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Lecture 6 final / Signs of Healthy Pet

A pet's health is often evident from their appearance and actions.
‫صحة الحيوانات رح تظهر على شكلهم‬
Pets should exhibit good balance; a problem with their equilibrium or the way they are
walking may indicate a problem. ‫اذا ما كان مشيته متوازنه منيح معناها عنده مشكلة‬
Pets’ coat should be clean and smooth. A rough or dry coat could signify a nutritional
Fleas present another problem. Pets get fleas when they have worms.
Active pets are usually healthy. While some pets are simply inactive, if your pet's normal
activity level declines, this could indicate a bigger issue. Young pets, in particular, should be
active. ‫الزم حيوانك يكون كثير نشيط خصوصا لو كان لسا صغير و اذا قل نشاطه معناها ممكن عنده مشكلة كبيرة‬
The eyes, ears, nose, and mouth also provide clues as to a pet's health.
Your pet should have clean clear shiny eyes and, if the inner eyelid is showing, this can be a
sign of stress. ‫اذا الجفن الداخلي كان واضح كثير لبرا معناها هاد دليل انه عنده سترس‬
A pet’s ears should be pink and clean. Ear mites and ear infections are fairly common
problems for pets. ‫هأل الزم تكون االذننضيفة و وردية ألنه التهاب االذن كثير شائع عند الحيوانات األليفة‬
Your pet should have strong white teeth without odor.
Periodic dental care for a pet is recommended. ‫الزم تهتم بنظافة اسنانهم‬
If your pet is drooling or not grooming itself, this is likely an oral problem. ‫اذا بسيل من‬
‫لعابه(دروولنق) و ما بيعتني بحاله منيح ف ممكن تكون مشكلة بالفم‬
Finally, a pet’s rear should be clean, if not, it may have a digestive problem. ‫الزم الضهر يكون‬
Recognizing indicators can help a pet owner keep their pet healthy.
The earlier a health problem is detected the more effective the treatment and the happier your
cat will be.‫انه لما تكتشف وجود المشكلة الصحية بوقت مبكر بكون أفضل‬
Some Important Zoonosis:
Zoonosis: a disease which can be transmitted to humans from animals.*‫مش من الساليدز‬
Zoonotic Diseases:
Zoonosis (singular) / Zoonoses (plural); Zoon = animals; Noses = diseases.

Diseases that can be passed between animals and humans.
At least 61% of all human pathogens are zoonotic. ‫اكتر الحيوانات اللي بتصيبنا مصدرها من الحيوانات‬
At least 61% of all human pathogens are zoonotic, Why?
We interact with animals in our daily lives.
We raise animals for food or enjoyment.
We keep them in our homes as pets.
We come into close contact with animals at fairs and zoos.
We encounter wildlife when we are outdoors or bugs that transmit disease.
1.Toxoplasmosis: ‫اسم مرض من توكسوبالزما و اللي هو كائن طفيلي ال مش كركي هههه ؤ‬
Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by microscopic parasite called Toxoplasma gondii.
It is not a new disease, having first been discovered in 1908.
found in virtually all warm-blooded animals including most pets, livestock, and human beings.
*Epidemiology: )‫علم االوبئة لمرض التوكسوبالزموسس( يعني معلومات عنه كيف انتشاره و هيكا‬
• Worldwide disease. ‫منتشر بكل العالم‬
• Affects all mammals and birds.
Reservoir animals: cats ‫يعني لما نحكي ريسيرفر يعني المكان المخزن للمرض‬
Intermediate host :• Sheep, cows, rodents, etc…
Incubation period: 10-23 days.
*Disease in animals: ‫مرض التوكسو كيف بكون بالحيوانات و كيف تأثيره؟‬
• In cows: difficulty breathing, coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge ‫باالبقار بصير عندهم صعوبة باتنفس‬
‫و سعال و عطس و سيالن انف‬
• In sheep: abortions, resp signs less likely ‫بالغنم بعمل اجهاض و المشاكل التنفسية عندهم أقل‬
• Cats: no signs ‫ما في اعراض عند القطط‬
*Disease in Humans:
Healthy people: Bad flu. ‫الناس الطبيعيين بس يتأثروا بمرض التوكسو بس بصير عندهم فوزة سيئة‬
Immunocompromised: may die.‫الناس اللي مناعتهم ضعيفة بموتوا‬
Pregnant women: miscarriage, fetus with abnormal brain and eye ‫المرأة الحامل بتجهض و اذا خلفت‬
‫بكون الجنينن عيونه و عقله مش طبيعيين‬

• Although the majority of infected infants show no symptoms of toxoplasmosis at birth, many
are likely to develop signs of infection later in life. ‫ممكن الجنين اللي تأثر بالمرض ما يصير عنده أعراض عند‬
‫الوالدة بس ممكن تظهر في وقت الحق من حباته‬
• Loss of vision, mental retardation, loss of hearing, and death in severe cases, are the symptoms
of toxoplasmosis in congenitally infected children.
Dx: CFT,( complement fixation test ) ….. ‫التشخيص؟ من خالل أخذ عينه من السائل المحيط بالحبل الشوكي‬
:‫اسم كل مرض مع العامل اللي بسببه‬
* Cystic Hydatid Disease:
•Echinococcus granulosa.
* Alveolar Hydatid Disease:
•Echinococcus multilocularis.
*polycystic Hydatid Disease:

•Echinococcus vogeli.
*Disease epidemiology:
• Disease occurrence:
- Worldwide.
- Occurs in humans with close contact with dogs.
• Reservoir: - The canine/canidae family.
Sheep and cows are considered intermediate host.
*Disease transmission:
- Ingestion of contaminated food/drink with eggs/larva.
- Only infected products from dogs affect/induce disease in humans.
- Only parasite products from dogs are able to cause disease in humans.
* Incubation period:
-variable: 12 months to years.
Disease in animals:
• No CS

Disease in humans:
• Presence of cysts within the body organs.‫وجود أكياس داخل أعضاء الجسم‬
- Depends on the organ affected and several factors.‫بيعتمد على ايش هو العضو المتأثر‬
*Dx: diagnosis ‫التشخيص‬
- US: ultrasound.
- Histopathology.‫عن طريق االنسجة يعني‬
* Disease prevention: !!‫كيف تمنع المرض‬
1-Public awareness of exposure to dog feces.
2- Disrupt intermediate/final host cycle.
3- Proper disposal of intermediate host organs.
4- Treatment of vulnerable dogs.
*Disease definition: A viral disease that is contagious to humans and infects domestic and wild
Contagious: ‫هو المرض اللي بينتقل من الحيوان الى االنسان‬
*Etiology: • Lyssavirus (Rhabdviridae) ‫اسم المسبب‬
*Disease Epidemiology:
• Endemic worldwide. ‫شائع جدا‬
*Incubation period:
1. Depends on location of the bite.
2. Amount of the virus inoculated.
1.Carnivores: dogs, cats,foxes, coyotes bats, mongoose, etc….
1.Rabid animal saliva. ‫من اللعاب‬
2.Contact of skin (wounds) with rabid animal/saliva.
Brain inflammation: virus transmitted by infected saliva through bite or wound
Rabies is usually transmitted through a rabid animal saliva by a bite, scratch, or licking of
damaged skin or mucosa.

*Disease in animals:
1• There are several forms of the disease (calm, silent, raging). ‫في منه اكتر من شكل‬
2• The incubation period is 2-4 weeks.
3• An increase in the sensitivity of the animal. ‫زيادة بحاسية الحيوان‬
4• Increased salivation. ‫زيادة افراز اللعاب‬
5• Severe muscle tremors and contractions.‫انقباض شديد بالعضل‬
6• The animal falls and cannot get up.‫بوقع و ما بيقدر يقوم‬
7• Convulsions occur and then Paralysis and death.‫بصير بالبداية تشنجات بعدين شلل و بألخير موت‬
8• Hypersensitivity to external stimuli. ‫حساسية كثير للمحفزات الخارجية‬
9• Inability to swallow food or water. ‫ما بيقدر يبلع االكل و المي‬
10• Hypersalivation. ‫ يعني زيادة باالفراز‬4 ‫نفس رقم‬
11• involuntary contractions. ‫انقباضات غير ارادية‬
12• in the last stages paralysis occurs. ‫في المراحل المتقدمة من المرض بصير شلل‬
13• death.‫و اخيرا الوفاة‬
1• Clinical Signs. ‫اعراض سريرية‬
2• Histopathology (Negri bodies). ‫رح نالحظ وجود هاي االجسام لما ناخد عينة و نشوفها ع الشريحة تحت المجهر‬
Negri bodies are the classic histopathologic feature of rabies. cytoplasmic inclusions in
neurons that are composed of rabies virus proteins and RNA. ‫مش من الساليدز بس ضفتها للتوضيح‬
3• IFA for corneal and brain tissues.
4• Viral Isolation.
1• Vaccination of animals.
2• Public awareness.
3• Control of stray dogs.
4• In the event of being bitten by an animal (dog), the animal must be detained until it is proven
that it was not injured. ‫اذا انغضيت من كلب الزم تحجزه لحتى تطلع النتيجة وتفحصه اذا طلع مصاب يوصى بقتله‬
5• Giving the vaccine to citizens exposed to this disease, such as : veterinarians, laboratory
workers. ‫اعطاء المطاعيم للناس المعرضين لألصابة بهاد المرض متل البيطريين و اللي بشتغلوا بالمختبرات‬

6• Vaccination of wild animals.
How to protect my pet from rabies?
1• Regular veterinary care and rabies vaccination schedule.
2• Avoid exposure to wild animals as well as Unknown animals (Vaccine History).
3• Get rid of stray animals.‫تخلص من الحيوانات الضالة‬
What to do if my animal/pet.. got bit by wild animal?
1• If wild animal is not available for testing and pet animal not vaccinated, then pet should be
placed in quarantine for 1 month.
2• If pet vaccinated, then it should be revaccinated.
What should I do if I was exposed to rabies by being bitten?
1• Wash wounds with soap.
2• Seek medical help for Post-exposure Prophylaxis.‫اطلب مساعدة طبية للوقاية بعد التعرض‬
One dose immune globulin ( HRIG ).
Fire dose of rabies vaccine.
More vaccination on day 3,7,14,28 from First vaccination.
Notes: not from slides ‫بس للتوضيح‬
HRIG: Human rabies immune globulin.
Hyper: high / sensitivity: ‫حساسية‬
intermediate host: ‫هو المكان اللي الميكروب بكمل فيه دورة حياته الالجنسية و ليست الجنسية يعني متال فيروس معسن و‬
‫اجا عاش بالكلب و كمل دورة حياته هون و هكذا‬
The reservoir of an infectious agent is the habitat in which the agent normally lives, grows, and
multiplies. ‫و طبعا ممكن يكون حيوان او انسان او حتى جمتد من البيئة و هيكا‬

Done by: batoul Shyyab

Good luck everyone😊


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