ABC's of Diabetes Care

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Diabetes management guidelines:

Blood pressure – target 130/80 mmHg

Lipid management – target cholesterol <5
1. ACE-inhibitor or diuretic Enalapril 5 mg od or
Simvastatin 10 mg od (HS) up to 40mg od
Ditide 1 T od
2. ACE-inhibitor and diuretic
3. Add Ca2+-channel blocker Amlodipine 5 mg od
4. Add β-blocker HbA1c – target <7% Atenolol 25 mg od

For Type 2 DM:

1. Oral hypoglycaemic agent Metformin 500mg bd
2. Increase dose Metformin 500mg tds
3. Increase dose Metformin 850mg tds
4. Add Sulphonylurea Gliclazide 40 – 160 mg od
5. Add Pioglitazone or consider insulin regime instead.

Guardian drugs

 Aspirin 75 mg od
Indicated for those >30 years with any of the following: MI, angina, hypertension, diabetic
retinopathy, peripheral vascular disease or microalbuminuria.

 ACE-inhibitor e.g. Enalapril 5 mg od

Prevent complications to a greater
The Alphabet Strategy extent than the effects of lowering blood pressure.
Indicated in normotensive patients >55 years with any of the following: cholesterol > 5.2,
“Seven bitssmoker
HDL < 0.9, of highly effective Diabetes Care”
or microalbuminuria.
 Strong
adherence Foot examination
to diet and
1. Neuropathy: vibration sense, ankle jerks, 10g monofilament testing
2. Vascularity: pedal pulses, claudication, other signs of peripheral vascular disease
3. Anatomy: check for deformities (e.g. pes cavus, claw toes, lost transverse arch, rocker
bottom soles) and Charcot’s joints
4. Infections: treat aggressively (admit for IV antibiotics)

medication, smoking cessation, exercise, weight reduction

 Stress role of diabetes education, dietician, podiatrist and diabetes
care nurses.
 Regular follow-up with complete Annual Review is essential. 20% of
patients with early severe complications will be persistent Diabetes Clinic non-
attendees. Advise Diabetes UK membership
 Lifestyles targets: weight reduction >5% if obese, fat intake <30% of energy
intake, saturated fat < 10% of energy intake, fibre>15g per 1000 calories,
exercise 4 hr/wk. Assess dietary NaCl intake.

 Aggressive control of any BP > 140/80. If nephropathy/retinopathy, aim BP
< 130/80
 Step 1. A or D: A: (ACE-I or ARB) or D: (diuretic). Indapamide SR
1.5mg has less side-effects
 Step 2. A +D: A: (ACE-I or ARB) and D: (diuretic)
 Step 3. A+D+C: C: (Ca2+ blocker to above) or -blocker
 Step 4. Add Ca2+ blocker or -blocker or -blocker or spironolactone or other
diuretic or moxonidine

 Treat as secondary prevention ( eg post MI and angina). Audit Target
Chol < 5
 Simvastatin 40mg or Atorvastatin 10mg best evidence: Rosuvastatin 10mg if
target not achieved
 Statin intolerant or target not achieved: Ezetimibe 10mg od. Fenofibrate for HDL
<1.0 (use statin 1st)
 BHS Targets: total cholesterol ≤ 4.0, LDL ≤ 2.0, HDL ≥ 1.0 or LDL reduction by
 Plant stanol spreads reduce LDL by around 10%.

 Aim HbA1c%  7.0% where realistic: Metformin can also be used with
insulin. in Type 2
 Step 1. Metformin 500mg bd, to 500mg tds to 850mg tds
 Step 2. Add SU eg: Gliclazide, Glimepiride
 Step 3. Consider triple therapy with addition of TZD (Rosiglitazone or
Pioglitazone) in secondary care or add insulin Use insulin early if HbA1c% target
not achieved.
 Usual insulin regimes: Novomix 30 bd. Basal bolus with Novorapid and Glargine

 Screening for and effective management of Diabetic Retinopathy.
Retinal screening should be carried out annually by a trained person. Ideally
using a retinal camera. Aspirin/ACE-I in most patients

 Annual review essential yearly by GP, Practice Nurse or podiatrist. Examination
should include: pedal pulses, 10g monofilament testing. If neuropathic or
ischaemic foot referral to podiatry is essential as high risk of ulceration. If ulcers
refer urgently to foot at risk clinic.

 Aspirin 75mg od: Diabetes UK now advocates Aspirin prophylaxis against
CVD events in all patients (>30yrs) with any of the following: MI, angina,
hypertension, diabetic retinopathy, peripheral vascular disease and
microalbuminuria. This simple measure is grossly under-implemented.
 ACE-inhibitors have a special role in preventing diabetic
complications (MICRO-HOPE Study). CVD licence in normotensive patients
with risk factors (ramipril 10mg od): diabetes age > 55 with hypertension or
cholesterol > 5.2 mmol/l or HDL < 0.9 mmol/l or currently smoking or micro-
albuminuria. Lisinopril (20-40mg od) is additionally licensed for prevention of
progression of micro-albuminuria (with evidence for retinopathy prevention but no
license). Perindopril with Indapamide prevents stroke reoccurrence.
 Angiotension II antagonists proteinuria to retard progression to death and
ESRD (Losartan 100mg od, Irbesartan 300mg od). Losartan clear CVD end-point
reduction in hypertension versus atenolol

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