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Spring vibe

@n_olegovna_english @englishfoxy
What images spring to mind when
you hear the season “spring’?

Answer the questions

What do you think is the most unique thing about the spring

How do you think springtime weather affects people’s moods?

What do you think is the best way to appreciate the beauty of the
spring season?

What do you think is the most magical thing about the spring season?
Read the quotes and reflect on
them.Is there a connection between
spring and love
Spring is the time to bloom like a flower with all our beauty.
It is the time to spread the fragrance of our love and fill the
air with joy. — Debasish Mridha

Love will put a spring in your step and

a bounce in your heart. — Jon Jones

There was something tender and gentle about

our love, something a little shy, that was like
early spring. — Sheldon Vanauken

And in the spring, it's touching to notice them

making their first discovery of love! As if nobody
had ever known it before! —

Love is the life spring of our existence. The more love you
give, the happier you feel and the more love you will have
within you to give. — Susan L. Taylor

Spring shows the power and love of the earth; she

can grow magnificent flowers from the dirt. —
Debasish Mridha
Pink Sweats
David Bowden known professionally as Pink
Sweats (stylized as Pink Sweat$), is an
American R&B singer and songwriter.After
writing material for other artists, he made
his recorded debut in 2018 and has released
projects like 2020's The Prelude with the
intent of creating a lasting emotional
connection with listeners.

call - називати worst - найгірший
no pretend – не робити вигляд, put sb first – поставити когось
не вдавати на перше місце
the very end – до самого кінця swear - присягатися
stick - триматися stay - залишитися
cave in - обвалитися forever - назавжди
don’t worry – не хвилюйся hold hand – тримати за руку
whenever - всякий раз, коли fill – заповнювати
worth - цінність right here – прямо тут
need – потребувати sink - тонути

Match words to the pictures

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10
Look at the title of the song.
What are your expectations? IS
it going to be a happy or a sad
song? what is the main theme of
the song ( love, youth, problems

While Listening
Task 1 Match the halves
1. Can I call you baby? a) up until the very end?
2. Can you be my lover b) when the world is caving in, yeah
3. Let me show c) Can you be my friend?
4. Stick by my side even d) you love, oh, no pretend

Task 2 Correct the mistake

1. Oh, oh, oh, don't, don't you suffer
2. I'll be there whenever you need me
3. I need somebody who must love me at my worst
4. No, I'm not the best, but I hope you see my worth
5. 'Cause it's only you, nobody old, I put you first
6. And for you, girl, I pray I'd do the worst

Task 3 Replace the pictures with the words

If you stay forever, let me

I can fill those places in your no one else can

Let me show you love, oh, , yeah

I'll be right here, baby, you know it's or swim

Task 4 Replace synonym by the word from
the song
1. I demand somebody who can love me at my worst
2. No, I'm not perfect, but I hope you see my value
3. 'Cause it's only you, nobody modern, I put you first
4. And for you, girl, I vow I'd do the worst

Task 5
Translate the chorus
of the song

I need somebody who can

love me at my worst
No, I'm not perfect, but I
hope you see my worth
'Cause it's only you, nobody
new, I put you first
And for you, girl, I swear I'd
do the worst

Task 6 Answer the questions

1. Did you like the song?

2. What associations were caused by the song?
3. What are your feeling about it?
4. What is the idea of the song?
5. Would you like to add it to your playlist?
After Listening
Grammar corner - Requests
Найпоширеніший спосіб вираження прохань-за
допомогою модальних дієслів can / could.

Can I call you baby?

Приклад з пісні Can you be my friend?
Can you be my lover up until the very end?

Різниця між використанням в проханнях даних модальних дієслів полягає

лише в ступені ввічливості.
Зазвичай використовуємо сan в проханнях, але якщо ваше прохання
звернено до людини старшої за віком або яка займає більш високу посаду,
бажано вживати could.

Task 7 Make up sentences with requests using can

А) вам хочете подзвонити батькам, але ваш телефон розрядився

В) ви хочете дізнатися, котра година;

З) ви хочете, щоб ваш співрозмовник говорив повільніше;

D) ви хочете, щоб вам допомогли з домашнім завданням.

Grammar corner - degress of comparison

Task 8 Count the repetitions of the word "worst'
petitio Irregular adjectives use completely different forms

bad -worse- the worst


To work on this topic follow the link

Stephen Sanchez
Stephen Christopher Sanchez is an American
singer-songwriter. Based in Nashville, Tennessee,
Sanchez released his debut extended play, What
Was, Not Now, in October 2021. In September 1,
2021, Sanchez released the single "Until I Found
You", which peaked at number 23 on the Billboard
Hot 100 and number 16 on the UK Singles Chart.

wrap up - укутати, обернути within - серед
arms - руки darkness - темрява
again - знову pull in - притягнути
hold somebody - тримати когось caught (catch) - спіймати
fall in love - закохатися heaven - рай
unless - доки

Task 1 Unscramble the words

1. ardnsesk 5.sarm
2. itwhin 6. nussel
3. gania 7. pu pawr
4. vanhee 8. augcht

Look at the title of the song.

What are your expectations? IS
it going to be a happy or a sad
song? what is the main theme of
the song ( love, youth, problems
While Listening
Task 1 Fill in the missing word
Georgia, me up in all your...
I want ya', in my
Oh, let me ya'
I'll never let you go , like I did
Oh I say
Task 2 Put the correct order
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I would never fall in love again until I found her"

I found you

I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"

Task 3 Circle the correct word

Georgia, pulled/grabbed/took me in
I asked to hold/love/like her, once again
You fell, I caught/broken/left ya'
I'll forever/never/ever let you go again, like I did
Oh I used to speak/say/tell

Task 4 Translate the chorus of the song

"I would never fall in love again
until I found her"
I said, "I would never fall unless
it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness,
but then I found her
I found you
After Listening
Task 5 Answer the questions
1. Did you like the song?
2. What associations were caused by the song?
3. What are your feeling about it?
4. What is the idea of the song?
5. Would you like to add it to your playlist?

Grammar corner - used to

Конструкція used to використовується для
вираження повторюваних дій або звичок у
минулому. Used to має тільки одну форму
минулого часу та не використовується в
інших часових формах.
Значення конструкції used to можна
передати словами «раніше», «колись»,
«раніше звичайно» тощо.

Приклад з пісні
Oh I used to say
Task 6 Think about what you used to like at the
age of five.Write true sentences about
yourself with used to or didn't use to
1. be afraid of the dark
2. play with dolls
3. listen to bedtime stories
4. watch a lot of cartoons
5. have a piano lessons
6. listen to stories at bedtime
Keys Pink Sweats
Vocabulary Task 7
1. hold hands
While listening 1. Can I use your
2. worth Task 1 Task 3
2. Can you tell me
3. sink 1. Hold hand
1с2a3d4b what time is it
4. fill 2. Heart
3. Can you speak
5. call Task 2 3. no pretend
6. swear 4. Sink
1. Suffer- worry 4. Can you help me
7. right here
2. Want-need Task 4 with homework
8. worst
9. forever
3. Must – can 1. Need - Demand Task 8
4. The best- perfect 2. Worth - value
10. need 3. New-modern worst - 6 times
5. Old – new
6. Pray –swear 4. Swear - vow

Keys Stephen Sanchez

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
wrap 1. "I would never fall in love again 1. pulled
arms until I found her" 2. love
hold 2. I said, "I would never fall unless 3. caught
again it's you I fall into" 4. never
used to 3. I was lost within the darkness, 5. say
but then I found her
4. I found you


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