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Prof. Daniela Stanciu

Școala Gimnazială „George Voevidca” Câmpulung Moldovenesc

- Recapitularea și consolidarea cunoștințelor despre pluralul substantivelor (forme regulate și
- Să recunoască și să aplice corect regulile de plural pentru diverse categorii de substantive
(terminate în -o, -y, -x, -f/-fe, -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch);
- Să identifice și să exerseze pluraul neregulat al substantivelor;
- Să distingă cu ușurință între formele de singular și plural ale substantivelor;
- Să utilizeze corect pluralul substantivelor în contexte diverse (vorbire, scriere).

Exercise 1
Organize the nouns based on their plural endings. (20 items x 0,10p = 2p)

book bus watch lady toy pencil half potato

photo baby knife beach box glass teacher
butterfly dish key cliff leaf

-s -es -ves -ies

Exercise 2
Sort the following nouns by singular or plural. (20 items x 0,10p = 2p)

children hat mice roofs wife tomato class

chair houses street singers teeth legs tummy birds
men person piano feet people

Exercise 3
Make these sentences plural. (5 sentences x 0,20p = 1p)

a. I can see a fox in this picture.

b. Eat an orange if you’re hungry!
c. She drives her car to work.
d. Where is my key?
e. The child is drawing a kite.

Exercise 4
Complete the sentences with the plural forms of the nouns in brackets. (10 items x 0,10p = 1p)

a. I like _________________ and _________________ .(peach / strawberry)

b. They have got four _______________, two ____________ and two _________ . (child / girl
/ boy)
c. The dog’s _________________ are sharp. (tooth)
d. Do you know those _________________ over there? (person)
e. We have got some _________________ and _________________, but we haven´t got any
_________________. (egg / tomato / potato)
Exercise 5
Identify and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. (5 items x 0,20p = 1p)

a. The childrens’ room is large and nice.

b. Girl’s like to wear dresses.
c. Always brush your tooths before going to bed!
d. Can you see those two womans over there? They are my aunts.
e. I’ve got two partys this weekend.

Exercise 6
Read the text below and fill in the missing nouns. (5 items x 0,20p = 1p)

schools islands school students inhabitants

Rum and Canna are two very small 1……………….. near the west coast of Scotland. Rum
has about 40 2……………….. and Canna only has twelve. Each island has a small primary
……………….. and the same head teacher is in charge of both schools. At the moment, the head
teacher does not have a difficult job because the schools have no 4………………..! So why do the
islands need a head teacher for their 5………………..? According to the local council, the answer is
simple: ‘Things can change. We need schools for tomorrow’s children.’ So for now, the head
teacher’s job is safe.

Exercise 7
Write five nouns, each word starting with the last letter of the previous noun, singular or plural.
(5 items x 0,20p = 1p)

PEAR – R………………….. - ………………….. - ………………….. - ………………….. -


Exercise 8
Look at the picture below. Count the people/things in the picture and write the words on the dotted
line. ((5 items x 0,20p = 1p)
I can see …
a. three ………………………….
b. one ………………………….
c. four ………………………….
d. two ………………………….
e. eight ………………………….

Exercise 1
Organize the nouns based on their plural endings. (20 items x 0,10p = 2p)
-s -es -ves -ies
books teachers buses boxes halves ladies
toys keys watches glasses knives babies
pencils cliffs potatoes dishes leaves butterflies
photos beaches

Exercise 2
Sort the following nouns by singular or plural. (20 items x 0,10p = 2p)
Singular Plural
hat, wife, tomato, class, chair, street, tummy, children, mice, roofs, houses, singers, teeth,
person, piano legs, birds, men, feet, people

Exercise 3
Make these sentences plural. (5 sentences x 0,20p = 1p)
a. I can see some foxes in these pictures.
b. Eat some oranges if you’re hungry!
c. They drive their cars to work.
d. Where are my keys?
e. The children are drawing kites.

Exercise 4
Complete the sentences with the plural forms of the nouns in brackets. (10 items x 0,10p = 1p)
a. I like peaches and strawberries.
b. They have got four children, two girls and two boys.
c. The dog’s teeth are sharp.
d. Do you know those people/persons over there?
e. We have got some eggs and tomatoes, but we haven´t got any potatoes.

Exercise 5
Identify and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. (5 items x 0,20p = 1p)
a. The children’s room is large and nice.
b. Girls like to wear dresses.
c. Always brush your teeth before going to bed!
d. Can you see those two women over there? They are my aunts.
e. I’ve got two parties this weekend.

Exercise 6
Read the text below and fill in the missing nouns. (5 items x 0,20p = 1p)
Rum and Canna are two very small 1 islands near the west coast of Scotland. Rum has about
40 2 inhabitants and Canna only has twelve. Each island has a small primary 3 school and the same
head teacher is in charge of both schools. At the moment, the head teacher does not have a difficult
job because the schools have no 4 students! So why do the islands need a head teacher for their 5

schools? According to the local council, the answer is simple: ‘Things can change. We need schools
for tomorrow’s children.’ So for now, the head teacher’s job is safe.

Exercise 7 (5 items x 0,20p = 1p)

Students’ own answers.

Exercise 8
Look at the picture below. Count the people/things in the picture and write the words on the
dotted line. ((5 items x 0,20p = 1p)

three children, one umbrella/kite, four palm trees, two girls/beach towels, eight bushes

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