Pyq Part - 2 CH Control Coordination

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Control and Coordination

Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 mark each)

Q. 1. List two body functions that will be Ans. Abscisic acid is a plant hormone which
affected if cerebellum gets damaged. functions mainly as a growth inhibitor.
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2016] (i) It promotes the dormancy in seeds
and buds.
Ans. Two body functions that will be affected if
(ii) It promotes the closing of stomata.
cerebellum gets damaged are equilibrium
(iii) It promotes the wilting and falling of
and posture.
Q. 2. Name one plant hormone which inhi-
bits growth. Write its one more function.
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 2, 2015]

Short Answer Type Questions-I (2 marks each)

Q. 1. List two different functions performed Ans. (a) Tongue is the gustatory receptor
by pancreas in our body. present in the human body.
 [CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019] (b) Dendrite → Cell body → Axon → End
point of Neuron
Ans. (i) Pancreas makes two hormones i.e.,
insulin and glucagon that regulates Q. 3. Name the plant hormones responsible
blood sugar level. for the following functions:
It secretes pancreatic juice which
(ii)  (i) growth of the stem
contains enzymes that aids in the (ii) promotes cell division
digestion of food. (iii) wilting of leaves
(iv) inhibits growth
Q. 2. (a) Name one gustatory receptor and one
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2015]
olfactory receptor present in human
beings. Ans.
(b) Write a and b in the given flow chart
of neuron through which informa- Function Hormone responsible
tion travels as an electrical impulse.      (i) Growth of the stem Auxin or Gibberellin
(ii) Promotes cell division Cytokinin
Dendrite → a → b → End point of Neuron
(iii) Wilting of leaves Abscisic acid
 [CBSE, 2018]
(iv) Inhibits growth Abscisic acid

Short Answer Type Questions-II (3 marks each)

Q. 1. A squirrel is in a scary situation. Its body to be sent as well, it would reach all cells
has to prepare for either fighting or run- of the body and provide the wide range
ning away. State the immediate changes of changes needed. This is done using a
that take place in its body so that the hormone called adrenaline that is secreted
squirrel is able to either fight or run? from the adrenal glands.
[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020]
Q. 2. Why is chemical communication better
Ans. The squirrel body is relied only on than electrical impulses as a means of
electrical impulses via nerve cells, the communication between cells in a multi-
range of tissues instructed to prepare for cellular organism?
the coming activity would be limited. On [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2020]
the other hand, if a chemical signal were
Ans. Chemical coordination is better than elec- Ans. (a) When the direction of external stimu-
trical impulses as a means of communica- lus decides the direction of response
tion between the cells in a multi- cellular in the form of growth it is called tro-
organism because in animals, the mes- pism. Thus, tropism is the directional
sages are communicated in the form of growth movement of a plant part. It
nerve impulses quickly. But still, there are can be in the direction of the stimulus
some limitations to the nervous system. or away from the stimulus.
Nerve impulses can reach only those cells
which are connected by the nervous tis- (b) Auxin is a plant growth hormone
sues and the cells connected by nervous which is synthesized at the tip of the
tissues, after generation and transmis- shoot. It helps the cell grow longer.
sion of the impulse, take some time to rest When a tendril comes in contact with
before the generation and transmission of a support, auxins stimulates faster
new impulse. In simple words, cells can- growth of the cells on the opposite
not continuously generate and transmit side that’s why the tendril forms a
nerve impulses. This is the reason why coil around the support and in this
most multicellular organisms use another way auxins promote the growth of the
form of control and coordination, named tendril around a support.
chemical coordination. The advantage of
chemical coordination is that the informa- Q. 5. Trace the sequence of events which occur
tion spreads out throughout the body by when a bright light is focused on your
blood (then the required part picks it up eyes.[CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
as per its requirement) and the effect gen- Ans. When bright light is focussed on our eyes
erally lasts longer. it goes to brain, the brain reverts back the
Q. 3. Name the parts (a) to (e) in the following message by motor neuron which con-
diagram. tracts the pupil. The sequence of events
which occur is as follows:
Receptor → Sensory neuron → Brain

Pupil contraction ← Eye muscles ← Motor

Q. 6. What are plant hormones? Name the
plant hormones responsible for the
(i) Growth of stem
What is the term given to the sequence (ii) Promotion of cell division
of events occurring in the diagram?
(iii) Inhibition of growth
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2020]
(iv) Elongation of cells
Ans. (a) Receptors
(b) Sensory neuron  [CBSE Delhi, Set 1, 2019]
(c) Spinal cord (CNS) Ans. In plants, growth, development and
(d) Relay neuron response to the environment are
(e) Motor neuron controlled and coordinated by a special
Reflex arc is the term given to the sequence class of chemical substances known as
of events occurring in the diagram. phytohormones. They are synthesised in
Q. 4. (a) What is tropism? ­minute amounts.
(b) How do auxins promote the growth (i) Gibberellins (ii) Cytokinins
of a tendril around a support? (iii) Abscisic acid (iv) Auxins
[CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2020]
Q. 7. What is feedback mechanism of Hor- and coordination in human beings. Jus-
monic regulation. Take the example of tify this statement with the help of an
insulin to explain this phenomenon. example. [CBSE Delhi, Set 3, 2019]
 [CBSE Delhi, Set 2, 2019] Ans. The nervous system controls and
Ans. It is the mechanism by which the coordinates all the functions in the
amount of any chemical increases or body. It carries out its function in close
decreases resulting in secretion of the coordination with hormonal system.
related hormones controlling many cell Nerves don’t reach every hook and
activities. So they are very important corner of body, hence needs assistance
for homeostasis and most hormones are from hormones to control all the parts
regulated by feedback mechanisms. A of body. Nervous control is faster and
feedback mechanism is a loop in which hormonal control is slower. Hormonal
a product feeds back to control its own control is based on feedback mechanism
production. Most hormone feedback and tells body to pace up or slow down.
mechanism involves negative feedback Nervous control is on other hand a
loops. Negative feedback keeps the direct control. Example – In situation of
concentration of a hormone within a
iodine deficiency hypothalamus releases
narrow range.
hormones to stimulate pituitary gland,
For example, The control of blood sugar it further sends stimulating hormone to
by insulin is an example of a negative thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine that
feedback mechanism. When blood sugar regulates carbohydrates metabolism.
rises, receptors in a body sense a change.
In turn the control center secretes insulin Q. 9. Why does the flow of signals in a syn-
into the blood effectively lowering the apse from axonal end of one neuron to
blood sugar level. dendritic end of another neuron take
place but not in the reverse direction?
Q. 8. Nervous and hormonal systems toge-
Explain. [CBSE, 2019]
ther perform the function of control

Topper’s Answers

Q. 10. Name the hormones secreted by the fol- (a) Thyroid

lowing endocrine glands and specify (b) Pituitary
one function of each: (c) Pancreas [CBSE, 2018]
Topper’s Answers

Ans. (a) Thyroid gland secretes thyroxine. It

regulates the metabolism and blood B
pressure of human beings.
(b) Pituitary secretes growth hormone. It Root grows pot
helps the bones and other body organs towards
to grow properly.
Pancreas secretes insulin. Insulin
(c)  Dry soil Moist soil
helps to lower blood sugar level. (b)
(b) In absence of water
Q. 11. Design an experiment to demonstrate Q. 12. Draw a diagram showing the correct
hydrotropism. positions of pancreas, thyroid gland,
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2016] pituitary gland, Adrenal gland in human
Ans. Experiment to demonstrate hydrotropism being. [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2016]
in Plants: [CBSE, Term 1, Set 1, 2015]
Pituitary gland
Thyroid gland
Adrenal glands
Moist soil Moist soil
(a) In presence of water
Q. 13. State the function of receptors in our mucus. Then smell of the surrounding
body. Think of any three situations is not felt properly. This is due to
where receptors in the body do not work interruption in reacting to the sense of
properly. Mention the problems which smell by the olfactory receptor.
are likely to arise. When skin receptors are damaged,
 [CBSE, Term 1, Set 2, 2015] and we accidentally touch a hot object,
then our hands might get burnt as the
Ans. A receptor is a cell (or a group of cells)
damaged receptor cannot perceive the
in a sense organ which is sensitive to a
external stimuli of heat and pain.
particular type of stimulus such as light,
sound, smell, taste, heat, pressure, etc. The Q. 14. Name any three glands associated with
different sense organs contain receptors digestion in humans. Write the names of
for detecting different stimuli. enzymes secreted by them.
When receptors do not work properly,  [CBSE Delhi, Term 1, Set 1, 2015]
the environmental stimuli are not able to Ans. Salivary glands, Pancreas and gastric
create nerve impulses and the body does glands are associated with digestion in
not responds. humans.
When receptors are damaged, the external
stimuli transferring signals to the brain S. No. Glands Enzymes
are not felt. 1. Salivary glands Salivary amylase
For example, 2. Pancreas Pancreatic amylase
(i) During fever, taste buds do not work
properly and as a result, taste of the Trypsin
food eaten is not felt properly. Thus, Lipase
enzyme secretion is also affected. 3. Gastric glands Pepsin
(ii) When a person is suffering from
a cold, the nostrils are filled with

Long Answer Type Questions (5 marks each)

Q. 1. (a) Why is the use of iodised salt (chemical substance). The conduction
advisable? Name the disease caused of nerve impulse through the synapse
due to deficiency of iodine in our takes place in the form of electrical
diet and state its one symptom. nerve impulse. When a stimulus acts
(b) How do nerve impulses travel in the on the receptor, an electrical impulse
body? Explain. is produced with the help of chemical
 [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019] reaction. This electrical impulse
passes through the synapse and then
Ans. (a) Iodised salt is advisable because
to the other neuron. Thus, in this way
iodine is necessary for the formation
nerve impulses travel in the body.
of thyroxine hormone by thyroid
gland. Goitre is the disease caused Q. 2. What is hydrotropism? Design an experi-
due to its deficiency. ment to demonstrate this phenomenon.
Symptom: The neck of the person  [CBSE OD, Set 1, 2019]
appears to be swollen due to the Ans. The movement of root of plants towards
enlargement of thyroid gland. water is called hydrotropism.
(b) Two neurons are not joined to one
another completely. There is a small Take two glass troughs A and B. Fill
gap between a pair of neuron. This each one of them two-third with soil. In
gap is called synapse. The nerve trough A plant a tiny seedling (figure (a)).
impulse are carried out to this gap In trough B plant a similar seedling and
by the help of neuro-transmitter also a small ‘clay pot’ is placed inside the
soil (figure (b)). Water the soil in trough
A daily and uniformly. Do not water Reflex actions are the actions which we
the soil in trough B but put some water perform without thinking to protect
in the clay pot buried in the soil. Leave ourselves. For example, coughing is a
both the troughs for a few days. reflex action which clears our windpipe.
The pupils of our eyes get smaller in
bright light. This reflex action protects
the retina of our eyes from damage due
to much light. The pupils of our eyes
gets bigger in dim light so as to help us
see properly even in dim light.
(b)  Plants respond to external stimuli
such as light, touch, etc. A growth
movement of a plant part in response
to an external stimulus in which the
direction of stimuli determines the
direction of response is called tropism.
(i) If the growth of a plant part is
towards the stimuli, it is called
positive tropism.
(ii) If the growth of a plant part is away
from the stimulus, then it is called
negative tropism.
Now, dig up the seedlings carefully from Types of tropism:
both the trough without damaging their (i) The movement of a plant part in
roots. We will find that the root of seedling response to light is called phototro-
in trough A is straight. On the other hand, pism.
the root of seedling in trough B is found to (ii) The movement of a plant part
be bent to the right side (towards the clay in response to gravity is called
pot containing water) figure (b). This can geotropism.
be explained as follows: (iii) The movement of a plant part in
In trough A, the root of seedling gets water response to chemicals is called
from both sides (because the soil is watered chemotropism.
uniformly) in trough B, the roots gets water (iv)  The movement of a plant part in
oozing out from the clay pot which is kept response to water is called hydro-
on the right side. So, the root of seedling tropism.
in trough B grows and bends towards
(v) The directional growth movement of
the source of water to the right side. The a plant part in response to the touch
experiment shows that the root of a plant of an object is called thigmotropism.
grows towards water. In other words, the Nasties (or Nastic Movements). The
root of a plant is positively hydrotropic. movement of a plant part in response
Q. 3. (a) Define reflex action. State its signifi- to an external stimulus in which the
cance. direction of response is not deter-
(b) How do plants respond to external mined by the direction of stimulus is
stimuli? [CBSE, Term 1, Set 2, 2015] called nastic movement.
Ans. (a)  A reflex action is an automatic (vi)  The folding up of the leaves of a
response to a stimulus. The simplest sensitive plant on touching is an
form of response in the nervous example of nastic movement. Here
system is reflex action. This is a rapid, the stimulus is touch.
automatic response to a stimulus (vii)  The opening up of the petals of
which is not under the voluntary dandelion flowers in morning
control of the brain. It is described as in bright light and closing in the
an involuntary action. The pathway evening when the light fades is an
taken by nerve impulses in a reflex example of nastic movement. In this
action is called the reflex arc. case the stimulus is light.

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