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Written by : Gintari Chintiabela

First Supervisor : Titik Sudartinah, S.S., M.A.
Second Supervisor : Nandy Intan Kurnia, S.S.,M.Hum.

English Language and Literature Study Program

English Language Education Department
Faculty of Languages and Arts
Yogyakarta State University


The aims of the study are to identify: (1) the types of impoliteness strategies, (2) the functions of the
strategies, and (3) the responses of impoliteness strategies performed by the characters in Carrie
movie. The study was descriptive qualitative and was supported by quantitative method in presenting
the occurrence of the data in frequency. The data were in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and
sentences in the context of dialogues. Three findings are shown in the result. (1) There are four types
of impoliteness strategies found in the movie. Those types are bald on record strategy, positive
impoliteness, negative impoliteness, and sarcasm or mock politeness. (2) All functions are found in
the movie i.e. affective function, coercive function, and entertaining function. (3) All responses are
found in the movie, they are accepting, countering, and giving no response.

Keywords: pragmatic, impoliteness, Carrie movie.

INTRODUCTION language to express their feelings to other

As social creatures, people have an
This study uses the theories which are
essential need which is to communicate with
proposed by Culpeper. The research has three
others to exchange messages, answer
objectives: to explain the types of impoliteness
questions, and express some ideas.
strategies used by the characters in Carrie
Conversation is the most common process of
movie, to find out the functions of
communication which involves two people or
impoliteness strategies used in Carrie movie,
more. In conversations, people use language to
and to describe the responses of the characters
send their thoughts and opinions. In sending
in Carrie movie to the impolite treatment
their messages people often use different styles
addressed to them.
and ways. Some of them choose their words
Culpeper et al (2003: 1549) says that
wisely and tend to apply polite language
intention is the main key of the difference
because they expect to have smooth
between politeness and impoliteness, whether
conversation. Nevertheless, smooth
it is the support face (politeness) or to attack it
conversation sometimes cannot be achieved
(impoliteness). Furthermore, people also
because there are some people who do not care
address impoliteness to show their power and
about words choice. They often use impolite


intimacy. People want to show their social people to maintain face (Brown and Levinson
status and classes by aggravating another in Ruhi , 2006: 44). Politeness is something
person’s face. These acts are the means to people have to learn because it is not born with
show that the speaker has a higher social status people. Politeness focusses on how
than the addressee. Viewed from the side of communicative strategies are employed to
intimacy, impoliteness will work in context in maintain social harmony. In contrast,
which the impoliteness is understood to be Disharmony also can happen when the speaker
untrue. The intimacy of a relationship of two is attacking the interlocutor’s public self
individuals takes an effect to the use of image. Some people prefer to use impolite
impoliteness. Politeness is rarely used by two language than the polite one because of several
people who have close relationship (Culpeper, factors. Eelen (in Primadianti, 2015: 13)
1995: 352). argues that impoliteness is used by a person
People can observe impolite acts not who does not return remembrances or he
only in daily life activities, but also in movies. prefers being silent.
One of which is Carrie movie. The story is The researcher analyzes the
about a girl named Carrie who is always characters’ utterances in the movie which
bullied by a group of girls in her school. She is contain impoliteness strategies. The types of
very clumsy and coward, so she always impoliteness strategies that are observed in this
becomes the target of impoliteness by the research are the characters’ utterances when
sadistic girls. Suddenly she finds out her secret performing impoliteness strategies. To find
ability to move things without touching it. She oout the types of impoliteness strategies, the
wants to take a revenge to her classmates by researcher uses the theory which is proposed
using this ability. by Culpeper (1995). There are five types of
Before knowing about impoliteness, it impoliteness strategies analyzed in this
is important to understand about face and research: bald on record strategy, positive
politeness. According to Brown and Levinson impoliteness strategy, negative impoliteness
(in Gyllenhaal, 2016: 2), the term face is the strategy, sarcasm or mock politeness, and
public self-image of an individual that withhold politeness.
everyone wants to claim it for him/herself. To find out the functions of
Yule (1996: 60) argues that people hope that impoliteness strategies, the researcher uses the
their public self-image can be identified by theory classified by Culpeper (2011). He
others. People behave properly and speak concludes that there are three types of
nicely in accordance to save the other’s face. functions. He state the types of functions into
In contrast, some of them do not speak three that are affective function, coercive
properly in order to damage the other’s face. function, and entertaining function.
Meanwhile, politeness can be defined The last objective is to find out the
as spoken and non-spokenmanners that allow responses of impoliteness strategies. There are

three types of responses which are suggested In the qualitative research, the
by Culpeper (2003). Those responses are instrument of data collecting process is the
accepting the face attack, countering the face researcher him or herself or with the
attack, and giving no response. assistance of somebody else. Therefore, the
primary instrument of this research was the
RESEARCH METHOD researcher herself. Since the researcher was
This research was conducted by using the main instrument, she had the role of
mixed method, the combination of qualitative planning, collecting, analyzing and reporting
method and quantitative method. Since the the research findings. Meanwhile, to help the
aims of this research were to describe the researcher in collecting the data, the researcher
types, the functions, and the responses to used supporting instrument. Data sheet was the
impoliteness strategies used in Carrie movie. supporting instrument which function is to
According to Berg (2001: 3), a note the linguistic phenomena of impoliteness
qualitative research refers to meanings, ideas, found in the movie.
explanations, characteristics, and descriptions
of objects. Vanderstoep and Johnston FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
(2009:167) state that the aim of the qualitative From the object of the research,
research is to describe the objectives of the there are 47 data found by the researcher.
research than to predict it. This research also However, from five types of impoliteness
used quantitative method to show the strategies, only four types occur in the
percentage number of occurrences of each utterance of the characters. Those are bald on
characteristic. Vanderstoep and Johnston record impoliteness, positive impoliteness,
(2009: 7) state that quantitative research deals negative impoliteness, and sarcasm or mock
with statistical assignment in certain politeness. Meanwhile, the absent type is
occurrence of the research. The detailed result withhold politeness. In Carrie movie, positive
can be reached by the researcher through the impoliteness becomes the type which is
number of the percentage. frequently used by the characters in the movie.
The data in this research were in the Furthermore, there are three types of
forms of words, phrases, clauses, and functions which are used in the movie. The
sentences found in the utterances of the main most dominant function which occurs in the
and the supporting characters. The contexts of movie is affective function because most of
the data were the dialogues between the the characters in the movie want to show their
characters in the movie. There were two current emotion to the person they talk to.
sources in this research. The primary sources Most of them show their madness and the
of the data were the movie and the transcript other want to show sadness, discomfort, and
of Carrie moviE. The secondary sources were fear. On the other hand, coercive function
books, journals, and papers. becomes the rarely used function by the

characters in the movie because most of them community, so she wants to remind Carrie by
have the same class in the society. delivering impoliteness strategy.
In addition, there are four types of b. Positive Impoliteness
responses which can be choosen by the 1) Disassociating from the Other
characters. Those are accepting the face attack, MARGARET : You must be
offensive countering, defensive countering, different,because He can see
and no response. In addition, no response you.
comes as the most dominant type which is CARRIE : I don't want to be different,
used by the characters in the movie because Mama.I want to be like them.
the characters do not want the face attacks You must be different is the example
from the speaker become worse. Furthermore, of positive impoliteness because Margaret is
defensive countering becomes the lowest disassociating her daughter from the other
response used by the characters because it is girls. She believes that God can see Carrie but
difficult to defense themselves when the cannot see the other girls. Margaret also
impoliteness strategy happens because of their believes that only sinned girls get period. It is
own fault. the sign that God hate you, so he give period
1. Types of Impoliteness Strategies in as the punishment. Meanwhile, Carrie does not
Carrie Movie like to be different, she wants to be like the
a. Bald on Record Impoliteness other girls. She is also mad at her mother
SUE : It's so funny, Chris. because she never tell her about period.
CHRIS : Are you okay? 2) Calling the Other Names
SUE : Yeah. CHRIS : I bet that cocksucker Morton
(CARRIE CHUCKLES) loses his job, though.My dad is
CHRIS : You eat shit. suing him.
CARRIE : (Silent) ALL : (Silent)
Bald on record strategy is clearly used Chris performs positive
by Chris when she talks to Carrie. Chris, who impoliteness because she hates the
thinks that Carrie should not be laughing, headmaster’s decision that she has to be taken
shouts to Carrie. She addresses bald on record out from the prom. The headmaster force Chris
strategy to Carrie by saying You eat shit. She to give her phone to him to prove that she does
wants to attack Carrie’ face directly. It can be not have Carrie’s video when she gets her first
seen from Chris’ utterance that she does not period. Chris refuses to give her phone and she
like Carrie’s behaviour. Carrie laughs because officialy out from the prom. She performs
she thinks that its okay for her to laugh when calling the other names strategy to express her
her friends are laughing. On the other hand, anger at the headmaster. She uses cocksucker
Chris thinks that Carrie is not the part of her Morton to call the headmaster’s name. This

word is included as a derogative word and MARGARET : Boys, boys. After the blood,
of course it also belongs as an impolite word. comes the boys sniffing,
3) Utilizing Taboo Words slobbering like dogs.
SUE : What the hell? CARRIE : Stop it mama.
CARRIE : (Silent) Margaret performs negative
Sue employs positive impoliteness impoliteness because she has her own mindset
strategy because she is surprised with the thing about boys. She never has good impression
happens to her. She sometimes bullies Carrie about boys (literary boys and men) because
because of her strange behavior. In this she does not have good past time with men.
case, Sue employs utilizing taboo words She warns her daughter by using negative
because she does not like what Carrie has done impoliteness strategy to convince her not to go
to her. She even uses taboo words What the to the prom because boys are dangerous.
hell in her utterance to damage Carrie’s However, she mock ‘boys’ by saying the boys
positive face. Sue’s utterance toward Carrie sniffing, slobbering like dogs. Margaret
is undoubtedly impolite. Meanhile, Carrie says associates ‘boys’ with negative aspects
nothing to Sue during the face attack. explicitly by using the words “like dogs”. In
c. Negative Impoliteness this utterance, Margaret wants to highlight that
1) Condescending, Scorning, or boys have the same ability with dogs that is
Ridiculing sniffing to search something. In this case, boys
CHRIS : Yeah, Carrie White! Do it, is searching for the place where the period
Carrie! Yeah, yeah. Throw blood comes from.
it. Do it. Serve it. d. Sarcasm or Mock Politeness
Chris performs negative impoliteness so funny, Chris.
to Carrie because she does not respect Carrie. CHRIS : Are you okay?
Even though Carrie tries to prove to her Sue insincerely talks to Chris that this
friends that she is worth and she can be like accident is very funny. She actually means the
them, Chris and her friends still hate her. Chris opposite from what she literally says. She
even scorns to Carrie because she does not has intends to attack Chris’ face because she has
any respect anymore toward Carrie. She done something that makes her mad. Chris
expresses her impoliteness strategy to Carrie does not help Sue when Carrie accidentally
by Yeah, Carrie White! Do it, Carrie! serves the ball to Sue’s head. All the girls,
Yeah, yeah. Throw it. Do it. Serve it. She include Carrie, are laughing watch this
believes that Carrie cannot serve the ball. accident. Sue is mad and shy at the same time.
2) Associating the Other with a Negative To save her face she employs face
Aspect Explicitly threathening act to Chris.

2. Functions of Impoliteness Strategies in CARRIE : (Silent)

Carrie Movie Mr. Ulman thinks that Carrie
a. Affective Function is a weird person and he hates her because she
CARRIE : I didn't sin, you sinned. acts clumsy. When Carrie finished reading her
MARGARET : I did not. I did not sin. poem, Mr. Ulman says something that damage
Carrie employs bald on record her face and hurt her feeling. He says Okay,
impoliteness to her mother by saying I didn't uh, that was, uh......disturbing to Carrie in
sin, you sinned. She wants to emphazise that front of his students to entertain himself and
she did not sin, but her mother. She recalls them. All of them laugh except Tommy and
Margaret’s memory that Carrie was born from Sue. They think Carrie is weird because she
the sin of her parents. Carrie attacks talks about God most of the time. Even she
Margaret’s face to show that she is very angry loves to read poem which is related to God.
at her. In this case, Carrie employs affective 3. The Characters’ Responses to the
function to show her current emotions that is Impoliteness Strategies Addressed to
angry. Carrie is angry because she thinks she Them in Carrie Movie
did not make any sin, but her mother did. She a. Accepting the Face Attack
thinks that take a shower together with her CHRIS : This is bullshit! We didn't
friends is not a sin, intercourse is. do anything wrong.
b. Coercive Function DESJARDIN : All right, let's go
SUE : Get off me, you freak! Mrs. Desjardin is accepting the face
CARRIE : Please. attack from Chris by ignoring her utterances.
Carrie holds Sue’s shirt and makes She focuses on her students who are
blood marks on her shirt. Sue is so surprised undergoing their punishment. She says All
with Carrie’s behaviour. She also hates to be right, let's go to order her students to continue
annoyed by Carrie. Therefore, she employs the punishment. From the conversation above,
negative impoliteness to stop Carrie’s weird it can be seen that Chris is angry at Mrs.
behaviour. She scorns Carrie to show that they Desjardin because Mrs. Desjardin has
have different classes and statuses. Besides, suspended Chris from her class. She is also
she shows to her friends that Carrie does not furious because she is out from the prom night.
deserve any respect. In this case, she performs In this case, Mrs. Desjardin accepts the face
coercive function. All of her friends agree with threathening act because she does not care
Sue’s face attack because they also hate with Chris. She does not give respect for those
Carrie. Meanwhile, Carrie accepts the face who do not respect the other.
attack because she does not know what to do.
c. Entertaining Function
ULMAN : Okay, uh, that was,

b. Countering the Face Attack c. No Response

1) Offensive Countering ULMAN : Okay, uh, that was,
CARRIE : Get off me! Mama! Stop it! uh......disturbing.
MARGARET : Go to your closet and pray for CARRIE : (Silent)
forgiveness. Mr. Ulman says to Carrie that her
CARRIE : No! poem and her performance
disturbing. All
Margaret tries to counter Carrie’s face of the students in the class are laughing except
attack by offending her. She replies Carrie’s Carrie, Tommy, and Sue. Carrie gives no
face attack with face attack. She offends Carrie response to the impoliteness addressed to her.
by ordering her to go to the praying closet and She choses to not respond because she knows
pray for forgiveness because she already made that Mr. Ulman is her teacher, and she cannot
a sin. It can be seen that Margaret is angry at offend the face attack. She thinks that giving
her daughter because she does not obey her face attack to teacher is unappropriate
order. In the end, Carrie still does not go to the behaviour. In the end, the one who gives face
praying closet and still attacks her mother’s attack to Mr. Ulman is Tommy. He does this
face by saying No!. to save.
2) Defensive Countering
MARGARET : You showered with those CONCLUSION
other girls. You had lust- To summarize the findings and
filled thoughts. discussion, it can be concluded that most of
CARRIE : Everyone has to shower, the impoliteness strategies performed by the
Mama. Everyone. That's just characters in Carrie movie. They are bald on
the rules. record strategy, positive impoliteness strategy,
Carrie counters her mother who insult negative impoliteness strategy, and sarcasm or
her that she has lust-filled thoughts. She mock politeness. Utilizing taboo words
counters her mother’s face attack by defending becomes the first rank of appearance of
her own face. She says Everyone has to positive impoliteness strategy in this movie.
shower, Mama. Everyone. That's just the rules. By using this strategy, the speaker can damage
Carrie wants her mother to be understood that the addressee’s face because the taboo words
she did not do anything wrong. She did not sin can insult the hearer.
just because she took a shower together with The second objective of this research
her friends. It is the school’s rules that is to explain the functions of impoliteness
everyone should take shower together in one strategies in Carrie movie. There are three
big shower room. She wants to prove to her functions of impoliteness strategy,i.e. affective
mother that she does not have lust-filled function, coercive function, and entertaining
thoughts. function. The most used function in this movie
is affective function. The aim of this function

is to show current emotions of the speaker Vanderstoep, W. 2009. Research Methods for
Everyday Life. San Francisco: John Wiley
such as anger, fear, and sadness to the
& Sons, Inc.
addressee. By using this function, the speakers Yule, G. 1996. Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
can easily express their emotions to the
The last objective of this research is to
explain the responses of impoliteness
strategies addressed to the characters in Carrie
movie. From the three kinds of responses of
impoliteness strategies, all of them are used by
the characters. Those are accepting the face
attack, countering the face attack, and no
response. No response becomes the most
frequent choice of responses of impoliteness
strategy in the movie because the characters do
not want the impoliteness strategies addressed
to them become worse.


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