DLP Cesc 12

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School Matab-ang National Grade level Grade 12

High School
Student Winjelly C. Lopez Learning Community Engagement,
Teacher Area Solidarity, and Citizenship
Teaching Date Quarter 4
Time 2:00-3:00
A. Content Standards: The integration of social science perspective and
community action initiatives
B. Performance Standards Synthesize the integrative experience of implementing
community-action initiatives applying social sciences’
ideas and methods
C. Learning Competency/ies Explain the core values of community action initiatives
(Taken from the MELC/Curriculum Guide)
Code/s: HUMSS_CSC12- IIIh-j-12
The factor or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through Explain the concepts of human rights, social equity,
experience or association
gender equality and participatory development
Skills Create an activity that promotes awareness of human
The ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort rights in communities among learners.
to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or the ability, coming from one’s
knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something
(Tree Diagram, Portray Me, Audio listening, Puzzle)
Attitude Appreciate the values of the community that plays in
Growth in the feelings or emotional areas. A settled way of thinking or feeling about their life
someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior
Values Value the importance of core values in community.
A learner’s principles or standards of behavior, one’s judgement of what is important in
Go beyond learner’s life on earth, include more than wealth and fame and would affect
the eternal destiny of millions. Intentionally adding value to people every day.
II. CONTENT/SUBJECT MATTER Core Values and Principles of Community-action
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Curriculum Guide
(K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies)
2. Leaner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources
1. SLM/SLK (pages/parts) Quarter 4 - Module 1: Community Engagement,
Solidarity and Citizenship
2. Equipment (Science, TLE/TVL, ICT, etc.) Internet, Laptop, Power point presentation, Activity
sheets, Pictures, TV/Projector
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new A. Prayer
lesson. B. Greetings
C. Checking of Attendance
D. Collecting of Assignment
E. Setting Classroom Rules

Instructions: Guess the word based on the given
pictures presented.

________ _______

______ _____________

Guide Questions:
1. What do you observe in the given pictures?
2. What are certain values shown/presented in
the picture?

Pupils of Matab-ang National High School

Research Based:
Drill is a behaviorist aligned technique in which
students are given the same materials repeatedly
until mastery is achieved.

Research Based:
Visual Learning, often referred to as spatial
learning style, is a way of learning in which
information is associated with images. This
learning style requires that learners first see what
they are expected to know.

G. Unlocking of Difficulties
Instructions: Match Column A to Column B

A. Equality- the state of being equal, especially in

status, rights, and opportunities
B. Equity- the quality of being fair and impartial
C. Development- the process of developing or
being developed
D. Core Values- are personal ethics or ideals that
guide you when making decisions, building
relationships and solving problems.
E. Rights- the fundamental normative rules about
what is allowed of people or owed to people
according to some legal system, social
convention, or ethical theory.

Research Based:
Vocabulary Strategies are techniques for
reengaging with information that you have already
learned, so that it says fresh in your mind.
H. Reviewing previous lesson

Instructions: Read and analyze each question carefully
and give the correct answer.

1. What is the importance of community

By engaging in our community, we begin to not
just develop our personality or boost our
confidence, but we are also able to help other

2. What is your contribution to your barangay in

helping the community in relation to the crisis?
Obeying the barangay rules and curfew

3. What are some activities that communities

engage in to protect and conserve endangered
and economically important species in the
Tree and Plant Planting
Trash Segregation
Awareness campaign

Research Based:
Review Strategies are techniques for reengaging
with information that you have already learned,
so that it stays fresh in your mind.

B. Establishing Purpose of the lesson • Motivational

Read this story about a mining company, a

community, and the youth

In a small community of farmers, a mining company

was established. This company was openly accepted by
the local government officials because of the income and
employment that it could provide to the community. The
company was near the community residences and also the
school. As a matter of fact, the mining company was
generous to the school as it regularly gives donations.

After ten years of operation, the community began

experiencing health problems and poor farmer
productivity. The people mobilize and asked for assistance
in the investigation. The findings of the investigation
showed that the root cause of the problem was leakage
coming from the mining operations. The local government
protected the mining company because stopping or
disturbing its operations would result in less income for
the local government and youth organization was asked to
participate and lead the advocacy.
What would you do if you were the leader or a member

Pupils of Matab-ang National High School
Research Based:
Auditory learning is a style of learning in which
an individual learns more efficiently by listening
12. Auditory learners remember information
better when it's delivered through sound or
speech rather than written form Questions.

Research Based:
Visual Learning, often referred to as the spatial
learning style, is a way of learning in which
information is associated with images. This
learning style requires that learners first see what
they are expected to know.

The class will divide into 4 (four) groups. The group will
work together to answers to the questions below.
1. Will you support the community organization?
Why or why not?
2. What will be your actions?
3. What are the bases of your actions?
4. What do you think is the relevance of this story
to our new topic today?

Research Based:
Motivating Question is a question focusing
pupil’s attention and inspiring pupils to think.
Generate pupil’s awareness/interest in a lesson
and to focus their attention.

Presentation of Objectives:
The teacher let the students read the objectives of the

Lesson Objectives

Explain the concepts of human rights, social equity,
gender equality and participatory development

Create an activity that promotes awareness of human
rights in communities among learners.
(Tree Diagram, Portray Me, Audio listening, Puzzle)

Appreciate the values of the community that plays in
their life

Value the importance of core values in community.


3. Community action is very important for the
4. Presenting examples/ instances of the new sustainability of life on Earth.


What are Core Values then?

They are our guiding principles that dictate our behavior.
They guide us with what we feel, think, as well as how
we behave.

Community values are the non-negotiable core

principles or standards that the community's citizens
wish to maintain.

What are the Core Values of Community Action?

1. Social Equity
2. Gender Equality
3. Human Rights
4. Participatory Development

Define Equity
-It is the quality of being fair and impartial
Equity in schooling as ensuring that differences in
educational outcomes are not the result of differences in
wealth, income, power or possessions.


What is Social Equity

The fair, just and equitable management of all
institutions serving the public directly or by contract; and
the fair and equitable distribution of public services, and
implementation of public policy; and the commitment to
promote fairness, justice and equity in the formation of
public policy.

Define Equality

-The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and



Define Gender
Gender is defined as the socially constructed roles and
behaviors that a society typically associates with males
and females.


What is Gender Equality

Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal
rights, responsibilities and opportunities.

Also known as, sexual equality or equality of the sexes is

the state of equal ease of access to resources and
opportunities regardless of gender, including economic
participation and decision-making; and the state of
valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs
equally, regardless of gender.

Define Rights
- A moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain
something or to act in a certain way.

-Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom

or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental
normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed
to people according to some legal system, social
convention, or ethical theory.

Define Human Rights
Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings,
regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language,
religion, or any other status.


Why is Human Right important?

-Ensures people have basic needs met
- Protects vulnerable groups from abuse
- Allow people to stand up to societal corruption
-Encourages freedom of speech and expression
- Gives people the freedom to practice their religion (or
not practice any)
-Allows people to love who they choose
-Encourages equal work opportunities
-Gives people access to education
- Protects the environment
- Provides a universal standard that holds governments

Define Development
Is a process that creates growth, progress, positive
change or the addition of physical, economic,
environmental, social and demographic components.


What is the purpose of development?

- The purpose of development is a rise in the level and
quality of life of the population, and the creation or
expansion of local regional income and employment
opportunities, without damaging the resources of the

- is visible and useful, not necessarily immediately, and
includes an aspect of quality change and the creation of
conditions for a continuation of that change.

What is Participatory Development?

- Participatory development is defined as a process,
which actively and substantially involves people in all
decisions affecting their lives.

Why is participatory Development important?

- It strengthens civil society and the economy by

empowering groups, communities, organizations to
negotiate with institutions and bureaucracies, thus
influencing public policy and providing a check on the
power of government.

Enhances the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability

of development programs.

5. Discussing New Concepts & Practicing New Questions:

Skills #1
1. What are the Core Values of Community Action?
• Social Equity
• Gender Equality
• Human Rights
• Participatory Development

2. How important these core values in one’s life?

6. Discussing New Concepts & Practicing New




Instruction: Create a tree diagram that promotes

awareness of human rights in communities among the
learners. One representative will share in front. (5 mins)
Content 30%
Organization of thoughts 20%
Grammar, punctation, 15%
Relevance 25%
Presentation 10%
TOTAL: 100%

Research Based:
Collaborative Learning Theory, is a process
whereby a group (or groups) of individuals learn
from each other by working together to solve a
problem, complete task, create a product, or
share one’s thinking.



Instructions: The group will work together to

complete this picture puzzle. After completing
the puzzle, one representative will present it
Infront. (5 mins.)


Teamwork 30%
Organization 20%
Content 25%
Relevance 15%
Presentation 10%
TOTAL: 100%

Research Based:
Visual Learning, often referred to as the spatial
learning style, is a way of learning in which
information is associated with images. This
learning style requires that learners first see what
they are expected to know.



Instructions: The group will portray a situation that show

students participate in the Bridaga Eskwela Activities.
( 5 minutes)

Content 30%
Presentation 25%
Mastery 20%
Delivery 15%
Impact 10%
TOTAL: 100%
Research Based:
Role Playing Learning Theory, Role play is a
from of experiential learning (Russel &
Shepherd, 2010). Students take on assigned roles
and act out those roles through a scripted play.


Instructions: The teacher will provide an audio recording

to the group, after the hearing the recording the group
will work together to answer the given question. The
group will choose one representative to read their
answers in front with a clarity of voice. ( 5 minutes)

Freedom is a funny thing. It seems to mean

different things in different countries. People in
my country say they have freedom, but I don’t
think so. We have to go to school, we have to
pay tax, we have to work, we have to do lots of
things. That’s not freedom. I’d say we have more
freedom than people in other countries. There are
many countries in the world where people are
like slaves. They can’t leave the country, can’t
get a passport, and have to work 16 hours a day. I
wonder what a society would be like if everyone
was totally free to do anything they wanted. It
would probably be a total mess. No one would
work. I suppose freedom means having some
rules to follow.

1. What is the paragraph all about? (3 sentences)

Content 30%
Listening skills 30%
Relevance 25%
Presentation 15%
TOTAL 100%

7. Developing Mastery Feedbacking:

(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) (After the presentation of each group, the teacher will give comments
and feedback to each group presentation)

8. Finding practical applications of concepts and Discussion:

skills in daily living
1. Did you receive equal treatment in your
community from the local government?
2. Are you treated fairly in school?

Research Based:
Constructivism, a theory which emphasizes how
learners construct knowledge rather than just
passively take in information.

Socratic Questioning, referred to teaching and

learning that uses the art of questioning to probe
thinking and engagement at a deeper level
9. Making generalization and abstractions about Questions:
the lesson
1. Do you think it is important to be actively
participate in different school activities or
community services? Why?
2. Why it is necessary to be aware of what is
happening in our society?

Research Based:
Interactive Discussion, as define by Lier (1988) “holds
that language learning occurs in and through
participation in speech events, that is, talking and making

10. Evaluating Learning DIRECTIONS:

Multiple Choice. Read the following sentences and write
only the letter of the most appropriate answer

1. What are known as the guiding principles that dictate

our behavior?
a. Human rights
b. Personal core values
b. Social Equity
d. Gender Equality

2. It needs the involvement of the community to achieve

better development.
a. Social Equity
b. Human Rights
c. Participatory Development
d. Gender Equality

3. They are known as non-negotiable principles in the

community that must be acknowledged, honored, and
constantly defended.
a. Community Values
c. Gender Equality
b. Social Equity
d. Participatory Development

4. The core values of community action that seeks the

participation of the entire
a. Gender Equality
b. Personal values
c. Social Equity
d. Participatory Development

5. Core values of community action, which states that all

humans are entitled to the sense of fairness and equality
in treatment and access.
a. Gender Equality
b. Participatory Development
b. Human Rights
d. Social Equity

Research Based:
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are generally
recognized as the most widely applicable and useful type
of objective test items. They could be used to measure
the most important educational outcomes
- Knowledge, understanding, judgment and
problem solving.
Assessment Method Possible Activities
a. Observation Investigation, Role Play, Oral Presentation, Dance,
(Formal and informal observations of Musical Performance, Skills Demonstration, Group
learners’ performance or behaviors are Activity (e.g. Choral Reading), Debate< Motor %
Psychomotor Games, Simulation Activities, Science
recorded, based on assessment criteria) Experiment
b. Talking to Learners/ Conferencing Hands-on Math Activities, written work and essay. Picture
(Teachers talk to and question learners about Analysis, Comic Strip, Panel Discussion, Interview, Think-
their learning to gain insights on their Pair-Share, Reading
understanding and to progress and clarify
their thinking)
c. Analysis of Learner’s Products Worksheets for all subjects, Essay, Concept Maps/ Graphic
(Teachers judge the quality of products Organizers, Project, Model, Artwork, Multi-media
produced by learners according to agreed Presentation, Product made in technical-vocational
d. Tests Skills Performance Test, Open-Ended Question,
(Teachers set tests or quizzes to determine Practicum, Pen and Paper Test, Pre and Post Tet,
learners’ ability to demonstrate mastery of a diagnostic Test, Oral Test, Quiz.
skill or knowledge of content)
Based on what you have learned, compare and contrast
the following concepts. Use a separate sheet for this

11. Additional Activities for ASSIGNMENT:

application or remediation
The teacher will divide the class into five groups (optional). Each
group will choose one among the core values of community action
initiatives. The group will make a short play featuring the chosen core

Rubric/Measures in checking includes:

1. Mastery and Clarity -15pts.

2. Choreography -15 pts.
3. Content Development -20 pts.

Research Based:
Assignment method of teaching, the most popular form of
students- centered instruction where students can strength,
apply and deepen their knowledge which aims to promote
independent learning.

V. Remarks
VI. Reflections
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my learning strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Checked by: _______________________ Date: ____________

School Head

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