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MAY 2024
Chapter I

This chapter presents an overview of assessing the impacts of hosting Miss

Universe Philippines’ national costume and final fashion show in Sultan Kudarat: a

comparative study on visitor arrival. This includes the statement of the problem,

objectives of the study, significance of the study, and scope of the study.

Background of the Study

The Miss Universe Organization (MUO) is an international, inclusive

organization, that celebrates all cultures, ethnicities, and religions. Providing a

secure environment where women may tell stories and have a positive, career- and

charity impact. A company named Pacific Knitting Mills created Miss Universe in

1952 as a publicity gimmick to highlight one of their swimsuit lines (Beldad, 2022).

According to Bowden (n.d.) the significant role of tourism in economic growth and

promotion of other sectors which attract global spectators, showcase cultural

heritage, and provide local companies with opportunities, significantly boost tourism

and economic development by attracting tourists and empowering young women.

Furthermore, Malik (2023) stated that Miss Universe is an excellent way to get

attention from foreign tourists and to promote tourism and culture in a nation.

According to the GMA news research, when Miss Universe was last held in

the Philippines in 1994, there was a spike in visitor numbers. Tourist arrivals

increased by 11% in that year, from over 1.4 million in 1993 to approximately 1.6

million in 1994. Miss Universe 2016 was held in the Philippines in 2017. Whenever

it is successful, more international visitors may come because of it. The Mall of Asia

Arena in Pasay City, Manila hosted Miss Universe, which was effective in promoting
tourism and Filipino culture (Malik et. Al 2023). However, experts in the field of

tourism point out that Philippine tourism is a significant economic engine that ranks

among the nation's top exports and contributed 8.2 percent to the GDP in 2015,

even in the absence of the Miss Universe contest. Furthermore, as early as July

2016, the DOT has hyped the gains the country is expected to reap through hosting

the 65th Annual Miss Universe competition (Vallarta 2017).

As the official provincial partner, Sultan Kudarat province takes center stage

in this year's Miss Universe Philippines (MUPH) national costume contest. The Miss

Universe Philippines (MUPH) presents a fashion presentation utilizing the traditional

"inaul" cloth of Maguindanao for the first time in the pageant's history. According to

OIC provincial tourism officer Kaharudin Dalaten, the 53 Miss Universe Philippines

(MUPH) candidates visited Sultan Kudarat from April 24 to 29 for a national

costume competition, traditional “inaul” clothing shoot, showcasing top tourist

attractions like world-class caves and mountain ridges, (News 2024). Lastly, the

province aimed not only to highlight the province's culture and tourism but also to

dispel misconceptions and fears about Mindanao and with this significant step, the

candidates' presence will highlight Mindanao's beauty, as it is the first of several

attempts to highlight the area's rich cultural heritage (Albior 2024).

This study aims to understand the effects of hosting Miss Universe

Philippines (MUPH) in Sultan Kudarat and determine visitor volume before and after

the event. The findings are crucial for tourism, lodging, and destination sectors,

providing a baseline for future planning by government and non-government

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study seeks to determine the impacts of hosting Miss

Universe Philippine's (MUPH) national costume and inaul fashion show in Sultan

Kudarat: a comparative study on visitor arrival. Specifically, it will answer the

following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex,

1.3 civil status;

1.4 occupation; and

1.5 educational attainment?

2. What are the impacts of hosting Miss Universe Philippines national costume

and inaul fashion show in Sultan Kudarat in terms of:

2.1 economic;

2.2 socio-cultural; and

2.3 environmental?

3. Is there a significant difference three months before and three months

following the Miss Universe Philippines national costume and inaul fashion show in

terms of visitor arrival?

Theoretical Framework

Event Tourism Theory is integrated into the theoretical framework of this

research study "Assessing the Impacts of Hosting Miss Universe Philippines’

National Costume and Inaul Fashion Show in Sultan Kudarat: A Comparative

Study on Visitor Arrival”.

Event Tourism Theory highlights how high-profile events attract visitors who

attend the event and explore the destination. Similarly, the tourism sector has

emerged as a key player in the success and appeal of scheduled events, and

event management is a rapidly expanding professional discipline in which

travelers represent a potential market (Getz, 2008). Analyzing tourist arrival data

before and after the events will help measure this impact.

At its core, event tourism involves the travel motivated by or to attend events.

Ritchie and Crouch (2003) define event tourism as "the systematic planning,

development, and marketing of festivals and special events as tourist attractions."

This definition emphasizes the intentional organization and promotion of events to

attract tourists. Event tourism also intersects with destination marketing and

branding. Baloglu and McCleary (1999) explored the role of events in shaping

destination image, suggesting that successful events contribute positively to

destination perceptions, influencing tourists' decision-making processes. This

underscores the strategic importance of events in destination marketing efforts.

Conceptual Framework

This study will use a conceptual framework as a guiding principle in undertaking

and analyzing the study. The framework presented in Figure 1 shows the impacts of

hosting the Miss Universe Philippines (MUPH) national costume and inaul fashion

show on visitor arrival in the host community. The researcher will assess the

significant influence of tourist arrivals on the economic, socio-cultural, and

environmental impacts of hosting the Miss Universe Philippines (MUPH) national

costume and inaul fashion show in Sultan Kudarat.


Miss Universe Philippines’

National Costume and Inaul Visitor Arrival
Fashion Show

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Significance of the Study

This study will be deemed beneficial to the following people and institutions:

To the Tourism Office of Sultan Kudarat. This will benefit from the study.

The study provides empirical data and analysis on the impacts of hosting major

events, offering the DOT a solid evidence basis for strategic planning and policy

formulation. The economic, social, and cultural outcomes of such events can help the

DOT develop informed policies to maximize future event benefits, optimize resource

allocation, improve infrastructure, and implement sustainable tourism practices.

To the Local Government of Sultan Kudarat. Local government officials in

Sultan Kudarat will benefit from the study by gaining empirical evidence on the

impacts of hosting the Miss Universe Philippines national costume and inaul fashion

show major events. This data will aid in strategic planning and policy formulation,

helping them make informed decisions about future investments in tourism and

cultural events.

To the Tourism Industry. The tourism industry, including tour operators,

hotels, restaurants, and other service providers, will benefit from insights into tourist

behaviors, preferences, and spending patterns. Understanding these factors can help

businesses tailor their offerings to meet the needs of event attendees, thereby

enhancing the overall tourist experience. The study's findings can also assist in

developing targeted marketing strategies to attract more tourists and similar high-

profile events, boosting business opportunities and revenue.

To the Tourist. Tourists themselves will benefit from an enhanced destination

experience. The insights gained from the study can help improve the quality and

variety of tourist offerings, ensuring that visitors have a memorable and enriching

experience. Effective marketing and improved infrastructure can also make Sultan

Kudarat a more accessible and attractive destination for tourists.

To the Future Researchers. This will benefit from the study's contribution to

the body of knowledge on event tourism, economic impact analysis, and cultural

preservation. The study will provide a valuable case study that can be used for

comparative analyses and further research in similar contexts. It also offers

methodological insights and data that can support future academic inquiries into the

impacts of cultural and tourism events.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focuses specifically on the impacts of hosting the Miss Universe

Philippines (MUPH) national costume and inaul fashion show on visitor arrivals,

specifically in the areas of Lutayan Lake, Esperanza Halo-Halo Stall, El Carlitos Hotel

Isulan, La Palmera Mountain Ridge Colombio, Baras Bird Sanctuary Tacurong City,

and Bansada Agri-Eco Park Bagumbayan Sultan Kudarat, a province located in

Region XII, Philippines. These are the areas in the province that are visited by the

Miss Universe Philippines (MUPH) candidates. The study will investigate tourist

arrival data before and after the events, with a clear definition of the timeframe for

comparison, such as three months before and three months following the events. The

primary metric for assessing the impact is tourist arrival numbers, including both
domestic and international tourists. This will also assess its impact on the economic,

socio-cultural, and environmental aspects of the tourism industry in Sultan Kudarat.

The respondents of this study are the local government officials, management

and staff of the establishments, and tourism officials of Sultan Kudarat. The findings

of this research may apply to the local government officials and policymakers in

Sultan Kudarat to better understand the effectiveness of hosting large-scale cultural

events in boosting tourism and support for similar events. Additionally, this study may

apply to local businesses to better prepare for the increase in visitors, ensuring they

have enough supplies and staff, and to cultural organizations to invest more in

preserving and showcasing local traditions, seeing the benefits of such events.

Operational Definition of Terms

This section defines terminology used in the unusual study, has a special

significance, or are acronyms. This section also includes a list of circumstances that

were modified for the sake of this study. The definitions and conditions listed below

are supplied to ensure uniformity and understanding of the terminology and ideas

used throughout the study.

Fashion Show is an event put on by a fashion

designer to showcase the inaul

handwoven fabric of Maguindanao’s

people in Sultan Kudarat.

Impacts refers to a significant effect on the

tourist arrival by hosting the Miss

Universe Philippines (MUPH) national

costume and inaul fashion show.

Inaul "Inaul" means “woven” in the

Maguindanaon language, a traditional

woven cloth of the Maguindanaos


Miss Universe Philippines (MUPH) is a national beauty pageant in the

Philippines that selects the country's

representative for the Miss Universe

competition. The pageant showcases

the beauty, intelligence, and cultural

heritage of Filipina women. Candidates

compete in various segments,

including evening gowns, swimsuits,

national costumes, and interviews.

National Costume this segment in MUPH is where the

candidates showcase elaborate and

culturally significant outfits that

represent their hometown.

Sultan Kudarat is a province in the Philippines located

in the SOCCSKSARGEN region in

Mindanao. It is where the Miss

Universe Philippines (MUPH) national

costume and inaul fashion show is


Tourist Arrival refers to the number of visitors

entering Sultan Kudarat three months

before and three months following the

Miss Universe Philippines (MUPH)

national costume and inaul fashion

Chapter II

This chapter presents the associated literature and studies based on an in-depth

search done by the researcher, which will assist the researcher in improving the

research study on the related issues.

Impacts of Miss Universe

The Miss Universe pageant has been a significant cultural phenomenon since

its inception in 1952. It promotes cultural exchange and diversity by featuring

contestants from various countries who bring their unique traditions, fashion, and

values to a global audience. This representation helps foster a better understanding

and appreciation of different cultures (Hermawan, 2022).

Hosting national pageants can significantly boost local tourism and the

economy. According to Mak (2015), events like national pageants draw a

considerable influx of visitors, which benefits local businesses such as hotels,

restaurants, and shops. This increase in tourism not only enhances direct economic

benefits but also raises the profile of the host city as a tourist destination. National

pageants necessitate various logistical and service-oriented jobs, thus creating

temporary employment opportunities. Jones and Schmitz (2017) highlight that

event-related employment can range from event planning and security to catering
and media production, providing a short-term economic boost and skill development

for local workers.

Pageants attract media coverage that can lead to increased advertising

revenue for local broadcasters and businesses. Nogueira (2018) discusses how the

media exposure from hosting national pageants can attract sponsors and

advertisers, further enhancing the economic benefits for the local community.

Successfully hosting a national pageant can enhance a city’s or region’s reputation

as a destination for future events. Walker (2020) points out that the long-term

benefits include sustained tourism interest and ongoing economic impacts, as the

host city becomes synonymous with high-profile events. Muresherwa, Swart, and

Tichaawa (2023) stated that the destinations for tourism typically have many goals,

one of which is to host major international events.

possess the ability to draw tourists to promote tourism.

Visitor Arrival

Visitor arrivals also generate significant revenue for local governments through

taxes, such as sales tax, hotel occupancy tax, and other tourism-related taxes. Lee

and Chang (2016) note that this additional revenue can be used to fund public

services and infrastructure projects, thereby benefiting the broader community.

Visitor arrivals can promote the preservation of cultural heritage. Local communities

may invest in maintaining and restoring historical sites, cultural practices, and

traditions to attract tourists. Garcia and Saez (2017) highlight that tourism can thus

play a crucial role in sustaining cultural heritage and promoting local identity.

Increased visitor arrivals can lead to environmental degradation if not managed

sustainably. Overcrowding, pollution, and strain on natural resources are common

issues associated with high tourist numbers. Buckley (2018) discusses the

importance of implementing sustainable tourism practices to mitigate these

negative impacts and preserve the natural environment. Conversely, tourism can

also promote environmental conservation. Revenue generated from tourism can be

reinvested in conservation projects and protected areas. According to Weaver

(2016), ecotourism and sustainable tourism initiatives can support the preservation

of natural habitats and wildlife, providing economic incentives for conservation.

Economic Impacts of Hosting Event Tourism

Governments, marketing experts, and strategists in charge of making decisions

are increasingly endorsing high-profile athletic events as very effective accelerators

for the economic development of towns and countries. Events like the Olympic

Games and the FIFA World Cup, for instance, draw large numbers of visitors from

both home and foreign markets and are sponsored by corporations and

broadcasters. The race to host the Olympic Games has been much more intense

since 1984. Economists frequently cite important objectives or results as to why

communities are eager to host such an event (Solberg & Preuss 2017).

While tourism can bring economic benefits, it can also exacerbate socio-

economic disparities. The influx of tourists might lead to increased living costs for

residents, particularly in terms of housing and basic goods. Johnson and Thomas

(2020) argue that tourism development must include measures to ensure that

economic benefits are equitably distributed within the community. The majority of

prospective host countries and cities in the industrialized, democratic West have
realized that holding the Olympics would probably deplete rather than increase

financial resources and that this is the turning point for the Olympics (Baade &

Matheson 2016). According to Porter (2017), there is a significant increase in

investment, consumption, and output was also observed in the hosting nations two

to three years before the Games.

The net total of all the cash inflows and outflows that result from an event's

economic effects on an area determines the event's economic impact. Finding the

direct cash flows into and out of the area that can be directly linked to the event's

staging is the first step in doing an economic evaluation of an event (Dwyer & Spurr

2006). According to Quinn, B. (2006) one of the main factors encouraging the

growth and spread of festivals is tourism. It was discovered to be linked to higher

income flows, year-round increases in artistic engagement, and enhanced venue

infrastructure in both locations. Festivals' interaction with tourism must be carefully

controlled to support both the festivals' socially beneficial role and sustainable

tourist development strategies.

Additionally, tourism events can lead to increased spending in the local area

and increase economic benefits for local businesses (Muresherwa, Swart, and

Tichaawa 2023). Nadzalan, Said, Zakaria, Muszali, & Vasanthi (2023) stated that

hosting national events increased the product and service demand and then

contributed to more sales, especially in the food/ restaurant sectors.

Socio-cultural Impacts of Hosting Event Tourism

Tourism can sometimes lead to the commodification of local culture, where

cultural practices and traditions are commercialized for tourist consumption. This
can undermine the authenticity and integrity of local culture. As Richards (2017)

notes, there is a delicate balance between promoting cultural tourism and

preserving cultural authenticity. According to Chen and Clark (2018), this not only

promotes cultural awareness among visitors and participants but also fosters pride

among residents.

Cultural tourism is not only a significant sector for many countries worldwide,

but it also serves as a tool for historical preservation and national identity

maintenance. Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives compiles

multidisciplinary analyses of cultural tourism from top worldwide experts in various

global locales into a single volume (Seaman, B. A. 2008).

Environmental Impacts of Hosting Event Tourism

The hosting of large-scale events such as beauty pageants and fashion shows

often brings about significant environmental impacts. In recent years, there has

been a growing concern regarding the sustainability of such events, particularly in

terms of carbon emissions, waste generation, and resource consumption (Adams


One of the key indicators of the environmental impacts of hosting events like the

Miss Universe Philippines National Costume and Inaul Fashion Show is the influx of

visitors to the host location. The comparative analysis of visitor arrivals can provide

insights into the scale of environmental pressures exerted by these events. By

comparing data on tourist arrivals before, during, and after the event, researchers

can assess the event's impact on local ecosystems, infrastructure, and resources

(Department of Tourism Philippines, 2023).

Chapter III

This chapter describes the procedures that are utilized to collect data and

conduct analyses that are pertinent to the study. The research design, research

setting, study participants, data collection process, and research instrument are all

included in the methodology.

Research Design

The study will collect the data through survey methods and use quantitative

descriptive research design. The study's major purpose is to assess the impacts of

hosting Miss Universe Philippines (MUPH) national costume and inaul fashion in

Sultan Kudarat: a comparative study on visitor arrival.

Quantitative descriptive design will be used, and this design collects data on

variables without changing the environment or any of the variables, they do not

evaluate potential cause-and-effect relationships. The researcher will simply

observe exactly what occurs naturally without becoming involved. Sarmiento (2019)

states that the goal of descriptive research is to precisely and methodically

characterize a population, circumstance, or phenomenon. Furthermore, a

descriptive research design can study one or more variables using a wide range of

quantitative and qualitative approaches, according to Sarmiento (2019). Descriptive

research is frequently used as a precursor to quantitative research designs, with the

general overview providing some useful pointers as to which variables are worth

testing quantitatively. Since quantitative experiments are frequently costly and time-

consuming, it is frequently wise to get an idea of which hypotheses are worth

testing. Unlike experimental research, which involves the researcher controlling or

manipulating any of the variables, descriptive research simply observes and

measures them.

Locale of the Study

Sultan Kudarat is emerging as a promising tourist destination in the Philippines,

featuring a diverse array of attractions that highlight its natural beauty and cultural

heritage. Miss Universe Philippines (MUPH) chose Sultan Kudarat as the host for

its national costume and "inaul" fashion show due to the province's rich cultural

heritage, strategic promotion opportunities, and robust local government support.

Sultan Kudarat is renowned for its traditional "inaul" cloth, a handwoven fabric

symbolizing the artistry and history of the Maguindanao people. Highlighting this

fabric in a high-profile fashion show aligns with MUPH's goal of showcasing diverse

Filipino cultures

During their visit, the MUPH candidates engaged in a variety of activities across

Sultan Kudarat. They explored several tourist attractions, including the Bansada

Agri-Eco Adventure Park, the El Carlitos Hotel Isulan, the Baras Bird Sanctuary,
Lutayan Lake, and the picturesque La Palmera Mountain Ridge, often referred to as

the "New Zealand of the South". The candidates also participated in local festivities

such as the Halo-Halo Festival in Esperanza and visited the Sultan Kudarat

Provincial Hospital to distribute toys to children.

Figure 2. Map of the Locale of the Study

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the local government officials of respective

visited tourist destinations, management and staff of the accommodation

establishments, and tourism officials of Sultan Kudarat Province.

Data Gathering Procedure

For organized research, the following procedures are followed:

The study assessing the impacts of hosting Miss Universe Philippines’ (MUPH)

national costume and inaul fashion show in Sultan Kudarat: a comparative study on
visitors’ arrival will be conducted through a structured data gathering procedure

designed to comprehensively evaluate the current state of tourism development in

the area. The research will begin by clearly defining its objectives, including

identifying the impacts of hosting the national events on the economic, socio-

cultural, and environmental of the host community. A thorough literature review will

provide insights into relevant theories, methodologies, and indicators used in similar


Surveys will be used to gather quantitative data from a representative sample of

stakeholders, management, and government officials. Ethical considerations, such

as obtaining informed consent and ensuring participant confidentiality, will be

carefully addressed throughout the research process.

Data analysis will employ appropriate statistical methods for quantitative data

aiming to identify patterns, themes, and insights relevant to the impacts of hosting

the MUPH national costume and inaul fashion show in Sultan Kudarat. The findings

will be synthesized into a comprehensive report, which will include key insights,

analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for enhancing tourism readiness in the

area. The research outcomes will be disseminated to relevant tourism officials

through presentations, workshops, or seminars, fostering collaboration and action

towards sustainable tourism practices in Sultan Kudarat.

Data Gathering Instrument

The research questionnaire is made by the researcher and upon approval by

the panel experts.






1. Age: ____

2. Sex:



3. Civil Status: ______________

4. Occupation: ______________

5. Educational Attainment: ______________



Instructions: Please rate your level of agreement with each statement using the

following 5 – point Likert scale:

1 – Strongly Disagree
2 – Disagree

3 – Neutral

4 – Agree

5 – Strongly Agree

Table 1


1. Visitors spent a significant amount on

accommodation in local hotels and lodges

2. Visitors spent a significant amount on dining in

local restaurants and cafes

3. Visitors spent a significant amount on shopping

at local retail stores

4. The event led to increased sales for local tourist


5. The demand for local transportation services

(van, multi-cab, tricycle) increased during the event

6. Local businesses experienced increased

revenue during the event

7. The event led to higher-than-usual profits for

local retailers

8. Hospitality (hotels, restaurants) benefited

significantly from the event.

9. The event has led to sustained increases in


10. The event contributed to overall economic

growth in the community


1. Hosting the event increased my sense of pride

in the community

2. The event fostered a sense of community spirit

and togetherness

3. The event enhanced the cultural identity of our


4. The event provided opportunities to experience

and learn about different cultures

5. The event facilitated cultural exchange between

locals and visitors

6. The event helped to preserve and promote our

local cultural heritage

7. The event has left a positive long-term socio-

cultural impact on the community

8. The event has created a lasting cultural legacy

for the community

9. The event improved intercultural understanding

within the community

10. I would support hosting similar events in the

future due to the socio-cultural benefits


1. The event negatively impacted the air quality in

the community

2. The event negatively impacted the water quality

in the community

3. The event led to increased noise pollution

4. The event resulted in a significant increase in

waste generation

5. The event disturbed local wildlife and their


6. The event caused damage to local vegetation

7. The event led to the depletion of local natural

resources (water, energy)
8. The event led to an increase in energy

9. The event resulted in improvements to local

environmental infrastructure

10. The event increased community involvement in

sustainability practices





Please rate your level of agreement with each statement using the following 5 – point

Likert scale:

1 – Strongly Disagree

2 – Disagree

3 – Neutral

4 – Agree

5 – Strongly Agree



1. I noticed an increase in the number of visitors to

the community before the event.

2. The accommodation facilities were fully utilized

by tourists before the event

3. Local businesses experienced significant tourist

patronage before the event
4. Accommodation facilities were fully booked
during the event

5. Visitors spent significantly in the local economy

during the event


1. I noticed an increase in the number of visitors to
the community after the event.

2. Local businesses have continued to benefit from

increased tourist activity after the event

3. The event has led to an increase in repeat

visitors to the community

4. The event has generated long-term interest in

the community as a tourist destination

5. Visitor arrivals have had a positive economic

impact on the community

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