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Translation 7/5/2024

REC 00009

3:51 Welcome could you please introduce yourself

3:55 – 4:07 We were at home the day of the earthquake, and our house wasn’t destroyed. But we ran out
and went to a tent. They told us to register there. They told us to sit down.

4:08 – 4:59 My name is Ghazal and my surname is Satuf. I am 14 years old, and we are 8 individuals. The
day of the earthquake, we went to the tent and stayed there for 8 months. After that, we came here. We
don’t have a house or anything, but they gave us Carvan. After we came here, we didn’t know anyone,
and they told us there was an organization that could help us because we had sick children. Then we
went to the organization and explained our situation to them, and they gave us an appointment. After
that, we went to Gaziantep with their support. I mean, in their car. They took us there and brought us
back. They didn’t neglect us in any way.

4:59 – 5:20 But my 4-year-old sister has a blood absorption disease, and I have a 7-year-old brother
named Milad, who also needs an operation. They took us there, and they treated us, but my sister still
needs treatment. The organization has not neglected us in any way. God bless them, Gods willıng.

5:20 – 6:30 The lady asked her to repeat everything and to introduce herself first and one by one telling
her what to say

7:50 Welcome, Ghazal. Tell us about yourself.

7:54 My name is Ghazal and my nickname is Satuf. I am 14 years old. I am in a correctional facility. There
are 8 of us.

8:05 How did you learn about Blue Crescent?

8:07 - 9:24 We came to a new camp and there were people going to activities and lessons about women.
My sister and I came to the activity and benefited from it. Then we told our parents that there was an
organization that helps children in need. We went to the organization and met a young lady named
Marwa. Then I explained to her that I have a sister who needs an operation because she has a disease
that is causing her to waste away, and a brother who also needs an operation. She made us happy. They
took us by car and brought us back, but we need continued treatment.

REC 00008


1:55 Welcome, what is your name?

1:58 Rayan bin Rawi

2:02 How old are you, Rayan?

2:03 Eight years old

2:18 Where do you live, Rayan?

2:18 We live in the mountains

2:35 What is the name of the place where you live?

2:40 A correctional camp

2:42 - 3:10 If I ask you where you live, will you tell me I live with Mom, Dad, Fatoum, and Ahmed in the
camp in a trailer?

3:13 Welcome, what is your name?

3:17 Rayan bin Rawi

3:19 How old are you, Rayan?

3:26 I am 7 years old

3:28 Who do you live with and where do you live, Rayan?

3:30 My mother, my father, Fatima, and Ahmed live in the correctional camp

3:44 How did you get here?

3:51 When did you start coming here?

3:52 Just now

3:57 Not just now, you’ve been coming for a long time, haven’t you? Since Miss Jawaher. What do you

4:06 We play music. Yesterday, we played putting chairs together and drawing a cat

4:34 How do you feel when you come here?

4:38 Happy

5:55- 6:15 We will start again. Okay, but tell me your name is Rayan, you are 7 years old, and you play
with Miss Jawaher

6:18 Welcome, what is your name?

6:20 Rayan bin Rawi

6:25 How old are you, Rayan?

6:27 Seven years old

6:38 Who do you live with, Rayan?

6:40 Mom, Dad, Fatima, Ahmed, and me and you too

6:55 What do you do when you come here?

6:58 I come to play

7:00 With whom?

7:01 With Miss Jawaher

7:03 What do you do with Miss Jawaher besides play and draw?

7:07 We draw. Yesterday, we made a circle

7:22 A clown came and drew on his face

7:26 Yes, and I played with him. Yesterday, there were two clowns

7:40 Did you enjoy it? Do you like it when the clowns come here?

7:44 Yes, yes

7:48 What do you like to tell Miss Jawaher and us?

7:50 I like to play with the hats and I also draw a cat. Also, I like the correctional facility. Miss Jawaher and
my friends play here

8:36 Are you happy to come back to us a lot?

8:37 Yes, yes

8:42 What do you like to tell us?

8:45 I like to tell you about drawing, and I always draw with you

9:44 Rayan, I want you to mention that I come here every day and that I am happy and glad to come here

9:54 - 10:04 I come here every day. I draw, we play, we draw a circle, and the teacher draws for us and
gives us colors, food, and biscuits

10:04 God willing, I will come here every day, the teacher says

10:08 Biscuits, juice, and balloons

10:17 God willing, I will come here every day

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