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A Project Reports Submitted

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the award of the Degree of



1. Abhishek Kumar (20101113020)

2. Gulshan Kumar (20101113009)

3. Nisha Kumari (20101113033)

4. Samad imam (20101113053)

5. Laxman Kumar Safi (20101113031)

Under the guidance of

Sushant Kumar

Assistant Professor

Department of civil Engineering

Motihari College Of Engineering Motihari

April 2024
Govt. of Bihar

Dept. of Science & Technology and Technical Education



This is to certify that Abhishek kumar (20101113020), Gulshan Kumar

(20101113009), Nisha Kumari (20101113033), Samad imam (20101113053),
Laxman Kumar Safi (20101113031), have carried out their project work presented
in this report entitled “Use of Plastic Waste in Flexible Pavements” for the award
of degree of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) from Motihari College of Engineering,
Motihari under my supervision. The project embodies result of original work and
studies carried out by student themselves and the contents of this project do not from
the basis for the award of any other degree of candidate or to anybody else.

Signature:- Signature:- Signature:-

Sushant Kumar Anil Kumar Chhotu Anil Kumar

(Asst. Professor) (Asst. Professor) (Asst. Professor)
Project Guide Project Coordinator HOD of Civil Dept.

I declare this project report title PLASTIC WASTE USE IN FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DESIGN submitted in
parital fulfilment of the degree of B.Tech in civil engineering is arecord of original work carried out
by me under the supervision of Ast. Pro Sushant Kumar and has not formed the basis for the
award of any other degree or diploma, in this or any other Institution or university. In keeping with
the ethical practice in reporting scientific information, due acknowledgement have been made
wherever the findings of others have been cited.

Signature:- Signature:-
Name: Abhishek Kumar Name : Gulshan Kumar
Reg.- 20101113020 Reg.- 201011130009
Date:- Date:-
Place: - Motihari Place: - Motihari

Signature:- Signature:-
Name:- Nisha Kumari Name:- Samad Imam
Reg.- 20101113033 Reg.- 20101113053
Date:- Date:-
Place: - Motihari Place: - Motihari

Name:- Laxman Kumar Safi
Reg.- 20101113031
Place:- Motihari
We express deep gratitude to our guide Ass. Prof. Sushant Kumar M. Tech (NIT Patna),
department of civil M.C.E, Motihari for their guidance, scholarly advice, imparting
illuminating ideas, benevolent attitude, a perennial source of inspiration. He also taught us the
time sense, discipline and punctuality, which indeed made us to accomplish this piece of work
effectively, efficiently and on time. For all these, we owe them profusely- forever.

We take privilege to express our thanks to the Head of the Department Ass. Prof Anil Kumar
M. Tech (IIT Roorkee) Ph.D. (Pursuing) (NIT Patna) for his continuous help and

we are highly grateful to Dr. Abhay Kumar Jha, Principal, Motihari College Of Engineering,
Motihari for his encouragement and inspiration at various points of time in the successful
accomplishment of the project.

We express our special thanks to the all the teaching and non-teaching staff members of Civil

Engineering Department and college who constantly cooperated in the completion of the

project work. we thank all those who helped in the completion of this work.

ABHISHEK KUMAR (20101113020)

GULSHAN KUMAR (20101113009)

NISHA KUMARI (20101113033)

SAMAD IMAM (20101113053)

LAXMAN KUMAR SAFI (20101113031)

Plastic waste is one such resource, a major component of solid waste
which is abundantly available and disposed of without proper treatment. There
has been an exponential growth in municipal plastic waste disposal especially
in urban areas which deteriorates the beauty of the landscape. Plastic was
found to be an effective binder for bitumen mixes used in flexible pavements.
This efficient method helps the pavements to resist higher temperature by
minimizing the formation of cracks and reducing rainwater infiltration which
otherwise leads to the development of potholes. These pavements have shown
improved crushing and abrasion values and reduced water seepage. Plastic
roads would be a boon for India’s hot and extremely humid climate where
temperatures frequently cross 50°C and torrential rains create havoc, leaving
most of the roads with big potholes. Bituminous Concrete (BC) is a composite
material mostly used in construction projects like road surfacing, airports,
parking lots etc. It consists of asphalt or bitumen (used as a binder) and mineral
aggregate which is mixed together & laid down in layers then compacted. Now
a day, the steady increment in high traffic intensity in terms of commercial
vehicles, and the significant variation in daily and seasonal temperature put us
in a demanding situation to think of some alternatives for the improvisation of
the pavement characteristics and quality by applying some necessary
modifications which shall satisfy both the strength as well as economic aspects.
Also considering the environmental approach, due to excessive use of
Polythene’s in the day- to -day business, the pollution to the environment is
enormous. Since the polythene’s are not biodegradable, the need of the current
hour is to use the waste polyethene in some beneficial purposes.











A material that contains one or more organic polymers of large molecular
weight, solid in its finished state and at some state while manufacturing or
processing into finished articles, can be shaped by its flow, is called as ‘Plastic’.
Plastics are durable and degrade very slowly; the chemical bonds that make
plastic so durable make it equally resistant to natural processes of degradation.
Plastics can be divided in to two major categories: thermoses and
thermoplastics. A thermoset solidifies or “sets” irreversibly when heated. They
are useful for their durability and strength, and are therefore used primarily in
automobiles and construction applications. These plastics are polyethylene,
polypropylene, polyamide, polyoxymethylene, polytetrafluoroethylene, and
polyethylene terephthalate. A thermoplastic softens when exposed to heat and
returns to original condition at room temperature. Thermoplastics can easily be
shaped and molded into products such as milk jugs, floor coverings, credit
cards, and carpet fibers. These plastic types are known as phenolic, melamine,
unsaturated polyester, epoxy resin, silicone, and polyurethane.
According to recent studies, plastics can stay unchanged for as long as
4500 years on earth with increase in the global population and the rising
demand for food and other essentials, there has been a rise in the amount of
waste being generated daily by each household. Plastic in different forms is
found in municipal solid waste, which is toxic in nature. It is a common sight in
both urban and rural areas to find empty plastic bags and other type of plastic
packing material littering the roads as well as drains. Due to its biodegradability
it creates stagnation of water and associated hygiene problems. In order to
contain this problem experiments have been carried out whether this waste
10 | P a g e
plastic can be reused productively. The experimentation at several institutes
indicated that the waste plastic, when added to hot aggregate will form a fine
coat of plastic over the aggregate and such aggregate, when mixed with the
binder is found to give higher strength, higher resistance to water and better
performance over a period of time. Waste plastic such as carry bags, disposable
cups and laminated pouches like chips, pan masala, aluminum foil and
packaging material used for biscuits, chocolates, and milk and grocery items can
be used for surfacing roads.
Use of plastic along with the bitumen in construction of roads not only
increases its life and smoothness but also makes it economically sound and
environment friendly. Plastic waste is used as modifier of bitumen to improve
some of bitumen properties Roads that are constructed using plastic waste are
known as Plastic Roads and are found to perform better compared to those
constructed with conventional bitumen. Further it has been found that such
roads were not subjected to stripping when come in contact with water. Use of
higher percentage of plastic waste reduces the need of bitumen by 10%. It also
increases the strength and performance of the road. Plastic increases the
melting point of bitumen and hence missing can be done in more better and
easier way. According to Dr. R. Vasudevan, Dean ECA and Professor, Department
of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, plastic waste
replaces 10% to 15% of bitumen, and thereby saves approximately Rs.35000 to
Rs.45000 per kilometer of a road stretch. Inclusion of plastic waste in road
construction eliminates the plastic shrinkage cracking of road surface and
reduces the drying shrinkage to some extent. The uses of plastic waste helps in
substantially improving the abrasion and slip resistance of flexible pavement
and also allows to obtain values of splitting tensile strength satisfied the
specified limits while plastic waste content is beyond 30% by weight of mix.
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If the consistent mixing time and mixing temperature are not provided for
bitumen– modifier mix, modified bitumen cannot exhibit good performance in
situ, thus premature failures will occur. Therefore, there are certain
recommended mixing time, mixing temperature and modifier content for all the
polymers with a trademark. This all should be taken in mind while missing and
laying of roads is to be done using plastic waste. Plastic road would be a boon
for India. In hot and extremely humid climate durable and eco-friendly plastic
roads are of greatest advantages. This will also help in reliving the earth from
all type of plastic waste.
The durability of the roads laid out with plastic waste is much more
compared with roads with asphalt with the ordinary mix. Roads laid with
plastic waste mix are found to be better than the conventional ones. The binding
property of plastic makes the road last longer besides giving added strength to
withstand more loads. While a normal highway quality road lasts 45years it is
claimed that plastic-bitumen roads can last up to 10 years. Rainwater will not
seep through because of the plastic in the tar. So, this technology will result in
lesser road repairs. And as each km of road with an average width requires over
two tons of polyblend, using plastic will help reduce on-biodegradable waste. In
recent years, applications of plastic wastes have been considered in road
construction with great interest in many developing countries. The use of these
materials in road making is based on technical, economic, and ecological
criteria. In the state of Maharashtra they laid the test road of length up to 1,500
km. Other states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Pondicherry, Kerala and Andhra
Pradesh have also laid test roads. These roads have withstand loads due to
heavy traffic, rain and temperature variation.

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Case Studies in India

In Tamil Nadu, length of roads around 1000 m in various stretches were

Constructed using waste plastic as an additive in bituminous mix under the
scheme “1000 km Plastic Tar Road”, and found that, the performance of all the
road Stretches are satisfactory. The construction of rods using Waste Plastic in
the above states is based on the Guidelines developed by Bangalore University.
CRRI and College of Engineering, Madhurai. However, standard specifications
are not available on the use of waste Plastic in Bituminous road Construction.
In this regard, IRC was specially requested by NRRDA for the preparation of
such Guidelines for enabling the construction of Rural Roads under PMGSY
using Waster Plastic. In order to facilitate the development of Guidelines on this,
an Expert Group has been appointed by NRRDA for preparation of interim
guidelines for the use of Waste plastic which will be sent to IRC for approval and
releasing as IRC guidelines.


Each 5-member family’s use of 5 gm plastic bags a week, all-India =

52,000 tons a year. Assume 50% of this is available for roads.1.5 tons plastic
goes into average 1 km road. So resurfacing just 35,000 km of roads a year will
absorb all this littered waste. This is just 3.5 % of India’s 1 million km surfaced
roads. (1.1 million km more roads are un-surfaced)

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Use of plastics waste for a safe and eco-friendly process. It can easily
process without any new machinery. It has Simple process without any industry
involvement. In situ process Use of lesser percentage of bitumen and thus
savings on bitumen resource Both Mini Hot Mix Plant and Central Mixing Plant.
It can be used only aggregate is polymer coated and bitumen is not modified.
Use 60/70 and 80/100 bitumen are possible and no evolution of any toxic gases
likes dioxin. Mixing of the plastics over the aggregate is uniform. The coating is
better and the mixing of bitumen is being carried out at places like: Inside the
Cylinder, during loading in the dipper, during transferring the mix in the paver,
during the spreading of the mix by the paver. The plastic waste improve the
durability of road and improve strength as well as

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Basic intention is to efficiently utilize the waste plastic in constructive way
so that it can be beneficial to society however main objectives of current project
work are:

• To coat the aggregates with the waste plastic materials To check the
properties of bituminous mix specimen

• To check the properties of bituminous mix specimen due to coating

of waste plastic materials
• To compare the properties of bituminous mix specimen with the
properties of coated aggregates

• To reduce the disposal problem of plastics

• To find out the variation in strength of bitumen & aggregate using

plastic waste and to compare with the conventional bitumen mix

• To determine the durability and cost effectiveness in road


This chapter deals with the study of basic material properties and uses
which is used in this work. The properties of bitumen mixed plastic and merits
of plastic bitumen pavement and other things are highlighted to justify its
selection in this research work. WHAT IS PLASTICS? A material that contains
one or more organic polymers of large molecular weight, solid in its finished
state and at some state while manufacturing or processing into finished
articles, can be shaped by its flow.

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Elastomers. That contains one or more organic polymers of large

molecular weight, solid in Thermosets. State and at some state while
manufacturing or processing into finished articles, THERMOPLASTIC. Flow.


Any of various mixtures of hydrocarbons (such as tar) often together with

their non-metallic derivatives that occur naturally or are obtained as residues
after heat-refining natural substances (such as petroleum) specifically such a
mixture soluble in carbon disulfide. The terms bitumen and asphalt are mostly
interchangeable. while the material obtained from the fractional distillation of
crude oil boiling at 525 °C (977 °F) The primary use (70%) of asphalt is in road
construction, where it is used as the glue or binder mixed with aggregate
particles to create asphalt concrete.


Polymers have a number of vital properties, which exploited alone or

together make a significant and expanding contribution to construction needs.
1. Durable & corrosion resistant, Maintenance free, Hygienic & problems.

2. Good insulation for cold, heat & sound saving energy and reducing noise

3. It is economical and has a longer life. Ease of processing & light weight

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1. Fransis Hveem (1942) “Optimum quantity of bitumen inroads”
who was a project engineer of California Department of Highways, has
developed the Hveemstabilometer in 1927. He did not have any previous
experience on judging, the required mix of its colour, hence he decided
to measure various mixture parameters to find the optimum quantity of
bitumen [Vallerga and Lovering 1985]. He had used the surface area
calculation concept, (which was already in use, at that time for the
cement concrete mix design), to estimate the quantity of bitumen
actually required.

2. Anzar Hamid Mir (2015) “Plastic waste in pavement construction”

studied the visco-elastic nature of binders and found that the complex
modulus & phase angles of the binders, need to be measured, at
temperatures and loading rates which different resemble climatic and
loading conditions.

3. Vatsal Patel et al (2014) “Utilization of plastic waste in road”

described that the effect of wax in bitumen can be reduced by adding EVA
(Ethyl Vinyl Acetate), aromatic resin and SBS in the waxy bitumen. The
addition of 4% EVA or 6% SBS or 8% resin in waxy bitumen effectively
reduces the Susceptibility to high temperatures, bleeding at high
temperature and brittleness at a low temperature of the mixes.

4. Kurmadasu Chandramouli et al (2016) “Plastic waste: its use in the

construction of roads ” reported that asphalt concrete using
polyethylene modified binders were more resistant to permanent
deformation at elevated temperature and found improvement in

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stripping characteristics of the crumb rubber modified mix as compared
to unmodified asphalt mix.

5. Amit P. Gawande (2013)“Economics And Viability Of Plastic Road”

evaluated flexural fatigue life of asphalt concrete modified by 3% crumb
rubber as part of aggregated and reported that fatigue life and creep
properties of the polymer modified mixes increased significantly as
compared to unmodified asphalt mixes.

6. Justo et al (2002) “Asphalt concrete mixes” at the Centre for

Transportation Engineering, of Bangalore University, used processed
plastic bags as an additive in asphalt concrete mixes. The properties of
this modified bitumen were compared to that of ordinary bitumen. It
was noted that penetration and ductility values, of modified bitumen,
was decreasing with the increase in the proposrtion of the plastic

7. Sasane Neha .B. et al (2015) “Application of waste plastic as an

effective construction material in flexible pavement” polyethylene as
one sort of polymers is used to investigate the potential prospects to
enhance asphalt mixture properties. The objectives also include
determining the best type of polyethylene to be used and its proportion.
Two types of polyethylene were added to coat the aggregate HighDensity
Polyethylene (HDPE) and Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE). The results
indicated that grinded HDPE polyethylene modifier provides better
engineering properties. The recommended proportion of the modifier is
12% by the weight of bitumen content. It is found to increase the
stability, reduce the density and slightly increase the air voids and the
voids of mineral aggregate.
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8. S. Rajasekaran et al (2009) “Reuse of waste plastic coated
aggregate” Marshall’s mix design was carried out by changing the
modified bitumen content at constant optimum rubber content and
subsequent tests have been performed to determine the different mix
design characteristics and for conventional bitumen (60/70) also. This
has resulted in many improved characteristics when compared with
straight run bitumen and that too at reduced optimum modified binder
content (5.67%).

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In this chapter we give a detailed description of the property and characteristics

of material used in our project and also give detail about their performance and
handling. The material used in this study is:-
1. Bitumen.

2. Shredded Plastic.

3. Coarse aggregate.

4. Medium aggregate & Sub grade filling material


In this study we use VG 30

Bitumen. This is the hardest of all the
grades and can withstand very heavy
traffic loads. The characteristics of this
grade confirm to that of S 35 grade of
IS 73-1992. Bitumen 30/40 is used in
specialized applications like airport
runways and also in very heavy traffic
volume roads in coastal cities in the country.

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Shredded Plastic

In this study the shredded

plastic contains plastic bottle, plastic
disposals and polybags and shredded
at size of 2.36 to 4.35mm. This type of
plastic is soft and easily melts with
the Bitumen at required temperature and this type of plastic having a good
binding property as compare to hard plastic.

Coarse aggregate

In this study coarse aggregate

which passes through 12.5mm sieve
and retain at 10mm sieve. And the
shape and structure of aggregate is
sharp which interlocks the aggregate
to each other during laying and

Medium aggregate & sub grade

filling material

In this study used the medium

aggregate of size 4.5 to 6mm which is
generally used for surface coating in
flexible pavement and the sub grade
filling material use like muram ,bricks
bats, and red.

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1. Wet Process.

HDPE and PP are powdered and added to the bitumen with 8-14% of the total
weight with 2% increment at 155˚C-165˚C. The melting point of HDPE and PP
are around 160˚C so, they become a key plastic type to be used in this process.
Various tests like Penetration Test, Softening Point Test, and Ductility Test that
were originally developed to test bituminous material are carried out on the
specimen prepared by wet process.

2. Dry Process.
For the flexible pavement, hot stone aggregate (170°C) is mixed with hot
bitumen (160°C), and the mix is used for road laying. The aggregate is chosen
on the basis of its strength, porosity, and moisture absorption capacity. The
bitumen is chosen on the basis of its binding property, penetration value, and
viscous-elastic property. In this process, the plastics are chopped finely and
then poured over the heated aggregates, thereby, forming plastic-coated
aggregates which are then mixed with hot bitumen to form a plastic-coated
aggregate bitumen mixture for laying roads. The coating of plastic decreases the
porosity and helps to improve the quality of the aggregate and its performance
in the flexible pavement. The dry process usually consumes 15% of plastic
waste and is frequently used due to low energy investment. Marshall Stability
Test is carried out on the specimen prepared by dry process.

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Dry Process.

Wet Process.

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1. Test on Aggregate
In order to decide the suitability of the aggregate for use in pavement
construction, following tests are carried out:
• Abrasion test
• Water absorption test
• Aggregate Impact test
• Specific Gravity test
• Aggregate Crushing test

2. Test on Bitumen.

• Penetration Test
• Flask and Fire point test
• Ductility Test
• Softening Point Test
• Specific Gravity Test

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Abrasion Test

Los Angeles machine consists of circular drum of internal diameter 700 mm

and length 520 mm mounted on horizontal axis enabling it to be rotated (see
Figure 2). An abrasive charge consisting of cast iron spherical balls of 48 mm
diameters and weight 340-445 g is placed in the cylinder along with the
aggregates. The number of the abrasive spheres varies according to the grading
of the sample. The quantity of aggregates to be used depends upon the
gradation and usually ranges from 5-10 kg. The cylinder is then locked and
rotated at the speed of 30-33 rpm for a total of 500-1000 revolutions depending
upon the gradation of aggregates. After
revolutions, the material is sieved
through 1.7 mm sieve and
passed fraction is expressed as
percentage total weight of the
sample. This value is called Los Angeles
abrasion value.

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I. Impact Test

The aggregate impact test is carried out to evaluate the resistance to impact of
aggregates. Aggregates passing 12.5 mm sieve and retained on 10 mm
sieve is filled in a cylindrical steel cup of internal dia 10.2 mm and depth 5 cm
which is attached to a metal base of impact testing machine. The material is
filled in 3 layers where each layer is tamped for 25 numbers of blows. Metal
hammer of weight 13.5 to 14 Kg is arranged to drop with a free fall of 38.0 cm
by vertical guides and the test specimen is subjected to 15 numbers
of blows. The crushed aggregate is allowed to pass through 2.36 mm IS sieve.

And the impact value is measured as percentage of

aggregates passing sieve (W1) to the total weight of the sample (w2). The
sample should be oven-dried for 4hrs. At a temperature of 100 to 110 o C and

II. Water Absorption Test

The sample should be thoroughly washed to remove finer particles and

dust, drained and then placed in the wire basket and immersed in distilled
water at a temperature between 22 and 32oC. After immersion, the entrapped
air should be removed by lifting the basket and allowing it to drop 25 times in
25 seconds. The basket and sample should remain immersed for a period of 24
+ ½ hrs afterwards. The basket and aggregates should then be removed from
the water, allowed to drain for a few minutes, after which the aggregates should
be gently emptied from the basket on to one of the dry clothes and gently

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surface-dried with the cloth, transferring it to a second dry cloth when the first
would remove no further moisture. The aggregates should be spread on the
second cloth and exposed to the atmosphere away from direct sunlight till it
appears to be completely surface-dry. The aggregates should be weighed
(Weight ‘A’). The aggregates should then be placed in an oven at a temperature
of 100 to 110oC for 24hrs. It should then be removed from the oven, cooled and
weighed (Weight ‘B’).

Formula used is Water absorption = [(A – B)/B] x 100%

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iii. Specific Gravity Test.

The specific gravity of aggregates is an important property used in the design

of concrete mixes. It's typically determined by using a pycnometer or water
displacement method. Here's a basic procedure for determining the specific
gravity of aggregates using the pycnometer method:

Equipment Needed:
1. Pycnometer (a small bottle with a stopper)
2. Balance accurate to at least 0.1g
3. Water tank or water source
4. Oven
5. Sieve

1. Sample Preparation:-
- Wash the aggregate sample to remove any dust or impurities.
- Dry the sample in an oven at a temperature around 100 to 110°C until it
reaches a constant weight. This ensures that all the moisture is removed.
- Once dry, cool the sample to room temperature.
2. Weighing Pycnometer:-

- Weigh the clean and dry empty pycnometer (W1). Record the weight.

3. Filling Pycnometer:-

- Fill the pycnometer with water and record its weight (W2). This gives you
the weight of the water the pycnometer can hold.

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4. Weighing Wet Aggregate:-
- Fill the pycnometer with a known weight (W3) of the dry aggregate sample.
Make sure the aggregate is fully submerged in water. Remove any air bubbles.
- Record the weight of the pycnometer with water and aggregate (W4).
5. Calculations:-

W1 - Empty wt. of pycnometer

W2 – Pycnometer + Water

W3 – Pycnometer + Dry aggregate

W4 – Pycnometer +Water + Aggregate

Specific gravity = Wt. of Solid ( Ws )

Wt. of Water (Ww)

( W3 – W2) – ( W4 – W2)

iv Aggregate Crushing Value test.

The objective of this test is to:

1. Determine the aggregate crushing value of coarse aggregate

2. Assess suitability of coarse aggregates for use in different types of


1. A steel cylinder 15 cm diameter with plunger and base plate.

2. A straight metal Tamping rod 16mm diameter and 45 to 60cm long
rounded at one end.
3. A balance of capacity 3 kg readable and accurate to one gram.

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4. IS sieves of sizes 12.5mm, 10mm and 2.36mm
5. A compression testing machine.
6. Cylindrical metal measure of sufficient rigidity to retain its from under
rough usage and of 11.5cm diameter and 18cm height.
7. Dial gauge

Sampling of Aggregates

Coarse aggregate passing 12.5mm IS sieve and retained on a10mm IS sieve are
selected and heated at 100 to 110°C for 4 hours and cooled to room
temperature. The quantity of aggregate shall be such that the depth of material
in the cylinder , after tamping as described below shall be 10 cm. The
appropriate quantity may be found conveniently by filling the cylinder. Measure

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in three layers of approximately equal depth, each layer being tamped 25 times
with the tamping rod and finally leveled off using the tamping rod as straight
edge. Care being taken in the case of weaker materials not to break the particles.
The weight of the material comprising the test sample shall be determined
(weight A) and the same weight of sample shall be taken for the repeat test.

Procedure of Aggregate Crushing Value Test

1. Put the cylinder in position on the base plate and weigh it (W).
2. Put the sample in 3 layers, each layer being subjected to 25 strokes
using the tamping rod. Care being taken in the case of weak materials
not to break the particles and weigh it (W1).
3. Level the surface of aggregate carefully and insert the plunger so that
it rests horizontally on the surface. Care being taken to ensure that the
plunger does not jam in the cylinder.
4. Place the cylinder with plunger on the loading platform of the
compression testing machine.
5. Apply load at a uniform rate so that a total load of 40T is applied in 10
6. Release the load and remove the material from the cylinder.
7. Sieve the material with 2.36mm IS sieve, care being taken to avoid loss
of fines.
8. Weigh the fraction passing through the IS sieve (W2).

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Calculation of Aggregate Crushing Value

The ratio of weight of fines formed to the weight of total sample in each test
shall be expressed as a percentage, the result being recorded to the first decimal

Aggregate crushing value = (W2 x 100) / (W1-W)

W2 =Weight of fraction passing through the appropriate sieve W1-W =Weight

of surface dry sample. The mean of two result to nearest whole number is the
aggregate crushing value.

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The aggregate crushing value of the given sample=

Aggregate Crushing Values for Roads and

Pavement Construction
The table below shows limits of aggregate crushing value for different types of
road construction:

Aggregate Crushing Value

Types of Roads / Pavements

Flexible Pavements

Soling 50

Water bound macadam 40

Bituminous macadam 40

Bituminous surface dressing or thin premix


Dense mix carpet 30

Rigid Pavements

Other than wearing course 45

Surface or Wearing course 30

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Test on Bitumen

I. Penetration Test

The penetration value of bitumen is measured by distance in tenths of

mm that a standard needle would penetrate vertically into bitumen sample
under standard conditions of test. By this test we can determine the hardness
or softness value of bitumen. In this test, firstly heat the bitumen above its
softening point and pour it into a container of depth attest 15mm. bitumen
should be stirred wisely to remove air bubbles.
Then cool it to room temperature for 90 minutes
and then placed it in water bath for 90 minutes.
Then place the container in penetration machine
adjust the needle to make contact with surface of
sample. Make dial reading zero and release the
needle for exactly 5 seconds and note down the
penetration value of needle for that 5seconds. Just
repeat the procedure thrice and note down the
average value.

II. Flash and Fire Point Tests

on Bitumen

Flash point of bitumen is defined

as the point of lowest temperature at
which bitumen catches vapors of test
flame and fires in the form of flash. Fire
point of bitumen is defined as the point

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of lowest temperature at which the bitumen ignites and burns at least for 5
second under specific conditions of test. Flash and fire point test helps to
control fire accidents in bitumen coated areas. By this test we can decide the
bitumen grade with respect to temperature for particular areas of high

III. Ductility Tests on Bitumen

Melt the bituminous test material completely at a temperature of 75°C to 100°

C above the approximate softening point until it becomes thoroughly fluid.
Strain the fluid through IS sieving 30. After stirring the fluid, pour it in the mold
assembly and place it on a brass plate. In order to prevent the material under
test from sticking, coat the surface of the plate and interior surfaces of the sides
of the mold with mercury or by a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and dextrin.
After about 30-40 minutes, keep the plate assembly along with the sample in a
water bath. Maintain the temperature of the water bath at 27° C for half an hour.
Remove the sample and mould assembly from the water bath and trim the
specimen by leveling the surface using a hot knife. Replace the mould assembly
in water bath for 80 to 90 minutes. Remove the sides of the mould. Hook the
clips carefully on the machine without causing any initial strain. Adjust the
pointer to read zero. Start the machine and pull clips horizontally at a speed of
50 mm per minute. Note the distance at which the bitumen thread of specimen

39 | P a g e
iv Specific Gravity of Bitumen.

The Specific Gravity test of bitumen is a valuable method to determine its

density and assess its quality for construction purposes. By measuring the
relative density, this test offers insights into the suitability of bitumen for
different applications. Additionally, it can detect mineral impurities within
the bitumen specimen, as a higher specific gravity indicates a larger quantity of
such impurities. This information is particularly useful for extracting impurities
from bitumen, ensuring a higher purity level. Overall, the specific gravity test
plays a significant role in evaluating and optimizing the performance of
bitumen in construction projects.

Apparatus use

• Standard Bottle of 50 ml.

• Dry and clean standard bottle and weight the bottle (empty bottle).
Weight of empty bottle = W1
• Now take the bottle filled with water and put it into water bath at temp of
27c for 30 min.
• Now take out bottle from water bath and clean the outer surface and then
weight the water bottle.
Weight of bottle filled with water = W2
• Now remove the water from standard bottle.
• Fill the bitumen in the bottle in half portion and put it into the air
temperature so that it’s temperature comes between 60-70 degree

Weight of bottle + Half Filled bitumen =W3

40 | P a g e
• Now fill the water in standard bottle and put it into water bath at
temperature of 27 degree for 30 min.
• Take out bottle from water bath and clean the outer surface and weight

Bottle + water + bitumen = W4

Specific Gravity = W3 - W1
(W2 – W1) – (W4 – W3)

V Softening Point of Bitumen:-

To determine the softening point of the bitumen specimen as per the IS
code 1205.

41 | P a g e
Apparatus Required
• Thermometer – To measure up to 120°c and an accuracy of 0.5°c.

• Steel ball 2 numbers – 7.5mm diameter & weight – 3.5 grams

• Brass ring 2 numbers – Depth is 6.4mm & inner diameter for top –
17.5 mm & inner diameter for bottom – 15.9mm
• Ball frame / Ball guide 2 numbers – to resist the steel ball
movement & hold it in position. The ball guide & the ring can fit each
other and should be placed in the middle of the metal plate frame.
• Heat resistant beaker – Capacity of 600ml (85mm inner dia &
120mm Depth)
• The metal frame consists of 3 plate – The top plate has a hole to
insert the thermometer. The middle plate has 2 slots to place the ring.
The distance between the middle & bottom plate is 25 mm.
• Hot Plate – It is connected to the energy regulator, which can control
the rate of heat production.
• Stirrer – Distribute the uniform temperature in the beaker.
• Distilled water

42 | P a g e
Sample Preparation
• The bitumen should be heated in the temperature range of 75 to 100°c to
reach the fluid state.
• Meanwhile, make a combination of glycerol and dextrin and apply it on
the glass surface. It has to be done to avoid the affix of bitumen in the
• Now place the ring & pour the bitumen carefully into the ring & allow it
to cool up to 30 minutes in a natural atmosphere.
Now the bitumen sample is ready to start the procedure of softening point test.


• Fill the distilled water into the beaker, and the water’s magnitude should
be immersed up to the middle plate of the metal frame.
• Now fix & tighten the ring with the ball guide. It should be placed on the
slot provided on the middle palate.

43 | P a g e
• The steel ball should be cooled at 5 °c & placed over the ball guide. Now
immerse the metal frame inside the beaker.
• Insert the thermometer through the top plate centre hole.
• Now fix the stirrer & switch on the hot plate. The temperature increases
gradually at 5 °c per minute inside the beaker. Ensure uniform heat
distribution in the beaker.
• The bitumen will be melted at a specific temperature & the steel ball will
fall with the bitumen on the bottom plate.
• Record the temperature of both two balls falling on the bottom plate.

Take the reading through the thermometer when the steel balls fall on the
surface of the bottom plate. The average temperature is the softening point of
the bitumen.
Softening Point of Bitumen = Degree Celsius.
The allowable difference between the two readings is 1 °c.

3. Marshall Stability Test.

Marshall Test Requirements for B.D.M mix

1. Minimum marshal stability required 9KN for viscosity grade paving

bitumen and 12kN for modified bitumen.

2. Minimum Marshall flow required between 2 – 4 mm.

3. Bitumen content required > 4.0% for 1st grade and 4.5% for 2nd grade depend
on laying thickness.

44 | P a g e
1) Take 1200 gm diff. diff types of aggregate for each mould.

2) Heat aggregate at temperature from 155 – 160 c

3) Heat bitumen at temperature from 155 -165 c

4) Set mixing temp. from 145 – 160c

5) Fill mix in compaction mould and give 75 blows on each side.

6) After compaction remove mould from pedestal and leave mould for

24hrs at room temp.

7) After 24 hrs extract core from mould and take weight in water W1………

8) Leave mould in water bath for 30 min at 60 c temp.

9) After 30 min take out core from water bath and note weight in air (SSD wt.)

10) Put mould in breaking head and note down deflection and load.

11) Marshall stability value will be maximum load carrying at deflection

between 2 – 5 mm

12) Maximum load called maximum Marshall stability and deflection called
flow value.


• Volume of core = SSD – Wt. of core in water.

• Density of core = Wt. of core in air.

45 | P a g e
Volume of core.

• Marshall Quotient = Marshall stability.

Flow value.

Mixing of bitumen plastic concrete

In this work we replace 20% VG30 bitumen having density of with

shredded plastic and the quantity of bitumen is used around 2lit in which
500grms of plastic is used in bitumen concrete. There is no or varying standard
ratio mix for bitumen according to over study so we mixed the bitumen
depending on its Workability, Durability, Strength, Flexibility, Stability & Skid
resistance. The mix consists of coarse and fine aggregates, filler and binder. It
may be well graded, open graded, gap graded or unbounded as per the
requirements. As far as possible, it should economical also.

46 | P a g e

47 | P a g e
Test on Aggregate: -

1. Result of Crushing Test

The test is conducted on 4 samples. In which 2 samples are of plain coarse

aggregate and 2 samples are of Plastic Coated aggregate

A test is standardized by IS: 2386 part-IV value less than 10 signifies an

exceptionally strong aggregate while above 35 would normally be regarded as
weak aggregates

Test results of plain coarse aggregate:

Sample (W1) Weight (W2) Weight Aggregate Results

of of crushed crushing value (%)
sample(gm) (W2/W1) *100

Sample 1 670 40 (40/670) *100 5.97%

Sample 2 650 38 (38/650) *100 5.84%

Test results of Plastic coated aggregate

Sample (W1) Weight (W2) Weight Aggregate Results
of of crushed crushing value (%)
sample(gm) (W2/W1) *100

Sample 1 620 32 (32/620) *100 5.16%

Sample 2 610 31 (31/610) *100 5.08%

Hence, the Plastic coated aggregate are better than plain coarse
aggregate in bearing load.

48 | P a g e
2 Result of Abrasion Test

The test is conducted on 4samples. In which 2 samples are of plain coarse

aggregate and 2 samples are of Plastic coated aggregate.

Test results of plain coarse aggregate

Sample (W1) Weight (W2) Weight Abrasion value Results
of of crushed (W2/W1)*100 (%)

Sample 1 5200 1794 (1794/5200)*100 34.51 %

Sample 2 6080 2304 (2304/6080)*100 37.09%

Test results of Plastic Coated aggregate

Sample (W1) Weight (W2) Weight Abrasion value Results
of of crushed (W2/W1) *100 (%)

Sample 1 5275 1655 (1655/5275) *100 31.37 %

Sample 2 5500 1639 (2304/5500) *100 29.8%

A test is standardized by IS: 2386 part-IV a maximum value of 40 percent

is allowed for base course in Indian conditions.

Hence, the Plastic coated aggregate are more safe and durable then
plain coated aggregate

49 | P a g e
3. Result of water Absorption Test
The test is conducted on 4 samples. In which 2 samples are of plain
coarse aggregate and 2 samples are of plastic coated aggregate.

Test results of plain coarse aggregate

Sample (W1) Weight (W2) Weight (Wo) Weight of Water Results
of saturated water absorption (%)
of oven
sample(gm) absorption(gm)
dried value =
sample(gm) (Wo/W2) *100

Sample 1 2409 2405 5 (5/2404) *100 0.208%

Sample 2 2380 2375 5 (5/2375) *100 0.210%

Average value=0.209 %

Test results of plastic coated aggregate: In this the ratio of plastic mix is 20% by
aggregate weight during heating of coarse aggregate.
Sample (W1)Weight (W2)Weight (Wo) Weight of Water Results
of saturated water absorption (%)
of oven
sample(gm) absorption(gm)
dried value =
sample(gm) (Wo/W2)*100

Sample 1 2400 2396 4 (4/2396)*100 0. 166%

Sample 2 2425 2422 3 (3/2422)*100 0.123%

Average value=0.145 %

A test is standardized by IS: 2386 (Part III) – 1963 a maximum value of 1 percent is allowed.
Hence, the plastic coated aggregate are more safe and durable then plain coated

50 | P a g e
Test on Bitumen
Result of Penetration Test

The test is conducted on 2 samples. In which 1samples are of VG30

bitumen and 1 sample are of VG30 plastic blended bitumen.

Test results of VG30 bitumen:

Sr.No. Penetration value (mm)


Sample 1 67


Mean value=68.83mm

Test results of VG30 plastic blended bitumen: In this the ratio of plastic mix
is 20% by bitumen weight during heating of VG30 bitumen at 100C*.
Sr.No. Penetration value (mm)


Sample 1 66.1


Mean value=64.73 mm

Minimum values of penetration specified by ISI for VG30 grades is 60 to 70

Hence, the plastic blended bitumen is more safe and having more
hardness then plain bitumen

51 | P a g e
Observation & Result of flash and fire Test

The test is conducted on 2 samples. In which 1samples are of VG30 bitumen and
1 sample are of VG30 plastic blended bitumen.

Test results of VG30 bitumen: Sample 1

Time Temperature (°C) Remark
0 24 Initial Point
5 53 -
10 112 -
15 240 -
20.12 298 Flash Point
25 331 -
26.31 369 Fire Point

Test results of VG30 plastic blended bitumen: In this the ratio of plastic mix
is 20% by bitumen weight during heating of VG30 bitumen at 100C*.

Test results of VG30 bitumen: Sample 1

Time Temperature (°C) Remark
0 24 Initial Point
5 53 -
10 158 -
15 240 -
23.14 236 Flash Point
25 386 -
27.55 423 Fire Point
Minimum values of flash and fire point specified by ISI for various grades are
230 minimum for flash and 450max for fire point.

52 | P a g e
Hence, the plastic blended bitumen is more safe and resistive then plain

Result of Ductility Test: - The test is conducted on 6 samples. In which

3 samples are of VG30 bitumen and 3 samples are of VG30 plastic blended

Test results of VG30 bitumen:

Sr.No. Breakage point (cm)
Sample 1 156
Sample 2 188
Sample 3 188
Average point of failure = 177.4cm

Test results of VG30 plastic blended bitumen: In this the ratio of plastic mix
is 20% by bitumen weight during heating of VG30 bitumen at 100C*
Sr.No. Breakage point (cm)

Sample 1 163

Sample 2 210

Sample 3 210

Average point of failure = 194.4cm

Minimum values of ductility specified by ISI for various grades are 100cm

Hence, the plastic blended bitumen is more safe and durable then plain

53 | P a g e


54 | P a g e

1. Strength of the road increased.

2. Better resistance to water & water stagnation.

3. No stripping & have no potholes.

4. Increased binding & better bonding of the mix.

5. Better soundness property

6. Maintenance cost of the road is almost nil.

7. No effect of radiation like UV.

1) Cleaning process -Toxic present in the co-mingled plastic waste start

2) During the road laying process- the presence of chlorine will definitely
release noxious gas.

55 | P a g e

56 | P a g e

Plastic will increase the melting point of the bitumen. This innovative
technology not only strengthened the road construction but also increased the
road life. Plastic roads would be boon for India’s hot & extremely humid climate,
where temperature frequently crosses 50°C


1. The durability of the roads laid out with shredded plastic waste is much more
compared with roads with asphalt with the ordinary mix.

2. While a normal 'highway quality' road lasts four to five years it is claimed that
plastic bitumen roads can last up to 10 years.

3. Rainwater will not seep through because of the plastic in the tar.

4. The cost of plastic road construction may be slightly higher compared to the
conventional method.

5. The maintenance cost is low as compared to conventional method.

6. It initial cost is slightly more as compared to conventional method.

57 | P a g e

58 | P a g e
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2. Verma, S.S. (2008) Roads from Plastic Waste. The Indian Concrete Journal,
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Composite for Road Application—Green Method. American Journal of
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4. Justo, C.E.G. and Veeraragavan, A. (2002) Utilization of Waste Plastic Bags in
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5. Swami, V., et al. (2012) Use of Waste Plastic in Construction of Bituminous
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neering Science and Technology (IJEST), 4, 2351-2355.
6. Punith, V.S (2010) Study of the Effect of Plastic Modifier on Bituminous Mix
7. Bale, A.S. (2011) Potential Reuse of Plastic Waste in Road Construction: A
Review. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology
(IJAET), 2, 233-236.

59 | P a g e
8. Vasudevan, R., Nigam, S.K., Velkennedy, R., Ramalinga, A., Sekar, C. and
Sundarakannan, B. (2007) Utilization of
Waste Polymers for Flexible Pavement and Easy Disposal of Waste Polymers.
Proceedings of the International Con-
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9. Gawande, A., Zamre, G.S., Renge, V.C., Bharsakalea, G.R. and Tayde, S. (2012)
Utilization of Waste Plastic in As-
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