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so J atta bed avy Featwies iti of druoty that b at wr tenigets gives comput err ability to learn wrtto V — ae being exphoitoy prea | veasning aye | ammmbel « oh y ~ Artur Somuck RU [s\- y ( poreddictiou ) (Features) f > Model 7) actual Fowe q Vous C4rom the traini Set) / Label . x y > estmated 4 ize > | Modu [> price. Note :- Regression psucticts @ Number from infiniti ma Possibilities. > lets Komidon fias M. sine ky f wba function that stanas X an inpur — and Repu ng Be Xb. given Output oe, (= wk + b= PRY _ — e.g @ heer eh ee ee aa # | Linean model | —>!) Lineax Fegression with ove) Both axa Vaniable . scame » ") Univariake ine regression ee _1——_—_ one input Feature. Ss ae xo tHain. Shape 3 Gives a python tupble usitte an entry for ead dimension. x rain. ghabe Co] > & He he Jeng ob the Orray and number Oty Peet tee Poy note We can ao ume Jen feu Examples Rere. len (x_train) 3 2 €§- print Cp X—tvains shape ? {%-drain. shape}") > x-frain. Shape ? (29) fome ant Pane CS Renee of aig examples Jono: ( mee PD) ? Number of enue example Gs 22 ir see _ eatang See Jearures)) Taxgets , ty) Size in feat(x)| price $ 1000s 2104 460 Model : Foye 0) = wxA+h 146 232 1534 315 WB: parameter, Si 118 oon , ie ¥ cosh Or weight - esis different vatues of wah cot dxn te Wel get difteront Tounelae Cost $n campanis He dipperence between | Predictect uy as 2 aetuat Sey eee Ser ant ves - Oe minimine thar y We meosune tia Diff erence for au che raining pee tt. CPP yen td ues me (ge _ ye) ™ -S No. of Training, examples op ™m iNereces the vawe of cost fxn Usill in crease aaa cee AO We JoKe exeeae We cUgo Mmctude a Sk fs. km od db A dsdrartrerendi a debe ds eed. on Cost Sxn [ Square error cast fxn. > The west 3" BeETeNKCe ob actual Ration ipircrce gteeue for) each Knauss dodasey > Tw, b)\ = +. a (gy,5 (02) - yO)? > our goal here as te mivimize the cast fxn T (u,b) wrt US tsi mingwize Tur, b) Notes der un Comnidern a Simplbied model with b=0, i (x) = Gwe then, cost tan ent Sr | on ingle porameser, uw ™ s\:| SU. Ce 2m ap. whete, Ly (a) = wed using this Dimplified medel, We want +o visualize how fw) and Tw) vories for differ Values Oh} Ponameten ‘us', ee ee a el re © det w fos Fux) ve fxn Of 3 only Le+ the training Rot be Given an fens dpel2 2), C 3,3) for) za 3 ee of oo Es RG a i * © Bb t = 3 ec Ao oa Tw) = = (alet-¥) ak t= TOYS spate —[lPaco- $y" + (hia) am Bi): {5u18-3)'| Pere, Ratt ays fwiry = 2 — eS p> TW=—— x0=0 3 ee @ \et we'/y be fixed SG) 3 Feng oe Tlw) 2 - gS m4» us : na ale" ‘y+ (i-2Y + (.5-3)* ] ee 0-58 Cc T(0-5) ®) ub W=0 a ee Tlw) % * x uy Sum) = 4 2 2.33 So we Fs ies deing thin for an the <5 we possible uy Tl) speech Ley S uP . So, we weod to chose w Auch shat Tl) - ip Amauest possible NVeuuo 2 hee wre Makes Fyoo fit tho data best. so, ™ Gene! - We need to find yb Auch sthat RGU), COM. Gutadient Descant ;- Have some funchon J (u,b) Want +o min fi T (u,b) i ( ( ( ( ( ( a 1 , 1 , 4 ¢ 4 ( 4 4 ( ‘ / —> Gotadient Descent Algorithm unsep any unction Oty any vowoble and miuimizes it. —> cost fens athat have more Minimizin T Cus,» wa --- Wn, b) means choos he Vauus of U5, Wr-- Lon bd Which art minimize the cost fxn T Cw, Wr--wnib). Outline :- > Stout with Some w, b say (w= b=0) > Keep changing Ut, b FO seduce Te.b) until) We Sette at or fear a minimum. Noté:- “In case of Aquaned emor «cost function we get a bow Shaped cost fan chuvig) dinear regressiou,,. 4 ~ Cafend hence, enka _Prigorithm 2- one minimum as w-a~2 T (wy, b) aw bs b- a3 T(w,b) Ob ’ a Ds Sy x Size of Direction oe the ba the DA ata beg hela G Repeat unt) conveageuce. > ange & means Tonge baby Step downlin, > sama & means Amat baby Shep dowulrit . sd Convesges > if wb does'ut chame much with, each step. y Correc4 uray : Simuttancous Tncowect » eee one by update way ae 1) tmp-w=W- © 2 T(w,b) 4mp- w= W- &2 T(w,6) ow aw 2) tmmp—b = b- a Tlw,b) uy = amp-ur tmp-b = b-@2 T(us,b) ly = shmnp-uw 3b os ee b= tmp —b —> for Simputicarion, Het Us assume T we fxn of only one variable us. Tw) i! eos —-, initial us s ie “a min ur uy < Belo, 2 e uy >o => w decreasea andl ges to minimum as. ere , 2 Tlus) <0 ‘A au w= ur- % (negahve number) > ws increages. and peas so mimimum us. Note :- 1) urs w-%29 Tlus) aw -s ib & Gs too Amall, gradient descent may be lous. Ttyy us > Uy 0s +s doo Jarge. Sieead. 2) Guadient descent may - 1) [overshoot |2 Never vou Minimo me Note s- ®) Fail to converge. Tow) led shies be a cost | funchow which Js w Not a Bquanwd error Funchon. Suppose We Storr with ur=s Coc) minima). W=5 APSE Ss 2 Tw) ie aay wis Gets ty - «2 Tis) Soy aw ho, a+ Stuck Sn local minima, eS Nore — ae As she gradient descont Approaches He Minima — withour tegen a a. — New a Socal minima, — Derivative becomes Amawese , — update Ateps become Smaucr» => Can seach minimum without decwsing a. meade edaeeeteandaane Fuss (x= we+b , T(w,b)= aot Zi Looe = Linear REGRESSION ModéL 2+ ; -y)*€ [ae ae oe fy . | = = edeaDe , >t Fy, ©) _ Yo) we ur= wW ed b) ts =F Ro) 4 )x§ a ‘ : aac heads 12 T(r) et. ae (foo (062) - a) RecPle features Casares) ¢- Si ‘ aa |e Number es Pais Ch) 0} Bedroomp| of floors \home in ; x ES x3 Yeon x4 4 \o00'p Q) 2104 Ss t Ae 460 \416 Ss 2. Ao 232 1534 = a 30 31s \ y \ \ ; \ ( \ \ y ‘ \ i : \ ‘i \ \ v First Kecond third saw v feature Feature fearute Peco ute Oustp ar x > jen Featue . (eq %. > No of Becboom eaten of featuve of Lae, ead aie Bott) 3(Nawe of feorme | in Cth ae example + eq. or @) =2 Nn (Number of features) ee ayes eq X a (ise ae eo GC gq wow veetor sles siiaaoaiiell [es Curls WET UK, + 3%g + WH4Xy tb \ 4 features and 5S pavametee Av, 4b we have n _ Seatunea - { ) fu, bl) Us x, + Waa +--- + Wa%n +b | ; es eee | ( Q & sow vector Ce porameter, 7 { { ’ ‘1 ‘ ‘ ‘ , { ’ < : n features wilt have Cnt) pO meter - b Gs a numbese Cage Lu Maltible ineot

makes the Lode Shorter and \lectorization :- aN eae => | : w + boarameters- | Makes | w tw, ws 3) b (ie ne b ws a numbet + porameten | Gru tis behivad ) [x x. %3] ee > We vean vechrize the UF b x :- ( = | We np array ((1.0, 2 5,73 33) v v : aes ied ta wed xX = Np. array (C10, 20, 301) } | a np- dot (wx) +b Nectorized Implementaho n) a a using tor Joop er fz0 ie ea eae Use Ae paral) s n ane for coarctation heen ee caat f= f+ wl * xq) f= f4b Gsiadiend Descent ie We So Crees toe) toi Cignosu' > 2 mS sel yc: ries Derivatives W = Np. array (Co-$,2-3,--- 3-4) d = Np array (fo-3, 0.2,... 0.4) y Mee mee ey A = —> Te we W- Od : r > wb We pricceed Without vectouizathon - ‘ we wil have +o write update a Stogement even cstime for each bowametest. ‘ " ier On tel ay 4 l2= We- Ot Ww w. a, 4 \ % 1 Chae Wig = Wig - Orddic 1 ei use a for oop +0 update eark puameterq Tod im vange Cig) + 9 WCj2= wljj-o1% dCj3 1 { * with veclorization - ' Xo, we stan Bimply implement. 4b an us - ted Syntax: Np. Zeros Cah ye. ALgbe 1 Ode). an int Ahape 3 ts an unt or tuple of int (For(nx)') Cfor nxm ) type > optional barameter with debate va ay fiat. 9 inb float ete DideH > Debines whethest fi) Store Munrdimensiona| (rut) way ™ Tow major (c- Uyr) or © Creates a 1x3 | aa import pumpy as np: sce = Np. Zeros Cone Braye it = (3) import sacked as Np \ ay creates o Ax3 eer Np: tavclow . Handom — Sample Cn, m)) ‘N i — ary ae ‘ Fe Murnipte Lrear, Reqression’ ¥ Re en GNF ag Previous Notation \leclor Notation Farametens Westies! Me, 3b Wiss ps a. Wa G vector of renath n b Us Ati a umber Model Sj PR) Ware wate Cost den. Rpts) Uo see Wu" S) epear £ repeat “Giradient Descent) a = 5 ABS H way = Usp UB seg bs b- 03 ain) OF Cs G Hadient Descent 4 — . En SORAED Nise Zeseeeei eee n featutes Cn 22) repeat § Bideent = $ wee wah = (Fuel (xc) mA ES Oe kOe t=1 1 yg). = yo?) _ u—~_~—___ mn 2 Ti a= aL & (Fp (rey : b= bat = (ap ey |? was re cu : Pe ei Sak) « STmuttanco us! Ca vess ae Update wr, b oe 3 Simultaneous update ‘ rc Bactoryg= 1 2 --0) and | features and barameten Veuues prea Wat ee ee ® Size No: oy Bedrooms XH: Rize Cheer?) ; € : 300 40 2000 X, dokos J, ( Pine Cony ae Li: # Bedrooms poise pets on oor Xo oa let thon be one Seung example an fovrowy - Howe - x,= 2000, %, 25, pouce = $ Sc0k We san chooze she Poametens Wooo wo W='50, Wis 001 2 2b=50 | Wi = Ost paWaelse), bao og \ ¢ Jane Ama \ Amaw \ ange mel A price = Som Rove k +O esx ! Price = Ot # Zoek 4b HS 4 So +sok | ~ a \ 200k 250k Sok pre 2} toe, 050, son. A Cless teosonabie , P** * $seox free Fecuon Prediction) ! predichiou ) ail Tn a ee =. Seatune pize b posoneloe pize 3- | Mze oh Features Size of Eo Yize ein feet? at ele # bedrooms +> features At Ledvoomp lees (™) ize in ia =—s vadient Nescout will +axe a lor of ( wstime to reach she optimal Vatua. Wy Tescaled Ln w Size in ‘ feat rescaled rescated DOPOD REREEEESESEEETISEIIITEE IED ‘ Seature kc Ahh : se Bedyoom x x; € 300 £%X%, | 2000 ¥ Lee 1, Scaled 2668 Se i ; 3 wh tee So es Soe Ol ce, ape” Size Fiiscalel aay >ize in seer ye Seas 3 ei aoa xX EB a —=5 5 Xa, en. ee Oe = > | a1 Scaled aah coe FB sealed G ons 2% act % aa 3 ° < x, Scoted <4 Seok MEAN NoaMAUSATION + - X, (mean) => by, = “See 200e Hees. ArCmean) > My sSase. 2 ume fay Sy. ae ay gmax) = 1) Cmin) Sead Se 1, (aud) = =the . 4, (mar) — Ym) WU; = Goo Gy) and Syblays 2 -3 a -\ 300 - Goo - 018 Zooe - Jeooe \4e0 (Foo => A (Scores) a\- 018 < Alsearad ) H9.82 ~0.46 = Ua(seatad ) = O-54 Z-Score Nosmatization +. - pte mene sigan ty Pe denote 6 to 0, +450 Mak Ty G,=1.4 wb = 600 Rea %.3 ome ee OSS SARA RAAX Nore a feature Searing , aim for alcout dened ee Yeacale — © +00) = trys oe! > too aman > opal. Checking Gradient Descent. 3- —> While Rawni Gradient Descent, ocd piel Know ushether U Gk Sa Suna or Net. Wie, Gh elgale ee ae Bo ee ceamete b= } on b) bbjechve : ae ~% URE Bethe se. ccs: b) * Yo make pure Wak itn Descent ff wd bb) aly} Wwe can pled $s 4 vp te aS = maa “esa Gradient => Twp ° Ngee ot terahow 0 a Ayte A he Gave. = TU, b) phowd decrease et “OG Shenasious + 7 > Se, learning Cunte can be wed te ped Gp cin vot. 4\ who matic Com a ence ‘Vest a Salas oe be lon “4 (Bb) Xe decreases % QO Value \ess than or equat sto € sin Gne SYercchon 5 declane la ( Crees APPROPRIATE teaguing Reve te > Tdentily Problemp with = GD io ASH ae “4 a Le ee \ike above unth iteration, be te iberatious “0 | SNete v= With a sman he Votue Te ; ates nite, oh x, a) ould Cech anes ion 2 F Wepotiouw » 1 there mie bY g Wg. a - eee” wT - wrrrvrree,YyY Y Th re dow nt Oo ate. ONO Sag OOM Or \ > 4 — xo Upe one % , ana plot dw jus iteradion aud Oe TW LY VE + teat chack ip vy UA FVVPVVUPPPTPTTT TTPO 8 Dur aim Aheuid, be +e Sina out largom posibie Saw rate, +o make Go fasten’. Mm Revue state G hea iM q 3s ent > Neus Acarune Yee oS Fwy Rye Way + ways Oe es , Jeorune g Merri => ae a iq ee dearunes /> drouafer mit or Combine Coa “ee. Felynomia Regression. .- wauition te dos ig Ls + Pougnomiar Regression 4s a neu ade Mh Combining Murtibie dinear Regression ee Seatune & Ree sae, wot Nets (Ua) Hy Nenneat Cuteem do he. data, size: x= oT = We + WS 4 bk Kize Aze™ Howewrex 4 we sry to te this cue to UK data , —. 2 iy UsAN rental — Atant Gs dousn Q eer ve = ~ Ve x * eas ur aa Makes no Reuse toy the brize of the house do 2 er Mereany Aize.. | s bo, mabe wt ab bethen to Fir a cubic Curve, ee Wye + Wa? + wy? aos Se ee hize Mize? Aize3 Aize 443 y Note s- TE we create featusen , that ane < these powers , shen Jeatune toed become, even More -+mportant . For ' ak 2% ranges between 0 to 10> : 6 shen Dae csr =n betwen Oto 10 oer Apeciat attentio® to featuste Siem F We med also use Use saa Seehie-a~ Goat aS owe aisen data. Week 3: Gassih cation tie, Motive ww 4- NR east Regression LE notge ese onan tov Cleuwsifi ceabiow frobiem- Ls hogishe ‘Regression. ; it. Cawification +. - Gueshen Arn pvoere > Is the email Abam? GMO RNa > le tran partion : treauwent © Yes oR No > Is the tumor maiatene Hotes Sa Re: eae one of bie Vewes Cis poe Cleas ication. + Claes = z Cos “a ¢ Petre true a ed emeg Used Sov \ \ Caidication - ue ave Clos Neve We may ane to fa ai JS ihendt or ebay model to out sings dota ap bejouy :- DoT Oey ns B Cree Bi) CNo) 6 4 Sumor he > Howeved, Gt win botechiet a confudous So, ushedll Ure. Teon. . ds for This Mocie\ —> Let ao ot. Notue 7) Stathers than O claw. ws chesnre aq vy Nouwts Ob a 4hreshold een eS) Uy fee) ad Ss > 4-0 A Swe (43 z=oa.s Ss L eae Hes training data, the Winean R Aeamp to be Worl (2): C q jhe a A : => f+ e — (wx +b) der up au thig oO OU dogistie cen Model > Vore(@)= girs) 2 : * « ess) Trvexbretadion Ob Ofer ob Le SVVVVVV VV VV VV UU UU UU Eee eee eee fair) 2 — Lee (WP sb) Ti tan be thought ob a» © Utbuthing ~the probabs as Clow hing aes Sven a oa Pox: “q det A> tumor (we Bee (Net Mea ignoant) zt CMatgnane = basech an’ x, Pop Gt) 2 09 > Thete i a a0 -/: chance shat y i 4. > Sef chance that y is o. i POysod+ PCye ude. » Fe CH= PCy sa 1; 4) ho Pc ie iF outputs the probability ie" q iven the Jeahne Neclor x a ur +b. ye ee Pee 4 <= =e NTs wee ee SSy = qcw.F + b) 1+ ar Et = yay os ur bY) oOo on L '< 3 Mire sald TE Sp 70-84 Yes : sie cote Ao when wi dae Ce) % 0-8 ? & when no C Decigion Boundary oie eS Ler there be a dataset ne = —> yas * ae Boa x Decision Bo undary JP .b(R) = gee) = q (wiz. + w, 2, + b) ter Wz. = Ww, and be-3. Seat, da, cos 2 the detipion pare n Soa SSO) => ¥ u Dec OO ee Non dinean Derision Round anios PPPPPPPPPHHRAAAAHRAASSHEHAAHRAHAKRARARAAAA We can come Ube with even More veom plax deer'avon bound artes Gane q ba A UE + Urge 4 Uae. 5 ellipticat Decision Roun Et 2 tS We Se es Com lex Desi zion + —> % Wi - -+ Poeun by Yoo poriamedt ena iB bigors > nite Cost Sincron ie istic Kel ressioN &— Sample training per ne Sumor ize |---- Pasient's Kae Malignant Cem ) \o es a +3 = = 2 aie ‘ \ \ \ eet OO F b \ } J x, > Tumon Aize 5 N aAreunin ny > fasient's Rae m examples ~in each Feotune, . yY +e eithet o boo > > TAL ey = —_ > Ly eo Keb) fas So how to choope web. Recau :- for dineast Regression , Squared error cot Ti. b)= 3 = (F,5 ice) (ye?d)” Amenr Reger ession Tey): Wee 4b 3139 Conve i / = w,b + o> In dinean Regression 4 Squaneck arose Lost tuneton wd eonvex 3 Which means Tthae Uroutd ne be au brat | em ag Vocal minima . > Bw “Hy we oo +o Use beast $q- cost fxn in deg abe 30 Pa, me = Beit Fh, Lt e-WFP+b) Howitt be reps aS Like below :- 5 PT eet ea So, we won's be able +o use Qyadsent Descent Rewarene: ob the socal Minima brablem. > det w define the loss for a single sani, example. L would be 3 34 a Fun oy Tha) ond y al 1 er USP is dass ste Presto yada ae Example. Ie. CY) [Hq G2.6), I~ aS: zi “log = St 2) @ dy =o Ne) — Noa (4a? ()) bus Ainee TarsGe) nibaesO “ova 'y ony leq Yaa, C7) AG eR), B°) 45 iy 2 —_ —_ “> “2 “2 “2 => = 2 => > > > —> = > = = 2 As ap fai (2t?)2 eee eines os eS 1 A) loss 5 Which is comech. oe as Fey (R) se, thew Rilcas Ss/00-” an 0 os Sarthost trom en eOas: dL, ie loss i iS doteeke when Sek Conse) reacts Clo pe Morrie label fee: Now, tor 4° = "px —log (1-8) ts f bu Sey) can take value, blu Odo 4, < Ge) yd) Sor Yeo b vi Fen) Reve , a» rogaly Ce) —>o, shen toss >0 i@ an close +o rue label , —toss fia en Gis ee eres OE, shen less 3 @ The Susttnest prediction Rey (#) as trom ae ye? ay tee hrghew the Joss. \ The Cost dint bor LR tdey= SE Atha, dy!) Uthexne. Aon, RO) yl?) a7 As Defined ea mR AIIIFIFSPPHSHRIHRHAHARAHHRSAAAAAAAAAARAR . Simplified Gost aus ° Faeviously, we debined the lass Suet Jor Tite Osos ( -log (A ~O\\ 4 0, | ee ~loq (i- Foy, (2%) iy yO =0 0 We stan club bot, athe dunction depinition and - Simplify athe \oss Sunetion ap Sorrow - >), 4) ae 4” lg (Fat (EY) ie Q Wb (Ge ea Sota) ab {ced , then, : Sy ay gy tog he: > aged yrds a aN ey) _ uy ee | Go * : ) 4 es RE”) a O# dog leet WUVVVVVVVVVV UV UUUESEYVIDIIIIIISIES Loss Sun» LGa, (20) 4) = “ Uo (20)) 4 Yq Fagg 29 4 Avera iwi a"4 Aus} a Ty LS Lye) .4°) £ m ‘Ga Cost iz ™ © 4) f. ( to ten > Temp Ely toa Gan (20) + tat \ Jeg ee oe (Ly a) —> Thic cast Sunctien is derived from an dea iw Broxisticp otled maximum Rikelihcadd fxn. Taba Logishe ressiow 2- + The ee sd process of LR ~uvalres LS pane bes Wb | So, = any new b[ps ©. ge Tig my (® v)= a+ aE ae 2242442424244 4 8028028282 8Bae sea ngaeangaageaaeaaeaca Beagaeca aes ars) Which D> Buyed) Zsa) mee i ' T (wb) = a ly oq Ge (eo) + (= 4) oa (- Lee We neecl to minimize ahis Sor urhich welll be =e Yadient Descent :- Rebear 4 pe wy = Wy- ~2D Tw) 2Mj be b-42 Tab) ab } simultaneous Ubdate . prin n whew NPNo of fearurtes. 2 TR) a > (La, (@%)- yo? )y a vet eS Ss : (2%) od: 4?) i} We aext che Coradient Descent for ma ar a} Fouowy = vebeat 4 wpe Wy ‘fs Ys Go (2% ~yl? yt J eee 7 5 ee) 2 WV ( ( ( ( : ( ( ( ( ( { ; \ ! | Aimuttaneous update | Note s- The Gradient Descent Algorithm tor bette Linear Regression & Laer Regressiow Oppears ai, excebr the fact athe fen Fay (2M) sa bom cares are dipheant \ineor Regression F ya rey-wt+ b Legis Reagession ‘ Voy (2) : ee 1 +etwerb) eter - TYust ike Linear Regression , {ello using ree points Temains the pame for logatie Q Regression i- to Mentor ent Descent Using \eanniu Bare: 1. Ris \ ectovi Zed Datemc ool) 3. Featute Scat ing; The broblem of Overbitting i % Regularization fp seduce ovensiting, * « What eae'd & let us take e house Pre prediction problem From Linear i “he Linear it to tus ae dara Gs vot 9 a : git to it ad We ca SZE hee the price i eh Aodunated atten a attend vous of Bite: + We can that the Ayaight tine does’nt fit athe ae deta \ that weil. ce OE] PEoE,S,TBSBVIGSCCTCOCEE ) - —> In other words i rocket has high Liat Were Ke Assuming linear inspite Oy the ¢ notuie Ob she we can Ae that che mode\ vs ® % Now we hie a quadratic eee to i G wrt oe ein) » This Fits she ia ol pr. well Ao, we Cau his case on ' ust ae % Genevedi zatiow ) Now , we're Fin qa ey Order einer like wet Wae4+ uy + wrt +5 © This fits sthe trainin data extrem wen Cpegeetia) q “A ~ Auch & fit <» Roid to have Wat lantance —=3 and Gis ao =p So, we need © model which $houta nt Rave either wk wil mot “akon ever to neu aes Data. = Vial, tos =6Y me NOALON CE» —8 Note :- Vimilar aaa Problem p On0 OnbAABK encountewd ite Clarsifreation an we Ze WAt Wat? Pee Ls).+ 42) * 4 is the sipmoid Punehion 5 An example of undeapit | high Bie 2 qe WX Wa%* W35 xeth be a + Warr + Ws Tost = us Za weit WaXih Wa Xxt 3 Wa xpact Wer ae 1. Comect More Date :- Price, Size —> Gilect mere number of ae examples —_ However ag more data migit Not alums | be an oph Setect feotuxes do include / eelwde 37 onng Be pean (ae = hize \ bedrooms \ for age Ava Tncome.| ---.| Dist to y 4 alee | x Xe Xs Xe Ks eS 00 P —> Ip we have po m feotures bur len amount of dota, Wis wilh secu in aces pease eee An Jeaturep 4 Insubfycient BIL (So en Featunep Data =>. My { => Dh such a waase, we car Setact a subset of an featurep - s —> Fearne petection” > YMA intuition do biel up most important Teoduter Sees iH Ly Reqwianizahon is a i ently. vteducing the impact of dome the FSeokunep Without doing Sometht as hawsh a ebimivat> i} Sian Th ep iti othe seo oo. bbb bbbsbbbdsdae to Shrink dhe Vatuexs Of banameter usithout necessarily demand ing 4he baramier to be Ser an 0. > Even if we fia highas Order bo nomial Like Fea) = 132 - 0+23%74 0 000d 144 5- Oo01a' +1C Se —leng am tere fash aut We end Ub With a : cune dhat sits the | ee dota much better. y a a a a ee — Regularization \eke us Feob au our {eatwsas bt byevewt the features from at an a bag ebber . Note oa ® Convention , Wwe on reduce the d Size ur Yon eres « Tt desing make much difternce if We requlasize b or ee et we can do fo. Cost Laxenen With Regula zecion 3- bur Tntuitiow t- ovedbtt A Zize > Says ae Mi touah {wet w+ b\ Wert wet Wa ef by 2 +h > lets make Ws, We a Ama. (2 0) KKRRECERPP PPP P PEEP PPPPITUT Sasa Wrb Qm C= Now, +o minimize this, wert have Jo make e Ee Oe oS GR i ge Ns Matta se AG ee ee al, 2 Letts A insdead a pO a : “ e \ >U W) | ~ Eats ee Let ROY \ 3 is - We pot and add 1000 wy + ooo Ww ma = ™ ae » | ‘ {iy 1006 S , Sain lice ea ({ Ri, (Po) “4 ) +(000w, + Wh ss ad Ae a Lure chat w, L W4 axe a Qua . ho der 4 Bua Valuods of wa & W4 we O 0 wie + ws es whe + b “Wis 4 cated Sheer eek or pared ws b Wy > Sman Values of Ww, meansa Simplex model | and Jess ae do overpit y Qe ENIPEEET EN epee a Note .- We may Not atw p which axe the tos} Wyportant fea and ushich ones do penalize [requiorize, So in geusral we it Up > And it ws een Fahey QL . 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