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Innovative e-Learning Resources

Software for e-learning and simulation of physical processes and phenomena

©VirtLabs 2008-2019
Key Features of the Products:
 Modern Design: The graphic content of the software corresponds to the modern level of quality in
the field of computer graphics and visualization

 Simplicity & Minimalism: Unobtrusive interface of software products and intuitive management of
virtual laboratory space

 High Interactivity: A high interactivity combined with visual demonstration of physical experiments
significantly increases the effectiveness of the learning process

 Realistic Experiments: Execution of simulation experiments is as close as possible to reality. The

software simulates process of working with the real equipment and repeats all sequence of actions
of the laboratory assistant

 Compliance with Educational Standards: Virtual laboratories meet modern educational standards
and are an effective complement to the real laboratory base of educational institutions

Reasons for Using Virtual Labs:

 Current laboratory benches and workshops are insufficiently equipped with modern devices,
facilities and apparatuses.

 The majority of laboratory benches and educational workshops are brought into action in the wake
of retirement; they do not meet modern requirements and became old-fashioned. All that can
invalidate the test results and give rise to a potential danger for the trainees.

 Laboratory equipment and benches demand annual updating that leads to additional financial

 Such areas as construction material engineering or physical chemistry are known to require, besides
the equipment, operating supply materials - raw materials, chemical agents, etc. Their costs are
rather high; undoubtedly hardware and software costs are also great, but versatility of computer
equipment and its widespread distribution may compensate this drawback.

 Modern computer technologies allow observing processes scarcely distinguishable in actual practice
without application of additional technics, for example because of the small sizes of observable

 Possibility of modeling processes which are radically impossible in laboratory conditions.

 Possibility of the experimental subtleties comprehension and observation in other time scale that is
important for the processes proceeding in a fraction of a second or, on the contrary, lasting several

 Safety is an important factor of the virtual laboratory, especially if the work is carried out under
high pressure or with chemical substances.

 Sometimes it is difficult to carry out re-analyses or check due to the rate of response of some
laboratory installations and the time allowed for the experiment.

 Acquisition of sufficient skills and an operational experience in specific fields demands repetitive
study operations that are not always possible due to frequent equipment failure and additional
expenses for operating supply.
Tasks Solved with Virtual Labs:
 Arousing students’ interest to learning and provide the equipment accessibility in order to contribute
to students’ learning activity and autonomy.

 Drawing students’ attention by means of multimedia taking into consideration their psychological
age peculiarities in order to improve the perception of teaching material.

 Control mastering the target material by every student.

 Facilitating training process for examinations and pass-fail tests.

 Assisting teachers and prevent them from routine work.

 Using out-of-class time for studying homework instructions.

 Introducing remote forms of learning, especially it is useful for educational institutions with poor
laboratory facilities.

Scope of Virtual Labs Application:

 Computer modelling of physical processes.

 Demonstration support of text- and workbooks.

 Lab practicum of students in computer classrooms.

 Distance learning.

 Systems of the staff’s professional skills improvement.

1. Virtual Laboratory Complex «Life Safety and Labor Protection»
1.1. The study of microclimatic conditions in the working area of industrial premises

OBJECTIVE: Familiarization with the theoretical foundations of rationing microclimatic factors, the study
of instruments, measurement techniques and assessment of microclimatic conditions in the working area of
the premises.

SUMMARY: Conducting laboratory work

includes the sequential execution of a
number of simulation experiments. The
implementation of each simulation
experience consists in performing a series
of sequential actions in accordance with
the standard experimental methodic. The
experiment examines the main indicators
of the microclimate of the industrial
premises: humidity and air temperature, air
velocity, atmospheric pressure and other

1.2. The study of the illumination of workplaces in artificial light

OBJECTIVE: The study the principles of the regulation of illumination in the workplace, the study of
illumination in the workplace using an analog luxmeter and an assessment of the level of illumination.

SUMMARY: A virtual lab simulates a

specially equipped cabin, enclosed by a
thick dark curtain. There are devices in the
cab that allow you to turn on the general
and combined lighting systems with
fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps,
change the voltage in the electrical network
using a laboratory autotransformer, and use
multi-colored shields to simulate the color of
the room walls.

1.3. The study of the effectiveness of the ventilation system

OBJECTIVE: The study of a standardized method of aerodynamic testing of general exchange ventilation
system and the determination of its effectiveness.

SUMMARY: In a virtual laboratory work, a

specially equipped aerodynamic test bench
of a general ventilation system is simulated.
The simulation model of the laboratory
bench includes a centrifugal fan with an
electric drive, a duct of constant cross
section, equipped with a special valve in the
form of a lobe diaphragm, a measuring
pneumometric tube (Pitot tube) and an
analog micromanometer.
1.4. The study of the process of static electrification in pneumatic conveying of granular

OBJECTIVE: The study the electrostatic spark hazard of the process of pneumatic transport of dielectric
materials, the determination the sensitivity of the object under study to the igniting effect of a discharge of
static electricity and assessing the effectiveness of the protective measures used.

SUMMARY: In virtual laboratory work, a

specially equipped stand is simulated,
including a solid-phase pneumatic
transport system (there is transporting of
a mixture of polymeric materials with a
particle size of 3 ... 5 mm in a closed
circulation cycle), a device for recording
electrical charges of static electricity, and
a discharge chamber («bomb») with a
capacity of 1 liter with two electrodes, one
of which is attached to the aluminum
lining of the bunker, and the second is

1.5. The study of electrical safety of electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V

OBJECTIVE: Familiarization of the ability to properly assess and ensure the required electrical safety
conditions for electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V.

SUMMARY: The virtual laboratory work

simulates the specially equipped stand with
measuring devices (milliameter, ammeter
and voltmeter), mnemonic panel, resistance
shop and toggle switches of operating
modes. The work also simulates additional
measuring devices — an electronic
megohmmeter (for measuring the
insulation resistance of cable phases) and
an electronic resistance meter for a
grounding device. The laboratory work is
divided into 3 educational and
methodological parts: work with the stand;
measurement of the insulation resistance of the cables; measurement of the resistance of the grounding
1.6. The study of flash and ignition temperatures of flammable liquids

OBJECTIVE: Familiarization of a standardized method for determining the flash point and ignition of
flammable liquids in an open crucible.

SUMMARY: A virtual laboratory work simulates a special device for determining flash and ignition
temperatures of flammable liquids in an open crucible. Laboratory equipment is placed in a fume hood that
provides timely exhaust of the combustion products of the studied liquids. Are testing of 10 samples of
flammable liquids: oil shale oil, oil varnish, diesel fuel, kerosene, white spirit, ethyl alcohol (ethanol),
methyl alcohol (methanol), engine oil, aviation oil and acetone.
2. Virtual Laboratory Complex «Hydromechanics»
2.1. Measurement of hydrostatic pressure, experimental confirmation of the basic hydrostatic
equation and Pascal's law

OBJECTIVE: The measurement with the help of spring pressure gauges of hydrostatic pressure at three
points of the column, deepened at different values of height the level of the liquid, which is absolutely at
rest under the action of gravity; confirmation based on the experimental data of the basic hydrostatic
equation and Pascal's law;
plotting the gauge pressure
graph versus depth.

SUMMARY: The laboratory

stand is presented in the form of
a vertical column into which
water is supplied from the
bottom up. Compressed air can
be forced into the upper part of
the column using a compressor.
At three points of the column are
connected spring pressure
gauges, measuring the
hydrostatic pressure of water.

2.2. The study of the relative rest of the fluid during rotational motion

OBJECTIVE: The observation the process of establishing the equilibrium of water in an open cylinder,
rotating at a constant angular velocity around the vertical axis; measurement of the coordinates of five
points of the free surface of the liquid, located at different distances from the axis of rotation; measuring
the height of the paraboloid of rotation and comparing it with the theoretical (with determining the relative

SUMMARY: The laboratory stand consists of a rotating platform on which a water tank is installed. The
rotation of the platform is carried out with the help of an electric motor, the rotational speed of which is
regulated during operation. Measurement of the marks of the free surface of the liquid is carried out using
a measuring needle.
2.3. Experimental determination of the terms Of D. Bernoulli's equation at steady non-uniform
motion of the liquid

OBJECTIVE: The experimentally determination the terms of the D. Bernoulli's equation for two cross-
sections of a glass tube, as well as the loss of total pressure between sections; calculating the average flow
rates and the corresponding velocity heads for the indicated living sections of the fluid flow; plotting, on
the scale of experimental data, a piezometric line and a full pressure line.

SUMMARY: The laboratory stand includes a pressure tank, a glass tube of variable cross section, a flow
meter tank and a system of measuring piezometers connected by flexible hoses to a glass tube. Water flow
in the system is measured using a stopwatch.
2.4. Construction of D. Bernoulli's diagram on a pressure pipeline of variable cross-section by
seven dimensional cross-sections of the pipeline

OBJECTIVE: The observation the transition of specific energy in a fluid flow from potential to kinetic
energy and back in accordance with D. Bernoulli's equation on a discharge pipe of variable cross section
using piezometers, as well as construction a piezometric and pressure line for the water flow by
experimental data.

SUMMARY: The hydraulic system includes a pressure tank, a glass tube of variable cross section
(expanding/tapering in the middle), a system of measuring piezometers and a flow meter tank. The angle
of the glass tube is adjustable during operation. Water flow in the system is measured using a stopwatch.
2.5. Study of hydraulic resistance of pressure pipe

OBJECTIVE: The determination from experimental data of the value of the hydraulic friction coefficient
and the value of the local resistance coefficient for three types of local resistances; the establishment of
areas of hydraulic resistance, in which the sections of the pressure pipeline worked; the calculating the
values of hydraulic friction coefficients according to the corresponding empirical formulas; the finding
reference values of local resistance
coefficients; the evaluation of the
convergence of the experimental
coefficients of hydraulic friction and
local resistance with their calculated
(reference) values; the plotting a
pressure chart according to the
experimental data.

SUMMARY: The laboratory stand

consists of a combined pipeline
simulating various connections, a
stand with measuring piezometers, a
water tower and a flow meter tank.
Water flow in the system is measured
using a stopwatch.

2.6. Experimental illustration of the laminar and turbulent flow of fluid

OBJECTIVE: The experimentally confirmation the existence of laminar and turbulent flow of fluid by
observing the process of staining a stream of water in a glass tube; the calculation according to the
experiments of the Reynolds number values in the laminar and turbulent regimes, comparing them with the
critical one; the plotting, according to the experimental data, a graph of the pressure loss along the length
of the mean flow velocity, determining with its help the critical velocity and the critical Reynolds number;
the confirmation (using the plotted graph) of the proportionality of head loss along the length of the
average flow velocity to the first degree in the laminar mode, and in the case of turbulence - to the extent
of 1.75≤m≤2.

SUMMARY: The laboratory stand consists of a pressure tank, a horizontal glass tube, two measuring
piezometers and a flow meter tank. A trickle of colored liquid is fed into the glass tube, allowing you to
visually observe the flow pattern. To change the water flow in the system, there is a control valve installed
at the end of the pipeline. Water flow in the system is measured using a stopwatch.

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