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As a company-wide initiative, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

maximizes the effectiveness of equipment. The TPM program significantly

increases labor and capital productivity while, at the same time, increases

employee morale and job satisfaction. TPM brings maintenance into focus

as a necessary and vitally important part of the business. Targeted at all

levels of the organization, TPM and its 8 Pillars provide the necessary

supporting process and tools to achieve zero defects, zero breakdowns

and zero accidents.



1. Understand the concept and management philosophy of TPM as a

foundation for Lean Transformation

2. Learn the 8 pillars of TPM activities, TPM implementation strategy,

roadmap and step-by-step approach

3. Learn the TPM tools and be able to identify and eliminate loss through

TPM implementation

4. Learn how to kick-start TPM deployment with Autonomous

Maintenance, Planned Maintenance, Focused Improvement and

Education & Training activities to improve equipment reliability

5. Understand the roles of a TPM implementation organization and the

critical success factors


1. Overview of TPM

What is TPM?

What TPM Is Not

TPM Principles

TPM Supports Lean Transformation

TPM is a Paradigm Shift

Why is TPM Important?

TPM Goals

Eight Pillars of TPM

TPM Pillars & Activities

TPM Benefits

2. TPM Foundations: 5S & Visual Management

5S Principles

Sort: Identifying Red-tag Targets

Sort: Disposal Methods

Set In Order: Making Things Easy to Find

Shine - Practice Tips & Check Sheet

5S & Equipment Maintenance

Visual Control - TPM Scorecard

Visual Control Example

3. TPM Tools

Small Group Activities

Suggestion System

Fuguai Tagging

One-Point Lesson

Activity Board

4. Equipment Loss & Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

3 Key Components of OEE

Six Big Equipment Losses

Equipment Losses & OEE

Breakdown Losses

Setup & Adjustment Losses

Minor Stoppage Losses

Speed Loss

Quality Defect & Rework Losses

Start-up (Yield) Losses

Strategies for Zero Breakdowns

5. The 8 Pillars of TPM

Autonomous Maintenance

Planned Maintenance

Focused Improvement

Education & Training

Early Equipment Management

Quality Maintenance

Office TPM

Safety & Environmental Management

6. TPM Implementation

TPM Implementation Master Plan

Example of TPM Implementation Structure

3 Requirements for Fundamental Improvement

12 Steps of TPM Implementation

How to Sustain TPM

Critical Success Factors

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