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Re zt Declassie in Part -Gatized Copy Approved for Release 2013/0424; CiA-ROPBO-008108002500010010-2 {UNI ‘THROMMATTON CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT co no. CLASSIFICATION | CONPIDENTIAL, ‘SEOURTTT COUNTRY = Usa DATE DISTR, +3 Oatober 1953 SUBJECT Soviet Loconotive Production end otal 0, OF PAGES 23 Stock of tocanatives PLACE NO.OF ENGLS, PS AED aod cua OaTE OF SUPP_EMENT TO S0X1-HUM INFO, REPORT NO. S0X1-HUM THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. Tho vroducti.on ef loconstives in the USSR, not ineluiing narrow-gauge Loesno~ tives, shuning locorotiver, and loconetives for industrial plants, vas echedated to reach 2,''20 untte in 1950, of whitch 2,200 vere to bo team locaaotivess 300 Dees] logongtives, and 220 olectrie leeonstives. Daring: the perio’ fzon 1046 | ‘to 1950, 6,65 ctoan locorotives, 365 Dtescl lecmnotives, and 555 aloctric Loco nottves ver ae odaled to be Watit. Tho 1950 goal represents 2 yrodustion in= erense of siout 60 per cant over the maxima proucr level. of 1935. pustvar Leeonotive models have 50 ner vent nore 50X1-HUM trective nover than the praver models. Thus, tho sciiedulsd incronse of Locano- tive production constdercbly oxoseded the scheduled inerocse of industrial and sgrieultarst prodnetion, ‘50X1-HUM ‘Inionn of the Jxoduetion of_the Host Imortant Juli: Coats ond of Leconntivas | aa 12950 (schedutea) | coo 109 1 | tron ore 00 Fe Yoo 300 159 Cenont 100 100 j crue 042 300 nu | asta 00 107 i Toesnativen 100 (1935) ao 50X1-HUM © ASSIFICATION aes ae Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - ClA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Declassitied in Part - Senitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 50X1-HUM cod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 Declassified in Part- Seniized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : C1A-ROPG0-00810A002500310010-2 _ compton rat 4 are 50X1-HUM Fthoush the schodaled increase of loemotive promiction vias comparatively igh, tho eehoduled expansion of plants prodscing oconotivsn veo even hivhor fae Mant capacity vas schoruled to be ,CCO locomotives per veer te the chit of 1980, represent; a 300 porcent increase over tho petle provar preductson. 5S0X1-HUM a the zetual 1950 prodetion fol2 behind ‘ocleanle enn is estininted to Nave toon 2,200 units, flse, th> production schedole Jor the period fron 1916 to 1956 ws not fulfilled, seinly because proiuction foil considerably lnlor sohodule in 19h6 nnd I9U2. “ho. eramal production °f 2,700 units prommubly uae not reached until 1971. A come Gershle {neredse in Loconotive profuetioa sey ba expested 7 ihe fellem ing yoara,tecime of te schodsled Ineroase in plaxt eapacit;, “his case city expansion cviously taioa into aconunb the lorgrraace slave fer ine preuncs induotrial scoduetion and the race high pequirenmss for replace reat of Soviet raflzost cquiomat, It ie aucune tliat tho hiss pred stion espactty vill bs Duliy wiilized onty Senermaly,in arcer to ssplonent. and rotorrise the presar inadequate stosk of Locchotitas, Atevwtin: a cepreciation of 2 corcent, Vis production of 1,000 lecenct ives vor jeer wold be sdequate ‘t Paintain 2 stocic uf 290,000 sodoratives. ake plant eapae! ty, nob ubsLiaed for Locomotive productionstill jeouably,be eonvertsd to the nrcduetin of Tuchinery or tanke, u6 vas Cone before atdéurine the var. Voceactive profustion in the last six ceare to ustinated 26 follore! 30) unite in 1okbs £30 unite in t9h7s 2,270 units sn L\Os 1160 unite in Ishd; 2,200 unite An 298%)" and 2,700 unite an 2951, 3+ To gemral trond in Goviet locomotive produetion ig to ineresse the tractive Powers the technica apoodyant tie reliability af te losorol vos, Tee Folin lity ef six Locrnativen ls beer eonviceratl, improves ky converting 75 poreont of the exiatirg lovonotivas #2 a. tomate cmplin.. This taasure also Increased the aractive power fron 14 tena Tor eran emtiyliaze to 22 tor for sutoratie couplixgs. f"te'se are alse bein: rade to stat ‘avtize the consirsstion designs as such as ponuble, copceially the undorearriayps of a2 ty9 of Jocostines, in ardor to ani suare parts srovioxe ani tw facilitute’ vervieins Gori Particular eonatdevaiton is boi, :dvon to the orraare” railroad traasjertation, Par this purpose, a langaeale pro ‘van for tho une stanetion oul ure of oloetris Jecongiives 0 Dicue) Locewil “we was developed after the ir anits conitmstion of condensed 9 ca Ieeossicivos ed, “Teolrie Loconciives consis only 33 & LD 3 ceenby ond the ‘aesel electric loco wtives ety 25 10 23 dercont, af tin veuur voguiced by conventional stom Locotioti mos. Tho poser consuription af the condensed stecca Lucurotive is 15 to 20 poreant tnloy tat of tw orventional stan lec. notives Jnethor ath e705, of Loconstive + in that. ther fean treo £002 1,000 t= ilo the cerve-\tienal staan fer Une haw atte te vere nace px 04. ciate its 10 to 19 percont ova. tust, i bermed gas 42 aloo tciedulad fr “he overation The initien in ae ty njestin; UieseL, ved wathane gas and af = “ia bests wore evecues= IML eos Novevers the rec sfz:bure requix'2e eanzen in the eeutin of the visi 8. Mere are lowarange oLme fox =. davelopnent, nou are: Jeconotives equinnad ith jot excines, lis ikea so 4 reached the tostin: ecaces stom Soca. ctitoae ter the boiler. Rul isto tio compen jects have not it CO povesnt «f ble Lecemptimme tilt & Locenotive: ant only 20 pereuit are pescery: Jecmotive vodols jodused are the Ti Sraftic ant the Tipe and Suit: zo for wae devel poe wa! | no th Raven otaea freight 'eseictive. iD, wccitlonal potcur 2: it Tnevnot Sve made the UetsSiP aro fouigyt train train Zocustiws. the uvean 0.2%, ani a commrmsarraL, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : ClA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 50X1-HUM rod Declassified in Part - Sanitizad Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 aaeal4 (50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2, COMPLIENPIAL enor Tocomstive netoh vith a IpOch thes) arcangeren. the Eton Teccaotive typo nay hem bean pat into anes grociztton, Proight Yocorntives sreduced in ine U.S ah proses tous. lo nov have fore thm ftvo sats of driving thooiay Favever, te, oonstrastion of am articulated Joconative vith ate sets of driving shoo! y was resontly tartar tho aos ef the threo front diving sisole ara fitted to 8 rovolvrity truck wateh te tamed afta {9 eveic cxceantco tor of the {rack tig vhoed arrangenant of tia ocdel is 2d. Paoergor train locovotives are produced with 3 tok suts of crivig vhoels. tho nodola with far cote of Grivins vheols are cbviowly roferrec. “Tecerte ‘tp Sroreace to offieimney of te Leeonstios br cadarts ig the crate fseoa and to boilers are restricted by tio lead init ef ino teackos lofare the var tho safe losd was 2045 tore or nolor of coi) en tre nan Lines, 0 tong 01 cote Tooter Mineeycné 6 tone on all ronsining Vines. Tt ag aso until after the sar that the eld (ha! pe raiie t starde for Rela, weaning rail) were zeplacod on a large scale by the vew RL} type rails (also calicd "la" rails) weighing 43.56 lq per woter. The produc ‘tion of R-X type rails has bean almost entirely suspended, The R-50 Igpe Sail, weighing 50 ky par neta", in aged for dire carsying heavier cade, and tha R65 typs rail, weighing 65 kx per neter, is used for lines carrying tho roaviost ieeda, “so far, the raw PSD end h-65 nails have ‘iron wad ety on a suall scale, e's zo, tho load Lidit of the rade 5 cotemsnol tyr tho raiSo bobvem tho right, in kg, par tater ef Pasi, and the axle lead of the locomotive, ia tons, Tais ratio is from 2.2 tod0X1-HUM al fo- the now raila. tho alo Iosd of tae lovonot iv sonces, fro 20s35 tone to 29.5 toa opr tar of al. tho TID pe railo aro aioo suitalla for 0 boovy ID anf! ‘SS-type Locomotives. This probably mens that the T-50 tye trees wii.°0X!-HUM fot to usod at preont, or tall be wot exly to a onal stent. ines Wig, tie st? type Bidsel-clocteic Tooesotave has Goon cusite” Te wll ropliso the Sint ene Hsocl-olestrie locomotives the 722 ned ane Sisto af tro silar unite, which em ico be wed separstoly. bach unit tio Tine io 25 powerful ag ono Tt tsp looenet 96,301,000 Pe Eb ig asmirod thaiyin tio official stetistien, gaan TEL? loschotive is countei se two units. Sootior, even nore power ,Hinoelealoctrsa, 1a0o~ fottvo naiel ip being davoleped, The oicetrie loolcetiv sa nov Loins peo thiced aro tho Yie%2 tyyayihieh “21 roriseo to Tei) toiels deste Glooteie lecoastive neoal, cagost tifea a9 parerdil ao tre Wel9 nodsly fo'tn the dovslopamt stage, | 5» Loforn ths mar, vary feu hoary loverotives were impertad. During the war the murber of such loconstiver imported increased cu-sideratly and import figores were still high durin; the fret postwar years. Kt prevent, hevever, the number of Locomotives inportod ins again bo2oep focligiblo. Countrica exporting a all nuntor af locomotives to the Te0.5.%4 inelide the Soviet “om of Sernmy, Crechcelovdia, cad ‘luncary. The mtber of narre~gavee an! industrial locosotives imported fren Hastorn Horepe i extraordinarily high. Tio loconotive oxperts fron the U,3JsR. baw boon reported. 6, Accurate infomation concerning tho progant repair ektuation te not availasle, There are nany indinations that the voluwo of pair work has inoreaced, a9 compared with the provar poried, Tor inotance, the froich’ Load por Lecoxasive ineroased fren 9,500,000 formItlom‘ara in 1932 to 20,000,000 ton-Idlerwtera in 1950, Thusé statistics wor conmted by Gividitg tho total freight Load by the total m tock. If the porcenajo of loscustives used for peanen ‘ort Gotaeied the feight Load por loconetive would ‘pean ssoatore ius tho Sroighd locd is five to at: tines that hauled by locenstivee Taropean comtriou. ‘Tis froight Loed per Lesenativ 13 500,000 toneicile rwssore ds 1932; 12,007,0°0 ton-:it0 eters in 39: 309,000 tonnieblo~ eters in 19363 11,500,000 ton-icilorotors In 19373 35, 100,000 tonekio— rotors in 19103 wa 20,000,000 tomiiremters In 1950. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - ClA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 Deciassitied in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 50X1-HUM rod Deciassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 Declassifed in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 1.HUM On IDEETA, ‘ho freight Load por oconotive beeanes oven Jeryer vhen the repsir quota is tae into account. "he munher ef cezootive looaoti vesy Anil up for a couplete overhanl, wag 20 percent of tre tovel. stock tn 1°33, 20 perecn’s in 193) (althoich only 17 poreant were sshodiled to be repaired), and 17 percont in 1935, according to the seveduls leo, the distance corered by each Leconotive hes eontinunsly inercosed, ‘The averaze distance travolied daily ly Soviet frei3*t lozenotives ae 16365 ten in 1933, 105 tea an 1935, 259 Im scheduled ir 1933, and 22742 ka in 1937, “In 1h}, the average distance tae 375 in daily: por freight Locenstive. In -$49, an abtonpe vas nado to inercace the Gal ly run of teach fraicht Loemmotive to 560 len by holding a contest betirect enzine= drivers. Of 7,700 ongénoore whe competed l,600 acricved Hstanses ransing etiaen LOO ar 500 tn. tho utilisation rate of Coriot Loconstives, asad on tho Lew ight Lcd ‘and on the dictanes travellec, ina therefére boen at least Goiblod,adiioush the povsr of the new Locomotive? ins increased onty $0 percant.’ Thus, tse repair quota has presumbly 4 iereased as com pared to the provar level, Intornediate repakr vork fre 193k te 1936 Nes a8 foliorat 293% 8,070 Leconotsvea, coupared vith 9,709 ached: ted 1935 9,380", according to ochedule 19% 1,U0 "according to schedule Thus, fron 15 to LO percent of the total stook of Leconot:ves wan Laid up for intormediate repairs. 0 the averazo, intermediate repnie viere nado on eseh locomotive cvory two years, In addition to this repiir quotay sdnor ropaire are nado at uch shortar inves 2 tae niror fopaire venuired ayproxinately 30 days por leco-otive, ona three shift schedules It is assures that She present nitibor of defective Lezoro veo Jute up for a camplete ovosiml is 15 to 20 percent of the total vteclean} that the Anternediate repair quota ranges fran 11,000 to 18,000 lo:owti vos, Tathout, counting tie mim rezaito. ad 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 7. Tho ‘otal Sovict loscnotive stock 42 estinated ab auoat 33,000 units for 1980, and 32,000 units far 1951, Shono ootinaten aw basad on to voviet Higufe fer"Ila. stone, which vias 26,000 smnites ‘the 1gld. tock: atountod to 27,600 vnttoe 15,500 Iocerotivos ‘ore datajed o costroyed during tw war. emmning Yat $0 poreent havo Ueen restared, the ot loss woul’ aamunt to apcreninalely {000 wits.“ total of 14100 locinotiver mist bo ceductse au the ceprocine thon quota for the tomsnat orkod fon 1941" $0 1902, hv nuibor of Loses potives acquired br the sevsets snelndes 2,500 loeonotive:, acqelred threush 2 fran LM '2: Wit, 1400 loceactives throush mparations end ‘porte from Lous te 1972, 3,000 eapturod Locomotives in iesv.cs0sie core aston, ard 2,770 leeuntives produced fron 2045 to SL tf shs captured and ingorted Loccnetives ere adloe 19 the sto. of eli lownetines, tne S0X1-HUM stor of Losonetives increased li, percuntycospared with the neers Fura » and the sraoisve poser insreaned abut, 20 dereonte ithe net: looww.otaves arg 50 \«reont nore ponortil tie the poOXT-HUM wer of Joconotives increased only IL porsont an bre tractive, Power sneros ed cay 20 porcont, by 1951, tks gredget Lond sad alroady Srowoaned ls percent by 2950. 1 be gone “Aso bofer. the tw prom duotior adeqantely roploniches tho tz uf Irewotives Ui racy bee bnersaued royuironante. The present exceasive rave af roar an. sll conpare sively rapid deterioration of fares mcnadio 2000: tives, many of thick ara eS boing ined in the "stdsPey have nado ie mare diftiewte te dutld ap the esuary stock of Teeetetivan, pave pare for Ua Loveienvaie loco fotives aro orobably Ga Aoult to obtain, the Fanie post ar-insroasn, So ‘ho sorcentaie of the Diogel-loctete ard elesteis lososo’ aves ise alleviated the Leconstive shortago. Dinsel-cleetris Loeaaoe ard elnetric locomotives aie wier. in sountainous are decors rosions an] have conniserably srdused the nurbor of eonventional *commstlie9 ‘CONF IIRETAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - ClA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500810010-2 50X1-HUM rod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 ‘ | Declassified in Part - Saritized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 +.HUM, 20, ne ae CONFI LAL, eters By te end of 1919, seven plants for the eanotmction of sceny Loco notives These plants avo Iccated e$ Peahitsa, —S0X1-HUM. Sharkov, SFE, Volouna, Krarneversk, Hevedhorkaeak, ond Yoros)ilovsrad, im fsrother Ineorctive plant f° SOX1-HUM (851-50.8107-37)_. Vo anferm tion is, plants @¥ Ursk “(R=20,256-3h) and ota2inske Tae to cat we Ulan available concernin; (BIW E8710) hich weve scheduled to be built oefbre the var. The plant in Cree ds Ay Adontical with the South drat “iachine Plant, Vhich has not started to produce loconetives. The originally scheduled capacity of the plant vas Sl0 stoan loconotives and 540 f-cecl Loe tives por year, ‘We plant tenufacturod only ratlrosd SOX1-HUM whoels in 19110, im aaeition to machines an] naciiine parts. in aosenbly shop for sn unitontified purpose was otéll under construe don. The Stalinsk plant was actedilec to "ave a eapacity of S42 st ian locowtives ‘ost locouctive plants are Located in “uropem) USSR, ii areas‘iere Here eg ard a concentration of ech .ne-Laitting Tho lecoactive planve are 2am Seularly con centrated in tho “astern Uarwine and 11 the arun of Roste” (NTAIS,E39-63) « Goly’ tio Loconotive plants ara in Siberis and there are rm Tesonptive plents in the Urals anc in Gontw Jai, he KeasnyyProfiustern Losnetive and Satlrond Jar Mant (aileshites te en old plant, ifter the last, prevar plant oxpaneion, fret: 1/31 to 1935, the production capacity war 12,000 railroad ears por ear, most of vhich vere Poueaxle hopper cars, tim: care, refri-orater sre,and flateares 200 5OX1-HUM. san leconotives, and’ (09 forze havers. hon tie plant ao recenstrieted aftr the war, Latzoynow inctallations vore set up ‘the plant vino ccliedled te couble Lie pravar eapactty ty tke 50X1-HUM end of 1950, The neowr expansion projects apparently have not bsen | realized, production curiny 19l¢ ou? 1950 50X1-HUM of only 200 Yoconotives wth tenlere ane cout 1:,000 railroad cars, i= 1 eluting fourmacle voxears, comola care, mu refvicerater cars. ‘50X1-HUM ‘the 1952 yrotuction of lconstivae with terfiers vas te be inercaied to 30" unit3, iipon co~pletion of soveras now SOX1-HUM| ageorbly shozee Plant “o.103yfor the construction of érciaport vehteles,43 located cove."H. $5 an ole, plant shies szedared tia SOk-,.0 suse Loar orld sar Ti," klso,this plant povoiity "red eed the 1,050 hp, fic loccnotive with 4 nO? heel arrangosent, a onalY numbor’ of wiiteh have boon produred since 1931, '50X1-HUM | ‘the plant tag an estiratod capacity of 200 stoan lecorotives per year. Jn IH, the olart. started the constriction of the “Tel tre. Dicstl-electric 1é00:.08%ve, an con,junctacn vith Pant Yo.75 for Hinwel engines in Markov and the RMEMZ olvnt for olecteic notore. The Tini! tys Divgel= electric loocsctive bas hoc buslt since 1950. The production of thi plant reportedly included Ziesel leconotivey for industrind plant, ene electric ernnes. Tho plant capacity for ie precuction o." Diezel ieco- netives is ectinctod to by rome than 300 unite ner year. In this estinate, the T=2 nodel, viiieh sencists oF tHe ceupled unite of eqial powny de courted as two Leeenotives, @ The vranroye Sor-ove fnoni, Zhdanova Maciine lant “6.112 a¢ Gorldy 48 an. old instaliction. ctor the last prawr plant expascion, fro 1938 6 2937, Woo plant capacity me scheduled to 96 130 stan lovenotivos per Viesel orjines totaliny £0,000 hp. refore te war tie plant rocicad Ieomotaves, ra‘Irosd eare, shine, ant tanke. wins tae war ‘the plant vas al est’ exe™usively acelinod to £421 amazon. orders. The constriction of the Sur .iy-c Leec:etive sng rewmee 41 is, art LOL, ne present, tho plant aroincue locusotives, vicse) freignt aid passcncor’ shige, Anctiry crotzes, ard iceireaters, here $e also 1 srailnsoale production o° terics,and railroad cars aro cocautona? preduceds Lt is posaible that 100 to 130 Locanctives ane produced por years comer TA, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - ClA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 SOX1-HUM Deciassitied in Part- Senitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 cod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Declassitied in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-ROP80-00810A002500810010-2 S0X1-HUM cour TAL ‘loca is ave of tio oldoat, cons larypst, of the Soviet Loeonatin plants. Attar tie Lact prover expantion, fron 1932 te 197, the piait capa oxty was oehadiled to be 27° stéar lowovotives, (09 iiesol Locos tivos,ar £0 electric Ioconctives por year, pla Uierol engines vith 2 total capacity of 80,000 ip. In ish0, the plant cetually prow Guead only 370 Tocccoiives,elthough it hae an anima? copacity of 09 iosmbtives, toomuie if had been convowtee to armament producticns Tho leconotive frocuclidn was reatind in Wie shen the new Letyre Locomotive vas built. Te L-typo lecucotive was pot inte naserpro Guetion in 19:7." Ir I9lP, the Gevelopaent of tho nev P-3u type Loco gotive oquimped mith nix driving artes, was ready fer tost rinse Th yas hoped that this model cotld be pit into msa-frometien in 3950. Sons dering, the high prewar capacity of the Sant and the Antonsive postvar ederniaation, tke rrosoi? annus) production of the Plat 2 cetinated at 550 to S0¢ lecmotis i Plant for tho Ccestmetion °F Veo Vachiners” ar Loconotives at Kremovarsk did not sinz' oparating, Lafore “ctlé wae ‘I. the pro Guotdon of tais plant inctates 80k te iowmaotives 24 heey era With capacities of Lron 20 te 150 tort, ant send cranes with & cape cits of 250 cons. To 19L9, to plat brodvoee erly? 10 Ieccnot ves, althow™ ta quota ac 220'units, 3 2951, the production, vill. probe ably = 189 un nine, to ie eons traction weity of 720 nermemcauen After the var Cio plant was santled fron the woviet Zone of 2 sbertod in 19h? Sainelne sud industrial locomotives are pwoducec, Te prodection of uaScnline Leconotives was 229 watts in 1950 ard nas to be srepoaced to ore then 300 unite Wy 1931.3, We asivoad Sor ant wt cated in tho art of the tom. "he evsigetion of tre plant started Brotuetion vas to suri in 1036 amd the entire project ves et in 1937. ho enmual eapneliy of the sant wan ochaluled te we ca hater Sonera? reat of stoun Loowaotiwe 130 mite enor repair of 7,200" yourtiuetion 0° nowcainelim steso Yeeonotives wo" ‘roy, drone 22,000 tone Stoclecest 3,000 For.inse 20,000 * 36 S0-tyme stean ..cconotives anOOX1-HUM 3) Ysslvesd cars vor suwstre'Gd in 1930, In adits in, 60 20 30 Locrrotives nd 750 vailzead cars jer south wore giver 2 concral cvarhawlinr, The emstuctaon af Loewinuives ims cehtd od £6 BO ser $0 Secotels and 99 t-codels in 1939, Tig annual prow dustion of ¥eEizoaa cata laculed to reach G3C unite, During a ar ripanded cre peets of plants enanies trom the weston fweae of ti tee tive Plant To U3 dn Mumtevvore ateed ty Ths allegedly ox yte Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 SO0X1-HUM Declassitied in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2, rod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - ClA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-ROP80-00810A002500810010-2 u ‘50X1-HUM comprar: sneroand the steel ovtput to 10,00 tons per year, of which 20,000 tons rore eonsuied by the plent itsolf. «lane part of the plant wae eon verted to armanort prodivctionsineluding aicunition, weapons,and,allecedly, tants. After the var, Sult-cdale production of locnotives and ‘ratiread cara vac rostised. ‘tho plant. Lictuded an Sron foundry; a stack foundry, equipped with: throo epen-noarth funS0X1-HUM eos, cach vith 21 square setors of earth sirfaco,and two clectric furnscoe, each With a eapaedty of 6 tones a barrolling sill," a force and punching shopj 4 lecorotive aszerbly shop, a retlroad oar Fopairohup with @ new dutléings e omy stations anda losenotive repaironop. In 1951, the eauiment of the Loconotive repairstion include? an auoanbly Line for the repair of franoa ith 10 stationary and four portable lathvs. ‘the pron Guction of the frum repair inctallation vas increased 600 pereens by the installation of Wiis aosenbly Line, [tam aegusoe tint about 150 SOk-tpe Jocasotives vere produced in 1960 and 1951, now loecnot’ ve motel Math a P04 vboed arrancecent vos being teste: in 19L9. Tt te not now whether this sade) has since boon put into ass rrodietion. Successful toote were reparted to have bean nede in 1952 in renodolici: the firing cquipront of ‘wwxlnfired 100: otivws. wth the now vond-firing oquipsent the tine requivedt to fizc-up the beilor ean be reduced fro aout 1) hours st @hews,ant 2 tons of fact are caved. Tho construction of naw raiireed care alse anova to have been increased since tho war. ihe predotion in Farch 1050 4a reparted to havo exccaded the quota by oight cars, The runier of workers in 2911 var roweted te by 15,000. “eeont internation a to nuiber of erployees Sn not avatlablo. t Tho Cototer Rovelution Leceuotive Mant in Veroutiloygrad 6 en old tien built fron 2£90 to 1909, Aftes the Last prewar plant expension, vetueen 1923 und 1937, the wrotuctiion capacity v0 1,090 b end PD-tygo freight Joconstives and Jemirpe paccenzer Leconocivos. The “kant had a capeekty af 400 Iocorotivan in 2935, and of 400 Loemotives in 1936, Mart of she plant hhed been ccxwartec {0 tins production totora the vars ‘the eathines wore gVacuatod curire the war and the sxetallations wore partly destroyed. ‘econstruction af the plant started amotlately after ite :ecepture by the Sorieto ent armament production was recused, The construc don of locomotives as roowred ia lato 1915. *he amament production, inelud ng casting af tank cupelas and baste civols, wan suspends? in nid—2016. The lecosstive production vas 30 to 31 unite nonthly in midISNC, 36 unite in Septenber Ah, 3 units in Lotoder 20, 39 units in Uecenber WLe, 36 units sn January 199, hO wits conthly’ fron Fobrvary 1949 to Jaly’ 799, and $0 units in Soptunber 19g. “| the 1990 echedule ealled Zor & rontaly production of 50 leessoti ves, 50, PD, ani JS typo Loeosotd vee SOX1-HUM wero built in the plant. The farwt tash Lotonotive wth 2lO- shoed arrangonent ao eovpletéd in Iate 1olf'. Tb meg oeing tested én 1949 and ray since hays been put fate mass production, Tent with leeel Locouotiver Mae vere ropertcd to hwo been main in 1550. part of the ply ‘LeessotivesS0X1-HUM te the cearurietaey oF Uiesk Comments ‘S0X1-HUM Yor details on loccrsiive typas, oso Pegon 9 10, ant 11, Pago 12 ives dots on loconotivp tenders, Tho enclosure ta a not of phntocr=rhe of variovs Joconotivaa,! ‘50X1-HUM 2 Ta information an the TE-2 and TE-2 reels contasmd in this report ‘awpersodes that proviously reportad, ‘50X1-HUM ‘COnPTDEUTTAT, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 SOX1-HUM Deciassified in Part - Seritized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 ee Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-ROP80-00810A0025008 1010-2 corr meerTAL. 1 50X1-HUM 28e 32 Inforcation on tha Mrasnyy Frofintorn toneaotivs and Rad3zoad Ger Fant, tho Ronaye Somero teant Dhmore ashice Fant Yay 22, Flent Gongtmetion of favy Kacbinary cad Loeanotivea et Kromyarok,’ and the Businure lecataiive Plant saa'nwineienete wtacn hy 50X1-HUM ‘CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 SO0X1-HUM Declassitied in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008 10A002500310010-2, rod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - ClA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Deciassie in Pan - Santos Copy Approved fr Release 2019104724 Ch. ROPBD.00870A002500910010:2 soxt-HuM ‘Stomn Frotgnt Lesmattron B = 2 mL pone Ba look artonieantt Gul DY ZOD MOO PROD AM Ta production ince: 1936 193h = SBS aS wsY a Diner chimterGa) DD 0 nee evhintere ae Piston tvoie (en) mmm MOO mo 70 vaertion oatnenQSHSS)omn ae baat ak a i ms a nt eo 5 Tat use orate martioe (earns nines) haku BSHIO AD TO Semen pearcwretvtuoaphere) 12 ss Wom me Bo service wetent (toms) 225d 5 us ap use woe Adeion wight (tom) 2 5% Me eR howe cootaoaes - CMLRDPAD-0BOADBESONS 10ND? ‘beclassified in Part - Santized Copy Anprowed for Relea SOX1-HUM Deciassitied in Part- Senitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 rod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : ClA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Decatstiedin Pan - Santzed Copy Approved for Release 20130424 ClA-ROPEO.00810A002600910010-2 comers, a ast nti fron auc? ‘ae prea we (tons) 21 cord eats » Yrokatend sad) 6 6 a ROU oe iadoum weight of tentattona) PSrrareet ote a= 54790 30 MDa 30 ee peek ede 7D og A Mae porent ere 1600 ams ims me owtsas pom (te) como eo wm mdm 25000005095 The shbroviatiae tare the folloeing mamndng! Bu date tm Srtpattnes w (utteoare) some nsinfored, x (noternitromnnaye) em niles, 3% (Grae Granade) i'n ie deafomtieay x same contoted stom Lowetive. loca) eto mon in let inipae ts eee Sa dna tm dntoutions erome relnorny 7 (ets Sasegs) en mental Helio ah fh Sib ent Simoes, spay te 80 toes mr euranlyrtered tess Dcote, eclaseified in Pan. Santined Copy Approwed tor Reese 20¢400824 - CLA-RIDPRO-d0e4aADo2s0N8 100102 50x1-HUM SOX1-HUM Declassitied in Part - Santized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP8O-00810A002500310010-2 cod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 Deciassi in Pat -Sanitzed Copy Approved fr Retanse 2019104724 Ch. ROPBD.00870A002500910010:2 Se ta sox. one Tecboios oata on ines este gosmutsanasih syoelneattie loam tiie ua 2 a ‘est ete me sae Meek arrangement OD O60 “UUhO OEY bn 6 ined arrigmmnrt 0D Obed Orla arvice wight (ee) 208 we 7" wo service weight (tons) ia exis srecrore oe - : oe pracusrs (tat) ven aoe 26,5 = mets (00) ao a 1 oF ates s . > 2 teu idarates 8) ses rear (ho 277 2m 7% 51389 beter of sh . : eva omttese () 24500 2,500 1400 ve lntne of gowrstors a waste reat Cdn 15 : - wa dae of vteishe : rere Ow) ao 2,00 sn eeacovineinns Iain te Zelbodig nba rormicwats satart eeucin Gale) ae 230 nN rats epee (VB) 90 wo a+ masterre nin uek ournly for Ua) 1,500 240 Fo Tene detrows (ateuteolastete Zeca “baclassified in Part. Santived Copy Approwed for Release S0*ai0aI2# -ClA-RDP#o-doetoADg2ONe 100102 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A0025008 10010-2 50X1-HUM rod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 Declassified in Part - Santized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 OONPIDENTTAL wee Technica Data om Joviet Leconotive Tomlors. Tenter of Tender of Tender of Yonder of ‘the H-type the l-type ‘the Su-type tne Js-tyye oconctive oconotive Leeorntive Locor.otive ater supply My tons 28.0 tons 21,2 ton 52.0 tors Cont supply 2" 1.0 * 15,0." 105" Enpty weight of tender 56 * 30.7 8 53.0" ‘Loaded vedght of tenter ao" 1.1 het 122,85 * ixte presoure a8 20.5 * 13.6" 2.5 Runber of alee 6 4 4 6 ‘heel lanoter 1,050 on 2,080 = 2,080 oa 900 om Length of tender 13,090 rx 9,933 em 12, SU me fatto of the weight of the Loaded tonder to the loconative weisht ops100 opsaco 923100 COmPIDSTRLAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2, 50X1-HUM rod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - ClA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Declassified in Part - Santized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 | conan, 5OX1-HUM | Location | Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : ClA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Deciassified in Part - Seritized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 50X1-HUM «~& ~ oe Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied rod Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 . 5AY4-HIIM - rnaee 8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500: ‘omeineer cy Gananers gq ONFIDENT IE : 2 STW Pagel ok arene pacdeOTNG UME LETHE GOR) KICOKOTW, PLAWT 107 LE) 43 A Hegieicarin 38 154% ryp, UW WAM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM + ———— Hag zif SOk" TYPE FREIGHT STEAM LOCOMOTIVE WITH TENDER, BUILT AT KHARKOV ‘ Locomotive PLANT. CONFIDENTIAL so" TYPE FREIGHT STEAM LOCOMOTIVE. OLD MoDEL. i mgo tye raciawt steam LoconoTive. 50X1-HUM ConFroENTHAL Newest Post-WAR MODEL. Cour oenti AL r — SO Ty PaireNT spay REoMCrN ee: (wewssr rosrenn rick) PYOLON ‘ed Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 019 “00%s) Declassified in Part - Sanit Declassitied in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 1 BUILT UNDER 2D Five-Year PLAN. y b> JS" TYPE PASSENGER STEAM LOCOMOTIVE. CONFIDENTIAL EWenesilag : 50X1-HUM US-TYPE PASSENEER STEM KOCIeATIVG. BUILT YHOLR SECOMP Five yeaR Pay N_ uss "FOP TYPE FREIGHT STEAM LocoMoTIVE, BUILT UNDER 2no | Five-Year Pan. Cone iDENT HAL 50X1-HUM FO-TYte Wr vIn) kOCONOT SECOND FIVE-YeAR MAN Me TRAN AA EE ED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 TL" Tyee FREIGHT STEAM LocoMoTIvE. DEVELOPED 8Y KoLoMia Locomotive PLANT At 50X1-HUM CONF LOENTIAL 5 50X1-HUM ERLE USS "2-10-N" rReiaHT STEAM LOCOMOTIVE. DEVELOPED BY VOROSKILOvERAD t Locomorive PLANT, ConFtoenTiAL 50X1-HUM N_ ussR Np" Type FREIGHT STEAM Locor At KoLomna Locomotive PLANT Conrioentine wee , 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 - CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Déclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 Be pects ea . : . L To 50X1-HUM eee o . INFORMATION EWeLosuRe N_usse aoe re AeRaMeTINESs NVLGISY s¥Pe ow LET, "VLAZ2" r0em ov jan, + VOCHERKASSK LOCOMOTIVE PLANT - CONFIDENT. sai ue > -80X1-HUM ~ Move EbecrR1€ Locomorives Busir yw rite LocoMuT ive PLAWT IN WovocHERKASK 51WCE 50X1-HUM 1 veel ryre, 2. VL- 22 TYPE, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2 50X1-HUM N__USSR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002500310010-2 SOX1-HUM TE=2! aves DIESEL-ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE, BUILT IN KHARKOV LOCOMOTIVE PLANT. SINCE {ON IDENT IAL Caan ie Nv cemrinrn TiAl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy | for ieeleacs) rach CIA-RDP80-( 00810A002500310010-. 2 . ” EweresdRE i : 50X1-HUM ; HOdERN TE-1 TYPE DIESEL ELECT Loconorivg 8 GUILT WW THE KAAAKW Locomotive PLANT earn, : 50X1-HUM we z 50X1-HUM ay — . 50X1-HUM Nuss DIESEL PASSENGER TRAIN, 50X1-HUM ConF IDENT AL HOdRM Vizser THBIW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/24 : CIA-RDP80-008104002500310010-2

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