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Organisé par la Mairie de Cotonou

Sous le haut patronage du Maire Luc Sètondji ATROKPO
BAC : 2024
Classe : TLE A Durée : 3H Date : 25/05/24

Eléments de réponse Grille

Item 1 : Reproducing and completing a chart with the agent (who has done/to do Insister sur le respect de la consigne
what) or the action (what has been done /is to be done) L’ordre doit être respecté
The agent The action
President Bola Tinubu on Thursday D’autres propositions de réponses peuvent être acceptées
played host to President Bassirou
Diomaye Faye of Senegal
make the people the point of convergence in
Constitutional democracy
President Bassirou Diomaye Faye
of Senegal.
Item2: Answering questions based on the text. Au n° 1, « early marriage » peut être ajouté aux facteurs
1- The challenges confronting the West African region are terrorism, banditry, La question 2 n’est un « Yes or No question » Accepter tout
human trafficking and poverty autre justification sensée .
2- Democracy can be sustained by the respect and observance of critical institutions La réponse au n° 4 peut commencer par « No » . Le réponse
and precepts, like the judiciary and the rule of law, must be respected and négative s’impose ici en raison de la justification .
observed .

3- The president of Seal is to meet the hope and aspiration of the West African youths.
4- Violating the rule of law and promoting unconstitutional takeover of government
must be avoided to make people the focus of West African democracy.
5- Senegal promote democratic governance.
Justification: “We share good backgrounds, and we will continue to embrace and
promote democratic governance”
Item3:Finding in the text antonyms of given words: Rappeler que ‘antonym’ et ’opposite sont les mêmes
1- Played host to Les apprenants doivent éviter de recopier l’élément donné
2- Poverty avant la réponse et surtout éviter l’usage des symboles
3- Youths d’égalité ou de différence
4- Specifically
5- Glad
6- To persuade

Item4: Translating a passage into French Accepter toute forme de traduction juste

Le président Tinubu a dit/affirmé/déclaré : « Nous partageons le même intérêt en

démocratie . Pour rendre la démocratie durable dans l’intérêt du peuple , nous devons
définitivement travailler de manière farouche. ‘’ Je suis content/heureux que tu sois un
exemple rayonnant de patience, de persévérance et d’engagement pour les valeurs
Item 5 : Finding in the text Who or What some words refer to. D’autres éléments de réponses sont envisageables
1- West Africa
2- Tinubu
3- President Bola Tinubu on Thursday played host to President Bassirou Diomaye
Faye of Senegal .
4- President Bassirou Diomaye Faye of Senegal
5- President Bola Tinubu

Item 6: Rephrasing sentences using the prompts given. Accepter toute reformulation sensée à partir des amorces
1- “An alignment of purpose and structure in West Africa will effectively address proposées .
the challenges confronting the region.” , Tinubu said

2- It is high time West Africa worked together to defeat terrorism

3- We must respect and observe the judiciary and the rule of law for the sustenance
of democracy.
4- If the army hadn’t taken the power, there wouldn’t have been sanctions against
the country .
5- Not only must we respect the rule of law but we must also avoid promoting
unconstitutional takeover of government. OR Not only must we respect the rule
of law but we must avoid promoting unconstitutional takeover of government
too/as well.
6- We had better partner to make our people the focus of our democratic
- We ought to partner to make our people the focus of our democratic commitment?
7- It a long time since The country has been promoting democratic governance
8- The better we train the youth , the harder they will work for the development of
the nations.……….

Writing (à titre indicatif) Les apprenants peuvent évoquer des cas de violence , en
Distinguished young people of my community, donneront les conséquences , feront ressortir l’importance
My dear brothers and sisters, de la paix.
My dear friends,
I am highly honoured /delighted as your leader, to be with you today so that we can
exchange about a social phenomenon in the world over at large and in our community in
particular. Thank you for coming to this meeting.
As you can notice it, the world is confronted with the problem of violence that seems to
become the first tool to use , not the tool of the last resort that it should be. Violent acts
or scenes are getting more and more rampant, with their consequences on humanity.
Some of these consequences are: absence of harmony, destructions, disturbances, deaths,
….Unfortunately, these scenes are very often perpetrated by people of your age group.
Dear brothers and sisters, we are born to live together in harmony , at peace as we are
all rothers and sisters.
It is therefore imperative to promote peace at all cost because of the invaluable
advantages some of which are………
Distinguished young people of my community,
My dear brothers and sisters,
My dear friends,
As you can see , resorting to violence is a bad attitude to ban. Only in extreme cases can
we use temporally violence. Peace must prevail to make the world a better place to live
Thank you for your attention.

La Mairie vous souhaite bonne chance au BAC 2024 !

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