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Trend setup trade #4:

I had three long levels on the USD/CAD that got all hit in one day. All were based on the Trend
setup. My first long level got hit right at the market open. The market opened with a gap exactly
at my level which was really good confirmation of the level. Usually, markets tend to close such
gaps which in this case would mean an upward movement resulting in a profit. However, at that
time my spreads were still pretty wide (as it is usual with all brokers around the market open) and
for that reason, I didn’t enter the trade. As you can see from the picture below, the reaction was
really nice. The second and third levels were both winners.

Trend setup trade #5:

There were two short levels I wanted to trade on the USD/CAD. The first one was based on Trend
setup and the second one on Rejection setup combined with Volume accumulation setup.
Unfortunately, the reactions to both levels came a bit sooner and both levels got tested before
the price actually touched them. For this reason, I had to discard them both = I didn’t consider
them valid anymore and I didn’t take them when the price actually touched them.

Trend setup trade #6:

Trend setup trade #7:

Trend setup trade #8:

Trend setup trade #9:

Trend setup trade #10:

Trend setup trade #11:


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