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Answer 1

Ability is the quality of an individual that tells what they can do. According to the
management standpoint, peoples are different in their abilities and that is not an issue
but the main concern of the management is to use people with different sets of abilities
correctly to attain maximum output.
Stephen P. Robbins says about the ability is that,

The abilities of an individual help them to get a specific job done smoothly for example
for an accounting job a person with numeric skills will be more suiting and for a sales
job a good speaker must be required.

I work as an Finance Manager and it is very important for me to use my ability to fulfill
the requirements of my job. My abilities like good with numbers, Perceptual speed,
Deductive reasoning, Memory, and Verbal comprehension help me to overcome hurdles
in my daily job.

Abilities and their types

Ability is the positive quality of an individual that helps him to perform a job effectively,
handle a situation more productively, or innovate in his idea progressively. Abilities in
Organization behaviors can be explained as the internal qualities of a person that help
him to do a task more effectively. The work of a good manager is to find out the ability of
his employee and then give him suitable jobs.
According to the Organization Behavior, Ability can be of two types.
A) Intellectual Ability.
B) Physical Ability.

Intellectual Ability
Intellectual ability is the ability that helps in doing mental activities, critical thinking and
reasoning, and problem-solving. It is basically known as the ability to perform some
intelligence test. It's more about the thinking quality of a person. This ability is much
more required in office and division making jobs that are more to official works and
required mind power as compare to body power. These abilities are further categorized
into seven main types and they are as follow
Number Aptitude- It is the ability of a person to deal with numerical and arithmetic
problems accurately and quickly.
Verbal comprehension: This ability gives an individual the power to understand the
meaning of what one read or heard.
Perceptual speed: This ability means an individual can accurately and rapidly figure
out the similarities and differences between different events.
Inductive reasoning: It is the ability one can determine logic in the sequence of a
problem and then solving it accordingly.
Deductive reasoning: It is the ability that helps in measuring the outcome of an
Spatial visualization: It is the ability of an individual that helps in imagining things in
the subject of actual space.
Memory: It is the ability of an individual to remember and recall things and events that
happen in past.

Physical Ability.
Physical abilities are the abilities of an individual that are more related to stamina and
strength. These abilities are more focused on brute strength to do a job. It is the ability
of an individual to do a job that required physical capabilities.
These abilities are further categorized into nine main types and they are as follow
Dynamic strength: It is the ability that gives an edge to an individual to exert muscular
force for a continuous period of time.
Trunk strength: It is the ability in which trunk muscles force is required to perform the
task repeatedly and rapidly.
Static strength: It is the ability of an individual to put force against external objects.
Explosive strength: It is the ability of an individual to use force in one or a series of
explosive acts.
Extent flexibility: In this ability, an individual has the ability to bend the trunk and back
muscles as much as possible.
Dynamic flexibility: It is the ability of an individual to perform flexible movements
repeatedly and rapidly.
Body coordination: It is the ability of an individual to coordinate different body
Stamina: It is the ability that helps in putting long-term maximum effort over long
periods of time without getting tired.
Balance: It is the ability of an individual to maintain balance while external forces

Five abilities that help me in performing my job.

I am working as a finance manager and my abilities are Number Aptitude, Perceptual
speed, Deductive reasoning, Memory, and Verbal comprehension help me to overcome
hurdles in my daily job. My number aptitude ability helps me in solving financial
problems and help me in preparing financial documents. Perceptual speed helps me in
finding out visual similarities and differences quickly in financial documents and helps
me to reconcile. Deductive reasoning helps me find out logic and helps me to assist in
arguments. Memory helps me remembring the payable and receivables. Verbal
comprehension helps me figure out the relationship between words that I read or listen

Ability job fit

Ability job fit is a method to fir the right ability person to the right required jobs. There
must be a balance between the abilities of an individual and the requirement of a job.
Some of the examples are:-
Accountant - Number aptitude
Supervisor - Deductive reasoning
Sales Executive – Memory
Dancer and gymnast - Extent and dynamic flexibility
Soldier - Reasoning and body coordination
Interior Designer - Spatial visualisation

Ability is a set of qualities that an individual has to a set of specific work. Everyone has
some strengths that are called their ability, and that makes them relatively superior to
others in performing certain tasks or activities. Ability can be related to the mind or can
be related to the physical strength of a person. I use my ability to take down day to day
objectives of my life and it helps me to complete my task much more smoothly.
Management must choose the right ability person for the right job. A suitable person for
a suitable job is the best utilization of the resources.

Answer 2

Everyone has a different concept in life, they can have different thinking styles, different
beliefs that they trust on, different feel-ings towards things, and different objectives that
they have in their life and because of it, they have different behaver accordingly.
Because of these factors, different people understand different meanings for the same
things. For some, a situation or particular thing may be right but the same thing can be
totally wrong for some in an individual. It is all due to the only reason that how one takes
things, what is one's point of view, and how one look at things, and this is called
perception. Perception can help in the modern era of work from home culture. Since
people are working far from the actual destination it has become very important to make
their perception clear towards the working state.

Perception and its Components

Perception can be defined as “a reasonable process that helps us to deal with incoming
stimuli by interpreting such stimuli”. It may also be defined as “an understanding of a
person of the external environment that he interprets according to the sensory
impression that he got.

Components of Perception.
Perception is a process that required a major role of the sensory organ. We get
information from our five senses. They are eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell,
tongue to taste, and skin to feel. On the basis of these factors, we make our perception.
There are five major components of perception
A stimuli is the action that gives sensation to our senses. They are of two types a) overt
stimuli that can be observed by us, and b) covert stimuli that cannot be observed by us
A person's reaction and interest towards stimuli are called attention. People attend
stimuli accordingly. Some stimuli are being ignored while only some are there that able
to get attention.
The organism uses its senses (sight, hear, touch, smell, and taste) to perceive the
Behaviour is the outcome of the personality process. It is different for all persons. They
are of two types a) Overt behavior that is open and observable and, b) Covert behavior
that is hidden and concealed.
The consequence is the end result of perception. They are of two types a) Positive
Consequence, when someone is satisfied and has the desire to repeat, and b) Negative
Consequence, when someone is dissatisfaction and a desire to not want to repeat.

Effects on Perception in Covid Era

The perception of people keeps on changing with the change in time. Because of covid,
the situation has changed at a dramatic rate. Peoples are now less in physical touch
with each other and are only connected by the telephonic or virtual calling mediums.
Perception is based on the senses that we have i.e. eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to
smell, tongue to taste, and skin to feel. Due to pandemics work from home and social
distance are the key guidelines that are mandatory to follow by every business. Social
distance and Work from home lead to the distance between the team workers of the
company that can lead to misperceptions. Management must look at this thing
thoroughly and finger out the problems incurred in the system.
There are certain factors that shape or distort an individual's perception during the covid
External Factors:- External factors are those factors that are from outside, these
factors are:-
Perceiver:- When an individual perceives stimuli and attempts to interpret them, the
interpretation is heavily influenced by the individual’s personal characteristics. These
characters include past experience, personal motives. During the time of the pandemic,
peoples have a lot of problems, they can take past experience and their personalities to
react to situations. Management has to take extra care in transferring the message so
that no misperception happens.
Target: An Individual needs to turn towards the target that they consider For example,
an individual tends to perceive people belonging to a nation as alike. During covid,
people have a different opinion towards the covid and vaccination. Proper information
from the management should be provided.
Situation: The situation or context related to the stimuli also affects its perception. In
this situation of covid peoples are much more affected and thus don't have physical
contact with each other reflecting their perception. Management has to make everyone
aware of the situation.

Internal Factors:- Internal factors are those factors that are from inside, these factors
Sensory limits: It defines as the limits that a person has to get his or her senses
affected by stimuli. During the covid era, people have a lot of miscommunication due to
long-distance contact that affects the working system of companies.
Psychological factors: Psychological factors are those factors that a person have
such as personality traits, past experiences, learning, and motivation. Pandemic has
change people's mindset and turn them to think according to the factors that are a
concern for their safety.
Perception is reacting style of a person towards a certain set of external stimuli.
Perception of an individual can be different from one another towards the same set of
stimuli. Perception gets affected by stimuli and stimuli are external factors that cause
effects to our senses. effect of stimuli can be different from person to person depending
upon their working style, past experience, culture, background, etc. Perception is a key
element that helps in forming connections at the workplace. Due to the covid pandemic,
it becomes difficult to get the proper perception of someone. Covid culture has turned
our life into work from home culture and thus less actual interaction happens that can
lead to misperception.

Answer 3A

Learning is a process in which an individual masters oneself in getting new skills,
values, and knowledge. Learning is a never-ending process alone can keep on learning
with time. In other words, we can say that learning is a progressive permanent change
in an individual as he may be influenced by direct or indirect experience.
In the case of Nikita, she wants her employees to learn new things for the betterment of
the company. There are many theories for learning but since in this case, employees
need to learn from the leaders Social Learning Theory h of learning can be performed.

Learning and its theories

If there is a permanent change occurs in the behavior of an individual after the
experience, it is called learning. It is not a visible process it is an observable change that
is brought in the behavior of an individual.

There are four theories of learning :- a) Classical Conditioning, was provided by Ivan
Pavlov and he figures out that learning can be done by stimulus and response, b)
Operant or Instrumental Conditioning Theory, was provided by B.F. Skinner and He
defined operant conditioning as a process through which individuals learn voluntary in
respect of the environment, c) Cognitive Learning Theory is theory in which, learning
occurs when a person’s schema is combined, extended, or altered, and d) Social
Learning Theory in which People observe and learn through attitudes, behavior, and
outcomes of other people around them.

Case study
In the case of Nikita and her company employees need to learn certain model behaviors
demonstrated by leaders the best approach that can suits them is going to be Social
Learning Theory.
The factors that affect social learning are:-
a) Attention:- It is the interest that an individual pays to their surroundings It is
considered to be the first step that is required to take to start social learning theory.
b) Retention:- It involves remembering the subject or object to which an individual pays
attention. Retention can be in different forms, it can be as a symbolic form or can be a
mental image.
c) Reproduction:- It involves projecting the retention data that one is collected through
physical capabilities or by self-observation.
d) Motivation:- It depicts the positive influence that one gets and then one remembers a
positive event leading to a desirable outcome. The event may have been experienced
by the individual, or the individual may have observed it with someone else.

Learning must have two main elements, first, it must be a permanent change in one's
behavior, and second, it must be the result of some experience. Learning is very
important for the growth of an individual. In our case study, we can say that social
learning theory is the best application because it is going to be a social learning
platform, everyone is learning g through the learning of the managers and thus it can be

Answer 3B

Reinforcement is a process with the help of it a selected type of behavior is
strengthened in an individual. Reinforcement theory was introduced by B.F. Skinner and
is used to motivate and keep good employees. This theory seeks to explain the
behavior of an individual without relying on unobservable internal factors such as needs,
thoughts, etc
Reinforcement can bring dramatic changes in the employees and modify their behavior
to help the management to grow. There are four elements of Reinforcement that are
Positive, Negative, Punishment, and Extinction.

Reinforcement and its types

Reinforcement is the attempt of the management to develop or strengthen wanted
behaviors and to eliminate unwanted behaviors among the employees. We can say that
Reinforcement is the act of studying the behaviors habits of employees to praise the
desirable behavior and eliminating the undesirable one.

There are four elements of reinforcement depending upon the action performed:-
Positive Reinforcement:- In this form of reinforcement positive reassurance and positive
encouragement are given to employees on exhibiting desired behavior or delivering
desired results.
Negative reinforcement: In this form of reinforcement it involves the encouragement of
good behavior among employees by removing the conditions or stimulus that can cause
undesirable behavior or results.
Punishment: It involves creating such types of situations that do not allow any scope for
the occurrence of any undesirable behavior or result.
Extinction: It is the complete absence of reinforcements whether it is positive or
negative for lowering the probability of occurrence of undesirable behavior of results.

Learning Through reinforcement.

Learning through reinforcement is a traditional process and it is performed for quite a
long time. It is used by organizations when they want some modification in the behavior
of individuals in a workplace. This is also known as behavior modification. According to
behavior modification, learning is dependent on the environment that a person is living

Behavior modification involves three stages, which are as follows:-

Antecedents (A):- Antecedents are the events or consequences that occur before the
behavior presented by an individual. It can be said as a thing that existed before or
logically precedes another, Antecedents are the situation, conditions, or scenarios that
trigger the behavior of an individual.
Behavior (B):- Behaviour is the response of the individual to the antecedent that
happened. We can also say that behaviors are the reaction that a person has towards
the antecedents that he has faced in the given workplace.
Consequences (C): Consequences are the end results that are taken by an individual
when he was in a certain situation. Antecedent start response and that respond
depends upon the behavior of the person, that responds taken that is taken give some
results and that results are called consequences.

Learning is a continuous process and that can be done to keep on improving. Learning
through reinforcement is a good technique. Reinforcement helps in behavior
modification because it helps in learning new things more directly. Learning through
reinforcement is one of the oldest methods.

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