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Global city also called world city sometimes alpha city or world center because it is a city which is a primary

node in the global economic network.

Boston city is where the famous Harvard university University is located. Most Asian teenagers are moving to
Australia because of its leading English language in universities. Copenhagen is one of the culinary capitals of
the world.
Global seven CT or centers of higher learning and culture of the books that people read are publish in New
York, London and Paris globalization because it is based on spaces
New York may have the largest stock market Tokyo house the most number of corporate headquarters.
Shanghai has the roads container port moving over 33 million container units in 2013. San Francisco became
the key in Silicon Valley technology boom like Apple and Facebook remains the preferred destination for
Filipino with nursing ,
global cities are the centers of authority.
Washington DC is the seat of America American state power
Jakarta Indonesia is that location of Asay and main head realization and cities and cities and globalization.

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