Essentials of HRM

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There is a change in the world after the introduction of the pandemic the world is now
focused on the digital business rather than the physical one. The pandemic has affected the
world and made us think in a different way to solve problems. It also made us rethink how a
business will work and how it can be more sustainable for future security. Production,
marketing, finance, and even HR departments have to re-make their strategies after this
pandemic. Especially for HR, it becomes very important to forecast the demand for the future
and hire a team with the right amount of people and the right kind to work with. There can be
many techniques that can be kept in mind to forecast demand. Some can be qualitative and
others can be quantitative. The focus of all these techniques is to forecast what will be the
demand in the future.

Techniques of HR demand forecasting

HR demand forecasting is considered to be a major component of Human Resources
planning. It helps in forecasting the future demand of the workforce and helps in finding out
what is required by the HR team. HR demand forecasting is considered to be an essential
element because like every other planning step HRP also started with forecasting. It is a
basic step to be taken in the best case of HRP. In simple words, HR demand forecasting is
considered to be anticipating the number of employees and the skill set required to fulfill the
objectives of the organization in the future.

Demand for the people is very hard to anticipate because it depends upon many factors and
every factor can impact individuals in different ways. After the pandemic, there is a massive
change seen in the global market and now the demand for skills required by the HR team is

In an organization, HRPs use different techniques for forecasting future HR requirements

and what shot of skill is required. These techniques are time-tested and are broadly
categorized into two types i.e. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods and each one has
different sub-methods of its own.
HR Demand Forecasting Techiniques

Qualitative Methords Quantitive methords

Expert Management Delphi Trends Ratio Trends Work study

Forcasting Forcasting Technique Analysis Analysis Methord

Qualitative Methods
As the name suggested this method focus on the qualitative factors such as skills of experts,
the potential level, interest level of employees, etc. Apart from quantitative methods, this
method is less statistical in nature. This method totally depends upon the suggestions and
the non-statistical analysis done. This method has three main sub-methods and they are,

Expert Forecasting:- This method states that help from some experts in the HR fields can
be from internal or external management. These experts study the situation and for case, the
demand and skill set required by the organization in the future.

Management Forecasting:- In this method, internal management took part in demand

forecasting. This method is much more flexible since the internal management plays a vital
role so it is easier for them to decide what will be best for the future requirement of the

Delphi Technique:- This method is the most effective method. In this method, a team of
experts takes responsibility for demand forecasting. These experts provide their responses
to the forecasting demand and after that, they summarised and make a report. This report is
further narrowed down until they come to a final judgment.

Quantitative Methods
These methods are much more data-oriented and are much more specific to the point.
Quantitative approaches are much more accurate compared to Qualitative approaches. This
is because Quantitative Methods are based on statistical and mathematical tools. These
methods can become a very important tool since they can help a more accurate analysis.
Some of these methods are

Trend Analysis:- This method focus on the past movement of the employees from one
organization to another or within an organization and then makes future forecasting. For
example, there is a trend of 5% of the employees retiring and 10% leaving per year so HR
can make an assumption that the future demand will be around 15%. This analysis is
performed by first selecting a suitable business factor, then tallying historical trends, after the
last five years related data is the analysis at last HR demand projected future demand.

Ratio Trend Analysis Methods:- This method focus on the ratio between the production
done and the people required. for example if the 10,000 units are produced by 500
employees then the ratio is 10,000/500 = 20:1 so if in the future 15,000 units are required
HR can calculate by ratio tread and can calculate that for 15,000 units there will be 750
workers required.

Work-Study Method:- This method is used when the estimated workload is easily
measurable. This method is also called workload analysis and it involves converting the
capacity of workers into the number of workers required to produce each unit. For example,
If there is an organization that produces 10,000 units per year and each unit requires 2 hr
per man hour. It was calculated that each employee has 200 hours per year so we can
calculate the number of workers required by the following method. (10,000 x 2) / 200 =100
Therefore we can say that 100 workers are required for the job.

After having a deep analysis of the HR demand forecast we can conclude that the demand
forecast is a very important job and it is to be performed in a prescribed way. There are
many methods that can help in demand forecasting. After the pandemic, the market is now
changed and now it is more focused on other skills together with the required skills. For HR it
becomes very important to not only use quantitative but also qualitative methods for future
forecasting as it can help in estimating the number required as well as the quality of workers
that is to be required.
The two main responsibilities of an HRM are Induction and Orientation. Where it may sound
the same but in reality, Orientation refers to the communication of job roles and
responsibilities to new employees and Induction is a social process where an organization
introduces new employees to its policies, rules, and work culture. It is very important for an
HRM to have a proper induction of employees to the organization. When employees join the
organization it takes some time for both the organization and the employee to get used to
each other so it must the duty of the management to help the employee and the organization
get used to each other. Time is now changed are now there are more constructive ways that
help the management to induct the new recruits to the organization.

Induction is a process that helps the HRM to introduce a new recruit to the organization. In
an organization when new employees join for the first time, it is very difficult for them to get
used to the working condition of the organization. Sometimes it can lead to low working
capacity, less job satisfaction, and de-motivation at the workplace. The same can be said for
the organization as it becomes hard for him to understand the new employee and made it
difficult for the HRM to form a proper strategy to work for him. In that case, HRM must have
to work for proper induction of the employee into the organization. The main aim of the
induction is to make a newly appointed employee use the organization's vision, mission,
goals, and objective.

Need for Induction

Induction as a process is not only useful for the employee but also equally useful for the
organization. It helps in forming an effective bond between the employee and the
organization. The importance of Induction can be seen in the following perspective.

Organization Perspective:- As per the organization's point of view, it helps in reducing

startup costs as it helps employees to get familiar with the organization's mission goals, etc.
It reduces employee turnover by making him comfortable in the workplace. It also saves time
in supervision as an employee is introduced earlier to everything.

Employee's perspective:- Induction helps employees a lot as it makes them comfortable

with the workplace. It reduces anxiety as pre-introduction helps him to understand the
working conditions before actually working. It helps him to achieve job satisfaction that can
lead to effective working.
Process of Induction

Induction is a systematic process and HRM has to perform it with a systematic approach.
HRM must carefully analyze and follow some steps that can lead to a proper induction of an
employee to the organization. There are five steps that are to be followed in an induction

1 Collecting
2 Identifying 3 4 Deciding the 5
the Objective Defining the Content and Providing
of Induction Audience Mode of Feedback
Process Delivery

Collecting Employee's Information:- This is the first step and is a basic step that is
performed by the HRM. It included the collection of basic information about the employee
such as their name, contact details, qualification, past job experience, etc. It can be collected
through various sources such as resumes, job portals, etc.

Identifying the objective of the Induction program:- In order to have an effective

indication it is very important that the indication program must have a proper and clear
objective. HRM can ask upper management for details so that they can have a clear
objective for the indication program. Once details are collected this can help HRM to decide
on contents related to the Induction program.

Defining the Audience:- One piece of information is collected and objected is set HRM
must have to be aware of the employees that they are going to attend. They can be Freshers
or can be some experience holders so HRM must have to make different strategies to induct
different types of audience.

Deciding the Content and Method of Delivery:- One's Audience is understood and they
are properly grouped, HRM must have to decide what content they have to deliver and what
mode is to be selected. Contact can be delivered in different ways such as it can be formal
or can be informal. Contact can be delivered in a group or can be delivered individually.

Providing feedback:- This is considered to be the last step, and this step involves getting
feedback from the audience that helps them how successful was the indication program. It
also helps HRM to eliminate some mistakes and have a better induction program for the
Mahindra and Mahindra Induction Program.
Due to an enormous change in the world corporation are also changing their tactics to
perform effectively. This also leads a change in the HRM strategies and now much more
employees focused strategies are to be made. A very advanced strategy is adopted by
Mahindra and Mahindra for its Induction program. After the selection is done Mahindra and
Mahindra took its 25 new recruits to 'Bharat Darshan' as a part of their induction program.
Under this approach, they took new recruits to visit MVML Pune factory, Mahindra Retail in
Bangalore, Mahindra Satyam at Hyderabad, M&M Development centre at Nasik, Mahindra
Holidays in Chennai, and Club Mahindra Resort at Pondicherry. They also get an opportunity
to meet the Vice Chairman and MD of M&M. This can make new recruits more comfortable
and give them job satisfaction since they are treated as close members to the group.

Induction is an important role of the HRM it helps to establish a good relationship between
the organization and the employees. It helps an organization to inform its employees about
its expectation related to their behaviour, attitude, and code of conduct. It also provides
employees with sufficient information related to its work. Modern times have to come up with
a new modern type of induction program. So more innovative and employee friendly
methods are to be selected for the induction program.
Career Planning is a step taken by an individual for growth in his professional field. It can be
called a practice done by an individual where he finds out his strengths weaknesses and
objectives so that they can select a profession that suits them. For the past few years
changes in the thinking pattern people lead to a continuous hunt for a better option.
Management must take this into account and have to work in such a way that the skilled and
best talent must retain. Advice about successful career planning can be given to the HR
manager of Intellicore Solutions.

Career planning
Career planning is considered to be the steps taken by an individual for seeking growth in
his professional life. It is a common time in every person's life when he feels overwhelmed
by his job and thus fails to plan changes they need to make. Career planning is a practice
done by an individual b which he analysis his strength and weakness and his future
objectives and thus make choices.

The main aim of career planning can be explained to the HR manager of Intellicore Solution
can be explained as

Skills and Abilities:-Skills and Abilities of an individual is a vital factor that decides his
future choices. HR managers have to understand and must conduct a proper set of training,
motivation, and education programs.

Values and Interest:- An individual's interests and moral values play a major role in one's
life. HR managers must have to figure out the basic interest and values and thus work to
fulfill their interests and uphold their values.

Salary Expectation:- This is a major milestone that is to be kept checked in order to have
proper growth and hold resourceful employees. The HR managers must have to form salary
policies in such a way that everyone likes to work more and feel safe and secure with the
Process of Career Planning
There are five steps that are performed in career planning and the HR manager must have
to look for them. First, An individual must have to perform his self-assessment which make
him know about his interest, likes, future objectives, skills, etc. Second, He must identify his
career choices and preference related to his skills, interest, etc. Third, he now has to select
the best opportunity that suits him best. Forth, once his opportunity is in front of him he has
to make an action plan. Fifth and last, He must have to evaluate his step which means he is
following the right path.

Performing Self Assessment

Identifying Career Choices and Preferences

Aligning Needs and Opportunities

Formulation Action Plan

Evaluating the Process

We can thus conclude that the process of career planning is very important and now in the
modern era, it is the duty of managers to look into these matters. A good HR manager
always helps his team to form a good career planning and helps the management to retain
those members that can be trained and made into a more effective workforce.
An Organization is an everlasting unit and a business is considered to be a going concept
when we consider these two factors an organization requires its workforce to be long-lasting.
This cannot be done as we cannot force anyone to work for an organization forever and
ever. So HR must have to finger what is to be done. A successor is a person that fulfills the
empty key position in the organization and this process of finding and sometimes creating a
successor is called succession planning.

Succession Planning
Due to changes in the system and continuous dynamicity in an organization, it becomes an
increasing need for the organization to find successors for some key positions in an
organization. It becomes an essential duty of the HR manager in an organization to identify
and develop someone capable to fit in a key position in order to meet future demands. We
can say that succession planning is a task performed by the HR manager that includes
finding or creating a key role position holder.

A very good example of Succession planning can be seen in an Indian company that is
Infosys. In Infosys employees are regularly trained and they are trained to replace the upper
management positions. The basic first training program started at the Mysore office where
new recruits are prepared for the future. The employees are divided into three tiers, ties 1,
consists of the board of directors, ties 2, comprises of leaders that turn mentor and tier 3,
includes the workforce. Each group is treated and trained in such a way that they can fill the
empty position in the upper tier. They were trained by nine pillars for leadership i.e. 360-
degree feedback, development assignments, Infosys cultural workshop, development
relationship, leadership skill training, feedback intensive programs, systemic process
learning, action learning, and community empathy.
Goals of Succession Planning
Succession planning is the process of finding a suitable candidate to fulfill the key role
position. The main aim of succession planning is not to find a replacement but to enhance
and give chance to the existing potential employee so that he can grow to his maximum

 Identify all key positions in an organization that can require placement in the future.
 Elevate the skills and abilities of other employees to fill such positions.
 Creating a backup plan for filling short-term vacancies.
 Have a quick response to the changes that can take place in the future.
 Facilitate every individual career development in an organization.
 Develop employees through training and performance enhancement.

Succession Planning is a master stock done by HR managers to fulfill the empty key
positions. The main objective of Succession planning is to provide benefit to the organization
and to employees as well. Organizations get a replacement for the key position and the
employee gets the benefit as he got motivated and he will be satisfied at its job.

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