Assignment 1. Planning

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Assignment 1. Do I sense a Need?

You have two options in making this assignment. You may either think of a
new CRP OR you may look at your office’s present CRP.


A. Conceptualize a new CRP:

Fill out the table below following the procedure and using guide
questions in each item.

1. Provide a brief description of the sector/social environment and CRP

2. Conduct a SWOC Analysis (see Module 3). A bullet list of the items you
have identified will do.
3. Identify the CR-related issues and concerns of the target sector that
your organization can continue or start working on. A listing of these
issues will do.
4. Using any of the prioritization criteria discussed in the module,
provide a list of prioritized issues and concerns of the CRP.

Prioritization of Issues/Concerns
Brief description of sector/social environment:
1. What is the sector/social environment you want to work on?
A: Children enrolled at Capurictan Day Care Center
2. What % of the overall/community (or school) population are they?
3. Why do they need a CRP? What concerns do children or the selected sector
face here that need a program?
A: To determine whether or not the children enrolled at Capurictan Day Care
Center are able to learn conducively based on their current Day Care Center
Brief description of location:
1. Where are the chosen children/sector located?
A: They are located at the municipality of Solsona, Ilocos Norte
2. What is the condition of their physical, social, economic and cultural
Emphasize on the condition that led to the development of a CRP and your
CRP focus, e.g. Absence of street lights
A: While the physical condition of the children are well, the environment to
which they are exposed while studying may affect the quality of their

Organizational Issues/ Prioritiz Prioritized

Strength Weaknesse Opportuniti Constra Concerns ation Issues/Con
s s es ints Criteria cerns
o Socia o Poor o Develop o LGU o Perso o Repair
l manage ment of is ns and
work ment of the low not mainten
er are facilities develop on involv ance of
dedic ; ment budg ed in the
ated o Slight center: et; the child
in attentio installati child develop
provi n from on of air devel ment
ding LGU; conditio opme centers;
qualit o Develop ning nt o Prohibit
y ment units, cente ion of
early center is reconstr rs use of
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care; other the the parent
o Paren purpose comfort facilit or non
ts of s of the rooms; ies day
stude baranga plumbing inten care
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suppo the change Day develop
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activi classes material er, facilitie
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of the children. on up-to- by
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cente n of
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Values and Goals

What beliefs/principles/values does your organization believe are important
in relation to child rights protection?

We believe that it is the right of every child to learn in a conducive

environment, complete with all the materials they need for quality learning.
It is just that the place where a child learns must be kept and treated well
as it affects the well being of the child learner

What sector/s necessitate/s a CRP? What issues/concerns will the CRP
focus on? What changes do you wish to take place given the issues of the
particular sector?

In this CRP, the participation of the municipal and barangay government

unit, the DSWD, and stakeholders are essential. The CRP shall focus on
young learners and their right to a conducive environment for learning. It is
the goal of this CRP to be able to provide and maintain a well-equipped
child development center for future learners to come.

General Objectives Specific Objectives
What strategies will match the What specific outcomes or outputs
desired changes given a particular match the desired changes given a
period? particular period?

Conduct yearly audit of all the The social worker assigned to the
properties of the Day Care Center development center shall be able to
and create a detailed compilation of create a liquidation record of all
audits for reference. properties of the center and provide
yearly reports of repairs, and
Stimulate active participation of the maintenance of facilities complete
LGU, NGOs, and stakeholders in the with reports on costs.
advancement of the development
center. Reach out to LGU, NGOs, and
stakeholders to sponsor activities of
the day care center.

Criteria for assessment of Assignment 1

Completeness of information provided 10 points

Fit between social environment, SWOC analysis, 10 points

and values, goals, and objectives
Logical organization & clarity of expression 5 points

Deadline of submission: November 10, 2023

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