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Cb racain he Dak

whatdid HH.Ov couHY oib

him ohem he uoauked hiOugbb
he pine lanentkuobat did he ceme
aciOs h h e o e t
Ans OlResanAnglo-îndiam
Bachealoi,hcal teacher Po chod
autSide ShimlaiUSualll spemcs6
hiseveninos PnuAne Shiola Caga
amd uOaudd etuun Only aLteM.
dae. Whrie aleinq hiOugh he
Ptne FoHetduufng his Oetumo
M Olen covied tonch.
Cne dou uoniie
bck late at naht MO oRveCam

DeDoie he postuMe ol he boy

AAS MO O\v had aStHmae.
expeuemce Onie he uoa
Page No:

paestinq 4haouqh aLne lonebt, a

nghtHeauto Abe foune clO bo
LHi aione om oLS1ack omgoing
ciOTH Ofeboecame upSed
H tod ihat Pho/ro eeb
eas. nOse a moutn 4t PeRunt
SiOumd Amoch head-LORLh a
bchoo.cop on 4Op a 4
aby atdD OIe 4eel uúmeany
CObemberuualked ndrouah Lhe prhe

Ansiunnle ietuining alte dak, HH-

O e tooRO Shottdut thiough
be pne oestPan nHoLgh
he aieAthe uaAhe Jfoute
C L bau SHinq alone m Hck.
e mOVed Cose AO ne a u e
fnOidoL AO Jiecoqnne ne dfscmeact
and abRed LObMt b andotng Out
h e e He ubenseduhatoomeibfog
4 0 be CIng eD uUOY4h his bead
Dumgdca amdhs ace ba
beld hie andb ad his badq
Page No:

ConuulSfuelly. LOaa
n a e s u d léDAUeeping
Sa i Ofve e l t meaUNUr
ulobo did tORUen e he cou
t o Destbe be aceoLhe

AnsSeetncne bn UolVingH91.Olve
aut 1 s t anked bim uobat he
uas doing hehe lote niqht
but he misOieant RepE om
uweeping Soumdles3u Thoa b
eeif no umea OU Ocobcemn,
he told he bby O eu hm
ed ne+SnOublee
AS hebtiOm
H ORU es OMCheut on he
bous ace, he. Ct ught en
40 See hot had no eyeA
eousnose Obu mOulb San a
SICumdAmeoAh bead- otb Q
schoolLcap com Aop ol t
How dfd Ole eack Onen
ne couD he ce o e bo
Page No

AnbSeeing ne htnange, mustefousace

O ne baus H O OiReTqok iíghBened
amd he Haichel liom his
+1emblihg hamd He AuMnedLard
SCHanmblbd douon he edthrotuDnng
fodly hDiOUgn the AIeeysteaDatidb9
e chool buPidfaq lamd caling
S hel

Poesage in
wnu didH ORUei_move clase +O
Ane boq who behad Come
BSMSn.OLRomouedcloeer orthe boue
icohom her hOd come OCHOSS m the
pine kOSiebE becaUDebe
O SHecognSe he mieciEant Gho
Out o l h e Dchool
Oiemiesate at nYaht
ohy o d HLOUeN eneed ushen
n e Sunb n e boy cHYmg
0 3 c o h e nn e
ORuey Oud +O be à ékamqe
Page No

USoumdtebs coeeng. LOn chmade

himudfefncth ueON
ayHoco dfdLhe bo bodq
Anx COnile S1etuSining cack lote ot
ntgnt MN Olue tameaoOsSS
a bead hunged
docoD amd h s ace ned io
bfs and amd hisbodu
nooe ConvulsilLd
uuohem ad Ma ORe amae
afue Oauy tO ConceAD
Ans TnOugb H:ORen leu umeasu
heafSo h e Dtiamge sOumdle
LOeeprtgo ne bdu
he becdme emsed amd Co
upset The peisStentlu
Rept on CLuthgiAhodt
o okinga Oe Thub
Page No:

Passage 3
n y did the tO Ch Lall 1om
H Oven's bamd
A Unen HS1. O e
OsRed he bou u h ConceinHo
O Look up amd &haiehis
pmoblem, e boy a l 10oked
up buk .OUO became
HeuU Sup ed tO na hcu
he acebad nO euess nOSe
eaus O1 MOun
bmaoh S1OUnd head uitn
a hcolL Cop an Thuus be gok
iahtened amd he taoidb
e u iom his Oiembling namd

A what dfd H
live do uohem
he Mu he lace ol he bau
Ans ate oa Diat,When OOM
auo h e ace obL h e Oo h o
Oa HHDO alone n he pine
c1OAt a d Cung, he OSIch eu
doun JnOm hissAembincc hand
d d
e _ uSined.
oning JTUnNY
he +eeD
Dualorna Amd Culeo OS helo
Page No :

u n o did t9 OO 4orobled

Conditionathat ime
Anb OnileaStunnfoc bfod lu hbio0qb
he pfae odt o Se e
Oud1d Ane choOl , b e
Jabi emedr HS1-Ove1 stombled
ptohe oaHdbmcum.cousPoa
am ehn
S CerngLOxtigmly
iahtemedomd SiUDntng
belp OliV Oanped o n
Q esCirbe ibe encoute bekuoeen
MS.ORN aodhe uctCmem
Ans whje Hunnibg blhdlu,aiO0gh
h e pPne uTe e Hioliue
sfanted lantiha Suneng Ihe
middll o palh. bring
sho waLanhydang a
An nolung M. Glen
Lo uheth,
uralckyeaaskaol hum
Jumnmlhadwalehna,Junlhu asked
Page No:

M. i J h a d cone achossa acudn

Mh iues hiplihd thatA hod nAomulking
herihlea hoy ulhout aJacs aapn n li
orsl The hhAuphiurd walchyanAikio
On okue t h Jacs Ja hasl Aun sas
Lmlah6 Jacr thwalhnan pd hasad


A datiiaM olank Ls auplrnalural

Alo gnolian lhacher sho hoo o Ahangs

md hkitng 2xpLuacd Aukilepassin
Through2 p n o z s a r pighl h_Com
e kting alo
t hock i ndnha palh kciaae
sondll wepungakich makes thi alnosphure
shangp,haghloniynol l l oharo
Mersoi 0ue dis.cwr Ihatlhueary
had no eyesaA NK msulh LEwds
hus mind hauras upoduslh pah d
hlhaaqAilmd h i mualoruous Qnd
&upnan uh umming touaos uh

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