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Drug-induced fatty liver disease. , 2015; 14CONCISE

(6): 789-806 REVIEW
November-December, Vol. 14 No. 6, 2015: 789-806

Drug-induced fatty liver disease:

An overview of pathogenesis and management
Sanjaya K. Satapathy,* Vanessa Kuwajima,** Jeffrey Nadelson,** Omair Atiq,*** Arun J. Sanyal****

* Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute, Division of Surgery, University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
** Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
*** University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, Texas, USA.
**** Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, Richmond, Virginia, USA.


Over the past decades, many drugs have been identified, that can potentially induce steatohepatitis in the
predisposed individual. Classically this has been incriminated to amiodarone, perhexiline, and 4,4’-diethyla-
minoethoxyhexestrol (DH), all of which have been found to independently induce the histologic picture of
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Pathogenetic mechanisms of hepatotoxicity although still evolving,
demonstrate that mitochondrial dysfunction, deranged ATP production and fatty acid catabolism likely
play an important role. Drugs like steroid hormones can exacerbate the pathogenetic mechanisms that
lead to NASH, and other drugs like tamoxifen, cisplatin and irenotecan have been shown to precipitate la-
tent fatty liver as well. Further research aiming to elucidate the pathogenesis of drug-induced steatosis
and steatohepatitis is needed in order to better design therapeutic targets.

Key words. NASH. Fatty liver. Cirrhosis. Insulin resistance. Drug-induced NAFLD. Drug-induced NASH.

INTRODUCTION in hepatocytes without causing appreciable hepatic

inflammation, liver cell death, or scarring. At the
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one midrange of the severity spectrum is steatohepatitis
of the most common chronic liver diseases of west- (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH), which is
ern world. It is defined as fat deposition of hepato- an intermediate form of liver damage superimposed
cytes exceeding 5% of the hepatocytes histologically upon a background of hepatic steatosis. Steatohepa-
in individuals with little or no alcohol consumption. titis is characterized by the appearance of focal he-
It is also the most prevalent cause of chronic eleva- patic inflammation and hepatocyte apoptosis and
tion of liver enzymes in the adult population as evi- death. At the highest end of the severity spectrum is
dent in National Health and Nutrition Examination cirrhosis. By the time this degree of architectural
Surveys (NHANES) conducted between 1988 and distortion develops, hepatic steatosis has often dis-
2008. 1 Hepatic steatosis is at the lower end of the appeared. Because all of these histologic features
spectrum of NAFLD clinical severity. Predominant- also occur in alcohol- or drug-induced fatty liver dis-
ly large (macro-) and occasionally small (micro-) eases, liver biopsy cannot reliably distinguish
vesicles of fat, mostly triglycerides, accumulate with- among the various causes of this entity.
NAFLD was traditionally categorized as primary
or secondary depending on the underlying etiology.
Primary NAFLD is closely associated with insulin-
Correspondence and reprint request: Sanjaya K. Satapathy, M.D. Associate resistance and metabolic syndrome. Currently the
Professor of Surgery.
Transplant Hepatologist, Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute. term secondary NAFLD is discouraged and the pre-
University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center. ferred nomenclature includes the known causative
1211 Union Avenue, Suite 340. Memphis, TN 38104. U.S.A. factor and the resultant pathology, e.g. total
Ph.: 901-516-9179 parenteral nutrition-induced, drug-induced steato-
sis/steatohepatitis.2 Several studies have reported
Manuscript received: March 19, 2015. that liver steatosis is a common histological fea-
Manuscript accepted: August 06, 2015. ture of chronic hepatitis C infection. In 2014,
DOI: 10.5604/16652681.1171742
© 2019, Fundación Clínica Médica Sur, A.C. Published by Elsevier España S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
Satapathy SK, et al. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

Abenavoli, et al. examined the relationship between liver. Most commonly it is associated with pro-
hepatitis C virus and insulin resistance, looking longed intake of the offending medication. Approxi-
into the role of genotype 3 in the development of mately 2% of fatty liver disease cases are estimated
hepatic steatosis. to be drug-induced, confirming that a fatty liver is a
The diagnosis of NASH is established by the pres- rare manifestation of drug toxicity.6
ence of a characteristic pattern of steatosis, inflam- Drug-induced fatty liver is strongly associated
mation and hepatocellular ballooning on liver with duration and dose of medication. Some drugs
biopsies in the absence of significant alcohol con- induce an acute energy crisis by interrupting adeno-
sumption. The most commonly used tool for histo- sine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis by mitochondria,
logic evaluation is the NAFLD Activity Score resulting in microvesicular steatosis.7 Drugs can
(NAS).4 The NAS, defined as the un-weighted sum cause both micro- and macro-vesicular steatosis but
of the scores for steatosis (0-3), lobular inflamma- usually begins acutely with microvesicular lesions
tion (0-3), and ballooning (0-2), thus ranging from 0 (Table 1).
to 8. The score was developed as a tool to measure
changes in NAFLD during trials. Some studies have Microvesicular steatosis
used threshold values of the NAS to define the se-
verity, specifically NAS t 5 as surrogate for the his- In microvesicular steatosis, hepatocytes are filled
tologic diagnosis of NASH, however biopsies with up with numerous small lipid vesicles, which leave
lower scores (d 3) were generally not considered to the nucleus in the center of the cell. Microvesicular
be diagnostic of steatohepatitis.5 steatosis is related to severe impairment of the mito-
The focus of this review is to educate readers chondrial beta-oxidation of fatty acids. 8 Because
about different classic drugs known to cause steato- non-esterified fatty acids are poorly oxidized by mi-
sis/steatohepatitis in absence of alcohol intake, and tochondria, they undergo increased esterification
review the pathogenesis and management of drug-in- into triglycerides, the main lipid form that accumu-
duced fatty liver disease. lates in these conditions. Significant necrosis,
cholestasis, and fibrosis are usually absent in acute
DEFINITION microvesicular steatosis, as the lesion progresses
rapidly to either death or resolution.7 Drugs linked
Drug-induced fatty liver disease is a relatively to microvesicular steatosis include valproic acid,
rare entity identified when steatohepatitis appears tetracycline, aspirin, ibuprofen, zidovudine and
to result from a direct toxic effect of a drug on the vitamin A.

Table 1. Drugs causing microvesicular steatosis, macrovesicular steatosis, phospholipidosis, steatohepatitis and obesity/insulin

Drug Macrovesicular Microvesicular Phospholipidosis Steatohepatitis Obesity,

steatosis steatos insulin resistance

Amiodarone * * * *
Aspirin *
Ibuprofen *
NRTI (ddI, d4T) * * *
Protease inhibitors *
Valproic acid * * *
Carbamazepine *
Perhexiline maleate * * *
DH * *
Tamoxifen * *
Methotrexate * *
5-FU * *
Irinotecan * *
Glucocorticoids * * *

NRTIs: nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. ddI: didanosine. d4T: stavudine. 5-FU: 5-fluorouracil. DH: diethylaminoethoxyhexestrol.
Drug-induced fatty liver disease. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

Macrovesicular steatosis Hepatic lipid metabolism

In contrast, macrovesicular steatosis has a single, Under normal fed conditions, dietary triglycer-
large vacuole of fat (mainly triglycerides), which ides and surplus carbohydrates are converted into
fills up the hepatocyte and displaces the nucleus free fatty acids (FFA). During periods of fasting or
to the periphery of the cell. It usually follows a starvation, the triglycerides stored in adipose tissue
more indolent course. Macrovesicular steatosis are hydrolyzed to FFAs and transported to the liver,
can be seen in association with nitrofurantoin, where they are used to form phospholipids and cho-
gold, methotrexate, glucocorticoids, estrogens, lesterol esters or converted into ketone bodies to be
acetaminophen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory used as fuel by extra hepatic tissues.14 Potential ac-
drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, indomethacin cumulation of fat in the liver could occur when there
and sulindac, antihypertensives such as metopro- is either increased delivery of FFA from peripheral
lol, chlorinated hydrocarbons such as carbon adipocytes or the diet to the liver, increased endog-
tetrachloride and chloroform, chemotherapeutic enous hepatic synthesis of FFA, decreased disposal
agents such as 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin, and of FFA as low-density lipoprotein and very low-den-
tamoxifen.9 sity lipoprotein, or a combination thereof. In con-
trast to this simplistic model of fatty liver disease
Phospholipidosis several studies have reported an increased secretion
of very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) in subjects of
The term drug-induced phospholipidosis as- fatty liver suggesting a more complex underlying
cribes to a benign condition that has been defined pathogenetic mechanism than could be speculat-
by the appearance of intracellular accumulation of ed.15,16 Hepatocytes play a central role in lipid me-
phospholipids and lamellar bodies. The appearance tabolism within the liver. Fatty acids are oxidized by
of microscopic subcellular structures induced by a the mitochondria, peroxisomes, and microsomes.
variety of drugs led to recognition of a disorder Oxidation of short-, medium-, and long-chain fatty
that was subsequently termed drug-induced phos- acids occurs in mitochondria. Very long chain
fatty acids (VLCFAs) are oxidized by peroxisomes.
pholipidosis (DIPL). 10 Ultra structural investiga-
Long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and VLCFAs are
tions revealed that these cytosolic inclusions
also metabolized as a result of microsomal oxida-
consist of concentric myelin-like structures, the
tion, resulting in the production of dicarboxylic ac-
so-called lamellar bodies, the presence of which
ids that are further degraded by peroxisomes. After
became the morphological hallmark of phospholip-
the VLCFAs and LCFAs chains are shortened by the
idosis. 10
extra mitochondrial (peroxisomal and microsomal)
So far, more than 50 novel chemical entities have
oxidation, the mitochondrial oxidation system com-
been identified to induce phospholipidosis.11 These
pletes the oxidation process. Thus, mitochondria
include antibiotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics,
play a dominant role in fatty acid oxidation and are
and antimalarial and antiarrhythmic drugs. Clini-
responsible for the majority of disturbances occur-
cally relevant phospholipidosis has been observed ring in lipid metabolism.
under administration of amiodarone, fluoxetine,
gentamicin, perhexiline and 4.4'-dieethylaminoethox- Function of mitochondria
yhexestrol (DH).12 in hepatocytes

PATHOGENESIS Normal hepatocyte mitochondria metabolize free

fatty acids through E-oxidation, a process quantita-
In order to better understand the factors contrib- tively much more important in the production of
uting to drug-induced fatty liver, a brief review of li- ATP than the hydrolysis of glucose. 15 Short- (4-6
pid metabolism will be useful. Mitochondria carbon) and medium- (6-14) chain fatty acids cross
dysfunction is the main element associated with the mitochondrial membranes unimpeded, whereas
drug-induced fatty liver, via the direct or indirect ef- long-chain fatty acids (14-18 carbons) require trans-
fects of oxidative stress such as impairment of elec- port across the mitochondrial membrane. Transport
tron flow along the respiratory chain, and leakage of of long-chain fatty acids involves esterification to
reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced primarily by coenzyme A in the cytosol and transport by mem-
the mitochondria (Figure 1).13 brane translocates into the mitochondrial matrix.
Satapathy SK, et al. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806


Peroxisomal FAO Oxidative Cytokine induction

Microsomal CYPs stress Lipid peroxidation

• Necrosis
• Inflammation
Alteration of the • Fibrosis
MRC activity ROS
Macrovesicular Steatohepatitis

FAO impairment

Possible genetic

Decreased VLDL Direct activation of transcription

Increased lipogenesis secretion factors (SREBP1c, PPARJ, PXR)
Insulin resistance

Figure 1. Schematic representation of drug-induced macrovesicular steatosis and steatohepatitis. Steatogenic drugs can cau-
se macrovesicular steatosis by impairment of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) by alteration of the mitochondrial respira-
tory chain (MRC) activity, reducing secretion of very-low density lipoprotein (VLDL), by directly activating transcription factors
involved in hepatic lipogenesis, such as SREBP-1c, PPARJ, and PXR, and by favoring the occurrence of insulin resistance, hyperinsu-
linemia, and hyperglycemia. Progression from steatosis into steatohepatitis in genetically predisposed individuals involves the
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is responsible for oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation leading to induction
of cytokines such as TNFD and TGFE, and lipid peroxidation products such as malodiealdehyde (MDA), and 4 hydroxynonenal (HNE)
leading to necroinflammation and fibrosis. Production of ROS although occurs mostly through alteration of the MRC, other sour-
ces such as peroxisomal FAO and microsomal cytochromes P450 (CYPs) also contributes.

After gaining access to the mitochondrial matrix, all matrix or are bound to the inner surface of the inner
fatty acids enter the E-oxidation cycle as CoA mitochondrial membrane.13
thioesters, or they may become esterified (stored) in Subsequently, mitochondria produce ATP
triglycerides. through the transfer of electrons from NADH and
The E-oxidation of fatty acyl CoA esters involves FADH2 to molecular oxygen, producing water. This
four steps within mitochondria: two oxidation steps, oxidation of NADH and FADH2 results in a step-
a hydration step, and thiolysis, yielding acetyl-CoA wise transfer of electrons through protein complexes
and a fatty acyl CoA shortened by two carbons, the of the respiratory chain, which exist within the in-
latter of which repeats identical cycles. Each E-oxi- ner mitochondrial membrane. During electron
dation cycle transfers electrons to one molecule each transport in the respiratory chain, protons are ac-
of NAD and FAD, yielding NADH and FADH2, re- tively pumped into the intramembranous space, cre-
spectively. Each acetyl-CoA entering the citric acid ating a concentration gradient and electrical
(Krebs) cycle is principally derived from glycolosis, potential across the inner membrane. ATP synthesis
which yields three additional molecules of NADH requires the entry of protons down this electro-
and one molecule of FADH2. Enzymes involved in chemical gradient through the inner mitochondrial
the E-oxidation of fatty acids and in the citric acid membrane and into the matrix by way of a channel
cycle are either soluble within the mitochondrial of ATP synthase. These processes of electron trans-
Drug-induced fatty liver disease. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

port, proton pumping, and generation of ATP are darone, tamoxifen, and valproic acid (VPA). Second,
energetically coupled, and drugs that interfere with drugs can indirectly impair mitochondrial FAO by
these processes are believed to uncouple respiration impairing the generation of its major cofactors:
(dissipate the membrane proton gradient without coenzyme A and L-carnitine esters, such as seen
producing ATP). with VPA.19 Thirdly, drugs can inhibit mitochondri-
al respiratory chain (MRC), impairing the regenera-
Mitochondrial dysfunction, drug-induced tion of FAD and NAD+, thereby also impairing
cytolytic hepatitis and microsteatosis FAO; such is the case with amiodarone, perhexiline
and tamoxifen. 20-23 Lastly, drugs can inhibit mtD-
The concept that drugs can disturb mitochondrial NA. Profound mtDNA depletion induces MRC im-
function, leading to clinically recognizable disease pairment, leading to FAO inhibition and resultant
entities is not new. As early as the 1970’s, a Reye- microsteatosis.8,24 Antiviral drugs such as azidothy-
like syndrome was observed in patients treated with midine (AZT), stavudine (d4T) and didanosine (DDI)
valproic acid for instance.17,18 The past few decades all inhibit mtDNA polymerase gamma.25-27 Other
have seen, however, remarkable progress in the un- than direct inhibition of mtDNA polymerase, mtD-
derstanding of the different mechanisms leading to NA levels can be indirectly inhibited by drugs,
mitochondrial dysfunction, and their role in drug-in- which leads to TCA cycle inhibition and then lactic
duced liver disease. While membrane permeabiliza- acidosis,28,29 and direct mtDNA damage itself can oc-
tion, drug-induced oxidative phosphorylation cur from ROS, reactive nitrogen species (RNS), or
(OXPHOS) impairment, and mitochondrial DNA drug metabolites.30
(mtDNA) depletion have been directly linked to cyto- Several drugs known to cause steatosis/steatohep-
lytic hepatitis - and its full spectrum, from mild ele- atitis and their corresponding effects on mitochon-
vation in transaminases to fulminant hepatitis, drial functions has been summarized in table 2.
drug-induced microsteatosis occurs in the setting of
severe mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) im- Drug-induced macrosteatosis
pairment. Specifically, there are four general mecha-
nisms (Figure 1) which compromise mitochondrial Macrovesicular steatosis (macrosteatosis), gener-
FAO, eventually leading to microsteastosis.19 ally known as fatty liver, is commonly observed in
First, drugs can directly inhibit one or several both alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease. In the
mitochondrial FAO enzymes. This is seen with amio- setting of non-alcoholic fatty liver, it is associated

Table 2. Hepatotoxic drugs known to cause steatosis/steatohepatitis and their corresponding effects on mitochondrial function.

Drug MPTP Direct OXPHOS Direct mtDNA References

opening inhibition of uncoupling inhibition depletion/damagec
mitochondria FAOa of the MRC b

Acetaminophen (APAP) * * * 156, 157

Ibuprofen * * 158, 159
Diclofenac * * * 159, 160
Salicylic acid * * * 159, 161, 162
Amiodarone * * * * 8, 21, 163
Stavudine (d4T) * 164
Zidovudine (AZT) * 164
Valproic acid * * 165, 166
Perhexiline maleate * * * 22
DH * * 115
Tamoxifen * * * * 19, 23
Methotrexate * * 167
5-FU * 24, 168
Irinotecan * * * 24, 168

FAO: fatty acid oxidation. MPTP: mitochondrial permeability transition pores. MRC: mitochondrial respiratory chain. mtDNA: mitochondrial DNA. OXPHOS:
oxidative phosphorylation. DH: diethylaminoethoxyhexestrol. a Inhibition of mitochondrial FAO through impairment of FAO enzyme(s) and/or depletion in L-car-
nitine and coenzyme A. b Inhibition of the MRC through impairment of enzyme(s) involved in electron transfer or ADP phosphorylation. c Mitochondrial effects
of APAP via its reactive metabolite N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI).
Satapathy SK, et al. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

with cardiometabolic risk factors such as obesity the condition is an adaptive response rather than a
and diabetes. 31 Macrosteatosis can also be drug- toxicological manifestation; however, additional
induced, and there are four known mechanisms in- studies to examine this question are needed. Until
volved. First, similar to microsteatosis, inhibition of this issue is resolved, concerns about phospholipido-
mitochondrial FAO can also lead to macrosteato- sis will continue to exist at regulatory agencies.
sis.20,22,24 Secondly, microsomal triglyceride transfer Procedures for the screening of potential phosphol-
protein (MTP) can be directly inhibited by drugs ipogenic candidate compounds based on gene expres-
such as amiodarone and perhexiline, leading to mac- sion analysis in HepG2 cells have been shown.42
rovesicular steatosis.8,32 Increased cellular uptake of
fatty acids is the third mechanism. A well demon- PROGRESSION FROM STEATOSIS
strated example of such is seen with the drug efa- INTO STEATOHEPATITIS
virenz, which activates AMP-activated protein
kinase (AMPK) leading to efavirinez-induced mito- Overview
chondrial dysfunction.33,34 Finally, drugs can direct-
ly stimulate lipid synthesis in the liver; while the While the exact mechanisms by which steatosis
direct mechanism of such stimulation is unknown, progresses into steatohepatitis are not clearly delineat-
the activation of lipogenic transcription factors, ed, a key role of mitochondrial dysfunction has been
such as PXR, PPARJ and glucocorticoid receptor proposed. Drugs that impair mitochondrial OXPHOS
have been implicated.35-39 and MRC have been implicated in the pathogenesis of
steatohepatitis.8,25,43. MRC inhibition not only contrib-
Drug-induced phospholipidosis utes to fat deposition in hepatocytes but it also has the
damaging effect of producing ROS. ROS affect the
As previously mentioned, clinically relevant phos- hepatocytes in different ways. ROS trigger the peroxi-
pholipidosis has been associated with drugs such as dation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which in turn
amiodarone, fluoxetine, gentamicin, perhexiline and activate Kupffer leading to inflammation, and stellate
DH. Many of these are cationic amphiphilic drugs cells, stimulating fibrogenensis.20,44-46 Stress signaling
(CADs) that share particular physical properties re- pathways, nuclear and mitochondrial DNA damage,
sulting from a chemical structure containing a hy- MRC inhibition and cell death are the end results of
drophilic ring and hydrophobic regions. Several of the modulatory effects of lipid peroxidation.47-49 This
these drugs display severe adverse effects, such as cell environment in turn leads to mitochondrial dys-
acute pneumonitis or hepatitis as observed under function, further augmenting the generation of ROS
amiodarone treatment.40 CAD-induced phospholipi- production and induction of cell death, including the
dosis is characterized by four principal features; ex- activation of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-D
cessive accumulation of phospholipids in cells; and TGF-E.20,50
ultrastructural appearance of membranous lamellar
inclusions, predominantly lysosomal in origin; accu- The role of adipokines
mulation of the inducing drug in association with
the increased phospholipids; and reversibility of al- Adipokines are a host of cytokines derived prima-
terations after discontinuance of drug treatment.41 rily from the adipose tissue depot. They include lep-
Basically two hypotheses have been put forward tin, TNF-D, IL-6, adiponectin, resistin, retinol
to explain the underlying mechanisms of drug-in- binding protein-4, visfatin.51,52 Most adipokines in-
duced phospholipidosis.41 The first hypothesis as- cluding tumor necrosis factor-D and resistin, induce
sumes that CADs bind directly to phospholipids to insulin resistance and low-grade inflammation
result in indigestible drug-lipid complexes, which ac- through activation of stress-related protein kinases,
cumulate and are stored in the form of lysosomal la- i.e. c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase-1 (JNK-1), and of
mellar bodies.13 The second hypothesis is based on the inhibitor kappa kinase beta (IKKE)/nuclear fac-
the observation that production of lamellar bodies tor kappa B (NF-NB) pathway.53-55
was associated with inhibition of phospholipase ac- Leptin considered as an anorexigenic hormone,
tivity; either due to direct inhibition or interaction its levels are elevated in obesity as a result of resist-
of CAD at the phospholipid bilayer of the lyso- ance to its actions.56 Leptin induces dephosphoryla-
some.41 The functional consequences of the presence tion of insulin-receptor substrate 1, rendering
of this condition on cellular or tissue function are hepatocytes more insulin-resistant.56 Leptin is also
not well understood. The general consensus is that directly involved in hepatic fibrogenesis through
Drug-induced fatty liver disease. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

hepatic stellate cells activation.57 Beside Leptin; TNF-D, TNF-regulated cytokines, and cytokines
TNF-D and IL-6 also promote hepatic fibrogenesis.58-60 that modulate the synthesis and biologic actions of
Adiponectin is a 30 kDa protein abundantly and TNF are produced by many cells within the liver
selectively expressed in white adipose tissue. Binding and other organs. These cytokines are the prime
of adiponectin to its receptors stimulates phosphor- mediator of liver injury as well as repair. Thus, an-
ylation of AMPK, PPAR activity and fatty acid oxida- tagonism of TNF-D and other injury-related cy-
tion in liver.61 Plasma adiponectin was significantly tokines merits evaluation as a treatment for NASH.
lower in NAFLD patients than controls.62 Adiponec- In fact, TNF-D inhibition reversed hepatic insulin
tin inhibits liver TNF expression63,64 and also inhib- resistance and liver injury in ob/ob mice and in hu-
its expression of several cytokines in hepatic stellate man NASH.59,68,69
cells (HSC).65 Administrations of recombinant adi-
ponectin markedly improved NASH in ob/ob mice and Mitochondrial
the histological improvement observed in NASH with dysfunction and NASH
thiazolidinediones (TZDs) correlate tightly with en-
hanced adiponectin secretion and adipocyte insulin Accumulating evidence suggests a major role of
sensitivity than with visceral fat mass changes, sug- mitochondrial dysfunction in steatosis and steato-
gesting functional impairment of adipocyte is central hepatitis (Figures 1 and 2). 70 Mitochondrial dys-
to the pathogenesis of NASH.66,67 function not only impairs fat homeostasis in the

Depletion of antioxidants Mitochondrial

reactive oxygen species

Lipid peroxidation FAS ligand


Inflammatory infiltrate Stellate cell activation

Mallory Hyaline
Chemotaxis Fibrosis Death of hepatocyte

Cytokine induction FAS ligand


Depletion of Mitochondrial
antioxidants reactive oxigen species MDA, malondialdehyde
HNE, 4-hydroxynonenal

Figure 2. The figure illustrates the role of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in the induction of cytokine production and
lipid peroxidation leading to the necro-inflammation and fibrosis in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Malondiealdehyde (MDA); 4
hydroxynonenal (HNE); tumor necrosis factor-D (TNF-D), tumor necrosis factor-E (TNF-E); interleukin-1 (IL-1).
Satapathy SK, et al. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

liver but also leads to overproduction of reactive ox- chain fatty acids and initiate the process of lipid per-
ygen species (ROS) that trigger lipid peroxidation, oxidation.81,82
cytokine.70 ROS directly damage mtDNA, respirato- The enzyme CYP4A is controlled by the tran-
ry chain polypeptides and mitochondrial cardiolipin. scription factor PPARD, governing genes and is in-
ROS also increase the expression of several cy- volved in intracellular fatty acid disposal.83,84
tokines, including transforming growth factor-E Defective states of PPARD or of the peroxisomal b-
(TGF-E), interleukin-8 (IL-8), TNF-D and Fas lig- oxidation pathway may also play an important role
and.13,71 TGF-E, hydroxynonenal (HNE) and IL-8 in the development of steatohepatitis.85 It has been
are chemoattractants for human neutrophils, which shown that mice deficient in PPARD-inducible fatty
may account, in part, for the neutrophil infiltrate.13 acid oxidation demonstrate an exaggerated steatotic
TGF-E also induce tissue transglutaminase.13 The response to fasting.86 Therefore, in the context of
induction of tissue transglutaminase by TGF-E hepatic steatosis, both CYP2E1 and CYP4A could
could polymerize cytokeratins to generate dense generate the second hit of cellular injury, particu-
eosinophilic material in the liver cell, the Mallory larly when antioxidant reserves are depleted.
bodies.71 In patients with NASH, ultrastructural ab-
normalities of liver mitochondria have been demon- The role of
strated.72 In addition, mtDNA is severely depleted in reduced activity of the MTP
patients with NASH73 and resulting in functional
impairment of beta oxidation8 resulting in steato- In the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen, MTP
sis.74 lipidates apolipoprotein B (Apo B), to form triglycer-
Normally, hepatocytes express Fas (a membrane ide (TG)-rich VLDL particles, which follow vesicular
receptor), but not Fas ligand, preventing them from flow to the plasma membrane to be secreted, where-
killing their neighbors.75 However, several condi- as incompletely lipidated Apo B particles are partly
tions leading to increased ROS formation, such as degraded. The functional polymorphism -493 G/T in
drugs or alcohol abuse, cause Fas ligand expression the MTP gene promoter has been linked to liver dis-
by hepatocytes, so that Fas ligand on one hepato- ease in NAFLD: GG homozygosity, or carrying a
cyte can now interact with Fas on another hepatocyte, lower MTP activity than the other genotypes, pre-
to cause fratricidal apoptosis.75 Indeed, apoptosis dicted more severe liver histology.87 This polymor-
seems to play an important role in NASH.76 phism modulates lipid and lipoprotein levels in
healthy and hypercholesterolemic subjects.88,89
The role of microsomes
and peroxisomes Genetic pre-disposition for
fatty liver disease
Members of the microsomal cytochrome P-450
participate in the generation of oxidative changes in Recent genome-wide association studies revealed
fatty livers via increased production of the free oxy- that the genetic variation rs738409 (I148M) in the
gen radical H2O2. Two enzymes, CYP2E1 and patatin-like phospholipase 3 gene (PNPLA3) influ-
CYP4A, are involved in the metabolism of long ences NAFLD and plasma levels of liver en-
chain fatty acids (lipo-oxygenation). Over expres- zymes,90,91 including predisposition for fibrosis
sion of CYP2E1 in the liver has been demonstrated progression.92,93 This polymorphism is a strong pre-
in both animal models of NASH and in patients with dictor of steatosis, inflammation, and fibrosis across
NASH.77-79 Insulin resistance and increased cyto- different populations, being independent of body
chrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) expression are both as- mass, insulin resistance, or serum lipid levels.94 The
sociated with and mechanistically implicated in the expression of PNPLA3 is regulated by nutrition:
development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. fasting inhibits, and high carbohydrate diet feeding
Schattenberg, et al.80 demonstrated that, increased increases, PNPLA3 expression.94 PNPLA3 possess-
hepatocyte CYP2E1 expression and the presence of es triglyceride hydrolase and DG transacylase activ-
steatohepatitis result in the down-regulation of in- ity, and converts lysophosphatidic to phosphatidic
sulin signaling, potentially contributing to the insu- acid form.49 By modulating lipid intermediates, dys-
lin resistance associated with nonalcoholic fatty functional PNPLA3 promotes the accumulation of
liver disease. Also, CYP2E1 has a great affinity for lipotoxic substrates, which lead to lipoapoptosis and
electrons and easily forms reactive oxygen species inflammation.95 The role of PNPLA3 in the context
(ROS) that react with the unsaturated bonds of long of drug-induced fatty liver disease is unclear.
Drug-induced fatty liver disease. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

DIAGNOSIS OF advanced fibrosis. 101 Transient elastography is a

DRUG-INDUCED FATTY LIVER DISEASE non-invasive method of assessing liver fibrosis,
which can be performed at the bedside or in an
Establishing the diagnosis of drug-induced liver outpatient clinic. It employs ultrasound-based tech-
injury (DILI), involves a careful evaluation of the nology to measure liver stiffness and has been vali-
temporal profile of drug ingestion and onset of liver dated for use in chronic hepatitis C, Human
disease, the latter developing after and as a conse- immunodeficiency vius/hepatitis C virus co-infec-
quence of the former. 9 In patients with suspected tion and cholestatic liver diseases.102 Fibroscan has
DILI, diagnostic scales, such as the Councils for now been validated in NAFLD103 and represents a
International Organizations of Medical Sciences/ useful tool for rapid, non-invasive assessment of
Roussel Uclaf Causality Assessment Method liver fibrosis and determining need for biopsy. In
(CIOMS/RUCAM) scale, may be helpful for the final 2007, Hamaguchi, et al. generated a scoring system
diagnosis. 96 A systematic review of the patient’s with abdominal ultrasound which could provide ac-
medication list must be undertaken, since the list curate information regarding the hepatic steatosis,
of drugs capable of causing drug-induced fatty liver obesity and the metabolic syndrome in healthy peo-
disease is long. Primary causes of hepatic steatosis/ ple who do not consume alcohol. 104
steatohepatitis are common and must, of course, be
ruled out by appropriate imaging and laboratory DRUGS THAT CAUSE
tests. In particular, drug-induced steatosis and st- STEATOHEPATITIS AND
eatohepatitis share many features with alcoholic PHOSPHOLIPIDOSIS INDEPENDENTLY
liver disease, including the presence of significant
inflammatory-cell infiltration with ballooning de- There are three drugs classically identified in
generation and the presence of Mallory bodies,97,98 the literature to produce drug-induced steatohepati-
and a careful and accurate history of alcohol con- tis with phospholipidosis independently: amiodar-
sumption must be performed. The case for drug-in- one, perhexiline maleate, and DH. 7 While
duced fatty liver disease is strengthened if the phospholipidosis develops after prolonged treat-
reported pattern of injury of the offending drug in ment with these agents in a dose-dependent man-
the literature is in accordance with the observed ner, it does not lead to steatohepatitis. Acute liver
clinical and histological picture. The traditional injury with microvesicular steatosis mimicking
method to evaluate drug-induced phospholipidosis Reye syndrome has been described in the litera-
is visual confirmation of myeloid bodies in tissues ture. 105 Chronic exposure to these agents rarely
by electron microscopy and is not routinely per- can also lead to cirrhosis.106,107
Liver biopsy remains the gold standard for Amiodarone
NAFLD diagnosis, however this an invasive tech-
nique. Ultrasonography is therefore the recom- Amiodarone, an antiarrhythmic drug highly effec-
mended first-line imaging technique in clinical tive for the treatment of atrial and ventricular ar-
practice. There has been intense interest in non-in- rhythmias, is known to have significant thyroid and
vasive methods to identify advanced fibrosis in pa- hepatic side effects. Amiodarone is a hepatic mito-
tients with NAFLD, 99 these include the NAFLD chondrial toxin, inhibiting both enzyme complexes
Fibrosis Score, 100 enhanced liver fibrosis (ELF) in the electron transport chain, as well as adversely
panel 100 and transient elastography (fibroscan). affecting E-oxidation, and uncoupling of oxidative
The NAFLD fibrosis score is based on six readily phosphorylation. Clinically, amiodarone leads to
available variables (age, body mass index (BMI), asymptomatic elevation of serum transaminases in
hyperglycemia, platelet count, albumin, aspartate 40-80% of patients being treated with the drug,
aminotransferase (AST)/ alanine aminotransferase which can be associated with mild cholestasis.108
(ALT) ratio) and it is calculated using the pub- Amiodarone toxicity, on the other hand, develops in
lished formula ( The ELF a much smaller fraction of patients, 1-3%; however,
panel consists of plasma levels of three matrix when it occurs, it can be severe, histologically char-
turnover proteins (hyaluronic acid, tissue inhibitor acterized by steatohepatitis resembling alcoholic
of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) and N-terminal hepatitis with Mallory bodies, ballooning degenera-
propeptide of Type III procollagen (PIIINP) had a tion, and inflammatory PMN infiltrates (Figure 3),97
80% sensitivity and 90% specificity for detecting and less frequently microvesicular steatosis.105 The
Satapathy SK, et al. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

A liver injury associated with amiodarone toxicity typ-

ically resolves with discontinuation of the drug,6,109
however, full recovery may be a protracted process
over the course of weeks to months secondary to the
drug’s long half-life.110

Perhexiline maleate

Perhexiline maleate is a cationic amphiphile an-

tianginal drug previously used extensively in Europe.
Its hepatic toxicity is similar to amiodarone, histolog-
ically mimicking alcoholic steatohepatitis, associated
B with phospholipidosis.111,112 Pharmacologically, the
drug impairs hepatic liver metabolism similarly to
amiodarone, concentrating in the mitochondria,
uncouples oxidative phosphorylation and inhibits
E-oxidation of fatty acids. Perhexiline maleate also
decreases the exit of triglycerides from the liver,
resulting in significant microvesicular steatosis,
necrosis, and inflammation.22 Perhexiline is catabolized
by cytochrome P-450 2D6; 3-7% of Caucasians are
slow metabolizers for perhexiline; such individuals
are at a greater risk for steatohepatitis and neu-
ropathy, another side effect of the drug. Perhexiline
half-life is long, 3 to 12 days, resulting in delayed he-
C patic clearance, particularly in slow metabolizers.113
This drug is however is no longer in the United
States market although continue to be used in some
countries like Australia and New Zealand.

Diethylaminoethoxyhexestrol (DH)

DH is a coronary vasodilator, antianginal cationic

amphiphile drug formerly used extensively in
Japan.7 Similar to perhexeline maleate, it induces
phospholipidosis and a histological picture very sim-
ilar to alcoholic steatohepatitis. This drug is
concentrated to high levels in hepatocyte lysosomes,
inhibiting phospholipase A1.114 Similar to amiodar-
one and perhexeline, steatohepatitis is a consenseque
of DH’s accumulation in mitochondria, where it
Figure 3. A. Microvesicular steatosis secondary to amioda- inhibits mitochondrial respiration, causing depletion
rone toxicity. The majority of the lipid droplets are the same of ATP, inhibition of E-oxidation, and consequently,
size or smaller than the nuclei of the hepatocytes. Original
lipid peroxidation.115
magnification 400x. B. Steatohepatitis with ballooning dege-
neration and a Mallory-Denk body (arrow) secondary to amio-
darone toxicity. Original magnification 400x. C. Trichrome DRUGS THAT CAN
stain demonstrating peri-sinusoidal fibrosis (solid arrows) se- PRECIPITATE HEPATIC
condary to steatohepatitis. Note the fibrous expansion of por- STEATOSIS/STEATOHEPATITIS
tal fields assuming the appearance of stellatefibrosis, as well
as inflammatory infiltrate (white arrow). Trichrome stain.
Tamoxifen, an antiestrogenic drug widely used for
Original magnification 400x. Photographs provided by Pamela
B. Sylvestre, M.D., affiliated with the University of Tennes- the primary and secondary prevention of breast car-
see/Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute, Mem- cinoma is commonly associated with hepatic steato-
phis, TN. sis,116,117 though rarely with steatohepatitis118,119 or
Drug-induced fatty liver disease. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

cirrhosis.120,121 The mechanism of tamoxifen-associ- caused by NASH in a dose-dependent manner.136

ated steatohepatitis has not been extensively stud- Chemotherapy-associated steatohepatitis has also
ied, but it is postulated that its effect may be been described in patient undergoing chemotherapy
secondary to its estrogen agonist activity and inhi- with agents such as was irinotecan and oxaliplatin,
bition of mitochondrial E-oxidation of fatty particularly in patients with underlying obesity.137
acids.122,123 Tamoxifen often increases serum triglyc- Irinotecan has also been shown in a large study to
erides, another risk factor for NASH,124 and it is be associated with steatohepatitis regardless of body
particularly has been found to cause steatohepatitis mass index (BMI), though clinically significant out-
in patients with pre-existing liver steatosis, especial- come, such as perioperative mortality, appears to be
ly patients with high BMIs, hyperglycemia and hy- linked rather to BMI.138 Some authors advocate for
perlipidemia. However, an estrogen-receptor (ER) further studies in this area are to support this asso-
independent, direct effect of tamoxifen on the mito- ciation, and to determine if chemotherapy-associated
chondrial respiration rate and phosphorylation effi- steatohepatitis could be modified by drug or dose ad-
ciency has been also described.125 Histologically, justment.139
tamoxifen-induced steatohepatitis mimics alcoholic The nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
steatohepatitis.118 (NRTI) zidovudine and stavudine, commonly used in
Raloxifene, a selective estrogen receptor modula- the treatment of HIV, have also been linked to mac-
tor (SERM) used in the treatment and prevention of rovacuolar and microvesicular steatosis and severe
osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, has also lactic acidosis,140,141 indirectly via the inhibition of
rarely been described in the literature as aggravat- mitochondrial DNA polymerase142 or through direct
ing steatosis in patients with underlying non-alco- inhibition of fatty acid oxidation,143,144 In addition,
holic fatty liver disease,126 in a rat model, raloxefine NRTIs are associated with insulin resistance145 and
inhibited both mitochondrial and peroxisomal E-oxi- may be an independent risk factor for the develop-
dation.127 ment of hepatic steatosis according to a large cross-
Similar to estrogens, glucocorticoids frequently sectional study, 146 though this is debated.147
cause hepatic steatosis, though rarely cause steato- Treatment with protease inhibitors (PIs) such as
hepatitis.128 In vitro dexamethasone has been shown ritonavir have been associated with lipodystro-
to inhibit mitochondrial E-oxidation, decrease hepat- phy 148,149 which is in turn associated with insulin
ic triglyceride secretion resulting in microvesicular resistance and hyperlipidemia.150
steatosis in a mouse model.129 While the exact mech-
anism by which steatosis evolves into steatohepati- MANAGEMENT OF DRUG-INDUCED
tis in certain patients receiving glucocorticoids FATTY LIVER DISEASE
remains undetermined, plausibly it may involve the
exacerbation of metabolic mechanisms known to Despite an increased understanding of the patho-
contribute to NASH, such as insulin insensitivity, genesis of fatty liver disease, there are few effective
and hypertriglyceridemia.7 therapies available. Current treatment strategies for
VPA and carbamazepene (CBZ), are widely used fatty liver disease in general are primarily directed
antiepileptic drugs. VPA in particular has well-es- towards improvement of metabolic parameters
tablished, common metabolic side-effects including which contribute to disease pathogenesis, including
weight gain 130 and increased insulin resistance.131 weight loss, exercise, lipid and glycemic control.98 It
VPA, and to a lesser degree CBZ, have been associ- is unclear if lifestyle modification strategies, such as
ated with increased risk for ultrasonographic signs exercise and weight loss, or pharmacotherapy will
of fatty liver disease.132 CBZ-induced steatosis/stea- have any beneficial role in the management of drug-
tohepatitis may be idiosyncratic; while hepatotoxici- induced steatohepatitis considering the cardio meta-
ty associated with CBZ is well described in the bolic risk factors and insulin resistance are not the
literature, typically causing hepatitis,133,134 steato- key player in its pathogenesis. Particular to drug-in-
sis/steatohepatitis is rare.135 duced fatty liver disease, the identification and re-
Methotrexate, an antimetabolite drug used as a moval of the culprit drug is key, and the mainstay
chemotherapeutic agent as well as in the treatment of treatment.
of autoimmune disorders, is known to cause steato- Vitamin E, has been shown to improve liver his-
hepatitis, particularly in patients with underlying tology in non-diabetic adults with biopsy-proven
cardiometabolic risk factors such as diabetes, obesi- NASH and therefore according to AASLD guidelines
ty, and heavy ethanol use, accelerating liver injury is recommended as first-line pharmacotherapy in pa-
Satapathy SK, et al. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

tient with primary NASH.151 Vitamin E (alfa-toco- hepatitis by indirect induction of metabolic risk fac-
pherol) is relatively safe and readily available. The tors for NASH, such as insulin insensitivity, and
rationale for using vitamin E in patients with NASH hypertriglyceridemia. Optimal treatment of drug-in-
is derived mostly from its antioxidant properties, duced steatohepatitis is unclear. Further research is
and could potentially be useful in drug-induced stea- needed to determine the exact mechanisms by which
tohepatitis. Considering the rarity of the cases of drug-induced steatosis progresses into steatohepati-
drug-induced fatty liver disease, a large scale rand- tis and fibrosis, perhaps leading to tailored modali-
omized trial is unlikely to be available soon. ties for the treatment and prevention of NASH.
A small open label pilot study has generated some
interest in using bezafribate in preventing progres- AUTHOR DECLARATION
sion NASH induced tamoxifen in breast cancer pa-
tients. The study however used liver/spleen CT ratio This manuscript is not being considered for publi-
for follow up as a surrogate to liver biopsy, there- cation elsewhere.
fore needs further evaluation in better designed
study prior to any recommendation for use.152 De- ABBREVIATIONS
spite this is a small study, such an approach for pre-
vention of progression related to drug induced • ALT: alanine aminotransferases.
NASH needs to be evaluated with potential promis- • AMPK: AMP-activated protein kinase.
ing drugs. • Apo B: apolipoprotein B.
Possible beneficial effects of other anti-oxidants • AST: aspartate aminotransferases.
such as S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe),153 and Sily- • ATP: adenosine triphosphate.
marin154 has been speculated but lacks confirma- • AZT: azidothymidine.
tion. Obeticholic acid (6D-ethyl-chenodeoxycholic • BMI: body mass index.
acid) is a semisynthetic derivative of the primary hu- • CADs: cationic amphiphilic drugs.
man bile acid chenodeoxycholic acid, the natural ag- • CBZ: carbamazepine.
onist of the farnesoid X receptor, which is a nuclear • CIOMS: Councils for International Organiza-
hormone receptor that regulates glucose and lipid tions of Medical Sciences.
metabolism. A recently concluded, multicentre, dou- • D4T: stavudine.
ble-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group, rand- • DDI: didanosine.
omized clinical trial obeticholic acid was found to • DH: 4,4’-diethylaminoethoxyhexestrol.
significantly improve the histological features of • DILI: drug-induced liver injury.
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, but its long-term bene- • DIPL: drug-induced phospholipidosis.
fits and safety need further clarification. These • ELF: enhanced liver fibrosis.
and many new drugs under development (details • ER: endoplasmic reticulum.
beyond the scope of this review), certainly has gen- • FAO: fatty acid oxidation.
erated enormous interest and hope in the treatment • FFAs: free fatty acids.
of NAFLD, and NASH in particular in the last few • HNE: hydroxynonenal.
years, some of them could potentially be used in • HSC: hepatic stellate cells.
drug-induced steatohepatitis as well.155 • IKKE E : inhibitor kappa kinase beta.
• IL-8: interleukin-8.
CONCLUSION • LCFAs: long chain fatty acids.
• MRC: mitochondrial respiratory chain.
True drug-induced steatohepatitis is rare, and • mtDNA: mitochondrial DNA.
only unequivocally associated with three drugs: ami- • MTP: microsomal triglyceride transfer protein.
odarone, perhexiline, and DH, all which share a • NAFLD: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
common hepatotoxicity mechanism involving mito- • NAS: NAFLD acitivity score.
chondrial ATP formation and fatty acid oxidation. • NASH: non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
Several other drugs, such as tamoxifen, methotrex- • NF-NNB: nuclear factor kappa B.
ate and irinotecan have been implicated in the exac- • NHANES: National Health and Nutrition Ex-
erbation of steatohepatits/steatosis in the amination Surveys.
background setting of pre-existing cardiometabolic • NRTI: nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors.
risk factors, especially obesity. Other drugs, such as • NSAIDs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
steroids and antiepileptic agents may lead to steato- • OXPHOS: oxidative phosphorylation.
Drug-induced fatty liver disease. , 2015; 14 (6): 789-806

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