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Una de las carreras más significativas a través del tiempo, y cuyo rol en la
historia ha sido de gran relevancia es sin duda alguna “la Enfermería”, no
solamente por la labor incansable y ardua de ese personal avocado a realizar esta
tarea tan loable, sino por la capacidad técnica de cada uno de los profesionales
que se han adaptado a los cambios tecnológicos que enfrentamos en cada campo
laboral y estudiantil. Es allí en este último que se enfoca el contenido de esta
guía de estudio para estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad de Carabobo.

El inglés como instrumento esencial para el desarrollo de futuros profesionales

en el área de enfermería, viene a abrir nuevos horizontes a aquellos estudiantes
que deseen actualizarse e ir más allá en sus estudios. La enfermera o enfermero
actual debe contar con esta herramienta en su proceso de aprendizaje ya que
mucha de la información en la red se encuentra en inglés, y a veces solicitamos
la ayuda para traducir los mismos. Razón por la cual es de principal interés para
nuestro personal docente que el idioma inglés forme parte en el desarrollo
integral del alumnado de enfermería.

En esta guía de estudio el estudiante encontrará mucha información actualizada,

con ejercicios variados y sencillos de responder, glosario con traducción en
español y explicación en inglés, vocabulario específico en cada una de las
unidades y lecturas de interés relacionadas directamente con la carrera que
orientan al estudiante en esta aventura universitaria.

Finalmente cabe mencionar la fórmula para el éxito en esta aventura como lo es

la motivación por parte del profesor e interés por parte del estudiante, factores
claves que llevarán sin duda alguna a la formación de un perfil idóneo del nuevo
enfermero egresado de nuestra gloriosa casa de estudio, como lo es la
Universidad de Carabobo.

Inglés Instrumental Enfermería

Nombres y Apellidos: ____________________________

Cédula de identidad: _____________________________

Sección: ___________ Aula: _________

Profesor: _______________________________________

Dirección: ______________________________________

E-mail: _________________________________________

Nro. de teléfono: _________________________________

“I have never worked so hard in all my life and I would

rather do that than anything else in the world.”

Unit 1 “Introduction to English for the Health Science Area”

Section I……………………… ……………………………….…………page 05

Section II….……………… ……………………………..………........…page 10

Unit 2 “Signs and Symptoms”

Section I ………………… ……………………………….………….…page 13

Section II ………...…………… …………………….………….…… 21

Unit 3 “Location”
Section I ………………….………………………….………………..….page 23
Section II ….………………………… ………………………………….page 27

Unit 4 “Measurement I”

Section I ………………………………………………………………….page 30
Section II ….………………... …………………….……....…………….page 34

Unit 5 “Process I. Actions in Sequence”

Section I …………………………………………..…………………..….page 36
Section II …….……………………………………………..………… 38

Unit 6 “Topics in the Health Science Area”

Reading I …………………… …………………..……………..………page 40

Reading II …………………… 42

References ….……………………………………..…………………… 44



Section I. Presentation


Years ago a person who was interested in a medical career became a doctor, a nurse, or a

dentist. The range of careers was limited. There are jobs for those who like people and jobs for

those who prefer the solitude of scientific experimentation. The opportunities are so vast that

anyone interested in pursuing a medical career can find something appealing and suitable.

The training required for the various occupations differs. It is not always necessary to

spend as much time preparing for a medical career as a doctor must. The necessary skills can

be learned on the job. For others, a year or two of specialized education are required. Many of

these related careers are called paramedical, indicating that persons working in these positions

do not have the same role or medical background as a doctor. One familiar medical career is

nursing. Nurses work in hospitals and in doctors’ offices. They join public health team and

care bedridden patients in their homes. Becoming a nurse does not require as many years of

study, but one must be equally dedicated. Caring for sick people demands great patience and a

lot of work. Nurses work long days, often on irregular shifts or during the night. Depending on

the training, a nurse may be a professional nurse, also known as a registered nurse (R.N.), or a

licensed practical or vocational nurse (L.P.N. or L.V.N.).

Registered nurses may have completed a full college course 4 year-degree or a two-

year course (diploma). Vocational or practical nurses complete a specialized training course,

usually one year long. A professional nurse has the major responsibility for a patient’s care,

following the physician’s instructions. She is assisted in her duties by nurses with less training,

who comprise the nursing team. Together they perform such tasks as administering medicine,

assisting with blood transfusions, preparing patients for surgery, changing patients’ surgical

dressings, and making routine checks of patients’ vital signs. Orderlies and nurse’s aides are

often the unsung heroes of hospital care. They may be students working while they pursue

further training, or professionals at their trade. They move patients, assist at procedures, and

generally help with patient care and comfort, often doing unpleasant and demanding tasks.


PARAMEDICAL: paramédico
R.R.N or R.P.N. (Registered professional nurse): enfermera profesional
L.P.N or L.V.N. (Licensed practical nurse or Licensed vocational nurse): (enfermera
ON DUTY: guardia
SURGERY: cirugía.
DRESSINGS: vendajes
SHIFT: turno
BEDRIDDEN: postrado en cama
VITAL SIGNS: signos vitales
PATIENT: paciente
ORDERLY: asistente
FAMILY PRACTICE: medicina familiar


a) Answer these questions based on the reading:

1) How does an L.P.N. or L.V.N differ from an R.N.?


2) What are some duties of the nursing team?


3) Where do nurses work and what they do in general?


4) According to the reading who are the unsung heroes? Why?


a) Read the conversation between a nurse and a patient.

Patient: Excuse me, nurse! Come on here, please

Nurse: Yes. What is it now, Mr. Brown?

Patient: It’s this ward. It’s too hot. Can’t we open the window?
and get some air in here?

Nurse: I’m sorry but we mustn’t forget all the other patients on the ward who
suffer from the cold, must we?

Patient: I suppose so. Oh, and another thing. The soup I had for
lunch today was stone cold. This is simply not acceptable.

Nurse: Stone cold? Are you sure?

Patient: Well, lukewarm then.

Nurse: I do apologize, Mr. Brown. Everybody else’s was hot. I wonder why yours wasn’t.
Anyway, I’ll mention it to the kitchen.

Patient: Good.

Nurse: Is that all for now or is there something else you’re not happy with?

Patient: Er. Yes, yes it is. Oh no, no it isn’t. I’ve just about had enough of all the noise round here
at night, Banging doors, flushing toilets, lights going on and off. Can’t people show a
little bit of respect and keep quiet when the lights out?

Nurse: Now Mr. Brown. This isn’t a prison. It’s a working hospital which runs 24 hours a day.
We all do our best to keep the noise level down but it’s very difficult with so many
patients and staff. You should realize that.

Patient: Well, it’s not good enough.

Nurse: I’m afraid you’ll just have to put up with it then, won’t you?

Patient: Hopefully I’ll be out of here the day after tomorrow anyway.

Nurse: Yes, Hopefully Mr. Brown. Now, if there’s nothing else, I’d like to get back to the other
300 patients on my ward. Goodbye.

b) Answer these questions based on the dialogue:

1) What do you think of Mr. Brown’s attitude?


2) How do you think the nurse dealt with the situation – sarcastically, ironically, politely,

3) When is Mr. Brown going to leave for home?


c) Translate the following words into Spanish:

afraid: ____________________

banging doors:__________________


flushing toilets:_______________

little bit:___________________


put up:____________________

ward: ____________________




The nursing staff in a hospital is usually quite large and diverse. Nursing services, after
all, must be provided on a 24-hour basis. There are professional nurses, practical nurses,
nurse’s aids, and orderlies. The general term nurse refers to a person trained to offer bedside
care to sick persons.
To serve as a director of nursing in a hospital, one must be trained as a registered
professional nurse, otherwise known as an R.N. This kind of nurse regularly administers
medicine, assists with blood transfusions, and administers I.V.’s.
The L.P.N. may take routine checks of a patient’s vital signs, change a patient’s
surgical dressings, or prep a patient for surgery.
Other employees who come under the jurisdiction of the director of nursing are aides
and orderlies. They perform routine functions to assist the R.N.’s and the L.P.N.’s; these may
include feeding a patient or helping a patient get dressed.
Under the supervision of the head nurse, the nursing staff in a hospital ward must
attend to patients’ needs. This responsibility continues around the clock, and so nurses must
work in shifts. The nurses on the ward rotate their shifts. All of them work out of a central area
on the ward called the nurse’s station.

A nurse must always be alert. She can never afford to be careless. This is true in all
nursing situations, but it is especially true in the intensive care unit. Patients under intensive
care are critically ill, and they must be monitored at all times. The nurses who do intensive
care duty have one of the most demanding jobs in the hospital.
Serving as a nurse on a hospital nursing staff can be a very rewarding job. But it is not
an easy one. Not every person is suited to become a nurse. Only very dedicated people have
chosen nursing as a profession.


I.V: abreviación de intravenoso

PREP: preparar
NURSE’S STATION: estación de enfermería
AIDE: ayudante
INTENSIVE CARE: cuidados intensivos
ORDERLIES: camilleros


a) Answer these questions based on the reading.

1) Do patients have a lot of contact with the nursing staff?


2) Name some of the various types of nurses who make up the nursing staff in a hospital.


3) Why does a nurse have to work at night from time to time?


4) What kind of patient might need to be in the intensive care unit?


b) Match the following terms in the left column with the correct definition in the right
column. Only one definition is appropriate for each term.

___SHIFT 1. injection of bottled human blood.

_ __ON DUTY 2. nurse with one year of training.

___ R.N. 3. heartbeat, temperature and blood pressure.

___ ORDERLY 4. male attendant.

___WARD 5. eight-hour period of duty.

___ VITAL SIGNS 6. at work.

___ I.V. 7. bandage

___L.P.N 8. trained professional nurse.

___TRANSFUSION 9. administering fluid by a catheter.

___ DRESSING 10. floor, wing or large patient area.

SECTION I. Presentation
1. Look and read

Signs and Symptoms Related to Anemia:

The most common symptom of anemia is fatigue (feeling

tired or weak). Other signs and symptoms of anemia

 Shortness of breath

 Dizziness

 Headache

 Coldness in the hands and feet

 Pale skin

 Chest pain


What is a Sign?

Sign: Any objective evidence of disease. A sign can be detected by a person other than the
affected individual. Gross blood in the stool is a sign of disease. It can be recognized by the
patient, doctor, nurse, or others. In contrast, a symptom is, by its nature, subjective.
Abdominal pain is a symptom. It is something only the patient can know.

Types of Signs

Medical signs may be classified by the type of inference that may be made from their
presence, for example: Prognostic signs, Anamnestic signs, Diagnostic signs, and
Pathognomonic signs.

Examples of Signs

 Ascites (fluid in the abdomen)  Gynecomastia (excessive breast tissue in

 Cachexia (loss of weight, muscle males)
atrophy)  Hemoptysis (blood-stained sputum)
 Caput medusae (dilated umbilical  Hepatosplenomegaly (enlarged liver and
veins) spleen)
 Clubbing (deformed nails)  Icterus ("jaundice")
 Cough  Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph
 Death rattle (last moments of life in a nodes)
person/animal)  Palmar erythema (reddening of hands)
 Fever  Splenomegaly (enlarged spleen)

What is a Symptom?

Symptom: Any subjective evidence of disease. A symptom is a phenomenon that is

experienced by an individual. Anxiety, lower back pain, and fatigue are all symptoms. They
are sensations only the patient can perceive. In contrast, a sign is objective evidence of
disease. A bloody nose is a sign. It is evident to the patient, doctor, nurse, and other observers.

Types of Symptoms

They may be chronic, relapsing or remitting (present but without symptoms). Asymptomatic
conditions and asymptomatic infections can exist (such as high blood pressure).

Constitutional or general symptoms are those that are related to the systemic effects of a
disease (e.g., fever, malaise, anorexia, weight loss). They affect the entire body rather than a
specific organ or location.

Non-specific symptoms are those self-reported symptoms that do not indicate a specific
disease process or involve an isolated body system. For example, fatigue is a feature of an
enormous number of medical conditions. Fatigue is also a normal, healthy condition when
experienced after exertion or at the end of a day.

Here are some common signs

Rash Bruising Swelling

Weight loss

Some common symptoms are:

Nausea Insomnia All kinds of pain

Now look at these common complaints: some are sings and some are symptoms. Make two
lists like the examples below. You can refer to the appendix at the end of the unit.

Irregular pulse, dull pain, stomachache, dizziness, haematemesis, hunger, pallor, diarrhoea,
jaundice, thirst, dyspnoea, constipation, headache, cyanosis, anorexia, laceration, abrasion,
inflammation, shallow pulse, weight gain, shallow respiration, backache.

Signs Symptoms
Rapid pulse Sharp pain
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________

Now discuss in class why you think that each one is a sign, or why you think it is a symptom,
like these examples:
Why is nausea a symptom and not a sign?
Because the nurse cannot observe it. The patient tells her about it.
Why is bruising a sign and not a symptom?
Because the nurse can observe it. She can see it.

Some of the terms used here are technical terms used only in medicine.
Look at the appendix if you need help when you are doing exercise 2.

2. Complete these sentences:

a) The technical term for difficulty in breathing is ……………………………….

b) The technical term for fluid in the tissues is ……………………………………

c) Blue lips or nails are a sign of …………………………………………………..

d) A patient whose face looks yellow has …………………………………………

e) The technical term for a cut is a …………………………………………………

f) The technical term for blood in the vomit is …………………………………….

g) A pulse which is difficult to feel is ………………………………………………………….

3. Read this:

A nurse observes a rash on a patient. This is a sign.

So she reports: ‘The patient has a rash’.
She does not observe nausea. This is a symptom. The patient tells her about it.
So she reports: ‘The patient complains of nausea’.

Say what the nurse will report about the following patients:

a) A patient who says ´I feel sick’. _______________________________________________

b) A patient who says ‘I can’t sleep’. _____________________________________________

c) A patient who says ‘I feel dizzy’. ______________________________________________

d) A patient who is breathing with difficulty. _______________________________________

e) A patient who says ‘I’ve got backache’. _________________________________________

f) A patient whose vomit contains blood. __________________________________________

g) A patient who is passing frequent loose stools. ____________________________________

4. Look at these examples:

The patient has diarrhoea.

The patient feels sick.
The patient is pale.

Now write sentences like the examples using these words:

Constipated, cyanosed, a sharp pain, hungry, a laceration, oedematous (his right upper
arm), an abrasion, a rapid pulse.



Bruising (bruise) an injury which makes a mark on the skin (blue or black) but does not break
the skin.

Rash red spots on the skin. A sign of certain illnesses such as measles.

Swelling a part of the body which has become enlarged by disease or injury e.g. a sprained
ankle. The adjective is swollen. Swollen glands are a sign of mumps.

Nausea feeling sick or wanting to vomit. The adjective is nauseated.

Insomnia inability to sleep.

Ache an ache is a kind of pain. The term ache cannot be used for a pain in every part of the
body, but only some, e.g. backache, earache, stomachache, toothache, headache.

Irregular pulse or respiration the pulse or respiration rate varies from fast to slow.

Dizziness vertigo; the feeling that everything is turning around you, and that you will lose
your balance.

Haematemesis blood in the vomit.

Pallor lack of colour in the skin. The adjective is pale or pallid.

Diarrhoea frequent loose stools, passed through the bowels.

Jaundice the skin and eyes of a patient with jaundice look yellow.

Dyspnoea difficulty in breathing.

Constipation (constipated) when a patient cannot open his bowels, or only with difficulty, he
has constipation or he is constipated.

Cyanosis blue skin caused by insufficient oxygen in the blood. The adjective is cyanosed.

Anorexia lack of appetite.

Laceration a cut with broken edges. The adjective is lacerated.

Abrasion rubbed or torn skin .

Inflammation a red, hot, swollen, painful place on the skin. The adjective is inflamed.

Shallow pulse or respiration a light, faint pulse.

Respiration breathing.

Rapid quick.

Oedema swelling caused by excessive fluid in the tissues.


- How are you feeling? -How do you feel now? - Do you feel bad? - What’s the matter (with you)?

- Haven’t you been feeling well lately? -Did you hurt yourself badly? - What’s wrong?

- Are you feeling unwell? - How long have you been feeling from the headaches?

- What’s brought you here? - What seems to be the problem? - How is your health?


A) Match the following ailments with the advice.


a- the hiccups ____ 1- Don’t sit up and eat your meals lying.
b- a sunburn ____ 2- Sit quietly and try to relax.
c- a sore throat ___ 3- Don’t carry heavy things.
d- a rash _____ 4- Don’t eat anything spicy or oily.
e- a cold ____ 5- Avoid sun exposure and apply skin lotion .
f- a backache _____ 6- Have a cup of tea with honey and lemon.
g- a stomachache ___ 7- Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
h- an earache ____ 8- Try not to scratch it.
i- an acute backache___ 9- Take lots of vitamin C and get plenty of rest.
j- sore eyes ____ 10- Don’t go swimming.
k- a diarrhea ____ 11- Wear sunglasses and apply eye drop.
l- an insect bite___ 12- Put anti-itch cream on it.
m- insomnia____ 13- Don’t drink coffee at night.
n- a headache ____ 14- Drink water.

B) Check three health problems you have had this year. Write what you did for each one. Use
the remedies below or your own remedies:

 a backache  a toothache  a sore throat  a sunburn
 a headache  a cold  hiccups  stress

take some aspirin put some lotion on take some cough drops go to bed

get some medicine from the drugstore put some ointment on it do nothing

see my doctor/dentist

Example: Yesterday, I had a bad headache so I took some aspirin.



Allergies are very common and are considered medical conditions. About 40% of the
population now shows symptoms of some sort of allergy. Allergies can be very frightening. In
the worst case, an allergic reaction can caused death.
Allergies are so common that it’s surprising that more people aren’t aware of them.
Recently a young man called Fabio came into my office complaining of a sore throat and
itchy, red eyes. He thought he had a cold. Fabio loves to play sports, and he found it annoying
that every time he went outdoors to play sports, his cold got worse. In fact, he did not have a
cold at all. Fabio was allergic to the pollen from the trees and plants.
A young university student, Silvia, came in the other day to talk about her allergy to
animals. Her parents have dogs and cats, and, whenever she’s home during school vacation,
she gets a rash on her neck and her eyes become red and sore. She said it was embarrassing.
Everyone thinks she is crying!
Another patient, Sarah, came to see me about her terrible headaches. She said it was
depressing to think that she might have to live with headaches all the time. I found out that
Sarah ate a chocolate bar every day. I told her she might be allergic to chocolate. She stopped
eating chocolate for two weeks and came back to see me-headache-free.


FRIGHTENING: aterrador AWARE: consciente SORE: irritado ITCHY: picazón

ANNOYING: irritante RASH: erupción EMBARRASING: vergonzoso HEADACHE: dolor
de cabeza.


A) Read the article again. Complete the chart.

Name Allergic to Symptoms How does he/she


A friend/relative of

C) Translate the following paragraph into Spanish. Use a dictionary.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine dating from 200-100 B.C. It is based on the
theory that the body has an energy force or “Qi” (chi) which influences your health. The Qi
travels through 14 meridians (or channels) in the body. At the points where these meridians
come near the surface of the skin, thin, sharp needles are used to puncture the skin and restore
the balance of energy. Acupuncturists usually use needles but may also use heat, pressure,
friction, suction or impulses of electromagnetic energy to stimulate the acupuncture points.
People have acupuncture done for many things, including chronic pain, drug addiction,
arthritis, chemotherapy-induced nausea and mental illness.


SECTION I. Presentation


Look at this diagram:

lumbar vertebrae


3. Look and read

The left lung is (lateral/medial) to the sternum, because it is farther from the median
plane than the sternum is. The sternum is (lateral/medial) to the left lung because it I
nearer to the median plane that the left lung is.

4. Look at these diagrams

SECTION II. Reading:


In an intramuscular injection, the medication is delivered

directly into a muscle. Many vaccines are administered
intramuscularly, as well as codeine, metoclopramide, and many
other medications. Many drugs injected intramuscularly are
absorbed into the muscle fairly quickly, while others are more

Generally, intramuscular injections are not self administered, but rather by a trained medical
professional. However, prescribed self-administered intramuscular injections are becoming
more common for patients who require these injections routinely.

There are four common places for intramuscular injections. Here is how to locate them:

1. Upper outer portion of the buttocks. Divide one cheek of the
buttock with two imaginary lines into four sections or
quadrants. Choose the upper-outer quadrant for the shot, but
avoid injecting near the major nerve shown in the diagram.

2. The thigh. Choose a point on the outer surface, midway

between the hip and the knee. The vastus lateralis site (the
anterolateral thigh) is preferred in children under 2 years of
age. Check the diagram to see where this muscle tissue lies.

3. The upper arm (or Deltoid site). This can be found on

the upper third of the arm, below the shoulder bone. It is
approximately one-third of the way down from your
shoulder to your elbow. Looking at the diagram you can
see that injecting too low on the arm would bring you
close to the major nerves and arteries which you want to

4. Hip (ventrogluteal) site. Find the trochanter. It is the

knobby top portion of the long bone in your upper leg
(femur). It is about the size of a golf ball. Find the
anterior iliac crest. The nurse will help you find the
bone landmarks. Place the palm of your hand over the
trochanter. Point the first or index finger toward the
anterior iliac crest. Spread the second or middle finger
toward the back, making a ‘V’. The thumb should
always be pointed toward the front leg. Always use the
index finger and middle finger to make the ‘V’. Give
the injection between the knuckles on your index and
middle fingers.


A- Match these statements using an arrow as in the example pointing at the right and wrong
I. IM means subcutaneous injection.
II. The deltoid site is found on the upper
third of the arm above the shoulder bone.
III. IM injections are absorbed quickly.
IV. Vastus lateralis is not preferred in children under
2 years.
V. Shot is similar to injection.
VI. Non irritation medications should be given through
IM injections.
VII. Subcutaneous means beneath the skin.

B-Translate into Spanish these words:

INTRAVENOUS: ________________________________
SUBCUTANEOUS: _______________________________
INTRAMUSCULAR: _____________________________
TROCHANTER: _________________________________
TOURNIQUET: _________________________________
SCIATIC: ______________________________________
LANDMARK: ____________________________________
ILIAC: __________________________________________
LAYER: _________________________________________

C- Answer these questions:

1.- What are the four common places for intramuscular injections ?


2.- What does IM mean ? ____________________________________________________

3.- Where is the deltoid site located? ___________________________________________


4.- Are intramuscular injections absorbed more gradual?


5.- What is the preferred site for IM injections in infants under 2 years of age?



SECTION I. Presentation

÷ divided by


2. Look and read:

Here is the description of a male patient:

Height 1m 68 cm
Weight 75 kg
Age 30
Temperature 37 ºC
Pulse rate 75 beats per minute
Blood Pressure 120/80 mm/hg

He is 1 m 68 cm tall. He weighs 75 kg. He is 30 years old. His temperature is 37ºC. His

pulse rate is 75 beats per minute. His blood pressure is 120/80 mm/hg.



7. Complete these sentences, writing the abbreviations in full:

a) Body weight is measured in ………………………………………………………..… (kg).

b) Temperature is measured in ……………………………………………………….….. (ºC).
c) Blood pressure is measured in …………………………………………………..... (mm/hg).
d) Pulse rate is measured in …………………………………………………………… (b.p.m.).
e) Capacity (e.g. syringes) is measured in ………………………………………..……….. (cc).
f) Liquid medication is measured in …………………………………………………...… (ml).
g) Solid medication is measured in …………………………………………………….…(g).



The uterus is a hollow, thick-walled, pear–shaped, and highly muscular organ. The non-gravid
(non-pregnant) uterus measures about 7.5 centimeters long, 5 cm wide, and 2.75 cm thick.
This is about 3” long, 2” wide, and about 1” thick. The uterus lies behind the urinary bladder
and in front of the rectum. The uterine cavity is extremely small and narrow. During
pregnancy, however, the uterine cavity greatly expands in order to accommodate the growing
embryo and a large amount of fluid.

The uterus is divided into three parts: 1) the fundus, the bulging, rounded upper part above
the entrance of the two oviducts into the uterus, 2) the body, or middle portion and 3) the
cervix, or cylindrical, lower narrow portion that extends into the vagina. There is a short,
cervical canal that extends from the lower uterine cavity (internal orifice, or os of the uterus)
to the external os at the end of the cervix.


Lies: se encuentra
Fundus: fondo
Os of the uterus: orificio interno del útero que conlleva a la cervix
Bulging: abultado/hinchado.

Answer the following questions:

1.- What is the approximate length of the non-gravid uterus?


2.- What is the width of the uterus ?



3.- What is the thickness of the uterus?


4.- What happens to the uterus during pregnancy?





SECTION I. Presentation
1. Look and read:


3. Look at this example:

The nurse applies soap to her hands. She washes them.

After the nurse has applied soap to her hands, she washes them.

Now join these pairs of sentences together, using after, when or as soon as:

a) She turns on the tap. She wets her hands.

c) She repeats the wash. She cleans her fingernails.
d) She cleans her fingernails. She dries her hands.
e) She dries her hands. She applies lotion to them.



Taking your child’s temperature, or your own, requires some

practice. A thermometer is one of the best at –home diagnostic
tools available. Use it anytime you wonder if someone in your
family is “coming down with something”.


First, clean your thermometer with isopropyl alcohol before using it, then dip the tip into some
cool water, or wipe with a tissue, to remove the taste of alcohol.
Second, shake down your glass thermometer until the mercury line is below 96.6 degrees F.
After that, slide the tip of the thermometer under one side of the tongue, well into the back of
the mouth.
Subsequently, close your mouth around the thermometer using your lips – do not clench the
glass thermometer with your teeth. Breathe through your nose, with your mouth closed.
Meanwhile leave the thermometer under your tongue for 3 full minutes.
Finally, remove the thermometer and hold it under a bright light, so you can see how high the
mercury has risen. An arrow will point to the normal temperature, which is 98.6 degrees F.


First of all, place the end of the thermometer under your child’s dry armpit to take what’s
known as an axillary’s temperature. The armpit should be dry.
Secondly, hold the thermometer in place by gently pressing your child’s elbow against the side
of his chest.
Next, remove the thermometer after 4 minutes. To ensure accuracy, check the temperature of
the opposite armpit.
Finally, read under a bright light.

Note: consider temperature strips and temperature-sensitive pacifiers. However, these have
been found to be inadequate and inaccurate, so use them with caution, only when no other
method is available.


ARMPIT: axilas TISSUE: gasa

ACCURACY: exactitud, precisión CLENCH: apretar o cerrar
PACIFIER: chupón


A) Match these statements with the wrong and right sign:

1) Before using your thermometer, clean it with isopropyl alcohol.

2) Normal temperature is 36.6 degrees ºC.

3) Leave the thermometer for a couple of minutes.

4) Place the end of the thermometer under your child’s wet armpit.

5) Taking your child’s temperature takes a little practice.

6) To ensure accuracy in adult’s temperature, check the temperature in the armpit.

7) “Coming down with something” means becoming ill.



Reading 1


WHOLE: toda(o), integral ASSESS: evaluar

ASSIST: ayudar CARE: cuidado
MID-WIVES: parteras BACHELOR: Licenciado(a)
OUTLOOK: perspective, pronóstico BECOME: convertirse

A.- Answer these questions from the reading above:

a) What is the main characteristic of the registered nurses?


b) What do registered nurses do?


c) Where do they work?


d) What do they do at the advanced level?


e) What do they have to do in order to become a registered nurse?


f) What are the three major educational paths to nursing?


Reading 2


To look and feel good you need a balanced diet. For example, some people think it’s bad to eat
carbohydrates, fat or sugar. In fact, you need all kinds of foods, including fat.

The food triangle shows what to eat every day. At the base or the triangle, and at the base of a
good diet, are carbohydrates- bread, cereal, rice and pasta. Carbohydrates are low in fat and
they give you energy. Eat six to ten servings of these a day.

Fruit and vegetables, these give you vitamins and they have antioxidants. Antioxidants can
protect you from cancer and other serious problems. Eat three or four servings of vegetables
and two to four servings of fruit every day. For calcium and protein eat two or three servings
of dairy products – milk, cheese or yogurt – every day. These foods maintain strong bones and
normal blood pressure. Protein also comes from meats, fish, eggs and nuts. These foods
promote muscle development and protect you from anemia. Eat two or three servings of these
high protein foods every day. Don’t eat big quantities of these foods, but don’t eliminate them
from your diet. Fats help transport vitamins in your body, and sugar gives you energy.


BREAD: pan DAIRY PRODUCTS: productos lácteos

SERVINGS: porciones NUTS: nueces
RICE: arroz DEVELOPMENT: desarrollo


Read the article again and answer these questions:

a) Which foods give us protein? _________________________________________________


b) Which foods give us energy? _________________________________________________


c) Which foods have antioxidants? _______________________________________________


d) Which foods protect us from anemia? ___________________________________________


e) Which foods help transport vitamins in the body? _________________________________


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