Lesson 4 Activity 1 Job Description-1

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Job Descriptions

Task 1 – Look at the adjective below, put them next to the correct definition.

dangerous well-paying boring demanding low-paying unusual interesting rewarding

Adjective Definition
low-paying The money is not very good.
boring I do the same thing all day every day, it isn’t very interesting.
unusual It’s a very strange job. Not many people do it.
well-paying The money is great.
demanding I have a huge amount of responsibility, its causes me a lot of stress, people depend
on me.
rewarding It’s a great job I have the opportunity to do lots of different things every day.
interesting When you work hard and do the job well, there is a great sense of satisfaction.
dangerous I have to be extremely careful or I could get hurt.

Task 2 – Which description would you most like your job to fit? Which would you least like to have? Number
these descriptions from 1 (most important) to 8 (least important).

Dangerous Boring Interesting Demanding Well- Unusual Low-paying Rewarding

8 5 3 4 2 6 7 1

Task 3 – Look at the information in the box below. In your own opinion describe each job

Task 4 –Profession
Add to more jobs to this list and use the adjectives to describe them

Task 5 – With a partner, discuss why you have chosen theseDemanding,

Waiter adjectives tolow-paying
describe these jobs.
Teacher Low-paying, Interesting
Student Demanding, Rewarding
Dog Trainer Boring, Low-Paying
Fireman Dangerous, Rewarding
Lawyer Boring, Well-paying
Postman Low-paying, Boring
Doctor Well-paying, Rewarding
Chiropractor Unusual, wel-paying
Gynaecologist Interisting, rewarding, well-paying

Task 6 – Look at the information below about “comparative and superlative forms”. Write another example of 1
syllable adjectives and an example of 2+ syllable adjectives.
Adjectives have a comparative and superlative form. Some adjectives have 1 syllable and therefore
follow the pattern +er & +est

For example the adjective “tall”

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Tall Taller than The tallest
Cool Cooler Than The coolest

However, when the adjectives has 2 or more syllables (2+) you cannot use this rule.

For example the adjective “beautiful”.

You would not say “beautifuler or beautifulest”. The correct form is

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Beautiful More beautiful than The most beautiful

Task 7 – In your opinion which job do you think is the most appropriate to the adjective in the comparative and
superlative form.

More interesting Being a doctor is more interesting than being a waiter.

The most interesting job In my opinion, being a fireman is the most interesting job because you
never know what to expect.
More dangerous
Being a security for the president is more dangerous because you
never know when people are going to attack
The most boring job
When you think about it, being a guard is the most boring job ever,
specially during the night. It’s very lonely!
More demanding
Being a business manager at Coca-Cola is more demanding, than being
at a B.M at Frozy.
The most well-paying job
Among all programmers in the world I think being a programmer for
apple can be the most well-paying job within that area.
More unusual
All superheroes have their costumes flaws but nothing is more unusual
than superman wearing a underwear above is trousers
More low-paying
Being a dog-walker is a more low-paying job than being a UFC fighter
The most rewarding job Being an architect is the most rewarding job because you se your
projects gaining life
Task 8 – Speaking Exercise. Now working with a partner, compare your lists. Talk about what you rated the same
and what you rated differently giving reasons for your answers.

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