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SENIOR ICON(IPL) - AGT - 04 DATE:19.05.2024

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)


SECTION - I ( Maximum Marks - 24 )

SINGLE Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 01 - 06)
This section contains Six (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
You will be awarded 4 marks for correct answer and -1 mark (minus one mark) for wrong answer.
SECTION - II ( Maximum Marks - 24 )
ONE OR MORE THAN ONE Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 07 - 12)
This section contains Six (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are)correct answer(s).
You will be awarded 4 marks for correct answer There is no negative marking.
SECTION - III ( Maximum Marks - 16 )
Comprehension passage Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 13 - 16)
This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
Each question has FOUR options ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
You will be awarded 4 marks for correct answer and -1 mark (minus one mark) for wrong answer.
SECTION - IV ( Maximum Marks - 16 )
Matrix Match Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 17 - 18)
This section contains 4 questions and TWO (02) List-Match sets.
These Questions in column-1 are to be matched with the answers in the column-2 these may have
one or more correct option.
You will be awarded 8 marks for correct answer . There is no negative marking.

01. For a normal eye, the far point is at infinity and the near point of distinct vision is
about 25 cm in front of the eye. The cornea of the eye provides a converging power of
about 40 D, and the least converging power of the eye lens behind the cornea is about
20 D. From this rough data estimate the range of accommodation (i e, the range of
converging power of the eye lens) of a normal eye.
A) 10 to 14 D B) 20 to 24 D C) 28 to 32 D D) 14 to 18 D
02. An astronomical telescope has an angular magnification of magnitude 5 for distant
object.The separation between the objective and the eyepiece is 36 cm and the final

image is formed at  . The focal length f0 of the objective and the focal length fe of the
eyepiece are
A) f0 = 30 cm and fe =6 cm B) f0 = 15 cm and fe =12 cm

C) f0 = 8.5 cm and fe =12.9 cm D) f0 = 40 cm and fe =11 cm



03. A plano convex lens of refractive index 1.5 and radius of curvature 30 cm is silvered at
the curved surface. Now this lens has been used to form the image of an object. At
what distance from this lens an object be placed in order to have a real image of the
size of the object?
A) 20 cm B) 30 cm C) 60 cm D) 80 cm

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

04. In Young’s double slit experiment =10-4 (d =distance between slits, D =distance of
screen from the slits). At a point P on the screen resultant intensity is equal to the
intensity due to individual slit I0. Then the distance of point P from the central
maximum is (  =6000 A0)
A) 0.5 mm B) 2 mm C) 1 mm D) 4 mm
05. In Young’s double slit experiment set up, source S of wavelength 500 nm illuminates
two slits S1 and S2 which act as two coherent sources. The source S oscillates about its
own position according to the equation y =0.5 sin  t , where y is in mm and t in seconds.
The minimum value of time t for which the intensity at point P on the screen exactly
in front of the upper slit becomes minimum is

A) 1 s B) 2 s C) 3 s D) 1.5 s
06. The length of the compound microscope is 14 cm. The magnifying power for relaxed
eye is 25. If the focal length of eyelens is 5 cm, then the object distance for objective
lens will be
A) 2.4 cm B) 2.1 cm C) 1.5 cm D) 1.8 cm

07. If a minima in Young’s double slit experiment occurs directly in front of one of the
slits (distance between slit and screen D =12 cm and distance between slits d =5 cm),
then the wavelength of the readiation used can be
A) 2 cm B) 4 cm C) 2/3 cm D) 4/3 cm
08. A parallel beam of light (  =500 nm) is incident at an angle  = 300 with the normal to
the slit plane in Young’s double slit experiment.Assume that the intensity due to each
slit at any point on the screen is I0. Point O is equidistant from S1 and S2 . The distance
between slits is 1 mm. Then



A) the intensity at O is 4I0 B) the intensity at O is zero
C) the intensity at a point on the screen 3 m below O is 4 I0
D) the intensity at a point on the screen 3 m below O is zero
09. Two points monochromatic and coherent sources of light of wavelength  each are

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

placed as shown in figure. The initial phase difference between the sources is zero.
(D >>d). Mark the correct statement(s)

A) If d  , O will be a minima
B) If d =  , only one maxima can be observed on the screen
C) If d = 4.8  , then total 10 minima would be there on the screen
D) If d  , the intensity at O would be minimum
10. A convex lens is placed in the XYZ coordinate system such that its optical centre is at
the origin and principal axis is along the x-axis. The focal length of the lens is 20 cm. A
point object has been placed at the point (-40 cm, +1 cm, -1 cm). Which of the following
are correct about coordinates of the image?
A) x = 40 cm B) y =+1 cm C) z =+1cm D) z =-1 cm
11. An image of a bright square is obtained on a screen with the aid of a convergent lens.
The distance between the square and the lens is 40 cm. The area of the image is nine
times larger than that of the square. Select the correct statement(s). (Plane of square
 r to principal axis)
A) Image is formed at a distance of 120 cm from the lens
B) Image is formed at a distance of 360 cm from the lens
C) Focal length of the lens is 30 cm D) Focal length of the lens is 36 cm
12. A planet is observed by an astronomical refracting telescope having an objective of
focal length 16 m and an eyepiece of focal length 2 cm
A) The distance between the objective and the eyepiece is 16.02 m
B) The angular magnification of the planet is -800
C) The image of the planet is inverted
D) The objective is larger than the eyepeice

Comprehension passage (1) :

The figure shows a surface XY separating two transparent media, medium-1 and
medium-2. The lines ab and cd represent wavefronts of a light wave travelling in
medium-1 and incident on XY. The lines ef and gh represent wavefronts if the light

wave in medium-2 after refraction



SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)
13. Speed of light is
A) the same in medium-1 and medium-2
B) larger in medium-1 than in medium-2
C) larger in medium-2 than in medium-1
D) different at b and d
14. The phases of the light wave at c, d, e, and f are c ,d , e and  f respectively. It is given
that c   f
A) c cannot be equal to d B) d can be equal to e
C) d   f is equal to c - e D) d - c is not equal to  f - e

Comprehension passage (2) :

In a modified YDSE, the region between the screen and slits is immersed in a liquid
whose refractive index varies with time as 1 = (5/2) - (T/4) until it reaches a steady
state value of 5/4. A glass plate of thicknes 36  m and refractive index 3/2 is intro--
duced in front of one of the slits

15. Find the time when central maxima is at point O, located symmetrically on the x-axis
A) 2 s B) 4 s C) 6 s D) 8 s
16. What is the speed of the central maxima when it is at O?
A) 3 x 10-3 m/s B) 4 x 10-3 m/s C) 6 x 10-3 m/s D) 1 x 10-3 m/s

17. The question given in this section contains statements gievn in two columns, which have to be



1. Column I shows four situations of standard Young’s double slit arrangement with the screen
placed far away from the slits S1 and S2. In each of these cases, S1 P0 = S2 P0 , S1 P1- S2 P1 =  /4,
and S1 P2- S2 P2 =  /3, where  is the wavelength of the light used. In the cases b, c, and d, a
transparent sheet of refractive index  and thickness t is pasted on slit S2 . The thickness of the
sheets are different in the three cases. The phase difference between the light waves reaching

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

point P on the screen from the two slits is denoted by  ( P) and the intensity by I(P). Match each
situation given in Column I with the statement(s) in Column -II valid for that situation

A) P)  ( P0 ) =0

B) (  -1) t =  /4

Q)  ( P1 ) =0

C) (  -1) t =  /2

R) I(P1) =0

D) (  -1) t =3  /4

S) I(P0) > I(P1)

T) I(P2) > I(P1)

18. two transparent media of refractive indices 1 and 3 have a solid lens shaped transparent
material of refractive index 2 between then as shown in figures in column II. A ray traversing
these media is also shown in the figures. In column I different relationships between 1 ,  2
and 3 are given. Match them to the ray diagram shown in column II




A) 1 < 2 P)

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

B) 1 >  2 Q)

C) 2 = 3 R)

D) 2 > 3 S)


SECTION - I ( Maximum Marks - 24 )

SINGLE Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 19 - 24)
This section contains Six (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
You will be awarded 4 marks for correct answer and -1 mark (minus one mark) for wrong answer.
SECTION - II ( Maximum Marks - 24 )
ONE OR MORE THAN ONE Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 25 - 30)
This section contains Six (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are)correct answer(s).

You will be awarded 4 marks for correct answer There is no negative marking.
SECTION - III ( Maximum Marks - 16 )
Comprehension passage Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 31 - 34)



This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
Each question has FOUR options ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
You will be awarded 4 marks for correct answer and -1 mark (minus one mark) for wrong answer.
SECTION - IV ( Maximum Marks - 16 )
Matrix Match Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 35 - 36)

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

This section contains 4 questions and TWO (02) List-Match sets.
These Questions in column-1 are to be matched with the answers in the column-2 these may have
one or more correct option.
You will be awarded 8 marks for correct answer . There is no negative marking.


A) B) C) D)

20. Product  A is ;

A) B)

C) D)





HCl  product

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

A) B) C) D)

22. . major product ‘A’ formed in the above reaction is

A) B) C) D)

23. Total number of acids and esters possible for C4 H 8O2

A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 5
24. Which of the following is a pair of functional isomers ?
A) CH 3CO 3 H , CH 3CHO B) C2 H 5CO2 H , CH 3CO2CH 3
C) C2 H 5CO2 H , CH 3CO2C2 H 5 D) CH 3CO2 H , CH 3CHO


25. H3 C C H and C H can be distinguished by

A) Tollen’s reagent B) Fehling solution C) Benedict solution D) H2N-OH


+ H3 O
26. H 3CMgBr
A  H 3 O
  B   C,
Product A and C are


A) B) C) D)




27. Which of the following compounds will react faster than H3C C with


SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

A) C B)
H3 C C H

C)  D)
H3 C C NH2 H3 C C Cl

28. Which of the following are more acidic than Benzoic acid


A) B) C) D)


29. In which of the following pair(s), the compounds are correctly matched?
Compound Name
A) Aspirin : 2-acetyl benzoic acid
B) Salicylic acid : 2-hydeoxy benzoic acid
C) Acetanilide : N-phenyl ethanamide
D) Fumaric acid : trans but-2-en-1, 4-dioic acid
30. Which of the following compounds will give a yellow precipitate with iodine and alkali?
A) Isopropylalcohol B) Acetophenone C) Benzophenone D) 3-pentanone

Comprehension passage (1) :

An organic compound (A), C7H6O gives positive test with Tollen’s reagent, on

treatment with alcoholic C N , (A) yeilds the compound (B), C14H12O2. Compound (B)
on reduction with Zn-Hg, HCl and dehydration gives an unsaturated compound (C),
which adds one mole of Br2/CCl4. The compound (B) can oxidized with HNO3 to a
compound (D), C14H10O2. Compound (D) on heating with KOH undergoes
rearrangement and subsequent acidifiaction of rearranged products yeilds an acidic
compound (E), C14H12O3.

31. Compound (A) cannot undergo :
A) Benzoin condensation B) Cannizzaro reaction
C) Aldol condensation D) Perkin condensation



32. Structure of compound (B) is

A) B)

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

C) D)

Comprehension passage (2) :

When an aldehyde with no  -hydrogen react with concentrated aqueous NaOH, half
the aldehyde is converted to carboxylic acid salt and other half is converted to an
alcohol. In other words, half the reaction is oxidized and other half is reduced . This
reaction is known as Cannizzaro reaction.

33. Which of the following will not give Cannizzaro reaction?

A) B)

C) D)

34. Find out the products of following reaction:

, X and Y are



A) B)

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

C) D)


A) P) Perkin condensation

B) Q) Cannizzaro reaction

C) R) Aldol condensation

D) S) Haloform reaction

36. Column-I Column-II

NaCN  LiAlH 4 HNO2

A) H 2 SO4  A  B 
 C P) Formation of six member

ring takes place

H 2 N OH H 2 SO4 LiAlH 4
B)   A  B  C Q) Final product is ketone




Product R) Final product will give

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

positive Tollen’s test

D) H
 
Product S) Final product will react

with 2,4-DNP

SECTION - I ( Maximum Marks - 24 )

SINGLE Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 37 - 42)
This section contains Six (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
You will be awarded 4 marks for correct answer and -1 mark (minus one mark) for wrong answer.
SECTION - II ( Maximum Marks - 24 )
ONE OR MORE THAN ONE Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 43 - 48)
This section contains Six (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are)correct answer(s).
You will be awarded 4 marks for correct answer There is no negative marking.
SECTION - III ( Maximum Marks - 16 )
Comprehension passage Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 49 - 52)
This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
Each question has FOUR options ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct answer.
You will be awarded 4 marks for correct answer and -1 mark (minus one mark) for wrong answer.
SECTION - IV ( Maximum Marks - 16 )
Matrix Match Answer Type Questions - (Q.No. 53 - 54)
This section contains 4 questions and TWO (02) List-Match sets.
These Questions in column-1 are to be matched with the answers in the column-2 these may have
one or more correct option.
You will be awarded 8 marks for correct answer . There is no negative marking.

37. The number of terms in the expansion of  4
968  which are integers is

A) 42 B) 43 C) 251 D) 253



38. The sum of all rational terms in the expansion of  31/5  21/3  .
A) 58 B) 59 C) 56 D) 55
39. If t0 , t1 , t2 ,........, tn are the consecutive terms in the expansion  x  a  then
2 2
 t0  t2  t4  t6  .....   t1  t3  t5 ..... 

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

n n
A) x 2  a 2 B)  x 2  a 2  C) x 2  a 2 D)  x 2  a 2 
101 2 100
40. If coefficient of x n in the expansion of 1  x  1  x  x  is non-zero, then n cannot
be of the form
A) 3  1 B) 3 C) 3  2 D) data insufficient
 1   b   2 b   6 b 
41. If  x   1  a0   a1 x  1    a2 x  22   ....   a6 x  66  the value of a0 is
 x   x  x   x 
A) 121 B) 131 C) 141 D) 151
n log3 8
3 1   1 
42. The last term in the binomial expansion of  2   is  3  , the 5th term from
 2 3 9 
beginning is
1 10
A) 10 C6 B) 210 C4 C) . C4 D) None of the above

43. 19921998  19551998  19381998  19011998 is divisible by

A) 37 B) 54 C) 1998 D) 1955
 1 
 10 2log10 x 
44. The value of x, for which the ninth term in the expansion of  5log10 x
 x. x 

  x 

is 450 is equal to
A) 10 B) 102 C) 10 D) 102/5
m n
45. If in the expansion of 1  x  1  x  , the coefficients of x and x 2 are 3 and 6
respectively, the values of m and n are
A) 3 B) 6 C) 9 D) 12
2 n 1
46. If n is a positive integer and 3 3  5       , where  is an integer and 0    1,
A)  is an even integer B)     is divisible by 22 n1
2 n1
C) the integer just below 3 3  5   divisible by 3
D)  is divisible by 10

 1 
47. Consider the binomial expansion of  x  4  , n  N , where the terms of the
 2. x 
expansion are written in decreasing powers of x . If the coefficients of the first three



terms form an arithmetic progression, then the statement(s) which hold good is/are
A) Total number of terms in the expansion of the binomial is 8
B) Number of terms in the expansion with integral power of x is 3
C) There is no term in the expansion which is independent of x
D) Fourth and fifth are the middle terms of the expansion

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

 1
48. The coefficient of the  r  1 th term of  x   , when expanded in the descending
 x
 2 1 
powers of x , is equal to the coefficient of the 6th term of  x  2  2  when expanded
 x 
in ascending powers of x . The value of r is
A) 5 B) 6 C) 14 D) 15

Comprehension passage (1) :

 
 n 1 
Numerically greatest term in the expansion of  a  x  is Tr 1 where r   
 a  1
 x 

49. Magnitude wise the greatest term in the expansion of  3  2x  , when x  1 is
A) 9C2 37 22 B) 9C3 36 23 C) 9C4 35 24 D) Both B & C

7 2
50. The numerically greatest term in expansion of  4  3x  when x  is
A) 86016 B) 86061 C) 8661 D) 8616
Comprehension passage (2) :
m n
 2 3  5 x x 2 
Let us consider the binomial expression A   x   and B     .
 x  2 2 
Sum of coefficients of expansion of B is 6561. The difference of the coefficient of
third term to the second tyerm in the expansion of A is equal to 117.
51. The value of m is
A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7

52. The ratio of the coefficient of second term from the beginning and the end in the
expansion of B, is
A) 125 B) 625 C) 3125 D) 15625

53. Column-I Column-II

A) If 11n  21n is divisible by 16, then n can be P) 4

B) The remainder, when 337 is divided by 80, is less than Q) 5
C) In the expansion of 1  x  coefficient of  r  1 th term is equal R) 6
to that of  r  k  th term, then the value of k cannot be



D) If the ratio of 2nd and 3rd terms in the expansion of S) 7
 a  b  is equal to ratio of 3rd and 4th terms in the
expansion of  a  b  , then n is less than

54. Column-I Column-II

SENIOR ICON (IPL) AGT - 04 (19-05-2024)

A) Number of distinct terms in the expansion of  x  y  z  P) 212
B) Number of terms in the expansion of
6 6

  
x  x2 1  x  x2 1  Q) 97
C) The number of irrational terms in  8
56 2  R) 4
D) The sum of numerical coefficients in the expansion of
 x 2y 
1    S) 153
 3 3 

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