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by Radioactive dating

invented by Ernst Rutherford (1905)

divides horizontally
Northern & Southern Hemisphere Uranium-lead dating method (oldest
Division Age rocks)
divides vertically
Prime Meridian
Eastern & Western Hemisphere Potassium-argon method

Types of Dating Rubidium-strontium method

Axial - 23.5 degree
Inclination Radiocarbon dating method
Orbital - 66.5 degree

When nearest to Sun Chlorine-36 dating method

January 3rd (14,75,00,000 km) Carbon-dating (C ) (latest rocks)

When farthest from Sun Geoid or Oblate Spheroid

(a little flat from top and bottom)
July 4 (15,25,00,000 km) from the Sun
towards the axis of rotation or centre
when moon is closest to Earth Perigee Shape Centripetal Force
of curvature (inside)

When moon is farthest from Earth Apogee directed away from the centre of the
Centrifugal Force
around the Sun in Elliptical orbit
One revolution - 365days 6hr. 9min. 9sec.
Rotation - spinning on its own axis
Orbital speed: 29.8 km/sec Revolution One rotation - 23hr. 56mins. 4sec. Equatorial Radius: 6378 km

Max orbital speed: Mercury Polar Radius: 6357 km

Rotation West to East Direction
Min orbital speed: Neptune Mean Radius: 6371 km
Rotational Speed is maximum at
Equator & minimum at Poles

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