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Dency H.

Tuastumban BSEd-Engkish-2


Chapter 1


In a concept map, elaborate “Information Communication Technology” by filling out the circles with
words you can associate to the phrase. You may add circles if you could think of more words.

Processing Unit




Mobile Devices Innovation


1. Technology is beneficial to education when…

a. It is utilized properly in the teaching-learning process.
b. It is only used for leisure.
c. It is too costly.

2. In education, technology is bane when…

a. The learner makes use of technology for learning.
b. The learner surfs the internet for pornography and games.
c. The teachers use particular software for classroom resources.
d. The learners use of educational media.
3. The following are the roles of technology in learning, except:
a. Information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning-by-constructing.
b. It confines learning only in the classroom.
c. It is a tool to support knowledge construction.

Learning Activities
Activity 1

1. Ask your parents or siblings about the teaching aids that were used in the delivery of
instruction on the following subjects when they were still in high school. Make an inventory
of their teaching aids and yours in the following table.

Subject: ENGLISH

Teaching aids used Year graduated in high Teaching aids used Year graduated in high
(parents) school (student) school
Textbooks 1999 Updated Books 2019

Papers 1999 Manila Paper 2019

Chalkboard 1995 Cartolina 2020

Encyclopedia 1995 Whiteboard 2019

Globes 1995 E-books 2020

Journals 1999 Podcasts 2020

Projects 1999 Social Media 2020

Magazines 1995 Computer 2020

Book Excerpts 1995 Online Blogs 2019

Charts 1999 Television 2019

Subject: SCIENCE

Teaching aids used Year graduated in high Teaching aids used Year graduated in high
(parents) school (student) school
Globe 1999 Microscope 2019

Map 1999 Skeleton 2019

Rocks 1995 Cartolina 2020

Chromite 1995 Whiteboard 2019

Chalkboard 1995 Compass 2020

Science books 1999 Test tube 2020

Projects 1999 Diagram 2020

Magazines 1995 Laboratory Equipment 2020

Plants 1995 Mannequin 2019

Charts 1999 Periodic Tables 2019

Subject: MATH

Teaching aids used Year graduated in high Teaching aids used Year graduated in high
(parents) school (student) school
Tables 1999 Textbooks 2019

Physical Objects 1999 Manila Paper 2019

Chalkboard 1995 Flashcards 2020

Graphs 1995 Whiteboard 2019

Geometric Shapes 1995 Cartolina 2020

Journals 1999 Social Media Platforms 2020

Workbooks 1999 Calculator 2020

Math books 1995 Compass 2020

Puzzles 1995 Mobile phones 2019

Charts 1999 Graphing Paper 2019

2. Make an evaluation/assessment on the teaching aids used during your parents’ time and


1. Parents' Time:

- Textbooks provided structured content but lacked real-time updates.

- Chalkboards were effective for visual aids but had limitations in erasability.
- Encyclopedias offered comprehensive information but lacked interactivity.
- Journals fostered research skills but might have been limited in accessibility.
2. Students' Time:
- Updated books offer current information and multimedia features, enhancing learning
- Cartolina provides a versatile surface for presentations and group work, improving visibility
and durability compared to traditional chalkboards.
- Whiteboards offer interactivity and multimedia integration, enhancing engagement and
- Podcasts offer auditory learning experiences, catering to diverse learning styles and providing
access to varied perspectives.


1. Parents' Time:
- Globes and rocks provided tangible examples for geographical and geological study,
- Science books and journals offered foundational knowledge and supplementary reading
- Plants provided tangible specimens for botanical study, fostering hands-on exploration.

2. Students' Time:
- Microscopes enable hands-on exploration of microscopic structures, promoting scientific
inquiry and critical thinking.
- Cartolina aids in organizing information and enhances comprehension through visual
- Laboratory equipment facilitates practical application of theoretical knowledge, fostering
experiential learning.
- Mannequins aid in understanding human anatomy and physiology, providing practical learning
experiences in a controlled environment.


1. Parents' Time:
- Tables and graphs provided structured information and visual representations, respectively.
- Physical objects served as tangible aids for understanding mathematical concepts.

2. Students' Time:
- Textbooks offer comprehensive explanations and exercises, catering to various learning styles.
- Flashcards provide a portable and interactive way to practice and review mathematical
concepts, aiding in retention.
- Whiteboards offer interactivity and versatility, enabling dynamic teaching and learning
- Calculators aid in computational efficiency and problem-solving, allowing students to focus on
conceptual understanding.

In assessment, it's clear that teaching aids in the students' time offer advancements in
interactivity, multimedia integration, and practical application, providing more enriched and
engaging learning experiences compared to the more traditional aids used during parents' time.
These modern aids cater better to diverse learning styles and foster critical thinking and inquiry-
based learning. However, it's crucial to ensure that the integration of technology does not
overshadow the importance of foundational knowledge and hands-on experiences in education.
3. How’s the role of the teachers and the delivery of instruction changed with the integration of
ICT and education?

With the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into education,
teachers now play a more active role as guides in the learning process, helping students
explore digital resources and develop critical thinking skills. They personalize learning
experiences using online tools and apps, manage digital resources, and encourage
collaboration among students through online platforms. Teachers also innovate in teaching
methods, incorporating digital tools into lessons and using data to tailor instruction to
individual student needs. Additionally, they connect with educators globally, participate in
online professional development, and promote digital citizenship by teaching students about
online safety and responsible use of technology. Overall, ICT enhances teaching by making
learning more interactive, accessible, and relevant in today's digital world.

4. How can the use of technology be maximized in the teaching and learning process?

To make the most of technology in teaching and learning, teachers should use it in their
lessons to help students learn better. They need to learn how to use technology well, which
means they might need some training. It's important that every student has access to
technology and the internet. Teachers can use technology to help students work together
and learn in different ways. They can also use digital tests to see how well students are doing
and give them feedback quickly. When teachers use technology, they can make class more
fun and spend more time doing activities with students. It's also important for students to
learn how to use technology safely and wisely. With these ideas in mind, teachers can help
students learn better with technology.

Activity 2

A. In this activity, refer to your answer on the first number of Activity 1. Consolidate all the
teaching aids you gathered from your interview. Classify the teaching aids as to traditional
and modern. List down the teaching aids accordingly in the box provided below.

Traditional Teaching Aids Modern Teaching Aids

1. Textbooks 1. Updated Books

2. Papers 2. Whiteboard
3. Chalkboard 3. E-books
4. Encyclopedia 4. Podcasts
5. Globes 5. Social Media
6. Journals 6. Computer
7. Projects 7. Online Blogs
8. Magazines 8. Television
9. Book Excerpts 9. Microscope
10. Charts 10. Skeleton
11. Tables 11. Compass
12. Physical Objects 12. Test tube
13. Graphs 13. Diagram
14. Geometric Shapes 14. Laboratory Equipment
15. Workbooks 15. Mannequin
16. Math books 16. Periodic Tables
17. Puzzles 17. Flashcards
18. Manila Paper 18. Social Media Platforms
19. Cartolina 19. Calculator
20. Mobile phones
21. Graphing Paper

B. In a venn diagram, compare and contrast the traditional and modern teachings by
considering their advantages and disadvantages.

Traditional Modern
Advantages: Advantages:
-Established methods -Used for -Enhanced interactivity
-Familiarity teaching -Access to up-to-date
-Low initial cost information
-Personalized -Aim to impart -Multimedia
knowledge/skills integration
Disadvantages: -Collaborative learning
-Aim to enhance Disadvantages:
-Limited interactivity learning -High initial cost
-Outdated information outcomes -Digital divide
-Less engagement -Distractions
-Less flexibility -Utilize various -Reliance on
resources and technology
tools -Potential privacy

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