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Millions of Its Used Construction Dormitories

PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassan cancelled the 61st anniversary celebration of Tanzania's
Independence on the Mainland while ordering all funds allocated for the 960 million Sh.
ceremonies to be used to build dormitories in eight elementary schools for students with
special needs.
she has also ordered the celebration of the ceremonies this year to be held at various debates
and conferences in all districts of the country so that citizens can discuss, reflect, and
remember where they came from and where they are heading.
Minister of State Office of the Prime Minister- Policy, Parliament and Coordination, George
Simbachawene, announced this yesterday in the city when he spoke to reporters about the
61st anniversary of Tanzania's independence celebration on the mainland this year.
“ I ask to use this opportunity in a very unique way to thank and congratulate the Honourable
Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of the United Republic of Tanzania where he has
decided that all funds Sh. 960 million allocated by ministries and institutions for the
celebration of independence ceremonies this year should be sent to the Office of the
President- TAMISEMI and will be used to build dormitories in eight elementary schools for
students with special needs,” he said.
Minister Simbachawene said the decision is President Samia's sincere commitment to caring
for and building a friendly environment for people with special needs in the country.
"This is a great heroic and highly commended thing by all the citizens of Tanzania," said
He mentioned the schools that would benefit from the funds are Buhangija of Shinyanga
region, Goweko of Tabora, Darajani of Singida, Mamba of Tanga, Nsanzi of Rukwa, Njombe
of Dofi, Longido of Arusha and Songambele of Manyara.
Commenting on the debates and conferences to be used to discuss and reflect on the steps the
country has reached, Simbachawene said they will be preceded by a range of timetables for
regional and district leaders to undertake social activities such as hygiene in hospitals,
schools, elderly homes and special needs groups.
"Thus, this year's festivities there will be no parades and other national activities. In this
context, Honor the Minister of State Office of the President- TAMISEMI to conduct the
management, monitoring and evaluation of these debates and conferences in order to prove
itself and its results, ” said Simbachawene.
In addition, the minister said in implementing the directive the offices have provided specific
instructions and timetables for streamlining the smooth operation for all regions and districts
in the country.
“In promoting patriotism and celebrating this anniversary as well as other national
celebrations such as union ceremonies, all government offices must be decorated with the
colorful decorations of the National Flag as well as the image of our President,” he instructed.
"I am asking to take advantage of this opportunity to encourage all citizens to participate
appropriately in debates and conferences in their districts and to discuss in detail about
sustainable development in 61 years of our freedom,"
By PaulMabeja, MEASHE

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