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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.38.6.617 on 1 June 1975. Downloaded from on November 30, 2023 by guest.

Journial of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 1975, 38, 617-623

Paroxysmal symptoms in multiple sclerosis

From the Department of Clinical Neurology, University of Oxford.
The Churchill Hospital, Oxford

SYNOPSIS The clinical features of paroxysmal symptoms occurring in 26 patients with multiple
sclerosis are reviewed. The findings are considered to provide further support for the concept of
lateral spread of axonal excitation within demyelinated plaques.

The familiar symptoms of multiple sclerosis estimation of protein fractions in the cerebrospinal
(MS) are those due either to impaired axonal fluid was possible and the diagnosis was established
conduction, temporary or permanent, or to the on clinical grounds. Direct observation of motor
release of exaggerated reflex activity. Apparently phenomena was not always possible and reliance
in a different category, not easily attributable to sometimes had to be placed on the patient's descrip-
either cause, are brief paroxysmal symptoms. tion.
Four types of paroxysmal symptom that might

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Epilepsy occasionally occurs in MS (Matthews, occur in isolation or in various combinations were
1962) and trigeminal neuralgia is well docu- identified; tonic seizures, dysarthria, sensory symp-
mented but neither presents any distinctive toms, and segmental loss of use of the limbs.
features. In contrast, tonic seizures (Matthews,
1958), paroxysmal dysarthria (Andermann et al.,
1959), and certain sensory symptoms (Espir et TONIC SEIZURES As originally described (Matthews,
al., 1966) are highly characteristic of MS, being 1958) tonic seizures were brief, frequent, usually
seldom identifiable in other conditions. I propose intensely painful episodes in which the limbs on one
to review, from personal experience, the range of side adopted the tetanic posture, often precipitated
paroxysmal phenomena encountered and their by movement or sensory stimulation and remitting
significance. completely in a few weeks. In the present series 15
patients, including five previously published (Mat-
thews, 1958; 1962), had seizures recognizably of this
type but the original description must be modified in
METHODS the light of these observations.
Detailed notes were available of 26 patients seen In 11 patients the diagnosis of MS was 'definite'
personally between 1956 and 1974 and regarded as and in one 'probable' (McAlpine et al., 1972) either
having paroxysmal symptoms of MS other than at the time of the seizures or subsequently. In three
epilepsy or trigeminal neuralgia. The criterion patients the diagnosis of MS might well not have
adopted was that of repeated stereotyped symptoms been considered in the absence of recognizable
of no more than two minutes' duration, thus exclud- paroxysmal symptoms and must remain in doubt at
ing many patients with episodic symptoms of less the time of reporting. The seizures were the first
clearly defined character, in particular recurrent symptoms in two patients.
pain. The patients were seen in three different centres The seizures were unilateral in all patients, the
and no attempt can be made to estimate the inci- arm being invariably affected while in six the lower
dence of these symptoms in patients with MS. limb was not involved in spasm. In nine patients the
Although three patients are known to have died in hand adopted the tetanic posture, being observed to
hospital after prolonged detailed observation, no do so in six, but in two the fist was clenched and in
necropsy confirmation of the diagnosis could be two further patients the fingers were extended at the
obtained. Many of the patients were seen before metacarpophalangeal joints, producing a claw hand.
In two patients the posture of the hand could not be
(Accepted 24 January 1975.) ascertained. The arm was usually flexed at the elbow
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.38.6.617 on 1 June 1975. Downloaded from on November 30, 2023 by guest.
618 W. B. Matthews

and wrist and adducted at the shoulder, but in one painless tonic seizures, not involving the face, were
patient the arm was extended and in another strongly dysarthric during the attacks. In one patient tonic
abducted. When involved, the lower limb was ex- seizures involving the left upper limb were invariably
tended at hip and knee and the foot was plantar- preceded by a burning sensation behind the right
flexed. Involvement of the facial muscles was scapula. In another patient the initial symptom had
probable in four patients but the face was often con- been brief episodes of loss of use of the left foot,
torted by pain, rendering interpretation difficult. The without spasm or change in posture, often precipi-
resemblance to the tetanic posture, while often tated by putting the foot to the ground. After six
striking, was, therefore, less consistent than at first months these episodes began to be accompanied by
reported. painless tonic seizures affecting the left upper limb.
The seizures were extremely painful in seven In a girl of 16 her second attack of retrobulbar
patients, the pain having the same distribution as the neuritis was accompanied by typical tonic seizures of
spasm. It seemed unlikely that the pain was entirely the left upper limb and simultaneous 'jumping'
due to the intense muscular contraction as in two movements of the right upper limb, unfortunately
patients pain was experienced before the spasm was not witnessed.
fully developed, while eight patients, in whom Tonic seizures were not accompanied by any
contraction was not obviously less severe, had no disturbance of consciousness and the electro-
pain. Paraesthesiae in the affected limbs were not encephalogram recorded both between and during
commented on apart from one patient who experi- seizures was not disturbed. In one patient, however,
enced a tickling sensation. Thirteen patients ob- there was an unexpected link with epilepsy.
served precipitation of the seizures by movement or
sensory stimulation, the two often being indistin-
guishable. Putting the foot to the ground on stand- CASE 1
ing up or turning over in bed onto the affected side

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were the actions most frequently noted but there Devic's syndrome followed by paroxysmal
were also spontaneous complaints of seizures in- dysarthria and later by tonic seizures and epilepsy
duced by typing, carrying shopping, or tying shoe-
laces. Overbreathing for a brief period was observed A man aged 18 years developed a severe illness lead-
to trigger the seizures in three of the seven patients in ing within three days to bilateral blindness from optic
whom this was attempted. neuritis and paraplegia with an upper dorsal motor
Seizures were always brief, the longest observed and sensory level. In the course of a few months both
being 90 seconds and the longest estimate by a vision and strength partially recovered. Four years
patient being two minutes, many claiming a duration later he had an episode of diplopia. A month later he
of 30 seconds or less. In 11 patients the seizures developed attacks of slurred speech during which he
appeared abruptly and persisted for from two days felt light headed and unable to control his limbs.
to two months, remitting either spontaneously or in These lasted a few seconds only and occurred up to
response to treatment, without recurrence when 20 times a day. Attacks could be precipitated by
treatment was eventually stopped. In these patients about 20 deep breaths. They were abolished by a
seizures occurred with great frequency, 30 times a small dose of carbamazepine and did not recur when
day being common, and sometimes every few minutes this was stopped six weeks later. Four months later
for many hours. In four patients the pattern was he developed tonic seizures of the right arm which
different, with relatively infrequent seizures recur- adopted a tetanic posture. These were regularly
ring for from one to over three years. precipitated by using the hand and were accom-
The physical signs present at the time of onset of panied by dysarthria. While demonstrating that
the seizures did not indicate any specific pattern of tying his shoelace would cause a seizure the local
distribution of lesions. In five patients, signs were tonic spasm was immediately succeeded by a
confined to those of mild or moderate pyramidal generalized convulsion. He was stuporose for four
tract involvement ipsilateral to the seizures. In two days and subsequently had a right hemiparesis that
patients abnormal signs were restricted to the optic recovered over the next five months. During this
nerves; three showed evidence of widespread in- time he had two further major fits but no more
volvement of the spinal cord and brain-stem; one tonic seizures. Anticonvulsants had to be withdrawn
had a severe cervical spinal cord lesion; two had because of repeated deliberate overdosage but no ill
spastic paraparesis with little sensory loss; and two effects resulted.
had sensory loss alone. In addition to the 15 patients with seizures affect-
In five patients tonic seizures were accompanied ing the limbs one patient had a different form of
by other paroxysmal symptoms. Two patients with tonic seizure.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.38.6.617 on 1 June 1975. Downloaded from on November 30, 2023 by guest.
Paroxysmal symptoms in multiple sclerosis 619

CASE 2 could be regularly induced by overbreathing but also

Tonic seizures of neck and eye muscles by virtually any form of sensory stimulation, render-
after relapse of MS affecting brain-stem ing nursing care and feeding difficult. Phenobarbi-
tone and phenytoin did not reduce the number of
At the age of 24 years this woman had diplopia and attacks which gradually lessened and stopped after
paraesthesiae in the left side of the face and tongue two months. Carbamazepine was not available. Her
for three weeks and a similar episode a year later improvement continued but she subsequently had
with recovery. Two years later, in the course of two repeated relapses and died at the age of 35 years.
weeks, she developed a severe brain-stem syndrome
at the height of which she was drowsy, unable to DYSARTHRIA Ten patients experienced paroxysmal
swallow, and had almost complete external ophthal- dysarthria including the two already mentioned who
moplegia, bilateral facial weakness, and weakness of had concurrent tonic seizures, one of whom had had
all limbs with bilateral extensor plantar reflexes. A a previous series of dysarthric attacks (case 1). Eight
month later, when she was recovering from this were eventually classified as definite cases of MS and
relapse and when the ocular palsies had resolved she two as probable cases, the diagnosis sometimes only
began to have attacks in which she felt as if her eyes being established after prolonged follow-up. For
were turning in. Her head would turn slightly to the example, the patient who was reported as a possible
right and the left eye would adduct (Figure). These example of MS occurring with ankylosing spondylitis
attacks lasted about 10 seconds and were extremely (Matthews, 1968) later developed characteristic
distressing, although not painful. For many days symptoms and signs of the disease (Dr Michael
they occurred approximately every 10 minutes and Espir, personal communication). In this patient and
in one other the paroxysms were the presenting
The attacks began suddenly and occurred from

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one to 50 times a day for a period varying from one
week to 12 months. In those in whom the paroxysms
remitted spontaneously the frequency declined
gradually from the initial high level. The attacks
were always brief, varying from an observed five
seconds to the longest estimate by a patient of two
minutes. Excluding those paroxysms that occurred
with tonic spasms, five additional patients had
noted precipitating factors. Sudden movement of any
part of the body was the usual trigger in four patients
and one believed that even changing his train of
thought was sufficient. One woman complained of
attacks immediately after sexual intercourse. In four
of the five patients in whom it was attempted over-
breathing for a brief period induced a paroxysm.
Despite these precipitating factors in all patients the
majority of paroxysms appeared to be spontaneous.
Less observant patients would describe the attacks as
'dizziness' and their nature could only be deter-
mined by detailed questioning.
The speech disturbance was variously described by
the patients as slurring, stammering, or loss of con-
trol. The six patients whose attacks were observed
were reluctant to continue speaking and precise
t X ..P<. X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..
.As. . observation was also limited by the brevity of the
episodes. The slurred disjointed syllables that could
sometimes be recognized certainly suggested dys-
arthria rather than dysphasia but no detailed analysis
FIGURE Case 2 experiencing a paroxysm in which the was possible. Dysarthria was never the only com-
head is turned slightly to the right and the left eye is ponent of the paroxysms. As noted, in two patients
adducted. Between paroxysms the position of the eyes dysarthria was accompanied by tonic seizures. Three
was normal and there was no ocular paresis. patients complained of feeling faint or light headed,
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.38.6.617 on 1 June 1975. Downloaded from on November 30, 2023 by guest.
620 W. B. Matthews

combined with a sensation of generalized loss of examined after the severe exacerbation of his
control of the limbs, sometimes causing stumbling. paroxysms he was found to have pallor of the right
One of these patients fell off his bicycle in a number optic disc, increased tendon reflexes in the left limbs,
of attacks. Consciousness did not seem to be dis- absent abdominal reflexes, bilateral extensor plantar
turbed, even momentarily. reflexes, and an ataxic gait.
In six patients the paroxysms began with sensory
symptoms in the face, variously described as burning, LOSS OF USE Two patients with probable MS, one of
numbness, or tingling. These sensations were always whom had previously had paroxysmal dysarthria,
confined to one side of the face, the left in five experienced attacks of a sensation of loss of use of
patients and the right in one, and in three patients the limbs on one side. These bore many points of
invariably began in a specific restricted site such as resemblance to other paroxysmal symptoms in that
the forehead or upper lip. In four patients, apparently they were brief, began suddenly, and occurred with
simultaneously with the onset of dysarthria, similar great frequency for two weeks in one patient and for
sensory symptoms developed in the upper limb, in one week in the other, in whom they responded
two ipsilateral and two contralateral to the facial immediately to carbamazepine. It was not possible
sensations. Again the paraesthesiae were often to determine the precise nature of the loss of use
sharply localized, affecting the identical digits on complained of even when an attack was witnessed.
every occasion. Two patients said that during an There is some resemblance to the motor accompani-
attack they were unable to use the arm contralateral ment described by two patients with paroxysmal
to the paraesthesiae but it was not possible to deter- dysarthria but more obviously to the paroxysmal
mine, even when witnessing an attack, whether this loss of use of the foot described by one patient with
was due to weakness or ataxia. Most patients found upper limb tonic seizures.
the paroxysms highly distressing.
At the time of development of the paroxysmal

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dysarthria four patients had widespread signs of MS, TREATMENT These 26 patients had 28 episodes of
including evidence of brain-stem lesions, but twoin paroxysmal symptoms. Of these, 12 stopped spon-
there were no abnormal signs and in the remaining taneously without the effect of drugs being observed.
four only minor signs, not specifically related to the Conventional anticonvulsants, phenobarbitone, and
brain stem. phenytoin, appeared to arrest the paroxysms in six
patients, three with tonic seizures, one with combined
SENSORY SYMPTOMS One patient had paroxysmal tonic seizures and dysarthria and two with paroxys-
sensory symptoms in isolation. mal dysarthria. The response was sometimes
obvious, with complete relief immediately on
CASE 3 beginning treatment and temporary relapse on
attempted withdrawal of the drug. In four patients,
Paroxysmal sensory systoms two with tonic seizures, one with dysarthria and one
as first symptom of MS with motor symptoms involving the eyes and head
A man of 45 years of age began to experience a there was no response to these drugs in full dosage.
sensation of quivering in the right side of the face, Carbamazepine was immediately effective in theone six
spreading to the right arm, index finger, and thumb. patients with in whom it was used, comprising
This would last for a few seconds and was not patient sensory symptoms, one with tonic
accompanied by any involuntary movement or by seizures, and fourhadwith dysarthria, in one of whom
dysarthria. The sensation, which was highly un- phenobarbitone proved ineffective. Carbamaze-
pleasant, was not precipitated by any obvious factor. pine was not available for use in the other three
The frequency gradually increased until after about a patients in whom phenobarbitone and phenytoin
year he suddenly began to have attacks 'every few had failed. The effect of carbamazepine on paroxys-
seconds' causing such distress that his doctor had to mal dysarthria was particularly striking. In one
be called out twice in one night and eventually gave patient who was having up to 50 attacks a day there
an injection of morphia that allowed the patient to was complete relief within an hour of the first dose
fall asleep. The attacks continued many times a day of 100 mg. The maintenance dose required was low,
but on treatment with carbamazepine rapidly sub- seldom exceeding 300 mg a day in divided dosage.
sided after a total duration of 15 months and did not
return when treatment was stopped some months DISCUSSION
Soon after the onset of these symptoms he Paroxysmal symptoms of the type described
developed progressive difficulty in walking. When here must be distinguished from other symp-
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.38.6.617 on 1 June 1975. Downloaded from on November 30, 2023 by guest.
Paroxysmal symptoms in multiple sclerosis 621

toms of brief duration encountered in MS. Many different characteristics, the attacks lasting for
patients describe unsystematized fluctuation in much longer and showing little response to
their symptoms, and more specific entities in- therapeutic agents effective in preventing other
clude Lhermitte's sign, flexor and extensor paroxysmal symptoms, although partial success
spasms and, in particular, the transient deteriora- was claimed by Espir and Millac (1970).
tion in vision or walking induced by heat or The association of tonic seizures with a partial
exertion. These appear to be related to the Brown-Sequard syndrome (Matthews, 1958) that
demyelinating process but the duration and was originally suggested could not be confirmed
precipitating factors are distinctive. Many of the in this larger series. A number of authors have
brief episodes of weakness described by Zeldo- emphasized the importance of spinal cord lesions
wicz (1961) were probably of this nature as were (Kreindler et al., 1962; Shibasaki and Kuroiwa,
the visual symptoms reported by Franklin and 1974) and the association with Lhermitte's sign
Brickner (1947). noted by Kuroiwa and Araki (1963) could be
The frequency of paroxysmal symptoms has regarded as supporting evidence of spinal cord
been variously estimated. Kuroiwa and Araki disease. The simultaneous occurrence of tonic
(1963) reported that 13% of 56 patients with seizures and dysarthria in two patients in the
demyelinating disease had tonic seizures and present series could not be accounted for by any
Shibasaki and Kuroiwa (1974) 17% of 64 disturbance of function resulting from a single
patients with MS, there apparently being little spinal cord lesion.
overlap between these two series from the same The nature of these paroxysmal symptoms is a
centre in Japan. Espir and Millac (1970) reported matter of some interest. Epilepsy of cortical
13 patients with tonic seizures or paroxysmal origin is an unlikely explanation, although

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dysarthria in approximately 600 patients with closely similar tonic seizures can result from
MS in addition to nine with trigeminal neuralgia. focal lesions of the medial surface of the hemi-
Identical paroxysmal symptoms undoubtedly spheres (Kennedy, 1959). The patient in the
occur in patients who appear to have acute present series in whom a tonic seizure induced by
disseminated encephalomyelitis rather than movement was observed to lead immediately to
classical MS (Ekbom et al., 1968). generalized status epilepticus appears to be
The full range of paroxysmal symptoms has unique. The confused literature of tonic fits as a
almost certainly not been recognized. In many form of subcortical epilepsy was reviewed by
of the examples of tonic seizures reported from Matthews (1958) who concluded that unilateral
Japan (Kuroiwa and Araki, 1963; Shibasaki and tonic seizures were not characteristic of fits
Kuroiwa, 1974) the spasm has been widespread, originating in any subcortical structure. The
involving both arms or one arm and both legs or question of epilepsy of spinal cord origin is
even all four limbs. Kreindler et al. (1962) also largely a matter of definition. Certainly tonic
reported bilateral involvement. The paroxysmal spasms not readily explained as due to reflex
sensation of loss of use of the limbs described by activity have been described in spinal cord com-
two patients in the present series as an isolated pression (Nathanson, 1962) but their epileptic
phenomenon was also reported by Castaigne et nature is problematical.
al. (1970) one of whose patients would be unable In some patients with paroxysmal symptoms
to move for 20 seconds, although he did not fall. features are detectable that could not be attri-
This brief akinesia is described by patients in buted to neuronal discharge from any single site
different terms from the loss of control com- in the cerebral hemisphere. Ekbom et al. (1968)
plained of by some patients during paroxysmal drew attention to tonic seizures accompanied or
dysarthria which is probably cerebellar ataxia. preceded by contralateral paraesthesiae of the
Distressing paraesthesiae can occur as an isolated type associated with lesions of the spinothalamic
paroxysmal symptom as in the patient reported tract. They postulated lateral spread of excita-
here (case 3) and in Espir and Millac's (1970) tion between axons in the lateral column of the
case 4, but less convincingly in their other spinal cord as a cause for this sequence. In the
examples. In personal experience, episodic pain brain-stem a similar possibility is even more
in MS, other than trigeminal neuralgia, has strongly suggested by the facial paraesthesiae
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.38.6.617 on 1 June 1975. Downloaded from on November 30, 2023 by guest.
622 W. B. Matthews

followed by crossed brachial paraesthesiae and tions in the axon has been established (Schauf
ipsilateral ataxia that occurred in two patients et al., 1974). Phenytoin, that has a similar but
with paroxysmal dysarthria. Sensory symptoms less pronounced effect on paroxysmal symp-
contralateral to tonic seizures are relatively rare, toms, is known to exert its effect on reducing
occurring in only one patient in the present axonal excitability by limiting membrane perme-
series, but, if this hypothesis is correct, isolated ability to calcium (Pincus and Lee, 1973). It is
tonic spasm could result from lateral axonal therefore at least plausible that the mechanism of
spread in plaques in the corticospinal pathway the postulated lateral spread of excitation in
not involving the spinothalamic tract, or perhaps demyelinated plaques (Ekbom et al., 1968) bears
causing ipsilateral pain or other sensory symp- some resemblance to the state of axonal hyper-
toms from spread into the posterior columns. If excitability induced by reduction of ionic calcium
this were so, similar motor symptoms might that causes tetany.
result from involvement of the corticospinal
pathway at any level, brain-stem plaques REFERENCES
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