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1. Soni : Hi, I’m Soni. What’s your name?

Udin : Hi, My name is Udin. How do you do?

Soni : . . ..
A. Fine, thanks, and you?
B. How do you do.
C. Good, Thanks a lot.
D. Hi, I am alright, thanks.

2. Nina : “Hello, I’m Nina.”

Betty : “….”
A. I’m not sure
B. Fine, thanks
C. don’t know
D. Hi, I’m Betty

3. Look at the picture !

Yuli . . . . .
A. Has wavy hair
B. Appears very old
C. Looks fat
D. Wears spectacles

4. Look at the picture below !

Which statement is true according to the picture?

A. This animal is very tall. It likes to eat meat..
B. This animal has wings.
C. It is a big animal. It is grey.
D. It is a cute animal. Children like to have it. It eats carrots

5. Teacher : . . . . . boys! You disturb the students. They are having a test.
Students : Sorry, Madam.
A. Look at me
B. Be quiet
C. Sit here
D. Open up

6. Dimas : Hi, Tio . . . . . ?

Tio : Hi, Julia. I live on Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 100 West Jakarta.
A. Where do you live
B. Where are you
C. Who are you
D. How old are you
7. Mother : Rudi, can you help me to buy some fruits?
Rudi : Of course, Mom.
Mother : . . . . . , Dear.
Rudi : You’re welcome.
A. Thank you
B. All right .
C. I’m sorry
D. Excuse me

8. Ali : I’m sorry Fatimah, I have to sleep now.

Fatimah :.....
A. I don’t think so
B. Fine, thanks
C. Good night
D. Never mind

9. ‘’I got an A for my English."

The best respond to this expression is ...
A. I hope everything will be all right.
B. Have a nice day.
C. Good luck with your test.
D. Finally, You did it.

10. Rani took a writing competition last week. The winner is announced today and Rani got the first
The best response with this situation is ...
A. I wish you luck. I know you can do it because you have study hard.
B. I hope the performance goes well and you will win the competition.
C. Congratulation for being the winner ! I have just heard the announcement.
D. I know you have been waiting for the competition. I am happy for you.

The following text is for questions 11 and 12.

11. What product is the label about?

A. Food for kids
B. Dairy milk
C. Full Cream milk
D. Cereal for kids

12. From the text we know that …

A. The product contains vitamins.
B. The product contains mostly carbohydrate
C. The amount of protein per serving is more than the sugars
D. The daily value percentage of calcium is less than that of trans fat

The following text is for questions 13 and 14.

13. What is the product used for?

A. To scent the room
B. To moisturize the skin
C. To repel insects from houses
D. To protect user from insects bites

14. From the label we know that …

A. The product is harmful to human skin
B. The product contains unnatural ingredients
C. We should stop using it when rash appears
D. We should keep the product in a warm place

The following text is for questions 15 to 17.

On Wednesday, my best friends and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at the Tentrem

Hotel located not far from Malioboro. On Thursday, we visited the temples in
Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples.
They are really amazing. On Friday night we went to Malioboro. We spent about two
hours there. We were lucky because there are lots of promotions for visitors such as
discounts for batik and handcrafted bags, free testers for bakpia, and so on. I bought
new clothes for my sister and a bag for my mom with big discount. After that we left
for Jakarta by train.

15. The text is written in the form of a…

A. Recount
B. Narrative
C. Report
D. Recipe

16. What kind of promotion do readers and her friends get in Malioboro?
A. Free product for sandals
B. Free entrance ticket
C. Free welcome drink
D. Free testers for bakpia

17. The purpose of the text is to…

A. Tell past events
B. Entertain readers
C. Describe the smugglers
D. Report an event to the police

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