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Mahatma Ghandi

Go to the above site and find information about Gandhi 's involvement in the independence of India
and about the nature of his fight,

1. When and where was he born ?

2. Which two countries did he go to ? For what reasons?

3. What does Mahatma mean?

4. What kind of fight did Ghandi advocate ? What is the Indian name for this fight ? Give several
examples of his methods+ in which countries he used them

5. When and why did he organize “the Salt march”? 2 consequences for Ghandi (a negative and
a positive one)

6. When did India become independent? What were the negative consequences on the country,
on its population and on Ghandi’s image?

7. When and how did Ghandi die?

8. What other great figures were inspired by Ghandi and his non-violent fight?

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