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Whether or not you can change your interview date for a USA B1/B2 visa from

Bangladesh to another country depends on several factors, including the policies of the
US embassy or consulate where you're applying and your individual circumstances.
Here's what you can consider and steps you might take:

1. Check embassy/consulate policies: Start by reviewing the website of the US embassy

or consulate where you are applying for your visa. Look for information on rescheduling
interviews or transferring your application to another location. Some
embassies/consulates allow this under certain circumstances.
2. Contact the embassy/consulate: If you can't find the information you need on the
website, contact the embassy or consulate directly. They may be able to provide
guidance on whether changing your interview location is possible and what steps you
need to take.
3. Consider your reasons: Embassies/consulates may consider requests to change
interview locations if you have valid reasons, such as a sudden change in travel plans,
medical emergencies, or other unforeseen circumstances. Be prepared to explain your
situation clearly and provide any necessary documentation to support your request.
4. Be aware of additional requirements: If you're able to change your interview location,
be aware that there may be additional requirements or steps you need to take. For
example, you may need to submit a new application form or pay additional fees.
5. Plan ahead: Changing your interview location may take time, so plan ahead and allow
plenty of time for the process. Be aware of any deadlines you need to meet and follow
any instructions provided by the embassy or consulate.
6. Consider the implications: Before requesting a change of interview location, consider
any implications it may have for your travel plans and visa application process. Make
sure you understand how changing your interview location may affect your timeline and
any other aspects of your application.

Overall, whether or not you can change your interview date for a USA B1/B2 visa from
Bangladesh to another country depends on various factors and the policies of the US
embassy or consulate involved. It's essential to carefully review the relevant information
and follow any instructions provided by the embassy or consulate.

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