbing) +A A to Survival (Cold)
Snake Mesh Socks - - - 0 5 50¥ Snake in boot? No problem.

Great Blue Mystery Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:

Enclosed Breathing - - - 1 6 900¥ Headlamp, Low Light, Speakers
Full Facemask - - - 1 6 300¥ Gas mask
Drysuit - - - 1 6 2,500¥ Chemical Seal, Cold Protection
Diving Armor 1 - - 1 6 1,750¥ Chemical Seal, Cold Protection, +S to
Athletics (Swimming)
Arctic Diver Suit - - - 1 6 3,000¥ Cold Protection, Heater (2hrs)

SPACE, Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:

EVO HEL Suit 1 - - 1 7 3,000¥ Cold Protection, Fire Resistance +2, Radiation
Shield 3, Chemical Protection 3, Gas Mask,
Spacesuit 2 - - 1 10 12,000¥ Biomonitor, Commlink-2, Cold Protection,
Thermal Damping, Flash Comp.
Security Spacesuit 3 +S - 2 10 25,000¥ Biomonitor, Commlink 2, Chemical Protection
3, Cold Protection, Thermal Damping, Flash
EVO Armadillo 3 +S S 2 10 35,000¥ Autoseal system, Biomonitor, Cold Protection,
Armor Fire resistance, Thermal Damping, Brawn +1

Magnetic Boots - - - 1 8 2,500¥ ½ Speed.

Survival Bubble - - - 1 8 2,000¥ Action to Activate, Airlock, 48 hrs air,
Water/Food 4 days, Beacon 100km, Medkit 3,
MCT EE Suit - - S 1 7 2,500¥ Chemical Seal, Fire Resistance, Radiation
Shielding 3
Basic Armors Soak Rng Melee HP Rare Cost Notes:
Clothing - - - - - 20-100,000¥
Actioneer Business 1 - - 1 6 1,500¥
Armor Clothing - - S 1 2 450¥
Armor Jacket 1 - S 2 2 1,000¥
Armor Vest 1 - - 2 4 500¥
Chameleon Suit 1 - - 2 7 1,700¥ Ruthenium +1
Full Body Armor 2 - S 4 8 2,000¥
--Full Helmet - S - 1 - +500¥
--Chemical Seal - - - - +3 +6,000¥
--Enviro Adaptation - - - - +1 +1,000¥
Lined Coat 1 - S 2 4 900¥
Urb-Ex Jumpsuit 1 - - 1 6 650¥
--Helmet - S - 1 - +100¥
Ballistic Shield - +S +S 2 3 1,200¥

Modification HP Effect Cost Rare
(Synth) Leather - Stylish possibly. Real Leather x10 cost. 200¥ 1
Atmosphere Sys 1 2 Hour of air, or other gas. 500¥ 3
Auto-Injector .5 Deliver 1 Dose either to self(auto) or Brawling 1,500¥ 4
Chemical 1 Upgrade Resilience checks vs toxins 500¥ 5
Chemical Seal 2 Ignore Air/Contact toxins. Requires a suit + helmet. 3,000¥ 8
Contains 1 hour of air.
Cold Protection .5 Upgrade Survival checks versus Cold. 500¥ 2
Electrochromic .5 Able to display patterns, color, text, video 500¥ 2
Feedback Mod .5 Allows tactile response to Simsense 500¥ 6
Fire Resistance .5 +4 Soak vs Fire damage. 500¥ 6
Fresnel Fabric .5 Reduce signal Noise by -S. 1,000¥ 8
Gel Packs .5 Grants S Ranged Defense 1,500¥ 4
Heat Protection .5 Upgrade Survival checks versus heat. 500¥ 2
Non-Conductivity .5 +4 Soak vs Electrical Stun 500¥ 5
Pulse Weave 1 Acts as Flashpack 3,000¥ 6
Radiation 1 +1 Soak vs Radiation elemental attack per rating. 400¥ 5
Response 2* Allows Full Simsense recording 2,500¥ 6
Interface Gear
Ruthenium 1 Each rating of Ruthenium grants a +a to Stealth 10,000¥ 8
Coating checks.
Shock Frills 1 +6 Stun Damage [electricity] to Brawling damage 250¥ 6
ShockWeave 1 Brawling Opponent hh activates = 6 Stun Damage 1,000¥ 6
Thermal 1 Upgrades all perception checks using thermal vision or 1,000¥ 7
Damping sensors.
Universal Mirror 1 +S s Noise to any device inside the Suit 500¥ 6
YNT Softweave - Reduces Armor Encumbrance by 25% x2 Armor 4
CYBERWARE Essence Rarity Price Mod
Cost Mod Mod
Standard 1 - x1
AlphaWare 0.8 +1 x 1.2
BetaWare 0.7 +2 x 1.5
DeltaWare 0.5 +4 x 2.5
Used 1.25 -2 x 0.75

Headware Ess Cap Rare Price Notes:

Commlink .2 1 - 2,000¥ Rating of Commlink is rarely less than 4.
Control Rig (1) 1 - 5 43,000¥ +s,to Initiative, +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2)
Control Rig (2) 2 - 7 97,000¥ +ss, to Initiative, +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2)
2 Strain: May take 1 Action as a Maneuver.
Control Rig (3) 3 - 10 208,000¥ +sss, to Initiative, +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2)
Free: May take 1 Action as a Maneuver.
Cortex Bomb – Kink 0 .5 8 10,000¥ Disables 1 piece of cyberware, sight, hearing,
voice, etc
Cortex Bomb – Micro 0 1 9 25,000¥ Kills instantly, if on limb, removes limb.
Cortex Bomb – Area 0 1.5 10 40,000¥ Damage 10 / Blast 10. Flechette.
Cyberdeck .4 2 5 5,000¥+Deck Installs a Cyberdeck
DataJack .1 - 2 1,000¥ Allows use of Universal Data Connector (UDC)
DataLock .1 - 5+R R x 1,000¥ Datalock stores info. No wireless access. (Max 5)
Olfactory Boost .2 - 6 8,000¥ Upgrade Scent based tracking or Perception
Simrig .2 - 8 4,000¥ Enables recording of Sensory input.
Skilljack R x .1 - 4+R R x 20,000¥ Allows use of SkillSofts. Requires skillwires for
Brawn / Agility skills. (Max 5)
Taste booster .2 - 6 6,000¥ Upgrade any Taste based perception checks.
Tooth Compartment - - 8 800¥ Wireless activation, or pressure.
Ultrasound Sensor .25 1 7 24,000¥ Grants Ultrasound vision to Medium range.
Voice Modulator .2 - 4+R R x5,000¥ Wide range, mimic recorded voices. (Max 5)

Eyeware Ess Cap Rare Price Notes:

Cybereyes [Max Rate 4] .2 R x2 2+R R x 4,000¥ 20/20, Camera, Image Link, Uses Eye mods
Flash Compensation .1 .5 4 1,000¥ Flash reduced to +S, [instead of +S S].
Image Link .1 * 4 1,000¥ Included in standard Cybereyes
Low Light Vision .1 1 4 1,5000¥ -S S due to darkness.
Ocular Drone - 3 6 6,000¥ Stats as Horizon Flying Eye.
Retinal Duplication .1 .5 9 R x 20,000¥ Defeat retinal Scanners of lesser ratings.
Smartlink .2 1.5 6 4,000¥ Smartlink (+A and –S to Smartguns)
Thermal Vision .1 1 4 1,5000¥ Grants Thermal Vision
Vision Enhancement .1 .5 R 5 R x 4,000¥ +A per Rating to visual perception checks. Max 3
Vision Magnification .1 1 4 2,000¥ -1 Diff from Long, Extreme, Distant ranged Combat

Earware Ess Cap Rare Price Notes:

Cyberears [Max Rate 4] .2 R x2 2+R R x 3,000¥ Precise Hearing, Uses Ear mods
Audio Enhancement .1 .5 x R 6 R x 4,000¥ +A per rating to audio perception checks [Max 3]
Balance Augmenter .1 2 7 8,000¥ +A A to Coordination skill
Damper .1 .5 6 2,250¥ -1 Concussive, +S S / +2 Soak vs Audio attacks.
Selective Sound Filter .1 .5 x R 6 7,000¥ Track [Rating x2] sounds: Footsteps, Vehicle, etc.
Spatial Recognizer .1 1 7 4,000¥ +a a to Perception for pinpointing sound locations
Bodyware Ess Cap Rare Price Notes:
Bone Lacing (Plastic) .5 - 6 8000¥ Durable 1
Bone Lacing 1 - 8 18,000¥ Durable 2, +1 Brawl damage
Bone Lacing (Titanium) 1.5 - 10 30,000¥ Durable 3, +2 Brawl damage
Dermal Plating Rating 1 1 - 6 6,000¥ +1 Armor Soak
Dermal Plating Rating 2 2 - 10 12,000¥ +2 Armor Soak
Fingertip Compartment .1 .5 4 3,000¥ Small secret compartment
Grapple Gun .5 2 6 5,000¥ Does not include Cable.
Internal Airtank .25 1.5 2 9,000¥ Allows Holding breath for 3 Hours
Muscle Replacement Rx1 - 6+R R x 50,000¥ +1 Encumbrance & Brawl/Melee Dam per R. Max 3
Reaction Enhancers R x .3 - 5+3 R x 13,000¥ Dodge: Ranks = Rating (Max 3)
SkillWires R x .2 - 4+R R x 20,000¥ Use Physical Skillsofts w/ ranks = to rating. (Max 5)
Smartlink Induction Pad .1 - 6r 1,000¥ Allows direct connection to Smartlink weapons
Smuggling .2 1 6 7,500¥ Can contain an object of Encumbrance 1 or less.
Wired Reflexes 1 2 - 6 39,000¥ +s,to Initiative, +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2)
Wired Reflexes 2 3 - 8 149,000¥ +ss, to Initiative, +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2)
2 Strain: May take 1 Action as a Maneuver.
Wired Reflexes 3 5 - 10 217,000¥ +sss, to Initiative, +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2)
Free: May take 1 Action as a Maneuver.

Cyberlimbs Ess Cap Rare Price Notes:

Full Arm 1 6.5 4 15,000¥ +1 Wound Threshold
Full Leg 1 10 4 15,000¥ +1 Wound Threshold
Hand / Foot .25 2 2 5,000¥
Lower Arm .45 5 4 10,000¥
Lower Leg .45 6 4 10,000¥
*Torso 1.5 6 8 20,000¥ +2 Wound Threshold
*Skull .75 2 10 10,000¥
Full Arm 1 4 4 20,000¥ +1 Wound Threshold
Full Leg 1 5 4 20,000¥ +1 Wound Threshold
Hand / Foot .25 1 2 6,000¥
Lower Arm .45 2 4 12,000¥
Lower Leg .45 3 4 12,000¥
*Torso 1.5 2.5 8 25,000¥ +2 Wound Threshold
*Skull .75 1 10 15,000¥
*Not a Limb for Enhancement or Accessories.

CyberLimb Mods Cap Rare Price Notes:

Agility or Strength +1 -4 6 12,000¥ One Limb:+A to Skills, Both Limbs +A Attribute
Agility or Strength +2 -5 10 25,000¥ One Limb:+A a to Skills, Both Limbs +A a Attribute
Armor 1 to 3 R x2 Rx3 R x3000¥ +Durable equal to Rating vs hits to appendage.
CyberLimb Equipment Cap Rare Price Notes:
Cyberarm Gyromount -4 8 6,000¥ Autofire Difficulty is reduced by 1 [Min +1 Diff]
Cyberarm Slide -1.5 8 3,000¥ Holds Encm 1 Wep, Uses 2 HP on the Weapon
CyberHolster -2.5 6 2,000¥ Holds Encumbrance 1 Wep
Hydraulic Jacks R 7 R x 5000¥ Rating adds to Brawn for Jumping, -10m fallen per R.
Large Smuggling Compartment -2.5 6 8,000¥ May contain compact 2 Encumbrance of gear.
Implant Weps. Ess Cap Rare Price Dam Crit Range Notes:
Hold Out Pistol .1 -1 6 2,000¥ 5 4 Short Smartlink
Light Pistol .25 -2 7 3,900¥ 6 3 Med Smartlink
Machine Pistol .5 -3 8 3,500¥ 5 3 Short Smartlink, Autofire
Heavy Pistol .5 -3 8 4,300¥ 6 3 Med Smartlink
Submachine Gun 1 -4 8 4,800¥ 6 3 Med Smartlink, Autofire
Shotgun 1.25 -5 8 8,500¥ 9/11* 3 Med Smartlink
GrenadeLauncher 1.5 -6.5 10 30,000¥ Grenade 5 Long SmartLink
External Magazine port .1 -.5 - 1,000¥ - - - -
Laser Sight - -.5 - 1,000¥ - - - -
Suppressor - -1 - 1,000¥ - - - -
Implant Melee Ess Cap Rare Price Dam Crit Range Notes:
Hand Blades .25 -1 7 2,500¥ +1 4 Engd -
Hand Razors .3 -1 6 1,250¥ - 5 Engd Vicious +2
Spurs .2 -1.5 8 5,000¥ +2 3 Engd Sunder, Defensive =1,
Shock Hand .25 -2 6 5,000¥ +Stun 6 4 Engd Stun Damage

BIOWARE Ess Rare Price Notes:

Adrenaline pump R x 0.75 Rx2 R x 55,000¥ Incidental to activate.
(Max Rating 3) Ignore 0 Strain, +A equal to rating to Brawn, Agility, and
Willpower skills for Turns = Rating + Brawn
On end Suffer Strain = total turns active.
Bone Density 1 .3 6 8000¥ Durable 1
Bone Density 2 .6 8 18,000¥ Durable 2, +1 Brawl damage
Bone Density 3 1.2 10 30,000¥ Durable 3, +2 Brawl damage
Cat’s eye 0.1 4 4,000¥ Grants Low Light vision. +S Social +A Social [Furrys]
Enhanced articulation 0.3 12 24,000¥ +A A to Coordination Skill.
Muscle Augmentation R x 0.25 Rx3 R x 55,000¥ +1 Encum & Brawling/Melee Dam per R. [Max 3]
Muscle Toner R x 0.25 Rx3 R x 60,000¥ Dodge: Ranks = Rating (Max 3)
Orthoskin R x 0.3 Rx4 R x 7,000¥ R = + Armor Soak (Max 2)
Pathogenic Defense R x 0.1 Rx1 R x 4,500¥ R = +A to Resilience vs disease. (Max 3)
Platelet factories 0.2 8 17,000¥ Auto-stabilizes user. Replace Bleeding-Out Critical with
one lower.
Skin pocket 0.1 4 12,000¥ Can contain an object of Encumbrance 1 or less.
Suprathyroid gland 0.7 10 140,000¥ +A to all Brawn & Agility Attribute Checks,
+1 Wound and Strain Threshold.
+25% lifestyle costs.
Symbiotes (R 1–4) R x 0.2 Rx2 R x 3,500¥ +R Wounds Healed/Day. R x 200¥ per month of food.
Synthacardium R x 0.1 Rx2 R x 30,000¥ Rating = +A to Athletics skill. ( Max 3)
Tailored Pheromones R x 0.2 Rx3 R x 31,000¥ Rating = +A to Charm checks. ( Max 3)
Toxin extractor R x 0.2 Rx3 R x 4,800¥ Rating = +A to Resilience vs Toxins ( Max 3).
Tracheal Filter R x 0.1 Rx3 R x 4,500¥ Rating = +A to Resilience vs Airborne Poisons or
Chemicals. (Max 3)
CULTURED BIOWARE Ess Rare Price Notes:
Cerebral Booster 0.6 10 95,000¥ +A to all Intellect Skills
Damage compensators R x 0.5 Rx3 R x 8,000¥ R + Strain Threshold (Max: 3)
Mnemonic enhancer R x 0.1 Rx3 R x 9,000¥ R = +A to recalling information checks. ( Max 3)
Pain editor 0.3 10 48,000¥ Spend Strain equal to Critical Hit severity to ignore
the critical’s effect.
Crits must still be healed and add +10 to subsequent
Crippled, Maimed, or Blinded still render the limb or
vision system unusable. While active suffer +S S to
tactile based Skills (Mechanics etc)
Reflex recorder (Skill) 0.1 10 14,000¥ Add +a to a single Skill.
Sleep regulator 0.1 6 12,000¥ Only Need 3 Hours of Sleep a night. (I NEED THIS)
Synaptic Booster 1 0.5 6 R x 95,000¥ +s,to Initiative, +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2)
Synaptic Booster 2 1 9 R x 95,000¥ +ss, to Initiative, +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2)
2 Strain: May take 1 Action as a Maneuver.
Synaptic Booster 3 1.5 10 R x 95,000¥ +sss, to Initiative, +1 Free Maneuver (Max 2)
Free: May take 1 Action as a Maneuver.

Magical Bonding
Rarity Price Cost Notes / Types
Equipment In XP
Enchanting Focus F+4r F x 8¥ Fx2 Amplifies Alchemy or Disenchanting actions
Metamagic Focus F+4r F x 15k¥ Fx2 Adds Force to Initiate Level for the Centering, Flexible Signature,
Masking, or Spell Shaping Metamagics
Power Focus F+5r F x 30k¥ F x3 +Force to Magic Rating, Amplifies Magic checks.
Qi Focus F+4r F x 4k¥ F Grant or Improve Adept Powers
Spell Focus F+4r F x 5k¥ F Amplifies Ritual or Spellcasting actions. Counterspell, Sustaining,
Spirit Focus F+4r F x 5k¥ F Amplifies Summoning, Banishing, or Binding actions
Weapon Focus F+4r (F + Res) F x2 Amplifies Melee skill, adds Force to Damage.
x 4k¥
Formulae Rare Price
Focus Formula Focus Focus Cost x 0.25
Combat 6R 2k¥
Detection 4R 500¥
Health 4R 500¥
Illusion 6R 1k¥
Manipulation 6R 1.k¥
Magical Rare Price
Magical Lodge F+3 F x 600¥
Reagents (1 dram) — 20¥
Max #
Commlinks Rating Firewall Rare Devices Cost Notes:
Meta Link 1 - 2 3 100¥
EvoTech Himitsu 1 - 6r 3 11,000¥ Lunchbox size. Faraday Shielded Storage.
(1 Encm) Sleaze Acts Possible with +S S
Sony Emperor 2 - 4 6 700¥
Renraku Sensei 2 S 5 6 1,000¥
MCT Blue 2 S 6 6 2,000¥ Wristband Form. Blue. Obvious.
Erika Elite 3 - 6 9 2,500¥
Hermes Ikon 3 S 7 9 3,000¥
Nixdorf Sekretär 4 S 5 9 4,000¥ Rate 2 Organizer Agent.
Transys Avalon 4 S 8 12 5,000¥
Fairlight Caliban 5 SS 9 15 8,000¥

Comm Rating Rare Price Notes:

Sim module — +100¥ Allows Cold Sim VR
w/ hot-sim +3r +250¥ Allows Hot Sim VR
AR Gloves 2 — 150¥ Allows use of AR
Biometric reader 2 4 200¥ Biometric scanner lock system.
Electronic paper 1 — 5¥ Display messages.
Printer 2 — 25¥ It’s a… printer?
Satellite link 3 6 500¥ Matrix Uplink. Noise maximum is S s S
Simrig 2 8 1,000¥ Records Sensory data.
Subvocal mic 2 4 50¥ Concealed mic. Whisper to transmit.
Trid projector 2 — 200¥ Projects 5m cube, hi-resolution trideo.
Trodes 2 — 70¥ Headband, Torc, net, Direct Neural Interface.
Non-Standard Form Factor - +2 +20% Clothing, pens, glasses, purses, hats, canes, knives, etc.
Weapon Form Factor - +4r +50% Integral to a weapon.
Liebesekretär (Agent 2) - +1 2,000¥ Available on Nixdorf Only: Agent 2 for social/love life*
*Liebesekretär package includes automatic match making, date scheduling,
concierge service, and rating system. No guarantee is implied in this service.
Some terms and conditions apply. Always use protection.
Commlink Dongles Rating Rare Price Notes:
Attack - 8r 30K ¥ Allows Use of Matrix Attack Actions
Cable Tap - 6r 500¥ Creates Direct connection to devices on either end of cable
Stealth - 8r 30K¥ Allows use of Matrix Sleaze Actions.
Stun - 5r 600¥ Stun Damage 7, Limited Ammo 3
Receiver 2 3 400¥ Signal Reduction 2 –S S noise.

Commlink Software Rarity Price Notes:

Agents Rate x 2 R x 1800¥ Artificial Persona/Icon. Has Computer Skill = Rate
Datasoft 4 120¥ Info Files, Databases, +a to Specialized Knowledge checks
MapSoft 4 100¥ Terrain, Routes, and Geographic info. +a Navigation
Shopsoft [Product Type] 4 150¥ +A to Negotiation checks for product type.
Tutorsoft [Knowledge Skill] Rate 600¥ Acts as Teacher with Rating as skill.
Rating Firewall Str Devices Programs Rarity Price
in PAN
Radio Shack PCD-500 1 - 4 3 1 2 21k¥
Erika MCD-1 1 S 5 3 1 3r 49.5k¥
Microdeck Summit 1 - 6 6 2 3r 58k¥
Little Hornet 2 - 6 6 3 5r 90k¥
Microtrónica Azteca 200 2 - 8 6 2 5r 110k¥
Hermes Chariot 2 S 10 6 3 5r 123k¥
Microtrónica Azteca 300 3 - 11 9 3 6r 200k¥
Novatech Navigator 3 - 12 9 3 6r 206k¥
Renraku Tsurugi 3 - 14 9 3 7r 214k¥
Xiao MGP-1 3 S 12 9 4 9r 302k¥
Shiawase Cyber-4 3 S 14 9 4 9r 331k¥
Sony CIY-720 4 S 16 9 4 8r 345k¥
Shiawase Cyber-5 4 SS 18 12 5 8r 549k¥
Fairlight Excalibur 5 SS 20 15 6 10r 823k¥
Fairlight Paladin 5 SSS 22 15 6 10r 1m¥
Specialty Cyberdecks Max #
Sys Devices
Rating Firewall Str in PAN Programs Rarity Price
MCT Trainee 1 - 4 3 1 3r 12k¥
Built in: BiofeedBack Filter
Cantor-Kurosawa Analyst 2 - 4 6 1 5r 84k¥
Hi-def Trideo Camera, Editing
Aztechnology Emissary 2 S 10 6 1 6r 168k¥
+1 Soak vs DataSpike Attacks
Yak Killer 2 - 12 6 2 9r 194k¥
Ring of Light Special 3 S 10 9 3 7r 242k¥
Ares Echo Unlimited 4 SS 16 12 3 10r 396k¥
Non-Standard Form Factor - - - - +1 +20%
Weapon Form Factor - - - - +3r +50%

Cyberdeck Modules Rare Price Every Cyberdeck has (1) Module Slot.
Installation is a Maneuver
Burn Module 3r 1,500¥ +5 Sys Strain. When used up, is trashed.
Induction Receiver 7r 1,200¥ Deck can make direct connection via touch.
Multidimensional 6r 1,400¥ +1 Rapid Reaction for Matrix Purposes
Overwatch mask 7f 4,200¥ Requires hh for +1 OS once per turn.
Program Carrier 2 900¥ Adds 1 Cyber Program, hardwired into module.
Self-Destruct 7r 200¥ Deck becomes a VERY VERY expensive Fragmentation
Vectored Signal Filter 3 800¥ Noise Reduction ( -S )
Legal Programs Rarity Cost Commlinks, Cyberdecks or * = Useable on RCC.
3 80¥
Search Agent +A to the Info Search action.
Edit Agent +A to the Edit File action.
Signal Scrubber* Reduce Noise by -S
Virtual Machine* Net +1 Program Slots. -1 device Soak.

Cyberdeck Illegal Rarity Cost Cyberdecks only unless * = Useable on RCC.

Programs 6r 250¥
Biofeedback Inflicts Biofeedback. Coldsim-Strain, Hotsim-Wounds.
Hammer +2 Damage for Data Spike
Lockdown Link-Locks a target if damaged.
Tantrum Attacks inflict Disorient 3 instead of System Strain damage.
Feedback Filter* +2 Soak (Biofeedback only)
Hardening* +2 Soak (System Strain Damage only)
Static* +1 Firewall.
Sneak +S versus Trace Icon.
Swerve* +S versus Control Device.
Remote +A to Control Device Action.
Decryption +A to Crack Encryption Action.
Demolitions +A to Set / Defuse Databomb Actions.
Stealth +A to Hide Action.
Track +A to Trace Icon Action.
Baby Monitor Displays current Overwatch Score
Detonator Databomb activates after X number of times file accessed
Evaluator Displays discovered Paydata value with Inspect File action
Exploit -S to Attack and/or Sleaze actions.
Fork Perform matrix Action on 2 targets. +2 Difficulty.
Hitchhiker Brings friends up to rating of device into Matrix.
Orbital Nuke 2,000¥ Rarity - 8r Edit File permanently erases files. This is an Attack action.
Wrapper* Can disguise Icons in PAN. +1 Rating vs Matrix Perception to detect.
Only one instance of a Cyberprogram may be run at a time.
Name Rating Firewall Auto Softs Noise Sys Str Rare COST
Scratch-Built Junk 1 - 1 NA 4 2 1,400¥
Radio Shack Remote Control 1 - 2 NA 6 5 8,000¥
Essy Motors DroneMaster 2 - 2 NA 7 5 16,000¥
CompuForce TaskMaster 2 S 3 NA 8 6 32,000¥
Maersk Spider 2 S 3 NA 9 6 34,000¥
Maser Industrial Electronics 3 - 4 NA 10 6 64,000¥
Vulcan Liege lord 3 - 4 -s 11 7 66,000¥
Proteus Poseidon 3 S 4 -s 12 8 68,000¥
L.S. Remote Commander 4 S 5 -s s 14 8 75,000¥
MCT Drone Web 4 S 5 -s s 15 9 95,000¥
Triox UberMensch 5 SS 6 -s s s 16 9 140,000¥

DRONE AUTOSOFTS Rarity Price Notes: For use on RCC / Drones. Drone Pilot acts at Attribute.
Perception 4+Rate R x 700¥ As skill
Computer 4+Rate R x 700¥ Can use Legal Matrix Actions.
Stealth 4+Rate R x 700¥ As skill
Knowledge: [Type] 4+Rate R x 700¥ As skill
Language 4+Rate R x 700¥ Understands and may respond in additional Language
Mechanic 4+Rate R x 700¥ As skill
Charm[Performance] 4+Rate R x 700¥ As skill
Professional [Type] 4+Rate R x 700¥ As skill
Pilot [Model] 4+Rate R x 700¥ Piloting one type of drone / Vehicle.
Drive [Model] 4+Rate R x 700¥ Driving one type of ground, water vehicle / drone.
Weapon [Type] 4+Rate R x 700¥ Acquiring targets and firing a specific weapon system.

Binoculars (Imaging Cap 3) 1 150¥ Low Light -1 4 500¥
Binoculars (Optical) 1 50¥ Flare Compensation -1 1 250¥
Camera (Cap 6) 1 600¥ Image Link -1 1 25¥
Micro Camera 1 100¥ Smartlink -1 4r 2,000¥
Contacts (Cap 3) 5 600¥ Thermographic -1 5 500¥
Glasses (Cap 4) 1 400¥ Vision Enhancement Rate Rx1 R x700¥
Goggles (Cap 6) 1 3,000¥ Vision Magnification -1 2 250¥
Endoscope 6 250¥
Imagining Scope (Cap 3) 2 300¥
Periscope 3 50¥
Mage Sight Goggles 8r 3,000¥
Monocle (Cap 4) 1 500¥


Directional Microphone(Cap 6) 4 3,000¥ Audio Enhancement (Max 3) Rate Rx1 R x 500¥
Ear Buds(Cap 3) 1 150¥ Selective Sound Filter(Max 3) Rate Rx1 R x 250¥
Headphones (Cap 6) 1 300¥ Spatial Recognizer -2 4 1,000¥
Laser microphone (Cap 6) 6r 600¥
Omni-Directional Mic (Cap 6) 1 3,000¥
RFID Rating Rare Price Note:

Standard Tags 1 - 1¥ Generic Tag, Can transmit location, tracking, multipurpose.
Datachip 1 - 5¥ Secure non-wireless data storage. Massive storage. Finger sized.
Security Tags 2 3 5¥ Often implanted. EMP hardened, resist Tag Eraser.
Sensor Tags 1 5 40¥ Able to record 24hrs of media.
Stealth Tags 2 6r 10¥ Always Running Silent. Ecumbrance-0, Conceal +2,

RFID, Audio and Video devices, Headware 1 Handheld Device(Cap 3) 2 C x 100¥
Handheld Device, Micro-drones - Small drones, Sil: 2 Wallmounted Unit (Cap 6) 3 C x 250¥
Motorcycles, Medium drones, Wall mounted, Sil: 1 3
Vehicles, cars, vans etc. Silhouette2-3 4
Buildings, Airports, etc. 5


(Rating of Function = Capacity) (Rating of Function = Capacity)
Atmosphere Sensor - Magnetic Anomaly Detector MAD Engaged 3m
Camera - Motion Sensor Short 10m
Cyberware Scanner Short 10m Olfactory Sensor -
Directional Microphone - Omni-Directional Microphone -
Geiger Counter - Radio Signal Scanner Short 10m
Laser Microphone Long 100m Ultrasound Med 50m
Laser Range Finder Distant 1km

Countermeasure Rarity Price Notes:

Bug scanner (Rating 1-5) (Rate)r R x 150¥ 20m- Easy (f) Computer to Detect Ratings =/< s
Data tap 6R 300¥ Clip to cable – Counts as Direct Connection to cable.
Headjammer (Rating 1-5) (Rate)r R x 150¥ Locked on skull, Jams internal Comms (fff) Mechanic to
Jammer, area (Rating 1-5) (4 + Rate)r R x 200¥ Creates Noise = Rating. -S Noise per 10m.
Jammer, directional (1-5) (Rate)r R x 200¥ Creates Noise = Rating. -S Noise per 20m (30’ Cone)
Micro-transceiver 2 100¥ Short range communication. Includes a Sub-vocal mic.
Tag Eraser 6R 450¥ Erases RFID tags. 1cm range
White noise generator (1-5) Rate R x 50¥ Adds +S = Rating to audible Perception checks.

TOOLS Rarity Price Notes:

Kit (Type) - 500¥ Portable and contains basic tools needed for work.
Shop (Type) 6 5,000¥ +A Mechanics. Transportable in a Van, advanced building and repairing.
Facility (Type) 8 50,000¥ +A A Mechanics Immobile, used for advanced or larger scale work.

GRAPPLE GUNS* *Mable Approved

Gear Rare Price Notes:
Grapple Gun 6r 500¥ Dam 6, Stun Damage, Crit 5, Medium, Prepare 1. Uses Microwire.
Microwire 4 50¥ per 100m 100kg load. Encumbrance 1 for spool.
Myomeric Rope 7 200¥ per 10m Moves at 2m turn. Max length 30 meters.
Standard Rope 1 50¥ per 100m 400kg load
Stealth Rope 7r 85¥ per 100m 400kg load
Catalyst Stick 7r 120¥ Dissolves Stealth Rope
Key/combination lock(Rating 1-5) Rating Rating x 15¥ Old fashioned mechanical locks.
Maglock Rating Rating x 100¥
Keypad or card reader — +50¥
Anti-tamper circuits (Rating 1-3) +Rating +(Rating x 350)¥
Biometric reader +4 +200¥
Metal — 20¥ 4 Soak,1Wound, Daunting (4) Brawn to break
Plasteel 5R 50¥ 5 Soak,1Wound,Formidable (5) Brawn to break
Plastic (per 10) — 5¥ 2 Soak,1Wound,Daunting (4) Brawn to break
Containment manacles 5R 250¥ 4 Soak,1Wound,Formidable (5) Brawn to break

BIOTECH Rare Price Notes:

Biomonitor 3 300¥ +A to Medicine. Measures Heart Rate, BP, skin, blood, sweat samples, etc
Disposable Syringe 3 10¥ Deliver one dose. Stabbity plunge. Good for Heroin overdose.
Medkit (1-5) Rating R x 300 Drugs, Bandages, tools, and Expert Program. Rating counts as Medicine Skill if
higher than users. If rating is less than user skill, it still applies +A
-Medkit refills. - 100¥

DOC WAGON Rare Price Notes: PER YEAR. All come with 1 RFID implant or wristband.
Basic - 5,000¥ 10 min arrival, Resuscitation=+5,000¥, HTR +5,000¥, Employee Death 20,000¥
Gold - 25,000¥ 1 Free Resuscitation, HTR 2,500¥. Employee Death 20,000¥
Platinum - 50,000¥ 4 Free Resuscitations, HTR: Free, Employee Death 20,000¥
Super-Platinum - 100,000¥ 5 Free Resuscitations, HTR: Free, No Employee Death Fee.

SLAP PATCH Rare Price Notes:

Antidote Patch(1-3) 3+R R x 100¥ Grants Rating in +A to Resilience checks.
Chem Patch 6 200¥ Empty Patch, holds one dose of whatever.
Stim Patch (1-5) 3 +R R x 30¥ Grants +Rating in Strain points temporarily. Duration is Rating x 10 minutes,
then suffer Rating +1 Strain un-soaked. Addiction possibility.
Tranq Patch(1-5) 5+R R x 40¥ Inflicts Rating +5 Strain damage. Can be soaked.
Trauma Patch 6 500¥ Stabilizes the target.


GEAR Rating Price Notes:
Autopicker (Rate 1-3) 6r Rate x 800¥ Rating = +a to Mechanical Lockpicking (Skullduggery)
Cellular Glove Molder (Rate 1-3) 8r Rate x 600¥ Fools Palmscanners of Equal or lesser rating.
Chisel/crowbar — 20¥ A crowbar. +a to opening things. Says Freeman on it
Keycard copier (Rate 1-5) 8r Rate x 700¥ Creates duplicate Keycard with Rating = to Copier.
Lockpick set 4r 250¥ Required for picking mechanical locks.
Maglock passkey (Rate 1-3) 5 + Rating Rate x 2,750¥ Fools Maglock equal to or lesser than passkey rating
Miniwelder 2 250¥ 30 Minute runtime. Damage 15 per turn, Breach 1
Miniwelder fuel canister 2 80¥ Fuel for above
Monofilament chainsaw 8 500¥ Inflicts 15 Dam to stationary Objects per turn.
Sequencer (Rate1-5) 5 + Rating Rate x 250¥ Defeats Keypad Maglocks equal to or less than rating
GEAR Rare Price Notes:
Chemsuit (Rating 1-5) 3+R Rating x 200¥ Chemical Seal. Rating equals +Soak versus Pollution Elemental attacks.
Climbing gear — 200¥ 200m Rope (400kg), Ascenders, Gloves, Carbiners etc
Diving gear 6 2,000¥ Dive Suit, Partial mask, 2 Hr Tank, Cold Protection
Flashlight — 25¥ Illuminates out to 50m
Gas mask — 200¥ 1 hr clean air supply
Gecko gloves, boots, 12 250¥ +A A to Athletics (Climbing) can move along inverted
Hazmat suit 8 3,000¥ Chemical Seal, 4 hrs Air, Includes Geiger Counter
Light stick — 25¥ Glow light. Illuminates Short range 10m radius. Oonce Oonce
Magnesium torch — 5¥ Strike. Lasts 10 minutes, illuminates Short range, Dam: 7, Burn 1.
Micro flare launcher — 175¥ Fires Flare 100m. Illuminates out to Long range. Removes -S S from
Darkness. Last 3 turns. Dam:4, Crit 5, Long, Prepare 1, Burn 3,
Micro flares — 25¥ Flares for Launcher.
Rappelling gloves — 50¥ Required for grapple lines, otherwise SLICE
Respirator (Rating 1-3) — Rating x 120¥ Adds Rating in A to Resilience tests vs airborne toxins.
Survival Kit 4 200¥ Knife, Lighter, Thermal Blanket, 5 days of Food, water purifier.

SKILLSOFTS Rarity Price Notes:

Physical 6 R x 8,000¥ Brawn or Agility Skills, req. Skill-Wires of equal or greater rating.
Knowsofts 4 R x 3,500¥ Any non-Magic Intellect Skills.
LinguaSofts 2 R x 1,500¥ Grants Language at rating.

IDENTIFICATION Rarity Price Notes:

Fake SIN (Rate 1-5) 5+R R x 3,500 Uses rating in checks against detection.
Fake License (Rate 1-5) 5+R R x 300¥ Linked to a SIN, or fake SIN

CREDSTICKS Rarity Price Notes:

Standard - 5¥ Max Value: 5,000¥
Silver - 20¥ Max value: 20,000¥
Gold 5 100¥ Max Value: 100,000¥
Platinum 7 500¥ Max value: 500,000¥
Ebony 10 1,000¥ Max Value: 1,000,000¥

Chemicals Rarity Price Notes:
Glue Solvent 2 90¥ Dissolves 1 square meter of aerosol glue
Glue Sprayer 2 150¥ Spray superglue, takes 1 turn to set. Daunting (4) Brawn to separate
Thermite Bar 10r 500¥ Burns at 20 Dam / Breach 4 over one full turn.
MOTORCYCLES Pilot Speed Hndl Hull Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Note: All Silhouette 1
Ares-Segway Terrier 1 (5 c) +1 2 0 3 1 0 1 4.5k¥ Gyro
Dodge Scoot 1 1g - 4 1 3 1 1 1 3k¥
Echo Motors Zip 1 1g -1 6 1 5 1 2 1 3.5k¥ Metahuman Adj.
Yamaha Growler 2 2g +1 5 1 4 2 2 4 3k¥
CocoTaxi/Tuk Tuk 1 1g -1 5 1 4 3 2 2 4k¥
Ent-Sys Cyclops 2 2g - 4 1 4 1 1 1 6.5k¥ Gyro
Suzuki Mirage 1 4g +1 5 1 5 1 1 1 8.5k¥
Yamaha Nodachi 2 2g - 8 2 8 2 3 8r 28k¥
Hrz-D Revolution 2 2g +1 6 1 5 1+ 2 4 8k¥ Gryo, Smart Tires
EVO Falcon-EX 2 1g -1 7 2 5 2 2 1 10k¥ Treads
Buell Spartan 2 2g -1 7 1 4 1 2 1 11.5k¥ Off-Road
Trcd Mustang 1 2g - 8 2 5 2 2 3 11k¥ Smart Tires, Amphib
DC-Horseman 2 1g -1 4 0 4 1 1 1 12k¥
HD Scorpion 1 2g - 8 2 6 2 2 2 12k¥
Yamaha Kaburaya 2 4g +1 5 1 4 1 1 2 17k¥
HD Nightmare 2 2g - 8 2 6 2 3 1 22k¥

CARS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes: All Silhouette 2
Ford Americar 1 2g - 11 1 6 4 3 1 10k¥
Chr-Nsn Jackrabbit 1 2g - 8 1 6 2 2 1 10k¥ Subcompact
Chr-Nsn Journey 1 2g - 9 1 6 4 3 1 17k¥ (Counterfeit L.S. Cruiser)
Honda Artemis 1 2g - 9 1 6 4 3 1 17k¥ (Counterfeit K.E. Cruiser)
Honda Spirit 1 2g -1 8 1 5 2 2 1 12k¥
Hyundai Shin-Hyung 1 3g +1 10 1 6 4 3 1 28.5k¥
Eurocar Westwind 2 4g +2 10 2 6 2 3 8 110k¥
Bentley Concordat 2 2g +1 12 3 6 4 3 7 65k¥
Renault-Fiat Funone 2 1g -1 6 1 5 1-3 1 1 8.5k¥ Meta adj.
Dodge Xenon 2 2g -1 8 1 8 4 2 1 18k¥
EVO Metaway 1 2g - 10 1 6 1 2 1 24k¥ Meta adj. Enviro-Sealed
GMC Chameleon 1 2g - 10 1 6 4 3 1 14k¥
Mercury Comet 2 2g - 11 1 6 4 3 1 20k¥
Saab Gladius 998 TI 2 5g +3 10 1 8 2 3 9 154k¥ Rigged
Saab Dynamit 2 5g +1 10 1 6 2 3 6 98k¥
GMC Phoenix 2 3g - 10 1 6 4 3 1 32k¥
Hyundai Equus 2 2g -1 12 2 6 4 3 1 40k¥ Amenities (Low)
Chevy Longboard 2 2g -1 12 2 6 6 3 1 31k¥

LIMOS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes: All Silhouette 2
Mitsubishi Nightsky 2 2g - 15 4 8 8 4 9 320k¥
Rolls Royce Phaeton 2 2g +1 16 3 8 4 2 9 350k¥ Rigged, Anti-theft(2),
Amenities (Luxury)

VANS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes: All Silhouette 2
GMC Bulldog 1 2g -1 16 3 8 6 4 1 35k¥
Dodge Caravaner 2 2g -1 12 2 8 7 3 1 28k¥
Ford Econovan 2 2g -1 14 2 6 10 4 1 30k¥ Amenities (Low)
Ares Chuck Wagon 2 2g -2 16 1 6 2 4 1 40k¥ Food Truck
GMC Universe 2 2g -1 14 2 6 2/14 4 1 30k¥
GMC Endurance 1 2g -1 14 1 8 8 4 1 35k¥ DocWagon Ambulance.
Ares Roadmaster 2 1g -1 18 4 10 8 5 6 52k¥
Rover Model 2072 2 2g +1 15 3 8 6 4 7 68k¥ Amenities (Middle)
Saeder Krupp LT-21 2 1g -2 15 2 6 2 4 1 31k¥ CrashCart Ambulance.

TRUCKS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes: All Silhouette 2
Toyota Gopher 1 2g +1 14 2 6 3 4 1 25k¥ Off Road
GMC Sidewinder 2 2g - 10 1 8 6 3 4 33k¥ (UCAS Gov. Vehicle)
Esprit Ind. Watcher 1 2g -1 9 2 8 5 3 4 40k¥ (CAS Gov. Vehicle)
Trcd Morgan - 2g -1 14 1 6 2 4 6 7.5k¥ OffRoad Hvy Wep
Tata Hotspur 2 3g - 16 3 8 2 4 6 60k¥ Off Road
GMC Armadillo 1 2g -1 13 2 6 2/4 4 1 22k¥ Off Road, Pods
Ford Percheron 3 2g -1 15 1 6 6 4 1 39k¥
Jeep Trailblazer 1 2g -1 12 1 6 4 3 1 32k¥ Multi-fuel, Off Road
Toyota Talon 2 2g - 12 1 6 5 3 1 30k¥
Nissan Hauler 2 2g -1 16 2 6 2/4 4 1 30k¥
Eurocar Northstar 2 3g +1 12 2 8 4 3 1 115k¥ Am (Middle)
GMC Escalade 2 2g -1 16 2 6 6 4 7 125k¥ Am (High), Anti-Theft (2),

RVS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes: All Silhouette 3
Airstream Chinook 2 1g -1 14 3 10 10 4 1 145k¥ Am (Squatter), Cold
Insulation, Sat Link,
Airstream Preserve 2 1g -1 16 3 10 10 4 1 134k¥ Am (Squatter) Gridlink,
Sat Link, Suncell
Airstream Outback 2 1g -1 14 3 10 8 4 1 158k¥ Am (Squatter), Heat Prot,
Off-Road, SatLink, Suncell

TRACTOR TRAILERS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes: All Silhouette 3
Conestoga Trailblzr 2 1g -2 14 1 10 2 4 4 75k¥ Counterfeit Moving Truck
Conestoga Trailer - 1g -3 20 1 12 - 5 4 +20k¥ Trailer Section
Mack Hellhound 2 2g -1 20 4 14 2 4 9r 150k¥ Amenities (Low), Med
Lander x2, Small Lander,
Micro Drone Lander,
Rigged x2, Drone Rails,
Small Launch

COMMERCIAL Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
Ram Indust. Narrow 2 1g -1 16 2 10 2 4 2 49k¥ SIL: 3 Large MultiBody,
Ram Indust. Large 2 1g -2 16 2 10 2 4 2 51k¥ SIL: 3 Large MultiBody,
GMC Garbage Truck 2 1g -2 18 3 10 2 4 8 287k¥ SIL: 3, Gridlink, Drive
GMC D-Compact 2 1g -2 12 2 6 2 2 8 196k¥ SIL: 2, Special Equip
GMC D Series 2 1g -2 16 2 10 2 3 8 248k¥ SIL: 3, Special Equip
GMC DD Series 2 1g -2 20 3 14 2 4 8 312k¥ SIL: 3, Special Equip
SK Konstructor 3 1g -2 24 4 16 2 5 9 365k¥ SIL: 4, Off Road, Spec.

HOVERCRAFT Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
Mostrans KVP-28 3 1g -2 18 3 12 2 3 9 87k¥ SIL: 3, Secondary Prop
Mostrans Minsk 3 1g -2 16 2 10 2 3 9 77k¥ SIL: 2, Secondary Prop
Universal 2 2g - 14 2 12 2/ 3 8r 130k¥ SIL: 3, Hover, Airboat
Minnesota 12 Dock x2
Vodyanov Assault 1 2g -1 16 4 12 3/ 3 8f 84k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities (Squat),
10 Gunnery Wep x2
(External, Manual)

C-SEC/POLICE/MIL Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes: All Silhouette 3
BMW Blitzkreig 2 2g - 10 2 6 2 10 8r 46k¥ SIL:1, Hvy Mount,External,
Fixed, Remote, x2
Dodge Charger 3 2g - 12 3 8 5 3 9r 65k¥ SIL: 2, Hvy Mount (Ext,
Fixed Forward) x2, Hvy
Mount, (External, Fixed,
Rear) x2
BMW I8 Interceptor 3 4g +1 12 2 8 2 3 9r 114k¥ SIL: 2, Gny Mount (Arc,
Front), Hvy Mount
(External, Fixed), Oil Slick,
Smoke Projector, Strip
Ejector, Rigged
Dodge Goliath 2 2g -1 16 4 8 8 4 9r 120k¥ SIL: 2, 6 Gunports,
BMW Teufelkatze 2 2g +1 16 4 10 7 4 9f 76k¥ SIL: 2, Flash, Sig Damp,
Dodge Stallion 2 2g -1 16 3 10 4 4 9r 78k¥ SIL: 2, Gny Wep Mount
(Turret, external, manual),
Hvy Wep Mount
(external, Fixed, rear) x2.
Ares Minotaur 3 2g - 14 2 10 4 4 8r 45k¥ SIL: 2, Gny Wep (Turret,
external, manual), Hvy
Mount (external, Fixed,
BMW Luxus 4 2g +1 18 4 12 8 4 8 398k¥ SIL:3, Amen (Middle),
Anti-Theft(3), Gny Mount
(Conc, turret, rear),
Lifesupport-6 hrs, PPS(4),
MDS, Vindicator
Dodge General 4 1g -1 20 4 12 10 4 10r 344k¥ SIL: 3 Amen (Middle), Cell
(Front) x2, Berths, Roof Hatch
Dodge General 2 1g -1 20 4 10 1 4 9r 54k¥ SIL: 3, Drone shop, Med.
(Rear) Lander Drone Racks x4,
Rigged, Cocoon,Generator
BMW Sturmwagon 3 2g +1 17 4 14 10 4 10r 145k¥ SIL: 2,Link-Light Sys, 8
Gunports, Flexible
Dodge Rhino 4 2g - 24 3 16 9 5 10r 225k¥ SIL: 2, Rear Ramp, Anti-
Theft(3), Gny Mount (Ext,
Flex, Front) x2, Hvy
Mounts (Ext, Fixed, Rear)
x2, Smoke Deployment,
Wolf II Troop Trans 2 1g -1 24 3 16 16 5 10r 330k¥ SIL: 3, LifeSupport-60hrs,
Runflats, Gunports-8
Wolf II Air Defense 2 1g -1 24 3 16 6 5 10r 330k¥ SIL: 3, LifeSupport-60hrs,
Runflats, Missile Launcher
Wolf II Medicvac 2 1g -1 24 3 16 6 5 10r 330k¥ SIL: 3, LifeSupport-60hrs,
Runflats, 2 Stabilization
Beds, Medkit 5
Wolf II Mobile C&C 2 1g -1 24 3 16 8 5 10r 330k¥ SIL: 3, LifeSupport-60hrs,
Runflats, Tacnet
Wolf II Light Tank 2 1g -1 24 3 16 16 5 10r 330k¥ SIL: 3, LifeSupport-60hrs,
Runflats, Cannon Mount,
Gunnery Wep
Mount(External, Turret,
HOUSEBOATS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
Aquavida 1 1 1w -2 20 4 12 2/8 5 7 115k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities (Middle),
Aquavida 2 1 1w -2 20 4 12 4/8 5 8 136k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities (Middle)

MILITARY/SECURITY Pilot Speed Hnld Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
GMC Riverine 5 2w +1 20 5 14 8 5 10R 225K¥ SIL: 3, Amenities
Military (Squatter), Commlink(R4),
Rigged, Cocoon, Sat Link,
Searchlight, Sig Mask 3,
Gunnery Wep Mount
(Flexible, Front), Hvy Wep
Mount(Flexible,Side) x2,
Hvy Wep Mount (External,
Flexible, Rear) x3
GMC Riverine 3 2w - 16 4 10 8 4 9r 154k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities
Police (Squatter), Commlink(R4),
Rigged, Cocoon, Sat Link,
Searchlight x2 Front,
Searchlight x2 Rear,
Gunnery Wep Mount
(Flexible, Front), Hvy Wep
Mount(Flexible,Side) x2,
Hvy Wep Mount (External,
Flexible, Rear) x2
GMC Riverine 3 2w - 16 3 10 8 4 9r 100k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities
Security (Squatter), Commlink(R4),
Rigged, Cocoon, Sat Link,
Searchlight, Gunnery Wep
Mount (Flexible, Front),
Hvy Wep
Mount(Flexible,Side) x2,
Hvy Wep Mount (External,
Flexible, Rear) x2
Morgan Cutlass 2 2w +1 16 3 10 6 4 8R 96K¥ SIL:3, Hvy Wep Mount
(External, Flexible, Front)

SUBMERESIBLES Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
Vulkan Electronaut 3 1w -1 12 3 8 2 3 7 108k¥ SIL: 2,
Proteus Lamprey 1 1w -1 6 1 4 4 2 7 14k¥ SIL:2, Med. Drone Land (1)

SPEEDBOATS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
Sea Ray 2 4w +1 8 1 6 4 2 7 120k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities
Cottonmouth (Squatter), Rigged, Speed
+1, Gunnery Wep Mount
(Fixed Front) x2, Gunnery
Wep Mount (Flexible, Rear)
YongKang Gala 1 3w +1 10 1 8 3 3 6 37k¥ SIL: 2, Assemble /
Trinity Disassemble

AIRBOATS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
AirRanger 1 1w - 10 1 6 6 3 5 25.5k¥ SIL: 2, Airboat
AirRanger Heavy 1 1w - 12 1 6 5 3 7 35.5k¥ SIL: 2, Airboat

SAILCRAFT Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
Corsair Triton 2 2w -3 16 3 8 6 4 4 104k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities (middle),
Imp. Econ, Sat Link.
Corsair Trident 2 1/2w -3/- 16 3 10 6 4 7 125k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities (Middle),
1 Imp Econ, Sat Link, Suncell,
Corsair Elysium 2 1/2w -3/- 14 3 8 6 4 8 78k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities (Middle),
1 Imp. Econony, Sat. Link
Corsair Panther 2 1/2w -3/- 18 3 8 8 5 8 136k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities (Middle),
1 Imp. Economy, Secondary
Man. Controls, Sig Mask-1,

SMALL TRANSPORT Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
Aztec Nightrunner 2 2w +1 12 1 5 6 3 7 56k¥ Sil: 2, Amenities (Squatter),
Life Sup-1, Rigged, Sat.Link,
Sig Mask-2
Zodiac Scorpio 1 2w - 10 1 4 2/6 3 6 26k¥ SIL:2, Hvy Wep Mount
(External, Flexible, Front)
x2, Gunnery Wep Mount
(External, Flexible, Manual,

CRUISERS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
EVO Waterking 2 1w -1 14 2 10 12 4 8 74k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities (Middle),
Sat.Link, Secondary Man.
Controls, Smuggling
Samuvani CC Otter 2 1w - 12 1 6 8 3 1 21k¥ SIL: 2,
Suntracker Lake 1 1w -2 14 2 8 8 4 1 35k¥ SIL: 3
Ultramarine 2 2w -1 16 3 10 6 4 6 61k¥ SIL: 3, Amenities
Kingfisher (Squatter), Sat Link,
Smuggling Compartment,

RECREATIONAL Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
EVO Waterstrider 1 1w -1 8 1 4 2 2 8 11k¥ SIL: 1, Life Sup.-1, Sig Mask
Kawasaki Manta 1 2w - 9 1 4 3 3 1 16k¥ SIL: 1
Kawasaki Stingray 1 2w +1 8 1 4 2 2 1 13k¥ SIL: 1
Mitsubishi 1 2w +2 8 1 4 1 2 1 8K¥ SIL: 1,
Mitsu Waveskipper 1 2w +1 10 1 4 2 3 1 10k¥ SIL: 1

YACHTS Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
Blohm&Voss Classic 3 1w -1 24 4 18 14 Na 8 15m¥ SIL: 4, Amenities (High),
Rigged, Sat Link, Internal
Lurssen Mobius 5 1w -1 36 4 22 22 Na 10 85m¥ SIL: 5, Amenities (Luxury),
rigged, Man. Control
Override, Internal Cameras,
Sat Link, Searchlight,

FIXED WING Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes: Glide
Cessna C750 2 3g -1 18 1 8 4 4 6 146k¥ SIL: 3
Artemis Nightwing 1 1g +2 4 0 4 1 1 6 20k¥ SIL 2, Sig Mask-2
PBY-70 Catalina II 2 2a - 22 3 12 16 5 8 250k¥ SIL:4, Amphibious,
Gunnery Wep Mounts
(Flex, Side, x2, fore x1)
R-FF Tundra-9 3 2a -1 20 3 12 24 4 8 300k¥ SIL: 4, Amphibious

LIGHTER THAN AIR Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
LZP-2070 4 1g - 12 1 8 6 3 8 85k¥ SIL:4, Meta.Adj
“Mothership” 2 1g -1 10 1 10 1 3 10r 50k¥ SIL:5

ROTORCRAFT Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes: AutoRotate
Ares Dragon 2 2r - 22 2 10 18 5 8 355k¥ SIL: 3,
Agular GX-2 3 2r +1 20 4 10 2 4 10f 500k¥ SIL: 3
Agular GX-3AT 3 2r - 22 5 12 10 5 10f 550k¥ SIL: 3
Nissan Hound 2 2r +1 16 4 10 12 4 8r 425k¥ SIL: 3, Gunnery Wep
mount (Flexible, External,
Side) x2,
Northrup Wasp 2 1r +1 10 2 6 1 2 8r 86k¥ SIL: 2, Gunnery Wep
Mount (Flex, Ext, Fore)
SKA-008 3 2r +2 16 4 10 12 4 9r 525k¥ SIL: 3, Rigged, Gunnery
Wep Mount (Flex, Int,
Dassault Sea Sprite 2 3r +1 18 3 10 14 4 9r 400k¥ SIL: 3, Amphibious,
ALS-669 “Lift 2 1r -1 22 3 8 16 5 8 250k¥ SIL: 3,
Hughes Stallion wk4 3 2r +1 16 3 12 5 4 9 325k¥ SIL: 3, Retractable Mag
Grapples x4, Standard
Grapples x4

THUNDERBIRD / LAV Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
“Krime Wing” 3 2a - 22 4 10 10/ 5 10R 2.3m¥ SIL: 3, Meta.Adj.,
Ares Venture 3 3a +1 16 4 10 6 4 8r 400¥ SIL: 3,
Banshee 3 5a +2 20 5 12 12 5 10f 2.5m¥ SIL: 3,
GMC Gryphon 3 3a +1 24 5 12 2 5 10f 3.2m¥ SIL: 3, Gunnery Wep
Mount (Flex, Ext, Fore) x

V/STOL Pilot Speed Hndl Hul Arm SS Seat HP Rare Cost Notes:
F-B Commuter 2 2r -2 16 2 10 30 4 7 350k¥ SIL: 4
Hp Rare Cost Effect
Gecko Tips 1 5 1k¥ Sil:1 Only. May drive on sheer surfaces up to 90
Gecko Tips 4 5 5k¥ SIL: 2 only. May drive on sheer surfaces with SIL +2.
Gliding System 5 8 15k¥ x SIL SIL:1-2 Incidental. Parasail. Landing is Spd 1 crash.
Gliding System 10 10r 100k¥ SIL: 3, Incidental. Parasail. Landing is Spd 2 crash.
Handling +1 4 5 Hdl x 5k¥ +1 Handling (Max final Handling 3) (Min 5k¥)
Handling +2 10 6 Hdl x 8k¥ +2 Handling (Max final Handling 3) (Min 8k¥)
Handling +3 18 7 Hdl x18k¥ +3 Handling (Max final Handling 3) (Min 18k¥)
Improved Economy 2 4 7.5k¥ Double Operation time
Man. Control Override 1 6 500¥ Shuts down any electronic control to vehicle
Multifuel Engine 4 7 5k¥ Vehicle can run on anything.
Off Road Suspension 2 4 25% Vehicle Ignore 1 S from Rough Terrain. -1 Handling.
Rigger Cocoon 2 8 1.5¥ Adds secure rigger cocoon into vehicle
Rocket Booster 1 10 30¥ Launches Vehicle 5m up. Landing is 1 Spd Impact.
Secondary Man Ctrls 2 4 1k¥ Additional Manual controls installed.
Speed +1 6 5 Spd x 7k¥ +1 Speed. Cost based on final speed with mod.
Speed +2 18 6 Spd x15k¥ +2 Speed. Cost based on final speed with mod.
Secondary Propulsion
-Floats/Amphibious 4 6 Sil x 1k¥ Hull/Pontoons/ etc. Able to cross lakes
-Submersible 8 8r Sil x 10k¥ Sealed, Max depth 100m.
-Hovercraft 8 8 Sil x 5k¥ Able to traverse land or calm water.
-Rotor 10 8r Sil x 15k¥ Grants Speed 3-v. Max Altitude 5km.
-Tracked 6 7 Sil x 5k¥ -S S due to Terrain. Max Speed 1-v
-Walker 8 8 Sil x 10k -S S due to Terrain. Max Speed 4-c. Can Climb

Hp Rare Cost Effect

Anti-Theft Rating 1 1 4 500¥ Makes light and sound, Alerts Owner to intrusion.
Anti-Theft Rating 2 2 5 1k¥ Above + Allows Remote Override and locking controls.
Anti-Theft Rating 3 4 6r 2.5k¥ Above + Inflicts 8 Stun Dam or Release Toxin in / near vehicle
Anti-Theft Rating 4 6 8r 5k¥ Above + Remote Self-Destruct (As 500g Plastic Explosive)
Armor (Obvious) 4+ 6r 3k¥ Per +1 Armor, -1 Handling per +2 Armor (Max Armor Hull/3)
Armor (Concealed) 6+ 8r 18k¥ Per +1 Armor, -1 Handling per +2 Armor (Max Armor Hull/3)
Passenger Protect Sys 2 6 R x 2.1k¥ Rating 1 to 5. Acts as +Soak for occupants vs crash damage.
Personal Armor 4 R +1 R x 500¥ Rating 1 to 5. Acts as +Soak for Weapon damage.
Special Armor Mod 4 * *Pers Chem, Fire, Cold, Elect, Radiation, Universal Mirror Material
Armor x2

Hp Rare Cost Effect

Amenities Squatter - — 100¥ Gains Increased Seating modification, barebones
Middle - 2 500¥ Fabric seats, pleasant ergonomics, decent AR interface
High - 6 1k¥ Fine materials, Climate control, refreshments, full VR
Luxury - 10 10k¥ Best materials. Lush interior, full VR access,
Enhanced Image Screens - 6 5k¥ Hyper-real display screens. (4) Perception vs false view
Metahuman Adjustment - 4 500¥/seat Interior and controls modified for size and mass.
Rigger Interface - 4 1k¥ Allows Rigger to jump in and control vehicle
Interior Cameras - 6 2k¥ Allows monitoring of interior of vehicle by rigger
Searchlight - 4 800¥ What it says on box. Is a larger powerful spotlight
Vehicle Tag Eraser - 6r 750¥ Tag erasure that can activate every 10 minutes.
Yerzed Out - R x2 Rate x 5k¥ Add +A equal Rating to Social rolls (Rating 1–3)
Hp Rare Cost Effect
Ammo Bin 1 5r 200¥ Hold 1000 rounds. These may be divided up among weps.
Gun Port 1 5r 500¥ Up to 4 Gun ports installed
Missile Defense Sys 3 8r 15k¥ Rating 4 (Req. Autofire) Uses Suppression on Missiles
Oil Slick Sprayer 2 6r 500¥ Incidental, 6 uses (50¥), Force Driving Check with +S S
Smoke Projector 2 5r 750¥ Smoke-100m behind, counts as Darkness +S S
-Thermal Smoke - - 100¥ +100¥ Smoke affects Thermal sensors
Ram Plate 4 7f 500¥ +2 Damage to Ram Action. Does not protect ramming vehicle
Road Strip Ejector 2 7f 800¥ Incidental Deploys Road Strip (Spike, Zapper, Tracker, Snarl)
DRONE RACK – Launcher
-Micro - 4 300¥ 1 Micro racks. Each holds 10 Micro Drones.
-mini 1 4 500¥ 3 Mini racks. Each holds 1 Mini Drone.
-Small 2 4 1k¥ Each holds 2 Small Drones.
-medium 3 4 2k¥ Hold 1 Medium Drone.(Silhouette 1)
-large 4 6 4k¥ Holds 1 Large Drone.
DRONE RACK – Launcher / Lander
-Micro 1 4 500¥ 3 Micro racks. Each holds 10 MicroDrones.
-mini 2 4 1k¥ Each holds 2 Mini Drones.
-Small 3 4 4k¥ Each holds 1 Small Drones.
-medium 4 4 10k¥ Hold 1 Medium Drone.(Silhouette 1)
-large 5 6 20k¥ Holds 1 Large Drone.
WEAPON MOUNTS (Select Type / Visibility / Flexibility / Control for each Mount)
Light Ranged 1 5f 750¥ Mounts 2 Light Ranged Weapons
Heavy Ranged 2 7f 1500¥ Mounts 1 Heavy Ranged Weapon
Gunnery 4 9f 4000¥ Mounts 1 Gunnery Weapon
+External Visibility - - - Weapon is obvious and may be targeted directly
+Internal Visibility +2 +1 4000k¥ Weapon is concealed within the vehicle frame or passenger area.
+Concealed +4 +2 4000¥ Weapon is hidden until deployed. Hard (FFF) Perception to spot.
+Fixed 45 degree. - - - -
+Flexible 180 degree. +1 +1 2000¥ Sets 1 Weapons to 180 degree arc.
+Turret 360 degree +2 +3 5000¥ Sets 1 Weapon to 360 degree arc.
+Remote Control - - - Weapon fired via linked trigger
+Manual Control +1 +1 500¥ Weapon is fired through Manual Control.
+Armored Manual +1 +2 1500¥ User gains +s s Ranged Defense.

Hp Rare Cost Effect

EM Shielding 2 6 HT x 500¥ Vehicle body acts as Faraday Cage, no signals through
ECM 2 Rx2f Rate x 1k¥ Adds Noise as Area Jammer +S per Rating (Max 3)
Gridlink 2 4 750¥ Allows access to Gridlink system.
Gridlink Override 1 6F 1k¥ Allow override of speed, identification, and shutdown
Pilot Rating 1–3 R* R x2 Rate x 2k¥ Sets vehicle pilot rating to purchased level
Pilot Rating 4–5 R* R x3 Rate x 6k¥ Sets vehicle pilot rating to purchased level
Retrans Unit 2 8 4k¥ Signal Noise is highest of two links, not cumulative.
Satellite Link 1 6 500¥ Grants vehicle Satellite link upgrade as per comms
Sensor Rating 1–3 R R x2 Rate x 2k¥ Sets Vehicle Sensor to purchased level
Sensor Rating 4–5 R R x3 Rate x 5k¥ Sets Vehicle Sensor to purchased level
Signature Masking R 9f Rate x 2k¥ Grants +S per Rating (Max 3) vs Sensors (Perception)
SunCell 2 5 HT x 500¥ Unlimited range in Sunny cond. x2 range if mixed.
Touch Sensors 3 6 HT x 500¥ Grant +A to Driving / Piloting. -1 Biofeedback Soak.
Hp Rare Cost Effect
Assembly 2 6 1k¥ Break down/assemble Vehicle (3) Mech (SIL / SIL x2 Hrs)
Chameleon Coating 2 8f HT x 1k¥ Image Link, Moving less than walking speed +S S vs Perc
Ejection Seats 2 8 Seats x8k¥ Ejects any seat in vehicle in direction chosen.
Extra Entry/Exit Points 1 8 2.5k¥ Creates easy entry and exit points. Sunroof, floor hatch etc.
Extreme Environment 2 5 2k¥ Shield vehicle operation from specific environment
Increased Seating 2 4 2k¥ Increases seating by +50% Round Down.
Life Support Leve 1 2 6 Hull x500¥ Seal all entry and exit points. Adds +A A to Resilience checks
Life Support Leve 2 4 8 Hull x2¥ Completely Seals Vehicle. Has 4 hrs x Seats of air.
Mechanical Arm Basic 2 4 1k¥ Simple manipulator arm. 1 meter long.
Mechanical Arm Art 3 6 5k¥ May perform precision tasks and Melee
Nanomaintenance Sys R Rx3 Rate x 5k¥ Rating 1-3. Grants Mechanics skill or A equal to rating.
Smuggling Comp. 3 6F 1,500¥ May conceal SIL x 5 Encumbrance
+Smuggling Shielding Na 9f 3k¥ Add to compartment by type: thermal, MAD, olfactory, audible, etc.
Special Equipment * * * Catch all for various special of purpose built equipment.
Valkyrie Module 4 6 2k¥ Holds 1 Metahuman. Has Medicine-4, Autostabilize.
Winch Basic 1 4 750¥ Hook and cable. 100m x 5 metric tons. Incidental to release
Winch Enhanced 2 8 4k¥ Gecko grips / magnets. Adhere to any surface.
Workshop 6 - 20k Adds small workshop to vehicle.

Vehicle Equipment Rarity Cost Notes
Morphing License Plate 6 1k¥ Can display different license plate numbers on command.
Spoof Chip 6 500¥ Vehicle ID is concealed beneath fake ID.
Spike Strip 6 200¥
Zapper Strip 8 2,500¥
Tracking Strip 6 600¥
Off-Road Tires 5 400¥/tire -S from rough terrain
Racing Tires 5 250¥/tire -S from chase checks
Run Flat Tires 4 250¥/tire Ignore spike strips and hazards
No Manual Controls 2 200¥ All manual control removed. Rigged / remote control only
Secondary Manual Ctrl 4 1k A second set of manual controls somewhere in the vehicle
MicroDrones: Silhouette: NA, Character Scale, No System Strain, Only Wounds
Type/Name Pilot Spd Hndl Soak wt HP Rare Price Special
Horizon Flying Eye 2 1g +2 0 1 0 6 2k¥ VTOL, Conceal 2, Perception 1
Shiawase Kanmushi 2 2c +1 0 0 0 6 1k¥ Walker
S-B MicroSkimmer 2 4c -1 0 0 0 5 1k¥ Hovercraft,
MCT Fly-Spy 2 1g +2 0 1 0 6 2k¥ VTOL, Camouflage, Conceal 2,
Perception 1,
Condor LDSD-23 1 1c -2 0 2 1 6 4k¥ Flight, LTA, Perception 2
Horizon Noizquito 2 4c +2 0 1 0 7 2k¥ VTOL, Conceal 3, Camouflage,
Sony Goldfish 1 1c 0 0 1 0 5 500¥ Submersible

MiniDrones: Silhouette: 0, Character Scale, No System Strain, Only Wounds

Type/Name Pilot Spd Hndl Soak Wt HP Rare Price Special
AZT Crawler 3 2c 0 2 4 3 4 4k¥ Walker, Perception 1,
AZT Groundhog 3 2c 0 2 4 0 6 8k¥ Walker, Jammer 3, Computer 2
C-S Dragonfly 2 1g +1 1 1 0 8r 2.5k¥ VTOL, Ammo 1(Chem), Melee 1,
Lockheed Optic-X2 2 1g +1 1 3 1 7r 21k¥ VTOL, Conceal 3, Stealth 2,
Festo Pigeon 2.0 1 1g +1 1 3 1 6 3k¥ Flight, Camouflage,
Ares Garuda Missile 3 4a +2 1 2 0 10 8.5k¥ Missile, Cluster Bomb
Horizon CU^3 1 1g 0 1 3 1 4 3k¥ Flight,
Renraku Gerbil 1 4c +2 1 2 1 4 2k¥ Ground
Renraku Scuttler 1 1c 0 1 3 0 6 8k¥ Ground, Camouflage,

Small Drones: Silhouette: 0, Character Scale, Size of Large dog

Type/Name Pilot Spd Hndl Soak Wt SS HP Rare Price Special
Ares Arms Sentry V 2 1c 0 6 5 4 0 4 4k¥ Rail System,
Bust-a-Move 1 2c -1 2 3 2 2 8r 1.5k¥ Walker, Camouflage,
Cit/Brou Smoke Gen 2 3c 0 4 4 4 0 6 4k¥ Ground, Smoke Generator (4 Enc)
CS-D Wolfhound 1 3a +1 2 2 3 1 8 30k¥ Jet, Perception 2,
Evo Proletarian 1 2c -1 3 4 4 1 6 4k¥ Ground, Mechanic 2 Toolts(3 Hp)
Ferret RPD-1X 2 3c -1 6 4 3 1 6 4k¥ Ground, Light Rng 1, Tazer (1 Hp)
Festo Sewer Snake 1 2c +1 2 3 3 1 7 6k¥ Water, Ground
F-B BumbleBee 2 1g 0 5 8 8 1 8r 240¥ VTOL, Hvy Rng 1, Rifle x2 (6 hp)
GM-Nis Doberman 2 2c +1 7 10 6 2 4 5k¥ Ground, Hvy Rng 1,Perc 1,
Rifle+Ammo (4 hp)
Horizon Mini-Zepplin 1 1c -2 1 3 2 4 4 2k¥ VTOL,
LS Castle Guard 2 3c 0 6 4 4 0 6r 10k¥ Ground, Light Rng 2, H.Pistol (1hp)
MCT-N Rotodrone 2 1g 0 4 8 3 4 5 5k¥ VTOL, Perception 1,
MCT Gun Turret 2 - 0 6 8 6 0 4 4k¥ Immobile,
MCT Seven (Wheelie) 1 5c 0 2 2 2 3 1 2k¥ Ground
MCT Seven (Treads) 1 2c 0 2 2 2 3 2 2k¥ Ground
MCT Seven (Dirty) 1 3c 0 2 2 2 3 2 2k¥ Ground
MCT Seven (Quad) 1 2c 0 2 2 2 3 2 2k¥ Ground
MCT Seven (Swims) 1 2c 0 2 2 2 3 2 1k¥ Water
MCT Seven (Hovers) 1 1g 0 2 2 2 3 2 4k¥ VTOL
MCT Seven (Soars) 1 1g 0 2 2 2 3 2 4k¥ Flight
P5 Pursuit Drone 2 3g +2 1 2 2 1 7 8k¥ Ground
NeoNet Prairie Dog 3 3c +1 4 4 4 0 8 8k¥ Ground, Comp-3, Perc-2
P&W Sundowner 1 1g 0 2 4 3 0 6 10k¥ Flight,
Proteus Krake 3 5c 0 2 4 3 0 9r 10k¥ Submersible.
Saab-T Bloodhound 2 2c 0 2 4 3 0 6 10k¥ Ground, Geiger counter, Perc 2+A
Renraku Dove 2 5c 0 2 3 3 1 4 5k¥ Flight, Jammer,
Renraku Jardinero 1 3c 0 2 5 4 0 4 2k¥ Ground,
Renraku Job-o-Mat 1 - - 2 4 4 2 4 3k¥ Professional (Skill) 2.
Renraku Pelican 2 1g +1 2 3 4 1 2 4k¥ VTOL, Storage Box
Telestrian Shamus 3 3c 0 5 8 8 0 7 30k¥ Walker, Quicksilver Cam, Perc- 4
Anthroform Drones: Silhouette: 1, Character Scale, Size of Average Metahuman.
Type/Name Pilot Spd Hndl Soak WT SS HP Rare Price Special
Ares Duelist 2 2c - 6 10 4 2 5 4.5k¥ Walker, Melee 2,
Shiawase CAD 7 3 2c - 5 10 8 0 8 16.5k¥ Walker, Medicine 3,
TranSysOffice Janitor 2 2c -1 2 8 6 2 4 8k¥ Walker
Renraku Servant-3 2 2c -1 3 8 6 2 3 10k¥ Walker
AZT Criado Juan 1 2c - 3 10 5 1 2 8k¥ Walker
Horizon Little Buddy 1 2c - 2 5 4 0 4 2k¥ Walker, Leadership 2,
MCT Kenchiku-Kikai 1 2c -2 6 12 6 4 6r 20k¥ Walker, Strength 6,
NN Juggernaught 2 4c -1 6 18 8 2 8r 100k¥ Walker, Ext. Heavy Rng Wep x2,
grenade Ammo 2
SK-Direktionsekretar 3 2c +1 4 10 8 0 8r 40k¥ Walker, Etiquette 3
Shiawase I-Doll 2 2c 0 3 8 6 0 4 20k¥ Walker, Realistic Features

Medium Drones: Silhouette: 1, Vehicle Scale, Roughly the mass of a Dirtbike.

Type/Name Pilot Spd Hndl HT Arm SS HP Rare Price Special
Ares Cheetah 2 1g +2 2 1 5 0 8r 14k¥ Walker, Melee 2, Jaws +1 Melee
EVO Krokodil 2 2c -2 3 1 8 1 6r 12k¥ Tread, Amphibious
Feder-Boeing Kull 2 2g - 3 0 5 3 4 10k¥ Flight, Two Bomb (Sil:0) racks
MCT Tunneler 1 1c -2 3 1 5 2 6r 10k¥ Tread, -1 Structure Armor per hour.
Renraku LEBD-2 3 1g 0 3 2 3 0 5 20k¥ VTOL, Perc-3, Light Rng 2, Tazer
TranSys Steed 1 2c +1 3 0 4 1 2 4k¥ Ground, Wheelchair

Large Drones: Silhouette: 1, Vehicle Scale, Roughly the mass of a Cruiser Motorcycle.
Type/Name Pilot Spd Hndl Hull Arm Sys HP Rare Price Special
Ares Matilda 2 2c -3 8 2 8 0 8r 18k¥ Treads, Hvy Wep Mount, Riot
Shield x2, Hvy Wep Autosoft-3
Ares Mule 2 2c - 4 1 6 3 4 8k¥ Walker, Drone Arm (Brawn 6)
Ares Paladin 2 4c +1 5 4 8 0 6r 5k¥ Treads, Talent: Bodyguard.
Crashcart Medicart 3 3c +1 6 1 6 2 5 10k¥ Treads, Rescue Arms(Brawn-6),
Medicine Autosoft-3,
CS Dalmatian 2 1g +1 4 1 4 2 6 10k¥ VTOL, Perception 1
Dassault Janitorial 1 1c -2 3 0 8 5 6 10k¥ Ground,
Dustoff Medivac 3 2g - 2 1 5 2 7 12k¥ VTOL, Medicine 3
GMC Snatch’n’Grab 2 1g -2 2 0 5 4 8 8k¥ Ground, Brawl 1
GTS Tower 2 5c -2 4 1 6 0 5 10k¥ LTA, Small Drone Lander Rack (4)
Mitsuhama Malakim 3 1g -1 4 1 10 0 10f 40k¥ Hvy Wep Mountm Area Jammer
(3), Direction Jammer (3), Hvy
Wep Autosoft-3
Saeder-Krupp MK17 3 4c -2 5 1 6 0 7r 17.5k¥ Submersible, Searchlight
SteelLynx Combat 2 2g - 3 1 5 1 7r 25k¥ Ground, Hvy Wep Mount, Hvy
Wep Autosoft-2,
Huge Drones: Silhouette: 2 / 3, Vehicle Scale.
Type/Name Pilot Spd Hndl Hull Arm Sys HP Rare Price Special
2 1g -2 10 4 12 0 9r 220k¥ SIL: 2, Treads, Gunnery Autosoft-4,
Ares KN-Y1 Phobos Smartsoft, Gunnery Wep Mount x2,
(RPK Machine Guns) +4 reloads
Ares KN-Y2 Deimos 2 1g -2 10 4 12 0 10r 250k¥ SIL:2, Treads, Gunnery Autosoft-4,
Smartsoft, Gunnery Wep Mount x 2
(Panther AC), +4 reloads.
Ares KN-Y4 Eris 2 1g -2 10 4 12 0 10r 270k¥ SIL: 2, Treads, Gunnery Autosoft-4,
Smartsoft, Gunnery Weapon Mount
x2 (MGL-12 Grenade Launcher) 24
Rounds, Area Jammer (2),
Directional Jammer (2), Autosoft
Mesametric Kodiak 2 1g -2 6 3 10 2 8r 40k¥ SIL: 3, Ground, Drone Arm (Brawn
8), Bulldozer Blade, Civil Engineer
NN-Avenging Angel 5 10 a -1 6 3 10 0 10r 1 mil ¥ SIL: 3, Vehicle Wep Mount (FAE
Bomb), Gunnery Autosoft-4, Piloting

DRONE MODIFICATIONS (Minimum HP cost is always 1.)

Dog Brain: Rarity Cost: ATTRIBUTES: HP Rarity Cost: Notes:

Pilot 1 4 400¥ Armor/Soak Sil +1 2 x Rate 2k¥ x HP +1 Armor -1 Handling
Pilot 2 1 1800¥ Handling Sil +1 2 x Increase 4k¥ x HP +1 Handling (Max +3)
Pilot 3 5r 3200¥ Speed Sil +2 1 x Increase 3.2k¥ x HP +1 Speed
Pilot 4 7r 10k¥ Sensor Sil +1 2 x Rating 1.5k¥ x Rate Set new Sensor Rating
Pilot 5 9r 20k¥ Wounds/Hull Sil +1 2x Increase 500¥ per +1 +2 WT / HT / SysStr

DRONE Equipment
Modification: HP Rare Cost: Notes:
All Terrain Tires - 3 200¥ -1 Speed, -S from rough terrain.
Amphibious Sil+2 4 900¥ per HP Allows Floating / Water landing
Assembly Time Sil-1 3 500¥ x HP Assemble drone in 5 minutes x Sil (Minimum 5 min)
Customized - 2 1k¥ to 100k¥ Yo MCT, Pimp my Ride
Chameleon Coating 2 8f Hull/Wnds x 1k¥ Moving less than walking speed +S S vs Perception
Drone Arm / Leg 3 5 7.5 k¥ Req: Size Small. Cyberlimb, (Use limb rules for mods)
Extra Ammo Bay 1 3 200¥ +1 Reload
External Mount Encm -1 3+HP 250¥ x Wep Encm Min: 1 HP. External Weapon Mount, Includes 1 Reload
Flare Comp .5 2 250¥ -
Gecko Grips Sil-1 6 800¥ x HP Adhere to any structure with a SIL larger than Drone’s
Lowlight .5 3 500¥ -
Immobile +2 HP 2 NA Speed: 0, Handling: NA.
Internal Mount Encm 4+ HP 400¥ x Wep Encm +Concealment 2.
Off-Road Suspension - 3 600¥ -S from Terrain
Primitive Arm 2 4 1.5k¥ Req: Size Small. Simple Grip arm +S S to Skill use
Realistic Features Sil+1 7r 1k¥ / Rating +s per Rating (max 3) vs Perception to recognize drone.
Submersible Sil+2 6 2k¥ per HP Submerge up to 10m
Skyguide - 1 5¥ +10¥ yearly Provides Navigation-4, Piloting-3 to drone of the guides
Spotlight - 1 50¥ Adds Large Spotlight to drone.
Thermal .5 4 500¥ -
Vis. Enhancement .5 Rx1 2k¥ x R +A per Rating. Visual checks (Max 3)
Vis. Magnification .5 3 1,850¥ -1 Diff (Long, Extreme, Distant)
DOWNTIME SYSTEM / Unfinished Information – Knowing what’s going down in
Time between runs can be as laid back or the local gang scene, what mergers are on the
productive as a runner would like. There are horizon, the new local safe runner hangout,
relationships with contacts to maintain or what’s got Lone Star worked up, or more is the
improve, reputations to work on, keeping background noise of a runners life. Hanging out
plugged into the illicit shadowrunning scene, at the right places, talking to the right people,
scratching up spare nuyen, or just blowing off or surfing the Matrix can give a runner the edge
steam and celebrating another day alive. over another. This downtime can make the
Downtime is another optional system that Legwork of the next mission go faster or easier.
can be added to a Shadowrun game to flesh out The possible downside is the runner being seen
and support the runner’s career between as nosy by the wrong people.
missions. It is purposely abstracted into five
types of Downtime activity. Nuyen – Money. Cash. Things.

Contacts – Contacts are often the difference Recreation – Work hard, play hard. Runner’s
between success and failure of a runner and have a stressful existence to say the least and it
this downtime action is spent to maintain those can wear a person down to their cybernetically
vital relationships. The downtime represents a augmented bones. Recreation is blowing off
week of the runner doing minor work for the steam, seeing friends, recuperating, or just
contact, referring folks to them, hanging out [if enjoying the lack of bullets and magic slinging at
they are higher loyalty], or such. The possible you for a few minutes.
downside is that putting time into one contact
my cause a lessening in another.
These were considered for Running the Edge conversion but eventually dropped due to them adding
simple more Boost dice in a system already over run with them, and due to the likely hood of
Concentrations being prone to greater fractionalizing of the skills. So this is one of the few places in the
conversion I feel like I actually refrained from crunch. Yay.
Assensing* Intellect Spell type, Spirit, creature etc.
Athletics Brawn Swimming, Diving, Running, Lifting, etc
Brawling Brawn Brawl, Martial Arts, Throw, kick, strike etc.
Charm Presence Corp, Street, Performance, Magic, Region, Gender, etc
Coercion Willpower Intimidate, Torture, Mindgames, etc
Computers Intellect Specific Matrix Actions, Grids, Hosts, or equipment.
Cool Presence Combat, Social
Coordination Agility Acrobatics, Parkour, Zero-Grav, Dance, etc
Deception Cunning Con, Fast Talk,
Discipline Willpower Pain, Fear, Coercion
Driving Agility Specific Vehicle, Maneuver or Action,
Enchanting* Cunning Alchemy, Focus, Items,
Gunnery Agility Corporate, High Society, Media, Mercenary, Street, Yakuza, etc.
Leadership Presence MGs, Launchers, Missiles, Assault Cannons, etc
Mechanics Intellect Single, Group, Military, Spiritual,
Medicine Intellect Ground, Aircraft, Watercraft, Electronics, Drones, Engineering, etc
Melee Brawn First Aid, Surgery, Toxicology, etc.
Navigation Intellect Bladed, Club, Style, etc
Negotiation Presence Land, Sea, Cave, Space
Perception Cunning Corporate, Street, Magic, Military, Matrix,
Piloting Agility
Ranged- Agility Specific Vehicle, Maneuver, or action.
Ranged-Light Agility Sport Rifles, SMGs, Sniper rifles, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, etc.
Resilience Brawn Light Pistols, Med. Pistols, Heavy Pistols, Machine Pistols, Thrown,
Skullduggery Cunning
Sorcery* Intellect Sleight of Hand, Lockpicking, Forgery, B&E,
Stealth Agility Damage, Divination, Illusion, Health, Manipulation, tradition,
Streetwise Cunning Urban, Rural
Summoning* Presence Town, Neighborhood, Race, Corp, Matrix,
Survival Cunning By Spirit type, Binding,
Vigilance Willpower Desert, Mountains, swamp, etc
Some Shadowrun 5th edition Conversion notes.
These are not hard and fast rules, they were used as guides through the conversion process.

Roughly adjusted by dividing by 3. Starting character max is 5 however this could conceivably
go up to 6 maximum.

Anything adjusting an ATTRIBUTE had its rating divided by three.
So a +1 to +3 is a +1 in Genesys. So triple costs.

Lethality: This system leans toward a slightly more lethal model of Genesys. While weapon
damages are (for the most part) pretty similar the reduction of critical ratings via various ammo
and such tend to make the game more dangerous. This is easily ignored if desired.
Weapons damage = Shadowrun 5th damage -1 [ish] This works up to around 10. Then some
fudging. Because it seemed pretty close? I scaled up some Machine guns to make them more
threatening than assault rifles.
Burst Fire and Full auto [BF/FA] both became Autofire.
SingleShot [SS] became Prepare 1
Accuracy [ACC] determined rough range but was eventually dropped for typical ranges.
Armor Piercing [AP] general tracked to Pierce 1, 2 etc
Recoil [RC], which is a large part of Shadowrun is gone. I attempted a few variants and it simply
wasn’t needed for my group so we skipped it.{Proving yes I didn’t keep EVERYTHING]
If you wish to model it, it could be treated like Cumbersome, with recoil adding Setback dice if
the characters brawn is too low, with Gas Vent / Shockpads and such removing it. Good luck
Ammo See Ammo / Reloading section inChapter 3: Combat
Availablity = Shadowrun 5th availability rates of 1-5 remain the same in Rarity for genesys,
halving amounts over 5 and adding them to 5. Sometimes. Basically just eyeballed it.
Hard Points were standard Genesys stuff although modified down for integral equipment on a
weapon like Laser sight etc.

Shadowrun Armor Rating / 4 = ROUGHLY Genesys Armor
Armor Hard Points also / 4 with adjustments by type, or assumed bulk. +/- 1 or such.
Gear Delivery Times: Unchanged

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