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The potential and challenges of Chat GPT in enhancing the writing skills of L2 learners.

In recent years, technology-enhanced language learning has revolutionized education,

particularly in the realm of second language (L2) writing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has
grown incredibly, giving new forms and transformations in many facets of today’s life.
Among the latest innovations, ChatGPT—an AI-powered chatbot capable of automatic text
generation—has emerged as a powerful tool that influence English language teaching and
learning. By seamlessly integrating with writing pedagogy, ChatGPT offers novel ways to
enhance students’ writing skills. However, alongside its promise lie challenges related to
authenticity, ethics, and equitable access. Artificial intelligence has made remarkable strides,
leading to significant transformations across various aspects of modern life. According to a study
by Huang et al. (2021), chatbots offer several technological advantages for language learning
such as timeliness, ease of use, and personalization. ChatGPT, with its ability to generate unique
human-like responses, has excited educators and raised concerns about academic integrity
ChatGPT as a learning assistant appears to have the potential to help students improve their self-
editing skills in writing

Writing is an essential skill to acquire while learning a foreign language because it is a necessary
skill to be used in both academic and professional lives. Proficient writing skills empower
learners to effectively communicate their ideas, articulate thoughts clearly, and achieve academic
excellence. As language learners strive for proficiency in writing, the integration of technology
has revolutionized the learning process. Among these innovations, ChatGPT stands out as a
versatile tool capable of transforming how L2 learners engage with the written word. ChatGPT
provides corrections and suggestions for improving the formal aspects of writing, such as
grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. The corrections and suggestions made by
ChatGPT help the students to level up their writing and make it more professional. ChatGPT
streamlines the writing process by providing real-time assistance. Learners can generate writing
prompts, receive feedback, and access revision suggestions—all within the same interface.
ChatGPT enables L2 learners to engage in continuous practice and reinforcement of writing
skills outside the classroom. Learners can interact with ChatGPT anytime, anywhere, allowing
for frequent exposure to the target language and opportunities for skill refinement. As
highlighted by linguist Dr. Emily Chen, "Regular practice is the key to mastery in language
learning. Tools like ChatGPT provide learners with the opportunity for consistent practice,
leading to significant improvement over time."

ChatGPT is particularly beneficial for beginner writers, aiding them in identifying and correcting
mistakes in formal writing crucial for professional and academic endeavors. Students eagerly
utilize ChatGPT for writing tasks, benefiting from its suggestions and corrections to refine their
formal writing style. With further improvements, ChatGPT has the potential to become an
invaluable self-editing tool, offering significant assistance to students in their writing endeavors
through thoughtful evaluation and modifications. For instance, a student whose native language
isn't English might struggle with grammar and syntax in their academic essays. ChatGPT can
help by offering suggestions for improvement, such as correcting verb tenses or punctuation
errors. ChatGPT helps students who find writing boring or intimidating by giving them fun and
helpful support. It makes writing easier and more enjoyable, so students don't waste time trying
to figure out complicated tools. Instead, they can focus on writing and improving their skills.
ChatGPT can adapt to the proficiency level and learning goals of individual learners, providing
personalized writing exercises and suggestions. For example, a beginner may receive simpler
prompts with basic vocabulary, while an advanced learner may tackle more complex topics.

The advent of advanced AI tools like ChatGPT has opened new avenues in language learning,
particularly for learners acquiring a second language (L2). By offering interactive and immediate
feedback, ChatGPT provide innovative support for improving writing skills. However, there are
several challenges that must be addressed to optimize their effectiveness in educational settings.
Ali et al (2023) claimed that instead of worrying about ChatGPT’s negative effects, it might be
used as a learning tool. ChatGPT often faced technical issues, such as login problems and
confusing corrections. These challenges are particularly problematic for students with lower
English proficiency, as the generated responses often diverge from their intended meanings. This
inconsistency hinders their ability to improve their writing skills effectively.

ChatGPT sometimes changes the meaning or context of the text. ChatGPT has difficulties with
conjunctions and often makea sentences more complex by adding unnecessary or unrelated
items. According to some researches, students encountered difficulties in correcting the
responses generated by ChatGPT. They reported that they could not understand why ChatGPT
made a correction in their text, as they believed it seemed intelligible. Some students also felt
that ChatGPT was stereotypical or lacked a nuanced understanding of language. In their informal
writing tasks, students often utilized slang or casual English, especially when composing text
messages to friends. Despite providing ChatGPT with prompts describing the informal nature of
the task, learners perceived it as more adept at formal text corrections. They criticized its
tendency to make changes without offering explanations. As one student remarked, "ChatGPT
seemed to prioritize grammar and punctuation over enriching vocabulary."Jillian et al. (2023)
emphasize that the output generated by ChatGPT must be carefully filtered and revised before
use. It should not be taken for granted because it is not complete and final and may
contain incorrect output that always requires human intervention.

In conclusion, ChatGPT offers significant potential in enhancing the writing skills of L2 learners
by providing real-time feedback, generating contextually appropriate language examples, and
facilitating personalized learning experiences. However, challenges such as ensuring accuracy,
contextual appropriateness, and the need for supplementary human instruction must be
addressed. Despite these hurdles, the benefits of incorporating ChatGPT into L2 learning
environments are promising, offering innovative support for language acquisition and practice.

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