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1) Job Interviews can be : (1pts)

All of the following

One-on-One interview

By telephone or Informal
Lunch/Co ee

Panel or Committee interview

2) Which of the following things should not be done during a Job Interview: (1pts)

Make any false statements that could be discovered by your employer in the future.

Talk about any previous employer or supervisor.

Hide a weakness which is central to your target job.

All of the above

3) Which of the owing alternatives are tips for answering interview (1pts) questions:

All of the following

Listen carefully and ask for questions to be repeated if necessary

Stay calm and answer honestly and completely

Remember to use relevant examples and to link answer to job/organization

4) Which of the following Interview Tips can be very helpful during a job interview? (1pts)

Smile, look interested , Make eye contact and be aware of your body language

Read your resume and arrive on time

Smile, look interested , Make eye contact, answer quickly and keep answers positive to show motivation

All of the above

5) Continuous Learning is important because it helps : (1pts)

All of the following

Keeping skills/knowledge current and Learning new skills

Creating opportunities for promotion and Increasing employability

Increasing self-con dence and Enhancing job satisfaction

6) What should a CV better include? (1pts)

Personal information, Key quali cations, Education and Working experience

Explanation why you need the job and motivation

Awards, Interests and Enthusiasm.

All of the above

7) In career Management, Optimism means: (1pts)

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All of the following

Believe in yourself and practice positive self-talk

Focus on the positive contributions you can

o er

Be exible and open to new opportunities

8) Preparing for performances review, means: (1pts)

Be honest and Complete a self-assessment

Take credit for the team achievements

Forget about previous performance evaluations and focus on achievements

All of the above

9) Which of the following should not be done during a Job (1pts) Interview:

None of the following

Know about the dress code in the company.

Bring copies of your resume

Be aware of how you're carrying yourself during an interview,

10) Mentor is a person who can help you in: (1pts)

All of the following

Becoming familiar with a new workplace and learn about corporate culture

Learning from experience and increase your productivity at work

Building up your Network

11) What are employers looking at during Job Interviews? (1pts)

Meet the candidate and see his interpersonal/communication skills in action as well as his motivation

Learn more about a candidate and verify accuracy of information in his CV

Check information provided in the CV

None of the above

12) What does Bene ts of volunteering include? (1pts)

All of the following

Showing your skills and abilities to employers

Developing skills and knowledge

Exploring and learning more about potential careers

13) What are employers looking at during Job Interviews? (1pts)… 2/14
See candidate interpersonal/communication skills in action and his motivation

Verify accuracy of information in Candidate’s CV

Both of the above

None of the above

14) Which one is the fundamental goal for a Candidate during a job (1pts) interview?

Convince an interviewer that you are the one.

Share other information not in your CV

Explain in other words your cover letter

Learn more about the company

15) Job Interview tips can be: (1pts)

All of the following

Listening carefully to each question before jumping in with your response.

Asking for clari cation if you are unsure of what the interviewer is getting at.

Carefully reviewing your CV and being prepared to discuss challenges and successes in each position listed in
your document.

16) What should the second Paragraph of your Cover Letter include? (1pts)

Highlight of your skills, quali cations, enthusiasm and excitement

Highlight How you know about the job and how the company can contact you

Your references

None of the above

17) Why should you care about your career (1pts) development?

To be prepared for a changing world.

To be ready for all opportunities

To develop networking

None of the above

18) In case you are asked illegal question during an interview, what should you (1pts) do?

Politely refuse to respond or Answer underlying question

Refuse to respond and leave the room

Respond that this question is illegal

Ask your interviewer why he/she is asking such question

19) Eye contact is very important during job interviews (1pts) because:

All of the following

It shows your attentiveness and interest in what is being said.

It gives you immediate feedback

It can help you feel more con dent

20) Performances review means : (1pts)

All of the following

Identify shortcomings and Provide rationale for pay increase

Highlight training needs and Communicate career goals of workers

Identify whether organizational goals/targets are being mlecting information about

Companies is important while preparing for any interview (1pts) because:

It shows your interest in the company and helps you making a good impression

It helps avoiding illegal questions you may be asked

It helps you customize your CV

All of the above

21) The best mentor is someone who is : (1pts)

All of the following

Doing similar work and interested in helping others

A good communicator and able to motivate/inspire

Trustworthy and Willing to share knowledge/experiences

22) Which of these behaviours is requested to facilitate success in the (1pts) workplace?

Be willing to learn and have a positive attitude

Show your enthusiasm and avoid taking initiatives

Ask for feedback but not for help

All of the above

23) Preparing for a Job Interview includes : (1pts)

All of the following

Researching position/organization

Creating 30-second elevator statement

Preparing to answer “dicult questions”

24) During a Job Interview , you should : (2pts)

Greet your interviewer with a rm handshake, and a warm smile.

Be cool and read your CV to provide accurate information

Make piercing and staring eye contact.

All of the above

25) 30-Second Elevator Statement would : (1pts)

All of the following

Provide a quick way of sharing information about yourself

Show why the position interests you

Show why you’re a good t for the position/organization

26) Ignoring Work-Life Balance can lead to: (1pts)

All of the following

Poor work performance and strained relationships

Stress, anxiety and depression

Con ict

27) Questions to Ask at a Job Interview can be : (1pts)

What qualities are you looking for in an ideal candidate and why this position is vacant?

How many candidates you met for this job position?

What is the main activity of your company

All of the above

28) In Career Management, tips for Managing/Restoring Balance (1pts) are :

All of the following

Re ect on what’s working and what’s not

Talk with your employer or nd people to help you

Eat properly, Exercise and Get enough rest

30) You should dress professionally for a job interview: (1pts)

To guarantee a great rst impression.

To increase self con dence

All of the above

None of the above… 5/14
31) Which of the following tips may help in Managing Your (1pts) Career?

Believe in yourself and set goals and follow through

Focus on your objectives and refuse new experiences/opportunities

Develop positive relationships and expect others to take the lead

All of the above

32) What should you better do during a Job Interview? (1pts)

All of the following

Show some energy and enthusiasm through your vocal tone.

Analyze the requirements for your target job

Prepare yourself to share reasons as to why you should be hired.

33) Which of the following things should not be done during a Job (1pts) Interview?

Be honest and answer questions by giving all details

Be on time

Be polite when you are making casual conversation on your way out

Be nice to the receptionist.

34) Job Interview tips could be : (1pts)

All of the following

Preparing stories and examples that show how you have succeeded in your past jobs.

Describing speci c situations, actions you took and results you generated.

Paying attention to how you have positively impacted the bottom line in your past jobs

35) Job Interview tips could be: (1pts)

All of the following

Rehearsing answers to typical interview questions

Being ready to explain in a positive manner why you left any position on your resume.

Making sure you know why you would like to work there.

36) Which of the following should not be done during a Job Interview? (1pts)

Turn on your cell phone

Ask questions.

Enter the employer's facility 10 minutes prior to the interview.

None of the above

37) Which of the following things should be done for a Job Interview? (1pts)

All of the following

Know about the dress code in the company.

Bring copies of your resume

Be aware of how you're carrying yourself during an interview,

38) What should you do at the end of a job Interview? (1pts)

All of the following

Let the interviewer know that you are highly interested in the job and make it clear that you would welcome
the opportunity to work with them.

Secure the name and email of each interviewer prior to leaving the premises.

Send a follow up email, card or letter, as soon as possible after departing

39) In Career Management, experiences could (1pts) include:

All of the following

Paid, unpaid or volunteer work

Hobbies, sports or other leisure activities


40) Which of the following should not be done during a Job Interview? (1pts)

All of the following

Dress in too casual manner.

Talk too much to show you enthusiasm.

Joke around excessively to break the ice

41) In career Management, Optimism means: (1pts)

All of the following

Believe in yourself and practice positive self-talk

Focus on the positive contributions you can o er

Be exible and open to new opportunities

42) Why should you take time to learn about and re ect on yourself? (1pts)

To identify what you want out of a career and what you like or dislike

To customize your CV

To customize your Portfolio

All of the above

43) What does “Expand and Strengthen Your Network” mean? (1pts)

Keep in regular contact with your network and ensure they know what you are looking for

Clearly ask your network to help you nding a job

Use your network only for job search

All of the above

44) As soon as you get back from the job interview, you should: (1pts)… 7/14
Put your feet up and relax, knowing you did a great interview

Spend hours kicking yourself for some poor answers you gave

Immediately re o thank you letters/e-mails to each person who interviewed with you

Quit your current job in anticipation of a new job o er

45) In order to use references correctly, you should: (1pts)

All of the following

Keep your references informed of your job search and make sure they can speak positively about you

Avoid friends/family as references

Choose appropriate references and Always ask permission

46) When the interviewer asks you the question, "tell me about yourself," s/he really wants what (2pts) from you in response?

A 10-minute detailed story of your life, from birth to present

A concise narrative of your personal and professional background and goals and how they relate to the job at

A short narrative of your personal life, leaving nothing to the imagination

A long-winded account of what you want from the employer

47) Which of the following is not a key to success in interviews? (1pts)

Good perfume/cologne, nice smile, fresh breath

Making eye contact, showing enthusiasm, speaking clearly

Fresh breath and nice smile

Developing rapport, good posture, fresh breath

48) Which of the following is not one of the suggested strategies for preparing for your job (2pts) interview:

Conduct research on the company/industry

Prepare answers to possible interview questions

Gather key resources (extra resumes, reference list) to take with you

Research salaries so you can ask about salary and bene ts at the beginning of the interview

49) How should you respond to the question, "where do you see yourself in ve years?" (2pts)

"I just want to be at a place in my life when I'm happy with who I am -- the job I'm doing would have to
support that."

"I could see myself starting my own business."

"I would hope I am still with this organization in a position of increased responsibility, making a vital
contribution to its success."

"I just want to have a steady income that I am satis ed with and that allows me to be nancially independent."

50) The best way to answer the question, "Why do you want to work for our company," is by (2pts) saying:

"You've been the market leader for the past ve years because of the reputation of your products and quality
of customer satisfaction and I would like to contribute my services to continue the organization's successes."

"You've been the market leaders for the past ve years, and I think it would be really great for my career to
work for your organization."

"I love the fact that I can dress in jeans every day and that the o ce is only a ve minute bike ride from the

"I'm really attracted by the great salary and bene ts your company o ers."

Section 2

In this section you will have 40 questions.

For the following questions , select True if statements are the best things to do in your career management if not select

51) Job Shadowing is observing someone at work for a few hours or a few (1pts) days.


52) An internship can last from a few days to several months, o er practical, hands-on experience and be Likely unpaid. (1pts)


53) A candidate can know about companies’ dress code, by Hanging out at a co ee shop across the (1pts) street to get a glimpse
at what people are wearing.



54) Hidden Job Market is 10 -25% of available jobs (1pts)



55) The main purpose of a CV is to make a good impression during the interview (1pts)



56) In job Interviews, di skills: cult questions could be related to interpersonal (1pts)



57) Be honest and tell the Hiring Manager about your experience in the past even if you had to badmouth your former (1pts)

58) Address salary or bene ts before the interviewer does is the best way to show your willing to have the job.: (1pts)
the answer is
59) Generally speaking, honesty is the best policy, you should tell truth and never (1pts)



60) Be honest and talk about your problems and explain why you need the job. The hiring manager (1pts) would like to hear
about your problems.


61) If you would like to succeed in the workplace, make sure you understand your company’s culture and make sure (1pts)
you are familiar with the values of the company.

62) If you would like to succeed in the workplace, always maintain a balanced viewpoint and resist (1pts) the urge to complain to
co-workers about your boss or your job.… 10/14
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63) In the workplace, team players get noticed and often advance faster than those with a more self-centered (1pts)

64) People who excel in their workplace never go above and beyond of what they're asked to do. (1pts)



65) If you would like to succeed in the workplace, it is better to stay focused on the positive and refrain from sharing (1pts)
personal or company information with your co-workers


66) To succeed in your workplace it is better to share intimate details of your social life. Water cooler or the o (1pts)
ce kitchen are the best place to do so.


67) If you would like to succeed in the workplace, you should skip personal emtipsails and text: the answer is true (1pts)

answer is true

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68) If you would like to succeed in the workplace, talk to your boss far ahead of a deadline if you believe that you (1pts)
won't be able to complete an assigned task on time.


69) People who excel in their workplace never go to their boss with a problem, they go with at least one suggestion in (1pts)
mind for a solution.


70) In writing CV , Proofreading and consistency is necessary to capture every mistake (1pts)


71) When writing your work history and your achievements using numbers makes selling yourself much easier. (1pts)



72) Using bullet points and keeping sentences short will make your CV di ready. cult to (1pts)



73) Expanding, strengthening and keeping in regular contact with your network will make things easy when you (1pts)
would like to request your network to nd a job for you:


74) It sounds good, if you come to the interview with some intelligent and tricky questions for the interviewer that (1pts)
demonstrate your knowledge of the company


75) Interviewers make up their minds about candidates in the rst ve minutes of the interview – and then spend the rest (1pts)
of the interview looking for things to con rm that decision: the answer is true

76) Interview questions about your race, age, gender, religion, marital status, and sexual orientation are inappropriate (1pts)
and in many areas illegal. You may never get one or more of them.: the answer is false… 12/14
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77) Bringing a copy of your resume to every interview is important because the interviewer may misplaced his or her (1pts)
copy and you'll save a lot of time

78) Practice looking in the mirror and answering them out loud will help you clarify your thoughts and make you much (1pts)
more comfortable during the interview.


79) When your past experience doesn’t totally sell you as the perfect one for the position, you should focus on your (1pts)

80) In order to reply quickly to an opportunity, you should have a unique portfolio ready for all purposes ? (1pts)



81) Be honest, respectful, strong and never ask for help are good tips for starting a new (1pts) Job.


82) For any job interview, a candidate should have prepared a list of good questions to ask interviewer at the (1pts)
beginning of the Interview


83) Research the industry and company is important because interviewers may ask about the company competitive (1pts)
advantages.: the answer is true

85) Believe in yourself, show your enthusiasm and avoid taking initiative is the best strategy to succeed in your new (1pts)


84) In order to avoid mistakes during a Job Interview, it is recommended to make vague and unsubstantiated (1pts)
assertions about your quali cations.
True False 86)

formal suit is
always the

safest "dress
for success"



87) Being the most quali ed candidate for the position just about guarantees you will get (2pts) the job.



88) Taking detailed notes in an interview is an accepted practice. (2pts)



89) No matter what, you should always ask at least one question when the interviewer asks if you (2pts) have any
questions about the job or the company.



90) At the end of the interview, you should always ask about the next step in the (2pts) process.


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