Traduccion Final Diploma

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[SPANISH INTO ENGLISH TRANSLATION: DIPLOMA]----------------------------------------------

ARGENTINE REPUBLIC------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ROSARIO----------------------------------------------------------------------

School of Law---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Whereas, Martina Sullivan, ID No 39.119.666, born on November 7 1995, in the Argentine Republic,

has completed a course of study with a major in Law, on 3rd August 2021.----------------------------------

Therefore, in accordance with the current legal regulations and Ministerial Resolution No 1551/2018,

Martina Sullivan is awarded the degree in Law.------------------------------------------------------------------

Rosario, 23rd November 2021.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Signature followed by seal that reads:] HERNÁN JAVIER BOTTA. Dean.--------------------------------

[Signature followed by seal that reads:] GERMÁN ESTEBAN GERBAUDO. Academic Secretary.----

[Signature followed by seal that reads:] GRADUATE.---------------------------------------------------------

[Signature followed by seal that reads:] FRANCO BARTOLACCI. President.-----------------------------

[Signature followed by seal that reads:] GUILLERMO ALBERTO MONTERO. General Secretary.- - -

[Signature followed by seal that reads:] MARCELO EDUARDO VEDROVNIK. Learning and

Academic Secretary.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Embossed seal with the Coat of Arms of Argentina that reads:] NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF

NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ROSARIO----------------------------------------------------------------------

I hereby certify that the preceding signatures which read: MARCELO EDUARDO VEDROVNIK

(Learning and Academic Secretary) – GUILLERMO ALBERTO MONTERO (General Secretary) –

FRANCO BARTOLACCI (President), bear similarity to those on file in our records.---------------------

Rosario. 31st January 2022.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Seal with a foreign language motto:] NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ROSARIO. Confingere

Hominem Cogitantem.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Signature and seal:] MARIANO RAMIRO MORÁN. Diploma and Certificate Office.------------------

[Seal:] University Policy Secretary. Sullivan, Martina. ID No 39.119.666. National University of

Rosario (UNR). Lawyer. Diploma. Argentina Ministry of Education.----------------------------------------

[QR code:] 000000645822------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Signature and seal:] MARÍA EUGENIA QUARANTA. Diploma and Certificate Director.--------------

[Illegible seal]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Quality Management System---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

National University of Rosario-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At the time of issuance of this diploma, the National University of Rosario has in place a Quality

Management System certified by IRAM (Argentine Institute of Standards) under standard IRAM-ISO

9001:2015, with the scope being:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Granting of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and issuance of diplomas. Planning and

development of distance learning careers and courses - RI: 9000-3923.--------------------------------------

[Seal with a foreign language motto:] NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ROSARIO. Confingere

Hominem Cogitantem.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[There is a picture of the graduate in the lower-middle section.]-----------------------------------------------

[Signature and seal:] MARÍA EUGENIA QUARANTA. Diploma and Certificate Director.--------------

We, Jazmín Jachuk and Tomás Ricardino, attest this to be a true and complete translation from

Spanish into English of the original certified copy which I have had before me.----------------------------

In faith and testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals at Rosario Province of Santa

Fe, Argentine Republic, this twenty-third day of April of the year two thousand and twenty-four.-------

Nosotros, Jazmín Jachuk y Tomás Ricardino, damos fe de que la presente es una traducción fiel y

completa del español al inglés de la copia certificada que tuvimos en nuestro poder.----------------------

En fe y testimonio de lo cual hemos puesto nuestras firmas y sellos en Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe,

República Argentina, el día vigesimotercero de abril de dos mil veinticuatro.-------------------------------

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