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Assignment 1

Due Date : 12 May 2024

Weighting : 10 %
Purpose : This assignment will help you to demonstrate your
broaden your understanding of electroanalytical techniques.
Assessment Criteria : Students will receive a score out of 70.
How to Submit : Submit your TYPED assignment as hardcopy by 15:00 on
Friday 12th of May 2024.

Please Note: A plagiarism report should be attached to the assignment. A reference list will
also be required, including in text referencing. A link will be created for online submission
so that you can generate your plagiarism report. Maximum similarity of 15 % will be allowed.
If above 15%, you will incur penalties for the submission.
1. The pH electrode is the most popular ion-selective electrode used for measurements of various
substances. Explain the meaning of the alkaline error and the acid error of a glass membrane
pH electrode?

The alkaline error and acid error are two types of systematic errors that can occur in glass membrane pH
electrodes, leading to inaccuracies in pH measurements. These errors are primarily associated with
deviations from ideal Nernstian behavior and can affect the electrode's performance in specific pH ranges.

Alkaline Error:
The alkaline error, also known as the low pH error or negative slope error, occurs when the glass membrane
electrode exhibits a response that deviates from the ideal Nernstian behavior in alkaline solutions (pH > 7).
In alkaline solutions, the electrode may generate a potential that is lower than expected based on the Nernst
equation. This results in a pH reading that is higher than the actual pH of the solution. The alkaline error is
typically attributed to the presence of alkaline earth metal ions (e.g., calcium, magnesium) or other cations
that can interfere with the ion exchange process at the glass membrane-solution interface. These interfering
ions may compete with H+ ions for binding sites on the glass membrane, leading to reduced sensitivity to
changes in H+ ion concentration and a negative slope in the calibration curve.

Acid Error:
The acid error, also known as the high pH error or positive slope error, occurs when the glass membrane
electrode exhibits a response that deviates from the ideal Nernstian behavior in acidic solutions (pH < 7). In
acidic solutions, the electrode may generate a potential that is higher than expected based on the Nernst
equation. This results in a pH reading that is lower than the actual pH of the solution. The acid error is
typically attributed to the presence of alkali metal ions (e.g., sodium, potassium) or other cations that can
interfere with the ion exchange process at the glass membrane-solution interface. These interfering ions may
enhance the sensitivity of the electrode to changes in
H+ ion concentration, leading to a positive slope in the calibration curve.

2. List three (3) variables can be optimized to improve on the resolution in chromatography? (3)
Stationary Phase: The choice of stationary phase can significantly impact resolution. Selecting a stationary phase
with different properties (e.g., polarity, particle size, pore size) can alter the interactions between the analytes and
the stationary phase, leading to improved separation.

Mobile Phase Composition: The composition of the mobile phase, including solvent type, pH, and additives, can be
adjusted to optimize resolution. Changing the polarity or selectivity of the mobile phase can influence the retention
and elution of analytes, leading to better separation.
Flow Rate: The flow rate of the mobile phase through the column affects the time each analyte spends interacting
with the stationary phase. Adjusting the flow rate can help optimize the balance between retention time and

Column Temperature: Temperature can impact the interactions between analytes and the stationary phase.
Modifying the column temperature can alter retention times and improve resolution by optimizing the separation of
closely eluting peaks.

Column Length and Diameter: Changing the dimensions of the chromatographic column, such as length and
diameter, can influence resolution. Longer columns generally provide better resolution but may increase analysis
time, while narrower columns can lead to higher efficiency and improved resolution.

Injection Volume: The volume of sample injected onto the column can affect peak shape and resolution.
Optimizing the injection volume to ensure that analyte peaks are not too broad or too narrow can improve

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