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Data Classification for both structured & Unstructured data.
The different levels data classification can apply to.

Rinad Alrajhi
1- Data Classification for both structured
& Unstructured data

Rinad Alrajhi
Data classification can be applied to both structured and
unstructured data. Let's explore how it can be used for each type:

1. Structured Data Classification:

- Structured data refers to data that is organized in a predefined format, typically

stored in databases or spreadsheets.

- Classification of structured data involves assigning labels or tags to specific attributes

or fields within the structured dataset.

- For example, you can classify customer data by labeling fields like "Name," "Address,"
or "Phone Number" based on sensitivity or regulatory requirements.

- Structured data classification facilitates efficient data management, access

controls, and compliance with data protection regulations.

2. Unstructured Data Classification:

- Unstructured data refers to data that does not have a predefined format, such as
text documents, emails, social media posts, images, or audio/video files.

- Classification of unstructured data involves analyzing the content of the data and
assigning classification labels based on its context and meaning.

- Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, machine learning algorithms, and

text analysis methods can be utilized to automatically classify unstructured data.

- For example, you can classify unstructured customer feedback into categories like
"Positive," "Negative," or "Neutral" to gain insights for customer experience improvement.

- Unstructured data classification enables better searchability, information retrieval,

and effective analysis of large volumes of data.


In summary, while structured data classification involves labeling specific attributes or

fields, unstructured data classification focuses on understanding and categorizing the
content and context of the data. Both structured and unstructured data classification
play vital roles in data management, security, and decision-making processes within

Rinad Alrajhi
2- The different levels data classification
can apply to

Rinad Alrajhi
Data classification can be performed at different levels depending on the
specific requirements and context of your organization. Here are the three
common levels at which data classification can be applied:

1. Attribute Level Classification:

- Attribute level classification involves classifying individual data attributes or fields

within a dataset.

- Each attribute is evaluated and assigned a classification label based on its sensitivity,
confidentiality, or regulatory requirements.

- This level of classification allows for granular control and ensures that specific data
elements are appropriately protected.

2. Table Level Classification:

- Table level classification involves classifying entire tables or database objects as a


- The classification is based on the collective sensitivity of the data contained within
the table.

- This level of classification simplifies the process by assigning a single classification

label to an entire table, making it easier to manage access controls and apply security

3. Data Set Level Classification:

- Data set level classification involves classifying a group of related tables or datasets.

- It considers the overall sensitivity and purpose of the data set.

- This level of classification is useful when dealing with complex datasets that span
multiple tables or when the focus is on managing the entire dataset as a unit.


It's important to note that the level of data classification may vary depending on the
specific requirements, compliance regulations, and the complexity of your data

Rinad Alrajhi
landscape. Organizations often adopt a combination of these levels to ensure
comprehensive data classification and protection.

Remember to assess your organization's needs, consult with relevant stakeholders, and
establish a data classification framework that aligns with your specific goals and
compliance requirements.

Rinad Alrajhi

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