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Course Name: Mining, Energy and Climate Change

Course Code: MNO 501

Keeling Curve and Carbon Footprint

Keeling Curve
• The Keeling Curve is a graph that represents the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in
Earth’s atmosphere since 1958. The Keeling Curve is named after its creator, Dr. Charles David
• Keeling began studying atmospheric carbon dioxide in 1956 by taking air samples and measuring
the amount of CO2 they contained.
• Keeling's measurements showed the first significant evidence of rapidly increasing carbon dioxide
(CO2) levels in the atmosphere.
• The curve is considered by many scientists to be a trustworthy measure of CO 2 in the middle layers
of the troposphere, and it has been interpreted by many climate scientists as a warning signal for
global warming.
• The precision, accuracy and continuity of Keeling’s research over the span of decades provided one
of the most important scientific linkages between fossil fuel combustion and global climate change
due to the greenhouse effect.
• The air samples taken at night contained a higher concentration of CO2 compared to samples taken
during the day. He drew on his understanding of photosynthesis and plant respiration to explain this
observation: Plants take in CO2 during the day to photosynthesize—or make food for themselves—
but at night, they release CO2.
Keeling Curve

• By studying his measurements over the course of a few years, Keeling also noticed a
larger seasonal pattern. He discovered CO2 levels are highest in the spring, when decomposing
plant matter releases CO2 into the air, and are lowest in autumn when plants taking in CO2 for

• In aggregate, the Keeling Curve shows an annual rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The
curve shows that average concentrations have risen from about 316 ppm of dry air in 1959 to
approximately 370 ppm in 2000 and 425.56 ppm in February 2024.

• The year-to-year increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations is roughly proportional to the

amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels.

• Between 1959 and 1982, the rate of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion doubled from
approximately 2.5 billion to 5 billion tons of carbon equivalent per year.

• By 2020 CO2 emissions had risen to nearly 10 billion tons of carbon equivalent per year. This
increase in emissions is reflected in the curve by a slight increase in the slope over the period.
Keeling Curve
Keeling Curve

Plant Decay

Plant Re-growth
Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint
Importance of carbon footprinting
• Carbon footprint, being a quantitative expression of GHG emissions and
activity helps in emission management and evaluation of mitigation

• Having quantified the emissions, the important sources of emissions can be

identified and areas of emission reductions and increasing efficiencies can be

• Reporting of carbon footprint to the third party or disclosure to the public is

needed in response to legislative requirements, or carbon trading or as a part
of corporate social responsibility, or for improving the brand’s image.

• Legislative actions have been taken to quantify and reduce carbon footprint
of cities and organizations and it is playing an important role in policy
Carbon Footprint

• It was found that 44% consumers preferred to buy the products, which
provided the information about their carbon footprints, while 43% were
willing to pay more for the products with relatively low carbon footprint.
• Carbon footprint has been used as an indicator of the impact of lifestyle of a
citizen of a country on carbon emissions.
• Carbon footprints are now used as an important indicator of event
Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint
Calculation of carbon footprint

• For calculating the carbon footprint, the amount of GHGs emitted/removed or embodied in life
cycle of the product has to be estimated and added.
• Life cycle includes all the stages involved for a product such as its manufacture right from
bringing of raw material to final packaging, distribution, consumption/use, and to the final stages
of disposal.
• Analysis of life cycle therefore is also called as ‘cradle to grave analyses’.
• For carbon footprinting purpose, LCA estimates the GHGs emitted/embodied at each identified
step of the product’s life cycle, technically known as GHG accounting.
Carbon Footprint

Greenhouse gas
In order to keep account of the emissions along the life cycle, the following

structured framework is suggested:

1. Selection of GHGs

2. Setting Boundary

3. Collection of GHG emission data

Carbon Footprint

1. Selection of GHGs

• Selection of the set of GHGs covered in calculation depends on the guideline

followed, the need of carbon footprint calculation, and on the type of activity
for which carbon footprinting is being done.
• For example, in a thermal power plant, where CO2 is a predominant emission
and other gases are almost negligibly emitted, only CO2 emission
measurement will be feasible whereas for a cattle farm, CH4, CO2, and N2O
emissions may be significant.
2. Setting Boundary
• Boundary refers to an imaginary line drawn around the activities that will be
used for calculating carbon footprint.
• It depends on the objective of footprinting and characteristics of the entity
for which footprinting will be done. Boundary must be selected so as to
represent the organization based on legal, financial, or business control.
Carbon Footprint

• Once the organizational boundary has been established, operational

boundary is to be selected. Operational boundary refers to the selection of
the direct and indirect emissions, which will be accounted for.
• To facilitate convenient accounting, tiers or scopes have been suggested

1. All direct emissions, i.e., onsite emissions (Tier/Scope I)

2. Embodied emissions in purchased energy (Tier/Scope II)
3. All indirect emissions (Tire/Scope III), such as those associated with
transport of purchased goods, sold products, business travels, energy
activities, disposal of products etc., are not included in tiers I and II
Carbon Footprint
Carbon Footprint

3. Collection of GHG emission data

• GHG data can be collected through direct onsite real-time measurements, or

through estimations based on emission factors and models.
• The choice of appropriate method depends on the objective, credibility,
feasibility as well as on cost and capacity considerations.
• Emission factors and models are the most preferred and used techniques. In
general, for products, organizations, and events, emissions are calculated
using specific emission factors and models utilizing data on consumption of
fuels, energy, and other inputs leading to emissions.

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