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Getting and Giving One’s Attention

Asking attention (Meminta perhatian) adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta
perhatian dari seseorang

 Asking for attention:

 May I have your attention
 Can I get the attention
 Excuse me
 Attention please!
 Listen to me

Giving attention (Memberi Perhatian) adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk

memberikan perhatian/respon.

 Giving Attention
 Yes Sir/Ma’am
 Ok
 I see
 Really
 All right

Contoh dialog :
Mrs. Susi : Don’t be noisy. Attention please!
Students : Yes, Ma’am
Mrs. Susi : Okay, next week we will do mid-examination.
Students : What !
Mrs. Susi : Listen to me!
Students : Yes, Ma’am
Mrs. Susi : The material that should be learned is from Chapter 1 until chapter 4. Don’t
forget to enrich your vocabularies with exercise!
Students : Yes Ma’am
Mrs. Susi : Okay, that’s all for today. Good luck then!
B. Checking one’s Understanding
Checking for undertanding adalah ungkapan atau ekspresi yang digunakan untuk
mengecek pemahaman seseorang atau lawan bicara kita mengenai apa yang kita sampaikan
kepadanya. Respon yang diberikan bisa positif (paham) atau negatif (tidak paham).

 Checking for understanding

 Do you know what I mean?  Do you understand?
 Do you know what I am  Got it?
saying  Is it clear?
 Do you follow me?  Are you following me

 Showing understanding
 I see  I understand what you are
 I understand saying
 I get it  I know what you mean
 Yes  I’m with you

 Expressing Lack of Undertanding (Menunjukkan kekurang pahaman/tidak


 I don’t get it
 I’m sorry. What do you mean?
 Excuse me, but I’m not following you
 Again, please
 I don’t understand
 What do you mean?
 I don’t quite follow you

Contoh Dialog:
Mr. Shidiqi : We will make an advertisement today. Do you understand?
Students : Yes, Sir
Mr. Shidqi : What did I say?
Students : We will make an advertisement, sir.
C. Showing Appreciation to Others
Showing appreciation adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberi penghargaan atau
pujian atau komentar terhadap seseorang mengenai penampilan, prestasi, dan sebagainya.

Well done!
Nice performance!
That’s great!
Nice work!
You’re great!
I appreciate your effort!
Thank you
That’s very kind of you
Yeah, thanks
It’s nothing
I’m glad you like it
Thanks. It’s nice of you to say so
Do you really think so?
Many thanks

Untuk memberi pujian atau kekaguman kepada seseorang kita dapat menggunakan kalimat
kekaguman dengan menggunakan “How/What”. How atau what di sini bukan berarti kata
tanya atau question word tetapi berati “Alangkah, betapa atau sungguh

How lovely!
How……. How smart!
How helpful ( the boys are )!
How good ( the teacher is )!
How beautiful ( the girl is )!
How nice!

What helpful boy!

What a good teacher!
What…….. What a funny cat it is!
What a beautiful girl she is!
What a nice cat it is
What a wonderful park!
That’s a (very) nice shirt( you’re wearing )
That’s a perfect job (you’re doing)
That’s …… That’s a nice song ( you’re singing )
That’s a wonderful idea ( you have )
That’s a nice house ( you’re staying in )

Those are ( very ) nice jeans( you’re wearing )

Those are perfect jobs ( you do )
Those are…. Those are nice songs
Those are wonderful ideas ( you have )
Those are nice houses

You look smart in your new shirt!

You look lovely in your new dress!
You look…….You look well!
You look healthy!
You look fresh!
You look nice!

Excellent! That’s my
Your picture is beautiful!
I like the color.

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D. Asking for and Giving Opinions
Asking Oponian Giving Opinion Refusing Opinion
Do you think it is good? I think it is. Sorry, I can’t say
I think so. anything
I don’t think so
I have no idea

Another way to say it: I think it is great.

What do you think of this In my opinion the film is I’m not certain the film is
great. good.
If you ask me. The film is I disagree.
What is your opinion about I don’t agree if the film is
the film? great.
What will you say about the
What is your view about the

I think the noodle

is too salty.

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