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i |A+B+6| = /UOFFOOF = 1072 emt = 0= 45° from East 1. Ifa unit vector is represented by 0.5i +0.8) +ok , then @ 5 nie the value of ‘eis | tn 2s (@1 (6) Yor (9 voor @ 039 2. The unit vector along 7+] is @ak @ 147 oF w 52 Bit @ = 344) and b= 77424) then the vector having the same magnitude as 5 and parallel to @ is @ i+55 (© 201+157 @ 1si+10) 4. A force is inclined at 60° to the horizontal. If it's rectangular component in the horizontal direction is 50 N, the magnitude of the force in the vertical direction approximately is (@ 25N (B) 15 (©) 87N (@ 100N S Avector 4 when added to the vector B=3/+4) yields a resultant vector that is in the positive direction and has a magnitude equal to that of B Find the magnitude of 4 @ f0 () 10 os @ v5 6 A plane is inclined at an angle of 30° with horizontal ‘The component of a vector 4 =~ 10k perpendicular to this plane is (here z direction is vertically upwards) () 158+29) LO 2@ 30 40 &@ MULTIPLICATION (PRODUCT) OF VECTORS When we add two like vectors we got the resultant vector of Sane kind, bt the multiplication operation is different from 2Udtion operation. Vectors can be multiplied by one another ‘© get quantities of new physical dimensions. Multiplication of vectors undergoes three different kinds F operation, 7. If A and B aretwo vectors each of magnitude 5 units If they are inclined with the x-axis at angles of 30° and 90° respectively, their resultant will be 8. equal to @s ws © 10 @ 2 9, Magnitude of y-component of vector OA is a AY 3 Er q % 5 5 a + © Oe OF v3 3 oF @F 10, @ and & are two vectors with magnitude of 20 and 25 respective. The angle between them is 37°. The angle between 3+5 and & will be [sin37°= 3] (@ wx(3) () an'(3) ow (@ aw(3) 60) 7 &©) %@) 10.0) 1, multiplication of a vector by a scalar 2, multiplication ofa veetorby a vector to getascalar ‘quantity. Such operations is known as dot product or scalar products. 3. mmuiplication of a vector by a vector to get a vector quantity. Such operation is known as cross product, or vector product. Scanned with Ca ee SSL mathematics for Physics en _______—_—__e 1, If A=2i+3}+K and B=37-2), then their dot product will be @o ® 2 os @ 6 2, Dot product of two vectors @ and & is positive, Then the angle between the two vectors must be (2) greater than 90° (6) less than 90° (6) equal to 90° ( data insufficient 3. Two vectors @ and bare G=2+j+3k and 6 = i+2)—3k . The angle between the two vectors will be « as'(Zs) a (G8) then it implies that (@) angle between and & must be same as angle between @ and 6 (6) B must be equal to 2 (©) & must be parallel 0 & (@) @ is perpendicular to 5 7. If G+5+E =Oand [21 = 10 units. Then, (4+5)-2 6 1 @-5=G-é for3 vectors G,h,é, will be @ 80 (6) 200 © -100 @ 40 8 If G=2/ +4) and = Ki—G axe two vectors which are perpendicular to each other, then value of K is (eae (=2 @s OW © eos( Fs) @ ew*(2) (0) 24 (@ -18 4. If A and B are two vectors then, the value of 9 If @=4i +3 and b = 5i+2} then the mag (5-2) will be component of @ along & will be abtae b) a-b-a@e lee va 7 oe (©) @-b+é 26 oe (@ the expression 4.(5-2) is invalid © fey o 8. If two vectors @ and 5 are G=27+j+4k and 3 Fann i s a 1. Given |4 A in 143) +k. The value ofc such that G-5=Owill be 10. Given | ae 3 and | + 4,| = 3. Find the 5 4 value of (4, +34,)-(34,—44,) @y @ } 5 3 (@) ~64 (6) 60 © -F @ -§ (© 106 @ 6 1. @ 2.) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (e) 6. (d) 7.) 8(b) 9 () 10. (c) 2. Vector product of two vectors _ The vector product of two vectors (@ and 5) is written as 5 = ab sin Of, where a and b are the magnitudes of @ and & respectively and @ is the angle between them, value of which lies between 0° < @ < 180° and is the unit vector Perpendicular to the plane containing the vectors. RIGHT HANDED SCREW RULE z > Now we discuss to specify the direction of fi. Consider the figure, Take a right handed screw fitted with a nut, keep the Plane of the nut parallel to the plane containing the vectors Now rotate the serew from 5 to. @. The direction in which serew moves is the direction of fi . In the figure, @ and 5 lie in X ¥ plane 5 is directed along negat 6 €,= 4X5. From the rule C, is directed along negative z-axis and C, is directed along positive z-axis, Since direction of 5 is opposite to the direction of 2XB, Hence ax x Bxa. fe Z anit Properties of vector product 1. axb 4 5X (aotcommutative) 2. (ma) B = &X(mb) = md x 5) (associative), where m is a scalar 3. ax (5+2)= (4x5) GA) (disteibutive) 4. The magnitude of vector product of two vectors will be maximum when sin 8 = max = 1, £e,, 0=90° 14x Bl = AB .e,, magnitude of veetor product is maximum if the vectors are orthogonal. SLGINITU WIL < <2 @ and & are parallel (collinear) 14, If @ and & are the vectors representing two sid of the triangle. Then the area of triangle ABC Max. 15, Area of any quadrilateral whose diagonal vector: are d, and d, is given by 51d, *4d,], (4 20, 6 #0)ie, @=KB, where Kis a scalar. 1 Ifa= 2) +4)+36 and 6= 3742) +k, then ax is (@ ~24+7%-8k —() -21+. F486 (©) i-4j+8k (@) %-F+3k 2 For two vectors @ and &, Gx may be equal to 5x2 when (2) a and & are parallel to eachother (®) angle between & and 5 is an acute angle (©) @ and b are ‘mutually perpendicular 3. The value of A-(4%B) for two vectors 4 and F will be (@) (4-A)xB () 2B © 4-B+\aP @ zero | If A,B and Z are mutually perpendicular vecos, then Cx (4x B) will be equal to (@) C-A+C-B () (C-AE+H(C-BA (@) angle between a and b is an abtuse angle © €x(A-B)+C(AxB) (a) zero Scanned with Ca LE——————————— Mathematics for Physics git aaai-Sj and B=2i43), = 7K then @x(a xB) will be @ 2+j-F () 37-j+5k (© zero (@) Si+3j-3k 6 if two of the adjacent sides of a parallelogram tre represented by vectors @=2/+3)—K and J =i +2)+44.. The area of the parallelogram will be (@ (392 @) V2 © @ iss 1, Iftwo of the adjacent sides of a triangle are represented f+j and b= i+2}. Then area of by vectors triangle will be (@) S units (®) 25 units (© 1Sunits @ units 8. Three vectors A,B and C satisfy the relation 4B Oand 4-C =0. The vector A is parallel to (@ & (Omer © BE @ axe 9. ix(jxe) is (@ itj+k () i+j+k (0) zero vector (@ unit vector 410. The sum, difference and cross product of two vectors F and B are mutually perpendicular if (@ Z and B are perpendicular to each other and lal=|B1 ( H and F are perpendicular to each other (© Z and B are perpendicular but their magnitudes are arbitrary (@ |Al=IBI and their directions are arbitrary —____‘_ai=—_——____,° LO, 2@ 25@ O50). 60) 70 &@ %© 10 Scanned with Ce

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