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Here are some important front-end web developer interview questions that
you might encounter in your technical round:

### HTML and CSS:

1. **Explain the difference between `<div>` and `<span>` elements.**

2. **How do you handle responsive design, and what are the key components of a
responsive website?**
3. **What is the box model in CSS, and how does it work?**
4. **Can you explain the concept of Flexbox and how it differs from CSS Grid?**
5. **Describe the purpose and usage of the CSS `box-sizing` property.**

### CSS Pre-processing Tools:

6. **Compare and contrast LESS, SASS, and SCSS. Why might you choose one over the
others in a specific project?**
7. **How do variables and mixins improve the maintainability of CSS code in a pre-
processor environment?**

### Web Standards and Compatibility:

8. **What are the advantages and disadvantages of using vendor prefixes in CSS?**
9. **Explain the importance of W3C in web development.**
10. **How do you ensure cross-browser compatibility in your projects?**

### CSS Frameworks and Templating Languages:

11. **Describe your experience with CSS frameworks like Bootstrap. What are its key
features, and how have you customized it in your projects?**
12. **Explain the role of templating languages like Jinja2/Mustache/Typescript in
web development.**

### JavaScript and DOM Manipulation:

13. **What is event delegation, and why is it useful in JavaScript?**

14. **Explain the concept of closures in JavaScript. How are they useful in front-
end development?**
15. **How would you optimize a website's performance in terms of loading speed?**

### Problem-Solving and Previous Project Experience:

16. **Can you describe a challenging problem you faced in a previous project and
how you solved it?**
17. **Walk us through the process of translating a UI design into code for a
specific feature in one of your projects.**
18. **Discuss a situation where you had to prioritize tasks to meet a tight
deadline. How did you manage your time?**

### General:

19. **Why did you choose to pursue a career in front-end development?**

20. **How do you stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the front-
end development landscape?**

Remember to tailor your responses based on your experiences and be prepared to

provide practical examples from your previous work. Good luck with your interview!

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