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Comparative Anatomy

The Digestive System

Unicellular Organisms
● Most unicellular organisms do not require digestion because most of their
nutrients are already small enough to be absorbed into the cell
● However, some, like the paramecium, are able to bring in solid particles as food
○ These use lysosomes, packed with hydrolytic enzymes, to breakdown the
contents of the food vacuoles.
● Plants and other autotrophic organisms do not always require digestion.
● As always, there are exceptions
○ Plants that cannot get nitrogen from the soil (ie. Venus flytrap or pitcher
plant), get nitrogen by digesting insects in specialized leaf structures that
secrete digestive enzymes.
Multicellular Organisms
● Multicellular organisms have a variety of specialized digestive organs.
○ Annelids (ie. earthworm) have a series of organs for digesting - mouth,
pharynx, esophagus, crop, gizzard, intestine
○ Orthopterans (grasshoppers) use the same type of digestive parts as the
earthworm, however, they also have an organ called the gastric caeca.
○ Amphibians (frog) also have much the same type of digestive organs,
however, they do not have a crop or gizzard. Instead, they have a stomach.
● Each of these organisms also have specialized mouth parts so that they can eat
their natural foods.
Evolution of the Digestive System
Two-Way Digestion
● Simple animals have a single digestive
pouch with a single opening.
● Food enters through the opening, waste
leaves through the same opening.
● These organisms must finish digesting
before eating again.
● The digestive system evolution
continues as a straight tube with an
opening at either end.
○ examples of this are found in the species
● As the digestive tube lengthened it
began to coil
One Way Digestion
● More complex animals have one-way digestion.
● Food enters one opening and waste leaves
from another.
● Animals with one-way systems can eat any
time, which is an advantage.

Earthworm Digestive System


Frog Digestive System

•Small intestine
•Large intestine
Human Digestive
Organism 1 Organism 2

Activity time!
Organism 3 Organism 4
Working individually...

❏ Examine pg. 208 - 211 in the Biology 11 text

❏ Fold a sheet of white paper into 4 quadrants
❏ Choose 4 of the 5 organisms that are discussed in the textbook (earthworm, hydra,
human, chicken, amoeba)
❏ Summarize the digestive system of 1 organism in each square.
❏ Highlight the main similarities and differences. Consider both form (what it looks like),
and function (what it does). Use colour & be creative! ☺

Pass into your folders at the end of class.

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