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Shark Tank


For this project the essential question is ¿cómo vendo esta parte de espanol de la forma más

atractiva y efectiva posible? (How do I sell this part of Spanish in the most attractive and

effective way possible?) For this project my group created an explosion book travel guide and a

map. The goal of our game was to choose a Spanish speaking country and activity that you

could participate in that country, you then had to choose a verb and a noun to go along with the

activity you choose. The map had a toy airplane where you could move the plane to the place

you wanted to visit. The twist of the game is that you had to remember all the choices you

made, the verb,noun,activity, and the place while all of the other players made their choices. My

role in the project was to write the information on the tour guide explosion book and to help out

with finding research and pictures needed.

So What

During this project I got to learn about certain activities you can do in specific countries, for

example you can hike Machu Picchu. I also learned certain verbs and nouns that can be used.

(Examples of verbs- Nadar-to swim, Hacer tirolesa-to zipline) (Examples of nouns-

Playa-Beach, Oceano-Ocean). At first I messed up with making the travel guide so another

group member took over for me and I took over their part which was research. That little role

switch helped us because we then could get the project done faster and easier. In this project

we had to be organized so that we put the right activities and nouns/verbs with the correct

country. We also had to manage time well because we couldn’t meet up after school to finish it

because we were busy, so instead we came in during lunch and break to work on it.
Now What?
This project can be helpful in the real world because you can use the knowledge from this project to help

teach others. Personally I enjoyed this project because It was really fun being able to create a product

that can teach others. I enjoyed the process of making this project because I got to work with my friends

and I like the topic of travel which is what we based our project on. I was nervous about the presenting

part but that’s nothing new. The Presentation ended up going just fine and we got a lot of compliments on

the final product. In the end I think our travel guide ended up looking really good and we got a good

grade and that’s all that matters.

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