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1. Actinomycetes account for what percentage of antibiotics registered by NAFDAC?

(a) 78% (b) 75% (c) 77% (d) 79%
2. Bacteria are the only form of life that exists?
(a) 3.3BYA (b) 3.6BYA (c) 3.5BYA (d) 3.55BYA
3. Fire blight disease is caused by?
(a) Fungi (b) Algae (c) Bacteria (d) Bacteriophage
4. Bacteria belong to the kingdom?
(a) Monera (b) Protista (c) Fungi (d) Plantae
5. Bacteria Bloom is?
(a) dark/greenish (b) blue/ greenish (c) grey/brownish (d) white murky/cloudy
6. Which of the following does not reproduce by meiosis or mitosis
(a) Bacteria (b) Algae (c) Fungi (d) Gymnosperms
7. Metabolically bacteria can be classified into photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic
(a) True (b) False
8. The independent recombination of DNA of a bacteriophage in bacteria protoplasm is?
(a) Transduction (b) Transformation (c) Conjugation (d) Transportation

9. Above is the diagram of?

(a) Transduction process (b) Transformation (c) Conjugation (d) Transportation
10. The major mode of reproduction in bacteria is?
(a) Fission (b) Schizogony (c) Parthenogenesis (d) Genetic recombination
11. Bacteria have cell walls that contain?
(a) Alcohol (b) Muramic acid (c) Keto acid (d) Fatty acid
12. Fossil Bacteria are?
(a) 3.4BYA (b) 3.5BYA (c) 3.6BYA (d) 3.7BYA
13. Which of the following are important sources of protein?
(a) Archae & Spirulina (b) Archae and Cyanobacteria (c) Archae, Cyanobacter & Spirulina
(d) Spirulina & Cyanobacteria
14. Which of the following aids decomposition of synthetic materials?
(a) Halobacter (b) Archaebacteria (c) Flavobacterium (d) Bacteriophage
15. Obligate aerobes cannot make ATP in absence of oxygen?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not sure
16. Obligate anaerobes cannot make make ATP in the absence of oxygen?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not sure
17. Respiration does not yield more energy than fermentation?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not sure
18. A good example of Non – Sulphur bacteria is?
(a) Archaebacteria (b) Escherichia coli (c) Diplococcus (d) Halobacterium
19. Phototrophic bacteria are split into how many groups?
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
20. An example of organism that produces energy for organisms in complete darkness in the
deep – sea at a temperature of about 360°C is?
(a) Halobacterium (b) Non – Sulphur bacteria (c) Cyanobacteria (d) Archaebacteria
21. The consequence of transformation method of sexual reproduction in bacteria is?
(a) Non – capsulated bacteria gain capacity to transform into themselves into
capsulated bacteria
(b) Spread of bacteria resistance to antibiotics when bacteria cells are broken down
(extracted) by chemical or heat
(c) Spread of Non – capsulated bacteria cells
(d) Spread of capsulated bacteria cells
22. Chemotrophic bacteria are responsible for the production of methane gas?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not sure
23. There are how many sexual methods of reproduction in bacteria?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
24. Bacteria and Fungi are companion Decomposers?
(a) True (b) False
25. Bacteria are how many years older than the oldest Eukaryotes?
(a) 1.8 (b) 1.2 (c) 2.2 (d) 3.3
26. Which of the following is the smallest and most abundant organism on earth?
(a) Algae (b) Fungi (c) Bryophytes (d) Bacteria
27. Which of the following is characterised with blue – green pigment?
(a) Prochloron (b) Sulphur bacteria (c) Cyanobacteria (d) Non – Sulphur bacteria
28. Cyanobacteria stores glycogen as?
(a) Carbohydrates (b) Proteins (c) Lipids (d) Minerals
29. Nutritional classification of bacteria is split into?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
30. Which of the following bacteria lack muramic acid in their cell walls?
(a) Cyanobacteria (b) Halobacter (c) Archaebacteria (d) Non – Sulphur bacteria

31. Above is the diagram of?

(a) Transduction (b) Transformation (c) Fission (d) Sexual Conjugation
32. Genetic recombination is?
(a) Transfer of bacteria into bacteria protoplasm
(b) Transfer of donor materials
(c) Transfer of genetic material between two different strains of bacteria
(d) Transfer of Plasmids between bacteria cells
33. Which of the following is used in the production of cheese by fermenting lactose into lactic
(a) Algae (b) Bacteria (c) Bacteriophage (d) Fungi
34. Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus is characterised with?
(a) The production of ethanol in hot springs at (80°C)
(b) The production of fatty acid in cold winters at (-14°C)
(c) The production of ethanol in cold winters at (-14°C)
(d) The production of fatty acid in hot springs at (80°C)
35. Which of the following bacteria fix nitrogen in the root noodles of leguminous plants?
(a) Archaebacteria (b) Cyanobacteria (c) Bacteria (d) Halobacter
36. Which one of the following bacteria makes ATP by switching between respiration and
fermentation process depending on the availability of oxygen?
(a) Obligate anaerobes (b) Obligate aerobes (c) Facultative bacteria (d) Cyanobacteria
37. The bacteria that is motile and sensitive to violet light is?
(a) Halobacterium (b) Escherichia coli (c) Archaebacteria (d) Diplococcus
38. Archaebacteria share morphological characters with?
(a) Halobacterium (b) Cyanobacteria (c) Sulphur bacteria (d) Archae
39. The bacteria that substitutes Sulphur compound for water in the absence of Chlorophyll – a?
(a) Non – Sulphur bacteria (b) Prochloron (c) Cyanobacteria (d) Sulphur bacteria
40. Which of the following live along seashores in association with colonial marine animals?
(a) Cyanobacteria (b) Sulphur bacteria (c) Non – Sulphur bacteria (d) Prochloron
41. __________ is characterised by rotten egg smell?
(a) Green – Sulphur bacteria (b) Purple – Sulphur bacteria (c) Blue – Sulphur bacteria (d)
Non – Sulphur bacteria
42. Bacteria cells contain all but one of the following?
(a) True – nuclei (b) Simple chromosome (c) muramic acid (d) naked nuclei
43. Cyanobacteria are aged between?
(a) 3.3 – 3.4 (b) 3.2 – 3.6 (c) 3.3 -3.2 (d) 3.3 – 3.5
44. The total weight of which of the following organisms exceeds that of every other organisms.
(a) Fungi (b) Algae (c) Bacteriophage (d) Bacteria
45. The atmosphere was anaerobically rich in CO2 and H2 3BYA?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not true
46. Bacteria aid which of the following processes?
(a) Mineralization (b) Fermentation (c) Respiration (d) Transportation
47. Which of the following are responsible for soil odour?
(a) Algae & Bacteria (b) Bacteria & Fungi (c) Algae & Fungi (d) Organic waste & Bacteria
48. Methods of reproduction in bacteria are?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
49. Transformation is genetic recombination involving bacteriophage?
(a) True (b) False
50. Heterotrophic bacteria are also called?
(a) Holophytic (b) Saprobic (c) Holozoic (d) Phototrophic
51. The Cytoplasm of bacteria include all but one of the following?
(a) DNA (b) Endoplasmic Reticulum (c) Ribosome (d) Plasmids
52. All monera are multicellular prokaryotes?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not sure
53. All monera are photosynthetic organisms?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not sure
54. Above is the diagram of?
(a) Fission process (b) Sexual Conjugation (c) Transduction process (d) Transformation
55. Bacteria is an indicator of existence of life in a planet?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not true
56. Pilli are short spines which are characterised with which type of bacteria?
(a) Gram negative (b) Gram positive (c) Gram subtraction (d) Gram addition
57. The flagella beating with rotatory motion is characterised to?
(a) Zackaryotes (b) Lackaryotes (c) Prokaryotes (d) Eukaryotes
58. Facultative anaerobic bacteria survive only in absence of oxygen?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not true
59. Gram positive bacteria is protected with lipopolysaccharide?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not true
60. Gram negative bacteria do take up stain?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not sure

61. Above is a diagram of what type of bacteria

(a) Gram positive (b) Gram negative (c) Gram addition (d) Gram Subtraction

62. Above is the diagram of?

(a) Transduction process (b) Sexual Conjugation (c) Fission (d) Transformation process
63. During the transformation process pneumococcal is converted into?
(a) Streptococcus (b) Staphylococcus (c) Diplococcus pneumonia (d) Bacillus
64. Bacteria can be used in the field of Criminology
(a) True (b) False
65. The causative organism for tuberculosis is?
(a) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (b) vibrio cholerae (c) Spirillae (d) Diplococci
66. Streptococcus is a rod-shaped bacteria?
(a) True (b) False
67. What disease do the following bacteria cause?
(a) Streptococcus
(b) Staphylococcus
(c) Diplococcus
(d) Bacilli
(e) Spirillae
(f) Vibrio

68. The above eqaution is a phototrophic eqaution of which form of bacteria?

(a) Non – Sulphur bacteria (b) Sulphur Bacteria (c) Cyanobacteria (d) Prochloron

69. The above eqaution is a phototrophic eqaution of which form of bacteria?

(a) Non – Sulphur (b) Sulphur Bacteria (c) Cyanobacteria (d) Prochloron

70. In the above generalised Hydrogen donor eqaution A may be?

(a) CHO, Lipids, Keto acid, Fatty acid
(b) Fatty acid, H2S, H20, CO2
(c) Keto acid, Lipids, H2S, H2O
(d) H2O, H2S, Keto acid, Alcohol, Fatty acid


1.B 11.B 21.B 31.D 41.B 51.B 61.B

2.C 12.B 22.A 32.C 42.A 52.B 62.D
3.C 13.D 23.B 33.B 43.D 53.B 63.C
4.A 14.C 24.A 34.A 44.D 54.A 64.A
5.D 15.A 25.A 35.A 45.A 55.A 65.A
6.A 16.B 26.D 36.C 46.A 56.A 66.B
7.A 17.B 27.C 37.A 47.B 57.C 67.
8.A 18.D 28.A 38.A 48.B 58.B 68.B
9.A 19.A 29.C 39.B 49.B 59.B 69.C
10.A 20.D 30.C 40.D 50.B 60.A 70.D

67. Streptococcus – Sore throat bacteria

. Staphylococcus – Boil bacteria

. Diplococcus – Pneumonia bacteria

Bacilli – Anthrax

Spirillae – Syphilis
1. Palmelloid is in the form of?
(a) Palm – like non – motile cells in the form of mucilage
(b) Individuals of non – motile cells in mucilage envelope
(c) Colony of small motile cells
(d) Cells with basal mucilage
2. Volvox is in the form of?
(a) Plant body lacking crosswalls
(b) Colony of small motile cells
(c) Cells with basal mucilage stalk
(d) Cells forming thallus with simple differentiation
3. Algae share metabolic traits with what form of bacteria?
(a) Sulphur bacteria
(b) Non – sulphur bacteria (Halobacterium)
(c) Prochloron
(d) Cyanobacteria
4. Algae are of all but one of the following economic importance?
(a) Disintegration of synthetic materials
(b) Source of heat and electricity generation
(c) Source of oil (oleaginous microalgae)
(d) Fixing of atmospheric nitrogen
5. All true algae are?
(a) Prokaryotes (b) eukaryotes (c) Lackaryotes (d) Zackaryotes
6. An example of algae that experiences mixotrophic mode of nutrition is?
(a) Dinoflagellates (b) Euglena (c) Desmids (d) Desmus
7. Alternation of generation occurs in Algae?
(a) True (b) False
8. The dominant phase of Ectocarpus algae is?
(a) Sporophyte (b) Sporophyte and Sporophyte (c) Sporophyte and Gametophyte (d)
9. Sexual reproduction in Algae is split into how many stages?
(a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 11
10. Algae Bloom is caused by unpleasant water and soil odours?
(a) True (b) False
11. Algae produce _____ percentage of the worlds food supply?
(a) 70% (b) 55% (c) 60% (d) 80%
12. Algae belong to the kingdom?
(a) Monera (b) Protista (c) Fungi (d) Plantae
13. There are how many forms of Algae?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
14. Microalgae form a smaller percentage of world Algae?
(a) True (b) False
15. The study of algae is?
(a) Phycology (b) Bryology (c) Mycology (d) Bacteriology
16. Algae convert solar energy to?
(a) Carbohydrate energy (b) Proteins (c) Fats & Oils (d) Vitamins
17. Algae are resources in both aquatic and terrestrial habitat
(a) True (b) False
18. Reproduction in Algae is split into how many methods?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
19. An example of algae that undergoes asexual reproduction is?
(a) Dinoflagellates (b) Euglena (c) Desmids (d) Chlamydomonas
20. In sexual mode of reproduction in Algae Diversity is favoured?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not true
21. Chemotroph behave as _____ in habitat rich with inorganic molecules?
(a) Litotroph (b) Mesotroph (c) Organotroph (d) Exotroph

22. Which of the following is not a multicellular form of algae?

(a) Green Algae
(b) Red Algae
(c) Orange Algae
(d) Brown Algae

23. A in the diagram above is?

(a) Mixed S. natans and S. fluitans
(b) Mixed Q. natans and D. natans
(c) Mixed S. natan and D. natans
(d) Mixed S. fluitans and D. natans
24. B in the diagram above is?
(a) Lateral branches with gas bladders
(b) Horizontal branches with gas bladders
(c) Lateral branches with water bladders
(d) Horizontal branches with water bladders
25. Coccoid algae is in the form of?
(a) Single non-motile cells with cells walls
(b) Palm – like non – motile cells in mucilage envelope
(c) Colony of small motile cells
(d) Cells with basal mucilage stalk
26. Coccolitophore and Botryococcus are ancient green algae found in oil spills H20 that yield
crude oil and natural gas
(a) False (b) True (b) Maybe (d) Kind of
27. Algae are of all but one of the following economic importance?
(a) Removal of toxic substances from sewage
(b) Traps chemical run off for reuse (bio – fuel)
(c) Disintegration of synthetic materials
(d) Source of pharmaceutical drugs and cosmetics
28. Capsoid is an algae in form of?
(a) Cells with basal mucilage stalk
(b) Colony of small motile cells
(c) Palm – like non – motile cells in mucilage envelope
(d) Individuals of non – motile cells in mucilage envelope
29. Most Algae are phototrophic while few are chemotrophic, this statement is?
(a) False (b) True (c) Maybe (d) unsure
30. The By -products of photosynthesis in Chlamydomonas are?
(a) C02 & O2
(b) CO2 & CH4
(c) CH4 & CHO
(d) O2 & H2
31. Based on prevailing conditions Dinoflagellates exist in either?
(a) Chemotroph or Mixotroph
(b) Autotroph or Heterotroph
(c) Litotroph or Organotroph
(d) Phototroph or Chemotroph
32. How many classes of Algae are there based on Nutritional modes?
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
33. Chemotroph behave as _____ in habitat rich in organic molecules?
(a) Mesotroph (b) Organotroph (c) Litotroph (d) Exotroph
34. Mixtrophic mode of nutrition in Algae uses both?
(a) Light Energy & Organic carbon
(b) Chemical energy & Organic carbon
(c) Electric energy & Organic carbon
(d) Mechanical energy & Organic carbon
35. Which of the following is a consequence of sexual method if reproduction in Algae?
(a) Haploid zygote is formed
(b) Diversity is no favoured
(c) Doubled no. of chromosomes
(d) Fixed no. of chromosomes
36. Environmental factors limit sexual method of reproduction in Algae?
(a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) slightly
37. The dominant phase in spirogyra is?
(a) Gametophye (b) Sporophyte (c) Sporophyte & Gametophye (d) Sporophyte &
38. All but one of the following is not a consequence of asexual method of reproduction?
(a) All cells remain diploid
(b) All cells remain haploid
(c) Fixed no. of chromosomes in the nucleus
(d) Diversity is not favoured
39. In stage 4 of asexual in Algae?
(a) Cells flagella degenerate and drop of
(b) Mitotic (n) division of nucleus
(c) Daughter cells form Colony in nutrient rich body of water
(d) Pair of “n” develops into two daughter cells
40. Algal bloom is?
(a) brown murky/cloudy (b) white murky/cloudy (c) blue murky/cloudy (d) green
41. Algal bloom causes mass mortality in higher organisms?
(a) True (b) False
42. High level of Phosphorus and nitrate cause?
(a) Bacteria bloom (b) Fungi bloom (c) Virus bloom (d) Algal bloom
43. Algae produce 75% more oxygen than all other plants in the world?
(a) True (b) False
44. Which of the following organisms synthesise simple materials into complex organic matter
(a) Algae (b) Bacteria (c) Fungi (d) Virus
45. The study of algae is?
(a) Algology (b) Bryology (c) Mycology (d) Bacteriology
46. Examples of macroalgae are all but one of the following?
(a) Phaecophyta (b) Bryophyta (c) Chlorophyta (d) Rhodophyta
47. Alga is the Latin word for?
(a) Algae (b) Fungi (c) Bacteria (d) Seaweed
48. Macroalgae have false root, stems and leaves?
(a) True (b) False
49. Macroalgae can be linked to an obsolete group called?
(a) Bryophytes (b) Phaecophytes (c) Rhodophytes (d) Thallophytes
50. All but one of the following are examples of microalgae?
(a) Scenedesmus (b) Green algae (c) Desmids (d) Euglena
51. Microalgae are to unicellular as macroalgae are to _____ ?
(a) Unicellular (b) Multicellular (c) Polycellular (d) Intercellular
52. Algae appeared in fossil records?
(a) 1.5BYA (b) 1.52BYA (c) 1.4BYA (d) 1.6BYA
53. Algae can be found in all but one of the following?
(a) waterbody (b) moist soils (c) moist tress (d) desert
54. Algae produced and released the first O2 in the world?
(a) True (b) False
55. An example of early autotrophic protist is?
(a) Bacteria (b) Fungi (c) Algae (d) Lichen
56. Algae belong to the kingdom?
(a) Monera (b) Protista (c) Fungi (d) Plantae
57. Sexual reproduction in algae is split into how many phases?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

58. The above diagram is of?

(a) Sexual reproduction in algae
(b) Asexual reproduction in algae
(c) Fission process
(d) Transformation in Algae
59. In the diagram above A is?
(a) Escaping zoospores/cells
(b) Mating Zoospores
(c) Fusion and exchange of materials/ fertilisation
(d) Formation of zygote
(e) Matured zygote
60. In the above diagram B is?
(a) Escaping zoospores/cells
(b) Mating Zoospores
(c) Fusion and exchange of materials/ fertilisation
(d) Formation of zygote
(e) Matured zygote
61. In the above diagram C is ?
(a) Escaping zoospores/cells
(b) Mating Zoospores
(c) Fusion and exchange of materials/ fertilisation
(d) Formation of zygote
(e) Matured zygote
62. In the above diagram D is?
(a) Escaping zoospores/cells
(b) Mating Zoospores
(c) Fusion and exchange of materials/ fertilisation
(d) Formation of zygote
(e) Matured zygote
63. In the above diagram E is?
(a) Escaping zoospores/cells
(b) Mating Zoospores
(c) Fusion and exchange of materials/ fertilisation
(d) Formation of zygote
(e) Matured zygote
64. No algae no food chain?
(a) True (b) False
65. Spirogyra is a common lagoon microalga?
(a) True (b) False
66. Inorganic compounds limit sexual reproduction in algae?
(a) True (b) False
67. Algae are mostly multicellular prokaryotic green plants?
(a) True (b) False
68. Sargassum is an example of microalga?
(a) True (b) False
69. Insufficient nutrients in aquatic habitat cause algae bloom?
(a) True (b) False
70. All but one of the following is a consequence of sexual reproduction in Algae
(a) Doubled number of chromosomes (n-2n) in the nucleus of Zygote and Sporophyte
(b) Diversity is favoured
(c) Environmental factors limit sexual reproduction
(d) Diversity is not favoured
71. Heterotrichous algae is of what form?
(a) Cells with basal mucilage stalk
(b) Plant body lacking crosswalls
(c) Cells forming thallus
(d) String of non – motile cells branched or straight in one plane
(e) Branch of string of non – motile cells
72. Dendroid algae is of what form?
(a) Cells with basal mucilage stalk
(b) Plant body lacking crosswalls
(c) Cells forming thallus
(d) String of non – motile cells branched or straight in one plane
(e) Brach of string of non – motile cells
73. Siphonaceous algae is of what form?
(a) Cells with basal mucilage stalk
(b) Plant body lacking crosswalls
(c) Cells forming thallus
(d) String of non – motile cells branched or straight in one plane
(e) Brach of string of non – motile cells
74. Parenchymous algae is of what form?
(a) Cells with basal mucilage stalk
(b) Plant body lacking crosswalls
(c) Cells forming thallus
(d) String of non – motile cells branched or straight in one plane
(e) Brach of string of non – motile cells
75. Filamentous algae is of what form?
(a) Cells with basal mucilage stalk
(b) Plant body lacking crosswalls
(c) Cells forming thallus
(d) String of non – motile cells branched or straight in one plane
(e) Brach of string of non – motile cells


1.A 11.D 21.A 31.B 41.A 51.B 61.D 71.E

2.B 12.B 22.C 32.B 42.D 52.A 62.E 72.A
3.B 13.D 23.A 33.B 43.A 53.D 63.A 73.B
4.A 14.B 24.A 34.A 44.A 54.A 64.A 74.C
5.B 15.A 25.A 35.C 45.A 55.A 65.B 75.D
6.A 16.A 26.B 36.A 46.B 56.B 66.B
7.A 17.A 27.C 37.A 47.D 57.B 67.B
8.B 18.B 28.D 38.A 48.A 58.A 68.B
9.B 19.D 29.B 39.C 49.D 59.B 69.B
10.B 20.A 30.D 40.D 50.B 60.C 70.D
1. Soil fungus that can be used to attract females is cyclosporine(soil fungus)?
(a) True (b) False
2. Protists molds are true fungi?
(a) True (b) False
3. Mycelium of fungi _____ soil particles?
(a) Loosen (b) free – up (c) aerate (d) bind
4. (i) Fungus root(vascular plant) (ii) Lichen
(iii) Fungus – algae(cyanobacteria) (iv) Mycorrhizae
From the above the correct relationship is?
(a) i – ii & iii – iv (b) iii – iv & i – iii (c) i – iv & iii – ii (d) iii – ii & i – ii
5. Are fungi good indicators of pollution?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) Not sure (d) Indifferent
6. Fungi are mostly aquatic and terrestrial in nature?
(a) True (b) False
7. Almost all Fungi produce spores, this statement is?
(a) True (b) False
8. Fungi store glycogen as?
(a) Disaccharide (b) Polysaccharide (c) Monosaccharides (d) Trisaccharides
9. The modern classification of fungi is split into?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 4
10. Karyogamy is the ?
(a) Fusion of 2 nuclei (b) meiotic division (c) Fusion of Plasma of 2 gametes (d) Fusion of
only 1 nuclei
11. Vegetative reproduction strategy in fungi is of how many types?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5
12. All Fungi are heterotropic in nature except?
(a) Lichenized (b) coencytic (c) Non – coencytic (d) Mycorrhizae
13. All Fungi reproduce sexually except Imperfecti (Deuteromycetes) Fungi, This statement is ?
(a) True (b) False
14. In Fungi n – gametes produce n – sexual zygospores, this statement is ?
(a) True (b) False
15. The oldest Fungi was btw ?
(a) 450 – 500 (Ordovicia period) (b) 450 – 750 (Ordovicia period) (c) 600 – 650
(Ordovicia period) (d) 350 – 400 (Ordovicia period)
16. Which of the following Fungi divisions possess coencytic hyphae?
(a) Zygomycota (b) Ascomycota (c) Basidiomycota (d) Ascobasidiomycota
17. Fungi are eukaryotes that are multicellular and rarely unicellular, this statement is?
(a) True (b) False
18. Crosswalls are also called?
(a) Hypha (b) Cap (c) Septate (d) ring
19. 1 in the diagram above is ?
a. Substrate
b. White Volva
c. White long stem
d. Fragments of veil
e. Cap
f. White or greenish gills
g. White large annular ring
20. 2 in the diagram above is ?
(a) Substrate
(b) White Volva
(c) White long stem
(d) Fragments of veil
(e) Cap
(f) White or greenish gills
(g) White large annular ring
21. 3 in the diagram above is ?
(a) Substrate
(b) White Volva
(c) White long stem
(d) Fragments of veil
(e) Cap
(f) White or greenish gills
(g) White large annular ring
22. 4 in the diagram above is ?
(a) Substrate
(b) White Volva
(c) White long stem
(d) Fragments of veil
(e) Cap
(f) White or greenish gills
(g) White large annular ring
23. 5 in the diagram above is ?
(a) Substrate
(b) White Volva
(c) White long stem
(d) Fragments of veil
(e) Cap
(f) White or greenish gills
(g) White large annular ring
24. 6 in the diagram above is ?
(a) Substrate
(b) White Volva
(c) White long stem
(d) Fragments of veil
(e) Cap
(f) White or greenish gills
(g) White large annular ring
25. 7 in the diagram above is ?
(a) Substrate
(b) White Volva
(c) White long stem
(d) Fragments of veil
(e) Cap
(f) White or greenish gills
(g) White large annular ring
26. Almost _____ of mushrooms are deadly ?
(a) 96% (b) 95% (c) 94% (d) 93%
27. Fungi have all but one of the following economic uses?
(a) Production of Ethanol and CO2
(b) Suppression of Immune reaction during organ transplant
(c) Used in cosmetics to attract females
(d) Serves as source of oil
28. All Fungi cell walls have a mixture of ?
(a) Hemicellulose & chitin (b) Chitin and cellulose (c) Muramic acid & chitin (d) cellulose
& hemicellulose & Chitin
29. In the traditional classification of fungi both motile molds and Fungi are in the same group,
this statement is?
(a) True (b) False
30. Which of the following is the basic sequence of reproduction in fungi ?
(a) Plasmogamy – Meiosis – Karyogamy
(b) Karyogamy – Plasmogamy – Meiosis
(c) Plasmogamy – Karyogamy – Meiosis
(d) Meiosis – Karyogamy – Plasmogamy
31. The most common mode of reproduction in Fungi is ?
(a) Vegetative (b) Asexual (c) Sexual (d) none of the above (e) all of the above
32. Fungi and bacteria are the only organisms responsible for decomposition process ?
(a) True (b) False
33. Fungi are divided into _____ and _____ based on the absence of cross walls?
(a) Coencytic & Precoencytic (b) Precoencytic & Filamentous (c) Pre – filamentous &
coencytic (d) coencytic & non coencytic
34. Fungi belong to kingdom?
(a) Plantae (b) Fungi (c) Monera (d) Protista
35. Below is a picture of?
(a) Fungi (b) Algae (c) Bacteria (d) Lichen
36. The mode of feeding in fungi that involves virulent use of toxins is to obtain nutrient from
host ?
(a) Mixotrophic (b) Biotrophic (c) Necrotropic (d) Saprotrophic (e) Symbiotic
37. Fungi are mostly aquatic and terrestrial in nature ?
(a) True (b) False
38. All Fungi are non – motile throughout life cycle, this statement is ?
(a) True (b) False
39. The existence of the universe only rests upon fungi?
(a) True (b) False
40. Modern classification of fungi holds ?
(a) Motile Fungi (b) Stimuli Fungi (c) Responsive Fungi (d) Non – motile
41. Below is a diagram of?

(a) Modern classification of fungi

(b) Traditional classification of fungi
(c) Combined Modern classification of motile and non – motile fungi
(d) Combined traditional classification of motile and non – motile fungi
42. The oldest fossil resemblance of fungi is ?
(a) 800MYA (b) 900MYA (c) 700MYA (d) 600MYA
43. Fungi along with bacteria are companion decomposers ?
(a) True (b) False
44. Fungi with coencytic hypha filament have partition?
(a) True (b) False
45. Fungi non – coencytic hypha filament have partition?
(a) True (b) False
46. Modes of feeding in Fungi are all but one?
(a) Mixotrophic (b) Biotrophic (c) Necrotropic (d) Saprotrophic (e) Symbiotic
47. Which one of the following is not a fungi division ?
(a) Zygomycota (b) Ascomycota (c) Basidiomycota (d) Ascobasidiomycota
48. Plasmogamy is the ?
(a) Fusion of 2 nuclei (b) meiotic division (c) Fusion of Plasma of 2 gametes (d) Fusion of
only 1 nuclei
49. Classification of fungi can be split into ?
(a) Modern & Contemporary (b) Pre – socratic & Socratic (c) Traditional & Modern (d)
Traditional & Contemporary
50. Fungi are indicators of forests with abundant of decaying _____ ?
(a) Inorganic matter (b) Organic matter (c) Synthetic materials (d) Resins
51. Almost all Fungi spores are dispersed by ?
(a) Man (b) Insects (c) Erosion (d) Wind
52. Fungi do not cause biodeterioration of synthetic materials, this statement is?
(a) True (b) False
53. Yeast is used in the production of C2H5OH & CO2
(a) True (b) False
54. Almost ____ mushrooms are deadly ?
(a) 96% (b) 95% (c) 94% (d) 94.5%
55. Sexual reproduction in Fungi involves plus and minus hyphae ?
(a) True (b) False

56. The pictures above are of?

(a) Fungi (b) Alga (c) Bacteria (d) Lichen
57. Below is a diagram of _____ vegetative reproduction in fungi ?

(a) Fragmentation (b) Rhizomorphs (c) Sclerotia (d) Budding (e) Fission
58. Below is a diagram of _____ vegetative reproduction in fungi ?

(a) Fragmentation (b) Rhizomorphs (c) Sclerotia (d) Budding (e) Fission
59. Below is a diagram of _____ vegetative reproduction in fungi ?

(a) Fragmentation (b) Rhizomorphs (c) Sclerotia (d) Budding (e) Fission

60. Below is a diagram of _____ vegetative reproduction in fungi ?

(a) Fragmentation (b) Rhizomorphs (c) Sclerotia (d) Budding (e) Fission

61. Below is a diagram of _____ vegetative reproduction in fungi ?

(a) Fragmentation (b) Rhizomorphs (c) Sclerotia (d) Budding (e) Fission

62. A in the diagram above is?

(a) Conidiophore and Conidia of Penicillium spp
(b) Chlamydospores of Ustiligo spp
(c) Conidia of Aspergillus spp
63. B in the diagram above is?
(a) Conidiophore and Conidia of Penicillium spp
(b) Chlamydospores of Ustiligo spp
(c) Conidia of Aspergillus spp
64. C in the diagram above is?
(a) Conidiophore and Conidia of Penicillium spp
(b) Chlamydospores of Ustiligo spp
(c) Conidia of Aspergillus spp
65. Fungi mycelium length is one of the longest living world organisms?
(a) True (b) False


1.B 11.D 21.F 31.E 41.C 51.D 61.A

2.B 12.A 22.G 32.A 42.B 52.B 62.C
3.D 13.A 23.C 33.D 43.A 53.A 63.B
4.C 14.A 24.B 34.B 44.B 54.B 64.A
5.A 15.A 25.A 35.A 45.A 55.A 65.A
6.A 16.B 26.B 36.C 46.A 56.A 66.
7.A 17.A 27.D 37.A 47.D 57.E 67.
8.B 18.C 28.D 38.A 48.C 58.D 68.
9.C 19.D 29.A 39.B 49.C 59.C 69.
10.A 20.E 30.C 40.D 50.B 60.B 70.

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