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February, 1 92 9 RADIO AMATEUR NEWS 4 I I

Banked Winding and How It is Done

AGREA -1 deal has been said about the layer coil, and one and one- tlfird times little beyond the end of the preceding one
"bank winding" in the description the wave length of the long single layer before carrying it up or down, and that
of recent radio instruments, and coil with no increase in wire necessary and the bends in the wire where such turn is
many excellent designs have been printed a 50% saving in space. If the above re- carried up should be made as sharp as pos-
giving full details of the con- sible in order to have a firm
struction of the apparatus up and neat appearing job. The
to the point where it says winding should be kept very
"Put on a two layer bank tight, and a slight "tacki-
winding," and there the de- ness" to the form, obtained
tails stop. Inquiries regard- by having it varnished and
ing this particular form of only partially dry, -or by
coil bring forth the interest- having grooves cut in the
ing but not at all explana- form, will aid materially in
tory reply that it is a form preventing the winding from
of winding in which the dis- falling. This, however, will
tributed capacity is reduced not be necessary when one
to near the minimum, and becomes more experienced
the inductance of the coil in laying the winding.
for a given amount of wire Having once mastered the
and space occupied very two layer bank winding, the
greatly increased over the three or four layer winding
single layer type of coil. As will be obvious. For a three
a particular example, the cal- layer winding put on the
culated inductance of a coil first five turns as for the
four inches in diameter and two layers, but do not come
six inches long, wound with down to the form at the
216 turns (single layer) of fifth turn; instead, continue
No. 22 single silk-covered up until the end of the sixth.
wire, would be 2,354,000 cen- and come down on it. With
timeters, and with a con- a single experiment the
denser of .0005 mf capacity method will be quite easily
would tune to a wave length seen. Fig. 9 shows the lay
of 2,045 meters. With a coil of the strands in a three
wound twelve inches long, layer bank.
four inches in diameter and The Above Photograph Illustrates Clearly the Method for Banked Winding Once the art of laying a
By Following This the Amateur Should Be Able to Wind His inductances
432 turns (single layer) the Without Difficulty. The Arrow Indicates the Direction in Which the Wire is bank winding is acquired, the
inductance would be in- Wound on the Tube. experimenter will use it for
creased to 5,498,000 centi- sults can obtained almost all of his coils, as of-
meters, and with the same condenser would be without reducing the fering great economy in space and wire over
tulle to a wave length of 3,125 meters, vious, efficiency of the coil, the advantage is ob- the single layer coil, and even a coupler
or about one and one -half times the wave efficientand for
the bank winding is nearly as made for the reception of the amateurs using
length of the short coil. But with a coil type radio work as the single layer this form of winding will be found most
of the same length as the first above of coil. This cannot be said of the satisfactory, as it may be unusually com-
mentioned wound with a two layer bank. simple the
back and forth type of winding, as pact even tho
distributed wound with fairly heavy
having approximately the same amount of placed is very large. capacity of the layers so wire. which is quite a necessity at the short
wire as the second coil, the inductance wave lengths if Litz wire is not available.
The accompanying figures explain in de-
tail the steps followed in putting on a two linear dimensions-A coil approximating the
would be 9,496,000 centimeters, and with Editor's Notc.
the above condenser would tune to a wave layer bank winding of the type devised by coil may be constructed of a standard honeycomb
length of 4,105 meters, which is twice the Bureau along these lines
possible wave length of the short single the of Standards and recommend- by winding several one -inch layers sepa-
ed by them. The wire is carried around rated by thin cardboard. A coil of this type
the form for two turns as in Fig. 1. A should give excellent
sharp bend is then made in the strand, results.
and it is carried to the top of these first
two turns as in Fig. 2. At the completion
of the third turn, the strand is carried
about a sixteenth of an inch beyond this
first bend, and then carried down to the
tube or form again, to begin the fourth
turn, as in Fig. 3. It is then carried
around the form to make the fourth turn,
going about a quarter of an inch beyond
the place where the beginning of the turn
came down onto the tube, and is carried up
onto the top of the preceding two turns
as before. This is the beginning of the
fifth turn, Fig. 4, and after being carried
around the form as for the third turn,
is again brought down onto the tube as
f/&.3 for the fourth turn, and the process re-
peated, Fig. 5. The completed winding
will then appear as in the photograph, Fig.
R, and the strands will lie on the coil as in
Fig. 7. Fig. 6 shows the side view of the
winding, explaining how turn number five
0 :
O: O:O O:0:0: 0:ci:Q,:F.: ®:
F/6 7
is carried slightly beyond turn number
four before it is carried up onto the pre-
ceding turns (numbers two and four), and 000000.6D00.0.0
F/6. ß also shows how the beginning of turn num- 00.0.0 °Rot, ® ®:ttT:9:dri
ber six is carried slightly beyond turn num- O.ito.o.o.o.t3.®.cesketo
ber five and brought down.
in the Drawing the Arrow indicates the With these simple directions, if one will F/6.9
Direction of Winding. Fig. Shows the Be
ginning of the Bend. In Fig. 2 the Bend take the time to carefully try out a small 4
Has Been Made and the Wire le Now Wound winding for practice, no very great diffi- Flg. 5 Shows the Fifth Turn Brought Over
In the Groove, Between the First Two Turns. he Second Bend. A Side View of the Wind-
In Fig. 3 the Fourth Turn le Brought over
culty should be experienced. A couple of ing Is Shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 7 Shows
the Bend, as Shown. In Flu. 4 the Fifth trials will make one expert in the laying Section and Numbers of the Wires the Cross
as They
Turn Is Bent in the Same Manner as the of such a winding. The points to be noted Lle on the Coll for a Two-Layer Winding.
Third Turn. Fig, 9 Shows a CrossSection of a Three
are that each succeeding turn is carried a Layer Winding.

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